Nightmare on 34th Street (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Nightmare on 34th Street (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


Peter, what have you done?

Do you want to hear

a Christmas story?


Oh, Chloe.

What do you think you're doing?

I saw a Santa, Toby.


Yeah, he was in the drive.

I saw him with his friends.

You were just dreaming.

Go back to sleep.

Please, Toby, come and look.

Go away.

Please, Toby, come look.

So annoying.

Yeah, the kids are asleep.

And we're looking

forward to seeing you,

but Toby's probably going to

be too busy with his new k*ller

elf game.

Yeah, Chloe's going

to love her new doll.

You know Sean, he's anything.

Do you need us to

bring anything with us?

OK, well, if you're sure.

See you tomorrow, mom.

Love you.


See, no one's there.

But I saw them.

You were just dreaming.


Rufus, shut up or I'll

chop your balls off.

I swear I saw him.

He was with an

elf and a snowman.

I'm sure he was, but you're

not supposed to see Santa,

so don't let him know, or

he'll take all your presents.

Polly, close the window.

It's cold.




It's a terrible Santa costume.

I'm your snowman, short and fat.

Here's my scarf

and here's my hat.

When I see the

snowfall, hear me shout.

All the little children

please come out.


You don't look like I

thought you would, Santa.

Did you have an accident?

Yes, little girl.

Santa had a very bad

accident this year.

Did your sleigh crash?

Are your reindeer OK?

What's your name?


Would you like a present, Chloe?

Yes please, Santa.

This belonged to another

little girl's house

that I visited.

Would you want

bunny like a friend?

Yes, please, Santa.

Would you like a

special present, Chloe?

Yes, please, Santa.

Would you and your brother

want to come on that ride

to the North Pole?



You can come and see all the

fun we have in our workshops

with the other little

girls and boys.


The presence must be

around here somewhere.

Harriet, your dad's

going to catch us.

Did you know the family

who used to live here

got k*lled on Christmas Eve?


Yeah, they never found the girl.


I'm back home.

I bought a bigger

tree than we used to.



Mr Red, I have

two new playmates.

It's time for some fun.



We've had a call about

a domestic disturbance.

Is anyone home?

Nice house.


Great first

Christmas on the b*at.

Yeah, well, it's

going to be a long one.

While you doing area

search down here,

I'll do the same upstairs.

(SINGING) The stars

in the bright sky

look down where he lay.

Sounds like a girl.

(SINGING) The little Lord

Jesus asleep on the hay.

The stars in the bright sky

looked down where he lay.

The little Lord Jesus

asleep on the hay.

The stars in the bright sky look

down where lay, the little Lord.

Jesus asleep on the hay.

Hey, you OK?

Of course, I'm OK, silly.

It's Christmas.

How do you come

to join our party?

Come on.

Come out here with me.


Where are we going?

Somewhere safe.

I'm always safe with Mr. Red.

Mr. Red.

Yes, he's the ghost

of Christmas future.

Christmas future?

He knows when

everyone's going to die.



It's the season to be jolly.


Oh, what the f*ck.


I think it's time for

the Christmas Holly.

Wait. Wait.

Wait, no, no, no, no, no.


Wait, no, no.


Wakey wakey.

Did you like the

Christmas decorations?

The f*ck's going on?

Mr. Red is making things

ready for Christmas.

Please help me.

Mr. Red is helping you, silly.


I recognize you.

You're the girl that we're

missing five years ago.

Her name is Chloe.

Yes, that's me.

What happened to you?

I made new friends.

I still see my family from time

to time, especially my brother,

like a Christmas ghost.

We had so much fun with the

family of this house this year.


Those arrested, k*lled

together, stay together.



Are you ready for

some festive fun, Chloe.

Mr. Red has a very

fun surprise for you.

What are you doing?

Do you like lighting

the Christmas pudding?


So much better than brandy.


Please, don't do it, please.

Don't do it.


And this was a very dull

Mr. Red gave to her right

before they took a trip with all

the dead bodies in the sleigh



Sleigh van.

Oh, yeah.

Diesel is more

efficient than reindeer,

and you can get more dead bodies

in a white van, especially



What happened to the girl?

She went into child care.

If you can call it that.

Strikes me she'd have

been less dysfunctional

if she'd stayed with the

three escaped serial K*llers.

Why were they dressed as

a Santa, elf, and snowman?

Mr. Red was a jolly arsonist

who burnt down workshops.

Mr. Green was a t*rror1st who

mailed out Christmas crackers

filled with expl*sives.

And Mr. White, well,

he froze people

to eat for Christmas dinner.

How did they all escape at once?

Idiots put them all on the

same ward, nicknamed them

the three Christmas nutters,

although they seriously

underestimated the effectiveness

of a Christmas tree

as a battering ram.

Jesus Christ.

Oh, no.

She never spoke to him.

Funny, really.

Whole festival dedicated

to his birthday,

and all anyone ever wants

to do is write to me.

The poor fucker was

on a cross, d*ed,

and all they want

is f*cking presents.

I've got enough f*cking

work to do at Christmas.

Anyway, bloody Christmas.

Now what else have

I got in here?

Oh, yeah.

Now this is my new

Teddy bear design.

What do you think?

I call him cuddles.

What happened to him?

Yeah, I think the elf in the

workshop may have had issues.

Reminds me of another

bloke I know had issues.

I tell you what, I could

tell you a story about him

that would cheer you up.

He looks all right.

That is because

this is Dr. White.

You wait until you

meet his counterpart.

This is a little festive tale I

like to call the Ventriloquist.

Who Stole Christmas.

So why did the man only

wear one boot to town?

Because the weather forecast

only gave 50% chance of snow.

Hey, do you know frosty

the snowman reminds

me of my dad, Dr. White?


Because he used to buy

you lots of slush puppies?

No, because he said

he'd come back one day.

I had a threesome with

two princesses yesterday.

That's disgusting, Dr. White.

Why are you telling me that?

Because you told

me to let it go.

