03x10 - A Door Marked Exit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scandal". Aired: April 2012 to April 2018.*
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A White House Communications Director leaves to start her own crisis management firm only to discover she has not left the past behind.
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03x10 - A Door Marked Exit

Post by bunniefuu »

(Sally) My entire life for one thing...

My blood, sweat, and tears for one goal, and you steal it from me.

(Daniel) It's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be fine.

You wait until I'm standing at the finish line.

You wait until I'm standing on the doorstep of history, and you betray me! You betray me.

James Novak isn't gonna say anything, Sally.

I talked to him. He promised...

You betray me!

Our family, our marriage bed, my future...

You snatch the one thing that I care about.

You steal my future from me! Our future, Sally!

Our future, and I didn't steal it.

I'm telling you, nobody knows, nobody's gonna know. We're fine. We're fine.

Cyrus Beene knows.

You said yourself he's not gonna say anything.

It's his husband!

Yes. You fool. It is his husband.

You screwed his husband.

That was poison fruit!

And he will not rest until he has vengeance.

You idiot!

You have unleashed a snake into our garden.

You have spat in the face of my hard work.

You have sullied my soul with your perversion, your sickness, your disgusting need...

Come on, Sally!

You have a right to be angry, but do not play the righteous victim.

Don't act like you didn't know what you were getting into when you married me.

I most certainly did not know.

If I had known, if I had ever dreamed, dear God!

You knew. You knew all the way back in college when you saw me with that boy from across the way.

I do not know what you are talking about!

You knew and you didn't care because you were shrill Sally, the girl no one wanted, the rich debutante who couldn't find a husband.

You didn't care because you needed a handsome man on your arm.

You needed someone who could put up with your aspirations, and I needed my family not to disown me.

So I sold my soul to you.

And I propped you up and I played second fiddle, and I smiled at every dinner and rally and fish fry, and look where I got you!

(Exhales sharply)

Where you got me?

You think you got me here?


Sweetheart, you are the burden that I carry on my back as I make my way to salvation.
You are my cross to bear.

You are my original sin.

You are pretty, and stupid, and you can't make a living to save your life.

What you've given me is our daughter, who can't keep her knees together.

I suffer you!

I got myself here.

And I am taking myself to the promised land.

I cannot wait until you meet your maker.

I cannot wait until you are charged for your lies!

I'm done.


What the hell do you mean, you're done?

I got the one thing that you can't buy, Sally.

A very essential possession if you're ever gonna be President of the United States...

A set of balls. I got 'em. You don't.

So I'm done.

Maybe I'll find a nice boy somewhere and settle down.

Or maybe I'll go on "60 minutes" and tell them the Sally Langston story.

Who knows? Stay tuned.

Daniel Douglas...

Good-bye, Sally.



(Grunts) (Thud)

(Groans) (Clatter)


(Line ringing)




I have committed a sin.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(car door closes)

(Man) Sir.

Gentleman, good evening.

(Door creaks)

What are we to do, Cyrus? What are we to do?

We had a fight, and the devil came in.

The devil came in, the devil came in.

He made me. I did this. I gave into him.

I lost myself and now I'm gonna burn in flames.

(Speaking inaudibly)

(Cyrus) She's not his type.

I'm a sinner, Cyrus. I k*lled Daniel Douglas.

I m*rder*d my husband.
(Cyrus) - The plan is simple.

Daniel Douglas will make a pass at my husband.

My husband will refuse said pass, slap his closeted face...

I judged him when only God can judge him.

Now I am condemned.

(James) You took photos?

You think I would go through with all this?!

And not get proof?!

I'm a m*rder*r. I'm a sinner.

Go ahead.

Take a gander.

I'm a m*rder*r.

(James) You used me like a cheap whore, and then you made me think that you were doing me a favor.

Because I trusted you! You're the devil.

That you'd honor our marriage. The devil is in front of me!

