Site 13 (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Site 13 (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(crickets chirp)

[Kelly] Tony, this isn't funny!

Tony, where the f*ck is Nathan?

[Tony] I don't know, I'm not in on this.

What do you mean?

[Nicki] Kelly!


[Kelly] Nathan, where the f*ck are you?!

What the f*ck!

What the f*ck!



I knew this sh*t was gonna f*cking happen!

Where the f*ck is Nathan?!


(eerie music)

[Tony] Okay, ready and...

Well, I've been at Miskatonic University

for three years now.

The reason I came here is because

they have an extensive

library on mythology,

folklore, and the occult.

I've been lobbying to

get here for years now.

It's my first teaching job.

Because I have been working

on this circles project

for, well, for most of my life.

So my mother used to dream

about circles when I was a kid.

I've always had this fascination

with myths and the occult,

and one day I had this

book from the library

about local legends

and I came across a story

of the Devil's Circle

here in Friedens.

And as I'm reading the book,

I heard my mother say, "That's it.

That's the circle I dream about."

And that night, I dreamt about it too

and I dreamt about

falling through the circle

like it was a hole or a portal.

And after that, I was done.

(eerie music)

Over the course of my studies,

I've discovered that there are 26 circles

located around the globe.

I did actually a lot of that research

while I was in high school.

I proceeded with my graduate work,

post-graduate, all in myth and folklore,

all under the auspice of

actually trying to find out more

about these circles and the occurrences

and what their connections might be.

And I think I've actually

discovered what it is.

(eerie music)

One of the first recorded events

involving one of the circles

was actually in ancient Lemuria.

The ancient Lemurians

had one main creator god.

It's not a devil,

but an anti-creator,

almost like a personification

of Armageddon,

known as K'Luta the Devourer.

(eerie music)

And K'Luta actually would be

summoned through these circles.

Now, as I proceeded with

the studies of this,

I began to realize that all

of these circles are portals

where K'Luta has access to our world.

In 1973, there was a geological survey

of the circle here in Friedens

and it discovered SIO32.

SIO32 has been discovered

in the other 12 sites

that I've visited.

This would be the 13th site.

From the amount of actual documentation

and rumored disappearances,

that this is the most powerful.

(eerie music)

A friend of mine at

MIT who is a biochemist

developed a drug that is going to

actually change the polarity

of my neurological system.

The electricity that

runs my nervous system

is going to be changed in polarity

so that I can go through this circle.

And then when it wears

off on the other side,

I'll be drawn back through.

I'll be the only person to

ever travel through the circle

and come back.

[Tony] Why don't you

tell us a little bit about

some of the students you're bringing with?

Students that I'm bringing with me, yes.

Well, let me see,

I am bringing Nicki, probably

one of my best students

because she approaches everything

from a purely analytical standpoint,

which I can sometimes lose sight of

in my passion for the subject.

I guess I'm coming along on this trip

for a little more clarity on

what the professor's been

trying to convince me of

these past couple months.

I'm a bit of a skeptic

and I don't really believe in evil spirits

and paranormal activity.

(eerie music)

I mean, I think my parents

would like to see me

go and do something interesting like this

because I don't really get out much.

I'm really busy a lot,

especially with school.

I take school very seriously.

Nicki has a very clear

head on her shoulders

and a brilliant scientific mind, actually,

and I'm hoping that I can cure her

of a little bit of her skepticism.

(eerie music)

I'm the type of person

that has to see something

to believe it.

In some senses, he has a

good head on his shoulders,

I just think he obsesses

over this a little too much.

I mean, you should see the guy's office.

He's got circles all over his walls

and all kinds of crap on this thing.

He's visited circles all around the world,

he's been researching this for years.

Sometimes I think the

professor's a little crazy.

(eerie music)

I've also got Kelly, Kelly Ray,

she was a student of mine last semester.

I wouldn't say that she's

the most enthusiastic

member of the class.


What do you wanna know?

[Tony] What do you

think about the circle?

I mean, do you think there's

anything to it, or...?

I don't really know.

Ever since Nathan and I met,

he's been talking about this circle.

He's totally obsessed with it

and I don't really know how I feel about

the paranormal or whatever.

I just, I think Nathan

obsesses a little too much,

but I wanna be there for him.

I support him,

and I'm in love with him.

(eerie music)

I'm going to college because

my daddy wants me to.

He wants me to be smart.

My dad is a psychologist,

or a psychiatrist,

I don't know, whichever

one prescribes dr*gs.

So we're pretty well off.

Okay, we're rich.

Well, her parents have a

great financial background

and she has agreed to actually, you know,

financially back this trip.

So that certainly adds in her favor.

It'll also be nice to have her there

for a little emotional support,

because this isn't gonna

be for the faint of heart.

Also, I'm a third year university teacher,

I'm certainly not making enough money

to pay for this mission.

