Art of Christmas, The (2022)

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Art of Christmas, The (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

["Deck the Halls" plays]

I can't believe

tonight's the night.

It's finally happening, Brit.

You deserve this, Liv.

Your art displayed at the

Christmas Wonderland exhibit,

this is huge.

- Can you hold this?

- Sure.

My last piece

of the collection.

I've been dreaming about this

my whole life.

I'm so proud of you, Liv.

You need help with that?

Nope. I am good.

You, uh, you sure about that?

You're making it look

real awkward.

Nope, I'm good.

It's not me.

It's these clothes.

How do you

even function in these?

You're the one

who asked to borrow them.

I did, didn't I?


It's okay.

I got this.


I got my first art show.

I got my best friend with me

and a fresh cup of coffee.

Today's gonna be the perfect sta

to a perfect day

to a perfect future.


You okay?

Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am,

you have to

throw away your coffee.

Still gonna be perfect.

Just a little less caffeine.

You got this.


Merry Christmas.

- Hey!

- No, no, no.

You, you got to stop

living in the past, man.

I'm not living in the past.

I just don't want you to set me

on another terrible blind date.

Now, why do you automatically

think it's gonna be terrible?

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice...

- Third time's the charm.

- Reggie, no.

When was the last time you did

something new for yourself?

Hm? Look, you...

you are way too young to be

officially stuck in your ways.

Tell that to my knees.

And I am doing something new

for myself tonight,

as a matter of fact.

Changing your pizza order

does not count.

- I'm going to the city.

- Really?

- A date?

- No.

- Santa Claus parade?

- No.

- That's all I got.

- Art show.

I'm going to support

Mrs. Jenkins' friend.


You're going to that?

You're not?

Of course not.

It's an art show.

- She's our boss.

- No.

She's not our boss.

She's retired.


Stuck in the past.

You're stuck in the past.

Let's go, guys, one more time.

[rink buzzer blares]



You sure are.

Bradley. Hi.


For you.

Oh, thank you.

You got me

my lucky beet smoothie.

How did you smuggle this in?

I had to surrender my coffee

to the very intimidating

security guard out there.

He was wearing a Santa hat.

To the mildly intimidating

security guard out there.

Well, I suppose being the son

of a gallery owner

has its perks.

Um, how exactly

is a beet smoothie lucky?

Well, it means that I will be

"unbeetable" tonight.

Get it?

'Cuz of the beets.

- [Bradley] Mm-hm.

- Oh, I get it.

- You're a good man, Bradley.

- I try.

If he did not laugh

at my fruit jokes,

I would have to

let that "mango."

A very good man.

Oh, come on,

you love my punnies.

- I'm hilarious.

- What you are

is talented.

- I'll take that.

- [phone typing clicks]


what do you think?

I think it's nice.


Anything else?

Well, I think

it'll be a hit tonight.

I heard the senator will be here


politicians always like

nice art.

Any celebrities coming?

- Probably.

- Sweet.

Um, does it make you

feel anything?



Well, what does it

make you feel?


Yeah, it makes me feel good.

Oh, sorry, Liv.

I gotta go.

So soon?

Yeah, my father's counting

on me to make tonight successful

while he is out of the country.

Enjoy your smoothie

- and I'll see you tonight, okay.

- Yeah.

Brittany, take care

of my special artist.

You got it.

It makes him feel...



Okay, So your boyfriend

doesn't have his father's

knowledge of art, but

he does laugh at your lame jokes

and he did get you

your lucky smoothie

so points for that?

How does it make you feel?


Really, really good.

Like really.


You know Christmas is still

four weeks away, right?

Yeah, well, Jake likes to

suffocate me

with holiday spirit.

- [laughs]

- Yeah, how was hockey practice?

- Fun.

- Embarrassing.

You can't compare yourself

to Jake, Reggie.

I mean professional athletes

are in the league of their own.

I've never been

a professional athlete, Gramps.

Yeah, well you could have been

if it wasn't for that guy.

That was a long time ago.

Well, you're still tops

in my book.

Thanks, Gramps.

Did you get your walk in today?

Yes, sir.

You lying?

Reggie, will you, uh,

tell my grandson

to get off my case

about that whole walking thing?

I've been walking for 85 years.

I've done more steps than

both of you guys combined.


it's freezing out there.

I mean, he's got a point.

It's really cold out...

- Don't encourage him.

- Sorry.

Gramps, you got to

get your steps in.

I didn't buy you that

expensive watch

so you could tell the time.

Doctor says,

"use it or lose it."

Happy to lose it.

Hey, Reggie.

- Yep?

- You want an expense watch?

- Sure.

- Don't even think it.

[joyous score]

- So?

- Oh.

What do you think?

- You look stunning.

- Are you sure?

This dress is so not me.

But at least

I can breathe in this one.



Well, Cheesers approves.

Aw, thanks, Cheesers.

Well, hopefully, after this show

I can stop

borrowing your dresses

- and buy a few of my own.

- For the record,

there's nothing wrong

with your current wardrobe.

There is if I wanna

fit into this art crowd.

Bradley's T-shirts

are worth more than my rent.

- [knocking]

- Hello.

- Ah, Mary!

- Come in. Come in.


Oh, so nice to see you.

Thank you so much for coming.

I wouldn't miss it.

Your first big art exhibit.

I can't tell you

how proud I am of you.

Wait 'til you see

the collection.


I couldn't have

done it without you.

You did this all on your own.

I just cheered you on.

Mary, if it wasn't for you,

I would've never left

my teaching job

for an art career.

It's not easy leaving

a comfortable life behind

to follow a dream, but you did.

Yeah, I just hope

it works out.

Two years of art school

and no full-time job

really put a damper

on my savings.

I'm not exactly where

I thought I would be at my age.

You're where

you're supposed to be.

You know, I'm not exactly

where I thought I'd be

at this age,

but like I always say,

life is about the journey.

- Not the destination.

- destination.

We all need to

take chances in life.


I'm taking a chance

on this four-day old Thai food.

Any takers?

- I think we'll pass.

- Okay, more for me.

Liv, now that

you've graduated,

you can always

come back and teach

while doing art part time.

Balancing both

worked beautifully for me.

And I happen to know

that they're looking for someone

to fill in for Mrs. Mattel

until Christmas.

I could pull some strings.

Thanks, Mary.

But hopefully,

if tonight goes well,

I can do my art full time.

Oh, I hope people show up.

I have a feeling you'll have

your own little fan club tonight

I might have invited

a few colleagues.


This evening will be perfect.

- Yeah.

- [phone rings]


- Hello?

- This evening's a disaster.

- Bradley, what's wrong?

- The caterer isn't here yet.

People are gonna start arriving

in under two hours

and I don't have

anything to serve them.

It's okay.

Just take a breath.

I'm sure they're on their way.

Traffic in the city right now

is terrible.

