Creating Christmas (2023)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Creating Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Merry Christmas!

- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Oh my gosh,

how gorgeous is this display!

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

- Merry Christmas!

- Isn't it all so beautiful?

Um, oh sorry!

I am all packed up

and ready to go skiing

so I'm a bit disorganized but...


Merry "Chrishmash."

- Excuse me?

- Oh.

Merry Christmas.

- Oh, merry Christmas

to you, too.

- Hey, Harper.

- Hi!

So, I spoke to our rental owner

and she's already put up

her own Christmas tree

but said she's fine with us

using our own decorations.

Oh! And my students made

these ornaments

that I can't wait

for you to see.

- Great.

- Mom gave me

her sugar cookie recipe,

so I think we should

make those tonight.

- Uh-huh.

- Okay!

And that's all. I'm on my way,

so I'll see you soon.

- Oh... is it time already?

- I actually gave you

an extra 15 minutes.

You're not done yet, are you?

- You know, I'm just finishing

up these notes for this author

in case she wants to work over

the holidays.

- Liz, you're the only person

I know

who likes working over

Christmas Week.

- Just give me 20 minutes.

- Okay, fine, 20 minutes.

But I wanna get

on the road soon.

Traffic to Breckenridge

will be crazy.

- I know, I know.

- And you promised me

that we could get an early jump

on the lifts tomorrow.

- I know.

Just give me a few more minutes.

- Okay. Bye.

- Bye, bye.

- Hello?

- Liz, hi.

It's Caleb.

I'm glad I caught you before

you left for Christmas break.

- Hey, Caleb,

I'm glad you caught me.

I'm just wrapping things up.

Wait... why?

What's wrong?

- Carrie Wynn just quit.

- Caleb...

- Look,

I know that you're gonna say.

- This was

your third illustrator.

- Liz, Liz, I know.

But it just wasn't working out.

- Merry Christmas.

- I'm even more muddled

on the story than I was

before Carrie and I

started working together.

- Caleb, I can't publish

a children's book

without illustrations.

I told you that when

we booked you with Carrie,

it was the last time

the art director

was gonna match you

with an illustrator.

He's ready to throw in

the towel on this manuscript.

- I know, Liz,

but I need somebody...

- Caleb, can you just hold on?

Hold on one second.

- Hi, Harper,

can I call you back?

- I'm on my way.

No ifs, ands, or buts.

- But...

- Sorry about that, Caleb.

- Liz, there's gotta be

something we can do.

- I don't think that there is.

- Can we at least talk

about it face to face?

Listen, I'm right downstairs,

I'm in from Steele Ridge,

and I'm gonna be right up

to talk to you, all right?

- You know, pushing it like that

isn't gonna

make it come any faster.

And if it did,

it'd be more like a game show

than an office elevator.

Which would be amazing.

You know, this is hands down

my favourite Christmas song.

I always wondered

if the lyricist was a birder.

Like, between the partridges

in the pear tree,

and the turtle doves,

and French hens.

It just feels like an...

avian celebration set to music.

Every year I mean to look it up,

but then...

Christmas comes and goes

and I just forget about it.

- This elevator moves like

the 12 years of Christmas.

- Oh!

Merry Christmas.

- Thanks.

- You're welcome!

Have a happy holiday!

- Another company

we can maybe talk to

that would have

someone available?

- I don't know anybody.

Do you?

I've asked all the favours

that I have.

- Guess I'm waiting.

- There's nothing more

that we can do.

: There's gotta be

another illustrator.

I know I've developed

this reputation for being


but there's gotta be someone.

- Not one that will work

with you while you write.

And now there isn't even time

to do the illustrations

after it's written.

I'm sorry, Caleb.

We knew that Christmas Eve

deadline was a long shot.

- Well, does it absolutely have

to be Christmas Eve?

I mean, I've gotten

other deadlines. Maybe...

- No, it has to be

Christmas Eve.

The copy editor's doing me

a favour by waiting this long.

- There's gotta be something

we can do.

Got the thing extended before.

Gotta be someone.

What about Nathan Bryant?

- He's in California

for the holidays.

I'm sorry, Caleb.

I just don't see

how we can get it done.

- This can't be the end of it.

- With no possibility of another

extension and no illustrator,

I just don't see how...

- Look, I promise you,

you get me one more illustrator

and I will make it work.

I've given Red Ribbon

multiple bestsellers.

I just need another chance.

Come on, you know me, Liz.

- I'm sorry, Caleb.

I just,

I don't know who we could put...

- Um...

- Harper!

Hi, I just need

a few more minutes.

- Right. Okay. Um...

Can I talk to you briefly?

- I'll be with you

in a little bit.

Um, sorry, this is my sister.

- Harper. Hi.

Yeah, we sorta met.

- I remember.

- It's really important

that I speak with you.

It'll only take a few minutes.

- Oh, well...

- I promise I'll have her back

in a second.

We'll even get you

a hot cocoa, okay?

- Oh.

- Oh, sorry Caleb.

I'll be right back.

Okay, okay, I'm coming!

What's going on, Harper?

What is it?

- I'll do it.

- What?

- Hi, three cocoas

with whipped cream, please.

- What? Do what?

- I'll be his illustrator.

- Harper.

- I can do it.

You know that

I'm always drawing, and I...

- But this is not

a regular illustration job.

Caleb likes to work with

his illustrators

while he writes,

which is very unusual.

And as much as I respect him,

he's become...


- Well, I teach kindergarten.

I can handle challenging.

- You are an exceptionally

talented artist,

but you've never illustrated

a book before.

- I have my graphic novel.

- Which you've never finished.

Which you've never even

let me look at.

- Yeah, but I will finish it.

Oh, I will!

- We'd have to cancel our trip.

You'd have to go down

to Steele Ridge

and write with Caleb

through the whole break

in order to make the deadline.

- Oh.

Okay, but...

I can bring Christmas anywhere.

And with Mom and Dad in Paris,

it's already kind of

a different Christmas.

And you'll be there too, right?

- I don't...

Harper, you're a teacher.

- Yes, and I love it,

but art and writing, I mean,

that's always been my dream.

- If you did this...

- Mm-hmm.

- would be

a serious commitment.

I mean it. You can't say yes now

and then decide later

it's not a fun side business

like your greeting card

company that I helped fund.

Or your mural design company.

- Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah,

I get it. I get it.

All right,

I am committed.

- Ugh, okay.

- Okay?

- Okay.

- Oh, thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you!

- Oh, I got this.

I got this.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Caleb, I found you

an illustrator.

- Great. Who?

- My sister, Harper.