Not on my salary.

(eerie music)

I don't know, I think

Nathan could be the one,

and that's really the

only reason I'm going

is because I love him

and I want to show him that

I support what he does,

even though it really

gets annoying sometimes.

(eerie music)

I think people do it for attention.

I mean, they say that they see ghosts,

but, you know, they can never

get, like, a clear picture,

it's always something,

you know what I mean?

I'm pretty sure the professor

is gonna do his best

to try to convince me of this thing.

I don't believe in,

like, demons and ghosts

and all that stuff.

(eerie music)

I've never seen one, so

what's to believe in, right?

I think all this should

come together well.

I've put together a good little team

and hopefully when I can submit this,

I will get tenure and put

together a few real missions

with scientific teams

to actually go through.

By opening up a whole new

field of science as we know it,

the first step into discovering

a whole new scientific way of thinking

about the paranormal,

or magic,

which is probably just

really more advanced science

than we understand at this time

'cause we don't have the open mind

to look out into the universe

and continue to explore.

(eerie music)

(fingers snap)

[Tony] Any final words

before you venture out?

Wish me luck.

I mean, big things are going to happen.

(eerie music)

(people scream)

(crickets chirp)

(thunder rumbles)

(dark music)

I'm gonna k*ll him.

Don't get mad.

From his point of view,

it kind of makes sense.


How does it make sense?

Well, you know how he

is about the government.

Yeah, but just because my

brother is a paranoid psychotic

doesn't mean we should have

to deal with the fallout

of all of that.

Watch out, you're gonna cut off a finger

and then how are you gonna show him?

(thunder rumbles)

(glass shatters)




(eerie music)

Is dad okay?

Yeah, honey, he's just got a scratch.

It's not a scratch,

it looks like more than a scratch.

Honey, don't freak him out.

I'm not freaking him

out, I'm freaking me out.

Well, don't do that either.

I'm just getting a

little lightheaded is all.

It's really not that bad.

Well, you know how I get

when I see my own blood.

Well then, don't look at it.

But it's everywhere.

Just put pressure on the towel,

I'll go get a bandage.

(eerie music)

(thunder rumbles)

I think I'm gonna need stitches.

You don't need stitches.

Well, hurry up.

(thunder rumbles)

You okay?


Where's the light?

It's on the wall by the door.

(entity moans)

Are you sure you're all right?

There's something in the dark.

(thunder rumbles)

There are no monsters here.

The only monster here is

you, you little monster.


But I have to use duct tape with the gauze

because I think that we're out of...

(entity moans)


(family screams)

(eerie music)

He is in the world.

(Nathan chants)

(clock bell chimes)

(soft acoustic music)


What? I didn't say anything.

You can keep it that way.


We'll take two more of those.

Are you planning on paying for that?

The Lord provides.

So what do you want?

He's awake.


Nathan Marsh.

He woke up last night.

He's been catatonic for, what, like...

10 years.

I read the case file.

He's awake.





Easy there.

Look, I know you're talking some time off

to think things through.

Yeah, think things through,

that's what I'm doing.

Look, I'm not asking you

to put the habit back on.

I could just...

You worked with him for 10 years.

You know the case.


Come in tomorrow.

(glass slams)

(eerie music)

(dark music)

(clock chimes)

It's okay.

I don't know who took your teddy bear,

but we'll find him after lunch, okay?

We're gonna have a nice Jello.

You like Jello, don't you?

That's what I thought.

Why don't you go on

back to your room, okay?

Oh, good, you made it.

I didn't think you were gonna show.

Do you have his file?

Only had a chance to

read through it once.

Messed up.

How is he presenting?

Fully aware.

He's confused, but...

Well, he's confused.


He keeps saying this phrase

and we don't know what language it is.

Of course.

He's a professor of ancient theology.



Very much no.

He's from over at Miskatonic University.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

Occult theory, mythology,

and anthropology.


So he has a history of insanity.

Don't underestimate him,

or what he knows.


(wind howls)

Why is it so quiet?

The other patients, where are they?



(dark music)

They've been like that all day.


All unresponsive for the most part.

For the most part?

Well, there's Max.

He said something to me.

"He's in the world."

He's in the world.

He's in the world.

He's in the world.

I put him in the interview room.

Would you like me to come with you?

No, I'm good.


There's something not right about him.

He's fully aware of his

surroundings, but...

He's been catatonic for 10 years,

yeah, he's gonna be a little off.

I'll be fine.

(dark music)

(man chants)

(door creaks)

Do not.

The light, it bothers my eyes.

Oh, yeah, of course.

Dr. Marsh, my name is

Dr. Catherine Charter.

10 years ago, we found

you in a catatonic state

in a field outside of

Friedens, Pennsylvania.

10 years?


I know, it's a lot to process.

A lot to process.

Where's Kelly?


