Rocket from Calabuch, The (1956)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Rocket from Calabuch, The (1956)

Post by bunniefuu »

Weapons for peace. The marelyn rocket, a
great invention from missing prof. Hamilton

takes off towards the outer space.

It leaves behind planet earth,
the world where we jive.

From that height, the planet
looks like a school globe.

But where did the nuclear
scientist take his secret?

His mysterious disappearance has
brought unrest to all world embassies

and police in every
country has been mobilized.

Just in case you find him by accident

and you want to earn the reward

here is prof. Hamilton 8
days before he disappeared.

This was the moment he was
leaving the port of New York

fowards a secret base
in the mediterranean.

This was his last interview with
reporters from the western world.

This is the story of a
village named calabuch

where a man named
Jorge arrived one day.

This happened on may 17, 19...

Well, on a day of the year
when Russia signed the concordat

and the Americans
ceased protecting Europe.

But also the year in which
Jorge serra Hamilton,

the nuclear scientist being sought
by police in many countries

fo protect him, of course -

discovered two things
he didn't invent:

The sky and the sea.

If the lighthouse of
calabuch had had a radar

it would have detected him. But the
the lighthouse only has a keeper

and calabuch
has a population of 928.

From the distance, it
looks like a fortress.

It was actually one
in ancient times.

But from the old wars, only
children games remain

and a few rusty canons
being used only for this

for this

or... for this. Hey, kid!

Well, meet the army of calabuch

and the story that we
are about to tell you.

Thrust your chest out, man!

Turn around!

Are you a Roman or a dummy?

Are you carrying a candle or a Lance?

Well, last year I was an apostle.

This is a Lance, and
you carry it this way!

Do you see it, you animal?

One - two... three - four!

One - two... stay away!

One - two ...!

One - two...

Do it right, or I will assign
you to the philistines' platoon!

Platoon... at the double!

Juan ...Juan, listen ...!
I need to talk to you!

Wait for me, I need to grab a parcel
at the cove. I'll be back soon.

I can't. My father will be home
once he is done with the training!

Don't go away!


I said "halt"!

Alright... number yourselves off!

We don't know how to
do it in Roman numerals!

Don't try to be funny!

Of course... as I suspected!
Juan and crescencio...

But today those two
will run into trouble!

Where did they hide the
parcel? We must find it!

Here it is.

So you are hiding, eh?

Latinum loquere, no?

- What?
- This guy must be German.

We are spaniards! He is Juan!

I am crescencio!

Oh, spaniards. Of course.

If you understand Spanish,
check if the cop is gone.

- He's coming for us. What shall we do?
- Let's get out of here!

And what do we do with this?

Please, do us a favour
and give this to lobster!

Hey, where is that lobster guy?

- He is in calabuch!
- Ah...

Damn! I almost hit him.

Hey, be careful when sh**ting!

I wasn't aiming at you, but you
guys are starting to piss me off!

Hey, Juan, I have nothing
to do with your daughter!

I'm just doing my duty, for
you were smuggling something!

I don't care about Juan and Teresa,
but if you keep going this way...!

What? - I'll leave and I'll do
my smuggling at guardamar!

Do you know where lobster is?

Would you mind telling me
where can I find lobster?

Don't disturb, please.

This "s" looks beautiful.

You think so?

One of the best I've ever seen.

I am very good at drawing the "s".

Is this boat yours?

It is Faustino"s and he is in a
hurry. He is getting married next week.

Aaahh ...But, where is lobster?

- Lobster?
- Yes.

Ask for him in the cafe.

Now I have to draw a "p"".

It's quite difficult, believe me. I
like people watching me while I work.


Still no news of the whereabouts of
nuclear scientist professor Hamilton

who has mysteriously disappeared from
a secret base in the mediterranean.

An official spokesman
said to the journalists

that in view of the measures
adopted by the security services

it is impossible for professor
Hamilton to go anywhere.

Finding him, he added...




6 x8=486x9 =54



Is lobster here?

Children, be quiet!

How is there?

It's a beggar.

Could you tell me if lobster is here?

Quiet, please!


Do you think this is the most
appropriate place to find lobster?

Couldn't you tell me where to find him?

Why do you ask me?

Where do you come from?

- Me?
- Yes, you.

Well, I... you see...

I came from over there.

I said be quiet!

Please, good man, leave
and don't stir the kids!

Let's start again, kids!

Don Leonardo! Don Leonardo!

Listen, Don Leonardo. Please... I am
trying to teach the kids how to multiply

and the music is distracting them.

Please understand I need a bit of quiet.

But schoolmistress,
today is our practice day.

And this, too, is a difficult exercise.

- But to please you we will play softer.
- Thank you.

Alright guys, piano piano.

One, two!

- Excuse me...
- Sstop.

What do you want?

I am looking for lobster.

The trumpet? I know the
band didn't sound as usual!

This lobster guy ...!

Where is he?!


- What's the matter?
- Do you think you are at home?

You are not allowed to play
the trumpet while in jail.

I am a poor prisoner
who is singing his sorrows...

In the penitentiary of love...

Fermin! I've told you countless times
not to put your feet on the table.

because is against the m*llitary rules.

And second,
because the table is mine. Understand?

- Yes, sir.
- Put that over there!

What are you reading?

- Napoleon...
- Bonaparte ...!

- Is that guy in there?
- Yes, sir.

Start making the list
of confiscated goods.

- Teresa!
- Yes, father?

If I see you again with that
scoundrel, do you know what will happen?

No, father.

Can you guess what will happen?

You can't even imagine?

Well, if I see you with him
again, I'll break all your bones.

I love him, father!

I'm the only one who
loves in this household!

Yes, father. Whatever you say.

You cannot love a man
who lives out of thin air.

He is a good man. And if it wasn't for the
bad weather, he would make a lot of money.

- Doing what kind of work?
- By working on his profession.

- On his profession...
- Sefior Matias!

Just a moment!

Do you know what his job is?
He is a smuggler!

I'm coming!

And do you know that if I catch him
I will put him in jail... down here?


Why are you shouting?

My pen is broken. It was so old...

Oh, lord...

At this pace, we'll need
a new pen every month.

Here, and be more careful!

Give me the newspaper.

What are you looking at? It's mine!

Hmmm, let's see, let's see...

- The missing nuclear scientist...
- May I come in?

Come in.

Excuse me. Is lobster here?


This is unbearable! I'm going
to confiscate your trumpet!

- Fermin, tell him!
- At your orders!

Lobster! Open the door!

I told you to open the door!

What's up?

Matias said you have to
stop playing the trumpet!

Forget it...

Looks like he is very angry at
you. What have you done to him?

Nothing, don't worry. I'll get
you out of here, you have my word.

But I am fine in here. At least, so far.

What? It's better to be out.

Trust me, I am a friend of that
cop. I'll talk to him and ..

So what did he lock you up?
Why doesn't he let you go?

Matias can be grumpy every now and
then. Like anyone who is in charge.

But he is not a bad guy.

It's not easy to be a cop.

I almost became one, but I
would have had to study a lot.

