03x04 - Tough Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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03x04 - Tough Love

Post by bunniefuu »

I see your
limo’s waiting.

Don’t start
with me, Ellie.

I thought you weren’t
doing this anymore.

I don’t have a choice.

You could refuse, Marcy.

I did.

It’s too late for that.

You can just say "no."

Save it for
the Republicans.

I got to go.

Forgive me
if I don’t wait up

with the first aid kit.

You know, Ellie,

you can be a real
pain in the butt.

You’re late.

When did you learn
how to tell time?

Mr. Riker’s
going to be angry.

When isn’t he?

Once you cross the bridge
into palm beach,

you enter a world

of wealth, power

and twice-a-day
trash collection.

On the surface, it looks like
a perfect world

but Marcy Ridlen knew better.

For her,
a trip across the bridge

was always a trip to hell.

What she didn’t know was,
this time,

she wouldn’t be coming back.

Mr. Riker’s waiting for you

in the jacuzzi.

Why isn’t it ever the library?

Ooh, I bet you’re some kind
of bedtime story.

One you’ll never get to read.

Nice, Marcy.

Real nice.

Oh, yeah.

Real nice.

Come on down.



Stop. You’re
hurting me!


( Gasping )

He’s right over there.

All right, thanks.

Late night?

I don’t want
to talk about it.

Ah, the stockbroker
was not a bed of roses.

If I bought men
for what they’re worth,

and sold them for what
they think they’re worth,

I could retire.

But I don’t want
to talk about it.

So what do we have?

The same thing.

A floater washes up
in the morning tide.

Contusions, abrasions
around the neck.

Time of death
right before midnight.

That’s the third one
in the last days.

Yeah. We won’t be able
to link this one up

until the M.E.
Examines her lungs

for chlorinated water

and checks to see
if she was sodomized.

No I.D., of course.

I have seen this woman before.

You’re kidding me. Where?

I don’t know.

I’ll check my files.

The same M.O.
As the other two.

We got somebody here
who’s into very tough love.

Chlorinated water
in the lungs?

We haven’t got
the M.E. Report’s yet,

but it wouldn’t
be a surprise.


If I took a darvocet
past the expiration date,

would it still work?

Say what?

My damn
spastic colon
is k*lling me.

Excuse me.

It’s your wife
on line two.

Yeah. Hi, Frannie.

Hi, doll.

They said you were with someone,
with the door closed.

Come on,
I always got time for you.

Ah, you are so cute.

Why do I smell perfume?

Is there a woman in there
with you, Harry?

Is it a blonde
like the last time?

No. Listen, Frannie, I’m in here
with a couple of detectives.

That’s all.

Yeah, well,
one of them is, but...

Frannie, please.

Never in
a million years.

Frannie, the blonde
was the mayor’s wife.

You know that.

Frannie, can I call you back
in two minutes, honey?

See, I got people in...

Two minutes. Yes.

All right. Bye.

I love you, too,
sweetheart. Bye.

The woman thinks

I’m Omar Sharif.

Where were we?

We were talking
about Marcy Ridlen.

I had busted her
for prostitution

when I was
working on vice.

She was trying
to blackmail her
trick for ten grand

to support a coke habit.

As an eight-time loser,

the judge gave her
seven to ten.

That was three years ago.

She must have been
out on parole.

I’ll goose the M.E.
For her report.

Meantime, you guys

get your butts in gear

and check out
the parole office

over in west palm,
all right?

Yeah, listen.

If I don’t get your report
on my desk in a half an hour,

I’m going to jam by -e boot
up your -b butt!


Oh. Well, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry!
It was the wrong extension.

Forget about it.

Look. Come on, Fred.

This guy isn’t that stable.

Now, I don’t want him
sleeping on the streets.

Oh... thanks.

I owe you one.

Hello. Are you Kingman?


I’m Sergeant Lorenzo,
palm beach police department.