She didn't make it.

You were all alone.

This is all so...


Like it's not real,

like it's fake.

Yeah, well, you've been

out of it for over a decade,

reality's gonna seem a little weird.

You know, you don't have a

lot of experience with it.

Am I a man dreaming

I'm a butterfly, or...

Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a man?


(eerie music)

I've seen reality and this is not it.

He is in the world.


Dr. Marsh?

You can just call me Nathan.

Well, Nathan,

what was that?

I don't know.

Why don't you tell me

what you do remember?

Have you watched the tapes?


The tapes from the site visit.

We were visiting a devil's circle.

And what's that?

A devil's circle is a nexus point.

There's 26 of them all around the world.

They're a gateway,

a portal,

nexus points for paranormal activity.

Of course.

Don't dismiss me like I'm crazy,

this is my life's work.

I have studied these

circles my entire life

and this one, this one in particular is...

(dark music)

I can't tell which ones are real

and what is here.

Here is real.

Watch the tapes.

They're here.

I don't know,

there's nothing in your

file that mentions any...


Son of a bitch.

(dark music)

(man chants)

Where are the f*cking video tapes?

Sister Catherine.

I'm not a nun anymore.

Where are the tapes?

Catherine, calm down.

No, this man has been

my patient for 10 years.

10 years.

And all that time there was some clue

as to what happened to him right here?

Where are the tapes?

Sit down.

I'm not gonna sit down.

Sit down.

The tapes were sent to the Vatican.


I don't know why,

I didn't have a chance to ask.

Doesn't that seem a little odd to you?

Some guy has a hiking accident

and the Vatican asks for his home videos?


Yes, it seemed odd to me.

Okay so, if you thought

it was odd, why...

It seemed odd to me,

so I made a copy.

I haven't had a chance to look at it,

but I thought it seemed odd.

Sister Margaret, you rebel.

Don't tell anyone where you got this.


My lips are sealed.

(dark music)

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

(eerie music)

(man chants)

[Tony] Okay, ready and...

Well, I've been at Miskatonic University

for three years now.

The reason I came here is because

they have an extensive

library on mythology,

folklore, and the occult.

I've been lobbying to

get here for years now

because I have been working

on this circles project,

well, for most of my life.

(eerie music)

And one day,

I had this book from the

library about local legends

and I came across a story

of the Devil's Circle

here in Friedens.

And as I'm reading the book,

I hear my mother say from behind me...

(man chants)

[Tony] Why don't you tell us about

some of the students you're bringing with?

[Nathan] Students that

I'm bringing with me, yes.

My friend John is actually

gonna be giving us a ride.

Not a student.

Unfortunately, John will not be able

to spend the entire time with us,

but he did agree to drive us out there

into the middle of absolutely nowhere.

He also agreed to set up camp...

I'm the type of person

that has to see something

to believe it.

But I don't know, I think it'll be fun.

I mean, Kelly's a good friend of mine.

We're gonna have plenty of beer,

so that ought to be good, you know.

(tape fast forwards)

He's totally obsessed with it

and I don't really know how I feel about

the paranormal or whatever.

I've been in haunted houses,

I've been to cemeteries, nothing.

He's gonna have to do

a lot to convince me...

Opening up a whole new field

of science as we know it.

The first step into discovering

a whole new scientific way of thinking

about the paranormal,

or magic,

which is probably just

really more advanced science

than we understand at this time...

(eerie music)

'cause we don't have the open mind

to look out into the universe

and continue to explore.

My entire existence,

I have spent chasing this energy,

this K'Luta the Devourer.

[John] Oh, my God, my flesh is burning!

(Nicki laughs)

[Nicki] What'd you say about barb?

There's a resting third wire back there.

[Nicki] Oh.

My job's harder.

Hi, sweetie.


[Nicki] Okay, that's enough of you.

Check out all our crap, guys.

Everything we need for survival.

We got the camera,

some blood,

tent stuff, hot dogs, you know, water.

And our tent.

That's good enough, John.

[Nicki] Oh, nice.

This is our fire ring.

And that is the Devil's Circle.

(dark music)

Who's got a lighter?

(Nicki laughs)

Whoo, look at that ass!

(Nicki laughs)

Oh, my gosh.

That was definitely a white boy dance.

[Kelly] No!

(Nicki laughs)

That's how accidents happen.

[Kelly] Exactly.

[Nicki] Save it for when we're drunk.

[Nathan] Okay.


here it is.

The circle.

This one is definitely...

This one is definitely different.

Growth patterns.

There's actually patterns of growth.

(eerie music)

It's the same size as the one in Kenya.

It reminds me an awful

lot of it, actually.

This is strange,

but you can actually see right here,

over here,

a symbol of K'Luta.

Yeah, it's right there, going through,

but also another inner circle

inside of the larger circle.

I'm not sure what that means.