(Coughs and spits)

(Toilet flushes)

(Water running)

(Water drains)

(Inhales sharply, exhales deeply)

(Projector and camera shutter clicks)

Get me everything you can on Marie Wallace.

If she's on the FBI's most wanted list, there must be a file.


My mother's plane lands in Hong Kong in less than 12 hours.

If I'm going to have her arrested when she lands, I need to know exactly what she's guilty of.

So, go. Now.

(Door opens)

Where the hell is Quinn?
(Door closes)

She's at B613.

She's alive. Still moving.

You put a tracking device on her?



I put a tracking chip where your tooth should be.

In case you decide you wanna run.

I won't. I promise.

I can do this.


Do we have a deal?


We have a deal.

(Door closes) Found her, sir.

Just took off from a small airstrip near Manassas.

Your information is no longer of value.

I'll have to hold onto this.

But, sir...

Get me Centcom.

You snooze, you lose. But, hey. Upside?

You're still breathing. He didn't make me k*ll you.

(Projector and camera shutter clicks)

(Water splashes)




(Projector and camera shutter clicks)



(Water splashes)

(Projector and camera shutter click)

Quinn's gone.

What do you mean, "gone"?

Gone, dead gone?

I don't know. The chip turned off.

She's just... gone.

And she won't reach out to us even if she needs our help because you what? Tortured her?

I followed interrogation protocol.

You hurt her.

I did my job.

You hurt Quinn.

I had to make her tell the truth.

She was working for your father. She betrayed us.

She went off with Charlie, and I had to make her tell the truth.

Find my father. He'll know where Quinn is.

Take Huck with you. Keep an eye on him.

Where's my line with Centcom?

Patching you through now, sir.

(Cell phone ringing)

(Tires screech)

Back up! Back up! Back up!

What the hell?

(Tires screech)

(Chains rattling)

What is this?

This is where you're staying until Maya Pope's plane lands, until she's free, until she's hidden so well...

(Chair thuds) You'll never find her.

So it looks like we both have some free time on our hands.

I thought we could have a little talk.

This is what I don't understand.

Why have me sh**t down that plane if you already had her in custody?

That's a matter of national security, and it's above your pay grade, Mr. President.

(Chuckles) Here's the thing about power, rowan.

It's always hard to accept when you've lost it.

Or to realize you never had any at all.

Why sh**t down that plane?

Why keep Olivia's mother in prison for 22 years?

And why let Liv think her mother was dead all this time?

That's a matter of national security, and it's above your pay grade, Mr. President.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Hey, where do you think you're going?

Uh, the...

We have a client.

A client?

Just got a call for a little side gig.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Daniel Douglas died of a heart attack.

A heart attack?

Cyrus, I need to face justice.

I need to turn myself over to the authorities.

If you wanna confess, confess... to God.

Jesus wants to forgive you, not punish you.

That's why he suffered... So you don't have to.

Let him, let him forgive you and then you show him your loyalty by being a good Shepherd to the flock of people you will one day serve as President.

In the meantime, give me your sin.

Let me lie. Let me clean this up.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Uh, Mr. Rosen? I'm Shelby. Shelby Moss.

Sorry, Shelby. We were here first.

Okay, so, remember that time I asked you to take that totally innocent client of ours off the no-fly list? (Door closes)

You mean yesterday? Then, yes.

Let's say she wasn't innocent.

Abby, you're my girlfriend.

I know.

We spend a great deal of our time together. - I know.

I sleep beside you.

I put parts of my body inside parts of your body, and I'm very generous when you ask me to...

I'm right here, y'all.

So don't you think I deserve a little honesty?

Maybe some professional courtesy?

Just let me see Marie Wallace's file.

No need to make a federal case out of it.

And yet that is what I do.

Fine. I'll e-mail it to you.

(Olivia) Where are we?

Uh, we used street cams to track rowan as he left wonderland.

Someone took him, Liv.

Who took him?

We don't know.

Of course not.

Two cars blocked him in.

It was definitely a professional job.

