01x21 - Unplugged

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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01x21 - Unplugged

Post by bunniefuu »

He's coming in today. That's what I heard.

Lockhart, Gardner.

One second.

Margie said he's coming in for a divorce settlement.

I thought he was dead.

Agos & Florrick.

I'm sorry, she's on the other line.


What's Chrissy doing?

Oh, you don't know, do you?

When they put in the sign, they left a hole in the wall.

If you stand just right, you can hear everything going on in the conference room.

(Whispers): No!

(Hollow tapping)

(No audio)

Hey, information is power.

(Muffled voice speaking)

David: Harper & Greene has this wonderful little corner office just right for me.

Diane: Come on, David, we go back a long ways.

David: Yes, and you always had such admiration for family law.

Face it, I do my thing, you do yours.

Only difference is, mine makes money.

It's a bad economy, David, that's all.

We're righting the ship.

Then right it.

I have no love for this place, but I don't want to jump to Harper & Greene unless I have to.

I don't like boxes.

We're bringing in a third partner.

Yes, I've heard about this messiah partner for two months now. Can't wait.

You could help us.

Collect on overdue accounts.

Yes, that's our problem.

I start making collection calls to my divorcées, they'd bolt to another firm before I can hang up.

Give us till the end of the week?

That's what I like to hear.

(Door closes)

We'll cull the herd.




And Lenny.

Accounts Lenny? Or litigation?


That's two of yours and two of mine.

And the junior associates.

We have to decide now.

Cary or Alicia?

Will: Friday. We'll decide Friday.

Diane: Good.

Will: And let's keep it to ourselves, okay?

I don't want to deal with a lot of last-minute maneuvering on this.


Alicia. Oh.

I'm sorry.

Mr. Gold in my office.


Sorry, Alicia. I was upstairs.

And David Lee needs to see you in ten minutes.

Hey, really good work on my brief.

Thanks. You want to be a paralegal, right?

Yeah, someday.

All right, well, any help you need.

Cary, do you have a minute?

Sure. What's up?

I just heard something upstairs.

There's a good chance that the state's attorney won't prosecute Peter.

Because of Kozko's su1c1de?

Actually, yes.

And if that does happen, you and I will have to get on the same page quickly.

What page is that?

The campaign.

I won't do interviews, and I won't do photos.

I know, and I respect that.

My children won't, either.

If I could be so bold...

No, you can't.

Right. Got it.

Anyway, that's not why I'm here.

Peter's got it into his head that he won't run unless you approve.

I know, I tried to convince him otherwise.

I told him that wives just get in the way, but...

He's adamant.

Mr. Gold, Peter is an adult.

He doesn't need a mother.

We talking about you or me?


I have to get back to work.

Think about it, Mrs. Florrick.

Glenn Childs is a disastrous state's attorney.

But you know that better than I do.

More kettle corn.

Thank you. This one is bubble gum flavored.

Oh, and cotton candy.

Look... separated.

I see that.

Another divorce case?

With a prenup.

Her expectations are too high.

We have to get her down to $300,000.

Alicia, can I get a minute with you?


That's all right. Later.

David: See? I told you.

Here she is.

Mrs. Caroline Wilder, meet Alicia Florrick.

Mrs. Florrick.

It's really nice to meet you.

I think I'll be turning to you for advice on how to bounce back.

But first things first... Alicia and I were just discussing our "ask."

She worries our eyes might be a little bigger than our stomachs.


The prenup makes it very difficult, Caroline.

I was young and in love, and all of his hit records happened before we were married.

Oh. Caroline Wilder of Max Wilder?

Oh, soon to be ex-Max Wilder.

I'm so sorry, I didn't know.

It's okay.

I'm being traded in for a younger model.

It happens.

I could go to couples therapy, I could get a face-lift, but I can't be 28 years old again.

You know the best revenge, Caroline?

I would love to know.

Make him see how happy you are.

(Laughs softly)

Let us be angry for you.

Caroline: Well, here comes the parade.

I thought it was just gonna be us, Max.

Oh, Shaina wanted to come.

It's my right.

(Sighs) Great.

Love it.

Okay, so, here's where we stand.

David: Chocolate raisins, anyone?