Tony, our videographer.

Say hi to the camera, Tony.


[Nathan] There we go.

Nicki, baby.


John, our driver.

John, say hi to the camera.

Hi to the camera.

[Nathan] There you go.

Say good night, crazy.

[John] Good night, crazy.

[Nathan] There you go.

My lovely Kelly.

[Kelly] Save it when we're drunk.


[Nathan] This is a great story.

Shut up!

[Nathan] I'm glad I'm recording this.

This will definitely go

into the documentary.

(Nicki laughs)

This is why I'm a professor

and they're students.

[Nicki] That was a warmup.

[Nathan] Do you hear the crickets?

The crickets.

(girls laugh)

The crickets!

They know the answer.

(tape fast forwards)

And back to the circle, the true riddle.

I'm not sure what that means.

Normally I would say

you actually have to stand

in the center of the circle

for, I guess, anything to happen,

but a smaller circle inside,

that's new, that's different.

During the day,

there doesn't seem to be actually

any difference in the air,

difference in the energy.

Okay, we're actually

going into the circle now.


Oh, God, I shouldn't do this.

All right.

Oh, there is actually

a definite change in

temperature right here.

Oh, wow.

I've got goosebumps.

The hair on my arm is just standing up.

This is the circle.

(Nathan chuckles)

Oh, Jesus, it's cold.

Okay, I'm getting out right now.

Just an observation, I guess.

Well, what we're gonna do

is we're gonna experiment,

use the dog first, send it through.

And then the dog will

act as a sacrifice,

I'm not gonna tell the rest of them.

I don't expect it to come back,

or come back alive.

Okay, come on, boy.


Okay so, what we're doing,

I'm actually gonna test the

power of this circle right now.


(dark music)

We're gonna see if this circle

is gonna be any different

from the other 12.

The other 12 didn't have enough energy

to swallow up anything this size.

Come here, yes.

I'd like to see some

mustard and ketchup,

did we bring any?


Yeah, and I've just

staked the dog over there.

[Nicki] Huh?

[Nathan] I've just

staked the dog over there.

Tony, I'll film this.

(eerie music)

(dog whines)

(dog yelps)

(Nathan gasps)

(static crackles)

(eerie music)

He is in the world.

(Catherine gasps)

He is in the world.

What are you doing in here?

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

(Max cries)

(thunder rumbles)

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay, we're gonna get

you back to your room, okay?

It's all right.

(thunder rumbles)

(static crackles)

We got this.

(dark music)

[Voice] He is in the world.

(thunder rumbles)

(clock chimes)

[Patients] He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

I can hear them.


The other patients.

They know.

The walls are pretty thick,

I don't think you're gonna...


I can hear them up here.

What happened to the dog?

What do you know about film?

I don't know, I've seen a few movies.

No, film.

Film's made up of a series

of images, pictures,

that moves by 24 frames per second.

I'm not asking you about film.

But those frames move so fast

that we can only barely perceive it.

Just flickers in the darkness.

Unless the film skips.

Then we notice it.

Site 13 is a weak spot.

If the film's gonna skip,

it's gonna skip there.

A weak spot in what?



(dark music)

Who's Ryan?



You think about him a lot.

Oh, so you're psychic now.


But this piece that's inside of me

that K'luta put there,

he's coming for it.

And that piece sees things.

So you're saying you're a god?


Oh, you just have a little

piece of a god inside you.

The kingdom of heaven is within, right?

That's what it says in your book.

Not my book.

Where do you want this?

Over there.

What are you doing?

I figured we'd watch together.


Why not?

We'll find out what happens.


I think I know what happens.

I don't want to watch.

It's okay, we'll do this together.

I don't want to watch.

Have faith.

(Nathan growls)

(Margaret gasps)


I don't have faith,

and I don't want to watch.

Yeah, that is totally fine,

you do not have to watch.

Just breathe.

[Catherine] We do not have to watch it.

What you have to consider

is that maybe this film,

this story in 24 frames per second,

maybe it's not about finding our faith

or learning some dramatic life lesson,

maybe it's a horror movie.

Ryan was my patient.


I was a nun in addition

to being a psychologist

and Ryan was my patient.

He had tried to k*ll himself,

but I thought we were making progress.

What happened to him?

One night he got out of his room

and went to the roof.


Ryan, first thing's first.


Don't tell me it's a moral sin.

I know that, I am sick of hearing that.

But I can't stand living in this


Ryan, please.

He wanted me to give him one reason.

You can't, can you?

There's so many reasons that...

You're worse off than I am.

(eerie music)

(Catherine gasps)

Just one reason

to go on.

You couldn't think of one, could you?


If I go to him,

K'Luta, if I go to him,

this all goes away.


all of it.

And maybe that's for the best.


But let's see this through first.

Play our parts.

Roll it.

