01x01 - Pilot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x01 - Pilot

Post by bunniefuu »

The rules of golf

vary in each of these
magnificent clubhouses.

But in general it is understood
that each player must furnish

his or her own equipment.

This should include at a minimum
one hole a club and balls.

On the public course in
town the object of the game

is to use the club to get
the ball into the hole,

but on these courses it is to
get the equipment into the hole

and keep the balls out.

From that point on,
the rules of the game

seem to vary wildly
from course to course.

However, it is
generally considered

bad form to begin
playing the first hole

immediately upon arrival.

And players are cautioned not to
mention other courses they are

playing or have played, as
upset course owners have

been known to fly
into a rage and damage

a player's equipment.

Sometimes so badly that
it has to be buried

somewhere off the premises.

Death among the players
is not uncommon.

When will you guys
be through with this?

Give us minutes.

Some people have no
appreciation for beauty.

I checked with the neighbors.

Apparently she and her old
man were getting a divorce.

She was married to gator Ramsey.

The volleyball player.

I know.

Used to see him stopping
traffic down in the beach.

It's hard to tell which
one was turning more heads.

According to the neighbor,
it was getting pretty loud.

Gator moved out two days ago.

I phoned all that in and
hutch put out an apb on him.

They were going
to get a divorce.

He called her down here.
They argued.

He lost it.

He k*lled her.


That'd do it all right.

Open and shut
case, if you ask me.

Are you through with this?


I think you...

If you get any more
headaches, I want

to know about it immediately.



Anything for the doc.

Now, go pass some of
that genius around.



It's me.

We've got a silk stocking.

Deedra snow, the model.

Somebody worked her
over pretty good.

There ought to be a law.

There is.

Grab your helmet, Sammy.

You're in the game.

Gator Ramsey.

We got an all points out on him.

Just talked to vonnie
in communications.

She's going to call us as
soon as one of our units

spots the car, so be ready.


You ok?


I'm fine.

Dr. Greenshe still there?

His name is Mark dennison.

He can't handle this.

He's starting to shake apart.

You diagnosed it.

He knows the risk.

Every time he wants
you, he feels guilty,

but he's in love with
you, so he can't stop.

You going to destroy him, Sammy.

I know.

And there's a
moral to the story.


What's that?

Never play doctor with doctors.

How did it go with Reno?

Did you keep your courage
and break up with her?

You were right.

I gave her my car.


We'll use mine.


The old
saying is you catch more flies

with honey than
with vinegar, which

is a useful piece of knowledge
if you're a fly rancher.

Of course, most of the
fly ranchers in this town

use pimps and wear
tight dresses.

I found nothing
gets a man's libido

exercise more than his own ego.


I've got a make on that
blue jag convertible.

California plate sut.

Parking lot of barefoot bar
and grill off ocean drive.

Roger that.
Stand by, l.

Chris, the car is in the parking
lot at barefoot bar and grill

on ocean.

Thanks, vonnie.

- Hello.
- Ok.

You're up.

Barefoot bar and
grill off ocean.

All right.

I'm on my way.

- Is that gator Ramsey's car?
- Yeah.

I'm waiting for backup.

Busy day.

Could be a long wait.

Could be.

So how's the wife?

Well, you know,
on a night shift...

Scary... scary stuff.

Here you go, sir.

Damn, boy, it is you.

Now, don't you go
telling me you ain't

gator Ramsey, because
I seen you play

at the Gulf coast nationals.

Man, that match between
you and sinjon Smith

where you won the first
two, went to ,

and the last one went , all,
side, out, side out, side out.

Man, oh man, oh chevys.

You are one go to hell
lawn mowing machine.

You saw that match?

I have seen you play half
a dozen times, Mr. Ramsey.

Do you... could I
have your autograph?

Oh, yeah.


There we go.

Whereabouts in
Texas are you from?

San Antonio.

Same as you, sugar.

Well, damn.

I don't think we should
go in there until captain

hutchinson gets here.

He wants to be in on this one.

We got an all
points on this guy.

It's a pick up, sarge.

Look, we got the car scoped.

Let's just do the captain a
favor and sit on this one.

Just got to get her to
give me a second chance.

You know what I'm saying, Rita?

Jeez Louise, honey.

How can any woman throw
out a sweet boy like you?

It's very complicated.

Things change, you know.

She's getting more
and more modeling work

and I'm not winning
tournaments like I used to.

What do you think I should do?

Jeez, sugar.

I think you should
remain silent.



You got the right
to remain silent.

Of course, if you
give up that right,

I suppose anything
you say can be held

against you in a court of law.

