02x23 - Voices

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x23 - Voices

Post by bunniefuu »

Dream girls, this is Cindy.

Hi, Cindy.

It’s Dan.

Hi, baby.

I’ve been waiting for your call.

I’m lying on my bed wearing
something sexy just for you.

I’ve been dreaming about
what I would do to you

if I had you here.

I want to tell you a story,
a naughty little story.

That was just a taste.

Are you coming over?

( Sighing ):
Please come over, please.

I need you.

( Click and dial tone )

That was very enticing.

I can’t believe any of this.

Leave me alone!

I don’t want to!

He gets nothing...
You get the payoff.

( Choking )

It’s not that
I’m ungrateful, baby.

I just don’t
need you anymore.

( Strangled cries )

palm beach police.

You better send a cop.

I heard a woman scream.

( Woman squeals )

Hey, watch it, man.


( Whispering ):



( Screaming )

I’m a cop!
I’m a cop!

Keeping personal
feelings separate

from professional judgment
is important in any job

but for a cop, it’s vital.

Failure to do that can wreck
a career, and sometimes a life.

It’s a hooker

with her own
silk stocking.

Lance would appreciate
the irony.

She would...
She would.

You know, two days
without Rita’s wit

is much too
long for me.

Where is Rita?

You two usually work
these things together.

Yeah, well, Rita’s been at a spa
for the last two days relaxing.

But, see, relaxing to Rita

is getting up at :
in the morning

climbing a mountain, followed
by three aerobic classes

and finally, this
sunset swim thing
that she does.

Very confusing.

Yeah, some things never change.

When she was a rookie, she was
the one with the energy to spare

at the end
of a shift.

You know, Danny boy,
you look like

you could use a little
relaxing yourself.

Yeah, well...
No rest for the weary.

You all right,

I’ve seen one too many
of these.

Yeah, I hear you,
I hear you.

This one was a surprise.

She’s one
of my snitches.

Is that right?

On what?

Nice little phone sex
and prostitution setup.

Let your fingers
do the walking, huh?


Involving some very wealthy men
with a lot to lose.

Home movies.


Come in here and
dust this toy bag.

Got gear for
a serious workout.

( Quietly ):
Damn it.


I was so close
to busting this thing.

That’s him!

There he is--
Cindy’s boyfriend!

That’s him!

( Rita laughs )

Did you miss me?

Oh, yeah,
the whole hours.

Yeah, well,
two days

is better
than nothing.

Oh, did you get
the postcards I sent?

No, no, you know, next time
maybe you should send them

the day before you leave.

That way I’ll get them
before you return.

God, you know,
I still

cannot get over
your call last night.

I don’t believe it,
you know.

I know Dan Keaton.

He was
my training officer.

Look, it’s part
of life.

You think you know
somebody, then... poof.

Yeah, but the thing
about Keaton, I mean

the job wasn’t his whole life.

His wife and his home,
that was it.

Look, you know
things change.

So do people.

You know Keaton,
he lost his wife
a couple of years back.

Maybe it knocked him

Rita, it happens.

Well, you know, we
still don’t know
anything for sure.

Yeah, but, you know,
the only person Keaton
has got to back his story

is a dead hooker.

Come on,
he was on the job.

I mean, you
of all people

should remember what
it’s like in vice.

Okay, what about
the apartment manager, hmm?

The couple
in the jacuzzi

the old lady
with the cat?

Are you going to tell me
they all got together

came up with the same story
to frame the guy?

So they saw them

It doesn’t
prove anything.

Look, Rita,
I know you like Keaton.

That’s cool.

You guys got history,
but we’ve got to focus

on what’s in front
of us today, all right?

Something is up with Keaton
he’s not copping to.

I was there, I saw it.

Oh, so, what,
now you’re psychic?

Do you want to analyze
his handwriting,
as well?

Ooh, testy, ooh, testy.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

Come here.

I thought
you were supposed

to come back
from these spas

refreshed and renewed.

Yeah, well, I was
refreshed and renewed.

What do you say
we go talk to Hudson?

Yeah, let’s go.

This could get ugly.

A homicide involving
the department is touchy

so I want you to keep me
on top of this.

Look, I want to hit this
from all sides--

inside, outside,
top and bottom.

I want to talk
to Keaton first.

I think he’ll be
straight with me.