(static crackles)

(Kelly screams)


It's okay, it's just a spider.

- Nature, get used to it.

- Nature, f*cking nature.

[Nicki] Was it a daddy long leg?

Dog's gone.

No, it was actually a big spider,

I'm gonna get up now.

The dog's gone.

- What?

- What?

The dog

is gone.

[Nicki] You probably

didn't tie him tight enough

and he ran away.

No, 'cause the stake would be there.

The dog is gone.

What the f*ck?

I told you.

(thunder rumbles)

Yeah, very funny, ha, ha.

Dog's gone.

A bolt of lightning

is about as big around

as this here sleeping bag.

It's gonna hit those first,

and then the lamp's gonna fall,

and then it's gonna hit on us,

and somebody's gonna die.

It's gonna be Tony 'cause he's closer.

And it's already lighting it up.

[John] But you know

when lighting strikes,

it has, like, 25 choices

of where it's gonna hit.

Yeah, let me have another beer.

(Nicki laughs)

[John] He deals in circles.

Yeah, exactly, I'm in myth

and folklore, come on, man.

So we have to stay in this damn tent

for the rest of the night?


We come out here to

see the f*cking circle

and we have to stay in the f*cking tent.

sh*t, I don't know about you,

but I'm going out to the circle.

Yeah, me too.

Well, I gotta be out there by 3:23 AM.

No, 'cause that's where I'm going too.

Oh, please, Kelly,

he had somebody pick the dog up, okay?

And he's probably gonna scare you again

by running off and leaving

a piece of his hair behind

and then we'll think he disappeared.

Look, look, I understand,

I know what this is now.

It's fitting together

with all the theories

that I've got so far.

And I'm gonna prove it.

I'll believe it when I see it.

- All right.

- Okay?

Yeah, what happened to the dog?

I don't know, you tell me.

Yeah, you tell me, I don't know.


I just wanna know why

if you don't know what

f*cking happened to the dog

and you think he did

something to the dog...

He made the dog disappear.

So you wanna come back

all flesh and blood?


I'm going through, I'm not coming back.

Like that.

Oh, please.

The grass is growing in an

ancient hieroglyphic pattern,

it's an ancient Lemurian

hieroglyphic pattern.

[Nicki] How did they get there?

How did who get where?

[Nicki] How did the circles get there?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

[Nicki] Indians.



I'm glad we had this stuff.

(Nicki laughs)

[Kelly] It's not going well.

[Nathan] I gotta do

this, I gotta do this.

I have to do this.

You're not convincing me.

I don't...

I'm not trying to convince you.

Nathan, come on, please.


Oh, just let him go.

He's coming back, remember?

Nicki, will you stay the f*ck out of it?


All right.

Oh, my God, I'm still out here.

(Nicki laughs)


Thank you, sir.

Dude, you're driving.

I know.

[Nathan] You don't get to have beer.

[Nicki] Why don't you go into the circle

and teleport to wherever you have to go?

And then you can always

come back to your car.

(girls laugh)

[John] It is free parking.

[Nicki] He's taking negatives.

[Nathan] It's not negatives, it's real.

- All right, guys.

- [Nathan] There we go.

I'm leaving.

- You're leaving us?

- Yeah.

[Nathan] You're gonna make

like a tree and head out?

Be careful with that sh*t.

What sh*t?

The circle?


It'll be fine, man.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.

Not a problem.

Give me a call if you guys need anything.

- All right.

- [Nicki] Sure.

Have a safe trip.


(Nicki laughs)


[John] I'll see you guys Monday morning.

[Nathan] All right.

In my haste in the rain,

I threw everything in.


Well, this mission is going

off swimmingly so far.

What's up?

Hey, it's gonna be fine.

It's gonna be fine.


I need your support right now,

I don't have their support,

I need your support.

(Kelly cries)

I need you to back me up on this.

I don't want you to go.

I'll come back.

Don't worry.

I'll be back, I promise you.

I'm not gonna fail at this.

I'm sorry.

Have faith in me.

Please, have faith in me,

I need someone to.

- Nathan, I have faith in you.

- [Nathan] No one else,

no one else has faith in me.

I need you.

I need you.

Please just listen to me.

All I want for you...

Would you look at me?

You're going in five minutes.

I'm going.



If you don't know your sh*t now,

you don't know your sh*t.

Would you please look at me?

I'm looking at you.

Would you please give me something

to make me feel better?

I need something to make me feel better.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Tony.

Why are you doing this?

(dark music)

Because I had to know.

Yeah, but why?

What do you mean, why?

I had to know, it was...

An obsession?


And you're willing to put

everything at risk for that?

Do you really want to know why?

For the same reason that you

won't stop watching that tape

even though you know something

awful is about to happen.

Now play the tape.

There it is.


It's the eye of Bolgoth, Tony.

It's gonna bring me through.

That and that.

