01x04 - Early Whimsy, Fun and Frolic in the Neighborhood (B&W, 1967)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x04 - Early Whimsy, Fun and Frolic in the Neighborhood (B&W, 1967)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music playing]

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you be mine?

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly
day for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you be mine?

♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor ♪

♪ Just like you

♪ I've always
wanted to live ♪

♪ In a neighborhood
with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you be mine?

♪ Won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please

♪ Won't you, please

♪ Please won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

Hi. You know what this is?

Oh, I bet you've played
in one of these.

Or you have a younger
brother or sister who has.

Let's see if I can fix it.

Oh, it's broken.

Well, it's an old one.

I'll get it all together here

Because there's somebody
special to go in it.


Wait till you see--

This is a dog blank--uh-oh.

I told you.

Well, wait till you see
who is going to come in it.

I'll be right back with her.


Ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like you to meet
lydia stout.

Lydia stout, I'd like
you to meet my friends.


What do you think of this?

It's a playpen.

Would you like to play
in that pen?


She thinks it looks
a little bit like a fence.

And she's not so sure

That she cares
too much for fences.

Well, there are
all kinds of fences

In the world, lydia.


Some are very good.

And some are--well...

♪ Fences, fences

♪ The world
is full of fences ♪

♪ And some I like
and some I don't like ♪

♪ The kind that keep me out


♪ The kind that keep me out

♪ Are the kind
that make me pout ♪

♪ They're the kind
that have no date at all ♪

♪ They're the kind that go up

♪ Much too tall

She wants to go in.

♪ Fences, fences

♪ The world
is full of fences ♪

♪ And some I like

♪ Some I do like

♪ The kind that keep me safe

See, you're safe.

♪ The kind that keep me
safe, I say ♪

♪ Are the kind that keep me...

Yes. There you are.

♪ They're the kind that
help me drive my car ♪

♪ So I never have
to go too far from ♪

♪ Fences, fences

♪ The world is full of fences

♪ From what I see,
they're a help to me ♪

♪ And the ones I hate
I can tolerate ♪

♪ So...

♪ Fences, fences

♪ The world can keep
its many, many ♪

♪ Fences

♪ Fences

How many fences
do you know about?

Did you ever hide
on the other side
of a fence?

Or did you ever just
play hide-and-seek?

Lydia, would you mind
if I played hide-and-seek

With you right now?

I think lydia's
almost asleep.

I'll play it with you, ok?

I'll be back.

You see? I came.

I always come back
when I say I will. Do--

[Knock on door]

The door.

How many times have I
gone up these--well...

Oh, good day,
mr. Rogers, good day.

Speedy delivery
for mr. Rogers.

Good day, mr. Rogers.

How are you, mr. Mcfeely?

Oh, I'm always around
and always speedy,
mr. Rogers.

Now, if you'll sign
right on this page,
right there.

Yes, i--but, mr. Mcfeely,
I didn't order anything.

Oh, well, if you'll
read the note inside,

Mr. Rogers,
it's self-explanatory.

It's from king friday,
mr. Rogers.

King friday?

Yes, and thank you.

I have a lot of work
to do. Always speedy.

Good day, mr. Rogers.

You can't stay, I guess.

Can't stay.

He's always very busy.

Well, king friday. Gee.

He must feel an awful lot
better than yesterday,

Sending presents.

I wonder what this is.

Could you guess?

Kind of heavy.

"For mr. Rogers."


Hey, it's something
that plugs in.

Do you like
things that plug in?

So do i.

[Ding-ding ding-ding...]

It's a clock.

Well, now, just wait a minute.

It's not a kind
of a clock that--

It looks like
a punch clock.

Have you ever
seen a punch clock?

The kind that some men
and some ladies use

When they go to work,
and you just put the card in

And it punches,

And it tells the time
when they come

And the time that
they leave. Let's try it.

[Ding ding ding ding ding...]

It's going.

Ok, I guess you just push it in.

It should click
when it punches. Let's see.


Yeah, it did.


It punched the time.

