A Christmas Detour (2015)

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A Christmas Detour (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's christmas

♪ It's christmas time

♪ We're feeling merry tonight

♪ It's christmas

♪ It's christmas time

♪ We're feeling merry tonight

♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of holly ♪

♪ And hang a wreath or two

♪ Singing songs
we're feeling jolly ♪

♪ Fa-la-la to you

♪ Ornaments and angels shining

♪ From on the christmas tree

♪ Round the house
we're decorating ♪

♪ And caroling with glee

♪ It's christmas

♪ It's christmas time

♪ We're feeling merry tonight

♪ It's christmas

♪ It's christmas time

♪ We're feeling merry tonight

Jack, I made it.
Ahh! Finally.

The airport is a madhouse,

But I got here
in plenty of time to spare.

I'll call you back
as soon as I check in.



[Deep breath]



Can I help you?

Oh, I'm paige summerlind.

I write for the magazine
that you're reading. See?

That's my story right there--

"100 Proven ways
to find your perfect mate."

Yeah, I'm living proof
that it really does work.

That's why I'm here--
I'm flying home

To meet my fiance's family
for the first time.

We're spending
christmas together.


You must be
as overwhelmed as I am,

Planning a wedding.


You know what?

This is my treat.

This one...

Is on me.

But do yourself a favor

And take my advice.

Make sure you go down
the whole list

So you don't say "I do"
to a dud.


I told you to print up
the boarding passes at home.

Didn't I say, "print up
the boarding passes, frank.

Print up the boarding passes"?

So we're gonna k*ll
another tree

Just so we can
fly to new york?

Seriously, maxine, you have
no sense of the environment.

two boarding passes

Is hardly
going to take down a sequoia.

We got a problem!

This is stale.

What did I say about always
keeping the bar mix fresh?

A thirsty passenger is--

...is a happy customer.

So I'm going to dump this

And get some of--

Yeah. I got
this, all right?

Now, get out of here.
You got a plane to catch, man!

So what?
If I miss this plane,

I'll just get
another one tomorrow.

Oh, no, no. I know
where this is headed.

You're not going to
miss that flight.

Come on, man.

When's the last time
you were home?

Just four years.


Dylan, the statute
of limitations

For licking the wounds
of a broken heart

Expired a long time ago.

It's the holidays.

Time to forgive
and forget.


Maybe I should just
hang onto those.

Thank you.

Those are the boarding
passes, aren't they?

We just stood
in line for nothing.

Told you
I printed them up.

[Maxine grumbles]

Any seat
preference today?


[Keys clack]

I'm afraid I only have
window seats available.

Oh! Oh.
I really need an aisle seat.

Long flights, they--
they make me claustrophobic.

Sorry, miss.
It's a full flight.

Can't you just
use your computer

To switch my seat
with someone else's?

Uh, I'm afraid
that isn't how it works, miss.

Uh, it's a window seat,

Or I'll have try to book you
on the next flight.

Oh, no. No.
I'll take the window seat.

I, uh, I'll probably
sleep the whole flight anyway.

wonderful, and, uh...

How many bags
will you be checking in?

Oh, these
are my carry-ons.

What about that?

Oh, that's my vision board.

[Agent chuckles politely]

The airline
has a two carry-on policy.

That would be three.

I suppose you could
take the knick-knacks off

And shove it
in one of your bags.

You don't "shove"
a vision board.

This represents
my entire future.





Okay. Um... Yeah.

I guess
I'll be checking this.


♪ Dashing through the snow

♪ In a one-horse open sleigh

♪ O'er the fields we go

♪ We're laughing all the way

♪ Bells on bobtails ring

♪ Making spirits bright

♪ Oh, what fun...

Here we go.

Right on the top.

Put it there.

Oh, I miss you too.

I've been so anxious
for you to meet mom and dad,

I doubt they'll sleep a wink
until you get here.

Oh, don't say that.

You'll need your rest if we have
any hope of planning our wedding

Over the next three days.

[Dylan chuckles weakly]

My mother
is already on the case.

You'd think she was planning
a wedding for the kennedys.

Oh. Oh, that's a good idea--
martha's vineyard.

We could do
surf and turf!

[Jack chuckles]
I'll mention it.

Okay, I'd better
get off the phone

So I can get settled in.

And you get your rest,

Because we have our work
cut out for us tomorrow

If we want to plan
our dream wedding.

["Hark, the herald angels sing"
playing, instrumental]

-Merry christmas.
-Merry christmas.

Oh, excuse me. Hi.

I think I'm in 15a.

Huh. Of course you are.

Um, yeah, but do you mind
switching with me?

'Cause window seats,
they make me--


You too?

Not yet,
but getting there.

Yeah, if you could, um...
You know what?

If-- if, uh, you could just...
Scoot in?

That would be...
That would be great.


That's not going to fit.

Um... Yeah.
Can you take that?

Please? Thanks. Okay.

[Sighs] okay.

Can you just
hold that for...

[Dylan starts laughing]

"100 Proven ways
to find your perfect mate."

Who writes this stuff?

That would be me.

No. Seriously?

Oh, well,
what do I know?

Clearly enough
to voice an opinion.

Oh. Uh, okay.
Well... You know what?

Good for you.

I'm sure there are
plenty of women out there

That just lap that stuff up.

I'm sorry.
Lap this stuff up?

I'm just digging a deeper hole
for myself here, aren't i?


[Sighs] I'm-- I'm sorry.
I mean you no offense.

Some taken.


Frank, you're going to
have to put your phone away.

I'm aware, maxine.

I'm just texting julie
that we're getting out on time.


Tell her to make sure

That they have
dried figs at the house,

Or we can pick some up
on the way from the airport.

Dried figs?

Mm-hmm. For the dressing.

For the turkey.

You put dried figs
in the dressing?

You don't know what I put
in the christmas dressing?

Why would
I know that?


so, what you're saying is,

What I write
really doesn't matter.

[Dylan]: no. I'm sure
it matters to some,

Just not to me.

I mean, come on--
an article that claims

A hundred proven ways
someone can meet "the one"?

It's true.

I've done
exhaustive research,

Interviewed dozens of people

Who found
their soulmates.

Ugh. Okay. See? There.

There's a word that
just makes me cringe--


Out of billions of people
on this planet,

You believe

That you are destined
to be with just one?

I do.

It's called true love.


Why do you find that
so funny?

Because the odds
would be astronomical

To think that each of us
would have a "one,"

To know that that person
was "the one,"

Never mind
finding a way

To keep "the one"
from getting away.

Okay, do me a favor

And never say
"the one" again.

I promise.

