Barbie: A Perfect Christmas (2011)

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Barbie: A Perfect Christmas (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

Has anyone seen my pink,
sparkly coat?

Knee pads, wrist guards,
snow pants, snow shoes.

Oh, my skates!

Whoa! Oh! Stacie!

Sorry, Skipper.

I'm trying to record
my video blog.


PJ Sherwood here.

Counting down the minutes until
I take off for New York City.

Look, Skipper.
I found it.

I found my coat.

When the zookeeper sees this, he'll
totally pick me to feed the sea lions.

Look how it sparkles.


Coming through.

[SINGING] Sparkly,
sparkly, sparkly

I love my pink,
sparkly coat


Hey, Zoe.

Hey, Skipper, you getting
ready to come tonight?

Yeah, gotta pack, but I can't
wait to work the song with you.

We'll be ready.
See you soon.

A front-row seat?

Aunt Millie,
you're amazing.

Thank you so much.

We're packing now and can't
wait to see you tonight.

We'll call from the airport.
Love you, too. Bye.

This is going to be
the best Christmas ever.

[SINGING] I'll wear my new
pink boots in Central Park

I just can't wait

I'll feed the sea lions

And everyone will
think I'm great

It's gonna be amazing

Can't wait to rock the
Rockefeller Center skating rink

I'll do a double axel
Betcha I won't even blink

It's gonna be amazing

So here I go
right to the zoo

There on the ice, I'll
be spinning and spinning

It's gonna be
my dream come true

Every minute
custom-made for me

BOTH: And this will be
my perfect Christmas

Can't wait to go hang out
with Zoe and I'll hear her band

I'm gonna stream them live
so everyone can see first-hand

They really are amazing

I'm gonna see a Broadway
show on 42nd Street

I can't believe Aunt Millie
got me in a front-row seat

It's gonna be amazing

They hit the stage,
they play all night

The lights are down
and the curtain is rising

It's gonna be
my dream come true

Every minute
custom-made for me

BOTH: This will be
my perfect Christmas

But the coolest of all

Is the band's gonna sing

A song that I wrote

Every word, every note

Then they'll call me on stage
and I'll take a bow

And the crowd goes crazy
I can see it now

So here I go
A front-row seat

There on the ice
They hit the stage

The lights go down
And I'm spinning and spinning

They play all night
Right to the zoo

A Broadway show
Won't even blink

I see it now

And it's gonna be amazing

I'm gonna see
I'm gonna see

My dream come true
My dream come true

ALL: Every minute
custom-made for me

This will be
my perfect Christmas

This will be
my perfect Christmas

This will be
my perfect Christmas

This will be
my perfect Christmas

This will be
my perfect Christmas

This will be
my perfect Christmas

My perfect Christmas


The taxi's here.

Oh, our stockings!


Oh, Skipper.

Uh, Skipper?


Super brainstorm.
When you finish your song,

I know tons of bands we
can get it to. Cool, right?

Yeah. It's cool.

But I can do this on my own.
I don't need any help.






Aha! You're copying me.

Am not.

You are. Stop it.
No more copying.


gentlemen, this is your captain.

We have a severe
weather system

in our flight path
that will force us

to make an unscheduled landing
in Rochester, Minnesota.

Is that near
New York City?

Since we'll be
delayed overnight,

it will be our pleasure to
house everyone in local hotels.

Please fasten your seatbelts
as we prepare for landing.

And have
a really super day.


Does that mean we won't
get to New York today?

If the storm's
really bad,

we won't get to
New York at all.

At all?

But we need
to be there.

What about Aunt Millie?

What about the sea lions?

What about Christmas?

We'll get to New York
for Christmas.

I promise.

Even if I have to drive us
all the way there myself.

Are we close
to New York?

We're not trying
to get to New York.

We just want to make it
to Minneapolis.

It has a bigger airport, so
flights will go out sooner.

But we've been
in the car for hours.


That's because some roads are closed
and I had to go a different way.

CHELSEA: You mean
we're lost?

BARBIE: No, not at all.

We can't be lost.

Skipper has the GPS, so she
knows exactly where we are.

Right, Skipper?


We're smack in the middle of nowhere.

So we are lost.