We'll find him.

Let's just hope that finding my father helps us find Quinn.


Hey. Hey, cut Huck some slack.

Jake, this isn't your business.

I get it.

You just found out your mother isn't who you thought.

You just got your happy memories of her taken from you.

She's bad. We don't know how bad, but that does not make your father the good guy.

He is not a good guy, Liv.

And Huck? He's about to go out there and look for him, try to save your father, save the man who tortured him, manipulated him, threw him in a hole until he was nearly driven out of his mind.

And then stole everything that was important to him.

And you say it's not my business.

But Huck and I? We are in the same business.

And your father? He is not our hero.

He is our demon.

And you're not the only one to lose your happy memories.

So I speak from experience when I say maybe you cut Huck some slack.

The doctor will be here any minute.

Now remember, he can't look too close.

You can't let him look too...

Sally, I need you to snap out of it.

They'll be coming through that door any second now.

Sally! Look at me.

Shh, I know, I know. I know. I'm here.

Oh, doctor, thank goodness.

I came as soon as I could. Madame Vice President, I am so sorry.

Just have to check a few things to make it official.

(Sighs) She called me in a panic.

Woke up next to Mr. Langston, and he wasn't breathing.

Isn't that right, Madame Vice President?

There's no heartbeat.

Madame Vice President, I'm going to need to undress him and look a little closer.

Would you like to step out of the room for this?


Would you like to step out of the room now?

Or would you rather stay with Daniel Douglas?

No, don't touch him! Don't you touch him!

Nobody touches him!

Doctor, she's in shock, doctor.

Can we just skip the rest of it?

We all know what happened here.

Of course.

I'll just report his heart stopped a few hours ago.

I appreciate it.

Let's give the Vice President some privacy. Shall we?

(Door closes)

Please tell me you didn't hear already, because I really wanna be the one to share the good news.

Daniel Douglas is dead, Cyrus.

One of my aides is sleeping with one of Sally's secret service agents, and I just found out.

I'm sure you will be getting a call any minute.

God has smiled on us, Cyrus. (Laughs)

Sally's God, who clearly doesn't think much of her now that he's thrown a wrench into her campaign at the very moment we needed him to.

There's no way she can run now.

She'll have to grieve for months.

Are you drinking at 7:00 in the morning?

Sit down, Mellie.

The devil came in. That's what she said.

The devil came in, the devil came in.

The devil came in. We came in!

Ergo, we are the devil.

I am actually the devil.

No, a person doesn't...

You should've seen me handle it.

There's a dead closeted hillbilly on the floor.

And there I am.
"Give me your sin, Sally."

I'm at the top of my game.

The devil is at the top of his game.

No, a person does not just get prodded into this.

Sally snapped.

Sally is the devil.

We've done many bad things, Mellie.

Many, many, many bad things.

(Sighs) But this?

Well, I'd say this one takes the cake.

We can quit now.

Game over!


Hell hath no fury, like a woman whose husband is screwing another man.


Cyrus, look at me.
(Ice cubes rattle)


This is not how the right hand of the President behaves.

Do you hear me? Pull it together.

(Sighs) Now tell me you didn't use Olivia Pope to clean this mess up.

No, she'd tell Fitz. Top of my game.

(Projector and camera shutter clicks)

Poor Sally.

Yeah, anyway, I know you're busy, which is why I thought I'd head over to the observatory myself right now.

Pass on condolences for both of us?

I'll bring some flowers, of course.

I think she'd appreciate that.

Thanks, Mel.

(Hangs up receiver)

(Inhales deeply)

(Exhales deeply)

(Door closes)

And Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

She was 12 years old.

What kind of man...

Who takes a child's mother from them?

I'm screwing her, you know.

Your daughter.

Every chance I get.

The things I could tell you.

About the way she tastes.

She's quite a girl.



(Clicks tongue)

You're funny.

(Scoffs) You're a funny, funny man.

I am?

Or should I say "boy"?