Let's try once more.


Ha ha.

Oh, I sure would like
to see inside.

I wonder if that's--yeah.

Not everybody gets to take
a punch clock apart.

Oh, boy, look at all that.

Isn't that grand that king
friday would send us such a--

Why, we can just have
everybody play with this.

I better put it together now.

Very carefully.

Very carefully.

Ask your mom or your dad

If they've ever used
a punch clock.

That's great.

Why don't we thank king friday
for the punch clock, ok?

Come on over.
We'll give him a call.

I would like to speak
with king friday xiii.

[Royal piano chords]

King friday, I want to thank
you for that punch clock.

[Piano chords]

Not a gift?

Well, what is it?

[Piano chords]

Oh, it's an order.

Uh, why is it an order,
king friday?

[Piano chords]

Oh. Everybody who comes
in and out of here

Must punch it
every single time.

[Piano chord]

Am I the only one
who has one?

[Piano chords]

Oh, I see.

Everyone has one. Right.

Thanks anyway, king friday.

And, uh, happy day to you.

[Piano chords]

Brave and strong day, he said.

Let's go see what's happening

In the neighborhood
of make-believe,

Apart from the castle.


Do you see daniel's clock?

There it is,
ticking away.

It looks all right to me.

It looks all right to me.


There's a punch clock,

Right on the fountain.

You see any others?

Oh, there's one,

Right at the museum.

Do you suppose everybody
has to punch in and out?

There's the tree.

Does x and henrietta have one?

Oh, they do.

I wonder what
they think about it.

And there's one
on the factory.

[Ding ding]
well, there's the trolley.


We will see what's going on
when the trolley comes.

Come on, trolley.


Hi, trolley.



Do you have to punch
in and out, too?

[Ding ding ding

I figured as much.

Well, maybe
you'd take us right in

So we can hear
some of the people talk

In the neighborhood
of make-believe.

Would you, please?


On we go.



But I really don't
understand, joe.

It's king's--
king's orders, daniel.

King's orders.


Oh, excuse me.

Dropped the punch card.
Excuse me.

Punch card?

Yeah. Just about
set now. Let's see.

Put the finishing
touches on this.

It looks like a little
clock. Heh heh.

That's what it is.
It's a punch clock.

Punch clock?

Punch clock.


Right. And the king says

That everyone has to
check in and out, daniel,

Every time he goes
in or out.

You mean, you put
the little card in--

That was a fly.

Yes, it was.

You mean every time
I go in the clock--

Oh, that fly.

He's back again.
Shoo, shoo.

Yeah. Would you--
would you scratch me

Right there, please?

Right there?
How's that?

Ha ha!
Oh, thanks.

Thanks. You mean, every time
I go into the clock,

I have to punch this clock?


Hmm. And every time
I come out,

I have to do
the same thing?

You have to punch out.

Punch in and punch out.

That's kind of funny
to have a clock

On a clock. Heh.

That's right.
It is kind of funny.

You know what else?


You have a knock...

On the clock...

On the clock.

Ha ha! Or a clock

On a clock on a knock

On a clock and a clock

And a clock on a knock.

Or a clock on a clock--
speedy delivery

For mr. Negri,
speedy delivery.

Good day,
mr. Negri.

How are you?
How are you?

Fine, thank you.
This is for me. Oh.

Hello there, daniel.
Haven't time
to talk today.

Haven't time to talk.
Speedy delivery.

That's your
service copy.

Just sign this,
mr. Negri.
Sign right there.

On the dotted line.
Right on
the dot there.

You're always busy,
aren't you, mr. Mcfeely?

Always on the go,
daniel, always
on the go.

Mr. Negri,
good day.

Take it slow there,
mr. Mcfeely.

Good day.

He really does move,
that fella, doesn't he?

Oh, he is always busy.

I have asked him
so many times

Just to come in
for a, you know,

A sip of clock
hot chocolate or something,

And he always says,
"good day, good day,

Too busy. Sorry.
Too busy."

He really is
a busy man.