I happen to believe

That fate
plays a big hand.

You just have to
keep your eyes open

To see it happen.


Okay. For example,
when I first met jack,

I was on my way
to a job interview

For radiant bride.

I was on the elevator,
and then he got in,

And I guess he could
just feel my nervousness,

Because then he said
some kind words

And he immediately
put me at ease.

What did he say?
"You're hired"?

Why I am having
this conversation with you?

It doesn't matter what he said.

There was a spark.

That "soulmate spark."

Good night.

Look, I'm sorry
I've upset you.

I can see that you're
a perfectly nice person,

And believe it or not,

Once I get through
this holiday,

I am too.

I'll have to take
your word for that.

Good night,

How'd you know
my name?

Dylan smith.

Good night, mr. Smith.

See you in new york.


[Thunder rumbles]



[Sleepily] what?

Excuse me.


Good evening, folks.

This is your captain

I'm afraid
I've got some bad news.

That big stormfront
ahead of us

Has jfk, newark, and laguardia
shut down,

So it looks as if

We're going to have to make
an unexpected detour tonight.

We're being diverted...


...to buffalo niagara

At this time,
I'd like to ask...


...the flight attendants
to prepare for landing.

Please keep your seatbelts

As we will be landing shortly.

Well, looks like we're gonna be
grounded in buffalo

Till this storm passes.

No. No!
How long is that going to take?

Well, I don't know.
With a storm like this?

Couple of hours,
couple of days?

Days? I-- i-- I don't-- ohh!

I have a very important brunch

With my fiance
and future in-laws

At 11:00!

Better tell 'em

To pack you up
some leftovers.

[Flight attendant]:
at this time,

We'd like you to place
all tray tables and seats

Back in their upright position

As we prepare to land
at buffalo...


I told you. Greek.

[Clears throat]

We're landing
in buffalo.

Why are we going to buffalo?

[Jaw clicks]

no, jack, I don't know

When the planes
will be back in the air.

But christmas
is two days away,

So I'm sure

That they'll have
everything figured out

By then.

Or not.

Okay, I will call you

When I get
more information.

We should
call julie,

Tell her not to meet us
at the airport,

Text her

When we get on
the next flight.

Yeah, well,
with this snow,

There's no telling
when that might be.

We could be stranded
here indefinitely.

What? Oh, no.

No. Don't worry.

I'm sure the airlines are
doing everything they can

To get us back
in the air.

Do you really
think so?

Our top story this hour--

The massive snowstorm

Which has paralyzed
the entire eastern seaboard.

Hundreds of flights
have been canceled

And all airports
north of washington, d.c.,

Through to portland, maine,

Have been shut down
due to the weather.

It's unknown at this time

How long

These blizzard conditions
will continue,

But stay tuned
for more information.

♪ Dashing through
the snow ♪

♪ On a one-horse open sleigh

♪ O'er the fields
we go... ♪


[Paige]: jack
has been so supportive.

I don't know what
I would do without him.

He sounds like
a real peach.

Oh, have you seen
his picture?

Yeah. About three times.

Oh, no, I meant
your husband.

Here. That's jack.


Thank you! Oh.

I'm going to meet his parents
for the first time.


[In unison]:
spending christmas together.

Yes, we know.

Oh. Right. Sorry.

You know, I'm usually
not this self-absorbed.

It's just that,
well, you know,

This is a really big deal,

And I want everything
to be perfect.

You know?
For the first time.

-[Horn honks]

We're good.

-Got it, frank?
-I got it.


I got it.

Room for one more?

Oh. I thought I lost you.


[Wind howling]

Thank you.

I wanted a room with a balcony.

It's a blizzard

What could you possibly want
with a balcony?

Traveling gives me insomnia,

You know that.

Excuse me.

The winter air
might help me sleep.

The airline voucher
is good for one night,

Depending on whether or not
the airports are open

Tomorrow day,
it can be extended.

Extended? No.
No, no, no. That's not possible.

Well, we have no control
of when the airports re-open.

Well, then, maybe I need
to speak to your manager.

And neither does she.

[Sighs] okay.

Then give me a room
facing the airport

So I can look and watch
when the planes start

Taking off again.

All we have left is a single
on the third floor,

And it's an adjoining room.

Great. Not only
am I stuck here,

Now I have to share a door
with someone?

[Forced chuckle]

Well, something tells me

You won't be the one
who's bothered.

Happy holidays.


Ugh! Hello?

Why can't I get any reception
in here?

[News anchor]:
this christmas, many are asking,

Will the white stuff let up?

What? [Sighs angrily]

Excuse me?

Could you please
turn your television down?

There's people trying
to make phone calls in here!

[News anchor]: ...remain inside
until the blizzard lets up.


[News anchor]:
with temperatures falling

Far below the norm...

[Words catching]

Sorry. I-- I didn't mean
to bother you.

No, no. I'm-- I'm sorry.

I left it up

So I could
listen to the news

While I took a bath.

The first thing I like to do
when I get off the plane

Is soak in a nice, hot tub.

As fascinated as I am
about your bathing habits,

I actually prefer
to hear myself think.

Do you mind?

Oh, right.

[Clicks off]

Ah. That's better.

So, any news
from the soulmate?

His name is jack.

And no. I can't seem
to get any cell service.

Could be the storm,
but according to the news,

The front should move through
sometime tonight.

Then that means
they'll reopen the airport?

Well, that depends how fast
they can plow the runway.

Oh! That's wonderful!

I can tell them I'll be able to
meet them for brunch after all.


Still nothing?


Here, use mine.

I was able
to get through to my mom

No problem.

Uh, no, thank you.


I'll just use the hotel line.

Are you kidding?
They charge by the second.

Come on, just use mine.
What's the big deal?

No, that's okay.

Oh... I get it.

Get what?

You don't want your fiance
to know that,

Not only are you using
some strange guy's cell phone,

You're also
sharing a room with him.

How do you manage

To make everything
sound so sordid?

Don't know.

Call it a gift.

Okay, we are not
sharing a room.

These are called
adjoining rooms.

I know.

And you're in mine.

Which I'm promptly leaving.

And now I would like
to say good night.

For good.

That's fine.

Just remember
my door is always open.

Thank you,
but not necessary.

Okay. Good night.


Make sure to lock it
from the inside

On your end!

[Door closes]



[Annoyed sigh]

The wedding planner suggested
tavern on the green.

What do you think?


Somewhat predictable,
but, uh...

The chateaubriand
is magnificent.


I bet paige is going to say it's
too "on the nose."

She really
wants her day

To feel special,
not expected.