This is my partner,
Sergeant Lance.

You got to fill out a DC-.

What are you
talking about?

You’re here to violate

one of my people,

No. Someone
already did that.

Your supervisor said

you might be handling
Marcy Ridlen’s case load.

She’s a white female
about years old.

I don’t know.

Let me check.


You’re standing
in front of the rs.


That’s some filing
system you got there.

A few years ago,

we used to carry
to parolees per officer.

Then society started
bursting apart at the seams,

budgets dried up,

and prisons got into this
early-release work thing.

My caseload went straight up.

A life sentence
used to mean seven years.

Now I catch them in three.

How do you keep up
with it?

I don’t.

All right. Here she is.

Oh, yeah...
Yeah, I know her.

I got her a job
slinging hash

at a restaurant,

and found her
a low-rent apartment.

Why? What’s she done?

She got herself k*lled.

That’s too bad.

I thought she was going
to make it.

Did she go
back to hooking

and using cocaine?

Her last drug test was negative.

Other than that, who knows?

When was the last time
you saw her?

Three weeks ago.

She was due back in next week.

You got her address?

Yeah, sure.

Home and work.

Did you get the guy that did it?

No. But we will.

It’s a damn shame.

She seemed like a decent girl.


Thanks for your time.


( Knock at door )

Who is it?

Palm beach police department.

Is this Marcy
Ridlen’s apartment?

Yes. I’m her roommate.

Do you mind if we ask you
a few questions?

No. What’s happened?

What’s your name?

Ellie rose.

Is Marcy in trouble?

She was m*rder*d
last night.

I’m sorry.

Do you mind if
we look around
a little bit?

No. How did she...?

Who did this?

We hoped you could
help us with that.

Where is her bedroom?

It’s through there.

All right. I’m going
to go check it out.

All right.

Ellie, when was the last time
you saw Marcy?

So he sent a limo for her?

Yes. He always did.

Who’s he?

Riker, I think.

He lives on the island.

I don’t know
his address.

Wait. We’re talking
about Vince riker?

Yes, I think so.

Do you know who he is?

No, but I know
what he was.

What was Marcy’s
relationship with him?

They dated
a few times.

Odds are she was
hooking again.

No way. Marcy gave that up.

Well, how could she afford

all those expensive dresses
on minimum wage?

She said Mr. Riker
bought them for her.

He wanted her to look nice.

Mr. Riker?

Yeah. I’ll tell
you about him.

Ellie, did Marcy keep
a diary, a journal,

anything like that?

Um... no.
Not that I know of.

You sure?


Anything else?


We’ll be in touch.



That name riker
sounds really familiar.

Ex-mob boss from New York.

Got out of jail
about ten years ago.

Retired down here
in palm beach.

So, you think
he’s our man?

I don’t know,
but I’ll go ask him.

I’ll drop you
at the shop.

Why don’t you
hit the computer?

See if he’s got
any recent activity.

He must have k*lled her.

She always came
back with bruises,

just like you did
when you were with him.

I guess I’m lucky
he got tired of me.

You didn’t tell the cops that,
did you?

No. I didn’t know
what to tell them.

Did they find Marcy’s diary?

No. She kept it hidden.


I think I have a way
to pay Mr. Riker back

and get us enough money
to get out of dodge.

I’m sick of this town.

What do
you mean?

Marcy wrote everything down.

Riker will not want
to see it published.

You’re going to try
and blackmail Vince riker?

Are you crazy?!

No. I’m just looking
for a way out.

Look, Ellie, everything
is going to be okay.



Now, go get me
Marcy’s diary.

It’s all right.

I hope this is important,

You interrupted
a hell of a nice dream.

I sincerely apologize

for interrupting your dreams,

but I got some questions

I’d like to ask you.

About what?

Marcy Ridlen.

The girl your limo picked up
last night on th street

around :.

did you pick up

anyone in the limo
last night?