- Hi.
- Hi, Teresa. Is your dad still upset?

I don't know, he is asleep.

He is Jorge.
She is Matias' daughter.

Sorry, my hands are wet.

What movie are you playing tonight?

One with juanita reina.
People will cry a lot.

I prefer the ones with Gregory peck.

- Alright, my pleasure.
- Bye.

Nice girl. And
she is an excellent cook.

- Do you know juanita reina?
- No.

You will see her tonight.

Will Matias let us go?

Besides, Matias is crazy
about juanita reina.

I'll tell you a secret. Whenever there is
a juanita reina movie, we do our smuggling.


Lobster! Matias wants to see you.

- Let's go, Jorge.
- Let's go.

No, just you.

This is for the corporal
to say. Let's go.

- Hey, lobster...
- What's up?

The villagers want a film, so I'll set
you free. But just to project the movie.


Yes, I got it. I'll go tot he
station to pick up the movie.

- It's a juanita reina movie.
- Really ...?

Alright, alright, just go!

What are you doing here? Go
back to the cell, quickly!

Who'ill help me then? Lucio is sick and I
need someone knowledgeable, like Jorge.

So he knows about mechanical stuff?
Let me see your papers.

What do you need his papers for?
I am his guarantor.

Jorge is my uncle. Do you remember
eloisa? Jorge married her in malaga.

- Isn't that so, Jorge?
- Yes.

Why does he
travel without papers?

A gypsy stole his papers.

And what did the gypsy
want his papers for?

He didn't want his
papers, just his jacket.

And what about this one?!

Well, Jorge stole this one.

Stole it? From whom?

From a gypsy.

From the same gypsy?

How could Jorge take the jacket form
that gypsy if the gypsy was wearing it?

do you think I am stupid, lobster?

You know? I think this uncle
of yours is another smuggler.

Alright, you are right. So what?

So I am going to open a file.

No problem, Matias. You do your duty and
I'll do mine. I'll stay here with Jorge.

And let this one play the movie,
if he can...

So you are pushing me?

It's you the one who is pushing me.

What harm can this old man do? Are
you afraid of him running away?

He has nowhere to go.

Yes, but... - Don't worry,
we'll be back after the movie.

Leave the door open,
so we won't wake you up. Alright?

I want to see you back
by the end of the movie.

If you try to cheat you'll
sleep in the street, alright?

Agree, Matias.
Jorge, say thanks to him.

Thank, you, corporal.


- At your orders...
- Take a form...

Grab the new pen...


Re: Unknown old man

who is known as "uncle Jorge".

This is the no-do. Did you
like the wildlife movie?

Yes, very nice.

I like those with
animals. One learns a lot.

A few days ago I found about that fly that
bites you and then you sleep for months.

It should bite Matias.

The no-do is boring, because it
is like an outdated newspaper.

Yes, but it tells you what's
going around the world.

Nope. Just processions,
cheap housing, bicycles,

it never shows a
beautiful girl in swimsuit.

Lobster! Lobster!

What about the merchandise?

We'll have to leave you at your place. The
sexton doesn't want to carry it anymore.

Did the old man give you the parcel?

Damn! That would have allowed me to
pay the last installment of my bicycle.

It wasn't his fault.

You will have to come with us.

I can't, lucio isn't here.
Unless one of you stays here...

I know nothing about that beast. You
can stay, you know about bicycles.

No way! Those things catch
fire without a warning!

We cannot miss this chance, we don't
get juanita reina movies so often.

Wait a minute.

Hey, Jo, Jorge. An

would you mind keeping an
eye on that movie projector?

The 2 first reels are already linked. Just
make sure the picture is not out of focus

- see? This way.
- And how do I know when it's out of focus?

Because down there they start
screaming like animals. Just watch...

You turn this knob until
the image is sharp again.

It's easy, just try it.

I've got it! If the faces are
not clear, I turn this know.

Noooo! Not now!

I mean I turn it until the
picture is clear. Right?

Great. I'll be back
soon. Just pay attention.

Thank you, Jorge!

- See you!
- Bye.

Come on, hurry up!

Lobster, if I hook a fish,
what shall I do?

Don't worry, it's unusual
for them to bite so late.

Hey, is the power
single-phase or three-phase?

We don't have those fancy things around
here. Just concentrate on the knob!

Just concentrate on the knob!


In ♪13 infantry regiment's hq, a ceremony
was celebrated. During the mass...

Both the chiefs and the conscripts...

Weapons for peace. The marelyn rocket, a
great invention from missing prof. Hamilton

takes off towards the outer space.

Just in case you find him by accident
and you want to earn the reward

here is prof. Hamilton 8
days before he disappeared.

This was the moment he was
leaving the port of New York

fowards a secret base
in the mediterranean.

This was his last interview with
reporters from the western world.

Police around the world
has been mobilized...

Calm down!

- Lobster...
- What's up?

Where is ...?

In the patio, at the
end... at your right!

Teresa, why did you take so long?

You know I
wanted to talk with you.

I couldn't come out earlier.

It's the prisoner.

- Good morning.
- Hi

- I'm very angry.
- Why?

Because you didn't
come out yesterday.

He didn't let me. He says
he doesn't like you at all.

- But you like me.
- Yes, a lot.

- And do you like me?
- Even more.

I need a boat. I could smuggle on
my own, then fish on my spare time.

- Hey, you, excuse me...
- What do you want?

- Where could I have a bath?
- A bath?

Go to the beach!

But I don't have a swimsuit!

Wait, I'll lend you one!

Water may be cold,
but I have no choice.

Don't know if it will fit.
The comedians left it behind.

- Thank you.
- Bye.


Teresa! Teresa'

- listen...
- My father has woken up!

See you this afternoon in the
usual place. I'll talk to Don félix.

You think this is a hotel? Well, today
I'll fix the lock and will lock you two up

and now confess: Where is uncle Jorge?

- Where?
- Oh, you are a pain!

There he is!

Jorge... come in here.

- Come here. Where were you?
- Who, me?

Don't you know you cannot
leave without my permission?


Do you understand?

This is a jail, not a resort.

Just because I treat you well you
shouldn't try to take advantage of me.

Where are you going?

- I'm going out.
- What?

That's what you think.

Today you will stay here.

Let's take this seriously,

Be reasonable, Matias. You may be angry at
me, but what would I do here the whole day?

Do I also have to entertain you?

And who will play the
trumpet in the band?

Today is practice day.

I don't care about your practice, the
trumpet or the band. You'll stay here!

Here is breakfast.

You would be abusing your authority.

I am the authority here, got
that? But I don't abuse anyone.

Hi. Lobster, Don félix wants you to
install the light bulbs in the cross.

I can't go now. Tell Don félix
that Matias can install them!

Shall I tell him that?

Yes, tell him I am not going!

Just a moment! Get out!

I said I won't go!

Really? So you are trying
to avoid to work. Come here!

but I will hold you accountable!

I won't work without a helper!

And lucio is still sick...
Let's go, Jorge!

No, Jorge will stay here.