- Turtle doves woman?

- What?

- I happen to be

a graphic novelist.

- So you're published?

- No.

Well, not yet.

- She's a phenomenal artist,


- So, you sell your art?

- No, I give it away.

For free.

- Well, what do you do for work,

for money?

- Oh,

I'm a kindergarten teacher.

- Liz, I need someone

who can draw

in more

than just colouring books.

- I can hear you,

you know.

- Look, I apologize.

It's just...

I don't see how this

could possibly work.

An amateur novelist/kindergarten


not exactly what I had in mind.

- Caleb, you've had

two extensions

and have fired three artists.

- A couple of them quit.

- Listen, you wanted my help,

this is what it looks like.

If you want Red Ribbon

to publish your book,

this is the only way

I can see it happening.

And you know how fickle

the industry is.

Your last book,

your first one without Pete,


- Will you be there, too?

- Yes, of course.

Harper and I were gonna spend

the week together anyway.

- How badly do you

wanna be published?

- Very... badly.

It's always been my dream.

- Well, good.

In the absence of experience,

at least you'll be motivated.

I'll meet you at my place in

Steele Ridge tomorrow morning.


Liz, thank you.

- How cute is this downtown?


Oh, are you sure

we can't just do like,

a little bit of shopping?

I still have

to get Mom something

for when we get back

and we see them.

- Harper, no.

We're on a tight deadline, okay?

And Caleb's expecting us

this morning.

Now, he said that his cabin

was walkable from downtown

but I think his definition

of walkable

is different than mine.

- Well, maybe we can

take a break later

and get some hot cider?

- We haven't even

started working yet

and you're already

talking about taking a break?

- It's Christmas.

Plus, I hadn't really thought

about the fact

that he's already tried

and failed working

with three other

professional illustrators.

- Hey, you volunteered for this,


Anyway, I'm sure it'll be fine.


- Is he always so prickly?

- No, he didn't use to be.

He and Pete...

- Okay, who is Pete?

- His former partner.

Caleb would write the books.

Pete would do the illustrations.

They were a bestselling team.

They had a falling out

about a year ago

and Pete's gone on

to write bestsellers

while Caleb's last book was a...

total failure.

- That's awful.

- Yeah.

So, he's got a lot

riding on this.

- I get it.

Plus, I don't want my first

break in the industry

to be a dud so, don't worry,

I got this.

But I can't spend

Christmas Week

without Christmas.

- Well, I would prepare yourself

for Caleb

being more interested

in his book

than he is in

the Christmas holiday.

- I'll be right back.

- Where are you going?


Listen, it's fine that

I'm bringing a Christmas tree.

Okay, what am I supposed to do

a week before the holiday?

- What is that?

- A Christmas tree!

I can't possibly work

in a place for a week

that doesn't have

a Christmas tree.

- Okay, just set it down

over there.

- Okay.

It's not inside but...

- No, just...

- Okay. All right.

You got it?

- Mm-hmm.

- Gentle, gentle.

- Oh! Okay, okay.

There we go.

- Perfect.


- Yes, I have a Christmas tree.

Of course I have

a Christmas tree.

It is Christmas after all.

- Right, well, I just figured

you weren't celebrating,

you know, because

of all the deadlines

and the firing of illustrators.

- I celebrate.

I just might be a little more

quiet about it than you are.

But it happens to be

my favourite holiday.

- Really?

- Yes.

- Huh!

Well, maybe working together

over the holiday week

won't be so bad after all.

- Excuse me?

- Well, you know what I mean.

- Do I? Liz?

- Harper, can I speak with you

for a moment?

- Yeah.

We have only been

here a minute.

I can't possibly have already

done something wrong.

- Just remember

that you are here

to collaborate successfully

with Caleb.

- Yes, I know.

- So maybe don't insult him

right off the bat.

- That wasn't an insult.

Well, at least,

I didn't mean it as an insult.

- Okay. Okay, great.

So, let's just go back inside

and start fresh.

- Wait.

- What?

- You should go.

- Excuse me?

- If I'm ever going

to bond with him

and get him to trust me

as his collaborator,

you can't be here.

I mean, otherwise, we are

going to spend the entire day

having talks like this

on the porch.

- You're telling me to leave?

- I am.

Oh! You can figure out something

to do with the Christmas tree.

- And you're giving me

an assignment?

- I... guess I am.

- You sure

you don't need me here?

- Positive.

We will be fine.

We just need to work together,

just the two of us, okay?

You can check back in

on us later.

Besides, you work so much,

you deserve the time off.

- But besides the tree,

what am I gonna do?

- Check us into the hotel.

Go check out the town.

Do all of the things that

I wish I could be doing.

- I guess I have been pretty

burnt out lately.

- Good. And we'll be fine.


- Is everything okay?

- Hi. Yes, it is.

And I'm sorry for earlier

about the tree.

Actually, while we work,

Liz is going to find a way

to donate it or plant it.

- Well, I know just the person

to help with that.


- Caleb.

Thought I'd bring you your mail.

- Oh, thank you.

- Back from Boulder, I see.

- I am.

I'm on a tight deadline.

No better place to get work done

than my cabin.

Owen, this is my editor, Liz.

Liz, Owen.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- And this is Liz's sister,


- Hi! What he doesn't want

to admit

is that I am also

his illustrator.

- Oh!

- Yeah.

- Well, nice to meet you both.

- Listen, I was wondering if you

could help us with something.

We have an extra Christmas tree

and Liz is looking to donate it.

- Honestly, you could

just tell me where

and I can take care of it.

I don't wanna take up

too much of your time.

- No, I don't mind at all.

I'm not sure how someone

ends up with an extra tree,

but I'm happy to help you find

a family to take it in.

- That's wonderful.

Thank you.

It's just... it's right here.

- Hmm.

- So...

Liz is coming back later,

right, to check on things?

- Yeah, sure.

She'll be back later.

So, should I read the manuscript

before I start drawing?

- Uh, yeah.

Um... I'll go get it.

- Mm-hmm.

Thank you.

Hmm, yum!


- So?

- So...

do you want me

to start drawing or...

- No,

I wanna know what you think.

- You do?

- Yeah, of course.

- Oh.

- Why wouldn't I wanna

know what you think?

I mean, you will be doing

the illustrations after all.

- Yeah, I guess

I'm just not really used

to people wanting my opinion.

Usually they wanna hear

from Liz, not me.

- I wanna hear from you.

What do you think?

- Well, I...

- It is a work

in progress, remember.

It's just not completed.

- Right, yes, of course.

- And I need some ideas

for the middle sections.