Well, yeah, you're right.

But so what?

So what?

Well, see, you end
up in court, you

got the right to an attorney.

Y'all know that, right?

And if you can't afford
one, well, then they're

going to provide one for you.

I suppose you're right.

Of course I am.

Now, you do understand your
rights, don't you, sugar?

Yeah, of course, I do.

That ain't going to
make her take me back.

Well, I suppose not.

Maybe I ought to go on home.

I'm not much
comfort, I'm afraid.

You are very pretty.

I still want to make
my marriage work.

Hey, there he is.

Better not wait for the captain.

Let's go.

Gator Ramsey.


You're under arrest.

Suspicion of
murdering deedra snow.


Come on.


Oh, no.


She can't be dead.


Want my hunch, Sam.

That's why I'm here.

He's clean.

Not bad looking either.

Palm beach pd, could also be

called tournament headquarters.

This is where the bad
golfers get disqualified.

Chris calls society
murders silk stockings.

I call them bunker sh*ts.

Either way, in this town
they keep us pretty busy.

Lance, I've got the Ada in
here all over my teachings.

Get in here... now.

Rita, you know Susan.

She was catching last night
and caught the Ramsey .

We know each other.

Rita and I have a
distinctly different

view of law enforcement.

Sounds like indigestion.

I hope your breakfast
is agreeing with you

this morning, sue.

Where the hell is your partner?

Chris went to the opening.

The what?

The autopsy.

I'm trying to decide whether
to even file on gator Ramsey.

I have hours on a
discretionary hold,

but there are some

Apparently sergeant
Lorenzo headed off

the arresting officer
so that sergeant Lance

could contact the
suspect in advance,

perhaps violating his rights.

Ergo, I'm concerned.

I know from past
experiences, Ms. Lance

gives new meaning
to the words pumping

a suspect for information.

Jealous or complaining, sue?

I guess I'm complaining.

Did you even bother to
read him his rights?

It's the first thing I did.

Did he know he was
having them read to him?

You still have to prove that
gator Ramsey k*lled his wife.

Now, my hunch is
he didn't do it.

Is that a legal
hunch or a sexual one?

Captain, could you get
this dry biscuit out of here?

I can't stand righteous
indignation before my coffee.

Susan, how does o'clock sound?

Your autopsy ought to
be complete by then

and you can make a decision.

If you want to file it or not.


I gotta hand you one thing,
Rita, god made you look good.

It's too bad he forgot
to give you any brains.

And it's too bad he put
yours south of your pipic, sue.

South of your pipic?

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you just
take a chainsaw,

go down to the da's office, and
just do this thing up right?

Think I went over
the top there, skipper?

Yeah. You might say that.

Ergo, I'll send her a box
of condoms and a nice note.

Do you kiss your
mother with that mouth?


I bet you do.

How am I supposed to work
in a place like this?

I mean, I'm supposed
to be a cop.

This is supposed to be a
precinct, not something

out of a science fiction movie.

Do you know... do you know that
they spent millions of dollars

to remodel this place?

And the joke is I can't get
a dime for a new officer

or new equipment.

But they'd rather spend
the taxpayers' hard earned

dollars on something like...

Like this.

Well, everybody loves it.

I mean, I think
it's kind of hip.

Excuse me, Rita.

But do I appear to be unhip?

I know hip, Rita.

Miles Davis was hip.

Anita baker, hip.

This is a nightmare.

Are you finished in here?


Hey, Sam, what's up?

What did you say to
lovely miss harner?

She by me on her broomstick
moaning and groaning.

Oh, just sweet and
sort of touching.

She told me I was
beautiful but dumb.

I told her her brains
are poorly located.

Yeah, well, an answer
for every occasion, that's

what makes us such
great detectives.

So how was the opening?

It was sad, but comforting.

Massive subdural hematoma
and hemorrhaging in the left

lobe causing immediate
pulmonal respiratory failure

resulting in instant death.

No trace evidence
under the nails.

No hair or skin in around
the immediate vicinity.

The vacuum evidence
turned out to be

sweat, dust, and carpet lint.

But she'd had intercourse.

Semen sample shows and
an ab blood secreter.

I'm waiting.

What type is gator Ramsey?

I ran a test on
him this morning.

He's an ab secreter.

But yet he claims that he hasn't
had sex with her in two weeks.

If gator is an ab secreter,
you can bet that Susan

harner is going to indict him.

That's all the physical
evidence that she needs.

I'm telling you, I
don't think he did it.

Ab is a common blood type.

It could be a million
guys in this town.

I want to keep looking.


You know, I put you
two on this detail

because I think
you're the best I've

ever had in crimes of passion.