Until when? Are you going
to lock him up for life?

I'm awaiting instructions
from my superiors.

Matias, are you trying to make
me believe you wrote a letter?

I will write today.

See? Jorge, promise Matias
you won't leave calabuch.

But I don't intend
to leave calabuch...

Did you hear it? You promise, Jorge?

You have my word of honour.

I like calabuch...

Yes, I really like it.

I like calabuch.

Yes, of course. It's very
beautiful. I see it everyday

but now I have something
to do in friar's cave.

What about the light bulbs?

There is plenty of time for that.

Wait for me at the church's
door. I'll be back soon.

- I'll go for a swim first.
- Do whatever you want. See you.


- Good morning.
- Hi

did you finish the 'r'?

Yes, it is a very urgent job.

- Did you find lobster?
- Yes, thank you.

I'll be able to finish in 3
days. The 'a' is easy enough.

Two straight lines. Just have to link
them above so that I don't draw an 'h...

See? This way.

Oh, well.


Oh, hi.

Why are you doing that?

Doing what?

Well... that.

This is physical training.

Ah... and what is that for?

To keep oneself strong.

Let's smoke a cigarette.

Well, I like that.

What's your name?

- I am Jorge. And you?
- Felipe.

Throw that cigarette
away! Didn't you hear me?

And you,
don't try to hide and listen!

Aren't you ashamed of
offering cigarettes to a child?

Miss, it was me who
gave him the cigarette.

Shut up, don't protect him!

What were you doing here?

We were doing physical training.

Atlas system.
I was skinny, and now...

You like to make my students
waste their time, isn't it?

Why don't you go to a retirement
home? I'm sorry to see an old man...

Without a place where to drop dead.

I already ran away
from a retirement home.

Why did you run away?
Did they mistreat you?

On the contrary,
they treated me too well.

So what do you want? Team up
with a scoundrel like lobster?

Well, maybe it's society's
fault and not yours.

If you want, I can offer
you a job in the school.

But you will have to attend
night school. What do you say?

Well... it depends.

If you accept my proposal,
then come and see me.

And regarding you, Felipe... today is the
last time you skip school. D'you get it?

I must help Don Ramon.
You know he is very busy.

Listen, Don félix. I move the
queen's rook to 3 bishop king.

Listen... are you there?

Operator... operator... Carmen!


Please, Carmen, put me with
Don félix. Our call was cut.

Don félix? Which number is that?

Number 4.

1, 2,3... 4.

Number 4, number 2 is calling you.

Thank you, Carmen. Yes, Don Ramon, I
heard you. Queen's rook to 3 bishop king.

Now, let me think.

Now I move... pawn 4 queen.

So you move pawn 4 queen.

Very well, let me think.


- Who is he?
- Jorge. He's never seen a lighthouse.

- Hi.
- Oh, very well.

Come here.

Never seen a lighthouse?
This one is 3rd class,

but I have applied to get
it upgraded to 2nd class.

Or, at least, to remain 3rd
class with a 2nd class light.

But of course ..

Look, I am responsible
for all that coast.

This idiot superintendent told me the
other day they may close the lighthouse.

What does that idiot know about the sea?


This lighthouse saved
a boat last winter.


They saw the light at...

How many miles, Felipe?

At 100 miles.

No, it was the ocean liner the
ohe that saw us at 100 miles.

An ocean liner contacted
us once by radio

"we are 100 miles away. We
see your light. Thank you"

a lighthouse is something very serious.

If it is turned off, what
would be of the fishermen?

What would be of them?

I don't know, I ..

I'll tell you: They will
end in the bottom of the sea.

But good luck convincing that
bossy superintendent about this.

It's a struggle...

Luckily, at night I talk
with friends by radio, I study

and I gaze at the stars.

Tell him about the stars.

Ah, the stars...

Tell him about the distances!

It's very complicated, you
have to use 10 figure numbers.

Do you see the stars look
so close to each other?

Well, they are like from here to...

They are at astronomical distances.

Come one night and I will show
you the moon with the spyglass.

I've seen it! It's like it was here!

Damn! I forgot about the
chess game! Excuse me.

He is a very intelligent man.

So I'll move... I'll move...

Queen by rook.

Excuse me... why not
queen 7 bishop king?

Oh, great! Now I'll win
the game! Thank you, Jorge!

You are welcome.

Hey, listen, Don Felix.
I stand corrected.

I meant to say...
Queen to 7 bishop king.

Check mate!

What? You cheating scoundrel!
You play with the books in your hand!

You know you cannot backtrack
a move! You said queen for rook!

Wait, you cheater!
I'll give you an earful!

What's going on?

- He wants to talk to you?
- What's the matter now?

I know about Teresa! Now I must go,
I have a very serious matter to deal with!

That idiot, backing
off from queen by rook!

You must marry us
immediately, Don félix.

I can't do it without Teresa's
father's authorization,

and he is a bigger
idiot than Don Ramon.

What has
Don ramén to do with this?

Don ramoén is my problem.

But listen, Don félix...

You are too young and I
need her father's permission.

Besides, I won't marry you because
you have no boat. Understand?

Smuggling gets me by. If I sell some
more tobacco, I'll have a boat in a month.

Besides, Teresa can help by sewing.

While she sews for others, who'll sew my
clerical clothing and other church stuff?

Go home. I will talk to Matias
and we'll see what can be done.

I've warned you. If you don't
marry us, we'll do it our way.

Try that and I'll break one
of your bones, you scoundrel!

I bet you don't know what is the
captain of that boat having for lunch.

- No...
- A lamb's shank!

Bon appétit, pedraza!

He is a good friend.

- Jorge!
- What?

I'll wait for you at the church!

Don Ramon! Don Ramon!

Don Ramon!

Show your face, don't be shy!

You played queen for rook!

You cheater!

What do you say?
I can't hear anything!

Once you move a piece by
phone, backtracking is cheating!

- C'mon, hurry up!
- Wait.

- Come on!
- Never seen so much stuff in a church.

Let's go! Need them for the job.

The lightbulbs, too?

Later. We must hide these now.

- Don't make noise!
- What's the matter with it?

It doesn't work?

No. A representative
donated it, elections time,

but, as no one can play it,
it broke down.

- It plays!
- That's the best place to hide our stuff!

What a pity...
Couldn't you find another hiding place?

There's no other place!

Fermin and Matias are always watching
us, don't you understand?


Anything new to report?

The tide is flooding.

Too bad for you, for
your duty is to patrol.

And if I become isolated,
like a few days ago?

Never mind, you stay where
you are even if you become wet.

At your orders!


Good afternoon, miss luisa.

Hi, good afternoon.

Going for a walk?


I like to come here at this time of
the day. It is a beautiful place.

L, too, like to walk.

Mind you, while on duty

I see things differently.

Sure. - By the way, we still
haven't found your umbrella.

Don't worry, I'm
managing with this one.

Besides, you will likely have
other things to think about.

To me, anything that happens
in calabuch is important.

Especially, if it regards you.

Thank you.

I would like to ask you something.

Go ahead.