You're a boy.

You've been coddled and cared for, pampered and hugged.

For you, it's always summertime and the livin' is easy. Daddy's rich!

And your mama's good-looking. You're a grant!

You've got money in your blood.

You... are... a... boy.

I'm a man.

I have worked for every single thing I have ever received.

I have fought and scraped and bled for every inch of ground I walk on.

I was the first in my family to go to college, my daughter went to boarding school with the children of kings.

I made that happen.

You cried yourself to sleep because daddy hurt your feelings.

Because papa banged his secretary.

Because it hurt to have so much money.

You spoiled, entitled, ungrateful little brat!

You have everything handed to you on a silver platter, and you squander it.

You're given the world, and you can't appreciate it because you haven't had to work for anything!

So now you've decided that the one thing that you want is my daughter, my child.

Mine. What I made. What I created.

You could talk about what a great lay she is to try to get a response from me all you want.

But guess what?

I am actually quite literally above your pay grade, which means that I know that you believe that you are in love with her.

As wrong as you may be.

I do love her.

You love that she is a door marked "exit."

You love that she is your way out.

Because if you are with Olivia Pope, you don't have to fulfill your father's dream of being President.

If you are with Olivia, you no longer have to be your father's son.

An apple never falls too far from the tree.

You are always going to be senator Grant's disappointing boy, Fitz.

She is always going to be the formidable Olivia Pope.

Don't use the person that I made to make you into a man. You're a boy.

You don't know anything about me.

Sadly, boy, I know everything about you.

You... disappoint me as a suitor for my daughter's hand.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)


(Folder thuds)

She was born in East London.

Both parents were linked to the marxist liberation front.

When she was 16, she fell off the grid, until she popped up in Paris under the alias Margaux Bouvier.

In Germany, she was known as Hannah Stuart.

Tunisia, Ines Bassir.

Somalia, Saafi Ali Farah.

The list goes on until she came to the U.S.

In 1972 as Maya Lewis, soon to be Maya Pope.

But to her contacts overseas, she was known as... Marie Wallace.

Who was paid large sums of money by numerous anti-American groups to steal classified documents from high-level officers at the C.I.A.

You mean my father?

My mother was stealing government secrets from my father. (Scoffs)

She didn't k*ll anyone. There's no blood on her hands.

Your dad kept her locked up for 22 years, away from the world, away from you, maybe...

Maybe what, Abby?

Maybe she's served her time.

That plane lands in less than eight hours.

No one would know if she just... walked away.
Daniel Douglas Langston, husband to Vice President Sally Langston, is dead this morning of an apparent heart attack.


Reports say the Vice President woke to find him unconscious...

I was hoping to get to you before the news broke.

Why? - So you could control me? Tell me more lies?


Will you pl...

...To be made available to the press later this morning.

At this time, friends and family have begun to arrive at the...

What most upsets you, James?

The realization that you may have married a m*rder*r?

Or the sad fact that your closeted fling will never be able to bend you over a desk again?

You're sick.

While I know your inner tween would love for me to have flown off in a fit of uncontrollable jealous rage and k*lled Daniel Douglas, that did not happen!

It was a coincidence.

And if I'm being entirely honest, not a completely unwelcome one.

But I'm deeply, deeply sorry for your loss.

(Tv continues playing indistinctly)

Okay, we amend our announcement, we'll push it back four weeks...

Six, even...

However long you need.

Leo, please.

My dear Sally...

You can run on almost anything now, right?

Health care, wounded veterans?

We frame you as a courageous widow, soldiering on for her country in the face of insurmountable personal tragedy.

It's sympathetic, strong, yet accessible, an instant brand...


Sally, I am so sorry.

Fitz wanted to be here, but I told him to give you a little bit more time.

Leo... I didn't realize the two of you know each other.

We're old friends.

Oh, it's so nice to have the support of friends at a time like this.

I will check in on you later, Sally.

Madame first lady.