The GTE.

Techno-magic trans-exodiator.

It's gonna change the

energy of my neurons.

I know it sounds insane.

This is it.

I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna go through.

Oh, sh*t.

Bolgoth went through.

He went through the circle, 66 AD.

He came back a raving f*cking lunatic.

I'm hoping that this will stop that.

Yeah, it's human, I

got it from Miskatonic.

From the med lab.

I know, it's f*cked up.

Oh, Jesus, what am I doing?

No, it's fine.

I have five, right?

I'm gonna do this.

(suspenseful music)

[Tony] Maybe we should

just go back in the tent.

[Nicki] You might wanna hurry up,

I think rain's coming.

Nicki, can you please shut the f*ck up?

You're f*cking with my

concentration, okay?

Stand back, you're...

Tony, I think you're in the circle too.

Just, can you step back?

[Nicki] The dog didn't

have to do all this sh*t.

f*ck off!

[Kelly] Stop yelling at each other!

Nicki, just get in the

f*cking tent with me, okay?

[Nicki] Okay.

[Tony] you can concentrate?

Yeah, you know, that might be best.

- [Tony] Okay.

- Okay?

Tony, thank you, actually.

Thank you.

You're the only f*cking

voice of reason around here.

(dark music)

(Nathan chants)

[Voice] He is in the world.

(Nathan chants)

[Voice] He is in the world.

(Nathan chants)

(Nathan screams)

Oh, my.

(patients scream)

(intense music)

(Nathan gasps)


Are you okay?


You okay?

What happened?

I remember.

- What?

- Where'd you go?

I think I went to hell.

Look, okay, calm down now.

Nobody went to hell, okay?

You did not go to hell.

What was it like?


Tell me.

It's not so much down there.

Out there.

I don't know, it's...

It's hard to find a word

for it other than...



But it's not what you think.

(eerie music)


It's not what you think.

I can tell you that it's

fire and it's brimstone,

but it's not.

It's cold,

and dark,

and you just float there,

and you're alone with your soul.

You're alone,

and you realize that there is nothing

that is of significance

and there's nothing

that ever, ever will be.

But that's not even the worst part.

Just when you're sure you

can't take it anymore,

that you'll break into a million pieces,

that's when you hear it

out there in the darkness

and it moves.

And you pray, you pray

for that loneliness again,

because you realize

that the thing that's

out there in the dark

is so much worse.

(eerie music)



Stop helping.

Are you okay?

I think I made a mistake.

We need to keep watching that tape.

Maybe we should take a break.

No, we have to see what happens next.

We've gotta keep watching.

He's in the world.

And he's coming.

(dark music)


Come on.

He'll be back any second now.

We're all gonna get stupid drunk.

Oh, God, I need to get

stupid drunk right now, Nicki.

(Nathan chants)

f*ck that.

f*ck that!

f*ck that!




[Kelly] Nathan, where the f*ck are you?!

What the f*ck!

What the f*ck!

[Nicki] Nathan, this isn't funny!

[Kelly] Nathan!


[Nicki] I can't believe this.

[Kelly] Tony, this isn't f*cking funny.

Tony, where the f*ck is Nathan?

[Tony] I don't know, I'm not in on this.

What do you mean?

(Kelly cries)

[Nicki] Nathan!

Oh, sh*t.

[Nicki] What are you doing, Nathan?

This isn't funny!

f*cking sh*t!

I knew this sh*t was gonna f*cking happen!

Where the f*ck is Nathan?


Oh, my God.

This is so ridiculous.


Would you get in here?

Goddammit, I hate him!

I f*cking hate him!

Get in here.

f*cking fucker.

Would you calm the f*ck down?

Calm down!

Listen to me.

He's joking with us.

He is playing a game and

you're falling for it

and you look ridiculous.

He's probably out there

right now laughing.

I'm about to slap you

in the g*dd*mn face.

Try it.

We need to go find him.

I'm not going to find sh*t.

- Why, are you afraid?

- No.

- Then I'll go.

- And you're not, no.

You're not going anywhere.

[Tony] I don't think anybody should go.


We're staying right here and

waiting for him to come back.

[Tony] And if it starts raining,

it sounds like it's going to,

he's gonna come back in and

the joke's gonna be over.


Tony, this isn't funny.

[Tony] Kelly, just have

a beer and calm down.

He'll come back soon though.

Let's have a beer.

[Tony] If nobody falls

for his little joke,

he's gonna give up.

And he'll be back.

And you know what?

We'll walk you there.

Shut up.

You really think so, Tony?

[Tony] Yes.

It's a joke.

It has to be a joke.

It's a joke.

[Tony] Have a drink, calm down.

(Kelly cries)

I've got the camera on, so...

Nathan's out here.


[Nicki] Oh, my God.


[Nicki] What are you doing?


[Nicki] Nathan.