Not like that, I didn't.

If you carry on like that,

they'll put you on a list.

What sort of list?

A. Very naughty list.


Well, I know where all the

naughty girls are like Santa.

No, not like Santa.


Do you know why Santa

doesn't have any kids?

Because he only

comes once a year.


Well, I think we've seen enough.

Mr. White.

Don't call us.

Well, don't call us.

Did you not like it?

It's not quite

what we're looking

for for this year's outbound

for the elderly Christmas

variety show.

This is Margate.

Hey, maybe you should

head to Brighton.

They like weird stuff there.

Here they like virulent, happy

families, and warm coffins.

Oh, I mean coffees.

I can mix it up a bit and

make it a bit more progressive.

I think you've progressed

as far as you can.

Any more progressive I won't

have to call the police.

It's all just a

bit, well, creepy.

Well, Christmas is

all about a fat man

climbing into people's homes

and little children's bedrooms.

Quite, Dr. White.

We've got lots of people

to see and your time is...

Was up.

Keep it on the down low, but

we've got a break dancing

reindeer who got through

to the semi-finals

of Britain's Got Talent.

Hugo, we've got a problem.

What is it, Leroy?

It's Mrs. Crimpton.

Oh, God.

She turned up to do

her annual striptease.

Oh, God.

Has she escaped from

the hospital again?

I think so.

She's wearing one of those

gowns without the back in.


Hello, Henry.

Oh, you're looking tired.

You are not auditioning him.

Don't be like that, Henry.

Nothing wrong with a bit

of healthy competition,

although you are

getting on a bit.

It's called experience.

It's one way of putting it.

And don't you think your act's

a little bit r*cist these days?

I mean, Dr. White?

I'm a snowman.

That's a politically

incorrect snow

person, unlike myself, Professor

Trueheart and Bobbin Buttons.

You're a f*cking c**t.

What did you say?

I said you're...

Don't talk, Dr. White.

Are you having another meltdown?

Rehab not go well.

He Stole my father's act.

, Henry no one cares about

your father and his lame

ass forgotten show in Norway.

Don't talk about my father.

As the lawyers told you, there's

not a copyright on

Snowman, and Bobbins and I

sell a lot better than you.

I mean, let's face it.

It's not like I've won

the children's award

of Margate five years in a row.

Oh, wait, that's a coincidence.

I actually have.


I could be as big as you,

but I've got principles.

I've got a newsflash

for you, Henry.

Wake up grandad.

Your act is dead.

For the love of God,

why are there two snowmen

having a fight on

my f*cking stage?

Leroy, get them out of here

and fetch me a ginseng tea.


This, is Prancer the

reindeer breakdancer.

Yeah, no sh*t.


No, am I on stage now then or?

Don't worry, Dr. White.

You'll get the next job.

Yes, we will.

Dr. White?

These are those

Christmas adverts.

Nah, man.

It's the bad boy,

did the cookie adverts.

Yeah, it's him.

Come on, man.

Cheer up.

Yeah, it's Christmas.

Yo, where's the puppet?


f*ck off.

You want to see

the act, big man.

Come on.

Don't trouble, guys.

Raise your festive

cheer, wacker.


I'm Dr. White.

What's that?

Why don't you shut up?


Man, oh, dear.

We all know no English now.

Come on, let's go.

Let's go.


Henry, what's

happened to your face?

Tragic crowd surfing accident.

Sarcasm doesn't help

with your problems.

But what excuse do you

have for your face then?

And I thought we agreed no

more puppets at our meetings.

He's having a sudden act.

Do you want to tell me

what happened at the school?

And that's why there'll be

no snow in Africa this year

because of your parents.

But how are we

supposed to get anywhere

if we can't use planes?


I can't swim to Disneyland.

Think of the Dolphins.

f*ck the Dolphins.

Oh, shut up, you little...


Conservation Under

National thr*at.


I wasn't swearing.

Is it any wonder

you lost the job?

Don't start that again.

It's not funny.

Apparently, I'm not

that funny anymore.

Going around teaching

global warming to kids.

Seriously, who cares

if the ice caps melt?

And why is it you're

teaching to year-sevens?

Because my co-worker got

caught doing cocaine, sh**ting

snow sprinkled cookie adverts.

Well, the official line

is you had a breakdown,

the company didn't

want to get sued,

and what with all the kids

on set and the snowman

snorting all the snow, but

yes, it's not a good look

for a children's entertainer.

That's all I am

to you, isn't it?

A children's entertainer.

And I can't even get a

job in Southern Panto.

Henry, I am not your agent.

I am your therapist.

Yeah, so you keep reminding me.

I can't get one

of those anymore.

Maybe it's a good idea to

think about another career.

Get out of the

ventriloquist business.

It could do you good.

What would the memory

of your father...

Don't say it.

Don't mention my father.

You always have to twist it

round back to my childhood.

You need to bury the past.

What are you saying now?

He said you're

being very helpful.

Time's up.

I'll see you next Friday,

without the puppet.

It's time to go.

He's going to be here soon.

Who cares?

You're leaving him anyway.

I know.

He's f*cking weird in the head.

Just like his dad then.


You know he doesn't

even talk to his mom.

There's only

something off there.

Forget about him.

You don't get it, Brandon.

His dad didn't just leave

him with that puppet.

He left him with a

whole load of crazy.

I can think of a lot better

things to do with my hands

than play with a puppet.

I'm sure you can.

I dread to think what

he thinks about you.

Oh, don't.

Like, it's too creepy

to even think about.

You know he's into you though.

Yeah, I know.

It's all for me.

You living with him.

Don't you think you're

giving him mixed signals?

f*ck off.

Does he notice you

stealing all this snow?

Yeah, why do you think I'd stay?

It'll be some perks living

with the snowman, right?


Oh, and for my next

trick, this assistant's

going to make it snow.

f*ck sh*t.

He's here.

Get dressed.

Back early from therapy.

What the f*ck happened?

You been drinking again.

It's nothing.