No, sir.

You don’t know Marcy Ridlen?

I know lots of people.

Maybe if you describe her.

Maybe this will refresh

your memory.


I didn’t know
her last name.

She’s not
looking so good.

You got a great sense of humor.

Most people see
a dead woman’s picture,

they don’t get the joke.

You got it right away.

You want to do
this downtown?

She was my masseuse.


She had great hands.
I’ll miss them.

You bought her expensive gowns
so she could give you massages?

It’s a matter
of style, sergeant.

Maybe it’s not a cop thing.

When was the last time
you saw her?

Week, two.

Who said my limo
picked her up?

I ask the questions.

You know the drill.

Where were you between :
and midnight last night?

You cops-- always
with the attitude.

I was right here

trouncing Frederick
at backgammon.

Isn’t that true?


Was he the only one
you trounced last night?

I’m getting tired of this.

I’m getting tired of dead bodies
on the beach.

Maybe it was
someone else’s limo.

I recommended her
to all my friends.

You care to name a few?

No, I don’t think
I could do that.

If you have
any more questions,

talk to my lawyer.

You know
the way out.

Yeah. I know
the way back, too.

Have a nice day.

Anybody home?

Hey. How did it go?

I got six months pay
that says riker
is our boy.

What did you get?

They put him away
on the Rico act.

He got years,
paroled out in ten.

He made a lot
of enemies up north,

so he moved to palm beach
for his health.

Rico? The government
nailed all of his
ill-gotten gains.

He coughed
about million bucks

into the U.S. treasury
when he went down.

million bucks.

That means he left
the joint broke.

Explain the $ million mansion,
chauffeur-driven limousine.

Maybe he had his money
in a Swiss bank account.

Or maybe he was
into something new.

There was no evidence
he was into anything dirty

since he’s been out.

He denies seeing Marcy
the night she was m*rder*d.

The chauffeur’s
backing him up on it.

Yes, but we have
Ellie rose’s statement

that he did.

We ought to talk
to Ellie again.

If she can make
a positive I.D.

On the driver,

we can start nailing
the lid shut on this guy.

She had
been sodomized,

and had chlorinated
water in her lungs.

The PH roughly
matches that

of the previous
two victims.

Would it match
the PH in riker’s pool?

Even if it did,
it’s professionally maintained.

It will match a thousand pools
in this city.

What’s up with your neck?

I was trying
to work while
I was on the phone

with Frannie.

We like to stay
in touch.

Do you mind?

( Chuckling )


For such a tough cop,

he sure is putty
in her hands.

Mm-hmm. A couple
of real originals.

Absolutely made
for each other.

I just think
he’s whipped.


( Clearing throat )

Excuse me, Mr. Riker.

You have a visitor.

Hello, Trish.

Been a long time.

Seems like yesterday.

Want to get wet?

This isn’t
a pleasure call.

Why don’t you tell
your woodchuck

to go Chuck
some wood, hmm?

You heard the lady.

Chuck off.

Sit down, Trish.

Sorry to hear about
your friend Marcy.

Oh, not as sorry
as you’re going to be.

You got a point
to make, make it.

Marcy left me her diary.

I had no idea how deep
this thing went.

I mean, she runs down
the whole operation.

What operation?

It’s a real page-Turner.

I think it’s going
to be a best-seller.

k buys you
the only copy.

When we’re done,
I’m gone.

A friend
of mine is ready

to mail the original
to the cops

if I don’t call in half an hour.

Time is money, Vince.

Half a million dollars?

In hundreds.

Take me a while to put
that kind of money together.

Tomorrow at noon.

We’ll have a good-bye lunch
at the yacht club.

You bring the original,
I’ll bring the cash.

( Chuckling )

It’s going to be such a pleasure
to say good-bye to you, Vince.

I’m not sure it was his limo.

If we show you
the driver’s picture

can you make an I.D.?

No! I didn’t see
who was driving!