I’m going to check
with vice

about this phone-sex
prostitution thing

that Keaton said
he was working on.

Okay, good, good.

Let’s move on this.

And keep me informed.

You got it.

I’m being set up here.

And I’ve given you everything
I have on this case

which must be enough
for somebody to want me out.

These are all phone sex?

Yeah, almost
all of them.

Wow, you must have really
developed a taste for this.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

And when I get tired

of talking trash
on the phone

then I can pop this in

and watch Cindy
doing the bad thing

with some fat, middle-aged guy
that sweats a lot.

It’s a real turn-on!

Dan, come on.

You know, maybe I can turn this
into more than just fun, huh?

What’s this guy--
Mr. Gordon barker?

I’m sure he’s got

a lot of dough.

I wonder how much he’d
like to pay to see this

before I show it to his wife.

Then maybe I can
redecorate, huh?!

Just because I’m a cop

doesn’t mean I have to like
living like this.

Dan, would you stop it,
all right?

I’m sorry.

This thing is so screwed
up, it’s hopeless.

it is not hopeless.

You have just
got to help me here.

All of this is part of the case.

This is how
I got close to Cindy.

You pulled a tour
on vice, Rita.

You know how it is.

Sometimes you get
your hands dirty.

You get your hands dirty,
Dan, but you don’t get involved.

Damn it, I know that,
damn it, I know that!

You don’t believe
a word of this.

I didn’t say that.

I saw the look
in your partner’s eyes.

I was in the wrong place
at the wrong time!

So if it is a frame,
like you say

then maybe you were
in the right place

at the right time

for someone else’s

Look, I understand
what you’re saying, Dan.

I really do.

Excuse me.

Sergeant Lorenzo
from last night.

Oh, yeah, sure.

So are you going to beat up
on a running machine?

Too boring-- cardio-funk.

Cardio who?

Aerobics: I teach it.

And if I don’t get a move-on

I’m going to be late.

See, myself,
I’m into outdoor sports.

But if everybody at...

Hardbody spa
looks like you do

I might
change my ways.

Yeah, well, tell them
I sent you.

I’ll get a commission.

See ya.

Indoor sports.

Let’s talk
about that.

( VCR whirring )

( Woman onscreen moaning )

See, I’m a bit confused.

The man you said
was Cindy’s Beau

well, apparently that’s not
the only person

she was
working out with.

( Onscreen Cindy
moaning softly )

You know, Cindy’s in good shape.

She into cardio-funk, too?

Can’t say that about this guy.

He looks like
he’s about to
have a coronary.

Do you know who he is?


Now, come on, don’t
play games with me.

You’re going to tell me
she never talked to you

about her
various friends?

Cindy was a very private person.

( Loud moaning )


Look, I told you
what I know
the other night.

Now, I am going
to have some very
irritated students

if I don’t get to my class.

Cardio-funk, hmm?

( Cindy moaning )

You should try it sometime.

Maybe I will.

Right now I got to use
your phone.

Hmm, two lines.

Which one?

or pleasure?

( Starts dialing )

( Dance music playing )

Hey, uh, can I see
your card there?

Yes, you can.

Sergeant Lorenzo, palm
beach police department.

Cover up, ladies,
coming through.

Well, uh, I’m looking, uh,
for a locker, ladies.

Sergeant Lorenzo, palm
beach police department.

Yes, very nice.

Uh, all right.

... here to protect
and serve... .

All right.


( Snap )

( Laughs )

Thank you very much.

( Grunts )

Well, thank you, ladies.

I appreciate it,
and I hope that we can, uh

you know, do this
again sometime.

Excuse me.

Pardon me, excuse me.

Thank you.

Looks like you got
a little close

to this investigation, Dan.

( Couple moaning )

This more of your evidence,
Keaton, hmm?

Do you want to tell us

what the hell
is going on here?

Come on, Dan.

You got to level
with us.

Look, we believe that
you’re being framed--

the suit fits too well.

But we got to know
what really went down.

The investigation is real.

we know that,
we know that.

I checked with vice.

But it gets
a little complicated.

I fell in love with her.

With Cindy Patterson?


I blew it.

I slipped up.

It started with the phone, and
the calls became really intense.

And not just sexually.

She listened.

She invited me over, we became
friends and then lovers.

I had no idea what
she was really doing

until I found the tape
of her and barker.