You run your engines a little
too fast, but I like that.

Are we being complimented?

I don't think so.

I'm getting a
little tired of hosing

down the da office for you two.

Making excuses at ia.

Now, this thing's going
to be a news blizzard

and I can't hold back the press.

Now, get out of here
and bring me a hump.

Sam, you gotta stop
standing on the grunts

in the da's office.

Eventually they're going
to get ia to sink you.

I know.

It's just the bitch blew
in dressed like an advert

genetic research
and started Hawking

me about the way I do my job.

By the way, where
are our brains located?


They sure were a golden couple.


They sure were.

All right.

Let's get started.

I got dibbies on the bedroom.

You're a nosy slut, Sam.

Well, at least i'm
immune to flattery.

What's that?


Looks like its been
in here for a while.

Battery's dead.

Soa unit.

German expensive voice
activator, I think.

Hid her with poster painting.

Nice little layout.

Pro job.

What do you got?

Who's on the Willie
abbott r*pe case?

Liguett and singer, I think.

But it's in court
now or about to go.

Maybe she knew him.

Old friends.

Deedra snow is as a
world class beauty.

It's a world class fortune
this guy is attached to.

I'm invoking club rules, Sam.



You take mine, I'll take yours.

There's a guy down
on mission street.

Deals in German electronics.

Rineger, reneger,
something like that.

You might want to start there.

And you could start
with roxy the doxy.

Roxanne dockweiler is
not going to talk to me.

I busted her on dr*gs last year.

I almost got her kicked
out of the social registry.

And weren't you the
one that told me no woman

could resist your charms?

Shallow blow, Sam.


Well, she can Duke you
in with the Abbotts.

I saw the way that she looked at
you when you weren't watching.

Trust me here.

I know the breed.

- You ok?
- Yeah.

I'm fine.


Look, people get
headaches, Chris.

It doesn't mean anything.

Why don't you get that saw
bones that you're dating,

go on there and cauterize
it or whatever they do.

He says, where it is, it can
either paralyze or k*ll me.

I would rather take my
chances with it this way.

Look, don't go all dopey on me.

I'm ok as long as
everyone doesn't treat

me like damaged merchandise.

Look, it's an aneurysm, a little
swelling of a blood vessel.

And it can't be fixed
without great risk.

Chances are nothing
will ever happen.



And if I tell
hutch about it, he's

going to put me up
on a medical, have

me sweeping in the file room.

I would rather go down in a
Blaze of inefficiency with you.

Just that you're
my best friend, Sam.


As long as you're
working with me,

you're not even
going to come close.

I wasn't making a play.


But as soon as they
separate us I will

race you to the nearest motel.

I couldn't take
that chance, Sam.

I am so good in bed I'd explode
that balloon in your head

in the first minutes.

I just wouldn't want
that on my conscience.

We'll just have to
wait and see, huh?


We'll just have to wait and see.

Sergeant Lorenzo to
see Roxanne dockweiler.

Thank you, Frederick.

You know, when I
get my portrait done,

I usually wear a blue pinstripe.

I think I've been
missing something.

Oh, that would be
fine for a moment.

Why don't you take five?

My sergeant Lorenzo.

Can I offer you something?

Maybe some coke?

The soft drink, I mean.

I certainly learned my lesson.

I'm going to need
something if you

keep laying there like that.

Oh, this is for my
new boyfriend Alex.

It's for his birthday.

This is the tamest
of the three sh*ts.

The nudes come next.

You need to steady
your hand on the flash?

Didn't we play this scene in
one of those little green rooms

you have done in your office?

As I recall, you
weren't interested then.

I was on duty then.

I try not to bed suspects.

It's my only concession
of professional ethics.

I was doing my best.

You just wouldn't come across.

I seem to feel now that
the moment may have passed.


Especially with
Alex on the scene.

You know, what pool
is he working in?

I'd like to swing by
and congratulate him.

You may know him.

He races yachts.


I just race taxi cabs, buses,
occasional freight trains.

See how much fun we can have
when you aren't arresting me?

Though I have to admit I did
enjoy that little diversion

with the handcuffs.

Well, that's why they
give them to us for.

And what are you after
this afternoon, sergeant?

I sense in you a
mischievous spirit.


Then I thought I had
it covered so nicely.

You like to shock that crowd you

run with, I bet that
this portrait will

end up on your Christmas card.

What a splashy idea.

I need to get into
the abbott compound

or close to the abbott clan.

I know you're
running that school,

so I thought maybe
you'd like to see me

do my trapeze act way up there.

No nets.