Well... you see, many times I see
fermin patrolling from the rocks...

Do you think there is
something to worry about?

Don't worry, the only danger is
smugglers, and since lobster is in jail...

But... do you think
that lobster is dangerous?

No, miss, but that scoundrel...

Has some special gift
to gain people's minds.

Jorge, I'm turning the power on!
See if all of them light up!

No problem.

I'm coming down!

Do you want something?

No, nothing.

Hi, father. He is Jorge!

What do you think, Don félix?

I've put the red ones towards
the sea, just to annoy Don Ramon.

Good, good.

Is it true that during
last year's storm

you saw those lights
before the lighthouse's?

Sure, we've told you many times.

Yes, but it's so amazing, that unless
it was a favour from Saint froilan

in any case Don Ramon must admit that my
lights are as visible as his lighthouse's.

Far more visible, Don
félix! Far more visible!

I'm going to bring the
hangers to install them.

- See you later, Jorge.
- Bye.

Well, Jorge, you can come
to church whenever you want.

You can help me with mass.

I don't think I can.

Why not, my son?

- Because I am a protestant.
- No problem, that can be cured.

I didn't think it could.

You were wrong. The only ones that are
not allowed in my church are the usurers

and those heretics who
cheat while playing chess.

Hey, why did you
become a protestant?

You see, since both my
parents were protestants...

Well, that solves the matter

don't come tomorrow if you
don't want, but I want to see you

the day after at Faustino
and Esperanza's wedding.

Wife, I give you this
ring and these 13 coins

as a sign of marriage.

And I accept them.

Long live to the newlyweds!

Long live to the newlyweds!

Long live to the newlyweds!

That was great, Jorge!
That was great!

- Thank you.
- Jorge, you were incredible!

- I was in tears!
- Yes, sir, he was great! Great!

Jorge, he is andrés, the bride's father.

My pleasure. Will you come
with us for the boat's blessing?

Serior Vicente, the
newlyweds are coming!

Well, they can wait.

- But they are here!
- They can wait and not be in a hurry!

- Look at them!
- Don't bug me.

Well, and now... what?

First, the bottle.

That's right! The bottle!

No, first comes the
blessing. Here is Don félix.

- Here I am. Good morning everybody.
- Good morning.



One, two...

You have spoiled my ...!

Alright, it's done.
Now, sail as god intended.

And the same goes for you two.

Stop the music! Stop it!

Now comes the bottle.

- Do I break it against the boat?
- Yes!

And now, the fireworks!

Yes, the fireworks!

Here, up it goes!

- What's happening? Are they sh**ting?
- Don't be scared, it's only gunpowder!

- That one... it went up at least 100 m!
- 150m.

It could go higher.

50 grams of gunpowder, 150
meters high. That's the limit.

But by arranging for a
series of chain explosions...

What chains? How do you expect a
chained firework to take off?

Aren't you afraid? It
could explode in your hand.

No, it's very easy. You just
have to grab it this way...

It looks simple.

Yes, you just light the fuse...

And it takes off! See?

That's it.

Here it is. Problem solved.

Do you understand it?

Not at all. But how long do
you want the bamboo stick to be?

The bamboo stick is unimportant.
The connections are the key.

In a firework, the bamboo stick is as
important as a propeller for a plane.

Propellers are a thing of the past. Do
you know oberth's propulsion theory?

- No.
- No?!

Here... it's here!

If we get a series of chain explosions,
the firework will have very high speed

and will go really high!

Have you seen how easy?

Oh, the school. I must go to school.

I promised the schoolmistress
that I would attend.

Andrés, have everything ready for
tonight. Sorry, and see you later.

Sure, sure...

But I will add the
bamboo stick, eh?

- Good afternoon, Jorge.
- Good afternoon.

What's with this scarf?

Why did you
skip school yesterday?

I am sorry.
We are working on the rocket.

- But, tonight, you'll come, won't you?
- Yes, of course.

I've received these seeds.
Will you help me plant them?

Gladly, miss.

- Let's go, then.
- Let's go.

These flowers are sick.
I kept them too much in the sun.

Is sun bad for flowers?

No. But too much of anything
is not good.

Alright... take it; While you dig,
I'll go inside to fetch water.


Let's do it.

What are you doing?!

It's too large. Have you
never planted flowers before?


Well, now is the time to learn.

Well, we are going to plant...

These ones...

Violet pansies.

Interesting... they are so little.

Well, that's just the seeds!

From those seeds a number of pansies,
beautiful as velvet, will sprout.

why would they call them "pansies"?

Perhaps because lovers offer each
other those flowers. Don't you think so?

I don't know. I've never sent flowers to
anyone; Only saw them in the florist shops

there are no florists in calabuch.

When the children want to give me
flowers, they get them from the fields.

- Do you have many?
- Yes.

Wild flowers, daisies,
and mostly poppies.

On my birthday, the classroom
is filled with flowers.

And... when is your birthday?

The 25th of may.

Unfortunately, that's
still a long way from now.


Look, do you know
le langage des fleurs?

No, I...

The language of the flowers.

Red carnation means
pure and lively love.

The girls carry one in their

When they are in love.

Then... flowers talk around here.

Yes, of course they do talk.

Each one has a different meaning.
A yellow carnation means...


These things should
be taught in schools.

Do you intend to stay
in calabuch for a long time?

I don't know.

I would like to stay forever.


What's the meaning of this flower?

It is a geranium tristis.

It means... loneliness.


- Do you like it?
- Yes... yes.

Miss, it's already time!

It's already time!

It's already time!
It's already time!

Jorge, they are waiting
for you at the café!

Oh, yes... yes.

Look, there is Jorge.

Hil = hi!

Hi, Jorge. How are things?

Do you want to drink something?

Sure, thank you. How is tere?

She's getting better, thank you.

How are you doing with the new firework?

Well... very well.

You won't get a carom sh*t this
way. You must hit the other one.

It's too difficult,
they are too far apart.

May I try?


- Thank you.
- Go ahead.

Let's see...

Oh, damn!

Jorge! Are you coming?

We've been waiting
for you for one hour!


Please forgive me for
arriving a bit late.

When you agree to be here at
certain time, you must comply!

I've never
made anyone wait in my life.

That's stretching the truth.

You be quiet!

In the end, we will
have to let them win!

What, you idiot? I don't
need you to let me win.

I always win by playing fair!

I don't cheat like you do.

Ok, let us have peace.

Matias, why are you so grumpy?

Sorry, Jorge, but he
is always picking on me.

Today, and regardless of who wins, there
won't be a rematch. It'll be late by then

you are the ones asking for a rematch.

- Since we always win...
- Nobody can defeat us.

Double six opens.

Double six.


so 6-1, eh?

Well... 6-4.

Good move!



So soon?

Double Ace!

They got all the 7 aces. I also pass!

Hi. You...

Did they start long ago?

They still have at least one hour left.

Hey, I'm reading about a movie where Gary
Cooper is going through yoursituation

that's nonsense!

Yes, he is a rustler and he is
in love with a mountie's daughter.