Well, there's always the plaza,

But I know they book up
a year in advance.

Well, maybe we could
just do the reception here?

Oh, good grief.

And have people we don't know
traipsing through the house?

No, thank you.

Your mother's
barely comfortable

With me being here

Don't touch the tree.

Well, the wedding is only
six months away, you know?

We're going to have to
find a place soon,

Or we'll end up having it
at a bowling alley.


I know he's kidding.

Tell you what.

Why don't we take all this
on advisement

And wait to make any decisions
until paige gets here?

Speaking of which,
any news yet?




Knowing paige,

I'm sure she's found
herself another flight

And is already
on her way.

[News anchor]:
things aren't as cheery

For travelers

Stuck in buffalo niagara,

As the storm has taken
an unexpected turn

To the north.

With only two days left
until christmas,

The storm continues to rage
up the coast.

We'll have more details
on this

And other
weather-related events

As they become available.




Looks like we might
have to take the bus, huh?

Oh, no.
Transit's on strike.

Nobody's going anywhere.


Please. I'd appreciate
the company.

Oh. Thank you.

[Sighing wearily]

Well, since we're all
stranded here together,

We might as well
introduce ourselves.

Hi. Frank harper.
This is my wife, maxine.

How do you do?

Hi. I'm paige summerlind.

Nice to meet you

Are you traveling home?

To see our daughter
and her husband.

It's kind of a new
christmas tradition.

The cold and the snow.

My wife's not a big fan
of traveling outside california.

No? Oh, but I think
christmas isn't christmas

Without the snow
and the cold air

And the twinkling lights.

Icy roads

And the traffic jams

And your nose
constantly running.

I'm sorry.
You were saying?

My fiance--

[In unison]: jack.


He-- well, his parents

Have a big house
in the hamptons

And they just--

They go all out
for the holidays.

He's told me
so much about it.

I can almost see it.

It's the perfect christmas.

Howdy, neighbor.

How's the weather
over there?

I feel a sudden


Yeah, we're, uh,
we're sharing a room.

They're adjoining rooms
with two doors and two locks.

How about
this snowstorm, huh?

Hey, brother,
let me ask you something.

How come you're
the only guy in here

Watching this weather report

With a big smile
on his face?


Because this storm
is turning out to be

My giant get-out-of-
christmas-free card.

Oh? So no jolly
holiday for you

In new york,
I take it?

Ah, let's just say

It'll be a whole lot jollier
without me.

Well, I don't know
about you,

But I've had
about enough.

Oh-oh... What did
I say this time?

Believe it or not, dylan,
this isn't about you.

It's about me
going back to the airport.


What did you hear?
Has it opened again?

No, but I'm sure
it will be soon,

And I want to be
the first in line

Before the stampede
of passengers.

You know what?
She's got a good point.

Maybe we should
head there too.


This is ridiculous.

There is no guarantee
when, or if,

The airport will reopen.

That's easy
for you to say.

You don't want
to go anyway.

That is not entirely true.

It's complicated!

I knew it
the moment I met you.

You're a cynic.

Why? Just because
I think it's nuts

To sit around
some airport all night,

Waiting for the "open" sign
to flicker on?

You know, I don't know
who or what

You're trying
to avoid, but...

Tomorrow is the busiest
travel day of the year.

Are you sure you don't
want to take a chance

And go with us?

And spend the night
sleeping on the floor

Of some drafty airport?

No, thanks.

I think I'm just
going to sit right here

And order myself another
big glass of stayputski.

All righty, then.

Merry christmas, dylan.

Merry christmas.

[News anchor]:
if there's one place

You don't want to be
this christmas holiday,

It's on the road.

With snow drifts reported
as high as 10 feet,

Many local malls
are closing early

To allow snow plows
to clear roads and highways

For the hopes of last-minute
christmas shoppers

To grab their goodies
in time for christmas.

stranded travelers...

Oh, great.

This is jack.
Please leave a message... [Beep]

Jack, it's me.

I wish I could give you
an e.t.a.,

But I'm kind of flying
by the seat of my pants.

I'm still stuck in buffalo,

I have no idea when
I'm going to get out of here,

But I promise,
I will be on the first flight--


Oh, he was probably just
busy with christmas.

And planning our wedding.


I just wish
I could be there

To help
shape the details.

Yeah. Weddings,
they do take work,

I'll give you that.

But so do marriages.

The "happily ever after"?

Oh, I know.

I plan on writing an article
about it.

Oh, that's great.

Let me know
how that turns out.

Ah, here's my knight
in crinkled khakis.

What have you
got for me, frank?

Well, nobody
can tell me

When the runways
are going to re-open.

It could be
in an hour,

It could be
in the morning.

[Sighs] well, that's fine.

[Sarcastic] it's much more
comfortable on this bench

Than I would've been
back in that warm hotel room.

That was my idea.

I should have just kept it
to myself. I'm sorry.

Not at all.

You saved me a night
from the roll-away.

The roll-away?

Well, 20 years
of marriage.

Happens to everybody.


Oh. No. Oh, honey.

Don't let us scare you.

No. Marriage can be wonderful.

At least that's what
I keep telling myself.

[News anchor]:
continuing with our coverage

Of the big storm
hammering the east coast--

Doesn't look like it's likely
to let up anytime soon.

Mm. Hmm.
These are stale, too.

Look, for
a successful bar,

You've got to remember
the most important rule of all--

A thirsty passenger
is a good customer.

You got it?

[News anchor]: but there's
some good news at last

For travelers headed east

As the f.a.a. Has announced
the re-opening of jfk,

La guardia, and newark airports

First thing
christmas eve day.

Hmm. Looks like
christmas is back on.

Things aren't as cheery

For travelers stuck
in buffalo niagara, however,

As the storm has taken
an unexpected turn to the north.

According to the doppler,

Residents can expect to see

Another 12 to 18 inches
of the white stuff

By dawn.

Unless there's a miracle,

It looks like these folks

Won't be going home
for christmas.

Many travelers
refusing to give up hope

On making it home
for the holidays

Have chosen
to camp out at the terminal

All night long

Waiting for any news
of the airport's re-opening.

But with the clock
ticking closer

-To december 25

It'll take a miracle

Before this holiday snowstorm
shows any sign of letting up.

Your attention, please.

Vickery air
regrets to announce

The cancellation
of all flights today.

No. No! No, no, no, no, no.

What's going on?

[Paige]: this can't
be happening!

The airport authority
has announced

That all flights in and out

Will be canceled
until further notice.


Once again,
the airline wishes to apologize

For the inconvenience
due to the weather.

However, we will be providing
vouchers for hotel and meals.