No, thank you.

Max: I will.

We've reviewed your counter... thank you for that, by the way... and we've decided we're sticking with our original offer.

Ah. Well, that's unacceptable.

Yeah, we don't think it is.

Caroline: Max, after everything we've been through, do you really believe that $140,000 a year is fair?

Well, I never thought of you as being greedy, Caroline.

Says the man with the $40 million estate.

(Laughs): Look, we're not here to argue or bandy numbers about.

We've, uh, got a court date tomorrow.

Max has been more than generous with his offer.

We advise you to take it.

Could you give us a minute?

Max Wilder is on probation for a 2007 possession charge, but he got judicial permission to leave the country this weekend.

This weekend? Why?

Flight reservations to Bora-Bora.

Rental of a room to accommodate 80.

They're getting married.

If he makes tomorrow's court date.

How do you get this stuff?


Just give me an army of women.

David: Sorry for that.

We have your offer... thank you... and we'll just need a few days to mull it.

Actually, no, we have a court date tomorrow.

Yes, well, why don't we just push that off.

I... I don't think you understand.

This offer came with a clock.

We need an answer now, or we walk.

Then walk.

Let them go, David.

Oh, Alicia, don't take out your aggressions on this.

It's insulting... $140,000 a year.

David, look, if we get an agreement now, we can go up to $180,000, but that exhausts our cushion.

Nope, sorry.

Let's take the weekend.

A... Alicia, wait.

Help me out with this.

I want this to work.


Nicely played.

Thank you.

How you doing, Caroline?

I'm fine... soon as I go home and have a big bag of mint milanos.

(Sighs) Ah, I thought I was completely over him.

Hey, John, if you could put in a good word for me with Will and Diane.

I think they're deciding on junior associates this week.

Cary: I mean, the thing is, I like Alicia. I think she's doing really well, given all her problems at home, you know?

It's not really ageism to ask how many more good working years does anyone have left.

That just makes good sense.


(Phone ringing)


Oh. Sorry, Your Honor.

It's an important call.

My client...

Then let me answer it for you.

Anybody else?


Then I understand we've reached an agreement.

Yes, Your Honor.

Mrs. Wilder has acquiesced to a divorce.

We have a signed divorce agreement.

Judge Stanek: And Mr. wilder... Where is he?

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

My guess is that was in fact Mr. Wilder calling.

(Phone vibrating)

Oh. Then it's unfortunate you didn't answer it before court, counselor.

If I could ask for a 30-minute recess, Your Honor, to ascertain Mr. Wilder's whereabouts.

We have no problem with that, Your Honor.

Judge Stanek: Mr. Kreutzer, in my courtroom, the people's time will be respected, even by rock stars.

You have five minutes to locate him.

Judge Stanek: Five minutes!

What happened?

Max Wilder was just in a motorcycle accident.

Is... is he all right?

(Chuckles): No, he's in a coma.

Can you believe it?

Kreutzer's gonna have a fit.

Yes, Margie... shh, shh, shh, just listen.

You made notes on the Wilder prenup.

What does it say on power of attorney?

She could get half.

Yep. If he stays in a coma, $40 million estate.

Margie, you're k*lling me.

We need to tell her.

No, no, no. We need to make her filthy rich first.

Margie, now!

We're good. We're good.

What did you do? Your Honor, we already have a divorce agreement.

It's not signed. We don't have a properly signed...

'Cause you took a page!

Stop it, the both of you.

Judge Stanek: Where's Mr. Wilder?

Kreutzer: He was in an accident, Your Honor.

He's in a coma, but this divorce is done.

Your Honor, in our rush to get to the court on time, I'm afraid we may have overlooked the very last page of the divorce agreement.

Kreutzer: David, come on!

Judge Stanek: Stop it!

David: You don't understand.

This just turned into a $40 million divorce.

No, it's just me and Alicia.

I need troops.

On their way, and I'll take litigation.


Max Wilder was just in a motorcycle accident.

He's in a coma.

You're kidding.


And our client controls his $40 million estate if he stays in a coma.

(Whistles) Here's the rub.

David's looking at the will.

Our guess is he wrote our client out.

So if he dies...

