01x06 - Digging Up Dinosaurs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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01x06 - Digging Up Dinosaurs

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪












There's nothing like
a good dinosaur movie

To get the imagination

I've always been in love
with dinosaurs.

I dreamed of going back
millions of years

To see
a real dinosaur.

Seeing a dinosaur
would be no joke,

Unless he had
a good sense of humor.

What does a dinosaur use
to fix things?

A reptool!


Get it? A reptool.

You look like
a musical crowd.

What kind of music

O teenage dinosaurs
like best?

Rocks 'n roll.


Ha ha!

All right, cool it!

This one will k*ll you.

What did the dinosaur
piano teacher

Tell his students?

Practice your scales!


I've got
a million of them!

There used to be
dinosaurs right here.

They were
no laughing matter.

The tyrannosaurus rex
was as big as that backhoe.

One tooth was
as long as the space

Between your wri
and your elbow.

Can you imagine how large
his mouth must have been?

What if that machine
was eating everything?

I feel small
next to these machines.

It gives me an idea
of how it would feel

To live in a world
full of dinosaurs.

On construction sites
like this one,

Machines sometimes dig up
teeth and bones of dinosaurs

That have been buried
for millions of years.

I've been reading
a fascinating book

All about
digging up dinosaurs

And putting them
back together.

That's what it's called.

This shows a dinosaur head
twice as large as your body.

It shows us how small
we would seem

If we stood
next to a dinosaur.

As you can see,

I've been through this book
more than once.

Have you ever seen
dinosaur skeletons

In a museum?

I have.

I visit them
all the time.

I went again yesterday.

I saw apatosaurus.

It weighed 90,000 pounds.

is its real name,

But some people call it

I saw iguanodon.

I recognize iguanodon
by its horned thumbs.

I saw triceratops.

Tri means three.

Three horns.


I like to
say their names.

used to scare me.

Just its head
is almost twice my size.

Hello, up there!

I'm not afraid
of dinosaurs anymore.

Sometimes I call them,
"you bag of bones."

I used to wonder

How they got
into the museum,

But now I know.

Dinosaurs lived
millions of years ago.

A few of them
were as small as birds,

But most were enormous.

Some ate plants.

Some ate the meat
of other dinosaurs,

And some may have eaten
the eggs of other dinosaurs.


lived everywhere.

They lived on every continent
in the world.

Then they d*ed out.

There hasn't been
a dinosaur around

For 65 million years!

Until about 200 years ago,

No one knew anything
about dinosaurs.

Then people began
finding things in rock.

People were
finding fossils.

Fossils are a diary
of the past.

Here's how they form.

A dinosaur d*ed
and sank into a river.

Its flesh rotted.

Its skeleton
was covered by sand.

In time,
the sand and skeleton

Turned to stone.

The dinosaur was hidden
for millions of years.

The earth changed.

Then some of the stone
broke away,

And part of
the dinosaur showed.

Everything we know
about dinosaurs

Comes from
studying fossils.

What finds these were!

People crowded into museums
to see them.

But the dinosaur bones

Didn't get up
and walk there.

They had to be dug
out of the ground

Slowly and patiently.

This is how
fossil hunters work.

First, they have to
find a dinosaur.

They search along
river banks

And in quarries.

They climb up high cliffs

And down deep canyons.

With luck, someone
spots a fossil bone

Poking through the rock.

The site is covered
with a tent,

And work begins.

Scientists chip at the rock
close to the fossil.

They brush away the grit.

They have to be
very careful.

A fossil is hard as rock,

But very brittle
and easy to shatter.

the bones are found

All scrambled up
like this.

Figuring out
how they go together

Is some job.

When the bones are
ready to be moved,

They are wrapped
in tissue paper

And put into boxes.

Large bones are covered
with a plaster cast,

Like a broken leg.

The cast
protects the bone.

At the museum,
scientists study the bones.

They try to figure out

The dinosaur's
size and shape.

They try to find out
how the dinosaur stood

And what he ate.

If there are enough bones,

Scientists are able to
build a complete skeleton.

Until recently,

Only a few museums
had dinosaurs.

Then scientists learned

To make copies
of the skeletons.

A mold is made.

Each bone has a top
and bottom mold.

Now museums
all over the world

Have dinosaur skeletons.

People can spend
hours looking at them,

The way I do.

See you at the museum.

Our friend in this book
knew where to have fun.