- They'll be there.

- Yeah, well, they better be.

Do you want me to come in early

and help you figure things out?

That would be great.

Okay. On my way.

I need to leave early.

I'm just gonna grab a cab.

You guys take your time

and I will see you

in a couple of hours.

- Is everything okay?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I think

Bradley's just a little nervous.

Okay, dear, see you soon.

Good luck.

- Thank you.

- See you in a bit.

- Bye, Cheesers.

- [yip]


It's actually really good.

Four days.

[exciting holiday score]

- Ah, oh!

- Ahh.

I am so sorry.

It's perfectly okay.

Is that a beet smoothie?

It is.

- It was.

- Oh, no.

Did I get any on my dress?

Uh, nope. I think my shirt

took the "beeting."


- You're safe.

- You're funny.

- Thanks.

- Guess it is a lucky smoothie.

Um, how do you figure?

Oh, yeah, not for you.

Definitely not for you,

but for me because

I didn't get any on my dress

and it's a rental.

I don't own this dress, so...

- Yay.

- Mm.

Can I offer you anything

for your dry cleaning?

No, that's okay.

I never really

liked this shirt anyway.

You actually did me a favor.

Well, then I guess

it was lucky for both of us.

I guess it was.

Thanks for being so kind

about this.

It's nice

to meet somebody so "upbeet".

- Good one.

- Thanks.

Look, I, I'm sorry

to ruin your shirt and run,

but I actually, I have to go.

It was great meeting you.


You too.


I need these hors d'oeuvres

to be ready in an hour.

Guests are gonna

start arriving soon.


Mr. Johnson.

We will be ready on time.

Traffic was horrible.

Traffic is always

horrible in the city.

You should have

taken that into account.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Security told me

where I could find you.

Are you okay?

How did they not

take traffic into account?

Just breathe.

They're here now.

I'm here now.

Tonight needs to be perfect.

You're putting

so much pressure on yourself.

Just... give yourself

some grace.

You are doing amazing.

You know, I'm nervous too.

- [phone rings]

- I have to take this.

Could you go take a look

at the gallery,

make sure that

everything looks perfect?

- Yeah, of course.

- Great.

Hey, what do you think

of my new...


[gloomy score]

I'm sorry,

You can't be in here yet.

The show doesn't start

for another hour.

- Hi.

- Hi.

What are you doing here?

Oh, um,

security guard

let me in early to change.

I didn't exactly look my best

with a beet smoothie

spilled all over my shirt, so...

[both] It was lucky.

- Nice jersey.

- Thanks.

I know it's not exactly

appropriate attire

for tonight's event,

but it's all I had in my truck.

Well, at least

you picked a good team.

It is my dad's favorite

so I have a soft spot

for the Blue Knights.

You follow hockey?

A little?

Are you a big fan?

I was.

I-I mean, I am.

I was recruited by the Knights

back in the day...

Dream come true.

But, um, I got injured

during training

so I never really

got a chance to play.

This jersey is the closest

I'll ever come

to the big leagues.

That's closer than most.

I suppose.

So you are a hockey player

and an art connoisseur?

Not really, no.

I mean,

I love art

but I'm far from a connoisseur.

Yeah, I came here tonight

to support my boss.


But I was really

drawn to this painting.

- You were?

- Yes.

Yeah, it makes me feel

like there's

still possibilities

in this world.

I mean, I imagine

all of the different people

that have sat on this bench

in the middle of this

busy city.

You know, older couples,

first dates, tourists.

All with their own

unique dreams and

hopes and possibilities.

It's hopeful.

I think you're more of an art

connoisseur than you thought.


Well, what do you think

the artist was trying to express

when they painted this?

I think I know a thing or two

about what she was thinking

and I would say that

you had a very insightful guess.


Did you paint this?


What's going on?

We need to evacuate.

There's a fire in the kitchen.

- But what about my paintings?

- No time. Come on. Come on.

[sirens in distance]

[radio squelches]

Hey, we're all done in there.


What happened?

Caterers burnt

the hors d'oeuvres.

Lots of smoke.

Why are you wet?

Sprinkler system got me

on the way out.

Oh, honey, I am so sorry.

It's ruined.

All my hard work is gone.

Things will work out, darling.

This is just

a temporary setback.

What am I supposed to do?

I put everything I had

into this show.

Mary's right, Liv.

Everything's gonna work out.

Oh, my gosh.

Your dress.

I ruined it.

Liv, don't even

worry about that.

This night is a disaster.

I lost everything.

Not everything.

Excuse me, miss.

Is this yours?

Yes. Thank you.

Thank you so much

for saving this.

- It's my favorite piece.

- It wasn't me, ma'am.

A gentleman in a hockey jersey

brought it down.

Asked me to find the owner.

Described a woman

in a long green dress.

Thank you.

[tender score]

A man in a hockey jersey?


Well, who is he?

I didn't catch his name.

Come on, darling.

Let's get you home.

Thank you.

So, a stranger

in a hockey jersey

saves your painting

and disappears.

Yeah. And when he was

talking about my painting,

it was like

he was reading my soul.

Well, that's intense.

No, it's...


It's not like that.

I just meant

he really got it, you know?

It was...

It was nice.

And you ran into him

twice today.


Okay, if I believed in fate

which I don't, but if I did,

I kind of feel like this

isn't the last time

you're gonna bump into

this mystery man.

Yeah, it was weird.


Have you talked to Bradley?


I left him a message,

but he was

pretty upset about tonight.

- Meant a lot to him.

- Liv...

This night meant a lot

to you too.

He's your boyfriend.

He should have called

to make sure you're okay.

I'm okay.

So what are you gonna do?

I don't know.

You hiring?

That all depends.

Did you happen to go back to

law school and graduate?

- I did not.

- Then we are not.


What about what Mary said?

Go back and teach.

It's a short contract.

You could do it until Christmas

just to get back on your feet.

Why does it feel like

I'm giving up on my dreams?

You are not

giving up on your dreams.

You're just doing what

you need to do to succeed.

Look, Liv, nothing ever

works out the way we plan.

You just have to keep your

head up and keep plugging away.

Plus you love working with kids.

Maybe this is the perfect way

to spend the holiday season

just to get your mind off

of things and

so you're not crying

on my couch.

It's a good couch.

It's a good couch.

Just think about it, okay?


- Love you.

- Love you.

Oh, Mary left

this card for you.

It's from some of

her work colleagues.

I guess she invited

the entire staff

to come to your show tonight.

They seem like a pretty

good bunch of people

to work with.

Think about it.



[tender score]

[school bell rings]

[festive score]

I can do this.

Today's gonna be

the perfect start

to a perfect day,

to a perfect holiday season.



I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to...

It's okay.


[gentle holiday score]

Can I sit?

Are you gonna make me

go back in there.


but not right this minute.

I'm Ms. James.