We'll never get to
New York for Christmas.

Yes, we will. We'll
get there. You'll see.

We just have to keep going,
no matter what.

I have to go
to the bathroom.

[GROANS] Chelsea!

What? I do.

Can't you hold it in?


You guys, it's fine.
We'll stop.

Probably smart.
With the snow like this,

there's no way planes
will go out tonight.

They might not for days.



I'm just saying.

Whatever you do, don't
think about waterfalls.


Or running rivers.

Tons and tons of water,

bubbling and flowing
and rushing...


check that out.

The Tannenbaum Inn.

BARBIE: Whew! Perfect.


It's pretty late.

Maybe no one's awake.

Someone must be,
all the lights are on.

I'll try the bell.

Oh, let me!



[CHUCKLING] Hello. Oh,
welcome to the Tannenbaum Inn.

My name's Christie,
and I am at your service.

Hi, we saw
the vacancy sign.

I hope
it's not too late.

Too late? But you're
right on time.

We are?

Right on time
for what?

For the greatest day of
the whole year. Come in.

MAN: Coming through.

Excuse me.
Pardon me.

SKIPPER: Awesome!

You really get
into Christmas here.

Oh, you don't know
the half of it.

We do Christmas
like no one else,

or my name isn't
Christie Clauson.

Is your name
Christie Clauson?


Come with me

We've been
decorating the tree

This is what the season can be
Our favorite time of year

Look around

Cookies coming
in by the pound

Hot cocoa to
wash it all down

And all our friends
are here

Wrap it up, stack it up,
pack it up and go

Hey, hey, what you say?
Step into the flow

Love is what we got,
smile on every face

And presents
all over the place

We get to give 'em away

We get to give 'em away,
yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey, hey, every day We
just want to give 'em away

Give 'em away

Everyone, together
we can get it all done

We'll be having
all kinds of fun

And helping people, too

Everywhere you can feel
the joy in the air

Together we've got
so much to share

With love from me to you

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah

Wrap it up, stack it up,
pack it up and go

Hey, hey, what you say?
Step into the flow

Love is what we got,
smile on every face

And presents
all over the place

We get to give 'em away

We get to give 'em away,
yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey, hey, every day
We just want to give 'em away

We just wanna give 'em away

ALL: Whoa, whoa

Doesn't matter
what you bring

ALL: Whoa, whoa

Could be just
a little thing

ALL: Whoa, whoa

If you want
the real thing

This is what we say

Come on
tell me what to say

Give 'em away

We get to give 'em away,
yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey, hey, every day
We just want to give 'em away

Wrap it up, stack it up

We get to give 'em away

Just give 'em away

We get to give 'em away

Give 'em away

Hey, hey, every day
We just want to give 'em away

Wrap it up, stack it up
We just want to give 'em away

Wrap it up, stack it up
We just want to give 'em away


STACIE: Awesome!
MAN: Beautiful!

That's incredible.

what is this place?

The Tannenbaum Inn.

But it is something special
around Christmas time.

The Elifs and I can't help it,
we do it up every year.


I knew it!

You said your name is
Christie Clauson, right?

And it's the Tannenbaum Inn,
like the Christmas carol.

And you have elves
making Christmas presents.

This is Santa's workshop!

we're in Minnesota.

Santa's workshop is
at the North Pole.

Everyone knows that.

But the elves...

The Elif family.

That's their last name.

We do a big toy drive
every Christmas,

and they always
help me out.

We put everything together
and wrap up the gifts,

then my uncle swings by on
Christmas Eve to handle distribution.

But the Elifs all
have pointy ears.

Hello? Rude!

It's okay.
She's right.


I need a roll of sparkly
ribbon at table one, stat!


It's a walkie-talkie. So,
this isn't Santa's workshop.

CHRISTIE: Oh, sure it is!

Any place where people come
together to bring Christmas to others

is one of Santa's workshops.
Don't you think?

So, how long will you
be staying with us?

We just need one night.

We're leaving first thing in the
morning to fly to New York City.

How exciting. Cole, Ivy,
the best room in the house.


BARBIE: We miss you, too.

Yup, Skipper booked us
on a morning flight.

We'll call you
from the gate.

We'll see you soon. Bye.