How did you know
she had a date with riker?

Don’t you want to help us
nail your friend’s K*llers?

Yes, but I didn’t
see who was driving!

Did anyone else ever
pick her up in a limo?

No, but that
doesn’t mean

someone else
couldn’t have.

What made you think

it was riker’s limo?

What are you trying
to hide from us?

Nothing! Please!

I didn’t know
Marcy that well.

All right, Ellie.


She’s not telling
us everything.

Or somebody has thrown
a wedge into the works

since the last time
we talked to her.

Do you know,
so far we have zip.


Absolutely nothing.

Oh, god.

No. Frederick.


Frederick. No, please.

Her name
was Trish friend.

She lived
here six months.
Occupation unknown.

That’s it.

You find anything?

Yup. Three designer gowns
in the closet.

Riker certainly has
good taste, doesn’t he?

What do you make
of this, Rita?

It could be
a coincidence.

Other than the fact
they live in
the same place,

there’s not one
common thread.

Well, I bet you lunch,
when we find it,

Vince riker’s
on the other end.

There’s nothing
to steal here.

Somebody must have been
looking for something.

I wonder
if they found it.

A common thread.

What’s that?

"Florida department
of corrections

parole commission"?

"Curtis Kingman,
parole agent."

Look at this--

"you missed your last
check in. Call me."

We’ve got company.



Hold up.


I was just coming home
from work.

What happened, anyway?

Woman named
Trish friend

was stabbed.


Yeah. You know her?

No. We said hi
a few times, but...

Did you know she had
the same parole officer

as Marcy Ridlin?

No. How could I?

What about you?



You on parole, too?

How long you been out?

Four months.

You want to tell us

what you did?

I tried to k*ll my boyfriend

when he wanted me to have sex
with his drinking buddies.

Who’s your
parole officer?

I had nothing to do
with any of this!

Don’t make trouble
for me, okay?

I’d k*ll myself

before I’d go
back to prison.

Ellie, we are not here
to make trouble for you.

Ellie, you haven’t answered
my question.

Who’s your parole officer?

Curtis Kingman.
But he handles

of ex-cons.

I don’t know
them all.

The thread’s
becoming a rope.

Don’t talk to him about me

or he will violate me
back into Tallahassee.

You know Vince riker?

No. I have never seen the man.

I hope you’re
telling us the truth

’cause people are dying

and you don’t
want to be next.

If you think of anything,
give me a call.

Here’s my card.

You test dirty
again, Juan,

you’re going back
inside. You got it?

Get out of here.

Ah, Lorenzo
and Lance, right?

That’s right.
You got a minute?

Well, just about.

I’m due at a revocation hearing.

Your caseload
dropped again.

Keep this up,

you’ll get
Sundays off.


Trish friend.

Excuse me.

Guess I was standing

in front
of the FS, right?

What happened to her?

Somebody cut her up.

( Snickers )

I’m not surprised.

Why not?

She was bad
to the bone.

as*ault with intent.

She shot an undercover cop

who was trying to bust her
for prostitution.

She’s tested dirty
three times

since she’s got out,
and word is

that she’s
hooking again.

I was going
to violate her

on our next monthly.

Still, um...

That’s tough.

Do you know

if she knew
Marcy Ridlin?

I don’t know.

You don’t know?

You put them
in the same apartment complex.

Well, maybe
they knew each other.

I’ve got a free bed,

and ten people to fill it.

These people,
they’re all

just numbers to you?

That’s a low blow,

I don’t like that
two of my people

have been m*rder*d
in the last hours.

Hell, I’ve had three o.D.
In the last ,

and ten who
disappeared this week.

Maybe they jumped parole.

Maybe they’re at the bottom
of lake worth.

I don’t know!

But I just picked up

new ones!

As it is, I don’t sleep,
I drink too much,

and I’m working
on my third divorce.

I’m sorry the girl
is dead, okay?

