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A02x03 - Recycling/The Boat Pond/Traffic Jam/Bedtime/Sports Day

Posted: 11/22/23 07:56
by bunniefuu
- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Male narrator: mr. Bull, the bin man,

Is collecting the rubbish.

It is early morning,

So mr. Bull tries to be as quiet as he can.

[Lid clanging]

[Loud clanging]

But mr. Bull is not very good at being quiet.

[Loud clanging]

Peppa and george are finishing their breakfast.

- [Snorts] what's that noise?

- It's mr. Bull, the bin man.


Both: hello, mr. Bull.

- Moo.

Hello, everyone.

Must be off, lots of rubbish to collect.

Both: bye.

- Bye.


- [Snorts] mr. Bull has emptied the rubbish bin for us.

- Good.

Let's clear up the breakfast things.

- Can we help, mummy?

- Yes, you can.

- [Snorts] let's throw this empty bottle in the bin.

- Peppa, stop. - What?

- We don't put bottle in the rubbish bin.

They can be recycled.

- What does that mean?

- All the things we can't use again

We put in the rubbish bin for mr. Bull.

- But all the things that can be used again

Are put in these recycle boxes.

- The red one is for newspapers,

The blue one is for tin cans,

And the green one is for bottles.

- [Snorts] peppa, you have a bottle,

So which box does it go in?

- Um, the green one.

- Yes.

- [Giggles] this is fun.

- Now it's george's turn.

Can you find a newspaper for the red box?

- [Snorts and giggles]


Narrator: george wants to recycle daddy pig's newspaper.

- [Laughs]

I haven't finished with my newspaper just yet, george.

You can have it in a minute.

[Snorts] oh, all right.

Here you are, george.

- [Snorts and giggles]

- Newspapers go in the red box, george.

- [Snorts]

[Both giggling]

- [Snorts] now that we have collected enough things,

We can go to the recycle center.

- Hooray, let's go.

Narrator: mummy pig has the bottles.

[Glass clanging]

Peppa has the tin cans.

[Metal rattling]

Narrator: and george has the newspapers.

[Papers shuffling]

- Is everybody ready?

[Together] yes, daddy pig.

- Then let's go.

[Horn honks]

- [Giggles]

♪ Recycle, recycle, we're going to recycle ♪

♪ Tin cans

[Metal rattling]

♪ Bottles

[Glass clanging]

♪ Newspapers

[Papers shuffling]


♪ Recycle, recycle, we're going to recycle ♪



[Light beeping]

Narrator: this is miss rabbit's recycle center.

- We're here.

Both: hooray.

- Hello, there.

- Hello, miss rabbit.

- Have you come to do some recycling?

- Yes, we have.

- Jolly good.

Carry on.

- What's miss rabbit doing?

- [Snorts] she's recycling all the rusty, old cars.

- Wow.

- Who can tell me which bins the bottles go in?

- [Snorts] the green one.

- That's right.

- And the cans go in the blue one.

- Well done, peppa.

- [Snorts]

Narrator: george wants to recycle the newspapers.

- [Snorts] okay, george.

You can do the newspapers.

- [Giggles]


- There, that's enough recycling for one day.

- Yes, let's go home.

[Both giggling]

- Oh, where's our car parked?

Narrator: peppa's car has disappeared.

- Stand back.

Narrator: miss rabbit is recycling peppa's car.

[All gasping]

- Stop, that's our car.

- What?

Is it really?

[Together] yes.

- Our car isn't old and rusty.

- [Laughs]

Silly me.

I just love recycling.

- Yes, so do we, but we also love our little car.

- Yes, and our little car loves us too, don't you?

[Horn honks]

[Laughter and snorting]

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

[Duck quacking]

Narrator: the ducks are swimming in their pond.

They are very happy.

[Ducks quacking]

Here are peppa, george, mummy pig, and daddy pig.

- [Snorts] hello, ducks.

[Ducks quacking]

Narrator: the ducks want some bread.

- Sorry, mrs. Duck.

We haven't got any bread today.

[Snorts] we've got something much more fun.

Narrator: peppa has brought her toy boat.

[Ducks quacking]

And george has brought his toy boat.

[Ducks quacking]

- [Snorts] let's wind your boat up, george.

Narrator: george's boat works with clockwork.

- Quick, george,

Put the boat in the pond before the clockwork runs out.

- [Giggles]

Narrator: george loves his clockwork boat.

- Mummy, can you wind my boat up?

- Your boat doesn't need winding up, peppa.

Narrator: peppa boat is a sailboat.

The wind makes it go along.

- I don't like my boat.