Lots of clowns laughing.

You have to judge
Spencer abbott,

his ne'er do well middle-aged
dropout son William.

Poor little Willie the r*pist.

I am not after people, Roxanne.

I am after justice.

That's what makes me such
a special civil servant.

How could I have missed that?

Well, it would be
sort of scandalous

if I were to take
you to the abbott's

Wednesday night pool party.

The cop who busted me.

That would get the
ducks quacking.

Sounds interesting.

I usually go stag.

But in your case I think
I'll make an exception.

Pick me up at :.

I'll bring the prophylactics.

You bring the handcuffs.

One question.

Go ahead.

What the hell are we
going to do with Alex?

Butch lonigan was

an ex cop who quit the force
because of a disability.

Chris was right.

Rineger down on mission street
had made the bug for butch.

My guess is that
butch had planted it.


And one and two, three and four.


And stretch.

One and two.


One and two, three.

Keep your chin up.


And one, two.

Nice turn there.

Very nice.

The office said you were here.

What the hell is this, Sam.

This is my farm.


, years, these girls
will be stopping traffic.

Gotta look ahead
towards retirement.


Now, which one is Rosita?

The one right there in the blue.

Perfect fit position.
- That's a position?

It looks like somebody
broke her legs.

You just don't get ballet, Sam.

She has mucho talent.

I predict that she
will be dancing

for crown heads in
Europe, or at the very

least the bald heads in Tulsa.

You broke up with Reno,
but you're still driving

her daughter to ballet lessons.

Sometimes I do not
understand you.

I like this little girl, Sam.

She's smart.

She's funny too.

Has got very little of material
value, but she's rich inside.

Is what counts.

That's why I want
to ride the parade.

Except you gave your car away.

Minor setback.

Did you find out
who got that bug?


It was butch lonigan.

Oh, ex cop.

The ex everything.

He's on the arc.


At least he left a note.

I have nothing to live for.

Then he wanted to give his car
away to the girl next door.

Watch out, it could be an
early warning syndrome.

Could it be m*rder?

Well, I got forensics
on it right now.

They're going through the place.

It was pretty gamey in there.

Deedra snow is dead.

We find a bug in her apartment.

The guy who owns
the bug is dead.

That's a big coincidence.

I'm not buying it.

Somebody is dealing
off loose ends.

Me neither.

How did you do
with roxy the doxy?


Going to a pool
party at the Abbotts.

You're not invited, but I
thought bringing you anyway.

I've always done
well at pool parties.

But what's Roxanne going to say?

She will proudly say, did you
bring enough vaseline, dear?

What a golfer.

Let's take my rolls.

I hate it when i'm
at a fancy party

with Axel grease on my dress.

You wouldn't want
to get any old cheese

pizza on that nice
butts you got there.

Nice ride, roxy.

Where'd you get it?

Alex gave it to me.

See, Sam.

I'm not the only one.

Chris gives his cars away
to girls when he breaks up.

What a splashy idea.

Thank you, Roxanne.

Sam is just angry
because she has to drive

me around every time I do it.

Sam, Sam.

Why Sam?

Slamming Sammy snead.

The greatest golfer
that ever lived.

I never played golf, but
I have played the club pro.

Close enough.



This is it.

The key dive.


I missed the key dive.

I'll bite.

Well, they collect
the men's car keys

and throw them in the pool.

The girls dive for them.

You get whose ever car
keys you end up with.

If you two agree to play,
all match-ups are final.

So like spin the
bottle with chlorine?

How nice, darling.

Where's Willie abbott?

Oh, Willie doesn't
play the key game.

Sort of prowls along the
edges of the herd and picks

off strays.

To translate that, drunk Tony's.

Some of his friends round
them up from burger joints,

from bowling alleys, sort of
Cannon fodder for the boys.

There he is.

Willy abbott.

Who's the snake
dancing with him?

Arthur Whitman.

They call him whit.

He's sort of half
security expert

for the Abbotts, half friend.

He used to do dark dangerous
things for the CIA.

Well, I tried him on once.

He's the original
second mistake.

All right.

You're up, Sam.

I'll steer porky out of the way.

Don't get where I can't see you.

And remember, all
bets are final.

Have a ball, dear.

Hey, how you doing?

Shove off.

I don't need a new buddy.

Hey, I don't want
to pick out silver.

I'm just trying to be friendly.

Everyone here needs
to get their tubes tied,

that includes you.

How you doing?


You from town?

The waiter stew invite you?

Well, actually, see, I was
at this burger in and out

and this guy came
up to me and he

said, do I want to come
to this great party

at this fabulous estate.

So here I am.