Aunt Millie sends her love.

Did she say she was excited
for the sea lion show?

Did she say how much snow
there is in Central Park?

SKIPPER: Did she say she's really
sorry she won't see us this trip?

What? What
do you mean?

I mean there's another
storm coming tonight.

"Major flight cancellations
expected throughout the Midwest. "

There's no way our plane's
taking off tomorrow.

STACIE: But it has to.

We have to get to New York
for the perfect Christmas.

I think we have to kiss
the perfect Christmas goodbye.

But Barbie promised. She said we'd get
to New York for Christmas. Right, Barbie?

You know what? Weather
reports are wrong all the time.

Our flight is first thing
in the morning.

I bet we can get out and be in New
York before the storm even starts.


I promise we'll have
the perfect Christmas.

We should get to bed. We have
a big day ahead of us tomorrow.

CHELSEA: Good night.

SKIPPER: Good night.

Good night, Barbie.
Good night.


All this snow.

And there's no way we'll
get to New York tomorrow.

It'll mess up everything.

[WHISPERING] Star light, star
bright, first star I see tonight,

I wish I may,
I wish I might,

have this wish
I wish tonight.

When I wish on a star

Gaze upon it from afar

I believe
what's troubling me

Can melt away like snow

This isn't where
we want to be

There is so much more
we want to see

Sparkling lights,
city sights

Busy streets below

I will keep doing
all I can do

I will keep wishing
'cause wishes come true

I'm dreaming our Christmas
will turn out right

That's the wish
I wish tonight

When I wish
my heart is full

Everything is possible

I can see
beyond the clouds

Feel the stars
as they all glow

I will keep doing
all I can do

I will keep wishing
'cause wishes come true

I'm dreaming our Christmas
will turn out right

That's the wish
I wish tonight

I will keep doing
all I can do

I will keep wishing
'cause wishes come true

I'm dreaming our Christmas
will turn out right

That's the wish I wish

That's the wish I wish

That's the wish
I wish tonight

[SIGHING] I wish
it were that easy.

CHRISTIE: Maybe it is.

Oh, Christie!
I didn't see you.

I'm so sorry.
Did I wake you up?

No, I was awake.
Is everything okay?

You sound like
you're sad about something.

[SIGHING] Christmas.

[CHUCKLING] You're sad
about Christmas?

No. I love Christmas.

But this year, my sisters
are counting on me

to get them to New York,
and I don't think I can.

They're going to be so
disappointed when they wake up,

and it's all my fault.

It's your fault
the planes can't fly?

Well, no.

It's your fault
there's a snowstorm?

Of course not.

Then I'm confused.
What exactly is your fault?

It's my fault because I told my
sisters we'd have the perfect Christmas.

I promised them.

Now in the morning, I'm
going to have to take it away.

Hmm. I don't think you can
take away the perfect Christmas.

What do you mean?

Well, the perfect Christmas isn't an
object, like a dress or an ornament.

It's a feeling, one you get by finding joy
in the people and things all around you.

You can't take that
away from anyone.

Once they find it,
it's theirs.

I can think of something that
might bring you a little joy.

What? You were going
to make a wish, right?

Oh, that was just a song.

Go for it.

I wish that my sisters and I
will have the perfect Christmas.


[GASPS] Christie,
did you hear that?



CHELSEA: Barbie!


Look, the sun's up.

It's not snowing anymore.

So our plane will take off
and we can go to New York.

We're going to New York.

We're going to New York.

Our flight was canceled.


It snowed most of the night.
The runways aren't clear.

They'll get us on another flight,
but they can't tell us when.

But it could be soon, right?
Like in a couple hours?

With so many
flights canceled,

it's probably more
like a couple days.

But Christmas
is tomorrow.

I'll miss the special
sea lion feeding.

We'll miss everything.
All of us will.

We can always go to
Manhattan next Christmas.

The sea lions will
still be there.

So will all the ice skating,
and snowshoeing, and sledding.

Yeah, but some
things won't be.

A Mid-Sparkle Night's Dream won't
be playing on Broadway next year.

Zoe's band could even
break up by then.

And Aunt Millie doesn't come
in from Paris every year.

It's not fair.