[Snorts] it doesn't do anything.

- That's because there isn't any wind today.

- Maybe it just needs a little help.

[Snorts] I'll huff, and I'll puff,

And I'll blow your boat along.



- Hooray.

It went really fast.

Narrator: peppa loves her sailboat.

- [Bleating]

Narrator: here is peppa's friend, suzy sheep.

- Hello, everyone.

- Hello, suzy.

[Snorts] we're playing with our boats.

- [Bleats] I've got my speedboat.

- Is it clockwork?

- No, it has batteries.

Narrator: suzy's speedboat uses batteries to make it go.

Both: ooooh.

Narrator: what a great speedboat.

[Duck quacks]

- Sorry, mrs. Duck.

[Duck quacks]

- [Barks]

Narrator: here is danny dog with granddad dog.

- Hello, everyone.

[Together] hello, danny.

- My granddad has made me this paddleboat.

[Together] ooooh.

- I say, that's impressive.

[Snorts] how does it work?

- It's steam-powered.

I just push this little lever.

[Whistle toots]

[Together] wow.

Narrator: what a fantastic paddleboat.

[Ducks quacking]

- Squeak! Squeak!

Narrator: here is rebecca rabbit with her mummy.

- Hello, everyone.

- Hello, rebecca.

[Snorts] we're playing with our boats.

- I wish I had a boat.

Narrator: rebecca rabbit does not have a boat.

- I've got an idea.

Luckily, I brought my newspaper along.

I just need one page.

[Snorts] which page can we lose?

News, sports... Ahh, fashion.

- Not the fashion page.

- Okay, I'll use the business page.

When I was a little piggy,

I used to fold newspaper like this...

- What is daddy pig doing?

- To make a paper boat.

Narrator: daddy pig has made a paper boat.

- [Squeaks] thank you, mr. Pig.


- [Snorts]

Narrator: george wants a paper boat too.

- Uh-oh, I suppose I can do without the sports page.

- [Snorts and giggles]

- Please, can I have one?

- And me. - And me.

- [Laughs] of course.

Narrator: daddy pig is making paper boats for everyone.

- [Snorts] let's have a race.

- Good idea, mummy pig.

We can huff and puff and blow the paper boats across.

Everyone take a deep breathe.

[All inhaling]

- Ready, steady blow.


- We have a winner.

Uh, who had the sports page?

- [Snorts] that's george's boat.

Narrator: george is the winner.

[Together] hooray.


- I like boats,

And I like paper boats the best.

[Together] - me too.


Narrator: it's time to go home.

Everybody has had a great time.

[Together] bye-bye.

- [Snorts] bye-bye, ducks.

See you soon.

Narrator: the ducks enjoyed the toy boats,

But they quite like having the pond back to themselves again.

[Duck quacking]

- This looks like fun.



- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: granny pig and grandpa pig

Are making lunch for peppa and her family.

- [Snorts] I've dug up some more potatoes.

- Oh, grandpa.

[Snorts] we've already got plenty of potatoes.

- You can never have too many potatoes.

- Okay, but get the potatoes in the oven.

The others will be here soon.

- Ho-ho, we've plenty of time.

It's only : .

Narrator: peppa and her family are on their way.

- [Snorts] I wish we'd set off sooner.

We're going to be late again.

- Don't worry, mummy pig.

We've still got loads of time.

- [Snorts] we're always late

When we go to granny and grandpa's.

- [Laughs and snorts] not this time.

I've found a new way that avoids all the traffic.

[Tires screeching]

Oh, I wasn't expecting that.

Narrator: peppa and her family are stuck in a traffic jam.

- Look, there's danny dog and granddad dog.

Narrator: danny dog and granddad dog are in the traffic jam too.

- Hello, peppa. [Barks]

- Hello, peppa. [Barks]

- [Snorts] we're going to my granny and grandpa's for lunch.

We're going to be late.

[Clock chiming]

- It's : .

They're usual.

- [Snorts] how are your potatoes doing?

- Um, they still need a bit more cooking.

[Telephone rings]

- Granny pig speaking.

- Hello, granny pig.

[Snorts] we're stuck in a traffic jam.

- Don't worry.

[Snorts] we're running late too.

Grandpa's gone over the top with potatoes.

See you in a bit.

- The poor dears are stuck in a traffic jam.

- Sounds like I've got time to get a few more potatoes.

- Grandpa pig.

- We're moving so slowly.

[Snorts] we'll never get to granny and grandpa's.

- Peppa's right.

We have to try a different way.

- But there aren't any other main roads.

- I know a shortcut.

[Tires squealing]

- Bye-bye, everyone.