The mounties does not like him, so he
abducts her and runs away on a horse!

Here is again that bore from ♪4.


5. _5.4

Spanish national radio

now he'll pass...

The Spanish national radio
is transmittig the news...

- Are you signaling him?
- No, I was just arranging the flower.

Well, Jorge. A flower from the fiancée?

It is a geranium tristis.

It means... loneliness.

Hamilton, whose disappearace has
worried all embassies around the world...

Lower the radio's volume!
If he talks, I cannot talk!

Carmen, please put some
music, but not so loud!

It has been an obvious lack
of coordination between...


They won. Of course, you
never passed may any fives ...!

I didn't have any!

Dear Jorge, we won the coffee.

In domino the main thing is
understanding between partners

and you and I understand
each other very well.

Where from did you
get that fountain pen?

- Can't I have a fountain pen?
- Let me see.

No! There is a saying: "Don't lend
anyone your horse or your pen"!


That's not how that
saying goes! I know it!

Well, don't explain it,
there is no need for that!

- Let me see it! I'll give it back.
- Give it to him.

I knew it!
We have to let him win!

I don't want you boasting about
having a fountain pen in front of me!

It's mine!

Where did you buy it?

Let me see...

It's not the latest model...

- No?
- No, it's from 1951.

Do you know what this
little hole is for?

I never saw it!

It's to fill it with ink.

Stick the pen into the inkpot

blow through the little hole

and that's all!

Mine doesn't have the little hole.

Mine does!

José has 12 Parker fountain pens.

They confiscated 4 from him.

If from the remaining he sold 3

how many pens does José have left?

Write it down.

That's very easy.

Be quiet!


Yes, five!

Jorge, quit playing!

As a punishment, you will have to learn
the multiplication table by tomorrow!


How many times do I have to tell you
not to paint doodles in the walls?

Doodles? Those are formulae... formulae!

Whatever, the fact is I
never have the jail clean.

It smells nice!



I'm coming!

- Is dinner ready?
- Yes!

Bring it here.

- Is lobster back?
- No.

When he returns, don't let him in.

This is no time to be back!

- Good night, Jorge.
- Good night.

Close when you feel like it.

Teresa penarrochal

what's the matter?

- Registered mail.
- Give it to me.

It's for Teresa. I
have to give it to her.

Give it to me, I'll sign.

It's for me, father!

Here... that letter is for me.

But I'll get it. Any problem with that?

I won't give it to you, that's my duty.

Crescencio, don't irritate
me. Just give me the letter.

Chanel no 5.

- What are you saying?
- Just that. It smells like Chanel no 5.

Chanel no 57 bad daughter!

Bad daughter!

A visa for Venezuela...

You wanted to run away with
that scoundrel Juan, eh?

Yes. I'll leave! I'll leave! I'll leave!

No, you won't. Where you are
going to go now is to jail!

Keep going... keep going!

Move! Move! I'm going to k*ll you!
I'm going to k*ll you!

You were going to leave your father
alone... about to abandon me!

Bad daughter! You are a bad daughter!

Bad woman! I'm going to k*ll you!

Go in there!

Sorry, Jorge. But this
beast wanted to run away!

Now you'll stay here, in jail!


Let me know if she tries to escape!

Don't cry!

Everything will be alright.

You are young

you still have
lots of time ahead of you.

Here, have this flower.

It will bring you luck.

But... what about you?

Bah, I don't need it.

Teresa! Teresa!

I spoke again with Don Felix.
He won't marry us.

He says we don't have a boat. I
told him we would do something crazy.

Once we have the papers for
Venezuela we'll run away!

Go away,
I don't want to see you again!

Go to hell! You, my father,
Venezuela, everybody! Go to hell!

What's wrong with you??!!


This is worse than being gored.


What's his name?

Black mouth.

But... isn't today the holiday?

Of course it is! Don't
you see the flags?

Is he very brave?

Yes, but don't bug him. He is tired
from the trip and he has to work.

- Where is everyone?
- Over there!

This is not the one from
last year, his name was planetarium!

This is his son, he'll also do well.

- Where did you say they were?
- In the church!

The lord is with thee!

Blessed art thou amongst women

- march with devotion...
- And also with charm and martiality!

Hail Mary!

Hail Mary!

Full of grace!

The lord is with thee!

Blessed art thou amongst women!

The romans did well this year.

Hey, what's his name?

Black mouth!

Doesn't he look a bit haggard?

I would like to see you in his place.

Three bullfights this week, and
one was with two bullfighters.

Stay away! Stay away!

Don't come close. Is anyone
from the committee here?

I am one of the judges.
What do you want?

I'm castano, from guardamar.
Where do we put the fireworks?

In the castle, like last
year. Andrés is there.

Is it true that he
has invented a rocket?

Ask him about that!

Those guys from the other village
are also participating this year?

Why don't we go and see
what andrés is up to?

What for? We'll end in
second place, as we always do.

Good morning, corporal.
Is the ceremony over?


Where is lobster?

He won't be out today.
Don't you see it's a holiday?

You are showing it,
you look like a general.

Have a seat, we are waiting for Jorge.

Alright, let's drink.

I am buying.

He's here.

Make the announcement.

By order of the mayor...
The bullfight is about to start!

All the rules from last
year are still in effect!

Everybody leave the ring!

Damn bull!

Come on, charge!

Don't you remember the other
day, when you did so great?

Come on...

Jorge, run to the castle!

- What's the matter?
- Andrés is all confused!

I gave him the blueprints.
What else does he want?

He says that it will be your fault
if the rocket doesn't take off.

Is he not going to let me
watch the bullfight in peace?

C'mon, pick a side,
make up your mind.

Then we'll lose, because andrés
gave up, he doesn't know what to do.

Andres is a stupid,
stubborn man. Let's go!

Andres is crazy this year. How does
he expect that thing to take off?

- If they fire it, we'll all blow!
- Most likely.

Leave it! Don't you see that's
impossible? Why waste our time?

I think that, if we manage
to put it upright...

Careful! You are going to drop this!

And what do we do with the tube
for the fuse? A well, perhaps?

Had I done as usual instead of
listening to that damned Jorge ...!

The best thing we can
do is not to participate.

Sure, and the prize will
go again to guardamar.

I'm bringing him with me!

- What time is it?
- It's six o'clock.

We have four hours left.

Felipe, get Bernardo and
Juan. Get the carpenter with

his tools and tell him to
bring as much wood as he can!

Go, run!

Well, let's start working!

One, two!

Mr mayor... let the guys in.

Antonio, Jorge needs you! Hurry up!

I'm on my way!

Juan, come here. Let's go!

Hurry up, Juan!

Let's go to the castle!

Hurry up!

We must arrive in time!

Narrower here. That
will help the take-off!

- Is your daughter in guardamar?
- Yes.

She will see the rocket tonight.

As long as I see it, I'm happy.


Here are Juan and Bernardo!

Bring a few more men, and tell Teresa
that the gunpowder bags must be sown!

Do you have at hand a
nice colour? A bright red?