They can't take the perfect
Christmas away from us.

They can't.

Someone told me
it's impossible

to take away
the perfect Christmas.

It sounded good when
she said it, but now...

I'm texting Zoe to let her
know I won't make it.

Should I text
Aunt Millie, too?


Tell her we'll call her later.
And tell her Merry Christmas.

[GASPING] Barbie,
what about Santa?

What about Santa?

We're not where
we're supposed to be.

How will Santa know
how to find us?

How will he get us
our presents?

Come on, Chelsea. Santa
always knows where people are,

no matter where it is.


And we can help him find us.
With our stockings.

We'll hang them up
right here in the room.

There's no fireplace.

So we improvise.
The windowsill.

There. Now Santa will know
exactly where to find us.

Right near...
The reindeer?

I want to see.

CHELSEA: They are reindeer.
Like Santa's reindeer.

Did you see that?

The reindeer flew.
They are Santa's reindeer.

Come on.
We have to go see.


Hey, Chelsea!
What's up?

A reindeer.
We saw it flying.

They were here.
Santa's reindeer are here.

You saw Santa's reindeer?

I don't know about that, but we
did see something out the window.

It was Santa's reindeer.
I know it.

There were eight of them,
and one of them flew.

Or jumped.

It flew.
I saw it.

I believe you.

You know why?

Because I saw
Santa's reindeer, too.

You did?

Mmm-hmm. Right here.

Santa's reindeer,
at your service.

ALL: Whoa.



MAN: Down.

Aw, they're so cute!

And look,
that one "flew. "

But from the window they
looked like real reindeer.

And I thought we saw them
further out that way.

Want to meet them?

Can we?


Hey, Cole!


Rein-dogs, ho!




They're so cute!
Are they all your dogs?

No, they're shelter dogs.

Every year, we pick several
dogs to play Santa's reindeer

and be part of our
Canine Christmas.

And so far every year, all the
rein-dogs have gotten adopted.

That's how my parents
got their dog.

He played Blitzen
two years ago.

That's a really cool idea.

Can I take the dogs
through the obstacle course?

Ooh! Me, too!


Do you have to?

It's no problem.
We've got lots of dogs.


You take Comet
and you take Dancer.

The dogs know the commands,
so they'll be fine.

STACIE: This way, boy.


This way, boy.



Over here, that's it.

CHELSEA: Over here.

That's it.


Good boy.


Good boy.

Chelsea, can't you
stop copying me?

What? I want to play
with the dogs, too.

You only thought of it because I
said it first. You're a copycat.

I am not.

You are. It's like I can't do
anything without you tagging along.

Can't you ever
leave me alone?

Fine, be alone.
See what I care.

I'm not a copycat. I don't want
to do what Stacie does anyway.

She's mean.

Who wants to be
around someone mean?

Aw, that's great.

Bye, boy.



You're by yourself,
too, huh?

Did the other dogs send you
away for being a copycat?


I mean copy-dog.


Hey, can I get
in your sled?



This is cool.




BOTH: Chelsea?

CHELSEA: Hey, Barbie.

BOTH: Chelsea!

BOTH: Chelsea!

[GASPS] Wait for me.


ALL: Chelsea!




I got this.


BARBIE: Chelsea,
are you okay?

That was fun.

I'm glad that's over.



Look at me. I'm skating. I'm skating.


Oh, no, look!


ALL: Chelsea!

Oh, man,
not again.




It's so steep.





Hi, guys!





That was fun.
Let's do it again.

Are you crazy?



Chelsea, you can't
just take off like that.

I didn't take off.
Rudy did.

But you were supposed to be
in the dog course with Stacie.

I was. Until Stacie
kicked me out.

She made me go away.

I did not.
Did, too.




I knew we saw real
reindeer this morning.

Oh, he's beautiful!

And so soft.

But they couldn't
really be...

Why not?
Maybe they could.

It's like he wants us
to follow him.

Huh. I guess this is
where they live.

But there are no houses.

Who takes care of them?


CHELSEA: You guys!

You have to see this.

Chelsea, you shouldn't
be in there.

Okay, but just come see.



Can you believe it?

Do you know
what this is?

It's a barn
and it's not ours.

It's not ours.
It's Santa's!