We're taking a shortcut.

- Bye-bye, peppa.

- Good luck.

Narrator: mummy pig is taking a shortcut

To get ahead of the traffic.

The shortcut is very bumpy.

- [Giggles] this is fun.


- [Snorts] are you sure about this?

- Trust me. - Hello, ducks.

We're taking a shortcut.


[Ducks quacking]

- [Snorts] look, there's the main road again.

- Well done, mummy pig.

- But we're still behind danny's lorry.

- Hello. - Welcome back.


Narrator: oh, dear.

Mummy pig's shortcut has not worked very well.

[Clock chiming]

- Good, lunch is ready.

- [Snorts] and most important of all,

The potatoes are done.

Narrator: lunch is ready,

But peppa and her family are still not here.

[Telephone rings]

- Grandpa pig speaking.

- We're almost at your house.

[Snorts] but the traffic is still moving

At the speed of a snail.

- A very, very slow snail.

- They're almost here,

But they're still in the traffic jam.

- Poor dears.

[Snorts] the food is going to get cold.

- I've got an idea.

I'll get my wheelbarrow.

Narrator: what is grandpa pig doing?

- Granny pig,

Load the lunch into the wheelbarrow.

- Aye, aye, grandpa pig.

- If they can't come to the lunch,

We have to take the lunch to them.


- Look.

[Snorts] there's granny and grandpa

With our lunch in a wheelbarrow.

- Ahoy, there.

[Snorts] lunch is served.

- Is there enough for danny and granddad dog

To have some too?

- We've got enough for everyone.

[Together] hooray, potatoes.


- [Snorts] good job you did lots and lots of potatoes, grandpa.

- Ho-ho, you can never have too many potatoes.

[Laughter and snorting

- [Inhales]


Narrator: my goodness.

That was loud.

[Together] wow.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: it is almost bedtime.

Peppa and george are just finishing their supper.

- [Yawns]

- Daddy pig.

[Both giggling]

- Oh, sorry. I'm a bit tired.

[Snorts] it's been a long day.

- George and I aren't sleepy at all.

[Snorts] can we play in the garden?

- But it's almost your bedtime.

- Can we play outside for just a tiny bit?

Please, mummy.

Please, daddy.

- [Laughs] all right.

[Snorts] but you must come in when we call you for your bath.

[Both giggling]

- [Laughs] I don't know where they get their energy from.

[Both giggling]

Narrator: peppa and george are playing one last game outside

Before bedtime.

- Look, george, lots of muddy puddles.

- [Snorts twice]

Narrator: peppa and george are wearing their boots.

They are going to jump up and down in muddy puddles.

- [Giggling]

Narrator: peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

- [Giggles]

Narrator: george loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

- [Giggling]


Look, the biggest puddle in the world.

Narrator: what a huge, big puddle.

[Both giggling]

- Peppa, george, bath time.

- [Giggling]

[Snorts] daddy, mummy,

We found the biggest muddy puddle in the world.

- I can see that.

[Snorts] quick, into the bath.

- Ohh, can't we just play outside a bit longer?

- [Laughs] no, it's bath time.

[Both giggling]

- [Snorts] are you and george feeling sleepy?

- No, daddy.

[Snorts] we are not even a tiny bit sleepy.

[Both giggling]

- Peppa and george might not be sleepy, but I am.

- Me too.


Narrator: before bedtime, peppa and george have their bath.

- [Giggling]

Narrator: peppa likes splashing.

George likes splashing.

Peppa and george both like splashing.

- [Laughs]

That's enough splashing.

- Let's get you dry and into your pajamas.

- Oh, can't we just stay in the bath a little bit longer?

- [Laughs] bath time is over.

[Snorts] now it's time to clean your teeth.

Narrator: before going to bed,

Peppa and george brush their teeth.

- [Giggling]

- [Giggling]

- Okay, that's enough brushing.

[Snorts] into your beds.

- Oh, I think our teeth need a bit more cleaning.

- When you're in bed, daddy pig will read you a story.

- Hooray. - [Snorts twice]

Narrator: peppa and george like stories.

- [Snorting]

- When peppa goes to bed,

She always has her teddy tucked up with her.

When george goes to bed,

He always has mr. Dinosaur tucked up with him.

- [Snorts] are you feeling sleepy now?

- No, daddy.

We need lots and lots of stories.

- Daddy pig will ready you one story.

Now, which book do you want?

- Um...

[Snorts] [span] the red monkey book.[/Span]

- [Laughs] okay, I'll read you [span] the red monkey book.[/Span]

Narrator: peppa and george like [span] the red monkey book.[/Span]

- "Once upon a time..."