I'm new here.

- What's your name?

- Trisha.

It's nice to meet you, Trisha.

I'm new here too.

Oh, I see.

[excited chatter in distance]

I want to go home.

Where is home?


When did you move here?

Last week.

It's my first day.

Do you think that maybe

it's a little early

to make that decision?

I mean, it's your first day

and school hasn't started yet.

Some girls on the bus

were making fun of me.


everyone laughed.

Sorry to hear that.

The worst part is

is that these girls

are in my class.

When Principal Rainer brought me

to meet my new teacher,

Mr. Hartley,

my assigned desk

was right next to them.

This day could not

get any worse.

Well, if it can't

get any worse,

you know what that means?


It can only get better.

Look, I know we're not

in the exact same position,

but I do understand how difficul

it is to start somewhere new.

It takes a lot of courage.

What if I don't have any?

We all have courage

inside of us.

We just need to look.

I'm scared too.

You are?


It's my first day too.

I don't wanna go in there

any more than you do.

- Really?

- Really.

But, I also happen to know

that once I do,

I'll be glad I did.

And in a couple weeks from now,

we'll both have new friends

and we'll fit right in.

What are we gonna do about

those girls in the meantime?

Why don't we go in together

and I will talk to Mr. Hartley

for you.

- Really?

- What do you say?

- Deal?

- Deal.

Oh, and I'm really sorry

about your shirt.


It's okay.

Maybe no one will notice.

[score fades out]

Olivia, welcome.


We are so happy

to have you here.

Mary has said so many

wonderful things about you.

Well, I'm very happy

to be here.

Oh, is this for me?

- This?

- Yeah.

Oh. Yeah, yeah,

of course.

- Oh-ho.

- Yeah, it's for you.

Well, oops.


Looks like your day's off

to a wonderful start already.

It certainly appears that way,

doesn't it?

- Speaking of which...

- Mm-hm.

I happened to bump into

one of your students today

Wondering if you could

introduce me to Mr. Hartley.

I'd like to discuss

something with him.

Principal Rainer?

Ah, sorry to interrupt, but...




[gentle score]

Oh, well, it seems

no introductions

are necessary here after all.

Mr. Hartley,

Ms. James

has something she wanted

to discuss with you.

Perhaps you could, um,

show her around?

- Happy to.

- Great.

- I'm Jake, by the way.

- Liv.

It's nice to

officially meet you.

Although, I have to say

this is another

strange coincidence.

You know what they say:

third time's a charm.

Well, first time we met

my shirt was "beeten."

The second time

we burned down an art gallery.

Can't wait to see what life

has in store for us today.

When you put it that way,

I'm slightly terrified.

Although I did spill coffee

on myself this morning.

Does that count?

First day is always

such a grind.

Oh. Good one.

But, since it happened

before I saw you,

you might have to

take extra precautions.

I am definitely sensing

some end of the world vibes.

On a more serious note...

More serious

than human annihilation?


I have a favor to ask.

How can I help?

I happened to bump into one of

your students this morning.

- Trisha.

- Our new student.

She seems to be having

a hard time this morning.

She is.

Any chance you can reconsider

her seating arrangement?

She's getting teased

by a couple girls

and it would be easier on her

if she wasn't sitting

right next to them.


I suppose I could consider it

since the world will probably

end before noon anyway.


Oh, I have one more

favor to ask.

No good deed...

You don't happen to have

that jersey in your truck still,

do you?

[upbeat holiday score]

Remember with art,

complementary colours

are very important.

[school bell]

Uh, remember to finish

your color wheels tonight

and I will see you all tomorrow.



[line trilling]

- Hi, Liv.

- Bradley.


How's your day?

Uh, not terrible.


Not terrible.

I forgot how hard it is to

entertain kids all day.


It was exhausting, but...


Well, lucky for you

it's temporary.

Yeah, how did it go

with the gallery?

- Any word on the damage?

- Actually, yes.

Um, it turns out it isn't as bad

as we originally thought.

We may need to

redo the floors but, um,

we should be up and

running before Christmas.

- That's great.

- It is.

Hey, um, what are you doing

Friday night?



Well, my father's

coming back to town

and I'd really love it

if you'd join us for dinner.

Are you sure?

I mean, aren't you guys

gonna be busy with the gallery?

Yes, but having one of his

chosen artists join us

might help soften

the blow of this disaster.

If you think so,

then of course I will be there.

I owe your dad a lot.

If it wasn't for him choosing

my art to be in his show,

I would've never met you.

Well, we both

owe him for that.

Okay, I gotta run

but we'll talk later?

Sure thing.

- We made it.

- We did. No apocalypse.

The sun is still shining.

I guess it's been

a pretty good day.

How was your first day?

Honestly, [sighs]

a lot harder than I remember.

- It'll get easier.

- Yeah, I'm sure it will.

Oh, how did it go with Trisha?

I put her in a nice quiet place

far away from those girls.

- Thank you.

- She'll be okay.

She just needs some time

to adapt.

There's some good kids

in that class.

- She'll make friends quickly.

- I hope so.

I know what it's like

to be the new kid in school.

And look how quickly

you made a friend.


On that note,

thank you

for lending me the jersey.

It was a big hit.

My pleasure.


it came with a price.

I'm afraid

you're out of luck, buddy.

I am completely broke

until my first paycheck.

Not that kind of price.

Come on.

It'll be fun.

Yeah, hi.

Hey, there's our star player

and you brought a friend.

Yeah, Reggie meet Liv.

Liv, this is Reggie

History, room 209,

meet art, room 102.

Oh, you're taking over

from Mrs. Mattel 'til Christmas.

Yeah. And, apparently,

her spot on this team.

- Wonderful. Uh, can you play?

- I can skate.

Well, that's 50%

of the battle right there.

Yeah, it's the other 50%

that I'm concerned with.

I do not have that

figured out myself.

Good, then there's

no pressure.

So what brings you

to our humble little abode?

It's a long story.

Got an abbreviated version?

That's our Reggie.

Always looking for a shortcut.

Time is precious, my friend.

I'd love to hear

the long version sometime

if you'd be willing to share.

I'd like that.

Okay, well I'm gonna go

take some laps

'cause I definitely

need the practice.

Okay, let's rock and roll.

Oh, hey,

thanks for doing this.

I realize it's probably

outside your comfort zone.

Well, you know,

life's about the journey,

[both] Not the destination.

- [Liv] Mary.

- [Jake] Mrs. Jenkins.

You still call Mary

Mrs. Jenkins?

I guess I do.


All right, try to keep up.

Oh, I'll be all right.

["Dashing Through the Snow"



- Yeah!

- Whoo!

Did you see her out there?

That girl's a keeper.

She sure is.

Well, I mean for our team.

Obviously, she's a keeper

for our team.




That's a lot of fun.

Thank you for lending me

your jersey.