And then I knew
it was blackmail

but it was too late
to do anything.

Too late for what?

Too late for you
to do your job?

I couldn’t bust her.

I never even told her
I was a cop!

I was afraid
I’d lose her.

Somebody found out.


I lost her anyway.

So we started with
Keaton’s stuff.

Now, most of his phone calls
were made to a porn service:


a.k.a. Dream girls.

And we also came up
with the "doing
business as" address.

Yeah, we think it might
just be a front

but we know it’s
at least a mail drop,
maybe more.

And maybe a manager

to handle the
day-to-day details.

What’s the location?

Surprise, surprise--
Atlantic breeze apartments.

That’s the same place
the dead girl lived.

What’s the plan?

How are you going
to take it down?

We want to turn it
from the inside.

I’m going to go in
as a voice.

Good, good... what’s your in?

Dan Keaton gave me a
phone-porn hotbox in Orlando.

They’ll vouch for me
if anyone tries to check it out.

Wait a minute, Rita.

Aren’t these the same people
who made Keaton?

He thinks so,

but the number
in Orlando

it’s not connected
to Keaton.

See, he called in a
favor from a friend

who called in a favor
from somebody else.

We’re in the clear.

Okay, okay, what about backup?

You wearing a wire?

No, I don’t want
to risk it.

I’ve done this before.

It’ll be fine.

And I’ll be
in close contact.

Now, you are never alone
with a bedside phone.

You be careful.

Yes, sir.

( Pounding )

Can, uh,
anyone tell me

how to get in touch
with the people in ?

It’s a business
called dream girls.

No one’s answering
the door.

What’s it about?

It’s about a job.

Who said there was a job?

Nobody... well, uh,
a friend told me

that this would be
a good place to start

when I came
to palm beach.

What friend?

Uh... Alice from Nogales...

You know,
in Orlando.

Oh, that Alice.

She does get around,
doesn’t she?

Yeah... uh, I’m Leslie Lynn.

Leslie... you have
a wonderful voice.

Well, thanks.

Uh, I’m going to be a singer.

I’m Dieter Moffatt.

I’m a musician, too.

Dream girls is
my day gig--

that and managing
these apartments here.

So have you done any
phone tricks before?

Oh, some.

Well, not a lot,
you know

but I catch on
real quick.

How are your
storytelling skills?

Uh, does mother
goose count?

Oh, yes-- that wonderful
pornographic primer

full of phallic symbols
and sexual innuendo?


You know what I’m
talking about, then.

I mean, I may have
just gotten here

but I wasn’t
born yesterday.

Do you know
what I mean?

Good, I’ll cut right
to the climax, then.

Strictly phone sex,
nothing physical.

I run the main
phone system.

I route the
calls to you.

You work
a four-hour shift.

Take the calls
as they come.

But you’re always there
to take the call, got it?

Yeah, yeah.

Good-- where
do you live?

We’ll get you
a phone line put in.

That’s a good question.

Uh, you got any
vacancies here?

Give me a kiss.


Oh, come on...

( Chris whistles )

This is an amazing home-
entertainment center, you know?

I feel like I’m
right in that room

and you look

How did you find me?

Big in the
business community.


If this got out,
I’d lose everything.

Oh, yeah, all of this--

this house, this...
Home-entertainment center

and / of your cute
little butt, as well.

Okay, okay,
that’s enough.

You’ve made your point,

What do you want?

What do I want?

How did you meet
Cindy Patterson?

My business manager

knew about
the service.

It’s called
dream girls.

He arranged it.

Business manager?

Peter Sheridan.

( Woman moaning )

Is this tax-deductible?

I moved into Cindy Patterson’s
old apartment

and I got ready
for my new career.


I was always taught that
nice girls don’t talk dirty.

And after some really
uncomfortable efforts

I discovered the nicer side
of naughty.

I also discovered

a lot of these men were
just like Dan Keaton

and what they needed most

was a comforting voice
to stroke them--

in the most innocent and
nurturing sense of the word--

to make them feel like men,
like somebody.

Well, I know about
little red riding hood.

She... she was going to see
her grandmother, and she knew

that the big, bad wolf
was going to be in the woods.

And, um, so she put on her
stockings and her panties

and he followed her from behind.

Uh-huh, and then he...
Caught up with her.

I tried to make them
feel important

but it made me feel lonelier
than I have ever felt before.