What is it
he brought you?

Well, you see,
he brought me another--

Another punch clock.

Only this one is for
the eiffel tower
for grandpere.

What do you mean,
there's one for everybody?

Oh, yes, everybody in
the neighborhood has one.

I've put most of them up,

And this is the last one
I have to put up.

Well, that one won't go
on a clock on a clock

On a knock, anyway.

no, no, it won't.

Well, you sure you know
how to work your clock

On your clock, huh?

Yeah, I sure do.

I don't know
whether I like it,

But I'll do my best.

Well, you know,
we'll all get over
this somehow.

I hope so.
Oh, down it goes.

Down it goes.

Yeah, can you
fix it quickly?

Yeah, I'll fix it
real fast.

Just put it
right back up there.

There it is.
You take care.

Good. Ok. Bye.

Oops. There it goes again.

Mr. Negri: ha ha!

♪ Oh, it's very sharp,
it's very sharp ♪

♪ Oh, my barbed wire
is very sharp ♪

♪ Oh, mr. Negri

Hello, edgar.

♪ Have you completed
your work, mr. Negri? ♪

Well, I'm just
going over now

To put on
the very last one.

♪ Oh, such a job,
oh, such a job ♪

Right you are, edgar.
It really is--

Really are
trying times.

See you later, edgar.

♪ Farewell, farewell

♪ Farewell...



Oui. Vous avez frappe?

Bonjour, monsieur negri.

Yes, that's right,


How are you?
Oh, listen,

How do you like
your new location

For your--
for your eiffel tower?

Oh, c'est tres bien ici.
Il y'a une belle vue.
Oui. Je l'adore.

You--you like it
over in this part

Of the neighborhood?

Oui, tres bien.
Et les chateau et tussaud.

Yes, the chateau.
It's very near
the king's castle.

Oui. Qu'est-ce vous avez--

Well, listen, I have
a little job that
I must do.

I hope I don't annoy you
with too much noise,

But I must put up
the punch clock.

Ze quoi?

I say, I must put up
the punch clock.

Ze punch clock?

Yes. I have to put
the punch clock

On the eiffel tower.

Oh. C'est un pendule, ca.

Yes, but it's something
the king has ordered

That everybody have
a punch clock.

Oh, tres bien.
Punch clock. Oui.

Qu'est-ce que
ca veut dire, punch?


What does it mean?

Qu'est-ce que
ca veut dire, punch?

A punch. A punch,

Is a punch, you know,
like that, a punch.

A punch.


Ah, tres bien. Punch?

This is a punch clock.

And you punch ze clock?

That's right.
You punch the clock

When you come in,

And you punch the clock
when you go out.

Oh, tres bien.

Laissez-moi essayer.

You hit it, right.

You punch the clock.

Oh! Oh! Grandpere,
you'll break it
like that.

No, no, no, no.

Piano, piano.

Easy. Easy.

Oh, easy.
Oh, tres bien.

Not so hard.
Not so hard.

Oui, c'est tres
comme ci, comme ca.

And you punch the clock
when you come in here.

Yes. You punch the clock
when you come...

And you punching the clock
when you going out.

Comme ca?

Just a minute.
I want to be sure

It's still working.

Yes, it's still

Tres bien. Yeah.
And you will be zhere

Each time when
I'm punching the clock?

To pick it up?

No, grandpere,
I will not be there
each time.

I am going to place it
right here

On the eiffel tower,
and then you can
punch it

Whenever you leave
and whenever
you come home.

Ah, bon. And I will
pick it up.

Yes, and you will
pick it up yourself.

If you don't
punch it too hard,

Then you won't
have to pick it up.

Oh, c'est tres bien.

How is it? Do you like
this place right here?

Is this a good spot?

Oui. Qu'est-ce que c'est
carte la? La carte?

Oh. I'll show you.




Is the punch card.

Oh, you punch the card.

You punch the card
in the punch--

Punch the card

And you punch the clock.

Then you punch the clock.

Oh, j'adore c'est--

Now, I will put--uhh!