Let's just
take the train.

Oh, I'm sorry,
but we've just heard--

The central train terminal

Has also been closed
due to the inclement weather.


That's it?

We've been sitting in this
stinking airport all night,

And that's the best
you've got?


On behalf of the airlines,

I do apologize for the delay

And wish you all
a happy holiday.

Does this look happy?



Ahh, how can it possibly
be this cold?

Are we in buffalo
or on the surface of the moon?

They said they plowed
the lot an hour ago.

The shuttle should be
here any minute.

I don't even care anymore.

She's going
into shock, frank.

Give her your coat.

No, it's okay.

I'm just going to let it go...

I have to accept the fact

That I'm going to miss
my perfect christmas,

And I'm not going to meet
my future in-laws

Until my wedding day.

It's fine.


[Phone ringing]

Oh! Hold on.


Paige, sweetheart.
Are you on the plane yet?

Uh, no. I'm--
I'm still in buffalo.


I thought you were getting
a flight out this morning?

No, I tried, I tried.

I just spent the whole night
at the airport.

I... [Sighs]

It's still closed.
Nothing's getting in or out.

Well, have you tried
the trains?

And the buses.
Nothing is running.


I'm going to have to try
to arrange a car,

But considering the weather

And the fact
that it's almost christmas,

I doubt anyone's going

No. No, it's okay.

I-- I know.
There's nothing you can do.

I'm just, um...

I'm just going to go back
to the crummy airport hotel

And take a long bath.

Hopefully we'll have
better luck tomorrow.

Well... [Sighs]
the thing is,

That would be
cutting things close

For my parents.

They leave
for their world cruise

The morning after christmas.

No. I know, I know,

But if worse comes to worst,

I'll just...
I'll miss christmas,

And just meet them
at our wedding.

Yeah... Uh...

The thing is...

My mother's
a bit old-fashioned.

Exactly how old-fashioned?

Old-fashioned enough
to suggest

We postpone the wedding until
they get a chance to meet you.


Now, I know you wanted
a june wedding,

But what do you think if
we hold off until next spring?

Wait-- next spring?

Like, as in a year-and-a-half

Well, sure, it'd give everyone
more time to prepare and--

Jack, dear, we're gonna be late
for the senator's luncheon.

Look, paige, I have to go.

We can talk about this later,

No! But jack, i--

Just try to find some way
to get down here.



Everything all right?

Everything's fine.

He just said if I can't make it
to new york by tomorrow...

I'm-- I'm going to have to
postpone my wedding.


Oh... Don't cry.

Oh, no, who am I kidding?

You're right.
Go ahead and cry.

I mean,
what am I supposed to do?

Look at this!

How am I supposed to
get to new york by tomorrow?

[Horn honking]

Hey there!

You guys know a good shortcut
to manhattan?

Dylan, where
did you get this?

Well, while you guys were

Sitting around the airport
singing "kumbaya,"

I rented the last
four-wheel-drive in buffalo.

I thought
the roads were closed.

Not all of them.

But even if it's a slow crawl,

I should still be able to
get us to manhattan by tonight.


Yeah! I mean, there's no sense
in me driving alone.

I could use the company.

What do you say?

I say open
the back door,

Because we've got
a lot of luggage!

[Frank]: I got it.

So? You coming?

Um... I don't know.

Oh, I get it.

You think hitching a ride
with a strange guy

To go meet your fiance's parents
might be awkward.

Uh, not any more awkward than
this trip has already been.

[Dylan laughs] good!

Get in.


Under one condition.

You agree to split the cost
of the car rental and gas.

That won't be necessary.

Well, it is to me.

Uh, I'm the one with the car.

Hey, how about this?
We split it four ways,

If you get
in the car right now.


What do you think? Deal?


[Frank]: keep on 390.

When you hit the 81,
that should be our turnoff.

According to this,
it's says it's open.

Do you really think

We're going to make it
to new york before nightfall?

We're sure going to try.

Paige, you're kind of anxious

To meet jack's parents,
aren't you?

Oh, not anxious. Eager.

Yeah, people often mix up
the two words.

I'm eager to meet my in-laws.

I'm anxious
we might not make it in time.

In case she hasn't
told you,

Paige here works for
glowing bride magazine.

It's radiant bride.

Well, I'm eager
to read your article.

I'm anxious
that we'll be in it.

I'm really not nervous.

I just want to make
a good first impression.

Hey, how long have
you guys been together?

Well, I like to say 20 years,

Hoping to get time off
for good behavior.

[Weak chuckle]

That joke gets funnier
every year.

Now, let me ask you,
when you guys first met,

Did you feel
a kind of spark?

Ahh. A spark?

Yeah, a spark.

Like, I bet you knew right away,
didn't you,

That this was "the one"
you were destined to be with?

Honestly, I thought
he was kind of silly,

In a cute way,
if you can believe that.

Why would she find that
so hard to believe?

See? Things like that.

what about you, frank?

Oh, tread carefully,
my friend.

She drove me crazy.
She still does.

The way she knows
what I'm thinking--

[In unison]:
...before I even say it.

I knew
he was going to say that.

Well, maybe you're right.

They do sound
like soulmates.

[Frank]: hmm. Soulmates?

More like cell mates.

[Frank and dylan chuckle]

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas... ♪

[Jack]: paige?

I can hardly hear you.

You're on your way?

That's wonderful!

How long do you think
you'll be?

We're driving tonight,

So we should be there
by morning.

Uh, "we"? Who's we?

Oh, um...

This nice couple
I met at the airport.

Frank and maxine.

Yeah, they rented an s.u.v.

And asked me
to share it with them.

Just the three of us.

[Jack]: well, that's great.
I can't wait to meet them.

Meet them?

Sure. I want to
thank them in person

For delivering my fiance to me
in time for christmas.

Oh! Right.

Yeah, well, anyway,
I have to go.

Um, frank and maxine
are calling me.

Okay, well,
don't get into any trouble.

Trouble? Why?

What... What trouble?

On the roads.

You know, take your time
and drive carefully, okay?

Oh, yeah, I'm-- I'm--
I'm sure he will.



From frank and maxine.

Good. Then I'll see you soon.

Okay. Love you.



You just lied to your fiance,

Way to go!
Fine way to start a marriage.


Oh. I was just
thinking out loud.

Just thinking
about marriage.


You and frank
have been married 20 years?


How do you guys do it?

Me and frank?


Marriage is about love

And respect.

And patience.

A lot of patience.

And finding little ways
to be kind to one another.

Every day.

You and frank?


Thanks, maxine.


[Paige's footsteps recede]

[Washroom door opens, closes]

me and frank...