If there’s anything
I can do to help--

turn over my files,

make myself available

to you in any way--

I’ll be glad
to do it.

Meanwhile, I’ve got a hearing
to put a guy back inside

who just shotgunned
his entire family.

After I vouched for him.

I don’t buy it.

I agree there’s
a common thread,

but I don’t see
what he has to gain.

I’m trying
to find that out.

You saw his car.

How can he
afford that?

Well, maybe
he saves his money.

Or he’s abusing the power
he holds over people.

Did you find out

about getting into
his out files?

I want to thank you both
very much

for this meteoric rise

in my blood pressure.

I checked with
Kingman’s supervisor.

Yeah. And...?

And nothing.
No help.

They’re running
five months behind

on their
reporting procedures.

You’re kidding me.

We know for a fact

two of his ex-cons
have been m*rder*d.

Cap, I got to find out
if any other Jane does

turned up on the beach

with chlorinated water
in their lungs.

Riker is the one
we should be following.

I think we should
be following Kingman.

I remember Vince riker
from New York.

This is not the kind of guy
that’s going to reform.

I’ll try
to get the records.

Meantime, you
stick with riker.

You wait here.

Is that him?

Yep. He got out
three days ago.

He’s a good
second-story man.

How is he with safes?

He knows his stuff.

You got the Indian sign
on him?

Yeah, he already
tested dirty.

He’ll do
whatever I say.


But this one’s

going to cost
you more.

Ten grand, like always.

Don’t get greedy on me, Kingman.

Okay, ten.

But this is it.

This is what?

The store is closed, riker.

It’s closed when I say it is.

You should show
a little gratitude, Curtis.

I saved your life today.

What do you mean?

Marcy Ridlin kept a diary.

You were
her leading man.


Frederick got to it.

And he got

to Trish friend.

Yeah. I figured

you’d recognize
Frederick’s handiwork.

He’s one of your best finds.

Speaking of which...

I need another woman.

Forget it.

No more.

Make her tall and young.

Hey, I said no.

And have her dress nice.

( Camera shutter clicking )

I don’t believe this.

Believe it.

I would have
given anything

to hear
that conversation.

Just the fact
that they met

is enough for this
to fall into place.

But not enough
to make the case.

So what are we
going to do?

Well, we find a way
to take them down.


Frederick Ness.

Paroled out ten months ago.

Likes to carve up women.

Gary Osheroff.

Paroled Monday.

Second-story man,
three-time loser

and armed robber.

I don’t know why
he’s doing it,

but my guess
is that Kingman
is providing riker

with a network
of felons--

burglars, hit men,
whatever he needs.

Ex-cons don’t cooperate,

he threatens to throw
them back in the joint.

Most are predisposed
to crime anyway,

so, with their parole
officer in their corner...

You can prove all of this?

No. Not yet. But
I think we got a way in.

We just need you
to authorize a wire.

All right, go ahead.


Your parole officer
know about this?

Leave me alone.

No, Ellie,
not this time.

You think you don’t
have a choice.

We think you do.

You don’t know anything.

We know about riker,
and his deal
with Kingman.

What do you know?

He runs a twisted
employment agency,

and riker is
his best customer.

So why are
you skipping? Hmm?

have you jumping

through riker’s
hoop, too?

We’re here to help you.

I don’t know
what Trish told riker,

or if riker thinks
I know about the diary

but, if he does,
I’m dead, too.

What diary?

Marcy’s. Trish
tried to blackmail
riker with it.

Where is it?

Whoever k*lled Trish

must have
found it.

There goes
the evidence.

What part did you play
in all of this, Ellie?

Kingman asked me
to date riker,

but I refused.

He was just waiting
for me to mess up,

like Marcy and Trish,
but I don’t do dr*gs.

Once he has
over your head,

it’s hard
to refuse him.

Why didn’t you tell us
when we first talked to you?