Where were you today

for the audition?

I really needed you.

I told you, Henry, I don't want

to be your assistant anymore.

Don't you get it?

We've not made any money since

you came back from rehab.

But listen, I've got a really

good idea for a new TV show.

It's going to be really good.

So just wait a

little longer here.

Face it, Henry.

You're never going to

be as good as your dad.

Please, I know that I

can turn this act around.

Don't you get it?

People are not into this

puppet stuff anymore.

They're into like CGI

and superhero sh*t,

not a f*cking talking snowman.

Any day now, people are

going to want puppets again.

Listen, Henry.

I've got an agent.

I might as well tell you now,

but I'm moving to London.

I've actually got an

audition next week.

It's for [INAUDIBLE] too.

It's going to be like

a real art house piece.

You can't leave me.

If you leave me now,

you'll regret it.

Your show's sh*t, just

like everything else you do.

Listen, mate.

It's over.

Who's this?

Someone who doesn't play

with toys for a f*cking living.

What are you?


Leave it, Brandon.

Can't leave me for him.

He, unlike you, he

actually believes in me,

that I'm not going to

be some stupid assistant

to a f*cking freak like you.

I won't let you go.

You don't have a choice, mate.

Come on, Jade.

I'll wait in the car for you.

It's over, Henry.

Just like your

stupid puppet show.


Look at you laying there.

You're pathetic.

You scare the kids.

Yeah you're a loser, Henry.

That's why you don't

win any awards.

Face it.

You should have d*ed in

Norway like your father,

but now, you're going

to die in Margate.

What time is it?

It's time to get up, Henry.


All right, me darling.

Let's get you going.

Now you've been taking your

tablets because you know if you

don't, you're

going to have to go

and stay in the special house.

We have to sign out

the knives, don't you

if you want to make a sandwich.


I've been taking my

medication, Doris.

I'm very glad to

hear that, Henry.

Now what have you got

on there me lover?

Hey, hey, hey, come on.

This... this is for

your own safety.

You know you're not

supposed to have any ties,

no dressing gown coats.

Don't want to end

up like your old pa.

It was time you used

getting dressed anyways.

Dirty Doris.

What was that?

He said goodbye, Doris.


I'll go and check the

rest of the place.

Don't you move.

I'll be right back.

What's this doing here?

I'll be taking this with me now.


Mr. White.

DCI Hamilton.

DCI Cross.

May we come in and

have a word, please.

Is this going to take long?


Have you got somewhere to be?

Yeah, I do actually.

I've got an interview about

a new TV show I'm making.

Are you going with or

without your trousers?

Is that the puppet

your dad used to use?

Have you come about my puppet?

No, we're not interested in

booking any children's parties.

Brian McHugh, better known

as Professor Trueheart,

has gone missing.

Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

His puppet's gone too.

Well, no one would

want that thing.

Least of all, me.

I've got my own, haven't I?

We heard you had an altercation

down at the Tom Thumb Theater.

He stole my father's act.

I was standing up for

what's mine and my father's.

He k*lled himself, didn't he?

Your father?

Must have been

hard on you as a kid,

but with your mom

leaving as well.

Yeah, where'd she go?

Well, you tell me.

You seem to know a lot about me.

Well, we know your mom went

missing, was never found.

We also a group of young girls

in Norway around that area

went missing right

about the same time,

surely before your

dad took his own life.

I don't like where

are you going with this.

Those young girls had

nothing to do with my father.

Just making conversation.

So you know nothing

about Brian McHugh.

The last time I saw him

was at the theater yesterday.

Well, if you do think of

anything, give us a call.

We'll show ourselves out.

Oh, and good luck

with the TV show.

Yeah, don't forget

your trousers.


We're sorry Mr. White,

but we're going to have

to cancel your interview today.

We don't think you're quite

right for this channel

moving forward.

We wish you all the best.


It's built for carol

singers, isn't it?

You're right?

Who are you?

I can be whoever

you want me to be.

I didn't call you.

Well, someone did.

I ain't leaving

till I've been paid.

My father once brought a girl

like you back to our house.

Oh, yeah.

Would you like a cup of tea?

Don't know the

first thing I'm asked?

Go on then.

Milk, no sugar.

Sweet enough.

What the f*ck is this thing?

That's Dr. White.


I always get the weird ones.

Why is he a doctor?

He fixes things,

especially people.

Well, I like what you've

done with the place.

Makes a change in

the back of a car.


Got any biscuits?

No, sorry.

I'm on a diet.

The doctor said I've

got to cut back.

A real doctor or doctor puppet?

Dr. White is a real doctor.

Sorry if I hurt his feelings.

Hey, could I record you?

I don't do videos, mate.

No, Dr. White and I are

putting together a new act.



We're putting together a

pilot for a new TV show.

Our last assistant left.

Hey, would you like to be

the star of my new show?

I'm... I'm not sure.

Yeah, let me show

you what Dr. White

and I've been putting together.

What is this?

I'm leaving now, Henry.

The f*ck is wrong

with you, Henry?

Don't talk to him, he

just pulls the sleigh.

Jade, what's taking you so long?


[INAUDIBLE] have turned white.

Santa is dropping bombs tonight.



It's getting cold is the snow,

and I know you won't be home.

I'm changing you

in fall out light.

And I can see your

lips turning blue.

I shouldn't...

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck, you

sick f*cking bastard!

Please, no.

[CRYING], please.

Get off me!

f*cking bastard, let me go!

He's got brain freeze.




They would be

pulling out of town.

Starting [INAUDIBLE].

My hunting r*fle ordered here,

watching ash fall from the sky,



None of the children

gone to hunt...


This Pinocchio.

Let me go, please.

Thought he was a real boy.


Dr. White, fix him.

I got strings to hold me up.

Pinocchio, he's waving at

you through the River Martis.


Please let me go.





The puppet show.


Oh, Oh, Franza,

what are you doing?

Oh, I'm just hanging around.