They're just a little scrambled.

- Yeah, no, um...

but the beginning and

the ending are really...

- Yeah, those are good.

Those feel like

they're really polished.

It's just, like I said,

the middle sections.

- Yes, that's what

I was trying to say.

- Well, I haven't had a chance

to really write them down yet

but I can show you.

I'm not letting you talk, am I?

- Not really, no.

- I apologize.

- Well, I think it's really cute

and I love that the cloud

is having a hard time expressing

his feelings.

Um, and yeah,

it's clear that the middle part

needs a little work but...

- But...

- I'm picturing

this really cute cloud

but it's just not feeling

very playful.

- Well, that's what

the illustrations are for.

- Yes! That's true,

that's true. Um...

But does he have anyone

to talk to?

- The cloud?

- Yeah!

I mean, he should have someone

to talk to.

A friend, a buddy.

- He doesn't wanna talk

to anyone.

He doesn't wanna share

his feelings.

That's the whole point.

- Yes, I understand that.


It's just that...


When I'm doing story time

with my students,

they are the most engaged

when it comes to

different characters interacting

with each other.

I mean, I also do different

voices for every character,

which is a really big hit.

And it just feels

like your story...

it needs someone else

that's there for him.

Otherwise it's...

it feels a little lonely.

- So, you're saying as is,

you wouldn't read

this story to your students.

- As is... no.

It just feels serious

for a children's book.


- That's what your sister said.

- Oh.

- I mean,

I could make the cloud...

No, no, that's not gonna work.

I mean,

I could give him a buddy.

But that means I'd have

to rewrite the section on...

well, which is the whole point

of the book,

so... I...

What are you doing?

- We are going to make

Christmas cookies.

- What?

- We can either make sugar

cookies or shortbread cookies.

Oh! Do you have molasses

or cloves for gingerbread?

- Whoa, whoa! Why would we make

Christmas cookies right now?

- Because you need

to get out of your head.

Look, clearly you have given

a lot of thought to this book.

Maybe too much.

- That's kinda my job,

isn't it?

- Yes, it is,

and it's great but...

you need a mental break.

And a sugar fix.

Or maybe that's just me.

- Okay, first

the Christmas tree,

now Christmas cookies?

No, no.

- Oh, oh! we could make the

Young family Christmas cookies.

It's a family tradition.

We make them every year

and my students love them.

- I'm sure they do,

but I'm not

one of your students.

- Yeah, well, that's obvious,


Because my students would

never say no to making

Christmas cookies.

- Look, I appreciate

the sentiment,

but I don't think we have...

- Look, just try it.

Okay? Connecting with something

else while you're stuck,

it just...

it helps you, okay?

It always helps my students.

So, just please, try it,

because clearly, pacing around

and staring at

your computer screen

doesn't seem to be helping.

- We will get some actual

work done eventually, right?

- I promise.

Now come on! Are you gonna

stand there all day

and be a Christmas curmudgeon,

or are you gonna help?

Let's go.

It's that time of year

When Santa comes

to bring that cheer

He ain't comin' by

boat or plane

He's loaded down

with candy canes

I only hope he keeps

one open seat

Oh yeah

Come on Santa

Bring those toys

Bring all the presents

for the girls and boys

The only thing I need

Is my baby on Christmas Eve

The last batch is ready.

You want one?

- Yeah, after I'm done working.

Besides, you have

to let them cool first.

- Says who?

Besides, I have

an annual tradition

of burning my tongue

on Christmas cookies, so...

Oh, mm-hmm. Yep.

That'll do it. It...

It is officially Christmas.


- I have never met anyone with

more Christmas spirit than you.

Your students must

really appreciate it.

- It's me who appreciates their

enthusiasm for the holiday.

I mean, there is nothing

like witnessing Christmas

through the eyes of a child.

It's why I think you should

take part in the festivities.

I think it'll help

your writing process.

It'll help inspire

that childlike joy

that only comes

this time of year.

Sorry, am I annoying you?

- No.

No, you're not.

- Hmm.

- How's the sketching coming?

- Oh, good.

Um, yeah.

I have a few things

I wanna show you.

And I had a thought

about the story.

- Okay.

- I know that the lesson

in the end

is that by him expressing

his feelings,

he can create rain

and that helps

flowers, and plants,

and trees grow,


- But? That's the whole point.

- But it's Christmas.

- But it's not a Christmas book.

- Are you gonna let me talk?

- I'm sorry.

- I just feel like

we should take inspiration

from what's around us right now.

I feel like maybe...

Cloudy could be afraid

of his emotions

creating snow instead of rain.

- Hmm.

And maybe Cloudy's emotions

could be so strong

that the water freezes...

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And he creates a snowstorm.

And then, he's worried,

and upset and...

- Then he could see children


as a result of the snow

that he produced.

- And then, he knows that

expressing his feelings

is a good thing.

- Wow. This is...

gonna really change

a lot in the story.

You know that, right?

- But if it changes it

for the better,

it's worth it, right?

- That's a good idea.


Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Well, the town looks great.

- I'm glad, I'm glad.

- Thank you.

- Turned out to be

a pretty good day.

- Yeah!

- Hey, you two!

Have you guys been together

this whole time?

- Well, actually, Owen and I

found a very sweet family

that still needed a tree

and then, he offered

to show me around town.

It's very decked out

for Christmas.

- Wait, you got to see the

Christmas decorations in town?

- Yeah!


- No, that's good.

Good for you.

- I better go.

I have to get back to the bistro

and check on things.

One of my servers is gone

for the holidays

so I'll be short-staffed.

Maybe I'll see you later?

- Sure!


- Probably?

- He owns a bistro.

- Mm, mm-hmm.

- We gotta eat.

- Mm-hmm!

- How about you two?

How'd you do?

- Oh, great!

- Caleb?

- Yeah, your sister actually

contributed some good ideas.

Come on inside.

We'll show you.

- Hmm!

- Don't sound so surprised.

- Well, I'm just...

So, changing the cloud from rain

to snow was really your idea?

- Yep. I know it creates

more work for us

but I just really feel like

it sets it apart, you know?

I mean,

you always see rain clouds.

Plus, the illustrations

are gonna be really fun.

- I'm glad you're doing this.

You know,

you might wanna also think

about finishing

your graphic novel.

Once this comes out,

you can capitalize

on your name being out there.

- That's true.

But I don't know.

The story just...

It isn't quite ready yet.

- So, why don't you let me

read it?

- No. Not yet.

It's not ready for your eyes.

- Ah.

Hey, Owen!

- Hey!

- You came!

No Caleb?

- Oh, well...