Then paint "calabuch™ on the rocket, the
same way you did "Esperanza" on the boat

what for? Nobody will see it!

Do what I tell you. Just paint it.

Don't drink, you are
sweating and you may get ill!

Hey, bull!

Leave me alone! Don't you
see I am the bullfighter?

Get lost! Go home, man!

Dammit! I've had it!

I got hired to bullfight,
and I can't do it this way!

He will Gore all of us, watch and see!

Oh, do whatever you want!

We both have already had it...


Will you leave him alone, please?

- Are you still mad with me?
- Yes.

What have I done to you, Teresa?

I want to marry a fisherman
with a boat, not a bullfighter.

I wanted to get gored and
see if you would soften.

For what I care...

So you don't mind seeing me dead?
Then say so and I'll k*ll myself!

Don't speak nonsense.
I just want to see you working...

Or would work k*ll you?

Not if I worked for you.
I love you so much...

- More than yesterday?
- Of course.

Did I do it right?

Perfect. Unfortunately, it's useless.

So why did you ask me to do it?

So that you were here with us.


The "b" is far
from perfect, but...

It's fantastic. Bravo! Bravo!

Thank you. You
understand about painting.

That's just what I wanted. C'mon,
don't fall asleep! Don't waste any time!

It will be dark in 30 minutes!

Well... let's go.

Get up, my boy!

You don't want to stand up, right?

You've got a cold. I already warned you.

"Don't play with those men...
Don't play with those men"

you don't realize that we
must work tomorrow, and...

Great job done by peiaflor, eh?

You've got the secret for
the blue ones; Right, miss?

Yes, very nice.

But they lack power,
they are not noisy enough!

The blue one is too thin
to put more gunpowder.

Yes, but people want "soul" in the
expl*si*n. Isn't that so, Don fidel?

How high they go is also important.

Oh! Look, look!

- Be quick with the "h", Vicente!
- All is ready!

- Is all ready?
- The way you wanted it!

We are all going to blow!

There is no danger of combustion
until it is 500 m high!

Are you sure they will
see it in guardamar?

- Of course.
- It's because I phoned them ...!

- Attention!
- Don't worry!

Next turn is for calabuch!

I think that nothing is amiss.
Everybody ready!

Let's move!

Let's shelter behind the wall.

Everybody get down!

You didn't light the fuse!

Why didn't you light it?

Me? It was his job!

You have the light!

Yes, it's true! Here!

I'm going.

Light the small fuse first!


- This one?
- Yes! The one with the bamboo stick!


Back off! Back off!

Don't you hear me? Back off!

It's going to take off ahead of time!

Hit me in the face!
Hit me, I deserve it!

We won! We won!

The 5,000 pesetas are ours!

Congratulations, andrés. You were great!

Everything was beautiful.

Finally, calabuch has won!

This is a real miracle!

Jorge deserves it the most!

all together for the picture.

Let's see...

- Stand closer together.
- Ok, ok.

All together, they are
taking us a picture.

Andrés, you here at my side.

Miss luisa...


Your attention... just a moment...

Stay still!

No, that light has nothing
to do with the lighthouse!

Even if you read "calabuch"
it is still a 3rd class!

That was Jorge's rocket!

You don't believe it?

Listen, listen!

Don't you hear people
singing in the streets?

Yes, we won the 1st prize!

You still don't believe it?

Well, too bad for you!
Over and out!

What's happening?

- What's the matter?!
- Nothing. It's Jorge

Jorge? Alright, then, alright.

I hope they saw it in guardamar!

Don't you know those
from guardamar?!

Must have turned their backs
just not to see it!

One moment... may 1?

- I say...
- What're you saying man?

- If you don't let me speak, I won't.
- C'mon, speak!

- Well...
- Come on.

Almost forgot it!
It's something important!

- Very important!
- C'mon, Jorge, let's go!

Coming, coming!

If we manage three more reactions...

The proportion to Alpha... divided by pi
and by the altitude...

We could have an
universal rocket.

The expl*si*n of the rocket
could be seen,

theoretically, at least,
by the entire world.

Oh, and they'd know it had
been fired from calabuch?

- I'll paint the name.
- That's it!

D'you know what we'll do, Jorge?

From tomorrow, we'll start
working on the universal rocket!

- I'll paint it!
- No, no!

I don't think it'd be opportune.

It's not convenient to go
over a certain altitude...

Now I remember! What if we
made rockets instead of contraband?

That's it!

And use legal powder!

Black mouth!

How's things, cocherito?
Still here?

The carb cable is broken.

I've got some twine here.

Let me do it,
I know about bicycles.

Is that twine strong enough? Otherwise
we'll have the same problem tomorrow.

We need to make it to guardamar.

What's wrong with black mouth?

He may have caught a cold!

He was in the water for too long.

He sweats, he gets wet
and then he catches a cold.

That's nothing.

And if he develops a
bronchitis, as he did last time?

We'll give him an aspirin.

An aspirin? Obviously, you
don't know much about bulls.

It's not easy to the
the owner of a bull.

Look, finding lodging for both
of us is already a problem.

You may go. It's fixed. It won't
get loose even with a hammer!

Well, see you next year.

I will tell everybody about the rocket.

- Thanks.
- What a rocket!

The best we've ever seen.

Do you mind giving me a
push? The battery is low...

Sure, no problem!

Just until the downhill section.

See you next year!



That truck is a wreck! And
cocherito is a good guy.



I've got an idea. Why don't we all
go to sing to the schoolmistress?

That sounds very good.

We are going to guardamar...!

Come on, Jorge!

Play the trumpet, lobster!

They've published it!
They've published it!

My picture with the prize! Look!

See how nice we all look!

It looks great, doesn't it?

"An exceptional pyrotechnic?"

The picture of the
winners of a fireworks

contest, taken by our
correspondent in calabuch.

The man in the middle resembles a
lot to the missing professor Hamilton.

- Jorge?
- That's incredible!

- That cannot be!
- Well, if the newspaper says so...

Newspapers only
publish nonsense.

Lobster! Where is Jorge?

- He left this morning.
- Why?

He has ran away!

Who did this foolish thing?!


I just sent the picture,
same as all previous years.

Who could imagine they would
publish it? They never did before.

You just wanted to show off!

What will we do now?

I'll pick and destroy
all the newspapers.

I'm going to punch
you in your face!

The best thing we could do is nothing.
Who cares if Jorge is a scientist?

He is our friend, and that's it.

Sure, but then he could also fix the
power distribution in the main square.

Thinking on taking advantage, Mr. mayor?

Of course not. The city hall
would provide the materials...

Well, that would be the last straw!

Sure. He could also fix my car and...

We just have to hide the news.

Give me the newspaper,
lobster. Hurry up!

Start pretending, here comes Matias!

- Good afternoon, corporal.
- Hi.

Good afternoon, Matias.

Have you found out about Jorge?
He is the nuclear scientist.

They are looking for him.

For heaven's sake,
how did you find out?

It's in the newspaper, everybody
knows about it. Didn't you read it?

So what?

I'm not talking to you.
One day I'll explode and...