Looks like the highway's
blocked at the next exit.

We'll have to take
one of the county roads.

Whoa! Hey, you'd better

Mind your own business
there, brother.

Paige doesn't seem like
the kind of lady

Who would appreciate you
going through her stuff.

I'm not going
through her stuff.

I'm just interested in
her next magazine article.

"75 Traits
for the perfect man."

Wait. There's 75?

"Will be emotionally
available and mature."


"Will be honest."

"Must have good
oral hygiene."


Can't blame her there.

Nobody wants a mate
with gum disease.


Uh-oh. Wait.

I don't think this is
for an article she's writing.

Oh, you think
this is about her fiance?

Well, if it is, this jack guy
is really something.

Look at this, she checked off
every single one of these.

Except for that one.

"Must have
a good sense of humor."

Yeah... She left
that one blank.

[Christmas music playing]

Ready to go?

Look at that.


The way those two

Are staring into
each other's eyes.

You can't tell me
they aren't soulmates.

Maybe they're just
out on a date.

But it could become
something deeper,

More meaningful.

Or maybe she could
break his heart

When she dumps him
for another guy.

Spoken like a man

Who's had
his heart broken?

You know what?

Just because you don't
believe in true love

Doesn't mean that
you have to ruin it

For the rest of us.


Ugh, what's the point?
Never mind.

Is it something I said?



"A," my name is andy
and my wife is alexandra.

We live in alabama

And we sell artichokes
by the acre.

All right, who's up next?
Letter "b."

[Maxine, annoyed]:
frank, please,

Can we just play
the silence game?

[Frank]: sure!
How do you play-- oh.

I really like your collage
in the back there.

Oh. It's not a collage.
It's called a vision board.

I saw that on
a talk show once.

They're supposed to help you
focus on your goals, right?

Yeah. Kind of.

It's a montage of pictures

That represents
whatever you want in your life.

I don't need a bulletin board
to help me figure out my life.

Yeah, so you'd need
the great wall of china

To do that.

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, obviously,

You have
relationship issues.

That's why you shut down
back at the restaurant

When I tried
to ask you about it.

I did not
shut down.

I just made a joke.

Well, it wasn't funny.

Maybe you're not
used to laughing.

Well, maybe you don't
make me laugh.

What about your fiance,
does he make you laugh?

Yeah, they say one of
the most important things

A woman looks for
in a man

Is a good sense of humor.

It said so

In one of those articles
in your magazine.

Frank always
makes me laugh.

Especially when I'm really mad at him.

And that's the most
satisfying laugh of all,

And hardest to earn.

So, what about your mr. Right?

Does he make you laugh?


Jack is very funny.


Does he-- does he
tell a lot of jokes?


No, not exactly.

Well, maybe he's quick-witted,
you know, with snappy comebacks?

Mm... No.

Is he sarcastic?

Oh, definitely not.

Hmm. So...
How is he funny?

Give us a "for instance."

Oh! Okay.

There was this one time--
we were at the movies,

And jack must have stepped
in something sticky.


We went back to the car
and I looked down.

Jack had napkin
stuck to his shoe

The entire time.

[She laughs alone]

[Stops laughing]


"B"-- my name is bruno
and my wife's name is benita,

We come from bora bora,

And we sell baba ghanoush
by the barrel--

Barrels and barrels
of baba ghanoush.

[Frank and maxine laugh]

"v"-- my name is victor

And my wife is violet.

We live in venezuela

And we play the violin.


[Light gurgling]


Did you hear that?

That sound.

[Light gurgling]


I think something's
wrong with the engine.

-[Light gurgling]

There it is!
Right there.

Yeah, what was that?

I don't know.

Could be
the transmission, or...

[Light gurgling]



I think it's...

[Light gurgling, snoring]

[Both laughing]


[In unison]: I'm sorry--

You first.


I'm sorry about my earlier
assumptions about you.

I forget that not everyone
is a test subject

For one of my stories.

And what's my story?


I'm trying to figure that out,

But you're a little bit
like a car wreck.

Every time you drive by,
you just can't help but look.


First I need

A great wall of china
vision board,

And now I'm a car wreck?

You know
what I mean.

You have a way

Of defusing everything
with humor.

Some people
would call that charm.

Mm, some would call that
putting up a guard.

What are you
afraid of?


A broken heart?


Are we really
going there?

We don't have to
if you don't want to.

I don't want to.

Okay, then.

Thank you.

It's just the whole not wanting
to go home for christmas thing,

That's what
I want to figure out.

How about we just let it go?

-Okay, I'm sorry.
-All right.

Maybe we should play
the silence game.

Oh, you would
not last.

Look out!

Told you. Whoa!


Happy holidays
and merry christmas to all you--


We've had
a small accident.

Somebody thought
they saw a rabbit.

It kind of looked
like a little bunny.

[Door opens, wind gusts]

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Okay, we are definitely
not in l.a.

What did they say
about the car?

Well, ned,
that's the guy at the garage--

Oh, yeah. Ned!
He's good!

Yeah, he said
when we went off the road,

We may have damaged the axle.


And when we went in the ditch,

We could've
wrecked the radiator.

That's bad.

Yeah, but he figures
it's when we hit the tree

That we really messed up
the differential.

So, what's he going to do?

Uh, nothing.


Yeah, he had to close up early
for christmas eve,

But he said he was going to

Have a good look at it
in the morning.


So it looks like
we're spending the night

In christmasville.




This is your lucky night, folks!

I've only
got two rooms left.

What? Two rooms?

Yeah, we're not
a couple.

Huh. Would've never guessed.

Well, anyway,
that's all we got,

So, as they used say,

"There's no more rooms
at the inn."

Okay, what are we
supposed to do?

Well, what about
dormitory style?

Girls in one room,
boys in the other.

It's either that,

Or we scrounge up
a manger.

'Kay. I guess I have to
call jack and tell him

That I'm not gonna make it for
christmas eve dinner after all.

I've got an idea.

Why don't we
get settled in

And then I will take us all out

For a nice, big holiday meal
of our own?

Oh, dylan, you don't
have to do that.

I know, but I want to.

it's christmas eve, right,

And anything can happen.

Who knows?

I might even be able
to make somebody laugh.

That would be
a christmas miracle.

You know a good spot
we can get something to eat?

Well, this whole town takes on
a kind of yuletide theme

This time of year.

I hadn't noticed.

So if you just head down
to santa's village,

Take a right
on candy cane lane,

Then you'll hit
my favorite place,

Dasher's dine and pub.

Got it.

What do they call it
the rest of the year?

dine and pub."