(Inhales deeply)

We're taking care of all of it...
(Door closes)

The funeral preparation, the ceremony...

The coroner.

(Whispers) Cyrus? He told you?

No need to worry about any of that.

Not at a time like this.

You look exhausted.

You really should reconsider welcoming all of these visitors, Sally.

Especially people like Leo bergen.

Now is not the time, given everything that's transpired.

I am just so glad that we can be here for you in this terribly sad time.

And I am so hopeful for the future that we'll share together, supporting our President, working for the good of the nation.

You're home now. Part of our family.

(Chuckles) Score. Fancy shampoo.

I need to go home.

I need underwear.

And I don't even have my driver's license.

You know you can't go home now.

Not with Huck on your scent.

Ah. What's wrong, Robsies?

You know what I was thinking about last week?

Like, really thinking about hard?

Whether or not to get highlights in my hair.

I used to be so... normal, I mean, yeah, I had a weird job and weird friends.

So maybe not normal normal, but... it was my normal.

Nobody was pulling my teeth out.


Listen to me.


A girl like you was never meant to be normal.

See, you got skills. Instincts, abilities that very, very few people on this planet have.

You are freaking spectacular.

Look, if you wanna leave, I'm not gonna stop you.

If you love someone, set 'em free and all that crap.

But why don't you sleep on it?

You look tired.

I am.

So tired.

(Slaps legs)

Mmm, don't change your hair. I like it. (Kisses)

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

Niel Douglas Langston, the Vice President's husband, he's... - Gay. Yes.

And you...

Sleep with him.

And either Cyrus got jealous or Langston got jealous, 'cause the next thing I know, he's dead of a heart attack.

I know it sounds preposterous, and maybe I'm wrong.

I hope I am. But what if I'm not?

What if the man was m*rder*d and no one finds out about it? (Opens drawer)

We've got to dig into this, David, before they put the body in the ground.

What is this?

A quiz I gave my students back when I was a substitute teacher.

My one keepsake from that very special time.

Read the first question to me, would you?

"In what town was the shot heard 'round the world fired?"

And what was the student's answer?

What was his answer, James?

He drew a picture of a penis.

And his answer to the rest of the questions?

All penises.

All penises.

That was my life.

I trusted my career to you, and you destroyed it.

This is different.

Why? Because last time it was election rigging, and this time it's m*rder?

You have to trust me.

No, actually, I don't.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

(Harrison) So she was a woman without a country.

With no ideology whatsoever.

She sold whatever she could get to the highest bidder.

So why wouldn't Liv's dad just confiscate the luggage when the plane landed?

Why k*ll 300 people over a bunch of a files?

Maybe he thought it was more than just the files.

(Huck) Okay, looks like they're headed northwest.

Make a right up here.

(Typing) Switching to another cam.

What's wrong?

I lost them.

Well, they couldn't just disappear.

Well, there's a blind spot between these two feeds.

Map's showing there's a parking garage ahead.

Maybe they slipped in there, swapped out the cars?

I don't think so.

Well, where else could they have gone?


I know where your father is.

He's in the Pentagon.

(Knock on door)


I know you have my father.


I need to talk to him.

I know you think he's the bad guy...

He is the bad guy.

I need to talk to him, Fitz, please.

You shouldn't have brought her here.

Dad, look at me.

Look at me.

There was a b*mb on that plane, wasn't there?

You pulled her off, and you interrogated her, and that's what you found out. But it was too late.

The plane had already taken off.

So you made a judgment call.

k*ll 329 people and spare the thousands of lives that would've been lost if it had detonated over London.

Except that doesn't... make sense.

As I sit here and say that it doesn't make sense.

Because she was a g*n for hire.

She went wherever the money was...

China, Eastern Europe, didn't matter who she sold to, so why was she willing to board a plane that was going to blow up over London?

It's not like she believed in anything.

Unless... she lied to you.


She told you there was a b*mb on the plane.

But it was a lie.