How can I repay you

for making my first day great?

I made your first day great?

Yeah, you did.

Any chance that you

want to help me out

with the Christmas concert?

Uh, I was put in charge of it

when Mrs. Mattel went on leave.

Auditions are tomorrow.

Oh, wow, that sounds

like a lot of fun

but I was thinking of

a shorter commitment.

Something like bringing

you coffee in the morning.

Oh, I'll take the coffee

in the morning.

I believe she was

talking to me.

I was talking to him.

I do like coffee, though.

Should I bring an extra jersey

just in case?

Better safe than sorry.

Is that a no on the coffee?

Is there any way

I can convince you

to give me all of your

extra time

to help me out

with this talent show?

I would love to but...

I need to paint.


How about you, Reg?

Oh, hi. I'm back

in the conversation?

- [laughs]

- Thanks, that's great.

No, unfortunately,

I have to paint too.

It's a fresh coat

in the living room

that I'd much rather do.

And I thought you two

were my friends.

- [laughs]

- I will see you both tomorrow.

- And Reggie?

- Yeah?

That is a yes on the coffee

for you too.

Definitely a keeper.

["O Tanenbaum" plays]

Not tonight.


- Hi, Reggie.

- Hi.

One cream, two sugar, right?

Sweet Christmas.

You're a mind reader.


That is impressive.

Yeah, well, I texted Jake

this morning so...

- Ah, that makes more sense.

- Mm.

Less impressive

but, still, thank you.

Oh, um, can you actually

give this to Jake for me?

- Yeah, no problemo.

- Thanks.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Can I join?

So, I heard

that Mr. Hartley

gave you

a new seating arrangement.

He did.

Thanks for that.

No problem.

Are you okay?

When will it get easier?

Uh, it's gonna take some time,

but I promise you it will.

I miss my old school.


What do you miss most

about it?

My friends.

[gentle score]

Anything else?

I don't know.

Music class, I guess.

I was taking singing lessons

back home and I loved it.

It was

more of an artistic school.

Everything here

feels so structured,

so plain.

Well, maybe, we just need to

bring a little of ourselves

to this place.

How are we gonna do that?


I have some ideas.

Good morning, everyone.

Who wants to do art class

outside today?

Great. Grab some supplies

and follow me.


Very good.

Looking good there.

Ah, this is beautiful.


Okay, close your books.

Pop quiz.

["Hark the Herald Angels Sing"


Ms. James,

how's this look?

It looks beautiful, Heath.

Ah. Mary.

I see you're bringing

a little holiday spirit

to the school.




What are you doing here?

You know, retirement means that

you don't have to work anymore.

I know. Who knew

I'd miss this place already?

I volunteered to help out

at the Christmas concert.

Mr. Hartley

needed a hand.

Oh, yeah.

You know,

I was thinking about

doing that too.

And, fun fact,

Jake is the mystery man

who saved my painting

the night of the art show.


Small world.


Small world.

He's a sweet man.

Takes care of his grandfather

and does a lot of work

for the community.

I can tell

he's got a good heart.

So, any word on the gallery?

Well, Bradley seems to think

it'll be up and running

- before Christmas.

- That's fast.

Can you come up with

a new collection

in less than four weeks?

I hope so.

To be honest, I've been having

a really hard time

being inspired

since I lost my pieces.

I am creatively stuck.

Well, you know

what I always say,

whenever you get stuck...

Paint the places and the faces

that you love.


All right.

Excellent work today.

I will see you all tomorrow.

Thank you for your effort.

It's truly appreciated.

[stirring score]

So, what do you think?

I think Ms. James

brightened this place up.

She sure did.

- Hey.

- Hey.

We were just

admiring your work.

It's beautiful,

Ms. James.

Thanks, Trisha.

I have you to thank for it.

- Now, you ready for your part?

- My part?

Yeah, I brought a little

of myself to this place,

now it's time that you

bring a little of yourself.

Mr. Hartley,

do you still need help

- with that Christmas concert?

- I sure do.

Great. Then I'm gonna volunteer

and Trisha here

is going to audition.

- She's gonna sing.

- I am?

It's your turn

to brighten this place up.

Come on.

[score fades out]

Thank you, Bobby.

That was wonderful.

Next up, we have Trisha.

Looks like you really

got through to her.

I'm trying.

And you're sure

she can sing, right?

No idea.

Silent night

Holy night

All is calm

All is bright

Round yon Virgin


and child

Holy infant

so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly...

We have some

very talented kids.

Yeah, we do.

You are really good with them.


Was teaching always your

second passion after hockey?

I guess it was,

although I didn't know it.

Yeah, after my injury,

I spent a lot of time and money

on physical therapy.

I ended up going broke.

Feeling pretty hopeless.

I needed somewhere to go

so I moved in

with my grandfather.

Mary told me

that you take care of him now.

Uh, I'm just

repaying the favor.

Yeah, he put my life

back on track

after my hockey career

fell apart.

All I knew was hockey.

He taught me that, uh...

life moves on

after huge disappointments

and you have a choice.

You can either

wallow in that self-pity

or you can move forward.

And how did you figure out

that teaching

was your path forward?

- Summer holidays.

- Ooh, solid reason.

Just kidding.

No, I ended up

coaching the hockey team and

I realized the impact

that I could make

on these young people's lives.

So, I went back to school

and got my teaching degree.

How about you?

Do I finally get to hear

the long version now?

Well, I guess

it's not that long, but

I always loved to paint,

you know?

And my grandmother, Henrietta,

she was an artist.

And every year on my birthday,

we would go through her closet

and find the most

beautiful dresses.

We would find these

extravagant costumes

and go from art gallery

to art gallery in the city.

Some years I would be a princess

and other years

I'd dress up as an actress

from a movie I loved.


She was the one

that made me

fall in love with art.

I loved those birthdays.

Henrietta sounds like

an amazing woman.

I always wanted to just follow

in her footsteps, but

my parents were

a lot more practical.

So you went into teaching.

Taught for ten years.

Loved it but I left my dreams

of being an artist aside

until one weekend,

I went to a teacher's conference

and met Mary.

Mrs. Jenkins.

She was absolutely inspiring.

You know, she was both

a teacher and an artist.

And the following weekend

I went to go see her art

and she had that same spark

that my grandmother had.

- Vibrant, you know?

- Hm.

And she convinced me

to go back to art school

and follow my dreams.

Dreams are important.

And you seem like

you're getting there.

I thought I was,

but I'm not so sure anymore.

Because of what happened

at the art exhibit?

Kind of took the wind

outta my sails.

I am feeling a little lost.

I'm not sure

which direction to go in.

Well, lucky for you,

these kids tend

to help give us purpose.

Maybe you're exactly

where you need to be.


For what it's worth,

I'm really glad

that you're here.

Me too.

[gentle piano score]


I hope you don't mind.

Your concierge let me in.