- [Yawns]

Oh, sorry, daddy pig.

- [Both giggling]

- "Once upon a time, there was a red monkey,

"And this red monkey had a bath

"And cleaned his teeth.

"He got into his bed, and soon he fell fast asleep.

Good night, red monkey."

[Both snoring]

Narrator: peppa and george are asleep.

- Good night, peppa and george.

Sleep well.

- [Yawns]

- [Yawns]

Narrator: now peppa and george are asleep,

Mummy pig and daddy pig are going to watch some television.

- And now it's time for the amazing mr. Potato.

- [Snorts] I've been looking forward

To watching this program.

- The amazing mr. Potato is always ready for action.

He runs fast, jumps high.

He never sleeps.

[Both yawning]

[Both snoring]

Narrator: it is bedtime for peppa and george,

And it looks as if it is bedtime for mummy and daddy too.

- I'm peppa pig.


This is my little brother, george.

- [Snorts twice]

- This is mummy pig.

- [Snorts loudly]

- And this is daddy pig.

- [Snorts very loudly]


- [Snorts]

Narrator: today is the school sports day.

[Giggling together]

Narrator: peppa and her friends are all here.

- The first event is running.

Narrator: the children have to run as fast as they can.

- [Snorts] I think I will win.

I can run very fast.

- [Bleats] I'm faster than you.

- Ready, steady, go.

- I can run at miles an hour.

- I can run at a million miles an hour.

- Peppa, suzy, stop talking and run.

- Oh.

Narrator: rebecca rabbit is in the lead.

Oh, dear.

Peppa and suzy are right at the back.

- Come on, peppa. - Come on, danny.

- Squeak!

Narrator: rebecca rabbit wins.


Narrator: and peppa and suzy are last.

- The winner of the race is rebecca rabbit.

[Together] hooray.

- [Squeaks] thank you.


[Both breathing heavily]

- I would have won if you hadn't been talking to me, suzy.

- Now, now, peppa, remember,

It's not winning that matters but taking part.

- Yes, daddy.

- The next event is the long jump.

[Both giggling]

Narrator: george and richard have to see

Who can jump the furthest.

- George, run as fast as you can,

Then jump as far as you can.

- [Snorts twice]

- George, ready, steady, go.

- [Giggles]

Narrator: george has jumped as far as he can.

- And now it's richard rabbit's turn.

- Squeak! Squeak!

- [Snorts] if richard doesn't run

He won't jump very far.

- Richard rabbit, ready, steady, go.

Narrator: richard rabbit has jumped further than george.

- And the winner is richard rabbit.

[Cheers and applause]

- [Giggles]

- [Sobbing]

- George, remember, it's not the winning that matters

But taking part.

- [Sobbing]

- The next race is the relay.

Each child needs to pick a parent to race with.

- Peppa, pick me.

Pick me.

- But, daddy, you're not very good at running.

- [Snorts] I was very good when I was a little piggy.

- But now you have a big tummy.

- But I can still touch my toes...nearly.

- [Giggles] all right, daddy.

[Snorts] but you must run very fast.

- [Laughs]

Narrator: the mummies and daddies

Will run the first part of the race

And then hand the batons to the children.

- Mummies and daddies,

Ready, steady, go.

[Together] run, daddy. Run, mummy.

Narrator: daddy pig is in the lead.

[Together] come on mummy.

Come on, daddy.

- Thank you, daddy.

You did very well.

Now it's my turn to--

- Peppa, stop talking and run.

- Oh.

- [Meows] - [barks]

- [Neighs]

- [Breathing heavily]

[Together] keep on running.

- Go on.

- [Trumpeting]

- And the winner is emily elephant.

[Together] hooray.

- [Breathing heavily]

Oh, daddy.

[Snorts] I haven't won a prize yet.

- Don't worry, peppa.

There's still one more event.

- And now for the last event of the day,

The tug-of-w*r, boys against girls.

[All giggling]

When I say go,

You must pull the rope with all your strength.

- [Snorts] the girls will win.

- [Barks] no, they won't.

The boys will win.

- Ready, steady, go.

[Together] come on, boys.

- Come on, pull.

[Together] come on, girls.

- Pull.

- I am pulling.

Narrator: everyone is pulling so hard,

The rope is breaking.

[Together] whoa.


- And the result is a draw. So both teams win.

[Together] hooray.

- [Snorts] I love the school sports day,

Especially when I win a prize.


[Laughter and snorting]

- [Giggling and snorting]

♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig



♪ Peppa pig

[Snorting and giggling]