I was stupid to think

that I could ever replace

this sweet and talented Henry.

Wolfe, he's got the best

act in the whole of Margate.


Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, God.

Oh, sh*t.

Oh, oh, my God.

I haven't been

taking my happy pills.


I didn't need a mouth.

Consider yourself checked out.

I wonder what

they're dreaming about.

Henry, what are you doing.

I'm sorry.

I brought the puppet

with me again.

We've been having fun.

Henry, you're not

supposed to be here.

You were right.

There are some things I didn't

tell you about my father.

He used to k*ll young girls.

And then he'd make love to

their bodies in the snow.

My mother found his trophies.

That's why she had to die.

He wasn't all bad, though.

He dealt with those bullies.

Just going to call for help.

There's no help.

Dr. White got rid of them all.

Oh, I'm sorry,

we're out of time.

Oh, that'll be our date.

Let's put the awards out.

You dirty old bugger.




f*ck off.

Right, darling.

Want us to show you a

good time this Christmas?


Mate, did you hear that?






So why did the

man want a divorce?

Because his wife

was a total flake.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Tough crowd, Dr. White.

Eloy, where are you?

I told you to lock up.

Franza, I told you you

didn't make the cut.

I remember laying in bed as a

kid waiting for Santa to come.

Oh, yes, Dr. White.

Yes, then there was

always that awkward silence

as he got dressed and left.

They're still not

laughing, Henry.

That's because you knocked

them dead, Dr. White.


So what do you think.

I have a great role for you.

Can I use your bathroom?


Me and Dr. White I'll

be waiting for you.

Can't wait to get your feedback.

What's taking you so long?

Dr. White is worried about you.

I'll be out in a sec.

We're going to make you a star.

Stay away from me.

This Christmas, everyone's

got to love puppets again.

We come with a search wa.

I think I just k*lled a client.

Bloody Christmas.


Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

How would you like

to make a snowman?

Like Dr. White?

No, I want to make

a normal snowman.

Aha, normal snowmen are boring.

They just melt like

humans and let you down.

Humans don't melt.

They do if you put

them in a blast furnace,

or pour acid on them.

Why have you come

especially for me, Santa?

I've been told you've

been feeling unwell,

and your parents called

me up from North Pole

to cheer you up.

Well, I'm... I'm

feeling a lot better now.

I wouldn't want to hold

you up delivering presents.

Oh, don't you worry about them.

Most of the other kids have

been naughty this year.

I know a kid of your age who

was visited by Krampus instead.


However bad you might

feel this Christmas,

it is nothing like being

visited by Krampus.

Now this is a little

story me and my elves

call Merry Krampus.

And this, this is the last

toy Luke ever played with.

Come on, Luke.

Time for bed.

You know it's your last day

of school before the Christmas

holidays tomorrow.

Come on.

Will daddy you come and

visit us this Christmas?

Or will he stay with

the new lady he likes?

I guess I won't be getting into

the robot toy this Christmas.

I'm sure daddy's going to

get you something really nice

for Christmas.

You know he loves you very much.

And you?

Like I said, he loves

you very, very much.

Sweet dreams, OK?


Hey, where are you?


Well, hurry up.

I have a surprise

waiting for you.

I'm freezing my tits off.

It's winter.

Right bye.



So, Louise, how

are you getting on?

I know Christmas can be a

particularly hard time of year.

I'm OK.

The antidepressants

are really helping.

And you're not leaning

too much on the drink.

Oh, God, no, that's just

like a bit of Christmas cheer.

And how are the kids?

The kids are fine.

The kids are really good.

So last day of school today

before the Christmas holidays.

I think they're really excited.

Anywhere from the dads?


Anything to get out of

paying child support.

Now two of them have

walked out on me.

OK, well, if you need

anything, you and the kids

just give me a call, OK?

Thank you.

You are all right, Luke?

I'm fine.

I'm not hungry.

I'm going to go to bed.

Mom, are you going

to do anything?

If he's not hungry,

what am I supposed to do?

Force feed him like

he's on hunger strike?

This isn't a prison.

Prison food would

be better though.

This is all we can

afford right now.

Since you lost your job.

Yes, Diana, since I lost my job.

Well, I can't wait to find

out what Christmas dinner

is going to be like tomorrow.

Some kids were picking on Luke,

and they said that it was his

fault that dad left like ours.

But that's ridiculous.

They also said that

Krampus is going to come

visit us this Christmas.

Krampus... you've

got to stop listening

to this stupid rubbish, OK?

This house is too

depressing for Krampus.

Did any of the neighbors

see you creep over the fence?

No, I don't think so.

Did he really live here?


Did the old man

who lived here really

tell people he was Krampus?

Yeah, he was like

that guy Wayne Gacy

that dressed up as a clown.

Why would any parent

want to invite the Krampus

to their kid's party?

To scare them if they've

been naughty maybe.

Beats Cole.

When did he die?

They found him hanging dead

upstairs from a Christmas tree

last year.

I haven't been able

to sell her since.

Apparently, you had

a book on pagan magic

and was trying to

raise the real Krampus.


That was so funny, Lily.

You guys suck.

I'm going to call

my parents on you.

It was only a joke, Lily.

Maybe we were a bit mean, guys.

You're such a sissy, Benjie.

It's hilarious.

Stupid boys.

Really how stupid

do you think I am?

Look what I found

in one of the drawers.

Maybe that's the poem

he used to raise Krampus.

Children, take

this into account.

Have you been bad this year?

Tonight's the night

that Krampus comes.

Have you something to fear?

If you're a good

child, you'll sleep

well for he will pass you by.

But if you are a naughty child,

he'll hang you out to dry.

I think we should

get out of here.

I think he's right, Craig.

It's just starting to get fun.

You two are such

girls like Lily.

Then there comes a type of

death that Krampus offers too.

Perhaps a strangulation or

a drowning would suit you.

Alternatively, Krampus can

just take you straight to hell,

and nothing will be left of

you, and nothing left to tell.



What are you doing, Luke?