I changed his story a bit

so he insisted on working

through dinner.

- Hmm.

Sounds like him.

Well, I'm glad

you ladies came through.

- You have Christmas carol


And ornament making?

Gingerbread baking?

- We like to do Christmas right

around here.

- Oh, you sure do!

Can you talk to your friend

and neighbour about that,


- To be fair,

he is on deadline.

- He can be serious

when he's working

but the folks around here

who know him really like him.

- I just wish

that he would take part

in the festivities around here.

I think it would be really good

for his imagination

and just really good for him.

- Hmm.

- And you.

- Exactly.

- Follow me.

- Thank you.

- Oh, Liz, I know you were

talking about checking out

some of the trails here

and I was able to move

some stuff around

and I would be happy

to take you tomorrow

if you're up for a hike,

that is?

- Sure, that'd be great.

- Great.

Well, I will leave you

with the menus

and I'll be back in a minute.

- What?

- It's weird.

You get to go on a hike tomorrow

while I have to work?

Feels a little bit like

Freaky Friday Christmas edition,


I think I wanna go for a walk.

- Okay.

Don't stay out too late.

- Okay.

- Hi!


I have huge news!

- Good morning to you, too.

What have you go there?

- Oh, these are

two peppermint mochas

with Rudolph the red-nosed

cherries on top.

- Oh.


- It's not poison.

You can drink it.

- Thank you.

So, what was the huge news?

Or was it the drinks?

- Oh! No. So, last night

I was Christmas watching...

- Christmas watching?

- Yeah!

You know, where you sit outside

and you take in the lights

and the celebrations,

festivities, and decorations.

Have you been to the downtown?

Because it is amazing.

- Oh, I hear.

- Right. So, anyway,

I was sitting outside

and I was thinking

about our story

and I was thinking about

all the different ways

that I could visualize

his different emotions,

and then it hit me like

an ornament to the head!

We could use mixed media


- Oh.

What do you mean?

- We could take it from pencils,

to cartoon,

to watercolours.

I think it would just really

add this incredible element

to the story.

- But it's a story

about a cloud.

I think cartoon makes

the most sense.

It's what we've done so far

and it's what all the other

illustrators wanted to do, too.

- Right. Yes, but this would

really add another level to it.

Besides, I thought

we were collaborators.

- It's just, all my other books

have been cartoon.

It's what's expected of my work.

And all but one

have been bestsellers.

Why would I change now?

- Maybe because what was

working for you before

isn't really

working for you anymore?

Do you think that maybe you

not wanting to take this risk

has something more to do

with you not working with Pete

this time around than it does

with the idea itself?

- You know, I appreciate

your ideas,

but I think we should get

back to work.

We're wasting time here debating

and we've come too far

to change now.

- Okay.

- Would you like some coffee?

- Uh, yes, please.

- Harper?

What are you doing?


This isn't playtime.

- I happen to be working.

I was feeling all stuck

and confined in there,

so I needed inspiration.

I wanted to immerse myself

in the soft, fluffy feeling,

so I came out here.

- Oh.

- Have you ever tried

to experience anything

before you've written about it?

Come on!

- Oh!

- Soft, right?

- Cold.

- Okay, yes,

but think beyond

the cold and soft,


- Couldn't we have

just used a pillow?

That's the second time

you've laughed

at something I've said.

- You're counting?

- No, it's just...

nobody laughs at what I say

much anymore.

- Well, maybe they're not

listening closely enough.


All right, come on!

Let's do it!

That was unexpected!

- I'm getting inspired.

- Hmm!

And that is the stand where

I get my nightly cup of cocoa.

And that is my bench where I sit

and I do all my sketching

and my Christmas watching.

- Have you heard of

this Christmas watching?

- Oh, it's a family tradition.

- Well, I'm here

for dinner only,

so stuffed jingle bell peppers

is as far as I go.

- You know, there are some

things over there

that might help us think

about our story

in some new and exciting ways.

- You...

- Caleb, well,

I'm glad you're here

because I just ordered


for the Christmas Eve dinner

for the shelter.

I know you're on a really

tight deadline,

but will you still be able to

help with the cooking that day?

- Definitely.

- Thank you.

- Wow, Owen,

that's so nice that you do that!

- Oh, it wasn't my idea.

It's all Caleb.

He's been doing it

for the past three years.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Everyone should have

a good Christmas dinner.

- Hmm. I agree.

Which is why Liz and I will

definitely be there to help.

- Uh, well, I don't know

that our skills in the kitchen

will offer much help,

but I'm in.

- You could make

your Christmas cookies.

- Deal.

- Come on, there's no better

place to find inspiration

than a bookstore.

I'll be right back.

- I used to do readings here.

- And you will again.

- Yeah. Sometimes,

I'm not so sure about that.

- Well, I am.

My family reads this book

every Christmas Eve.

- Somehow I get the sense

your family really knows

how to celebrate Christmas.

- We do!

We're doing separate things

obviously this year,

but we're usually all together

and we do have

a lot of traditions.

- Can only imagine how much

you must be missing

those traditions.

With my parents gone

and my sister overseas

with her family,

I think I forget about

how many family traditions

there are out there.

- Well, we probably have

more than most.

- Thank you for being here, Liz.


I really appreciate it.

I know this isn't

how you imagined

spending your holiday.

- Well, that's very sweet

of you.

But you should probably

thank Harper.

It was her idea, after all.

She's always been

the real spirit

behind our family's

Christmas traditions.

Her enthusiasm is infectious.

- Yeah.

I've experienced that

for myself.

Speaking of...

Where is she?

- "Here comes a big wave.

We need to go!"

: Heave, ho!

Heave, ho!

- "Arrr, ye mateys,

there's no time to slow!"

: Heave, ho!

Heave, ho!

- Did we get over the wave?

- Did we find the treasure?

- Hmm...

Well, we could keep reading


we could ask the author

of the story himself.

So, tell us; did we

get over the big wave

and find the treasure?

- Arrr, with the help

of ye first mates,

the gold was found!

: Yes!

- Come on, kids.

- We've got to go.

Thanks for the story.

- I think you need to work

on your pirate accent

just a little bit more.

- Oh!

- What?

- This book is so sweet.


- That's Pete's book.

- Are you okay?


- Yeah, of course.

It's just um...

we're wasting time here

when we could be working.

- But... we were having fun.

You were having fun!

- Yeah, there'll be plenty

of time to have fun

when I'm finished with the book.

Look, I don't wanna waste

any more time here debating.

I just...

I could be at home

fixing my manuscript.

- Caleb.