Am I not even allowed to talk to you?

Let's try to find him, he
must have gone into hiding!

Hush! Imagine he is the
scientist. Then what should we do?

I only know that he is your
aunt eloisa's husband. Eh?

- Of course.
- Sure. He didn't tell us anything.

There he comes.

Just pretend. Let's not scare him
because of some newspaper's stupidity.

Hil = hi!

- How are you, friend?
- Hi!

Good afternoon!

Good afternoon, Jorge!

- Is there something wrong?
- Nothing, why?

Is there something going on?

- No, all is fine, as usual.
- All is fine.

We were in guardamar buying materials
for more rockets. We have an order for 5!

Vicente, I need to
talk to you. Come here.

I'm going.

Jorge, shall we play
a match before dinner?

Sure. You may start, I will join soon!

See you soon!

You know what I think?

Jorge is not the scientist.
If he was he wouldn't have come back.

I say he is the scientist!

We should tell the authorities!

What authorities? What
Matias says is law!

And, officially, we know nothing.

- Agreed?
- Agreed.

I won't tell anyone.

Great! It will be a surprise!

It's old, but seaworthy.

How shall we name it? 'Juan'?

Better "Teresa",
it has an "'s" on it.

"Teresa"... wait...

This painting set is for you.

Jorge, I...

- You are my friend, aren't you?
- Of course!

So that settles it. See you later.

And remember to be very
discreet. Not a word to anyone.

What shall we do, Jorge?

Andres, while driving
back I was thinking...

To make a slight
modification in our rocket.

If we increase propulsion and diminish the
charge, the rocket will rise more slowly.

This way, the trail will me more visible.

It will burst like a gigantic flower.

Perhaps... like a sunflower?

Yes, that's exactly it!

Please, Jorge, stop sweeping the floor.

This area needs to be cleaned.

Stop sweeping and don't worry.

Besides, that is not
the right job for you.

Why... are you f*ring me?

It's not that... but you cannot
keep sweeping the school floors.

Why not? I like doing that.

There are many things we would
like to do, but we shouldn't do.

Sure, but that does not include the ones
we like to do and don't bother anyone.

- Do you know why I like calabuch?
- Why?

Because everyone does what he likes.

is calabuch your only happiness?

No, but here people don't try to be
different to what they really are.

Nor they care about
what others may think.


People live their lives
without harming others.

If this is not happiness, it must
be something very close to it.

Dear calabuch...

Yeah... dear calabuch...

You should be here in
winter when it rains...

And life is over at 5 pm...

And the only light is the
one from the lighthouse.

What happiness...
One feels like leaving.

Don't think about that.

I thought of you today
while in guardamar.

A small present...

I don't know if you will accept it.

No, it's not this one.

This is the one.

A tall ship.

It made me think about you.

Because it is...

How should I say...? A prisoner.

Thank you very much... oh!

I'm so sorry!

Never mind...

It's alright.
I like it more this way.

Yes, it's very beautiful.

And now... it's free.

This... is for my friend lobster.

- Lobster?
- Yes.

A trumpet...

- Is that for me?
- Yes.

Why this present, Jorge?

So that you don't get bored during winter.
Winter must be very sad around here.

- It's something marvelous.
- It's a beauty.

It's the nicest trumpet I've ever seen.

Looks like it's made of silver.

My friends, I will play a
m*llitary march in Jorge's honour.


- Here's to you, Jorge.
- Thank you.

- Great, bravo!
- Excellent, lobster!


Thank you very much, Jorge.

Let's play a game.

Those are strange whistles, eh?

Those are vibrations from a radar.

Of what?

- Let's play. Cut!
- We'll win today, Matias..

What's the matter?

I don't know. I cannot sleep.

That's strange. You never
had problems sleeping before.

It must have been the coffee
I drank. It tasted like hell.

I am so used to smuggled coffee...

Then, why did you drink it?

Just to upset Matias.

Since he lost, he had to pay for it.

- Shall we go out smoke a cigarette?
- Sure.

Let's go.

You go first.

So, what's on your mind?

One day I will leave calabuch.

You, too, want to leave?

What do you mean by "you, too"?

I'm tired of living in this hole.

I'm tired of everything!

You will find no other
place like calabuch.

Believe me,
I have travelled a lot.

If you don't want,
don't answer me.

Who are you?

Well... don't you remember?

I'm your uncle Jorge, the one who
married your aunt eloisa in malaga.

Don't believe all what I said.

Every man has his little secret,
lobster. It's better not to dig into it.

I have no secrets for you.

Really? Then tell me...

For how long have you
been in love with her?

- With whom?
- I'm talking about miss luisa.

What are you talking about?

If I ever had to leave calabuch, I would
like to live with you when I come back.

But not here, even if Matias
is treating us very well.

But in your own house...

In a house worthy of her.

Now, it's my turn to be upfront with
you. Do you want to know who I am?

I am Jorge serra Hamilton...

They will give a reward to whoever
finds me. Many thousands... many...

Enough to make anyone happy.

But nobody is looking
for me here in calabuch.

The locals don't care
about the a-b*mb or wars.

The only thing that matters
here is to live. Just to live.

You could have the reward.

It would be a solution for you.

Didn't you hear me? Answer!

Didn't you hear me, you fool?

I haven't heard anything.
And stop talking, I'm sleepy!

Please forgive me, Jorge.

Let's go back to jail,
it's getting late.

- Huh?
- It was about time!

Where have you two been?
Where were you?

We were outside, having a smoke.

And you? What are you doing?

What's the matter, Matias?

I don't know... I cannot sleep.

Let's have a drink.


This is what you confiscated
from me, isn't it?

Yes... it's the first time I do that.

But since I cannot sleep...

Here's to you, Jorge.

To the three of us.

And we are fighting each
other about this garbage?


Felipe! Felipe!

Your attention! J-12! Felipe!

Pedraza, listen to me!

Is that you, pedraza?

What does he say? Felipe!

I'm here, Don Ramon.

You are not pedraza?

So why are you
getting involved in this?


The flag ship's radio station?

The admiral wants to speak to me?

What admiral?

Oh .. Is that you, pedraza”? Wait
a moment, an admiral is calling me!

I don't know, just listen!
Listen and warn our friends!

- Felipe!
- Yes, Don ramén!

Run to the coffe shop
and tell them the phone is dead.

- Run!
- Right away!

Let's see...

Signs of the world
naval ships... Chile...

One mast... two masts... no...

The flag ship?

I'm listening!

Is that the admiral?
I'm at your orders!

Tell me... shut up, pedraza!

At your orders, admiral!

Carmen! The telephone is not working!

What do you mean? If I
hang up it works, see?

Don Ramon said that the naval
force admiral wants to talk

immediately with the authority!

What naval force?

I don't know, there
are more than 100 ships!

- Then it cannot be ours.
- Of course not.

- Mayor, Don Ramon is calling.
- Just a moment.

What authority is that
admiral asking for?

I don't know... for the authority?

Remember, Felipe... is the
religious authority, perhaps?

I don't know, father.

Tell me, Ramon. I'm the mayor.