There never was a b*mb, was there?

She got you to k*ll hundreds of people all for nothing.

She fooled you like she fooled me.

Didn't she?

(Crying) Dad?

Didn't she?!

(Exhales sharply)

Have her arrested the second she gets off that plane.

You get her.


B613 is not an individual.

Cut off the head of the snake, and another will grow in its place.

Remember that, Mr. President.

I'd like my coat back.


And my tie.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)


(Door closes)

(Objects clatter)

I'm back.

Huck, I came back.

You really don't have anything to say to me?

Do you want me to say that I'm sorry?

Sorry for hurting you? Sorry for making you talk?

I'm not sorry.

If it wasn't for Olivia I would've pulled out all of your teeth.

If I wasn't for Olivia, I would've peeled off all of your skin.

If it wasn't for Olivia, I would k*ll you right now.

Right here.

Liv saves us, and you betrayed her.

You're not a gladiator anymore.

(Projector and camera shutter clicks)

(Exhales deeply)

What happens now?

"What happens now?"

What happens.. now?

Do you wanna fight?

Because I-I don't wanna fight.

You wanna yell at me? Go ahead, I'll listen.

You wanna call the police? You don't have any evidence.

Do you wanna take Ella and leave me?

You don't have a job or an income or the... ability to outrun my legal connections that will fight to give me sole custody of that sweet little girl in the next room that I bought for you.

Do you wanna not love me anymore?

Because I still love you.

You're still the love of my life.

And I'm still the same man you married.

You just maybe never noticed...

The "6-6-6" on my forehead before.

But now you see it.

(Chuckles) I'm... I'm hoping...

You'll love me anyway.

I'm hoping "for better or for worse" means something to you.

But maybe... maybe it doesn't. Maybe... l-love isn't enough.


I'm standing here, afraid...

And in my underwear and without my soul, asking you what... What happens now?

I'll give you some time to answer.

You take all the time you need.

But think carefully.

Think with your heart.

(Door closes)

(Exhales deeply)

(Cell phone chiming)



What happened? Did they arrest her?

The plane never made it to Hong Kong.

We found it in Darkhan, Mongolia.

(Projector and camera shutter clicking)

She's gone.


I've got contacts in that corner of the world.

If she comes up for air...

She's not coming up for air.

She's gone. She's in the wind.

Look, about my dad...

It's okay. We don't need to talk about it. - No, we do.

He's not a man with a short memory.

The attempt you made on his life, the President dragging him into the basement of the Pentagon...

Someone's going to pay for that.

I wouldn't underestimate the President.

I came to say good-bye.


I loved you.

Whatever happens next, I wanna make sure you know that I...

Loved you.

I love you.


(Projector and camera shutter clicks)

...With the walls, cables not uniform, but...

(Beep, door unlocks)

(Tv continues playing indistinctly)

You came back.


Oh, you came back.

(Projector and camera shutter clicks)

(Female reporter) Services for the Vice President's husband, Daniel Douglas Langston, are set to begin shortly.

Mr. Langston died Tuesday night from a heart attack.

We'll be carrying the funeral live here at 3:00.

"Dear Sally, our thoughts and prayers are with you "and your family during this difficult time.

"Sincerely, Fitz, Mellie, Cyrus, and your entire White House family."

Leo, you really should leave.

It's done. Someone might see you.

My father died of leukemia when I was 19.

And people I had never met before came up to me and said things like, "we're sorry for your loss,"

"and we're praying for you," and then two weeks later...


Leo, I am not running. I just think it's best... - Best!

Best. For whom? For you?

Or for the Grant administration?

Because Cyrus Beene is taking your grief and bending it over.

He is milking it for every ounce of political capital he can to keep you, their Vice President. Why?

Because he knows that even without Daniel Douglas, you could slaughter Fitz and the general and become President.

So they may be on your side right now, but I promise you, Sally, in two weeks, they will not be "sorry for your loss," or "helping you in the days ahead."