Okay, look, it is okay

if you are feeling hurt about

the book signing, all right?

You can talk about it.

I am not gonna judge you

or your feelings.

- I'm simply feeling anxious

about meeting the deadline.

- You know, it's ironic

that you're writing a book

about a character

who is learning

that expressing himself

is a good thing,

when you won't admit

to having any feelings at all.

- I'm sorry you feel that way.

- Oh, Harper!

Not everyone's

as open as you are.

You've got to give

some people time.

- You have to tell me what

happened between Pete and Caleb.

- I don't have all the details.

All I know is that

Pete and Caleb

came onto the literary

world as partners,

and making it as a team

like that is very unusual,

but they were very successful.

They were celebrated

children's authors.

- Well, that's hard to imagine.

- Caleb was different back then.

I mean, he's always been

the quieter of the two,

but to be honest,

he was more genuine.

Pete knew how to work a room

but you never really knew

if he meant

what he was telling you.

- Well,

what happened between them?

- I don't know the whole story.

But I do know that

it wasn't amicable

and Caleb doesn't seem

to have recovered.

- And he's never said anything?

I mean, no specifics at all?

- I asked him, but he didn't

wanna talk about it.

Instead he grows more anxious

with every bestseller

that Pete writes on his own.

- Because Caleb's

one solo book bombed.

- Exactly.

And Harper,

Caleb is very loyal,

so whatever happened

between the two of them

must have been pretty bad.

So, don't push him too much,


I think I'm gonna take a walk

and clear my head.

Maybe I'll see you

back at the hotel?

- Okay.

- Oh, um, unless... wanna go to the bistro

and see if Owen is still there?

- Is it that obvious?

- Um, no, I mean, just to like

everyone who's breathing.

- Oh, so embarrassing!

- It's wonderful.

- He's nice, isn't he?

- He is.

- You're very good.

- Oh, um, thank you.

- Are you a writer

or an illustrator?

- Trying to be both,

I guess.

- Well, looks like

you're well on your way.

You should definitely

keep it up.

- Actually, I have a job

as an illustrator right now.

- Well, I hope that author knows

how lucky he or she is.

- Hmm.

Not sure he does.

But thank you for saying that.

Ha, I'm gonna call it a night.

Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

- Mr. Stillman?

- Yes, I'm Pete Stillman.

- Wonderful to meet you.

I'm Oliver from the bookstore.

- Ah!

- We are so excited

you'll be doing a book signing

as part of our Christmas events.

- Thank you.

- This way, if you will, please.

- Great.

- Caleb?

- Harper, hi.

- What are you doing here?

- I was wondering if I could

treat you to a cup of hot cocoa.

- I would love that.

- Hmm?

- Thank you.

I feel like I should apologize

for earlier.

I went too far.

I mean, sometimes my mouth

just moves faster than my brain

and I...

- No, no.

I'm the one that should

be apologizing.

You were right about me.

I have a hard time talking

about my feelings.

And I admire how open you are.

I've never been that way.

Especially not since

the falling out with Pete.

- Mm-hmm.

- I think right now I'm just

trying to prove that...

I don't need Pete

to be successful.

He certainly hasn't needed me.

- Well, I know you will be.

- Well, if I am,

I have you to thank for it.


You were the first person

to really help me get

the story clear in my mind.

- I'm so glad.

- And I hope

you're not giving up on me.

- Giving up on you? No.

No, look, I made a promise

to take this commitment


and I am.

I do.

- Well, good.

Because I was hoping

we could be true partners.

Real collaborators.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Okay. Um...

Well, if that's the case,

then maybe you could consider

my ideas a little bit more?

Like, taking part in

the town's Christmas activities.

I promise it'll help get

our creative juices flowing.

And besides,

you're missing

the best part of the year.

There's so much

to be inspired by

and I promise that

it'll make all the difference.

- You really think so?

- I really do.

And I promise there will be

plenty of time for work.


- You have yourself a deal.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Yes!

- Well, it's late.

I should be heading home.

- Oh, and Caleb?

- Yeah?

- I hope you know that if you

do ever wanna talk about Pete,

I'm here to listen.

- Thank you.

- I'll see you tomorrow.

- I'll see you tomorrow.

- You look very intense.

- I'm just trying to get

the glitter just so.

- Oh yeah, just so, huh?

- Uh-huh.


- No.

You can never have

too much glitter.

- Harper.

- My fingers,

they're slipping!

They're slipping.

I can't believe

you just did that!

- I had to protect

my ornament at all costs.

- Oh, it is on!

- Is it on?

- Do I need to separate

the two of you?

- I have a reputation

to uphold in this town

and you almost got us

in trouble.

- Me?

- Yeah.

- Okay, let's let the children

have their play time.

- Oh, you guys

don't wanna join us?

- Oh, well,

Owen and I are...

- I asked Liz

if she wanted to...

- Owen doesn't have a wreath

for his door yet, so...

- Right,

so I asked if Liz wanted to...

- You guys are gonna go pick out

a Christmas wreath together?

- Yes.

- Yes.

- Well, that sounds fun.

- Ready to go?

- I am.

I'll check in on you two later.

- Oh.

- How exciting!

- What?

- A Christmas romance.

- You think so?

- Oh!

- I mean, I know Owen's smitten,

but I wasn't so sure about Liz.

- I am.

I haven't seen my sister

act like that since...

Tommy James asked her

to sit outside on the bricks

in the 4th grade.

- Oh!

Is that a good thing?

- Oh, it's a Christmas miracle.

I mean, she's never not working.

This is the first time

in a really long time

that I've seen her loosen up

and have some fun.

- Well, I'm glad.

They're both really nice.

They seem like

they'd be good together.


- Of course.

Oh! I forgot something!

Hold on.

- What's going on?

- I have something to show you.

So, I stayed up late last night

putting this together for you

to look at and consider.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.

I know you said

you didn't wanna try

the mixed media illustrations,

but I had to try it.

So, I was thinking that we could

do different illustrations

for all of his different moods.

For instance,

this is watercolour,

so it's like for when

he's feeling shy

and doesn't want

to express himself.

And then, we've got pencil,

which is for when

he's feeling like,

stormy, and dark,

and moody.

And then, we have cartoon

for when he's feeling

happy and joyful.

So, what do you think?

- You must've spent a lot

of time on this last night.

- Yeah. Well,

when I get a good idea,

it's hard for me to sleep.

- Yeah, I have the same problem.

- So... what do you think?

- I think you did a great job.

These are playful

and expressive.

- Do I hear a but?

- It's just so different

than all my other work.

- But why should that matter?