Right. You’re going to believe

an ex-con over a parole officer?

Running away
is not going to help.

Look, I’m dead if I don’t,
and I can’t live

like this anymore.

I tried
to keep clean.

It’s just so pointless.

We want to make
riker and Kingman pay.

We need your help.


We’ll do everything in our power
to get you off parole.

You’d be doing this
for Marcy and Trish.

I don’t know what to do.

Yeah, you do.

( Phone ringing )


Yeah, sergeant,
what can I do for you?

You got a female
on your books

by the name
Ellie rose?

Let me check.

Yeah, I got her. Uh...

Don’t tell me she, uh...
She turned up dead, too.

No. She just
called me up.

She sounded
pretty shook up.

She can get a little hysterical.

what I figured.

Look, she came up
with some crazy story

about a guy named riker.

Does that name
mean anything to you?

No. Should it?

It doesn’t mean
anything to me either

but, evidently, riker’s
got something to do

with Marcy Ridlin and
Trish friend’s deaths.

Ellie wanted to work out
a protective custody deal.

She said something
about having a copy

of Marcy’s diary.

I don’t want to cross
any departmental lines here.

Do you want to go to
the meeting with us?

If not, that’s cool,
but I thought I’d check.

Hey, I appreciate it. Sure.

When and where?

Her apartment on th.

We’re hung up
with the D.A.

Why don’t you
meet us there,

say, :?

I’ll see you there.

Now all
we got to do

is wait and see
who shows up.

( Knock at door )

Who’s there?

Curtis Kingman.

Mr. Kingman,
what’s wrong?

I wasn’t due to report
until next week.

You called the cops?

What? Why
would I do that?

What are you
talking about?

Give me the diary.

What diary?

I don’t have it.

You’re lucky I came

instead of riker.

You know what

he did to Trish.

We can have
Frederick here
in ten minutes.

Give me the damn diary.

I’ll destroy it,
recommend you
for early release,

and you can
get out of town.

This is the only way
you can come out alive.

I’m doing you a favor.

Get the diary

or we can wait
for Frederick.

It’s in the bedroom.

Drop it, Kingman.

Drop it.

There’s no way you’re going
to make this stick.

It’s my word
against an ex-con’s.

Oh, yeah. It’s your words,
all right.

When you get to the joint,
the cons

are going
to love you to death.

We can cut a deal.

Like your deal

with riker?

I’d fall in a sewer

and not get that dirty.

I had no choice.

That’s what Marcy
used to say,

you son of a bitch!

It’s all right.

So, when did riker
get his hooks into you?

I was his parole
officer when he
got out of prison.

I was going through
a real bad time
in my life.

My first wife
was taking me
for everything.

I had
a gambling problem.

I was into some
serious guys
for heavy bucks.

If I’d recommend him
for early release from parole,

he’d pay off my debt
and scare off my wife.

I went along with it.

He walked clean.

My wife ended up dead,

and I was into it
up to my ass.

When did you start
supplying women for riker?

Last year.

That was the worst.

How many do you
think he k*lled?

Five. Maybe six.

I’ve hated myself
for a long time for this.

In a way, I’m glad
it’s out in the open.

I’ll testify against him,
if that’s what you want.

It’s not good enough.

No juror’s going
to believe your testimony.

We need hard evidence,

and you’re going
to help us get it.

Yeah? How?

Meet your newest
female parolee.

You’re out of your mind.

I’ll take that as a yes.

Wait here.

What do you want?

I need to see the man.

I don’t think you’re
in the appointment book.

Don’t be a wise ass,

Your file is coming up
for final review.

Who’s the broad?

Just get the man.

Hope to hell
you can hear me.

Got you, Rita...

Loud and clear.

I told you never to come here.

We’ve got some important
things to discuss.

Besides, I got what
you ordered, and then some.

Who’s that?

Connie Slater.

And good.

Out of Tallahassee a week.