Watching this video

about Krampus online.

Did you know he drowns

and eats children

after taking them to hell

in a basket on his back?

And don't watch that.

Come on, go to bed.

We've been good this year.

Santa is coming, not Krampus.

Then why did dad leave?

When are you

going to give it up.

I'm really not falling

for it this time.


Come on, Jonathan.

Come back to bed.

It's Christmas Eve.

I want cheering up.

This doesn't feel right.

I should be with my kids.

Only one of them yours.

Odell get over it is

just one Christmas.

Things will get better next year

when she gets pregnant with yet

another bloke.

I need some air.

Don't take too long.

You're really starting to

bring this Christmas down.

No, daddy.

Daddy, daddy not tonight.

It's Christmas.


Oh, God's sake.

Oh, hi, Denise.

It's Louise.

I don't know if you

could possibly pop by.

I'm just not really

feeling myself.

I don't know if it's

the medication or

I've just been having

some weird dreams

and the kids have been

saying some weird stuff,

but yeah, give me a call

back or maybe pop by.



Hey, Louise.

I know that I'm the

last person that you

want to hear from right now.

I really want to come round

tomorrow and see the kids.

You have to understand that

this is k*lling me too.

Don't think there's any

more guilt after this.

Please, just pick up.




f*ck it.

Come around whether

you like it or not.

I'll get more like a

f*cking Krampus tonight.

Oh, what's this?

A naughty little note, Jonathan.

I hope it's not dirty.

You're frighten

the other children.

Mom, I heard noises.

Are the rats back?

Are the rats back?

I've never been so

insulted in my life.

Andrew, is that you

playing with my robot toy?

You made him leave.

You ruined Christmas.

Krampus is here, Luke.

It's time to play.


Louise, it's Denise.

Your door was open.

I got your message.

Louise, what have you done?

He says their father

he's gone insane.

He's k*lled the kids.

He's telling the house,

you need to get help.

Oh, God.

OK, OK, don't...

Don't worry.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

You know what, I'm leaving.

There's something not

quite right with you.

You need... you need help.

You're not taking

them away from me.

Krampus days are here

again, your kids will die,

and the sky falling.

Diana, Andrew.

What have you done to them?

They're just sleeping.

I gave them some Rohypnol.

You've drugged our children.

What's the matter with you?

I'm down.

Just because you got

daddy-son's issues doesn't...

He'll make you all disappear,

just like the others.


Well, there goes another one.

You know, none of

your relationships

are going to work

out if you insist

on stabbing them all to death.

I think he was right.

Maybe you should have

accepted that invitation

for relationship

guidance counseling.

Oh, daddy's going

to go and lie down.

I can feel a cramp coming up.

Look at our little darlings.

Peaceful and ready

for Christmas Day.


I'm going back to hell now.

I'll see you next Christmas.

(SINGING) Silent night,

Holy night, all is calm,

all is bright, sleep

in heavenly peace.

I dare, more sick and senseless

this year than ever before.

Cramping my style.

I love it when the pretty ones

die so horribly, don't you?

It wasn't me.

Krampus did it.

That's what they all say, love.

So have we got anything

come through on it yet?

Yes, inspector.

She was abused by her father,

she was being monitored

after her other half

left because she

was having a nervous breakdown,

and you never guess what...


The father was only a bloody

sicko Santa person hater.

Oh, great.

I can see this is going to

be one of those Christmases.

Right, I'll leave you to

clear the mess up here,

so at least I can try and get

back to my own kids, that's

assuming the missus

hasn't already cut them up

and put them in the oven.

Oh, Denise, what

are you doing here?

She's only going to get

herself bloody m*rder*d,

isn't she?

You are?

Sliced up like bacon.

But I like Denise.

I like bacon.

I like bacon.

Check up with a frying pan on.

Why not?

Red or brown sauce?



So it wasn't Krampus,

it was the mom.

Yeah, she was North Polar.

There are freaks out there who

actually think they're Santa,

you know.

I know, shocking, isn't it?

If Krampus doesn't get you,

your mother probably will.

God only knows what's worse.

What happened to the mom?

She joined those other

three in the nutters wing.

Do you like Christmas

carols, Peter?

I don't know that many.

Just as well.

Most of them are quite boring.

I know a few that

are rather good.

I know one choir who had

a very haunting song.

This here's a story I like to

call The 12 Kills of Christmas.

Don't you mean 12

12 Days of Christmas?

Oh, no.

Singers that came to this

house never sang that song.

To be the guardian

of your incarnate son,

and husband of the

Blessed Virgin Mary.

Give us grace to follow him.

Nearly ready for

midnight mass, father.


Don't I sound very good?

Oh, no, no, you sound great.

Anyone would think

you were a priest.

Thank you, Cathy.

I'm just going to

clear out the office.

And faithful.

Can I help you young man?

I'm just looking around.

Does Father McShane

still work here?

No, he had to retire

suddenly due to his health.

Is he still

practicing the faith?

It's a complicated matter.

You know it's good practice

when in the Lord's house

to take your hood down.


It's been a long time

since I was here.

We're in a church.

You used to come here?

When I was younger, I

used to be in the choir.

Oh, I see.

I heard Father McShane's choirs

were the best for miles around.

I was friends with Dylan Gray.

Well, how can I help, uh...


Leo Edwards.

How can I help, Leo?

Well, I was hoping I could

talk to Father McShane.

I'm sorry, he's

suffering from dementia.

He wouldn't even remember you.

That's a shame.

Is there anything

I can help with?

No, not really.

Nothing you or

God can do for me.

Cathy did you

leave this box here?


Might be one of the lads from

this morning left it here.

Hang on.

I know that box.

This used to belong to Father

McShane where did you find it?

It was just left there.


Do you know anything

about Dylan Gray.

Dylan Gray, yes.

He was in terrible trouble that

boy with dr*gs and stealing.

Father McShane

tried to help him,

but he was honored by

the devil that boy, yeah.

Between you and me, I think he

ran away and k*lled himself.