- Well, an artist's body of work

is like his signature

and I'm just not sure

how this style fits in.

I'm already on thin ice

with the publishing world.

- Mm-hmm. Okay.


your previous work

was your signature

when you were collaborating

with Pete, right?

And this is totally different

because now it's with me.

- That is true.

- Plus,

your signature really shouldn't

hamper your creativity.

- I really like what you've

done here, and you're right.

It's a great idea.

Let's go for it.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Oh, I'm so glad!

Okay, oh!

This calls for extra


- How did she convince you that

this relates to your manuscript?

- Well, she said the fresh air

would help us clear our minds.

- And? Is it helping?

- It is helping.

- Okay, got the stuff.

- Hey, that's my good scarf.

- Yes, and it'll look just

lovely on Stan the Snowman.

Hey, hey!

Think less about the scarf

and more about the joy

that it'll bring to the children

who see our snowman

on Christmas.

- Okay.

Well, let's get to work.

Jingle bells

Jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Dashing through the snow

In a one horse open sleigh

O'er the fields we go

Laughing all the way

Bells on bob tail ring

Making spirits bright

What fun it is

to laugh and sing

A sleighing song tonight


Jingle bells

Jingle bells


Think Stan's looking

quite debonaire.

- He sure is.

- And now,

it's time for cookies.

- Ah!

- Cookies!

- Cookies!

- Chocolate chip.

- Gingerbread.

Sugar cookies.

- I think Stan needs

a new scarf.

- Hey, you leave Stan alone.

Do I look like Santa?


- You kind of look like

our cloud.

- How about now?

Speaking of.

- Mm-hmm.

- We should probably

get to work.

I think we're ready to start

putting the images

and text together.

That's a big step.

- It's a very big step.

I really like your watercolours.

- Wow, you guys!

This is incredible!

What a difference!

- I'm glad you like it.

- You know,

I love the use of mixed media.

What a great idea!

- Well, I wish I could take

the credit for that.

- We...

thought that it complemented

the story.

- Well, I would have to agree.

- Hey, is anyone else starving?

I was hoping

that we could finish

this conversation

about our progress

at the bistro.

- Yeah.

- Well, Owen and I actually

already made dinner plans.

There's a bistro

in the next village over

that's supposed to be wonderful.

- Oh, it is.

- But if you want it

to be a working dinner,

I'm sure I could change the

reservation to four people...

- No, don't be silly.

You two should go.

Have so much fun.

- Okay, great.

Well, I'm gonna go back

to the hotel and get ready,

but really phenomenal,

phenomenal work, you guys.

I'm so excited about this.

- Good, I'm glad.

- Me too.

- I'll see you later?

- You bet.

Well, I guess

I finally get to have

that slice of yule log cake

for dinner.

- Or, um...

I was thinking

if you wanted, maybe...

I could...

Would you like to come

over here for dinner?

- Are you cooking?

- Well, it wouldn't be

anything fancy,

but I promise it'll be good.

And might not be as sweet

as the yule log.

- Um... yeah.

I'd love that.

- Okay,

well I'll show you out.

- Okay.

- So, I'll see you soon.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Be right there.

- Take your time.

It's not like I'm freezing

out here or anything.

- Nice.

- Hi.

- Hi.


- Oh, wow, Caleb,

this is gorgeous!

- I guess some of

your Christmas spirit's

starting to rub off on me.

- Well, it's about time!

- Uh, may I take your coat?

- Oh, uh, yeah.




- Sorry, it's just...

That dress...

You are gorgeous.

- Oh.

Thank you.

You look great, too.

- Thank you.

Uh, wow!

- Beautiful, isn't it?

- It really is.

I love the way the moonlight

makes the snow look blue.

So peaceful.


- That's why I spend Christmas

out here every year.

You and Liz talk

about traditions.

Well, this one's mine.

There's no book tours,

no press.

Usually no writing.



- Oh, thank you.

- So, what about you?

With all your holiday


which one's your favourite?

- It sounds silly, but...

Christmas morning before

we exchange gifts,

my dad comes out

to the living room

and brings everyone

a couple of coffee or cocoa.

My mom puts out this tray

of hot cinnamon buns.


we're all just there,

cozy in our pajamas.

We all do

a merry Christmas toast.

I love it.


- That's not silly at all.

- Shall we eat?

- Most definitely.

I would love to read it.

- No. No, no, no, no, no,

it's not ready.

- Well, from what Liz says,

it sounds pretty great.

- Oh, well,

Liz hasn't even read it!

I mean, she's never even seen

a single page.

- What? Why not?

You haven't shown your graphic

novel to your own sister?

- Nope.

- Your editor sister.

- Look, I know, okay?

But I...

I have this thing, okay?

I don't like showing anyone

my work

until I know that it's ready.

- Well,

that's an unnecessary thing.

Why not?

- I have this tendency

to quit things.

- What do you mean?

- Like, I get these grand ideas

for, you know, greeting cards

or gourmet cookies,


- What about teaching?

- Oh, well, I love teaching,

but I've...

I've always wanted

to do something

that really tapped into

my creativity, you know?

- Okay.

- And so, before

any of those things

can actually become anything,

I stop.

And Liz has been so supportive

of all my failed ventures.

And I mean,

even financially.

And I just...

I can't do that to her again.

- So, is this just a new thing

that you're gonna quit,

the graphic novel?

- No!

No, no, no, no, not at all!

Through all of those things,

art and writing have

always been there.

It's my passion.

- So, why spend any time

on these other things?

- I don't know.

I mean, I guess because...

this is my dream.

And, I mean,

don't get me wrong,

I love teaching and

I'm really good at it,

but art and writing

have always been

what I've wanted to do


And, um...

I guess failing at

any of those other things

that I wasn't

that passionate about,

it wouldn't hurt as much, but...

if I failed at this,

I don't know if

I could handle that.

Am I making any sense?

- Yeah, I think I understand.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I've been terrified about doing

this thing without Pete.

I relied on our partnership

maybe too much.

And I haven't quite

figured out a way

to make this work

on my own.

But if I can't figure out how to

do this without Pete, then...

...maybe I can't do it at all.

- But you are doing it

on your own.

- Well, I couldn't be doing it

without your help.


You are a brilliant artist

and storyteller.

- Oh, I almost forgot.

- Oh!

I didn't know we were supposed

to bring gifts.

- Uh, it's just...

a little something.

- Where did you get this?

- I saw it the other day

when we were making ornaments,

so I went back in

and I grabbed it

and I drew the little face

on it.

Just kind of reminded me

of our little guy.

- It really does.

Look at that!