You people sure take
christmas seriously

Around here, huh?

Mister, you haven't
seen anything yet.


["Deck the halls" playing,

[Dreamy, happy sigh]


It's pretty nice,
isn't it?

Yeah. It's beautiful!

Maybe not exactly
christmas in the hamptons,

But it'll do.


They have chestnuts
roasting on the open fire.



[Chuckles] whoa.


Hey. One, please.

frank and maxine?

They said

They would catch up
with us later.


The smell...

Thank you.

So are you ever
going to tell me

The rest of that story?

We've been
driving all day.

What do you say
we take a walk?

Thank you.


So, come on, tell me,

Why is it

That you won't go home
for christmas?

Ahh, you never
let up, do you?

Sorry. Occupational hazard.

You were right.

Remember what you said
about soulmates,

About finding
"the one"?

I remember
you didn't believe it.

Well, I used to.

And I thought I'd found her.

Turns out...

She was "the one."

Just not the one for me.

She dumped me
pretty hard.

I really
am sorry, dylan.

It's one thing

When your girlfriend
leaves you for another guy,

But what are you supposed to do

When that guy turns out
to be your own brother?


Dylan, I can't imagine
how you must feel.

The story does have
a happy ending, though...

For them, anyway.

They're engaged.

So, so much for
finding my soulmate, huh?


Caught ya!


There you are.

There you are!

Under the mistletoe...


Come on...

You know what
you've got to do!


Yeah, I don't
think so, guys.

It's christmas eve.

What's one little kiss
going to hurt?


Um, isn't it

-I'm hungry.


Worst excuse ever.


I'm hungry too, though.

All right. Let's eat.

Okay. We've got nachos.

Beer-battered fries.
Jalapeno poppers.

That is not exactly
your festive fare,

But it's going to
have to do.

Remember our first
christmas dinner?

Yeah, in the tiny apartment
in the east village?

We didn't
have a stove,

So we made
macaroni and cheese

On a hotplate.

Frank put, um,

Tomatoes and spinach
on top

For the red and green

Yeah, made it feel
more festive.

We had a bottle of wine
that his parents

Gave us
for our wedding.


-It was so awful.
-So bad.


It was a good
christmas, though.

It was.

My dad always did
the turkey at our place.

That bird roasts all night long
and the smell is... Incredible.

Bryce, that's my brother...

He and I would sneak down
to the kitchen in the morning

Before anybody else got up

And we would each
take a piece of turkey,

And then we would go

And look at our presents
under the tree.

My dad...

Would always blame me
for picking at the bird...

But bryce,

He would step in

And take the blame for me
every time.


What about you,

You got a favorite
christmas story?

Oh... Yes.

I remember

The big christmas tree
in the living room

With all the presents

And a big family
around the table


Actually, that's not true.

I'm sorry.

I don't even know why
I just said that.

Growing up,
it was just my mom and me,

And money was really tight.

But she did her best.

So, every year,
we just, uh,

We watched them light
the christmas tree on tv

At rockefeller center,

And we would clap along
at the tv

As if we were standing there
right with everyone else.

It was silly.

No, I think that's sweet.

Well, then, she got sick,


Christmas just didn't
seem as important anymore,

And then she was gone.

And now
you're going to get

A big family christmas
of your own.

Basically the kind
of christmas

You're all trying
to avoid.

No. I think...

The kind of christmas
we all take for granted.

It's good
to be reminded.

I think
we're ready to order.

You know, I think

Christmas is where
you make it.

How so?

Well, us,
for example.

Two days ago, we were
complete strangers,

And now here we are,

About to enjoy
some fine dining

At dasher's pub.


Frank's right.

I think maybe we should
all take this moment

To reflect on
all the things

That we're
grateful for.

[Loud crunch]




This roll is not
going to be one of them.

[Paige snorts
while others laugh]


-There we go.
-So sorry.

Don't be sorry.
I think it's adorable.

I do.

[Coin drops]

[Slow christmas ballad playing]

When's the last
time we went dancing?

You and me?

Gosh, I don't remember.



Then it's been
too long.



♪ ...with the storm outside

♪ I can't even find

♪ A place to rest my head

♪ I'll be

♪ On time for christmas

Now, see? How can
anyone look at those two

And not believe
in soulmates?

I wonder
if they have a microwave

Anywhere in this place.


You know, I bet your brother
feels as badly about all of this

As you do.

I don't know.

I haven't talked to him
in four years.

That's why I didn't want
to go home.

Because you don't know
what you'll say?

Or what I might do.

You could try
to forgive him.

I think there
are some things

That you just
can't forgive.

Or maybe... Won't?


Let's cap this evening off
with a dance.

Like, a christmas eve


It's a new tradition,

Making its way

Amongst the young folk
of santa's village.

And we wouldn't
want to let them down,

Now, would we?

No. We wouldn't.


I'd forgotten what
a good dancer you are.

Well, you know
what they say...

It's like
riding a bike.


♪ I'll be
on time for christmas ♪

♪ On time for christmas

I, um...

We shouldn't be
doing this.

Doing what?


It's just a little
christmas eve dance.

Tomorrow, we'll both
be in new york...

Probably never
see each other again.


I'm sorry.
I-- I can't do this.

I am stuffed.

That might not have been
a traditional christmas dinner,

But it was good.

Oh, frank...

I want to get
some stocking stuffers.

We're going to spend
some more money.

Bye. We'll see you
back at the room.

Well, it isn't exactly
what you expected, I guess,

But it's turned out to be
a nice christmas eve.

It's perfect.

I'm sorry,

I thought you just said
it was perfect?

It was. It is.

Then why do you look
so sad?

Because this isn't how
it was supposed to be.

How was it
supposed to be?

Well, it's--

All of this,
it's christmas...



I'm sorry I'm not jack,
your fancy fiance.

No, that's just it.
I don't...

I don't want you to be.

Look, I dreamed
about this christmas

My entire life--

New york city,

The bright lights,
the broadway carolers,

And everything
that could have gone wrong

Did go wrong,

And yet somehow this just...
[Sighs deeply]

Feels completely right.

So how is that bad?

Because jack is my soulmate.

and you're not my soulmate.

Jack is the one.

How do you know that?

Did you read it in a magazine?

No, it's because--

Because it...

We were meant to be together.


Let me ask you
this one question,

And I'll never ask it again.

Does jack ever
make you laugh so hard

That you snort?


I didn't think so.

Okay, I'm going to go
to jack's house tomorrow

And meet his parents
for christmas

And-- and all of this

Will just be
a distant holiday memory.


Like frank and maxine's
macaroni and cheese.