Which authority is he asking for?

For the m*llitary authority.

Yes, Don ramoén?

How are things?

I'm fine.

What do these people want
from the m*llitary authority?

Listen, Matias. The admiral wants
Jorge serra Hamilton to be ready.

They are coming to pick him up.

Do you understand, Matias?

It's Jorge!


- They are coming for Jorge.
- What?! ..

Well, tell this admiral that I only
receive orders from my commander!

Unless my commander authorizes it...
No way! Did you get that, Don ramén?

Easy, Matias. Let's be diplomatic
and tactful. We need to buy some time.

Yes, I don't want them
to start bombing my house.

Alright, Don Ramon. Say "yes" in
principle but without commitment,

because I need
authorization from my superiors.

And meanwhile, the
naval force don't move!

Great! Great!

Relax. First thing
is to make the report.

- Carmen, do you have untrimmed paper?
- No.

What do we do? Fermin,
you must have some.

- Yes, in the binder.
- No, not you.

Go home, and make sure
Jorge doesn't leave.

Tell lobster to bring paper and
the official stamp from the office.

Me? Going to your house?

Yes, you dummy.
Are you deaf? Go!

And you, kid, bring a
1.55 pesetas stamp. Go!

And you, Carmen, watch
here the telephone.

What's going on?

Is it true they are coming for Jorge?

Relax, we'll decide about that.

I must warn the capital.

Then, I should also
be telling the bishop.

- But... where is Jorge?
- He is asleep.

Try not to make any noise
so he doesn't wake up.

Everything alright?

- Jorge...
- Yes?

We would like to thank you.

Thank me? For what?

Why ...For the boat.

Damn! Was it Vicente
the one who told you?

No... but since he
is painting my name...

Is he already done with the "s"?

What can we do for you, Jorge?

Yes... iron the tie you gave me.

What will we do with 3 r*fles?

Today I must dress nicely.
Thank you.

- That cannot be, Jorge.
- What?

They don't want you to leave.

Then, I am a prisoner?

Yes, Jorge. The ships
are coming for you.

But they won't take him! I
suppose that all of us agree!

Yes! Yes!

He loves us, and we love him too!

Who is in charge here? I am!

What's my decision? To resist!

- Great!
- We are with you!

This is no time for applauding!

Action will start soon. We
have to mobilize all our forces.

We should evacuate women and children.

They can do that on their own.

I will organize the active defense. The
most important thing is to have weapons.

Fermin, write down...

We have 3 r*fles in the police station
and a shelter tent.

- I have a shotgun!
- That makes it 4!

Andrés also has a shotgun!

But it's no good. I
didn't buy the license.

No problem. You are temporarily
authorized to use it.

I have a revolver, but it's too old.

The romans ...The spades and the
lances! Bernardo, get them ready!

- Yes, Don félix.
- Hurry up!

And crescencio's dynamite!

So crescencio has dynamite...

Just for fishing.

You bandit!
We'll talk about that later!

- And Jorge?
- We could take him to monteviejo.

Yes, to the sanctuary.
A national monument.

No! He is safer in jail!

Let's see...

- Calabuch...
- It's a map!

- Castle...
- My house!

- The beach...
- Draw it closer to the sea.

Sector a: The castle.

- Andrés.
- Yes?

- With your shotgun and two lances.
- Alright. Come with me.

And here is the lighthouse.
Advanced monitoring center.

Don Ramon and the spyglass.

And here, in the church, women and
children with you, Don félix.

Yes. I'm going.

Here, on the beach ...Lobster
with crescencio's dynamite!

Agreed. You come with me!

- I'm going with them.
- Me too!

We are all going!

No, each one to their
assigned positions!

You are making a mess on the pool table!

Why don't you go to play elsewhere?

You go to your transmissions station!

And fermin and I will have the
headquarters in the shelter tent!

Crescencio, get the dynamite!

Leave it and help here!

Get the lances!

And report to fermin,
he is at the beach!

- Where are we going?
- I told you, to report to fermin!

Let's go, hurry up!

Leonardo! = I'll be back soon!

Don't sweat too much! And
when all is over, back home!

If they start bombing, look
for shelter in the cellar!

Holy Mary, mother of god,

pray for us sinners,
now, and in the hour of our death. Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace, our lord is
with thee, blessed art thou among women...

Holy Mary, mother of
god, pray for us sinners ..

- Don Felix, here is the Lance.
- Later, kid! Later!

Now, and in the hour of our death. Amen.

Go to the boats, quickly!

If we place it horizontally,
we can sink a ship!

Two funnels... two g*ns ..

They are not english...

Two masts, three g*ns... that's it!

Austro - Hungarian empire?

Hurry up, boys.

Nothing to report! The
tent has been assembled!

- Good!
- Don Matias! Here is the stamp!

A bit late for that! Go to
the castle, we need a liaison!

- Where?
- Northern section!

Guys, hurry up.
You hold tight on this side!

Hi, have you seen black mouth?

What's the matter with black mouth?

I've lost him.
We had a bulifight today.

Yes, we have one too.

Keep going!

Now I have to look for the bull...

Sounds like a bomber plane!

- Over there! Do you see it?
- Where?

Above the lighthouse! Here it comes!

Yes, it's a helicopter.

Matias, they are above
my hose. What shall we do?

Shall I call for fire at will?

Easy, easy!

- They are declaring w*r!
- They are going to b*mb us!

- They will drop an atomic b*mb!
- Don ramoén has signaled!

That admiral has not kept his word.

He has broken the armistice!

He broke the laws of w*r!

I'm going to phone the capital
and ask for reinforcement troops.

Too late. You need 3
hours to place the call.

We have to count on our own forces!

Well, pedraza, I'm not saying
that because of patriotism

but we must admit that's
a Spanish invention.

If it lands here
he'll be in trouble!

- Where did it land?
- I think it landed in the castle.

Yes, in the castle.

Andres has taken the airplane prisoner
in the castle! It has 4 admirals!

Hurry up!

Jorge has ran away!
Jorge has ran away!

- Where is he?
- I saw him at the beach!

Let's go!

Jorge! Where are you going?

I must go...

We are protecting you...

The admirals are our prisoners!


Not six,
but four... and two colonels.

Invent something to sink the ships...

Jorge, run away with me...

I know of many places where
they would never find us.

There is no place.


What can we do for you?


Drop the weapons and go home...

Let's go...

You gave us a good scare. We thought
you had defected with all our secrets.

And that was the case in certain way.

Calabuch looks like a nice village.
I would like...

To spend here a weekend.
Do they have a decent hotel?

No, there are no hotels...

But you can always do what I did...

Ask for lobster.

Does he have a nice house?

The best, and it's free.

It's the village's jail.

You scientists are always joking!

Would you mind
flying over the village?

I would like to say
farewell to my friends.

Goodbye, friends! Goodbye!

You have many friends in calabuch.

Yes... 928.

Who are they, professor?

Don Ramon, Don félix, Matias...

All of them.

Look! Pay attention!

That one was...

My last rocket.

The end
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