Bradley, hi.

Not at all.

This is beautiful.

Yeah, it might be a bit cold.

I thought you'd be home earlier.

Yeah, I volunteered to help

with the Christmas concert.

They needed an extra hand.

Do you have time for that?

I'll find time.

It'll be fun.

How was your day?

It was good.

We should have some news

about the new

gallery dates soon.

Oh, that's great.

Hey, thank you so much

for checking up on me.

I could really use the company

and this is so sweet.

Of course.

Why is there only one plate?

Dinner for one.

I can't stay.

I just wanted to come by

and say hi and make sure

that you're still good

for tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?

- Yes.

Dinner with my father, remember?

Right, yes.

I will be there.

Great. I'm sure that he'll

want to hear about

any of your new pieces.

My new pieces.


You know how big of a fan

he is of yours, hm?

Yeah, your dad's been amazing.

Hey, Bradley...

is there any chance

you could stay?

We haven't really talked lately

and, to be honest,

I've been having a hard time

with the new paintings.

I'm so sorry, Liv, I can't.

I've got so much work.

But we'll hang out tomorrow,

- I promise. Okay?

- Okay.

Enjoy the escargot.



this girl is pretty, smart

and she's got

a wicked slap shot.


What are you waiting for?

Well, I just met her, Gramps.


When I met your grandmother

I asked her out the first time

I had laid eyes on her.

- I know.

- Mm-hm.

Things are

more complicated now.


I think you kids make them

more complicated.

Actually, they're very simple.

No, they are more complicated.

What if she has a boyfriend?

Did you ask her?

- No.

- Well,

it's simple, really.

You say,

"Have you got

a boyfriend?"


How did you do that?

You just have to have

the right moves, boy.

Also, your mind was preoccupied.

["Joy to the World" plays]

I'm not sure how to do this.

You are doing great.

I'm so awkward.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.



[long breath]

And try to sit still.

Why am I doing this, exactly?

Because you are a good guy

and you got into a bad habit

of doing me big favors.

I'll have to work on that.

Yeah, I drew

that same conclusion.

- Ha-ha.

- Honestly...


I've just been having a hard

time getting inspired lately.

You know, and Mary always says,

when you get creatively blocked

to paint the places

and faces you love, so...

There's the smile

I was looking for.

Whatever you're thinking of

right now, just...

- keep thinking that.

- You got it.

Hey, Jake, did you

catch the score...

- [laughs]

- Hi.

You know, if you need a real

model, I'd be happy to oblige.

I mean, I'm much better looking

than this ugly mug.

- Hey!

- Thanks, Reggie, but...

yeah, I-I kind of like

his ugly mug.

- I'm not sure how to take this.

- Oh, okay, fine, your loss.

Hey, are you two up for the

annual Christmas karaoke night?

Christmas karaoke?

Yearly tradition, tonight,

eight o'clock at the Flame.

It's where I really

get to shine.

You definitely

don't wanna miss that.

What do you say, Liv?


I would love to,

but I have plans tonight.

Big date?



I am going to dinner with my

boyfriend and his father.

- Rain check.

- Yeah, sure thing.

Yeah. Uh, you are definitely

gonna be there, though.

- I will.

- Yes.

Lord help us.

Your loss.


[door opens]

[gentle score]

Early birthday present.

Mary. Aw, thank you.

You shouldn't have.

Oh, it's just

a little something.

You're too sweet.

- When's your birthday?

- It's Monday.

I'll have to remember that.

Liv, this mural

is looking beautiful.

Looks like you'll have an

art exhibit this Christmas

regardless of what happens

with the gallery.

I guess you're right.

Well, enjoy your weekend.

Looks like you two have

everything flowing nicely here.

You have a good weekend too,

Mrs. Jenkins.

Goodbye, Mary.

Thank you.

Is that seat taken?

Uh... No.

Listen, I heard

what those kids said earlier.

Don't worry about them.

Do you want to

practice with me today?

- Sure.

- Cool.

Great voice by the way.

You can really sing.


Looks like we do have

things flowing nicely.


Just took a little time.

It's really nice to see

her making friends.

I, um,

I should actually get going too.

Oh, right.

You have a date.


Well, have fun on your...


- Thanks.

- Oh, and Liv, thank you so much

for helping out with this.

The kids really appreciate it.

And I appreciate it too.


Can you, um,

finish the stars?

Oh, yep.


Just, uh, I'll get the star.

Goodnight, Jake.



- Can I borrow this dress?

- Yes, of course.

But you do know you own

plenty of nice dresses, right?

I told you,

they're not good enough.

- Not for this crowd.

- Liv, "this crowd"

is your boyfriend

and his father.

You don't need to change

your style to impress them.

I know, but...

can I borrow it anyway?

And these k*ller heels.

Can you even walk in those?

Well, there's a first time

for everything.


you've been with Bradley

for six months now.

Don't you think it's time you

stop trying to be

someone you're not and let your

true self shine through?

I mean, does Bradley

even know the real you?

Bradley and his dad

took a huge risk on me.

I just...

I don't wanna let them down.

Objection, speculation.

Okay, Miss Lawyer,

what do you think?

I think they saw talent

and support it.

And I don't think you need to

try to be someone you're not.

Honestly, Liv...

I am sorry to say but I just

don't see a spark in your eyes

when you look at Bradley.

- Not even a little?

- No.

Yeah, I just,

every time I try to

be myself around him or

speak to him, things get...


Well, things have been busy

since you started dating him.

I'm just saying, I don't think

you need a fancy dress

to impress him.

Just be you.


I will be me.


- Starting tomorrow.

- [sigh]

Okay, but I'm warning you,

good luck with those heels.


["Good King Wenceslas" plays]

- So, a fresh coat of paint...

- Thank you.

And just the floors...

The floors are

just about finished.



There she is.

- Oh!

- Are you okay?

Yeah, just um, huh, new shoes.

- Well, you look stunning.

- Thank you.

Lovely as always, Olivia.

- Thank you.

- We ordered.

I hope you don't mind.

No, not at all.

The food here is delectable

and we are celebrating.

- We are?

- Yes.

Fortunately, the bind

my son put us in

is not as terrible

as we originally thought.

It was the caterer's, Father.

I don't really feel

like it was my fault.

You booked the caterer, Son.

You have to take responsibility

for your choices.

As I was saying,

it appears that your art exhibit

is back on in three weeks.

- Three weeks?

- Mm-hm.

Wow, that's great.

What day?

December 23rd.

Two days before Christmas.

Isn't that wonderful?

It'll be the biggest event

in the city this holiday.

That's fantastic.

Oh, um, that's the same day

as the school Christmas concert.

Well, lucky for you,

you can quit your teaching job

and you don't have to

worry about the concert.

I can't quit. I need my job

to pay the bills.

Not anymore.

The insurance company

sent checks.