She gets nothing.

Just the prenup.

So we're cheering for him to stay in a coma?



We're like ghouls.

As long as we're solvent ghouls.


Oh, uh, what do you think of Vernon Jordan?

What do I think of Vernon Jordan?


As a third partner.

Oh. I...

Is that a possibility?

He's been sniffing around us, looking for an opening into Chicago.

Well, that would be... a lifesaver.

We wouldn't have to make cuts.

I'll try to set up a meeting.

Cary: I'll take any support I can get.

Uh, Cary?

I need you on the Wilder divorce.

It suddenly became important.

Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. Anything.

I'll head off right away.

I didn't say anything.

(Footsteps approaching)

Oh, my God.



They say he just swerved into oncoming traffic.

I always hated that thing.

Alicia, this is Jay Van Zandt.


Caroline: Max's manager.

Alicia's my lawyer.


I don't know.

Maybe I shouldn't be here.

He talked about you, Caroline, just last week.

No, he didn't.

Don't try to make me feel better.

He looks so s...

David: 3.4 million in Kauai.

5.5 million of the properties in Chicago.

You can't use your cell phone in here.

You know that's a myth, right?

Where's the doctor?

He's in with Mrs. Wilder.

David: Mrs...?!

The helmet protected the frontal and temporal bone, but the base of the helmet snapped back, causing severe trauma to the cerebellum.

We've stopped the bleeding, but...

I'm sorry.

It's a subdural hematoma.

Which means...?

Mrs. Wilder, your husband is effectively brain dead.

I'm sorry.

But not dead dead?

He... excuse me, who...?

I'm his wife.

You divorced him.

She did not.

Kreutzer: Doctor, are you saying that Mr. Wilder can never be revived?

Effectively, yes.

Doctor, I look at contracts all day long, and when I see the word "effectively," I know it means "no."

Medicine, sir, is not a contract.

With this massive loss of brain tissue, there's a one-in-a-million likelihood he would revive.

But a million-to-one means life.

And life needs to be cherished and treasured.

What other value do we hold higher?

Doctor: Sir, the only thing keeping Mr. Wilder alive is a machine.

In essence, he's already dead.


Do you have another assessment?


I had a patient.

He fell off a ladder in 1988, and he ended up in a persistent vegetative state.

I made the same speech that I just heard in there.

And then, 21 years later, he just woke up.

I don't know any other way to say it.

He woke up from a 21-year sleep.

He was a one-in-a-million shot.

And, yes, science and medicine deal in repeatable phenomena, and not this.

But I don't make that speech anymore.

Cary: Shaina has filed a petition for legal guardianship, so she can unplug Max.

She can file all she wants.

Wife trumps girlfriend.

David: My guess is Kreutzer argues intent.

Both Max Wilder and Caroline initialed all but the last missing page of a divorce settlement.

Good job, by the way, Alicia.

When are we in court again?


Should we be talking about negotiating with Shaina?

Caroline could live with half the estate.

Cary: Are you kidding?

This is a Gold digger who wants to steal from our client.

I say we go in whole hog, we protect our client.

And protect our future relationship with her.

(Quietly): We need to talk.

You have until Friday.

I have...?

No. I have two weeks.

Diane and Will are deciding between you and Cary on Friday.

Where did you hear that?

Cary was going door to door with equity partners, lining up support.

He heard it from your assistant.

My guess is he's phoning in on accounts, loading up on receivables.

How are you with Will?

I don't know.

What happened?

I don't know.

You do know. You just don't want to say.

Did you sleep with him?


So that's the problem: You didn't sleep with him?

No. We talked.

We had... a moment.

And you shut it down?

He did, too.


You have three problems.

Cary's a good finisher.

He got a head start.

And Will is gonna work overtime to appear objective.

Unfairly objective.


I'm just so tired of this.

I know, but that's what people like Cary count on.

Talk to Diane.

She wants to mentor, so ask her to mentor.

It's a bad time to be a lawyer out there.

There's no jobs.

I know.

Thank you, Kalinda, really.

Thank you.

So how did that Max Wilder info work out for you?


So, what are you doing here, Detective?

I'm buying you a drink.