Wow. I love it!

- And I put my initials

right there

so you always remember

that it's from me.

- I'm pretty sure I'll remember.

- Um, well,

it is getting late,

so I should go.

- Yeah.

Yeah, um, right.

We have a pretty big day


- Yeah.

- Shall we?

- Yes.

Well, thank you for

the delicious meal.

- Oh, it's my pleasure.

- Thanks.

- It was really nice

to be cooking

for more than just one

for a change.

- Well, if you cook like

that all the time,

then just tell me when and where

and I'll be there.

- I'll keep that in mind.

Oh, um...

- Thank you.


- You're welcome.

- Yeah.

Good night.

- Night.

Good tidings we bring to you

and your kin

Good tidings for Christmas

And a happy new year

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you

a merry Christmas

And a happy new year

- Thank you, thank you.

- Wow, well done!

- Thank you.

Yes, now it is your turn.

- Uh, no.

- Yes.

- No one wants to hear me sing,

believe me.

- Hmm,

I don't think that's true.

- I've heard him sing.

I assure you that's true.

It's been a long time, Caleb.

- Hi, Pete.

- Liz.

- Hello.

- You're Pete?

- I am.

It's nice to see you again.

- You've met?

- Indeed.

You must be illustrating

Caleb's next book.

She's very talented.

It's gonna be great.

One failed book

doesn't end a career,

now does it, Liz?

- It certainly does not.

- Uh, I should probably

head home.

A lot of work to get done.


- It was nice to see you

again, Caleb.

- Yeah, it was a real...

surprise seeing you too.

- Hey!

Are you okay?

- When did you meet Pete?

- I didn't.

Well, okay, not really.


I like to sketch on this bench

and he came up and

we talked briefly,

but I had no idea

that it was him.

- I'm sorry.

I wasn't prepared to see him.

I guess I should

have expected it

with him doing

a book reading and all.

- Caleb, what happened

with Pete?


what caused the falling out?

I mean, Liz said you guys

were a hugely successful team.

- Yeah, we were.

And best friends before that.

- Oh.

- Years ago, we had an idea

for a children's book.

And although it wasn't typical

for an illustrator and a writer

to work together

as a team first,

we did.

And it was a hit.

We got our first

publishing deal,

and it was the first

of many bestsellers.

- And then?

- Well, things were going

really well.

I had an idea I pitched to him,

just like we always

used to work,

and he loved it.

He really loved it.

And then,

I called Liz,

who always wanted to be updated

on what we were working on,

and I told her we had

a new story idea

that we were fleshing out.

And that's when she tells me

Pete just called.

I just assumed that he was

excited about the idea

and wanted to tell her

about it and...

Instead, he told her that

he's leaving our partnership.

- It... Just like that?

- Yeah,

he never even told me,

he never even talked to me

about it.

And the next thing I know,

he's got a publishing deal

with a new publisher.

And he's putting out

his first book...

...which was the story

I pitched him

right before he left.

- So, he just stole your idea?

And you didn't want

to expose him for what he did?

- I didn't care about the idea,


I mean, there will always be

another idea.

What really hurt

was the betrayal.

In fact, he went behind my back

and he didn't even show me

the respect

of explaining himself to me.

I mean, I thought our friendship

meant enough

to have at least

a face-to-face conversation.

That was a year ago.

And ever since...

- You've had a hard time

opening up and trusting people.

- Yes.

I never trusted anyone

more than I trusted Pete.

- Well, this is me.

- I'm sorry to have ruined

the evening.

- You didn't ruin anything.

- You know, I've never told

anyone that whole story before.

- Well, thank you

for trusting it with me.

- I should be thanking you.

Not just for listening to me


but for your optimism,


It's really opened up

my whole process.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Wow. Um...

I'm so glad.

I've also felt

really inspired, too.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- You have a real gift.

- Sounds great.

- Merry Christmas!

- Wow.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- So, um,

good night, Harper.

- Good night.

- Good morning!

- Hi!

- I was wondering

where you were.

I'm headed out to get

some breakfast.

You wanna join?

- Oh, I can't.

Actually, I have to get

to Caleb's straight away.

There's something that

I've been working on

that I really wanna show him.

- Your graphic novel.

- No! Something else.

- But I thought

you were committed

to finishing your graphic novel?

- Well, I was...

I am.

It's just that I've decided to

put a pause in that because...

- But I told you that when

Caleb's book comes out,

it'll be the perfect opportunity

for you to pitch it.

Come on,

this is your chance.

Don't flake out on it

like you do other things.

- I'm not flaking out,

I just...

I've been inspired

by something else and it's...

- Which sounds like Harper

speak for flaking out.

- That would be a lot

easier for you, wouldn't it?

- What?

- Well,

because then you wouldn't have

to be embarrassed by me

like all those other times.

- That's not at all

what I'm saying.

- No, I'm really proud of

what I've been working on.

I think it's really good.

And I have been so committed

to Caleb and to the book.

I have given you

no reason to doubt me, Liz.

Not this time.

- Harper.

- I have to go.

- Harper!

- These are really good.


I couldn't help

but notice your...


it looks like?

- Oh, I actually don't know

what it is yet.

- Well, I don't mean to pry,

but I have to say,

you are exceptionally talented.

- Oh,

I don't know about that.

- I do.

I've been doing this

for a while

and I like to think I know

great talent when I see it.

And I think I know

who your curmudgeon character

is based on.

I'd be happy to send these

to my editor for her thoughts.

- You would send my work

to your editor?

Why would you do that?

- Because sometimes, new talent

just needs a little help.

Now the choice would be

up to my editor, not me,

but I'm happy to put you

in touch with her.

Unless Caleb

has already offered.

- No, he hasn't seen these.

He's got a lot on his mind.

- I've heard he's struggling.

- He's not.

- Okay, well look,

here's my card.

Think about it and let me know.

I'm sure my editor

will flip for it.

She may even wanna hire you

to illustrate my next book.

- Don't you illustrate

your own books?

- Not for this next one.

I've got too many coming out

to keep up.

- Um...


Thanks, but no thanks.

- You're making a mistake.

- I have made a lot of mistakes.

I like to think I know one

when I see one.

- Owen.

You haven't seen Harper,

have you?

- Not this morning, no.

Everything all right?

- Yeah, I think so.

- You still up for tomorrow?

- Yeah, I wouldn't miss it.

I'll see you then.

- Caleb.

I'm just running into you

everywhere, aren't I?

I wanted to wish you the best

of luck on your next book.

I think Harper is a great match,

and I'm looking forward

to reading it.


- Well, thank you.


yes, Harper is very talented.