Yeah, it broke Father

McShane's heart.

He really messed him up.

Anyway, I best go replace

all the short candlesticks.

Hello, Maria McShane.

Hi, Maria.

It's Father Abel

How's your father?

Yeah, he's OK.

It's largely the

same, but I think

it's going to take a Christmas

miracle for any change.

I haven't seen you coming

around to church much of late.

I know.

It's just what... with

everything and father.

Oh, no I understand.

If you ever need

anyone to talk to...

Thank you.

That's very kind

of but I think I've

lost my faith a little bit.

Well, if you can't talk

to God, please talk to me.

Look, I've rung up because I

found this old music box I was

told belonged to your father.

Music box.

Yes, so I wondered if

you might like it back.

It's got a tune.

All things bright and beautiful.

No, that's fine.

Please just get rid

of it or give it

to a charity shop or something.

Here we are farther.

Back here another year.

Why did she do?

Why did she leave?

Because the devil got into her.

It wasn't her fault.

The devil makes

us all do bad things at times.

Did the devil get

her from that box?

Yes, he did, and that's why

you must never tell anyone

about it or open it because if

the devil's friends get to find

out about the box,

they'll release

the devil for you and

for me and for everyone,

and then we'll all disappear.

Like that boy he was never

there that night, Murray.

What'd I tell you.

He was a ghost.

And all must find out the

church is haunted otherwise,

everyone would be too

afraid to come here,

and that will make God sad.

That's right, my darling.

The church's ghost

must always stay out

of sight, like the

bodies in these graves.


Come on.

That's it.

Try and relax.

I'll see you in the morning.

Won't you stop saying it?

I visited Mother's

grave today with Father.

It must have been

freezing up there.

It was.

Not as cold as the year my

mother passed away there.

My last white Christmas.

Are you OK?


You don't look OK.

Maria, what's up.


Come here.

It's nearly our

two-year anniversary.

I'm just not sure about leaving

father here for Christmas Eve.

Maria, you do too much for him.

The nurse can look after

him tomorrow for one night.

Besides, he probably doesn't

even know who you are anymore.

I'm sorry.

Sorry about that.

That was harsh.

No, it's OK.

Sorry, it's just been

a really weird day.

I've had a lot of news.

Anything I should know about?


Oh, my God.

That's amazing.

Well, what is it?

Babe, you're not happy about it.

No, I am.

I am.

It's just we're

having our own child,

I think I have to

tell you something.


Yeah, you can tell me anything.

Well, before my mother

k*lled herself that Christmas,

I heard her and father fighting.

Apparently, she found something

in a music box he had.

A music box?


I don't know what it was.

All I know is... is that he

had a fight with a student.

Do you think anyone's

going to believe you over me,

a man of God over

some drugged up

little junkie from the streets?

His name was Dylan.

Dad said that he came

back a drug addict

and tried to

blackmail him, but...

You think he might have been

involved with his students?

I don't know.

I mean, it's... it's a

terrible thing to think about,

but this rumor is from his

old church saying that he was

charged with something,

but charges were

dropped because he's senile.

Jesus Christ.

But it's just a rumor.

Your dad wouldn't

do that, right?

(VOICEOVER) All things

bright and beautiful,

all creatures great and small,

all things wise and wonderful


I'll go.

No, Maria...

No, you stay.

Maria, wait.

I think it's time you start

getting some extra help for him

after Christmas.


Oh, come on, father.

What are you doing down there.

You know you can't walk.

They come for me in the dark.

They plead with Jesus.

Nobody's here.

It was just a nightmare, OK?

May God mercy on our souls.

Maria, now what have I told you

about playing in the basement.

Not to come down here

as it's full of ghosts.


Wouldn't the ghosts

be in the graveyard?

Not all souls are

asleep out there.

- What's that?

- It's Saint Christopher.

I think it belonged

to that Dillon boy.

Give it to me.

I'll pass it on to the police.

Now go on upstairs and carry

on cleaning up the silver.

Sorry, Father.

Kurt, what are you doing?

Look what I found.

Come on, it's the

best time of the year.

And you and me can

have a little baby.

What could spoil this Christmas?


I'm just off now, Father.

OK Kathy I'll see

you tomorrow Cathy.


Who's there?

I'll call the police.

Who the f*ck are you?


So he's been fed.

He just needs to be

helped to bed at night.

OK, no worries...

Don't let them stop singing.

Just ignore that,

it's the only thing he

says since he's had the stroke.

Of course.

Now you guys have a

lovely Christmas Eve.

We're going to have a great

time, aren't you Mr McShane?

- Come on we're going to be

late. - OK.

- Thank you.

- Bye.

Thank you. Bye.

Now you're going to be a good

boy, aren't you, Mr. McShane?

I don't want no sh1tting

on Christmas Eve,

do you understand?

Don't let them

don't stop singing.

Yeah, yeah.

That's all you say I know.

The choir's grown up

now, they're all gone.


Go... away.

(SINGING) Jingle bell, jingle

I said go away.

What part of I don't like

Christmas don't you understand?

That did it.

Hey, They've gone.

Mike can you hurry

up and get here.

I don't want to spend Christmas

alone with this creepy old guy.

Are you in this?

If they finally come

back and check on him?

They won't.

Look, the daughters

probably asked

Santa to k*ll him off just

so she can inherit the house.

I just... I can't do

this with Father Teddy.

Can we wheel him

into the other room?

See no evil.

Happy now?

It's like a demented budgie.

Don't let them stop singing.

Shut up.


Oh, oh...


(SINGING) 10 beautiful,

Oh creatures...


No, just leave him.

I can't do this with

songs of praise on coming.

Oh, tell them to sing come

we faithful or something.

Will be back in one minute.

Tell your God to stop

screwing with my night, OK?

There was no one there, so.

Your cries back, father.

Time for one last hymn.

What's wrong?

It's my dad.

He's come around.

What do you mean

he's come around?

Apparently, he's awake and

wants to make a confession.