I soon discovered

that Nancy was turning
more than telephone tricks--

additional services
for an additional price.

She told me later if
I did well on the phones

I, too, could be up
for a raise.

You look exhausted.

I guess you can use another
weekend at the spa relaxing.

That seems like
a million years ago.

Early to bed, early to rise...

Forget about it.

I take it that
phone sex

is not too popular
during the day.

No, it is definitely
a nighttime job.

I think my hours are
about to get even later.

It, uh, looks like dieter might
want to start pushing the body

that goes along
with the voice.

Must be doing
inspired work.

Now, what are you
going to do

if one of those Johns
comes knocking
on your door?

I have been thinking
about that.

I guess I will just
push it as far as I can

without crossing the line
and then if I have to

I will bust
the sucker.

Well, hopefully it
won’t come to that.

I got a line
on this Sheridan.

Now, he’s a
business manager,
financial adviser

and a social planner

Gordon barker’s
adviser, as well, I assume.

You got it.

Now, barker said
that Sheridan

is a big fan
of dream girls.

Got a meeting with him
in the morning--

you know,
it’s business
before pleasure.

I have forgotten
what pleasure is.

Just try to be casual about it.

Mention you
have some props

to make those
yummy words of
yours come to life.

You get up

come behind the
screen, grab these,
flick on the camera.

That’s it.

So they won’t know about it.

Not if you do
your job.

I’m sure you will.

Well, then what’s it for?

Insurance, doll.

In case any of
our red-hot lovers

decide to make noises
to the cops.

We tell them about the tape

they have
a memory lapse.

What’s that for?

Business files-- our V.I.P. S
are very particular.

Some like blondes,
some like brunettes...

Say "money."


God, this is such a production.

If you don’t like it,
that’s fine.

We’ll take all this stuff
out of here

and the extra cash for you
that goes with it.

I want to do it.

I need the money.

Hey, relax, it’s easy.


Easy unless you screw it up--
then it gets hard.

Doesn’t it, doll?

From now on, everything’s
by appointment only.

Your life is organized.

Tonight’s call
is for :.

Trick’s here by :,
out by :.

I’ll pick up the
videotape at :.

Like I said,
it’s easy...

Unless you
screw it up.

Don’t you have
a call coming?

Good luck.

Last girl who lived in this
room screwed up big time.

That’s why she no
longer lives here.

Mother goose is about
to go color and sound.

I don’t want to miss
a minute of it.

I’ll see you
at :.

( Phone rings )

Dream girls.

This is Leslie.

Hi, baby, I’ve been
waiting for your call

because I’ve been dreaming
about what I would do for you

if you were here.

I want to tell you a story.

Would you like to hear
a naughty story

about what really happened
to little red riding hood?

( Knock at door )

Come on in.

Go ahead.

( Both giggling )

Go ahead.

( Laughs )

Hey, it’s only locked,
but just come on in.

Show me a fairy
tale, doll.

I don’t have it.

Come again?

We only talked.

You talked!

it was his money.

He liked the phone
conversation so much

he wanted to talk
in person.

Now, you’re going
to talk to me.

Now, talk to me!

What the hell
is going on here?!

Who the hell
are you, Leslie?!

Now, talk to me!

Who the hell
are you, Leslie?!

Talk to me!

Talk to me!

Where’s the tape?

Look, I don’t
have it, all right

because I didn’t
make it!

I had sympathy
for the guy--

something obviously
you don’t have.

I don’t have room for sympathy.

What the hell kind of game
are you playing here?!

I’m playing the packing game,
all right?!

You get your stuff,
you pack it and you leave.

I am out of here!

You’re out of here.

Get out!

Get out before
I scream bloody m*rder!

I’ve warned you.

Yeah, and I’ve warned
you to get out!

( Panting )

Get her back, dieter.

I don’t care what you think.

Just get her back!

If you’re wrong,
she might go to the cops

and tell them what she knows

which is far too much
because of your stupidity.

So I don’t care what you
have to do.

You beg, you plead,
you... you bribe--

you just get her back!

Now, that is
a great suit.

Don’t you wish
that was yours?

You ought to see
my financial report.

You’d want to
propose to me.

I am one very
rich young goob.

And now that you’ve blown
your half of the case

by kicking
dieter Moffatt’s butt

I got to carry the weight
of the case

on my padded shoulders.