This is yours.

It's to cover the art

you lost in the fire.

Are you serious?

This is a lot of money.

It replaces the, uh,

pieces that were damaged

at a fair market value.

Fair market value.


That should be enough money

for you to quit your job

and focus on those new pieces.

Thank you.

And I promise

I will focus

on the new pieces, but

Bradley, I told you,

I can't quit.

Those kids are counting on me.

They're 12-year-old children,


Anyone can help them

with their Christmas show.

This is a

once in a lifetime opportunity.

I don't know what to say.

Well, you don't have to

say anything.

You just have to make sure

that your new collection

is as spectacular as your last.

[phone buzzes]

Excuse me.

I have to take this.

Aren't you excited?


And a little overwhelmed.

Bradley, I was trying

to tell you yesterday

I'm having a really hard time

with my new paintings.

Well, it's probably just 'cause

you're tired from teaching.

- I don't think that's it.

- Sure it is.

Quit on Monday

and you'll be fine.

Bradley, I told you

I can't quit.

These kids are important to me

and Mary pulled a lot of strings

to get me this job.

You'll figure it out.

Speaking of Monday,

I have planned

a romantic night for us

for your birthday

at the best restaurant in town.


We need to talk.

We are talking.

I mean privately.

After dinner.

Apologies, uh, but I'm gonna

have to leave.

I've got an important meeting

that, uh, just came up

and I have to leave right away.

Of course.

I completely understand.

- Bradley, you coming?

- Uh, yes, Father.

I'll, I'll meet you in the car

in a couple minutes.

- Good night, Olivia.

- Goodnight, Mr. Johnson.

You're leaving?


I thought we were

gonna have dinner together.

Well, you can get a to-go box.

My father needs me.

Bradley, I need...


I don't think that this...

is working.

Can we talk about this later?

There's a lot

going on right now.

There is. And you've been so

tied up in your father's world

and I've been

focused on school...

This is a very busy time

at the gallery, Liv.

It is.

And I appreciate all the

hard work you've been doing

and the passion you have

for making your father proud

but, Bradley,

you and I...

It's over.

I'm sorry.

So, you guys broke up.

For real?

- For real.

- You okay?


I'll be fine.

You wanna drown your sorrows

in some of this yummy food

you brought back?

It's delicious.

I don't even recognize

anything in those containers.

Is it chicken, beef, octopus?

- Nobody knows.

- It's definitely octopus.


Everything will work out.

You know what I think?

I think you need to

take this weekend

and just let everything go.

Let's have some fun.

Let's go out tonight.


I am all dressed up.

Anywhere you wanna go.


- Anywhere.

- Name it.

How does

Christmas karaoke sound?

Fa-la-la, la-la-la-la la

Thank you.


Hail the new year

Lads and lasses

I, um, think we might be

slightly overdressed.

Yeah, I was not

privy to dress code.

Fa-la-la, la-la-la

Who's that?

That's Reggie.

He's a good guy.

And a great singer.

Yeah, I guess he is., laaa

- [Reggie] Yeah.

- Whoo!

I mean, I nailed that.

So, T-shirt by day and

rock star by night, huh, Reg.

What can I say?

I'm a man of many talents.

- I'm so happy you came.

- Me too.

- Me three.

- Hi.


- Hi.

- Hi.

- That's a great dress.

- Thank you.

Oh, guys, this is

my best friend, Brit.

Brit, this is Reggie and Jake.

Uh, finally I get to meet

the Mystery Man.

Thank you. Thank you.

I mean, some do say I have

this dark brooding

quality about me.


I like to think of it as a

sparkly vampire kind of a thing.


Funny and talented.

- I never get handsome.

- Right.

And humble. I mean,

I almost forgot that.



Can I offer you some punch?

Maybe a mediocre appetizer.

Wow, you had me at

mediocre appetizer.

- Yeah?

- Mm-hm.

[Reggie gasps dramatically]


[gentle score]

- Yeah.

- What about a warm beer?

- I'm not a big beer drinker.

- No?

What would you like?

A daiquiri, margarita, mojito?

So, uh, wh...

What happened to your plans

with your boyfriend?

Plans changed.



Well, it's great to see you.

You too.

Is it just me

or am I sensing

a bit of a love connection

happening with those two.

Oh, you sense that too, huh?

Mm-hm. Who knew

we were such great matchmakers?

Yeah, I would've never guessed

that those two would...


So, what happened

with the big date?

My big date?


It just, um,

it just didn't work out.

You know, he had to

take care of something and I was

there alone

with the-the food and...

We broke up.


I'm sorry to hear that.




Can I get you a drink?


On it.


[soothing piano score]

- There you are.

- Thank you.

You're welcome.

So, what about you?

- What about me?

- Well...

my love life is in shambles.

Tell me a little bit

about yours.

Anyone special in your life?

Does Reggie count?

No, I was thinking

more of the romantic variety.

In that case, no.

Why not?

Age-old story.

Uh, girl broke my heart.

Slow to get over it.

How long?

Four years.


Wow, that's turtle pace.



She must have really hurt you.

She did.

And then Gramps got sick

so I was really focused on that.

I tried to patch things up,

but she moved on

at supersonic speed.

She left me for an entrepreneur

who sells

wrinkle-free men's shirts.

They got married,

blah, blah, blah.

You gotta watch out

for those entrepreneurs.

They are great salesmen.

You're telling me.

I bought five shirts

from that guy?

- You did not.

- I did too.

- Ah!

- I hate ironing.

Well, I hope you donated them

after she left.


but my very last one

did recently get destroyed

by a beet smoothie, so...

That was the shirt.

It was.

Well, it was a sign.

It's time to move on.


Time to move on.

[mugs clink]

Hi, everyone.

You all know me.

I'm Reggie and I just wanted

to introduce my new friend...

Hi, I'm Brit.

And we are gonna sing

a very special duet for you.

- Hit it.

- [laughs]

Oh, well, that is something

that I did not expect

to see tonight.

They look like

they make a great team.

Yeah, it does.

The first Noel

The angel did say

Can I have this dance?


Can we even dance to this?

You can dance to anything...

if you have the right partner.


["Love Calls Me Home"

featuring Bryan Livaudais plays]

There's something about

this cozy hearth and night

A sparkle in

the firelight

There's something

in the calmness

Amidst the storm

Makes my soul feel

Safe and warm

That love

calls me home

That love

calls me home

The troubles of the day

fade away

As peace erodes

The fray of the day

And firelight

brightens the night

And for tonight...

[lively holiday score]

[Liv] Hi.




Excuse me.

Ms. James.

Mr. Hartley.

- Hi.

- Happy birthday.

You remembered.

Of course.

How was the rest

of your weekend?


Good, yeah, it was...

It was great actually.

I painted all day and all night.

You did?

That's fantastic.


I guess I suddenly

felt inspired.