I think

We should move.

Although it is
a holiday tradition.

It is, at that.

And I think
tradition is important.

I agree.

It's for christmas.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells
jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

Excuse me.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells
jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun
it is to ride... ♪


Paige, wait.

Paige, wait!

Look, it was just
a little kiss.

There's no reason
to make things awkward.

What's awkward?

Uh, paige just

One of the locals

On her mrs. Claus

Only she wasn't
wearing one.

Oh, that's... Awkward.

maxine's still shopping,

But I'm beat,

So I'm going to head
back to the room.


Aren't you going to
answer that?

Uh, it's jack.

Oh, well, tell him
merry christmas from me

And congratulate him
on his great oral hygiene.

Good night.


Why did you
hang up on him?

You guys went through my bag
back at the truck stop,

Didn't you?

You looked
at my personal notebook.

It might have been sticking
out of your bag a little bit.

That's how frank knew about
jack's good oral hygiene?

Okay, so maybe
we glanced at it.

And that's why
you were jabbing me

About jack's
sense of humor, too.

You were making fun of me!

No, it's not like that
at all.

We were just... We were just
having a little fun.

Oh, having fun
at my expense--

Someone who still
believes in love.


Paige, I'm sorry!

I-- I never meant to...

Hurt you.


[Phone rings]

Jack, hi.

Oh, merry christmas to you too.

No, everything's okay.
No, it's great.

Yeah, the storm's over,
so I'm coming home.

Okay. I love you.




[Sighs] frank!

what are you doing in here?

This is the room
I'm sharing with paige.

What are you
doing in here?

Oh, I must have taken
your key by mistake.

All these rooms look the same
when you're half asleep.

Well, you can't stay in here.

She'll be back any minute.
She's gonna want to go to bed.

Okay, okay.


Uh, good night.

Good night.


[Locked knob clicks]

[Knocks lightly]

Dylan, are you in there?

[Sighs wearily]




Now what?

I can't
get in the room.

-Where's dylan?
-I don't know.

Where's paige?

I don't know that either,

But one of them
must have the key.

Oh. So...

Go get another key.

There's no one
at the front desk.

I guess the guy's asleep.

What are you going to do?

Well, I was hoping
to get some sleep.

In here?

It'll be fine.

[Sighs apprehensively]

[Punching pillow]

[Clears throat]

Yeah. There we go.



It's a nice place.


You know, it kind of
reminds me of our hotel

On our honeymoon.

In mexico, with
the lizard in the bathtub.


You screamed so loud,

They thought the place
was on fire.

Well, it was
a big lizard.

-It was not.
-[She laughs]

I can't remember
the last time

We got away like that,
just the two of us.




When did we stop
giving each other

A good night kiss?

I don't remember.

That's not good,
is it?

We've got an early
morning, maxine.

Good night, frank.

Good night.


[Dylan]: uh, paige?

Hey, dylan,
what's the matter?

Paige isn't here with you?

No, she never
showed up.

We thought
she was with you.

No, we sort of had a fight.

Oh, that's why

She slept down
in the office last night.


-Thanks, rudy.
-But she's not there anymore.

Where is she?

Probably halfway
to the city by now.

Wait-- she's gone?

Yeah, she left
first thing this morning.

Got a ride
with my uncle.

Did she leave a note
or anything?


But she paid for
half your bill, so...



So when's a kiss
just a kiss?

Well, I'll tell you when.

When it was just a kiss!

I mean, the whole thing simply--

It came
out of a moment of weakness.

Dylan was likely acting out

His unresolved feelings
for his ex-girlfriend,

And I was probably
projecting my feelings

About missing jack
onto him.



Thank you.

Has anyone
ever told you

You're a really
good listener?

[Sighs deeply]

[Maxine]: I'm sorry, dylan.

My husband has this habit

Of not thinking
before he speaks.

I am in the car,
you know?

No. It's my fault.

I should've never
looked through her stuff.

Well, i, for one,

Think she's making
a huge mistake.

You start a relationship
out on a lie,

You've got nowhere to go
but down.

What are you talking about?

Oh, back at the truck stop,

I caught her
talking to herself.

About what?

She was staring
into the bathroom mirror

And chastising herself
for lying to her fiance

About you driving us
down to the city.

Why would
she lie to him about that?

Well, think about it.

Would you rather
tell your fiance

A nice couple is driving you
down from buffalo,

Or the hot single guy
you just met on the plane?

Still in the car.

This is ridiculous.
I mean, we were all together.

It's not like
I was driving her alone.

Maybe mr. Perfect
has a jealous streak.

Or maybe
that little checklist

Is missing a few things,

Like the kind of spark
she gets from you.

What are you talking about?
She's not attracted to me.

She doesn't even like me.

the feeling's mutual.

That's why you haven't stopped
talking about her

Since we left the inn.

Look, she already
found her "soulmate".

And I've got...

I've got to get home
for christmas.


[Doorbell chimes]

-Hi, I'm--


-You made it.
-I made it!

Oh, jack, you have no idea
how good it is to see you.

[Chuckles dryly]


I'm just glad
you're finally here.

Feels like we've been
waiting forever.

Yeah, well,
I mean, it wasn't my fault.

No! No, no, no, no, no.
Of course not.

I just always check
the weather conditions

Before I go to the airport.

This must be paige!

Mom, dad, I'd like you
to meet paige summerlind.

Paige, susan and neal collins.

Mr. And mrs. Collins,
it is so nice to meet you.

Oh, please...

You can
call me susan.

We were beginning to think

That you were a figment
of our son's imagination.

Oh. No, I'm real.

Paige has had
a horrible trip.

Oh, I can tell.

Poor dear... Look at you.

Jack, why don't you

Show paige
to one of the guest rooms

So she can freshen up.

Then we can have
a proper introduction.

Oh, that would be lovely.
Thank you.

Right this way.

It really is
very nice to meet you.

You as well, dear.

Right through there.


Okay, guys...
Home, sweet home.

A little behind schedule,
but we made it.

Can't thank you
enough, dylan.

My pleasure.

Think of it as
a christmas present.

Frank, could you get the luggage
out of the back?

I want to talk to dylan
for a second.

Take care of
yourself, brother.

-Merry christmas.
-Merry christmas.


This is for you.

Oh, maxine,
what did you do?

No, it's--
it's nothing, really.


I have one for paige...

But... Oh well.

Glenrock country club.

Glenrock country club?

Glenrock country club

Is where paige is having dinner

In case you find yourself
in the neighborhood

And want to give her
a present.

[Chuckles] maxine...

Thank you.

Merry christmas.