Grandpere, grandpere.

Just a minute now.

I have to fix it
all over again.

Tres bien.

All right,
now wait a minute.

Oh, j'adore
ze punch clock.


Will you say merci
to king friday

For ze punch clock?

I will say merci
to king friday

For the punch clock.

Tres bien, j'adore ca.

C'est tres, tres bien.


We strong now.

Oui. Tres, tres, tres--


Grandpere, you--

Ca ne marche plus, eh?

Yeah, you punched
the clock too hard,
I'm afraid.

Oh, entendu.

Ici. Moi, je ferai
plus facile.

Yes. Yes. Yes.
"Plus facile."

Oh, le trolley.

Voici le trolley!

Oh, the trolley?

Oui. I want you to show
the punch clock
to the trolley.

Oh, trolley!


Regardez, trolley!

the punch clock.

Trolley. Hello, trolley.

Have you seen--have you
seen the punch clock?

This is grandpere's
punch clock.

Try to punch it,

No. Trolley doesn't want
to punch it.


I'm going back to put it
up on the eiffel tower,

Ok, trolley?

Bye, trolley.

Au revoir,

Vous etes bien gentil.

I will try to do it

Without so much

Yes. Not quite so hard.

Punch--punch the clock
nice and easy.

Punch the card
and punch the clock.

Here is your punch card,
and there is
your punch clock.


Well, some people
are having a good time

With the king's
serious business.

Yeah, grandpere
punching the clock.

He thinks that
when you put that in,

You're supposed to punch it.

Well, you know
that's not the way.

He probably never
heard of a punch clock.

And daniel made up
little rhymes about...

♪ The clock on the clock
on the knock on the clock ♪

You could make up rhymes
about anything.

You could make up
a rhyme about, uh...

♪ The boy on the chair
by the chair by the table ♪

[Ding ding ding ding]
or the girl--or...

♪ The bell in the kitchen
by the door by the bell ♪

Let's see who's here.



Hi! I'm glad
to see you.

Come on in.

Are you rich?

I'm glad
to see you, rich.

Hi, t.t.

Hi, mr. Rogers.

I'm glad to see you.
Come on--

Rich, would you like
that tall seat?


Good. Hi, kevin.

Can I shake your hand?

Hi, mrs. Saunders.

How are you?
Welcome today.

Thank you.

Gee, I'm glad to see you.

Rich, you get up
in the tall one.

You'll be taller
than all of us.

We have been having
punch clock trouble.

Well, not really trouble.

We've even been having
some fun with it.

Oh, good.

And I've also been playing
hide-and-seek today.

What have you all
been doing?

Playing. I think
playing a great deal.

Good. That's what we do

When we're children,
isn't it?


Have a good time playing.

You have a song
for us.

Yes, we do.

Uh, "thumbkin."
"Where is thumbkin?"

Oh, yeah, I remember that.

♪ Where is...

We did "thumbkin."

Uh, here's thumbkin.



Tall man.

Ring finger,
and pinkie.

That one's
hard to get out.

Ring finger,
can you get it out?

Can you get it out,

Can you get
this one out here?

It is a tough one.



And pinkie.

And then everybody.

It's sort of like
hide-and-seek, too, isn't it?

Yes, it is, uh-huh.

Because they're all
at the back...

Behind your back.

Mm-hmm. And we start.

You ready for it?

Good. Let's sing it.

All: ♪ where is thumbkin?

♪ Where is thumbkin?

♪ Here I am

♪ Here I am

♪ How are you today, sir?

♪ Very well, I say, sir

♪ Run away

♪ Run away


♪ Where is pointer

♪ Where is pointer?

♪ Here I am

♪ Here I am

♪ How are you today, sir?

♪ Very well, I say, sir

♪ Run away

♪ Run away

Tall man.

♪ Where is tall man?

♪ Where is tall man?

♪ Here I am

♪ Here I am


♪ How are you today, sir?

♪ Very well, I say, sir

♪ Run away

♪ Run away

Ring finger.