Well, don’t worry,
he’s going to
come kissing, whining

trying to get me back,
you watch.

He’s got a thing
for pain, or something?

No, but he can’t
afford to lose me.

I’m the best
he’s got.

I thought you said
you hated it.

I do,
but that doesn’t mean

that I’m not really
good at it.

Hmm... well, you know,
I hope you’re right.

We need moffatt
to make this whole
theory thing fly.

He’s got multiple vice
busts, so it follows

that he would
be familiar

with all
the players.

Namely Dan Keaton.

You got it.

Now, I think that
moffatt is the one

who fingered
Keaton as a cop.

But, if they off Keaton,
it brings too much heat.

They’d have
to shut down.

Instead they
discredit him

frame him for a m*rder.

That’s very handsome.

Thank you.

When you get back
to the Atlantic breeze...

I want you to pack
your bags slowly.

If your hunch is good

dieter moffatt will be
calling you

to work things out.


Okay, look...

There’s a checkbook,
credit cards

giving you a bulletproof
background he can check.

See, I told you
I was loaded.

And remember:

Go slow and easy.


So how’s it going?

Oh, pretty good,
you know.

I can’t say much about
the investigation

but things are
looking really good.

That’s good to hear.

What I meant was,
how’s it going?

How are you doing?

How’s life?

Not much casual conversation
around here for me these days.


So, uh, everybody’s
shutting you out?

Oh, yeah, about
like a leper, yeah.

It’s not that bad.

I guess I’m just looking
for a friendly face.

I guess it’s pretty tough
riding a desk

when you’re used
to being on the streets, huh?

There’s no small talk in here.

Out there I can schmooze
with people.

They may be hookers and grifters

and thieves,
but it’s human contact.

In here, it’s just
"yup" and "nope."

I’m pretty sure this is going
to be over real soon, Dan.

I hope so.

It’s my own fault.

I never did make an effort
to join the club.

Never hang out
at the cop bars.

Mm-hmm, I remember, yup.

You always went home to Carol.

She was a real
lucky woman.

I was the lucky one.

Hey, I’m holding you up here.

Go on, get out
of here, huh?

Get me off my desk.

I have an appointment
with Mr. Sheridan.

I’m Christopher Laughton.

I’ll tell him you’re
here, Mr. Laughton.

That’s a beautiful suit.

Well, thank you.

Mr. Laughton is here to see you.

Send him in.

Go on in.


For the compliment, as well.

Enter, carrying
lots of cash.

I just dropped all my cash.

That’s what’s supposed
to happen here,
Mr. Laughton.

You drop all your cash
into safe little investments

which I grow into
great big investments


I never miss.

You’ve got a very
good reputation.

You come highly recommended.

My MBA Has
served me well.

That’s good,
that’s good.

Now I want your MBA
To serve me well.

What’s your game,
Mr. Laughton?

Basketball, football?

I’m not here to play games
with you, Mr. Sheridan.

I’m here to talk
about my money.

You see, I like
my money very much,
very much indeed.

In fact, enough
to want more of it.

Now, can you help me
with that?

Yes, I can.

You can count on me.

Okay... okay,
let’s... let’s do business.

You know, off the top,
I want to tell you

that I like your confidence
very much.

Well, if I didn’t have
confidence, neither would you.

My business is built
on confidence.

Uh, look these over.

Take them with you.

Well, this is going
to work out just fine.

This is...

Now, see, there is
one other thing.

Uh... I’m new
in town, you know

and I’d like to, uh...

Well, I’d like...

I’d like to meet
some... some people.

Some female people.


Well, social advice
is another five percent

but since you’re my new client

I’ll waive the fee.

Palm beach is full
of friendly people,
easy to talk to.

Here’s a few places
you can start.

Thank you.

You ought to
think about it,

I swear the money
is worth it.

No, it’s not worth
all the tough stuff.

I’ve been
a real bloke, Leslie.

You can’t leave me
like this.

Move out of the way, dieter.

This is a quickie divorce.

Can’t we give it
another try?

I’ll even see
a therapist.

How come I never
get flowers?

I told you I’ve been under
a lot of stress lately.

With losing
one girl recently

I can’t afford
to lose another...

Not one as beautiful
and talented as yourself.

Desperation becomes you.

I kind of like it.

Don’t make me beg.

All right.