You really think
it's Santa's?

Yeah. Don't you?

Eight reindeer, all these
presents. It has to be Santa's.

Or Christie's.

She said that
she and the Elifs...

You mean elves.


They do that big toy drive
every year, remember?

Maybe this is where
they keep them.

But could they really
make this many toys?

Maybe if they worked
hard all year?

Let's ask Christie,
see what she says.

Plus, I want to get back
someplace warm. I'm freezing.

I don't want to go.

I want to stay here
at Santa's place.

Christie has hot chocolate at the inn.

Hot chocolate?
Let's go.


Are we close?
We've been walking forever.

Just a little further.

I want hot chocolate.

[SIGHING] You can't complain.
This was all your fault.

Your fault. You wouldn't
let me play with you.

You wouldn't stop
copying me.

Come on, cut it out. We all
want to get back to the inn.






That's it.


You guys, come on. I'm still cold.
I want to get back to the inn.



Okay, back me up, Barbie.
Shouldn't we go?




You're going down.




That was fun.

I totally got you.

You so didn't.

I am the snowball master.


Hey, do you guys
hear something?

Sweet. They're awesome.




Hey, guys.

Hey. k*ller sound.


Dude, I know you.
You have a blog, right?

I watch it all the time.

You call yourself
PJ Sherwood.

Wow! Yeah. That's so
cool that you watch.

Are you kidding? Your site
is, like, required viewing.


I'm Skipper.

Are you online?

Who does your vocals?

No one. That's kind
of our big problem.

We play pretty great,

but we don't have a
website or MP3s or anything

'cause we don't
have a singer.

Ooh! I'll sing for you.

[SINGING] Christmas is coming
and the geese are getting fat

Please put a bunny
in the old man's hat


That's cool. We'll
keep you in mind, okay?



Really cool meeting you,

You have no idea how bad I wish
we could be on your podcast, but...

You know...

Good luck with stuff,
though. You guys are great.


ALL: Bye.
See you later.


You okay?

Yeah. Those guys just
reminded me of Zoe's band.

I still can't deal with losing the chance
for them to do my song live, you know?


Oh, what if...


Podcast Brian's band tonight, the
same way you were going to do Zoe's.

They can even play your song.
And you can sing it.

Zoe was doing an actual
show, with a live crowd.

Me and four guys rocking out
in a tricked-out garage

is totally different.

So put together
a show. Tonight.

A Christmas Eve concert at the
hotel. I bet Christie would love it.

She can help us spread
the word to everyone in town.

We'll make a stage
right outside.

We can serve Christie's amazing
hot cocoa as people come in...

Hold up. If I'm going to
do this, I want to do it.

I don't want it to
be a Barbie thing.

If that's what you want,
I'll totally keep out of it.

You really think
I could pull it off?

I know you can.

Wait up.

I'm going to see how the band
feels about a Christmas Eve debut.

With a new song
and singer.


A Christmas Eve concert
is a great idea. I love it.

The band and I will need a place
to rehearse. Maybe in the inn?

Yes, you can rehearse
in the basement.

And you can set up a stage
out here for the show.

We can put out risers with
blankets and refreshment tables.

Whatever you need. Just ask
the Elifs and me and we'll help.


I want to help, too.

Me, too.
What can we do?

Um... Maybe just stay
out of Skipper's way.

This is really her thing.

Oh, come on. We want to do something.

I have an idea.

Maybe you could help
with the opening act.

What opening act?

An animal show
with the shelter dogs.

A couple of them still
need to be adopted,

and with the turnout
I know you'll have,

it'd be a great way
to showcase them.

It's also a nice big job
for Stacie and Chelsea.

Yes, that's
an excellent idea.

Animal act...
Go for it.

Just me, right?

No. Both of you together.
Think you can handle that?


Yeah, I guess.


What are you doing
for the show, Barbie?


You will make the popcorn
and cranberry strings.

I'll... What?

Yeah, decorations
totally set the scene.

Think you can do it?


If that's where you need me,
I'm all over it.

Thanks, Barbie.

Okay, so I need to pick out
the direction of the stage.

And decorations.

Big candy canes.
Some poinsettias.


Bonjour. This is Millicent.
I am traveling.