I'm really happy to hear that.

Hey, you two!

Reggie, hi.

Liv, by any chance, did Brit

happen to say anything about me?

Not that I'm prying.

I just, I'd just

really like to know if-if-if

she said anything

about me at all.

Um, I mean, if she didn't,

that's fine too.

I just, I just,

I, you know, I mean.

Did she?

She said

you were a great singer.

She did?


That's something.

- It ain't nothing.

- Right?

[school bell rings]

Oh, I gotta get back to class.


Yeah, I should...

I should get back to class.

Yeah, me too.

Oh, and, um, one other thing,

for the record,

um, I tend to overdo birthdays.

It's a thing.


don't think anything

about anything

should anything happen to happen


In regards to birthdays,

that is.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Oh, okay.

- Okay.

I'm gonna...

You do that.

[lively holiday score]

This is a terrible idea.

This is awesome.

Why do I have to be a knight?

It's the only costume

in your size.

Plus you match

Ms. James.

I guess it's too late

to back out now.

Why would you?

I mean, Ms. James will love it.

It's a special thank you

for everything

that she's done for us.

Plus, this was your idea.

I know. You guys

are absolutely right.

And you look great.

Almost as good as me.

Thanks, Bobby.

Trisha, you ready?

- Sure am.

- Initiate phase two.

Hi, Ms. James.

You are cordially invited

to join us in the theater

in ten minutes.

What are you guys up to?

It's a dress.

You have to wear it.

What kind of dress?

[gentle score]

[inaudible conversations]

Mr. Hartley!

- She's on her way.

- Okay, great.

Everybody in positions.


We heard that your grandma

used to bring you

to fancy art galleries

for your birthday every year.

And you got dressed up

in beautiful costumes.

So, we got all dressed up and...

this is our fancy gallery.

I don't know what to say.

You guys are all too sweet.

Well, it was Mr. Hartley's idea

but we did most of the work.

Thank you.

This is spectacular.

Oh, and look at those paintings.

It's some of the most

beautiful art I've ever seen.

And we got cake.

[upbeat holiday score]


This was delicious.

Not too bad, huh?

Did you make this?

I wish I could take credit

for it. It was all Gramps.

Is he the one

that made this outfit?

No, this was in my closet.

Yeah, I moonlight as a

knight in shining armor, so...

Of course you do.

[tender score]

- Hey, Jake.

- Yeah.

Thank you.

My pleasure.

I, uh...

I just wanted to see

if I could make you smile.

You did.

Oh, and um,

I have a gift for you and I...

forgot it in the classroom,

so I'll sneak out

and, um, bring it right back.

Oh, you shouldn't have.

You've already done

way too much.

I told you.

I go overboard with birthdays.

Ms. James.

Mr. Hartley.

Come on, we'll give you

a full tour of the gallery.

You guys go ahead.

I will just grab

something from the classroom...

[calming exhale]

[score fades out]

Uh, could I help you?

Yes, Principal Rainer

let me in.

Told me I could find

Liv James in room 102, but

I seemed to have gotten

a little turned around.

Um, I'm Bradley Johnson.

Uh, Jake Hartley.

Nice outfit.

Who you supposed to be,

the tin man?

A knight.

You don't find many of those

around anymore.

No, I suppose not.

So, do you know where

I can find my girlfriend?

Your girlfriend?

Yeah. Yeah, it's her birthday.

Big night out.

Yeah, the limo's outside waiting

and I don't wanna be late

for our reservation.

Yeah, uh, her class

is room 102.

It's downstairs to the left.

I can go get her for you.

Yeah, appreciate that.

And good luck on your quest.


You too.



- Did she know about this?

- Of course.

I've been planning it for weeks.

[emotional score]

[Liv] I can't believe

you guys did this.

It's so nice.


- Is everything okay?

- Yeah.

It's just...

your boyfriend's here

to see you.

- My boyfriend?

- Bradley Johnson.

Oh, um...

He's waiting

in your classroom.

Jake, it's not what it

looks like. He's just...

You should go to him.

I, I can clean up.

Here is your birthday gift.

You can open it later.

It's not a big deal.

It's just a little something.

Jake, I can explain.

You don't need to explain.

It's okay.

You should go.


I'll tell the kids

that you say goodbye.



What are you doing here?

Happy birthday.

Here, these are for you.

Bradley, we broke up.

We said we would

talk on Monday.

It's Monday.

You said we would

talk about it on Monday.

I said it was over.


look, I'm sorry

I've been so preoccupied.

Let's start over, okay?

Look, I want this night

to be perfect for you.

I've planned everything.

The limo,

the best restaurant in the city.

- A Broadway show.

- Bradley...

I appreciate what you're doing,


it's not where

I want to spend my birthday.

Where do you wanna spend it?


You, you'd rather stay here

playing dress-up

than a night on the town?


The truth is that

I've been playing dress-up

for the last six months

with you.

What are you

talking about, Liv?

The limos and the fancy

restaurants and the dresses

That's, that's not me.

Where is this coming from?

I owe you an apology.

[tender score]

I haven't been my real self

around you.

I've been so caught up

in trying to fit into your world

that I haven't shown you

my true self.

Sure you have.


I haven't.

Those dresses are borrowed

and I prefer pizza to escargot

and my wardrobe

consists of jeans and T-shirts.

And princess dresses.

On occasion.


love should inspire.

It should inspire us

to do amazing things.

It should inspire us to believe

that anything is possible.

And if you look inside yourself,

I think you'll realize that

we haven't really

been connecting.


inspiring each other.

And maybe it's because

we're both so caught up in work

or maybe we're just, um,

on different paths.

I don't know.

But I do know that your mind

has been somewhere else and...

And so has mine.

And that's not fair

to either one of us.

I thought we had something

really good starting here.

We did.

You are an incredible man,

we're just...

not the right fit.

And this isn't the right time

for either one of us.

I'm sorry to hear that.


I suppose if I'm

being honest with myself,

you might be right.

We stay friends?

I think it'd be

very hard not to be.

I, um...

I hope this doesn't affect

our ability to work together

on the art exhibit.


my father fell in love

with your art

before I fell in love with you.

Nothing will affect our ability

to work together.

Thank you.

Happy birthday, Liv.

And I like that dress.

I hope you find your knight

in shining armor one day.


[footsteps recede]

[stirring score]

Thank you.

For the gift.

It was...

extremely thoughtful of you.

Well, now you have

one of your own.

You can keep it in your trunk

just in case.

I love it.

I'm glad.


I owe you an apology.

It's not what it looked like.

Bradley and I are not together

anymore. It's just...


You don't owe me

an explanation.

Uh, your personal life

is none of my business.

And I-I know what all this

looks like, but honestly,

it was just a friend

doing something nice

for a friend for her birthday.

I told you I go overboard

with birthdays.


Yeah, of course.