Cut it out.

All right, this has gone on

long enough with this sh*t.

(eerie music)

Nathan, come on.

[Nicki] Nathan, quit

it, you're scaring Kelly.

Don't you think this

has gone on long enough?

(Nathan gasps)

[Kelly] Nathan?

Nathan, what's wrong?

(Nathan sobs)

Oh, f*ck.

[Kelly] What did you do, Nathan?

(Nathan retches)

I f*cking flipped the switch.


Oh, God.

Nathan, you've got blood all over you.

[Nathan] f*ck.

(Nathan retches)

(Nathan yells)


He is in the world.

[Nicki] What's wrong with you?

(Nathan growls)


Cut it out, all right?

(Nathan retches)

[Tony] We should get him in the tent.

[Nathan] There's no fire,

it's not fire,

it's not...

No, keep going.

I don't know if I'm

comfortable watching this.

We're in too far now.

We have to find out what happens next.

[Nathan] He can come through now.

[Nicki] Who can come?

This is not the end of the world,

it's not the end of the world.

It's the end of everything.

The end of everything.



I gotta go back through.

- Nathan...

- Please don't go back there.

- You've lost it.

- Please don't go back there.

[Nicki] You've lost it.

(glass shatters)

You don't understand!

You don't f*cking

understand what it was like!

You've, like, completely lost it now.


This has gone far enough,

I think we should just go home, okay?

I really do.

I think you've gotten

enough research done.

(Nathan screams)

[Kelly] Nathan!

It's too much, it's too much!

The circle only went one way.

You could have only gone...

You're not supposed to come back.

[Kelly] Where did you go, Nathan?


It's coming!

Nathan, what's coming?

Answer me.

K'Luta the Devourer, he's coming.

Nathan, please.

I flipped the switch.

He's coming.

I gotta go back.

Get the f*ck away from me.


I gotta figure this out right now.

Get away.

Nathan, please!

I can figure it out, go away.

Go away.

Go back in the tent.

(eerie music)

(man chants)

Tony, um...

Tony, go back.

Go back in the f*cking tent, please.

Get the f*ck back in the tent!

Nicki, I wanna go home.

What's he doing out there?

I don't like this, Nicki.

Nicki, this isn't good.

None of this is good, Nicki.

The look of the devil.

The devil?

I don't know what

the f*ck it was, Nicki,

but it was not Nathan.

I think he was evil.


We just need to get all our stuff together

and go home, okay?

Something is seriously wrong.

I don't know what's wrong with him!

I don't want to be here, Nicki.

I don't want to be here.

All right, look.

Something happened out there, okay?

What should we do?

I don't know, I don't know,

what should we do, Tony?

What should we do?

I don't know what to do.

[Tony] I think we should just go.

I think we should just go too.

(Nathan screams)

What if we...

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

(Nathan screams)

Oh, my God.



No, no, no, no, no, no.

He doesn't want you out there, Tony.


[Tony] That's the whole point,

he wanted everything on tape,

he gave me instructions.

He wanted everything

on tape no matter what.

I don't give a f*ck

what he wanted, Tony,

I don't want you out there,

he doesn't want you out there, Tony.

[Tony] Get the other camera then.

Where's the other camera?

How do you work this?

[Tony] Just press the

red button, just go.

- Just press the red button.

- [Tony] Just get it,

you gotta get this.

Okay, okay.

(Nathan moans)

This is crazy.

[Tony] You've got that right.

I think we should just go.

(eerie music)

[Kelly] Nathan.

He's in the world.

He is in the world.

[Kelly] Nathan?

(Nathan laughs)



Come here, lover.

(Nathan laughs)

[Kelly] Nathan?

Stop it.

Make it stop.

[Kelly] Nathan?

(clock chimes)



Stop it, I can't stop it.

[Kelly] Nathan?


(Kelly screams)


(Nathan growls)

Oh, my God.

(Kelly gasps)

Did we just watch a m*rder?

(dark music)

Dr. Marsh.

Are you okay?

Dr. Marsh.



(eerie music)

(Catherine gasps)

Well, well, well.

It's all out in the open now.

What are you doing?

(Nathan snaps fingers)


(Margaret chokes)

Don't do this!

What, this?

(Margaret chokes)

Please stop!


Why what?

Why, Catherine?

Give me a reason.

I don't...

Come on, Catherine.

Give me one good reason.

Because you don't want to.

It doesn't matter anymore what I want.

(Margaret gasps)

He is in the world now.

And everything that we do

is completely and utterly meaningless.


That's not true.

You forget, Catherine,

I have seen the face of God

and it's not whether he

loves us or he hates us.

We are single frames in a film

that he has been watching for eternity.

We are less than despised.

We are not even considered.

So tell me, Catherine,

why should I stop?

(thunder rumbles)

(Margaret coughs)

Maybe you're right.