Please leave a message
at the beep. Merci.


Hey, Aunt Millie. Storms have
flights backed up for two more days,

can you believe it?

[SIGHING] Wish like crazy I
was going to the play with you,

but at least I still get to
see Skipper sing with a band.

You'll have to check it out
later on her site. Love you.


Hmm... I wonder how
Skipper's doing.



What's going on? Isn't
the show in just two hours?

Yes, but Skipper keeps going downstairs to
rehearse so she can't tell us what to do.

She hasn't decided where she wants
the stage, or the red color curtains,

or how many risers, or...

But you don't need her
for all that, right?

You know this spot. Just
do what you think is best.

I would, but Skipper
won't let us.

She gave us orders not to make
a single decision without her.


Not one.

Cut it out, Stacie.
I'm telling.

Barbie, Stacie's
being super-mean.

I'm not. I just think
it's better if we each do

our own animal acts
with the dogs.

I want to be the Stupendous
Stacie, then you can do your show.

You can be
Chillin'- it Chelsea.

That's a dumb name.

What about

I want to do a show
together, at the same time.

BOTH: Barbie!

Um... I guess it's really up to Skipper.


Did you want red candy
canes with white stripes

or white candy canes
with red stripes?

I don't know.

Did you want the green
bow or the red bow?

Uh... Red.

No, green. It's too
much to think about.

I still have to rehearse and set up
the podcast and decide on outfits...

It's okay.

We can decide
this stuff for you.

Let us figure it out.

I need to do it myself.
Like Barbie.

She's always...


Hi, Barbie.

Skipper, what do
you like better?

Two way too long,
boring animal acts,

or one fantastic animal act

with the Stupendous Stacie
and Charming Chelsea?

What? I think one act is better,

but Stacie won't
let me do it

and I need to tell her how
important it is because I...

Not now, Chelsea.

But you need to tell her
or it'll get too late

and we won't be
able to plan...

Not now.

Seriously, just stop.

See? Now Skipper's
mad at you, too.

You're in everybody's way.

You don't have to be
a baby about it.

Skipper? Do you
have a minute?


This must look like
kind of a mess to you.

I mean, you do stuff like
this all the time by yourself,

and it's always great.

I'll get it right,
though. I will.

Skipper, I never do
anything like this by myself.

Oh, you do.
I've seen you.

You've put on plays, and starred
in movies, and done block parties.

And what about that fashion show
you did in Paris for Aunt Millie?

I didn't do any of
those things by myself.

Tons of people helped me.


I couldn't have done it
without them.

I never knew that.

From the outside, it looks
like you can do anything.

It's kind of hard to
measure up to sometimes.

Measure up to?

Skipper, I think
you're amazing.

Look at what happened
with Brian.

He was in awe of you
and your website.

And that's something you
put together all on your own.

I guess.
It's true.

You don't have to compare yourself
to me or anyone else at all.

You're incredible
just the way you are.

Great. Now you're
showing me up again,

busting out the perfect
big sister thing to say.

You're welcome.

Stand up.

That's a good boy.

Here you go. Sit.

That's it.

Roll over.

Good boy.

Now stay.

Good dog.



No, wait. Stay!
Stay more!

Stay a little bit.






No! Oh, no! No!

Hey! Stop! Oh, no!

STACIE: Barbie, Skipper,
quick. Slow down.

BARBIE: No, stop.



Oh, no.





Rein-dogs, ho!


No way.
It's all ruined.

It's almost time for the
show and everything's ruined.

I thought you and Chelsea
were watching the dogs.

We were. Then Chelsea pouted
off the way she does, and...

Wait... Pouted off?

Pouted off where?

We can fan out from the inn.
She couldn't have gone far.

Wait. Maybe
she could have.

Look. Sleigh tracks.

Has anyone seen Rudy?

The Husky puppy?
He's gone, too?

She must have had him
pull her in the sled.

But it's getting dark.

So she's out there
somewhere all by herself.

[GASPS] And it's
starting to snow.

I have to go find her.

We have to find her.

Right. I'm in, too.

We'll all look.

The Elifs and I will fan out,
and some of us will stay here,

in case she comes back.

Here. Take these.