Museums have incredible
things to do.

Museums are
a lot like zoos,

Only their treasures
are still alive.

Many animals today

Are living cousins
to the dinosaurs.

Looking at them
can help us imagine

What real dinosaurs
were like.

Imagine for a moment
your relatives assembled

And when you looked
around the room,

You noticed they resembled

Those great
and mighty creatures

That lived here
before us,

Our favoritest ancestors,

The dinosaurs.

Lizards, alligators,

Even snakes
with slinky necks

Could look through
family photos

And find
tyrannosaurus rex.

Most likely,
they would recognize

His dried-out, beady skin.

It's the same
as they are living in.

What about the tortoise?

Tap upon his shell.

He'll remember
ancient tales,

Though they'll take him
time to tell.

His uncle ankylosaurus
was a dino of distinction.

He passed down
his hard-hat back.

The rest
went to extinction.

Look at rhinoceros.

His face is old
and fossilous.

And that nose.

What did he do
to merit it?

From triceratops
he did inherit it.

Weigh a hippopotomus'

He won't fuss.

His dino cousins
were such blimps,

The hippo thinks
he's the shrimp.

If an elephant's
in a funk,

Ask where he got his trunk.

He won't name a store,
he'll name a dinosaur.

So if your relatives
seem reptilian,

And some even look like
they're over a million,

Climb on up
your family tree

And check
your dino history.

We've read a book
about dinosaur digs

And seen some of
their living relatives.

Now we'll go on a dig.

I have all my gear.

I'm ready to dig up
some fossils.

This wreck of a jeep
goes where I want to go.

I call him
jeeposaurus wreck.

You won't believe
the sound this motor makes.


We are at
dinosaur national monument

In jensen, utah.

Dinosaurs flourished here.

Only fossils are left,

Their bones
imbedded in the rock.

This is the only place

Where you can see
dinosaur bones

As nature preserved them.

Hi, guys.

Hi, levar.
How do you like it?

It's pretty nice.

I'm linda,
one of the rangers.

Tobe is
a paleontologist.

Is this a wall
of dinosaur bones?

It's one of the biggest
dinosaur deposits anywhere.

How many bones
are in here?

Up over 2,100.

You really do
keep count.

We number every one,
identify it,

And keep
a complete catalogue.

How many dinosaurs
left their bones here?

Probably a couple
of dozen.

Sometimes there's just
one bone from one animal,

Sometimes maybe
half a skeleton.

There are about 10 different
types of dinosaurs here.


What's tobe
doing up here?

Chipping away
some 0f the rock

From around the bones.

He'll leave it
in the rock

So that people
who come here can see it.

What kind of tools
does he use?

Everything from large
hammers and chisels

Right down to ice picks
for the really fine work.

This bone looks like
a big drumstick.

This would be part
of the lower back leg,

Probably of brontosaurus.

Here is the thigh bone
from the same animal.

How old are they?


Suppose you wanted
to take a bone out.
What happens?

Tobe would leave
some rock around the bone

To protect it
while he gets it loose.

Then he'd take it
to our laboratory.

Would you
like to see?

I'd love to.

This is the lab.

We work
on the bones

That come out
of the cliff.

What's this
weird-looking guy's name?


It's one of
the rarer types
found here.

Here's a copy
of his skull.

Look at these teeth!

What would you
guess it ate?

Meat, probably.
They're pretty sharp.

That's right.

Since allosaurus
couldn't cook
its steaks,

It had to
rip through
that tough meat.

Which hole was the eye?

This one
was the eye.

It was under
this ridge of bone.

Was this an eyebrow?

Kind of like that.

This is
an allosaurus arm.

It was rather short.

Big claws
grabbed whatever
it was going to eat.

Then it ripped into it
with its teeth.

That doesn't sound
very appetizing.

a messy eater.

What else is there?

Shall we take a look
at an allosaurus skull?


This allosaurus skull
actually came out of the wall.

Tobe is carefully
chipping away the rock.

It's very
detailed work.

Dinosaurs aren't
the only fossils

That we find here.

There are also fossils
of crocodiles and turtles.


It looks like a shell
from a modern turtle.

These numbers

Are all the different
pieces of the shell.

We also have
a very small turtle here,

Probably a young one.

It's so well-preserved
that we can even see

These tiny little leg
and foot and toe bones.

How did all these
dinosaur bones

Get here
in the first place?