Maybe you're right.

Maybe life is pointless

and there's nothing out there

and maybe it's a shitty

world and bad things happen

and it's not fair and it doesn't matter.

But maybe that's why it's important.

If nothing in life matters,

then every single thing we do matters.

I mean, if this universe

is so cold and unforgiving,

then doesn't it mean something to be warm

and forgiving?

I'm scared.

Me too.

He's coming.

There's always something coming.

Not like this.

(dark music)

(thunder rumbles)

When we're in the dark,

even the smallest light is important.

But what about when we're in the storm?

(thunder rumbles)

Oh, my God.

(entity growls)

Oh, my God.

(eerie music)

(Catherine gasps)

(Nathan yells)

(building rumbles)

(Nathan laughs)

He is in the world.

He is in the world!

He's trying to get in.


In here!

You have a piece of him in the world.

You've got to fight this.

(Nathan yells)

[Nathan] He is in the world

and you have a piece of him!

A piece that he wants!

He will have that piece!

He needs that piece!

He will have your hell

and she cannot save you.

She cannot save you.

Holy bitch!

She cannot save you.

She is weak and her God is weak.

Our father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on Earth as it is in heaven.

He is not in the world.

He is not in the world.

I am in the world.

And when you look deep

down there in the darkness,

that god will not be there.


He will not be there.

Our father, who art in heaven,

hallowed by thy name.

I will be there.

[Margaret] Thy will be done,

on Earth as it is in heaven.

Your soul, he is in the world.

(Nathan laughs)


(static crackles)

He wants what's inside of you.

He's not gonna get it.

(dark music)


I don't care anymore!

That thing out there changes everything.

What do we do?

(door creaks)

Oh, no.


The other patients.


He's controlling them.

We have to get out of here now.

(thunder rumbles)

[Patients] He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

(woman screeches)

(Margaret yells)

We don't really have a choice.

You don't have to do this.

Let me go, I'll figure it out.

You haven't been outside

a building in 10 years,

how do you think you're

gonna get there by yourself?

That's ridiculous.

(wood cracks)

(thunder rumbles)


(clock chimes)

(wood cracks)

(suspenseful music)

(patient moans)

Go, go!

(patient screams)

(bangs on door)

(Margaret screams)

(patient screams)

Get away from the door.

(Margaret yells)

(suspenseful music)

(entity moans)

(patient screams)

[Patients] He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world, he is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in the world, he is in the world.

He is in the world.

He is in you.

He is in the world.

He is in you.

He is in the world, he is in you.

He is in the world.

He is in you.

He is in the world, he is in you.

He is in the world.

He is in you.

And he needs you to be in the world.

And he needs me to get you in the world.

And he needs you to be in the

world to get in the world.

And he needs you to be in the world.

And I want to be in the world,

and I want to be in the world!

Max, stop.


(Max cries)

It's okay.


It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.



I'm sorry.

But he doesn't need you.

(Margaret chokes)

[Catherine] No!

(dark music)



Catherine, run!

Go, run!

(Catherine screams)




I'll go to him.


[Voice] He is in the world.


(Catherine screams)

He is in the world.

(suspenseful music)

(patients scream)

You sure you can close it?

Just get me to the gate.

(Catherine gasps)

Don't look.

I can't not look at it.

Don't look!

Just get in the truck.

Get in the truck!

(tires screech)

I can't not look at it.

It fills the sky.

Just drive.

- He is in the world.

- Drive!

(patients scream)

(thunder rumbles)


I don't understand, this

all used to be farmland.

[Catherine] They started

developing the area

eight years ago.

(thunder rumbles)

[Voice] He is in the world.

Of course, they paved it over.

(thunder rumbles)

(phone rings)

Jesus Christ.

(dark music)

(doors rattle)

[Voice] He is in the world.

[Catherine] What is that?

From the looks of

it, somebody d*ed here.

(Catherine gasps)

[Catherine] What are you doing?!


I need the blood.

(eerie music)

(doors rattle)

Holy sh*t.

(woman screams)

I'm gonna need you

to burn the house down.

(somber music)


When I go through,

I'm gonna need you to burn the house down.

You're going through?


Look, K'Luta wants what's in here.

So I'm gonna make him go through,

I'm gonna make sure...

No, no.

No, no, no, we'll do something else,

we figure something out.

But there is no other way!

But you're going back to hell.

When you're in the dark,

even the smallest light is important.

There's a lot of darkness over there.

Maybe I can be the light.

Thank you.

For what?

Now I have my answer, don't I?

Me too.

This is how you turn on the light.

Maybe I'll give you a call sometime.

(Catherine chuckles)

(dark music)

I am not in the world!

(entity roars)

Come get me.

(entity roars)

(glass shatters)

(clock chimes)

(burner clicks)

(match lights)

(dark music)

(somber music)
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