That way we'll all be in touch
and know when any of us find her.

Thanks. Do I
have it on right?

You make a perfect Elif.

Good luck.





Oh, no!


STACIE: No more
sleigh tracks.

The snow's
covering them up.

Where do we go now?

I'm not sure.



It's not like Chelsea
knows this area.

Aside from the inn, there's only
one other spot she's really been.

If she could find it.

I bet Rudy could find it.
But can we?

We have to try. I'll tell the
Elifs where we think she is.

Whoever gets there
faster will find her.

I hope.

ALL: Chelsea?


Thank goodness you're safe. Barbie?

Oh, we've been
looking for you.

Hi, guys.

What were you doing here?

I wanted to see the reindeer.
And they were all here.

They played with me and Rudy.
And it was so cute.

And I guess I fell asleep,
'cause that's all I remember.

[GIGGLING] You have
pointy ears.

I'll call the Elifs,

let them know we're here
and we found you.

Promise me you will never
wander off like that again.

Okay, I promise.

Why did you run away?

Stacie said I was in everyone's
way, and you were mad at me.

So I thought you'd be
happier if I left you alone.

Oh, Chelsea,
that's not true.

You're my sister. I love
having you around.

Me, too. Even when I hate having
you around, I love having you around.


I love you, too.

You're crushing me.


I was thinking,

one animal act is
probably better than two.

And the Stupendous Stacie would work
way better with Charming Chelsea.

You mean it?

She would mean it, if there
was going to be a show.

It's supposed to
start in an hour,

but we don't even
have a stage.

There's no way we could
be ready in time.

I'm so sorry, Skipper. It was
your big Christmas Eve show,

with a great new band
playing your song, and...

You must feel like your
whole Christmas is ruined.

Are you kidding?

I'm with the three of you.

It's the perfect Christmas.

[GASPS] I know what can
make it even perfecter.

You can come play
with the reindeer.


They must be outside.
Come on.


Hmm... I wonder
where they went.

Whoa. Those weren't
there a minute ago.

BARBIE: Sleigh tracks?

Those are way too big
to be from Rudy's sleigh.

Santa! Let's follow them.

That's weird.
The tracks just stop.

Almost like...

ALL: Whoa.


Um... You guys.

Come look.



All those presents...
They're gone.

Santa took them.

He had to.

And he left us
a present.

The perfect place to
do Skipper's show.

And look,
our stockings.

They're filled
with presents.


What a great place
for a show.


Hey, Chelsea!
Glad you're okay.

Do you love it?

It's perfect.

Can we really use it?

Of course. It belongs to my
family, and I insist you use it.

Besides, I already made
a bunch of calls.

There's a whole
audience on its way.

You already...
But how did you know?

My uncle called me after he
picked up all the presents in here.

He said it would be
the perfect spot.

Your uncle picked up
all the presents here?

By himself?
Is that possible?

My uncle does his best
work on Christmas Eve.

ALL: Whoa.


So what do you think,

Forty-five minutes till show
time. Think you can do it?

No. No way.

Not without lots
and lots of help.

Will you help me?

We'd love to.


Oh, hello.


The Stupendous Stacie...

And Charming Chelsea.

BOTH: Present the
Cutetastic Canine Choir.




Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!


Here you are, ma'am.

May I show you
to a seat?



Stacie, Chelsea,
that was fantastic.

BOTH: Thanks.

How are you feeling?

Really good. Thanks
to the three of you.

I never could have pulled
this off without you.

It's time.

Break a leg.


Thanks so much for
coming, everyone.

So far, this Christmas hasn't been
what my sisters and I expected,

but it still turned out
to be amazing.

I had a song
I was going to do,

but I changed
the lyrics because...

Maybe I'll just
let you hear it.

Two, three, four!

[SINGING] Well, I've
been waiting all year

Just for this day
to get here

And I've been learning
nothing goes

Exactly like you plan

Yeah, I've been flying solo

Wishing I was in Soho

I thought I'd be a no go
for this show

But here I am

You might have
seen me checking out

What's underneath that tree

But I have realized
that there is

Just one gift for me

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

'Cause I'm with you


The ornaments are rocking

How's it going?

Check out the view count.