Under one condition:
You ever touch me again

you’re going to eat
these for lunch.

Dieter bought
you flowers?

You must be
a silver-tongued devil.

Yeah, well, these lips
are magic, you know?

That’s the one good thing
about phone sex, though.

You don’t have
to look your best.

You know, it must
make you feel

kind of strange,
doesn’t it?

Kind of sad,

I mean, most
of these guys

are just lonely,
you know?

Well, in that case you
ought to feel rewarded.

I mean, you’re probably
the high point in their days.


I would like to
see you try it

Oh, no, no, no.

I don’t think the customers
would appreciate it.

Your voice is...

( Whispering ):
Much sexier than mine.

Thank you.

Oh, this is for you.


You know what?

Dieter Moffatt’s

seems a little
too quick for me.

I know good help
is hard to find

but come on.

No, that was somebody
else’s decision.

Somebody’s pulling his strings.

maybe his puppeteer thought

that I would skip and tell.




This is the voice analysis

from the call
reporting the m*rder.

They got a match.



Well, it’s not dieter.


Well, it’s not
Dan Keaton, either.

Then it had to be...

Well, my MBA
Has served me well.

Well, that’s good.

Now, if we go to
lieutenant Hudson with this

he’s going to want
to bring Sheridan in

and hot-box him.

Right, the voice analysis
is proof that he called .

I mean, we start
rousting Sheridan now

forget it,
we’re going to lose him.

You got it.

So I say that we don’t
brief Hudson

until after we bring
Sheridan down.

You know how I tend
to forget things.


( Drums and cymbals bang )

You must think I’m an idiot.

Do you think
I’m an idiot?

Of course not, Peter.

Then why would you
steal from me?

I just borrowed it--
a few grams, that’s all.

Get it out.

First my fun,
then my business.

You keep coming up short with
the videos of the girls at work.

It’s not my fault that the girls
don’t record their tricks.

Spoon me.

I can’t trust you
anymore, dieter.

Of course you can.

I run a very tight ship for you.

Not tight enough.

It was me who fingered
that vice cop, wasn’t it?

It was you that let him
get close to our little Cindy

in the first place.

And your behavior
with the new girl

was totally

I got her back, didn’t I?

You take risks.

You are a risk.

I can’t afford risks.

I can’t
afford you.

Wait a bloody moment, doll.

You can’t just dump me,
I need this gig.

Need and want are
two different things.

I definitely need the bread.

Have a seat.

We’re going to have
a going-away party.

I’m not in the mood
to party.

Oh, we know how to
fix that, don’t we?

Have a seat.

You’re first.

All right,
it’s your stuff.

By all means.

That’s it.

Be my guest.

Be generous
with yourself.

You always have been.

Why stop now?


That’s plenty.

Do it.

Fill it up.

Fill it
all the way up.

You can’t be serious.

Oh, yes, I am serious.


You can go quiet,
without any pain,
without any noise

by sticking that
thing in your arm

or I can screw this
thing in your ear

and pull the trigger.

Not a pleasant thought.

You can’t do this
to me, Peter.

Be optimistic,

You might live
through it.

You could have
fudge for brains

but you’d be alive.

The other way...
No chance.


You never came by for the tape.

( Screaming )



Poor guy...
Creepy as he was.

Don’t worry,
things will be okay.

I’m sure it’ll be
business as usual.

What do you mean?

Trust me.

Dr. Lincoln says
it’s not an O.D.

There was way too much
cocaine in his system

for him to have
injected it all
and stayed conscious.

Which means he didn’t
do it all by himself.

No, friend in need--
check this out.

Look at that--

two fresh needle tracks
almost on top of each other.

It’s like the needle fell
out and was put back in.

Sounds like the guy
wanted to make sure
that he was dead.

I think we both know
who that guy was.

Yeah, and if
it is Sheridan

he’s handling the dream
girls all by himself.


Just call Leslie.

I will.

If I’d invested
in this mutual fund
ten years ago

I’d trade
in my office

on a cabana
on the beach.

The beauty of it is,
it’s long-term

so you can
never touch it.

"Can’t touch it."

"Can’t touch it."

That’s all I hear from
the women around here

is "you can’t touch it."

All they want
to do is talk

and talk is... cheap.

Not always, my friend.

What the hell is this?

This is phone sex.

I want a body and
you give me a voice?

Do you trust me?