I-I didn't mean to say

that this was

anything more than that

I just meant to say that...

I know.

It's complicated.



Good afternoon, everyone.

Before the bell rings,

I just wanted to say

Merry Christmas

to all of our students

and staff members.

We hope to see everyone

at tomorrow's Christmas concert.

Have a safe and happy holiday.

[school bell rings]

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Have a happy holiday.


Merry Christmas.

Come in.

Hi, Ms. James.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Trisha.

I bought you

a little something

as a thank you.

For me?

Do you like it?

I love it.

And it even has a lid

so that you can't spill

your coffee anymore.

It's perfect.

Thank you.

I'm gonna really miss you,

Ms. James.

I'm gonna miss you too.

Hey, are you okay?

I'm just really nervous

about tomorrow.

You practiced so hard.

You have nothing to worry about.

Just... be yourself.

I wish you could

be there tomorrow.

I would feel

much better if you were.

I wish I could be there too.

But you will have

all your new friends around you.

I know and...

I have to thank you for that.

Thank you for helping me

fit in here.

You did that all on your own.

- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

[tender score]


- Hello.

- Brit.

Thank goodness you're here.

I need your help.

I have no idea what to wear.

None of these are gonna work

and... what is that?

A gift.


- It's beautiful.

- It is.

I thought you wanted me

to work on being me.

This dress...


It's definitely not me.

I just didn't want you hiding.

And you're not hiding anymore.

These dresses are also you, Liv.

It's all you.

I don't understand.

You were afraid

to show Bradley parts of you.

You were only

showing him pieces.

You were hiding underneath

a sliver of who you really were.

But now you're shining.

The full you is shining.

The you in jeans,

T-shirts, jerseys...

And beautiful expensive dresses.

The full you.

I don't know what to say.

Just go out there

and shine tonight.

Do what you love.

- I love you, Brit.

- I love you too.


[Jake] Aw, you made it.

She's going to be so happy.

Wow. I didn't know

you were gonna be here tonight.

And look how dapper you look.

- I'm impressed.

- Thank you.

Who knew you could

clean up so well.

- What?

- Looking sharp, Reggie.

Thank you.

I actually have a date tonight.

And you left her in the car?


No. I...



I'm not dressed for this.

Sorry, bud.


I'm meeting up with Brit.

We're going to the

gallery show tonight.

- You are?

- Yeah.

That's wonderful. Tell her

I wish I could be there.

- I will.

- I told this one

he should be there too.

- Mm?

- Gramps, I...

I can't leave.

I'm in charge of this event.

Ah, the kids will be fine.

No, Gramps,

they actually need

adult supervision.

Hah, we didn't need

adult supervision

when I was a kid.

Well, whatever the case

may have been,

I think we should,

we should get inside.

Mary, will you, uh,

help me get some extra steps in?

- I'd love to.

- [laughs]

So, did you come by

to wish me luck?

Uh, no.

Yes, of course.

But Liv wanted me

to give you this.

It's a Christmas present.

- Okay.

- Yeah.


Well, break a leg.


- Thanks again.

- Yeah.

I am so nervous.

It's gonna be great.

I'm so proud of you.


You look beautiful.

Hey, you look

pretty good yourself.

Oh, I try.

- Hi, Reggie.

- Hi.

It's packed out there.

It's gonna be a heck of a night.

- You excited?

- Yes, I am.

How is Jake?

He's good. He's good.

I gave him your gift.


I wish I could be there

for the kids tonight.

Listen, you made

a heck of a teacher.

Honestly, I loved being back.

I think Mary had it right

by doing both.

Maybe you should consider

staying on.


Maybe I should.

I mean, teaching and art

are both part of who I am.

Well, I definitely

know a teacher

who'd be happy to have you back.

Dear Jake.

Merry Christmas.

This one's for you.

Thanks for the inspiration.

I couldn't have

done this art show without you.

Good luck tonight.

[gentle score]

Did you open the gift?

I sure did.

I guess she listened to me.

I'm sorry?

Her creative block.

She got over it by painting

the people she loved.

["O Come Let Us Adore Him"

plays quietly]

Yes, it is my first

art exhibition

and I am so happy

that you're enjoying my pieces.

[phone dings]

Oh, um, excuse me.

Um, you were saying?

Can you tell us a bit

about your background?

I was a teacher.

I ama teacher.

Uh, and I've always loved art

so I pursued my dream,

went back to school

and got my degree.

And what inspired

your latest pieces?

They were inspired

by the places

and the faces that I love.

I'm sorry.

Please excuse me

but I need to leave.

Liv, Liv, where are you going?

I have to leave.

It's important.

What could possibly

be more important

than a room full of critics?

A room full of kids

counting on me.


I'll cover for you here.

Go be there for the kids.

Thank you, Bradley.

And Merry Christmas.

You pulled off a great show.

Thanks, Liv.

Merry Christmas.

Hey, everything okay?


Hey, what do you guys think

about getting outta here

and going to see

a Christmas concert?

- I'm game.

- I thought you'd never ask.

Let's go!

[gentle piano score]

Oh. Um, I'll meet

you guys inside, okay?

- Okay.

- Thank you.

Ms. James?

What are you doing here?

I heard that my star performer

had cold feet.

You came back for me?

What are you doing out here

instead of in there?

I was scared.

It's okay to be scared.

But you need to

take that emotion

and turn it into courage,


It's harder than it sounds.


It is.

But I promise you it's worth it.

And we can do it together.

You ready?

[calming exhale]

I'm ready.

Let's go.

[uplifting score]

until, uh...

Hey, everyone.

Trisha, you're back.

Uh, you guys can go prepare.

[tender score]

Just in time.

You came.

I did.

What are you doing here?

It sounded like

you needed my help.

I did.

I do.

I never expected you

to come back.

This is where I wanna be.

I thought the art exhibit

was your big dream.

It was.

Or at least I thought it was.

But when I looked around

the room at all the strangers,

I realized that

what I really wanted

was to be here

with our students.

And with you.

This is also my dream.

Being around you inspires me.

You make me feel this

spark of excitement

for life and for art, and...

And for love.

For love?

Jake, I uh...


ever since you spilled

beet smoothie on my shirt,

you made my heart

skip a "beet."

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Please welcome to the stage

our first performers,

Trisha Jones and Bobby McMillan.

Oh, holy night

The stars

are brightly shining

It is the night

Of our dear Saviour's birth

Long lay the world

In sin and error pining

'Til he appear'd

and the soul

felt its worth

A thrill of hope

the weary soul rejoices

For yonder breaks

A new and glorious morn!

So, what do you think?

I think this is

the perfect start,

to the perfect night

to a perfect Christmas. hear angel's voices

Oh, night


Oh, night

When Christ was born

Oh night

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Oh night

Oh night divine

Oh, night divine

Oh, night

Oh, night divine

["Jingle Bells" plays]
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