I think I threw out
all my gift cards

With the recycling

The Christmas lights
are tangled

The mistletoe got mangled

And even though
my nerves are jangled

I'm good with everything

'Cause now I know the reason

It's the season
of good cheer

I'd even eat the fruitcake

It's the same one
as last year

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

'Cause I'm with you

You know, there's no way I can
finish this song without some help.

I'd like to invite three very
special people up on stage.

My sisters. Barbie,
Stacie and Chelsea.


You guys ready?

ALL: Hey! Hey! Hey!

Put your hands
up in the air

ALL: Ho! Ho! Ho!

Santa, can you feel it?

ALL: Here we go!

Spread the magic everywhere

ALL: Hey! Ho!
Everybody shout out loud

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

'Cause I'm with you

ALL: Hey! Hey! Hey!

'Cause I'm with you

ALL: Ho! Ho! Ho!

'Cause I'm with you

ALL: Here we go!

'Cause I'm with you

ALL: Ho! Ho! Ho!

'Cause I'm with you


Merry Christmas, girls.

ALL: Aunt Millie!

BARBIE: I can't
believe you're here.


Mais oui!

Not that it was easy,
mind you.

The storm shifted and only
a few planes got in the air.

I had to promise almost
everyone at the airline

a custom made outfit
from my newest fashion line.

You did that for us?

I would do anything
for the four of you.

You were brilliant,

You all were brilliant.

Thanks, Aunt Millie.

It really is
the perfect Christmas.





Wow! It's so beautiful.
So pretty!

[SINGING] Deck the halls
with boughs of holly

'Tis the season
to be jolly

Don we now
our gay apparel

la-la-la, la-la-la

Troll the ancient
Yule tide carol

ALL: Fa-la-la-la-la,


Incredible! But how?

It's Christmas magic.

Aunt Millie,
Christmas magic.

Deck the halls with
boughs of holly

'Tis the season
to be jolly

Don we now
our gay apparel

la-la-la, la-la-la

Troll the ancient
Yule tide carol


See the blazing
Yule before us


Strike the harp
and join the chorus


Follow me in merry measure

la-la-la, la-la-la

While I tell of
Christmas treasure


Deck the halls
with boughs of holly


'Tis the season
to be jolly


Don we now
our gay apparel

la-la-la, la-la-la

Troll the ancient
Yule tide carol





Merry Christmas!

Come with me

We've been
decorating the tree

This is what
the season can be

Our favorite time of year

Look around

Cookies coming
in by the pound

Hot cocoa to
wash it all down

And all our friends
are here

Wrap it up, stack it up,
pack it up and go

Hey, hey, what you say?
Step into the flow

Love is what we got

Smile on every face

And presents
all over the place

We get to give 'em away

Get to give 'em away

Hey, hey, every day

We just wanna
give 'em away

We just wanna
give 'em away

Whoa, whoa

Doesn't matter
what you bring

Whoa, whoa

Could be just
a little thing

Whoa, whoa

If you want
the real thing

This is what we say

Come on
tell me what to say

Give 'em away

Give 'em away,
yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey, hey, every day

We just wanna
give 'em away

Wrap it up, stack it up

Give 'em away

Give 'em away

Hey, hey, every day

We just wanna
give 'em away

Wrap it up, stack it up

We just wanna
give 'em away

Wrap it up, stack it up

We just wanna
give 'em away

I've been waiting all year

Just for this day
to get here

And I've been learning
nothing goes

Exactly like you plan

Yeah, I've been flying solo

Wishing I was in Soho

I thought I'd be a no go
for this show

But here I am

You might have
seen me checking out

What's underneath that tree

But I have realized
that there is

Just one gift for me

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

'Cause I'm with you


ALL: Hey! Hey! Hey!

Put your hands
up in the air

ALL: Ho! Ho! Ho!

Santa, can you feel it

ALL: Here we go!

Spread the magic everywhere

ALL: Hey! Ho!
Everybody shout out loud

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

It's a perfect Christmas

'Cause I'm with you

Hey! Hey! Hey!

'Cause I'm with you

Ho! Ho! Ho!

'Cause I'm with you

Here we go!

'Cause I'm with you

Ho! Ho! Ho!

'Cause I'm with you
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