I was, uh, 300 miles away, at Baldy Lake, fishing.

It was my day off.

And for some reason, just out of the blue, I had this image of you.

Don't ask me why.

So I got in my car, and I drove back here.

I'm divorced.

I have a kid, Owen.

He's six.

Am I boring you?


What am I doing wrong?

Is that your car?


Get in it.


Now what?

300 miles?

Seven hours.

We would respectfully submit, Your Honor, that in view of the timing of Mr. Wilder's accident and the suspicious removal of the signed last page of our divorce agreement, clearly, Max Wilder's intention was to be free of his ex-wife.


Kreutzer: Withdrawn. Free of the respondent.

Will: Your Honor, this is very simple.

We're not even gonna get into Shaina's motives in wanting to unplug Max.


Like I said, it isn't pertinent.

Neither is the fact that she got him to change his will and leave her everything.


Stanek: You gentleman see that there's no jury here, right?

My apologies, Your Honor.

In legal terms, wife trumps mistress.

Kreutzer: Your Honor, we would like to introduce a new piece of evidence.

Your Honor, this is Max Wilder Jr.

Five months old.

And, uh, these are the results of his paternity test.

Shaina and Max have kept this child out of the public eye for obvious reasons.


Let me see if I can sum this up.

I've got the fiancée over here, who also happens to be the mother of Mr. Wilder's sole offspring.

Will: Your Honor, we would question this paternity...

And she... wants guardianship, so that she can withdraw life support from Mr. Wilder, in which case she inherits his entire fortune.

Then, over here, I have the wife.

She wants to maintain Mr. Wilder's life support, in which case she is free to spend his entire fortune.

Kreutzer: Uh, I don't think... it's fair to characterize...

Your Honor, we would argue that...

Stanek: Yes, yes, yes!

Everybody has Mr. Wilder's best interest at heart, I'm sure.

So here's what we're gonna do.

The court is taking temporary guardianship of Mr. Wilder, and we will hear evidence on his wishes regarding end-of-life decisions.

Please prepare briefs and testimony.

We'll hear on it this afternoon.

(Gavel bangs)
Let's get into Max's house.

Dig up anything you can... e-mails, songs, poems... anything that points to him valuing life.


Where's Kalinda?

She was supposed to be here.

Phone her.

Let's get her over to Max's house.

I'll try her again.

Jay: I mean, if he had a living will, I would've known.

Said he wanted to be frozen, and we could wake him up when the technology was available.

Good, good.

Stories like that doesn't sound like someone who wants the doctor to pull the plug.

I mean, who knows, you know?

Like... like most creative geniuses, his deepest convictions changed hourly.

Is there any chance he could've downloaded a living will?

From someplace like legalzoom?

No, no.

It never would have occurred to him outside of a lawyer's office.

Can I get your cell number in case I need to prep you for testimony?

Yeah, no problem.

Cary: Hey! Where you been?

Does it matter?

Cary: Okay.

Could you show us Max's computer?

Jay: Yeah, this way.

You all right?

Yeah. You?

Never better.

What's that setup for?

Oh, that's where Max composed.

He liked to sleep and get up with any inspiration, and sh**t what he composed.

Max's computer is in his office.

It's this room right over here.

(Footsteps move away)

Hey. Tomorrow at 1:00.


Vernon Jordan.

He's coming?

Yes. Definitely interested.

Wants to look around.

We need to close off the empty offices.

Already doing it.

And your flowers, you should get back your flowers.

Okay, let's not turn this into the inspector general.

Will, do you have a minute?

I'm sorry. This isn't me.

I just...

I heard you were deciding on Friday.

That really wasn't supposed to be circulated.

I know. I just…

I'm really proud of the work I've done here.

As you should be.

And I wanted to make sure that you saw that.

Look, Alicia, I don't know what you're hearing, but that's all we'll be looking at.

Okay, good.

You have my word.

When we decide, nothing else will enter the picture other than your work.


Diane, can I grab a minute?

Yeah, yeah, sorry, Mr. Danforth.

We're trying to collect on all accounts, and I usually have our accounting department do it, but I thought I'd give it the personal touch.

Caroline: The nurses shaved him.

This is what he looked like when I met him.