Call that number
at : tonight.

What do you like--
blonde, redhead




( Sinks ball )

Ask for Leslie.

( Sinks ball )

( Phone ringing )

It’s a little early for
business, isn’t it, guys?

( Phone ringing )

( Clearing throat )

Hello, this is Leslie.

Knock it off and listen.

You’ll get a call at :.

I’ll be listening,
just like dieter did

so your pitch
had better be good.

And remember,
no outright proposition.

The trick will be
at your place by :.

You get rid of him by :.

Take the videotape immediately
to dieter’s apartment

and put it through
the mail slot.

Do you understand me, Leslie?

Yes, I understand you.

If the tape’s not there five
minutes after the trick leaves

I’m coming to get it, and you
don’t want that to happen.

( Knock )

Come on in.

I’ve just got
a minute.

You know, hot date,
can’t wait.

Got to break
your date, Nancy.

Now, why would I do that?

Oh, spend a little time
talking to me.

Sure, honey, like
I’m going to skip a payday

to chew the rag with you.

I like you, Leslie...

No, it’s not Leslie.

It’s Sergeant Lance,
palm beach police.

You got to be kidding me.

Afraid not.
You’re in a lot of trouble.

Oh, man, another damn vice cop!


You know, prostitution
and blackmail

will be part of
the package, Nancy

but I want you for
accessory to m*rder.

I didn’t k*ll anybody!

You helped frame Keaton.

You put the finger
on him the night
of the m*rder.

You planted the video
in Cindy’s gym locker.

You were part of it.

He was going to k*ll me.

Who, dieter moffatt?

No, the guy dieter worked for.

I don’t know him.

All I know is his voice.

Well, that’s a start.

Come on.

I want you where I can
keep an eye on you.

Let’s get out of here.



Hi, tiger, you want
to hear a story?

( Roaring )

Ooh, I can tell you
are a real animal.

Does pussycat want to play?

If you don’t mind
getting scratched.

Oh, I don’t mind a little pain.

And I don’t mind
giving you some.

Does pussycat know any tricks?

Yeah, I got lots of tricks,
and you can play with my toys.

Why don’t you tell me
some stories.

Uh, yeah, I got lots of stories.


three men in a tub.

Do you want to know what
they were really doing?

How about one with boy and girl?

Or, better yet, boy...

And girls.

Um... that would take some time.

I can only offer up
Jack and Jill tonight.

Well, then Jack and Jill it is.

Where’s your yellow brick road?

How do I find your toy box?

Atlantic breeze apartments
on Shoreview.

Number four.

I’ll see you then.

( Meowing and snarling )

( Sighs )

How’d I do?

Yeah, this is Sergeant Lorenzo.

I’m on my way to
the Atlantic breeze apartments.

( Knock at door )

Oh, baby, crack that whip.

You look wonderful
in this outfit.

Now, tell me another story.

Shut up, Chris.

Look, I’m going to
let somebody else

do the storytelling
for a while.

Ah... I like nonfiction.

Oh, you’re a real funny guy.

Okay, sweetie,
where is that tape?

Young Mr. Laughton
from New York City

just made a big investment.

I need backup.

Damn it.

Why didn’t you do
like I told you?!

Now, where is
the tape?!

Hi, I’m Nancy,
we’ve spoken...

Where is the other
whore-- Leslie?

Please don’t call me that.

Why don’t you call me
the cop, instead.

( g*nsh*t )

Stay here!

( g*nshots )

There he is!

( g*nsh*t )

Here’s a hot tip.

Go get the girl--
she’s in room four.

Police officers, open up!

Hold it, Sheridan!

( Cymbals crashing )

( g*nshots )

Looks like the market
just went bust.

Oh, I heard they
put you back on.

Yeah, and I took me back off.

Dan, I hope you know there
are no hard feelings on this.

Look, man, come on

you can’t just
ditch your career.

It just doesn’t do it
for me anymore.

You know

I’ve had a lot of time to think
the last few days.

When I had Carol,
my life had some balance.

When I lost her,
everything else went, too.

( Laughs quietly )

I got to go find it
again... somewhere.

I just know it’s not here.


You take care of
yourself, all right?

I will.

Call me sometime.

Thank you.

( Phone ringing )

Good luck.

Homicide, Sergeant Lance.

Is this the ravishing Rita
from dream girls?

( Laughter )
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