- I know.

That's why I couldn't resist

offering to pass along

The Curmudgeon's Christmas

to my editor.

- What?

- You know,

Harper's children's book.

The one she's been working on

all week

or at least every time

I've run into her.

- And it's called

The Curmudgeon's Christmas?

That's the title?

- It's cute, right?

I would love to have her

illustrate my next book.

Well, I should get

into my signing.

Good to see you, Caleb.

- Hey Pete?

Did our friendship

mean anything to you?

- Of course it did.

- So, what happened then?

- Look, I'm sorry for the way

I handled things.

Everything happened really fast

and I made a lot of mistakes.

I didn't know how to talk to you

about things.

I wanted to see if I could be

a success all on my own.

You were always

the brilliant one

and I was just the guy

drawing the pictures

of the world you created.

- I never thought of you

that way.

We were a team.

- I'm truly sorry

for the way it went down.

- Hey, Pete.

Good luck with the new book.

- Hey.

My sister said

you were looking for me.

I hope I didn't worry you guys.

- Ah, it's fine.

- Okay, uh, well,

now that you're here there,

actually, there is something

that I need

to talk to you about.

- Don't worry about it.

I know everything.

- Wait, you do?

- Yeah, I ran into Pete

and he told me.

- Pete?

Wait, you don't understand.

- Oh, believe me,

I understand very well.

It's the smart move.

Go where you're guaranteed

to have a successful career.

You deserve it.


- Caleb...

- Honestly, I just wish

you had mentioned to me

that I was the star of the book

that you were secretly

working on.

- Caleb, that's...

- But Pete says it's great

and he's always had an eye

for talent.

- So, what about our book?

- I think I need

to take a break.

It's been quite a year.

- So, you're just quitting?

Are you serious?

- The deadline's

tomorrow morning.

And I'm in no state

to finish it.

Go on your ski adventure.

You deserve it.

Merry Christmas, Harper.

- He left me a message

that he's left for the night

to clear his head.

There's no service

where he's going.

I'll be right back.

- Well, I guess that's that.

- It can't be.

- Harper, I'm so sorry

about before,

assuming that you were

just flaking out.

You really did right by Caleb.

You've grown so much.

- You too.

- Me?

- Yeah.

You never would've given

someone a chance

who wasn't perfect on paper.

It's been really fun

watching you have fun this week.

- Yeah.

I think I'm gonna do

more of that.

- Good.

Now, how can we fix this?

- Harper, I love

your eternal optimism,

but there's no way

we can make the deadline.

- But Caleb needs a win.

And the book is so good.

I mean,

the kids are gonna love it.

I should know,

I am a teacher.

- But with the illustrations

still not finished

and the notes that I just

gave him about the manuscript,

there's no way.


The office is closed for

two weeks over the holidays

and this is already

his second extension.

It's over.

- Liz?

I'm sorry to wake you.

Um, can you come here and...

can you bring all your notes?

Okay, great.

- What's wrong?

Is everything okay?

- I have something

I wanna show you.

- It started as just a sketch,

but it turned into a great story

so I wanted you to be

the first to see it,

as a way of saying thank you

for always believing in me.

- Of course.


But now,

we have another book to finish.

- We need to talk.

- I don't wanna talk about it,


I thought you'd be on

your ski trip with Harper.

- Sit, Caleb.


- I appreciate you

coming over here, Liz,

but there's nothing

left to discuss.

I've missed the deadline.

What's this?

I don't understand.


- Harper.

She couldn't stand

seeing you give up.

I guess she knows a little

something about that.

So, she took my notes

on the manuscript

and worked all night

to address them

and finish the illustrations.

It's ready to be handed in.

Just needs your consent.

- But I told her to leave.

I was so...

Why would she do this?

- Don't you know?

- You should also know,

she turned Pete's offer down.

- Why would she do that?

Pete's a bestselling author.

He was gonna introduce her

to his editor.

It would catapult her career.

I made her feel guilty.

It's my fault.

I'll go talk to her.

- No, no, no, no,

you don't understand.

She turned Pete's offer down


Before you even knew about it.

Besides, nobody can make Harper

do something

she doesn't wanna do.


- What's this?

- She's hoping for

your blessing on this, too.

- Harper's manuscript?

- I suggest you start

with the dedication.

- Dedication?

But it's not published yet.

- Caleb, does my sister ever do

anything by the book?

- Liz, where's Harper now?

- Well, she's gone into town

for some last-minute shopping

and then she was taking

the train out.

- Aren't you going with her?

- Well, I'm gonna help

you and Owen

with the Christmas Eve dinner

and then he and I have plans.

- I'm happy for you.

- Thank you.

And Caleb...

Harper's one of a kind.

Don't let yesterday's mistake

mess up your future.

: To Caleb,

a rightly revered author

who helped give me the courage

to bring my work to the world,

while staying true to who I am.

I always be grateful

for your encouragement,

dedication to craft,

and your sensational

cooking skills.

Curmudgeon or not,

you'll always be

one of my favourite people.

Thank you for everything.

Merry Christmas.


- Caleb?

- Harper.

- What are you doing here?

- I just came to see

if you'd checked out.

- Oh, well, I did.

But then I went

to the train station

and I realized that I forgot

my mom's gift in my hotel room,



Why did you wanna

see if I had checked out?

- I needed to see you.

- You did?

- Look, I've been a fool

with a battered ego.

Liz told me what you did,

staying up all night

to complete the manuscript.

- Well, it's a good story.

- All while I didn't even

give you the chance

to explain what happened.

- Look, I wasn't gonna let

everything that happened

get in the way of something

as magical as your book.

It deserves to be published.

And the world should know

that Caleb Mitchell doesn't need

Pete Stillman to succeed.

- You really think so?

- And I want you to know that

I was always gonna tell you

about The Curmudgeon's


It surprised me, too.

- I realize that now.

But listen, I think you should

take Pete up on his offer.

He's got so much more clout

than me

and it'll make all

the difference to your career.

- No. No, I...

I can't work with someone

I can't trust.

And I mean, without trust,

there's no creativity.

- But...

- But nothing.

I know the book is good and

that it's gonna get published.

With your okay,

of course.

- Harper,

you are the most amazing person.

Spending time with you

has just been...


- Well, that's good,

because I think I missed

the last train out.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- Whatever will you do?

- Well, I hear that there's

a Christmas Eve dinner

at a local shelter that

I could maybe help out with

and make sure

things get done with a...

...little creativity.

- Mm-hmm.

- Merry Christmas, Harper.

- Merry Christmas, Caleb.
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