[Maxine chuckles]


-Merry christmas!


What's the matter,

I can't
do this anymore.

Do what?

This one-foot-in, one-foot-out-
of-the-marriage thing.

If we walk through
that door together...

It's as husband
and wife,

No more
playing pretend.

Wow... Look at you,
taking a stand.

Max, I'm serious.

We took one another
for better or for worse.

I think, sometimes,
we just...

Settled for the "worse."

Well, are you going to
stop talking long enough

For us to get inside?

[Frustrated sigh]
maxine, I'm--

Oh, wait. Are you...

Agreeing with me?

Well, there's a first
time for everything.


Oh, francis.



This is heavy.

I know.

How did
you do this?

I'm very strong.

Yes, you are.

Very strong!

I got it.

-[Frank laughing]
-i got it.


Ah, here she is.

The bride-to-be.


You look lovely, dear.

Thank you.

I was just saying
the other day

How off-the-rack
can look just as flattering

As proper couture.


Wow. These
look delicious.

I'm afraid all I've been eating
is airline food

And truck stop cuisine
for the past few days.

Please, enjoy.




Well... Now that our trip
is coming up tomorrow,

We don't have much time
to plan the wedding,

So I went ahead and spoke
with senator welles,

Who has a glorious house
in the hamptons,

And he has agreed
to host the entire thing.

Well, what do you think
of that, dear?

I... Um...


A-- a backyard wedding
could be fun, I guess?

[Chuckles incredulously]

The welles' mansion
is right on the water.

I'd hardly describe it
as "backyard."

The thing is,

Dad owes the senator a favor.

Poor guy bought the place
at the height of the market,

So if he can lease it out,
then he can write it off.


So it's a loss for him
and a win for us.

[Paige chuckles]


Um, dear...


[Embarrassed chuckle]

So, dinner's at 8:00,

And the country club
is pretty sticky

About being on time,

So try not to take too long
getting ready, and...

Do me a favor?

Don't keep
challenging my parents

On every little thing
about the wedding.

I'm not, it's...
It's just that...

Isn't this supposed
to be our wedding?

Well, it is, of course.

But you can't discount
the fact

That these sort of events

Bring a wide array
of society...

And always seem
to have a way

To take on
a bigger meaning.

You know?

Bigger than
us getting married?

Just trust me
on this, okay?

Oh, and what was with

That weird snorting sound
you made earlier?

That's just the way I laugh.

Well, that's strange.

Why haven't
I heard it before?

That's a good question.

I don't know.



[Knocking on door]

-Hi, mom.


-Merry christmas.
-Merry christmas! Oh!

Oh, it's good
to have you home.

Wait here.

Your father's
in the kitchen.

Yeah, he is!

It smells so good.


No one told me
you were going to be here.

I only told mom.

Dylan, i...

Hey, cynthia,
do you have the--



This is kind of
a surprise.


Well, it's christmas, right?

A good time for surprises.

I hear you guys
are getting married next week.

New year's eve.

That's great.



Give me a hand
out in the car?

I got some stuff
to bring in.

Yeah. Sure.


[Sighs nervously]

Look, if it'll
make you feel better,

I'll let you take
your best shot.

Hitting you is not
going to make me

Feel any better, bryce.

No... But it might
make me feel better.

On the way here,

I wasn't sure how
I was going to feel

About seeing you
and cynthia together.

And now?

I feel...

I feel like

You were meant
to be together.


I definitely didn't expect that
coming from you.

Come here.

All right, but just
not in the face, okay?

I've got wedding pictures.

Shut up.

[Both laugh]

Oh. I missed you.

Mm. I missed you too.

I love you.

Yeah. I love you, too.

You still
got to get my bags, though.


All right.

what is this?

[Chuckles] oh, wow.




[Chuckles softly]

[Hum of overlapping


Thank you.

This is lovely.


And the food is wonderful.

I've already spoken to them

About the catering
for your wedding.

It's all arranged.



And I spoke to my dear friend
david tutera--

Do you know him?


Well, he's wonderful.

He has his own line
of wedding dresses,

And he's going to be fitting you


Paige can choose
any dress she wants,

Though, right, mom?

Oh. Of course, dear.

Just do try to find something

That doesn't make you look
too... Busty. You know.


Oh. These are warm.

They're made in-house
by a pastry chef

Our club brought over
from paris.

Mm. Well,
they're certainly fresher

Than the one
dylan had last night.

Uh... Who's dylan?

Oh! Um...

He's the guy
that rented the s.u.v.

Back at the airport
in buffalo.

Well, I thought you were
riding with a couple.

Frank and...

They were in the backseat.

[Susan]: oh...

So it was this couple,

And this "dylan" fellow,

And you.

[Chuckles dryly]

How cozy.



What was this guy like?

Old. With a bad toupee.

And fake teeth--
they chattered when he talked.

See, these are
the kind of details

I wish you would leave out
of your stories.

Look, I just have to talk to one
of your guests. I'll just be...

Just a moment.



What are you
doing here?

Excuse me, everybody.

You left this in the car
and I thought

That you might
want it.


What is that?

It's a vision board.

It helps you focus
on your goals

To find what
you're really looking for,

What you really want.



Merry christmas.

what was that all about?

That didn't look
like a toupee to me.


Paige, is there
something you want to say?



Jack, I'm sorry...

I can't do this.

It just doesn't feel right

I think I got so clouded
by trying to find

The perfect man
for my perfect wedding,

That i...

I lost sight
of what really matters.

What's that?

My happily-ever-after.

Merry christmas, everyone.

I like that girl.



Do you know

Where a lady can grab
a decent christmas dinner

Around here?


But it'll cost you.

How much?

Just one little kiss.

So does this mean
that we're meant to be?

Are we soulmates?

I don't know.

But if you're willing
to take a chance,

I'd love to find out.

♪ Christmas night
that we'll remember ♪

♪ Started
with a single kiss... ♪

-Hi, mom.

This is paige.

Hi, paige.

Merry christmas.

Welcome. Come on in.

[Dylan]: I told paige
what a great cook you are.

I hope you still have
some of that pumpkin pie.

[Paige]: oh, my,
what a beautiful christmas tree!

Those ornaments are so sweet.

This is exactly
the kind of christmas

I always dreamed about.

♪ Listen to your heart

♪ A new life
might just start ♪

♪ I know

♪ Because
that's how I found you ♪


♪ I didn't ask for much
this year ♪

♪ I just got to know

♪ Will my christmas list
come true? ♪

♪ The only gift I want
is you ♪

♪ Make my christmas list
come true ♪

♪ The only gift I want
is you ♪
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