My God, he was so charming.

Mrs. Wilder?

Excuse me. Um... is... is that his bag from the accident?



I just need to check something.

Alicia: What are you looking for?

♪ I miss the way you used to laugh...

Is this just before the crash?


♪ the way you look He's drunk.

No. They did a tox screen for alcohol and dr*gs after the accident.

He was sober.

(Ringtone playing)

That's not sober.

He's so drunk he can't even answer his phone.


So you're talking to her?

I am.

Play the mentor card.


One of the reasons we didn't want this to be public knowledge is because we didn't want a lot of last-minute politicking.

I understand. I just... could you hint to me where I stand?

I like you, Alicia.

I didn't start out by liking you.

And of course, you know Will likes you.

You've more than proved yourself.

But... we've never seen an economic climate like this.

I second-chaired on a lot of winners.

Yes, and so has Cary.

He's had higher billable hours, and his receivables are coming in high and immediate.

So, I... I don't understand. Have I lost?

It's not subjective.

It's who keeps the doors open.

Cary doesn't have a family.

He's in here every night at 9:00 every morning at 8:00.

Then I'll work harder.

And so will Cary.

I don't know what to do.

I've worked hard.

You say that's not enough, so I'll work harder.

You tell me Cary can work harder still.

So what do you want?

Tell me what you want, because I can't lose this job.

You're not Cary.

You can never be Cary.

But you don't have to be.

I don't understand.

Your name, your connections.

You've been reluctant to... use them.

You want me to use my connections?

I want you to want the job.


(Tears out check)

(Inhales sharply)

I'm sorry, mom.

No... why? What's wrong?

I found out about Becca... the things she was saying about you.

I'm sorry.

Oh, honey.

We broke up.


Please don't be sad.

It's... it's not about you.

Dad's gonna be fine.

(Sniffles) I know. It's not us.

Are we gonna be okay?


I love you.

You're a good mom.


Alicia: I like to work.

I like to work at Lockhart, Gardner.

I hear you're good at it.

I think I am.

What's wrong, Alicia?

Do any of your clients want to change law firms?

Do any of my clients...?

Do they want to change to your law firm?


I can ask.

Is... is there some reason I'm asking?

Because we're a good firm.


Okay, I can arrange a few calls.

Maybe next week?

Or maybe not next week.

What kind of timeline are we talking here?



For a call or...?

This was stupid. I'm sorry, Mr. Gold. I...

No, Alicia, stop.

What's going on?

Talk to me.

No, it's my own thing.

No, it's not your own thing.

I know I don't seem like the warm and understanding type, but this is my warm and understanding face.

I'm in competition with another junior associate.


You're worried you're gonna get laid off.

Okay, I can hire the guy away, and then dump him.

No, no.

No, I do it all the time.

Just offer them massive salary, and then when they get here...

Oop, the position's gone.

No, please.

Uh... it was wrong for me to come here.

I don't want to do this.

I'm not this person.

Mrs. Florrick, if I know one thing in life, it's that everybody is that person.

Let me make a few calls, okay?


Hey, I'm just making the calls.

You get the client, it's your client, okay?

Thank you.

Hey, we're like family, right?

Caroline: I guess I can't let go.

When Max and I were in rehab...

There was this 12-step quote we used to say, (voice breaking): "don't quit before the miracle happens."

And they say that it's a million-to-one shot, but Max's life, becoming who he was...

That was a million-to-one shot.

Max loved life.

He loved action.

He was going to skydive on his 80th birthday.

So I know for a fact that he would never want this.

(Voice breaking): I'm sorry, but he's gone.


I know we both love him, but he's... this is torturing him.

(Rhythm and blues playing)

Is that the tox report?



You're not going to let me see it, are you?

I'm thinking about it.

(Clears throat)

I had him checked for dr*gs and alcohol.

But they already...

When they didn't find anything, I had them check for other foreign substances.

Mr. Wilder ingested ethylene glycol.


That's why the drunken appearance.

We're opening up a m*rder investigation with your client as the prime suspect.


A $40 million motive, for one thing.


Where's the rest?

Why aren't you answering my calls?

Because I'm in a relationship.

I don't believe you.