What type of confession?

Please, this is nothing

to do with me, OK?

The daughter is on the way.

I'm innocent, please.

I haven't done anything.

What should we do about it?




Where is he?

I don't know.

Where's the damn nurse?

My God.


We found this in the graveyard.

Who are you?

You know who we are.

We are fallen angels.

I don't know what you mean.

Is that what you

told your boyfriend?

The time has come for you

to look upon our faces.

This is one of the

ropes he used to wear,

well, before taking it off.

He dead rode Father McShane.

Don't let them stop singing.

We should k*ll her now,

then we can get on with daddy.

He's never...


You're just one

more lie to cover up

for his crimes like the songs.

Didn't... I didn't know.

Christian saw what happened

that night in the church

after choir practice.

He was late to leave.

He saw you see it all.

Things on my mind of you.

I am a man of God, and

he speaks through me.

You must never mention

what happened here tonight.

That boy had the devil in him.

Your father did

what he had to do.

Maybe the devil is gone now when

you hit him with that cross.

Maybe you knocked

the devil out of him.

I don't think we

can take that risk.

What are you going to do?

Nothing you need worry about.

Now go up to the altar, put

your hands over your ears

and pray as hard as you can.

Your father has a late

night song to prepare.

How your father told

you to say nothing.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Father is dealing

with the devil.

Christian, you followed

your father in the graveyard

where he buried Dylan alive.


We're all too scared

to go to the police.

Dylan wasn't the only

kid to go missing.

God only knows how many are

buried in the graves out there.

The boyfriend looks

awfully nervous.

His heart is b*ating too fast,

Well, we best clean it out then.

You still got that

toilet cleaner, Joseph.



No, no.

And now for you.


I'm pregnant, please.

The evil ends with you.


I'll be back in an hour, it's

in God's hands if you live.

There's no forgiveness

for either of us.

Don't let stop singing.



It's all over now.

What's wrong?

You look like you've

seen the devil.

It's a Christmas miracle.

(SINGING) All things

bright and beautiful,

all creatures great and small.

All things wise and

wonderful, the Lord...

What's the matter?

Please touch your tongue.

(SINGING) Each little

flower that opens,

each little bird that sings.

He made the colored flowers,

he made their tiny wings.

All things bright and beautiful,

all creatures great and small.

All things wise and wonderful,

the Lord God made them all.

Hear no evil, speak no evil.

See no evil.

(SINGING) All things

bright and beautiful,

all creatures great and small,

all things wise and wonderful,

the Lord God made them all.

What do you think of that

lovely little story, Peter?

You like all the gory bits.


I know.

Hang on.

Do you want to hear a

story about a Santa?

A Santa like you?


Exactly like me.

How did you know?

There was this man, put on a

Christmas outfit every year,

always tried to keep Christmas

magic, and his wife left him.

Emma, what are you doing?

I know this is a sh*t time of

year to do this to you, Tony.

What are you talking about?

I'm so sorry, Tony.

Mom, why do we have to

stay so late at grandma's?

Go unpack, Billy, you

ain't going nowhere.

Billy, don't listen to him.

Go downstairs and wait for me.

Do it.

Go downstairs.

We'll come and get you.

Please, Emma, it's Christmas.

We can work through this.

You can't fix this.

This hasn't been real

for a long time, Tony.

You know that.

We're bipolar.

Our marriage is about as

real as you being Santa.

She even tried to

take his kid too.

You can go, but you

will not take my son.

Watch me.

Mom, I can't find my robot toy.

Billy, don't worry about it.

There isn't time.

Stone, Emma, please.

For fucks sake.

Where are my keys

I will not let you take my

son, not with that bastard.

Who was it.

Fine I'm putting on some weight.


But he wouldn't let her.

No one's going to take

my son away from me.

See, Billy, I told you

you weren't going nowhere.

We've always loved this

tune, ain't we Emma?

Your mother gave us that box.

She's next.

Christmas morning.

Time to deck the

halls with blood,

I even took his job away.

We're sorry, Tony,

we just feel you're

no longer right for Santa's

happy grotto Incorporated.

But on five years

running, Santa of the month.

Well, we only operate

for one month of the year.

You can't get rid of me.

Who would replace me?

Well, actually,

we've already asked

Richard to take your place.



Sorry, Tony.

There's a new Santa in town.

You cannot be serious, you

can't replace me with that.

The outfit doesn't even

fit, and he's never held

more than a grotto in cavern.

I'm sorry, Tony.

The decisions being made.

Well, you can

take away my grotto,

but you can't take my dignity.

I am going to take my act,

and my very large bulging sack

elsewhere, and I'll bet

you're all bloody communists.

Well, I don't think he's

going to be on my list.

In the end, the grief and seeing

all those children that weren't

his drove him and should we

say odd, so we got revenge,

and handed out festive treats.

Where are my cookies

from Santa, mommy?

You can't have them now,

darling, it spoil your meal.

But look.

There has already been one

reported fatality here today.

The police are desperately

seeking anyone who has visited

the grotto as they believe

that there is poisonous cookies

handed out by Santa.

Oh my God.

The Information right now

is he was a member of !sis.

Mommy, you stole my cookies.

And this elf just came

out screaming at us,

my youngest is traumatized.

He was screaming out, stop.

I will be suing Happy

Santas Grotto, Incorporated.

This is just not good enough.

As you can see, we've

had a lot of trauma

tonight at the grotto.

We've had one girl

who won't stop

crying at the sight

of a reindeer,

and another who tried to

choke herself to death

with a Tamagotchi.

She corrected awful

kids on the street.

Oh, Santa.

You walking back

to the North Pole

because you're too fat for your

reindeer to pull your ass back.

Oh, well, done Leo.

Now you've pissed off Santa.

Oh, what's the matter?

Where's my present?

I'll leave it out, Leo.

Look at him.

He's obviously had

a bad Christmas.

So would I dressed up like that.

Oh, I'm having a

bad Christmas too.