Tell me you do not want to be the President of this great nation.

Tell me that Daniel Douglas did not want that for you.

Because I know he did.

I know that he is up in heaven right now telling those other dead people that his Sally will be the first female President of the United States.

He is in hell!

Daniel Douglas... is... in... hell.

Because... he is a sodomite.

He is a godless sinner, and he deserved what he got.

You k*lled him?

You k*lled him.

(Exhales deeply)

And you called the White House?!

I am your first call, Sally.

I am always your first call!

You k*ll somebody, you call me.

(Knock on door)

You never got to me yesterday.

I waited all day. I can't wait any longer.

Is that your cell?

What the hell?

Uh, there's this new technology that allows the N.S.A.

To hack into people's cell phones and record whatever's happening in the room they're in.

Yeah, I watch the news, too.

I wrote the code for it.

You work for the N.S.A.?

I'm a junior engineer at McGregor Logistics.

They gave me a job right out of college, promised me I'd be doing cutting edge research.

Then they won an N.S.A. contract.

Yeah, I'm the wrong person to ask for career advice.

I didn't know where else to go.

And then I remembered you from the press conference...

The C.I.A. mole thing. So...

Here I am.

(Projector and camera shutter clicks)

Go ahead. Listen.

(Beep) (Cyrus) Hello?

(Sally) Cyrus...

I have committed a sin.

(Beep) Yeah, that's the Vice President.

Hello, Olivia?

I keep going over it and... you hid mom away for 22 years.

You lied for 22 years.

Was it all just to save your reputation?

Your job? Or was it...

What are you asking me?

Was it you trying to protect me...

From who she was?


(Male reporter) 329 passengers boarded this flight...

(Olivia) Hey, dad.

Olivia. (Sniffles)


(Male reporter speaking indistinctly on tv)

There's something I need to tell you.

Tomorrow's Sunday. Come by at 7:00.

I'll have a pot roast in the oven, and we can talk about the things that we used to talk about...

My job at the Smithsonian, the movies we've seen...


Because the answers you are so desperate for, you're never gonna get them. Not from me.

(Steve Wonder's "Living in the city" playing)

I'm sorry to hear that.

Good-bye, Olivia.

Bye, dad.

♪ A boy is born

♪ in hard time Mississippi

♪ surrounded by

♪ four walls that ain't so pretty ♪
♪ his parents give

♪ him love and affection I want to interface with the station chiefs at 0600 and gather the company.

I'll address H.Q. staff in the briefing room in 15.

What's going on?

Give us a minute.

♪ Just enough

♪ for the city

(door closes) Sorry you didn't get the memo.

I'm command now, effective immediately.

The hell you are.

"B613 is not an individual.

"Cut the head off the snake, another one will grow in its place."

If you'd like a job here at wonderland, we can have you take our aptitude test.

If not, I'm gonna have to ask my agents to escort you to the street.

♪ Living just enough

♪ just enough for the city

♪ yeah!

It's done.

We're gonna make a good team, Jake.

Press secretary.


That's what happens now.

You name me White House press secretary.

And you won't leave me?

And I won't leave you.

♪ But never are they dirty, living just enough ♪

And you will... still love me?

♪ Just enough

♪ for the city Don't push it.

Do we have a deal?

♪ Mmm, her brother's smart

♪ he's got more sense than many ♪

We have a deal.

♪ His patience's long, but soon he won't have any ♪
♪ to find a job

♪ is like a haystack needle And the devil did, indeed, come in.

♪ They don't use colored people ♪
♪ living just enough

♪ just enough

♪ for the city

(cell phone chiming)

This is Olivia Pope.

Hi, Livvie.

(Whispers) Where are you?

I know you must be angry with me.

Where are you, mom?

But I just wanted to hear your voice.

Tell me where you are!

Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll see you real soon.

♪ living
♪ just enough
♪ living for the city
♪ yeah ♪ just enough
♪ ain't nothing but our city ♪
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