Believe me.

Not with that kiss.

Look, I know you have vulnerability issues.


I don't want to cuddle with you.

I just...

That's all.

Purely recreational.

You go to somebody else for emotional validation.

Drink your drink, pay the bill, then follow me out.

David: Toxicology report pinpoints the poisoning as happening between 10:00 a.m. and noon, when Max was at the house.

Caroline: But I wasn't at Max's house.

Do you have any proof?

That was just before you went to court.

I don't know. I mean, I... I guess so.

I'm trying to think.

Alicia: The police believe they've established motive, Caroline.

Now they're trying to establish access by putting you at the house.

Could Shaina have been there?

Yeah, I mean, she has a key, so I guess it's possible.

Do you really think that they suspect me?


Kalinda: Who's that?

It's our savior.

So, Mr. Jordan...

Vernon, please.

So, Vernon, you've been looking us over, I hear.

That's right. I love Chicago.

Summers of '57, '58, I drove the city bus.

(Laughs): really?

Will: Best buses in the world.

My first big city experience.

Well, I don't think we'd be speaking out of turn to say we're happy to be looked over.

We're hoping you can open some doors for us to Washington.

Well, it's a new economy.

We all have to diversify.

So after your tire-kicking, what do you think, Vernon?

I think the firm lacks focus.

It seems as if you're taking cases on a whim.

I think you've nailed our vulnerability.

More passion sometimes than sense.

Will and I know that we need a referee.

So we would be willing to offer a three-way split.

I... I'm sorry, I thought...

I want to buy you out.

Is that not what you want?

Well, that didn't go well.

Who would have thought our firm means more without us than with us?

Really undercuts one's confidence.


It's time to make some tough decisions.

(Ringtone playing on video)

(Ringtone continues)

(Ringtone stops)

Tony: And you weren't here?


You never went to his house?

That day?


Who has keys to his house?

Well, I'm not completely sure.


Uh, as far as I remember, Max, Shaina and the housekeeper.

And Mrs. Wilder, too?

Well, yes.

When was the last time you saw Max?

Jay: Uh, the night before.

And he seemed in a good mood, you know.

Um, looking forward to his wedding.

Can I have his business card.




Tony: The housekeeper... what are her hours?

Jay: I don't know.

I could get her number for you.

Max would just let anybody in?


(Ringtone playing loudly)

Oh, sorry, sorry.


So we're all set.

My client receives a million a year for life.

My client gets the rest of the estate, and full guardianship.

Of a comatose patient.

It's what she wants.

So you're the reason Jay did it.

Well, I'm not the reason, but Max and Shaina were planning to change the will after they got married.

Shaina wanted to remove Jay.

Ah, money. Dependable money.

Pleasure doing business with you.

You, too.

Alicia, Cary.

Will and Diane want to see you.

Thank you, Courtney. We'll be right up.

It's weird, huh?

It's like a date with the executioner.

Nice working with you.

You, too.

You're a good lawyer.

Do you know what you'll do if it goes against you?



No idea.

I hear it's always the first one called in.

They're the one who gets fired.

I really didn't need to know that.


My clients kept asking, if I was so high on your firm, why wasn't I bringing my business here?

And I didn't want to appear hypocritical.

Mr. Gold...


Eli, you...

Thank you.

And, hey, I hear it's a good firm.

And we'll have to talk.


Your husband's campaign.

(Door opening)

Alicia, would you come in, please?

(Lock clicks)

We don't mean to draw this out any longer than we have to.

Good job, Alicia.

Will: Very good job.


Thanks for going all-out this year. It's been quite a ride.

Diane: And we're not out of the woods yet.

We have a lot of trimming to do, so we're all going to have to work harder.

Will: Do more with less.

I'm ready.

Diane: We know you are, and, uh, thanks for listening the other day.

You heard us.

That's all we needed to know.

No, thank you.

You okay?


Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine.

Cary, do you have a minute?


We're sorry.

Diane: You were great, Cary.

And if we weren't in this situation... this financial situation... we would want you both.

I understand.

We can make a few calls for you, if you'd like.

And we would give you unqualified references.

Thank you.

Do you have any questions?

No. I get it.
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