That's why I want my present.

You don't know nothing

about a bad Christmas, kid.

Just leave him.

He's been drinking.

Come on guys, let's go.


Through the window, I can the...

What did you say?

No, I've something

in my sack for you.

I think he's had

some funny mince pies.

He's getting creepy.

Come on, let's go.

You being funny.

Not feeling very

jolly this Christmas.

Jesus Christ.

I'm not Jesus, I'm Santa.

Went round all the houses.

Oh, dad, what are you doing.

You just got us k*lled.

No dear, it's you not riding

your reindeer zombie right.

I'm riding it fine.

You need to stop dying

on exploding presents.


Bring me too, we can fall

in love With Christmas

if we want to one by one

the family start rising.

It's Santa.

The real Santa is here.

There's no one there, Ben.

But I swear it was him.

He was real.

I think Josh scared you a

little bit too much earlier.

No one believes

me in this house.

You suck.

I hate you guys, Christmas.


I'm going to go

play my video game.

And what about

the Christmas cake?

Christmas cake is

more likely to k*ll me

than to k*ll our elves.

Oh, thanks.

For a wonderful Christmas.

k*lling families.

You've got some giant bits.


You like Christmas games

where people get k*lled, kid.

How about Santa brings

you a real game this year?

And telling kids

stories to cover up

the real horrific

story he was carrying.

Hello, Benny boy.

Santa has come to

pay you a visit.

What happened to him?

Jeffrey Dahmer,


This is so funny, Where's

your finger to film?

It's... it's a bit different

to Rudolph's great.

Happy Christmas adventure.

Though I'd come round here,

and be like the three ghosts

of Christmas, all

rolled into one

and tell you three

great Christmas stories.

I got you a special copy.


My parents wouldn't

even let me watch TV.

No, don't worry about it.

I've sorted it all

out with your parents.

This film is banned

in 27 countries,

so hasn't got any rating.

This is the last

present of Luke Everard.

It's freaks out here, and

they sense it too, you know,

it's shocking.

I think I've cheered

you up enough parents

you're feeling better now.

You've got to help me.

The Santa broke into

our house, and then he

started telling me all these

crazy Christmas stories.

And he's got this huge...

You didn't ask the

bill payer's permission,

and now she's dead.

But that's still no excuse.

Does funny things

with the head when

a father loses their child.

Worse than any child's

new computer game.

You can k*ll as

many kids as you like,

and get rewarded

with extra b*ll*ts.


And worse than all the

gory toys in a world,

you can put him up

on a shelf with all

the others I bought you.

He even stopped

enjoying a carols.

Goulet singing.

I've ripped out a

vocal cords of people

who sang better than that.

Many of you put on

a Santa costume,

people think they can

take bloody liberties,

although the mince pies

are a bit of a bonus.


Don't worry, Ben.

Those, social

workers aren't going

to take you and the other

kids away ever again.

You're going to spend

Christmas Day with me.


And we are going to have

the best Christmas ever.

No justice for

fathers, you know.

Not even Father Christmas.

You could blame

a man for letting

himself go putting on

weight, stopping shaving,

and running away to a

desolate cold landscape

with thousands of made up

little creatures creating toys.

Toys his child we'll

never play with.

That is why I carry a

machete like this in my bag.

Peter, where are you?

You stay while I go

and sort your mom out.

While he was

finishing off my family,

I managed to escape

into the snow.

I wish people would just accept

where they're going to die.

Christmas is hard

enough without them

f*cking clinging on to life.

Peter, where are

you you little sh*t?

Peter, I've got a nice

little present for you,

Peter come on out.

I know you're here somewhere.



Kids these days, all

of them, little shits.

I know you're in there.

I'm going to skin you alive

like Peter f*cking rabbit.

Jesus is going to

save you now kid.


That's when I stabbed him

with the machete he dropped.

And that's the Christmas I

found out Santa is not real.

He's a mental psychopath.

Then I ended up here,

in this children's home.

Santa is coming for you.

Nearly Christmas time again.

Leave me alone.

He finished off

your family and now

he's going to finish off you.

Stop him.

He's going to skin you

alive like Peter rabbit.

Stop it.

On the 12th k*ller Christmas

Day Santa said to me,

a dead family in a fern tree.

Can you hear a sleigh

coming with all the dead kids.

Halt Harry, leave him alone.

Don't worry.

We're done anyway.

Yeah, little p*ssy.

Try and ignore them, Peter.

They aren't seeing their

families either this Christmas.

Their families were m*rder*d.

At least your family wanted you.

My cr*ck addict mom would

rather be in prison.

Christmas can go f*ck itself.

We never going to

escape Christmas, are we?

What the hell are you

doing you little creep?

You trying to scare me?


You were always

nice to me, so...

And so let you live.

Think of it as my

Christmas present.

Yeah, might need it.

It is Christmas Day

tomorrow after all.

Have a Merry Christmas.


The animals have turned white.

Santa is dropping bombs

tonight, it's getting cold,

here's the snow, and I

know you won't be home,

I'm changing you

in fall out light,

and I can see your

lips turning blue,

I shouldn't have fallen in

love with a homicidal Eskimo.

I see her bubble off the wall,

hanging down from a tree.

I see her bubble off the

wall, hung in a pagan dream.

The reindeer heads all looked

out they would be pulling out

of town, sat in this old leather

chair, my hunting r*fle loaded

here, watching us

far from the sky,

we're three feet deep

in dust and bones.

None of the children gone to

w*r, I got to be coming home.

I see her bubble off the wall,

hanging out from a my tree.

I see a bubble off the

wall, hung in a pagan dream.

The misteletoe and your smiles,

dancing pretty in rubble,

the antlers that you like to

wear, before you cross yourself

and lift his head.

I see her bubble of the wall,

hanging down I'm from a tree.

I see her bubble off the

wall hung in the pagan dream.

I see her bubble off the wall,

hanging down from a tree,

I see her bubble off the

wall, hung in a pagan dream.
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