♪ Where is ring finger

♪ Where is ring finger?

♪ Here I am

♪ Here I am

♪ How are you today, sir?

♪ Very well, I say, sir

♪ Run away

♪ Run away

That's a hard one,
isn't it?

♪ Where is pinkie?

♪ Where is pinkie?

♪ Here I am

♪ Here I am

♪ How are you today, sir?

♪ Very well, I say, sir

♪ Run away

♪ Run away


♪ Where is everybody?

♪ Where is everybody?

♪ Here we are

♪ Here we are

♪ How are you today, sir?

♪ Very well, I say, sir

♪ Run away

♪ Run away

They've all run away,

But let's bring
them back, ok?

All right.

There they are.
That's great.

Do you have
another one for us?

Yes, we do. About
the birds that fly.


and yellowbirds.

Oh, I know that one.

Do you know
that song, kevin?


Good. Do you, rich?

Do you? Well, let's all sing
with mrs. Saunders.

All right. You can
make the motions

Of the birds flying.

♪ Bluebird, bluebird

♪ Fly through my window

♪ Bluebird, bluebird

♪ Fly through my window

♪ Bluebird, bluebird

♪ Fly through my window

♪ Buy molasses candy

♪ Fly through my window,
little turtledove ♪

♪ Fly through my window,
little turtledove ♪

♪ Fly through my window,
little turtledove ♪

♪ And buy molasses candy


♪ Redbird, redbird

♪ Fly through my window

♪ Redbird, redbird

♪ Fly through my window

♪ Redbird, redbird

♪ Fly through my window

♪ And buy molasses candy

♪ Fly through my window,
little turtledove ♪

♪ Fly through my window,
little turtledove ♪

♪ Fly through my window,
little turtledove ♪

♪ And buy molasses candy

♪ Yellowbird, yellowbird

♪ Fly through my window

♪ Yellowbird, yellowbird

♪ Fly through my window

♪ Yellowbird, yellowbird

♪ Fly through my window

♪ Buy molasses candy

♪ Fly through my window,
little turtledove ♪

♪ Fly through my window,
little turtledove ♪

♪ Fly through my window,
little turtledove ♪

♪ And buy molasses candy

Oh, that was fun.
Oh, thank you for those songs.

I enjoyed it.

I like it when you all come.

Next time, I'll have
something for you to eat.

But my refrigerator's
bare today.

The electricity went off,

And you know what happens
when that happens.

Yes. Well, we're going to
have to say good-bye now,

Mr. Rogers.

Well, if you have to leave,

You've got to punch
the punch clock first.

Oh, good.
Come along.


Follow me, please,
to the punch clock.

Who wants to be first
to punch? Kevin?

Just put it right in there.

And you'll--you'll hear it.


Good. You've punched out.

Rich, would you like to?

Right in there.

And get yourself
an out time.



And that's your card.

Ready, t.t.?

Just push it in.

Do you like it?
It's fun, isn't it?


All right,
thank you.

Mrs. Saunders.



I'll punch
when I leave.

That was fun.

Thanks for coming today.

Come back, kevin.

Bye-bye. Bye, t.t.

Bye, rich.


Bye, mrs. Saunders.
Thanks again.

Mighty special people.

Let's see how lydia is.

Did you sing with us, lydia?

Puppies don't sing, do they?

You about ready to go now?

Yeah. Well,
we all have to go.

My goodness, our visits
go quickly, don't they?

Well, we'll be together...

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow

♪ With a song or two

♪ One, two

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow

♪ With a smile for you

♪ Till then,
I hope you're feeling ♪

♪ Happy

♪ Till then,
I hope your day is ♪

Can you do it? Snappy.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ It soon will be tomorrow

♪ And be our day

♪ We will say a very happy

♪ Tomorrow to you

Ready, lydia?

Yep. We will be back
tomorrow. Mm-hmm.

But we've got to
punch out now, lydia.

A card for you.


And a card
for mr. Rogers.

Just what king friday says.

See you tomorrow.
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