Already she’s knocked
over three Mizners.

Recognized her M.O.

Staked her out.

Busted her.

She’ll do anything I say.

I’ll spend time with her.

I’ll let you know.

No, I’m staying
till we reach an agreement.

Take it,
or I take her away.

Turn around. Spread ’em.

Hey, buzz off.

You keep your
damn hands off me.

You don’t get
to see the man

till I know
you’re clean.

You touch me again,

and the only thing
that’s going to be clean

is your clock.

It’s all right,

I think I can
handle her.

Why don’t we just
go sit by the pool,

have a drink, talk...?

Yeah. Fine.

Just keep your ape off me.

Tallahassee, huh?


Hear it’s a tough house.

Well, it was doable.

How’s dirty
Susie doing?

Dirty Susie?

Susie diamond.

Old friend of mine.

She practically
runs the joint.

Never heard of her.

Neither have I.

So, what
do I got to do?

There’s some paintings I want
out of the Flagler mansion,

and I know of
a safe full of ice

down at south beach.

Good. And, uh...
What do I get out of it?

Five percent,

and you don’t have
to go back to jail.

That sucks.

You make it sound

like a bad thing.

Can we finish
my business?

Yeah, let’s.

Then Connie and I
can get to know each other.

Look, this time
the store really
is closed.

What exactly
does this mean?

I’m taking
early retirement.

This time next month
I’ll be in Jamaica

drowning in rum
and trying hard to forget you.

How does this impact
the people working for me?

I’m going to release them
from parole

on my way out the door...

For five grand apiece.

Five grand?

I’ve got of your cons
heisting for me.

You know what
that comes to?

gs, and ten more
for the safecracker,

and for Connie.

That comes to an even grand,

and I want
it all now.

You’re either real brave
or real stupid.

What makes you think

I’m going to let you
leave here alive?

Because, if you don’t,

I have parole violation
petitions on my desk,

and whoever takes my place

is going to boot them

right back inside.

When I finish
this crap with Curtis,

we’ll get naked,
take a tub...

I don’t do naked job interviews.

Yes, you do.

( Radio static )

Hasn’t been
all that bad, has it?

One hand washes
the other.

How come they
never got clean?

Look at the upside.

Your job is to find
employment for those cons.

Without me, most of them
would be back in the joint.

I’m sure they’d run into
a nicer class of people.

No, no. You
handle it, Frederick.

I’ll, uh... I’ll pour the wine.

Stay put...

Both of you.

Come on, say the magic words.

Magic words.

I never argue

with a g*n.

Come on. Come on.

Turn around.

What the hell is this all about?

I thought maybe

you’d tell me.

I never did a cop before.


( Grunting )

Babe, I like tough love.



He’s gone.

You okay?


Come on.

Yeah, I’ll tell him.

Good luck. Bye-bye.

And who was that?

That was Ellie rose.

She just got off
parole, and she
said to say thanks.

That’s great.

It’s too bad Kingman
couldn’t be here to see it.

I’ve been thinking
a lot about him lately.

You think he strayed
over the line

because he was
overwhelmed by the job

or just because
he was greedy?

He was like
the rest of us.

He had a weak spot.

His job got
to be too much.

His family
went down the tubes...

I think he really
cared about

what he was doing
in the beginning.

I think so, too.

Hey, cap.

Hey, captain, how did
the sentencing go?

Couldn’t have
gone better.

Riker got life
without parole.



No, no, no! No.

The ulcer again?

It’s my back.

I threw it out
while Frannie and I...

She’s got this new book--

the kama

Kama Sutra.

Yeah. Page .

"The flying spider monkey."

We’re talking
intensive care here.

The pain...?

Excuse me,
Captain Lipshitz.

Your wife
is on line two.

Huh. Put her through
to my office,

will you, Gracie?

Oh, and,
uh... Gracie,

have the paramedics standing by.

The woman is an animal.
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