We think there was
a large river here.

Dinosaurs lived and d*ed
all around the river.

Sometimes when it overflowed,
maybe after rainstorms,

It would pick up some
of their bones and bodies.

They would get stranded
in the shallow places

Or where the river curved
and slowed down.

Other dinosaurs might
pick the meat off the skeletons,

Scattering the bones more.

Later, floods would cover
the bones with mud

Until they were buried.

Why are you leaving

All the bones
in the wall?

This is really the only
place in the world

Where you can see
so many dinosaur bones

Right in the rock
where they were found.

But bones don't tell us

Exactly what dinosaurs
looked like.

You can see
how they fit together

And maybe how they moved,

But there are lots of details
that we don't really know.

What color was their skin?

Were they blue
or green or pink?

Boy, it boggles
the mind.

Thanks for
showing me around.

I'm glad
you could come.

I'm feeling
a little dino sore.

How does a dinosaur doctor
check his patient's heart?

He takes his mud pressure!


I like an audience
that showers me with love.

Where does a dinosaur study
to become a doctor?

At mudical school!


I thought vegas was tough,
but this is the pits!

The mud pits, that is.

To be as popular as I am,
read this book.

It's where I got
all those great jokes.

You've seen
how popular I am!

Here are other books
you'll enjoy,

But don't take
my word for it.

This crowd
certainly doesn't.

My name is ahmet.

I read a terrific book
called dinosaurs!

Its real title should be
drawing dinosaurs.

Not only does it show you
how to draw dinosaurs,

But it shows you how
to say their names,

Like dimetrodon,

and brachiosaurus.

I drew ichthyosaurus
with a pencil

So I could erase the lines
when I was finished.

If you want to
decorate your room

With dinosaur pictures,

Get this book.

If you're interested
in bones, rocks, or fossils,

You'd be interested in
if you are a hunter of fossils.

My name is terry whitehead.

This isn't like a storybook
because it is a poem.

I really like the picture

Where ey showed a lady
being an ocean.

You'd like this book

Because of the pictures
and the poetry.

I read it in my bedroom,

And I think
you'd like to, too.

Do you like dinosaurs?

Millions and millions
of years ago,

There was dinosaurs everywhere.

My name is kevin rideback.

I just read a book
called dinosaur time.

My favorite dinosaur
is called the brontosaurus

Because he's real big and fat
and he's got a tiny mouth.

Some of the other dinosaurs
in the book

Are real ugly
because they're real fat

And they got big horns.

You should read this book

Because everybody
likes dinosaurs.

The pictures are great!

How could creatures that
existed for millions of years

Just vanish?

Compared to how long dinosaurs
lived on the earth,

We humans have been here
a very short time.

The clues to that mystery
are buried beneath the ground.

We stand on top of layers
of other time periods.

If you dig down one layer,

You might find
an indian arrowhead

From 100 or 200 years ago.

But if you kept digging,

You might find a fossil
that's millions of years old.

I thought
I'd put some clues in.

What if, eons in the future,

Other beings try to figure out
what humans are like,

What was important to us?

A time capsule filled
with clues about our times

Could help them.

What would you
put in this time capsule?

My baseball card

Because there will be
different players then.

I would leave
my dirty sneakers.

I'll leave my tv.

My wheelchair
because in the future,

They might have
a cure for handicaps.

I will leave
my smurf doll.

A baseball bat.

I would leave my old shoes,
old pants, old shirts,

And old dresses
and old dolls.

A turkey.

I'd leave a cassette tape
and player

And say that the most important
thing in the world is peace.

Boy, those were
some great suggestions.

I think I'll add
a few things of my own.

Let's see.
Some house keys.

A photograph of me.

How about
an aerosol spray can?

Of course, a copy
of my favorite book.

I wonder if these clues

Will help others figure out
what we were like?

Will anyone even care?

I'd like to think so.

It's been millions of years
since the dinosaurs disappeared,

And we're still
puzzling about them.

Why were they so big?

What did they
really look like?

Why did they die out?

When the dinosaurs
ruled the earth,

How could they have known that
we'd be dreaming about them?

I'm sure
they never dreamed of us.

See you next time.

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high-- ♪

I got one last joke!

What did the dinosaur say
about her new book?

"I can really sink my teeth
into this."

Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Ha ha!

Maybe that's how
the dinosaurs disappeared.

They d*ed laughing!
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