I want you.

Come on down to the
beach with me, huh?

I need to get some
smokes off my boat.


No kidding.

You got a boat?

It's a family yacht.

That's very hot.

Let's go.

All right.

This is your boat?

Sure enough.

Fishing boat.

Come on.

Come here.

Come here.

I'll show you how to catch tuna.


Slow down.

Give me a chance to get
my dancing shoes on.


I said come here.

You know you want it, babe.

Get off.


Put it down.

You can't be so
horny you're going

to k*ll me because I said no.

I said put it down.

You any good with that, Willie?


You better take your best shot
cause I'm not going to go easy.

All right.

We're going to play some games.

You like to play games, bitch?


You ever play mechanic, huh?

The object of this game is for
me to blow off your oil pan

without hitting your dipstick.

It's real hard.

I've only made it once.

Don't do this, please.

Hey, I didn't mean it.

Now that you've seen
how dangerous it is,

maybe you won't play with
girls who don't want to play.


Please, don't do this.


Did you know her?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Know who?

Willie abbott was a hacker

and I was a hazard
on his course.

He got hurt.

He put to sea on his
yacht, the real fantasy,

to rest for a few days.

The difference
between championship

golf and country club golf is
the size of your equipment.

I checked out Willie
abbott's equipment

and he was playing
miniature golf.

Go ahead.

Get it off your chest.

I can't stand it
when you freelance

like you did last night.

I can't back you up if I
don't know where you are.

The day I can't handle a
tweed bag like Willie abbott,

it's the day you can get me
enrolled in a knitting class.

I'm sorry.


You're not going to do it again?


And speaking of tweed bags,
you let me handle Susan harner.

The way you play
her, we're going

to end up with our warrants
stuffed down our throats.

Or I could wait in the
car and yell instructions.

You don't have to wait in the
car, just don't throw kerosene

and matches.

I've been waiting here
for about minutes.

How are you, susie?


Mrs. Harner, I
can't tell you how

happy I was to find
out that you were

the prosecutor in this case.

And it was really great of you
to get us a warrant to search

butch lonigan's office.

But this could take a while.

I don't know that you want
to dig through trash cans

with us all morning.

I'm here to protect the
integrity of the case.

I have zero confidence
in the way you

two are handling
the investigation.

Look, Susan, there's no need
to keep up this animosity.

I apologize.

I am sorry for
what I said to you

in captain hutchinson's office.

I don't think that your
brains are between your pipic

and your back door.

That was a very
nice apology, Sam.

Very nice.

Very adult. Now, do you
have anything that you would

like to say to Rita, Susan?

So where are my brains?

Beats me.

But don't flush your toilet.

Way to go.

Mildly amusing.

Totally unproductive.

- The bitch makes me mad.
- She was just joking.

She has a really
good sense of humor.

It takes a little
getting used to.

The warrant was just for
the front room file area.

I thought the warrant was
supposed to be for this office.

Sergeant Lance made
up the paperwork.

It said she wanted
to check the files.

That's what the warrant says.

I just got the judge to sign it.

The intent of the warrant
was to search his office.

The warrant is for one
room, the file room.

That's here.

Chris, listen, just forget it.

Let's just check the files and
we'll see what we can find.

Just how do you think
butch lonigan and deedra

snow are tied together?

Through Willy abbott junior.

Through Willy abbott junior.

I see.

And what connects Willie
abbott to deedra snow?


The boat she's on,
the real fantasy.

See, it belongs to the Abbotts.

And how do you know that?

I was on it last night.

Little Willie tried to r*pe me.

I beg your pardon.

He tried to r*pe her just
like he r*ped that waitress

he's on trial for.

We think he might have
also r*ped deedra snow.

If he tried to r*pe you,
sergeant Lance, why the hell

didn't you arrest him?

Because we were
working a m*rder and we

didn't want to blow our cover.

Right, Sam?

Not really.

See, I had my hand in
his pants and I couldn't

get my badge out of my purse.


And what makes you
think I had anything

to do with this dead
private detective?

Billing invoice in his file.

You still owed him $,
on services rendered.

Maybe we asked Mr. Lonigan
to do some work for us.

I'm not sure.

I'd have to look into it.

You're the abbott's
attorney and we

think the deedra snow m*rder
is tied to Willie abbott.

That, of course,
is absolute fiction.

In what way could young
Mr. Abbott have anything

to do with that girl's m*rder?

Deedra posted for a
photoshoot on the abbott estate

and then on their
boat three months ago.

A week later $, was
put in her bank account.

We just came from her bank.

I really have a
very full afternoon.

I think Willy abbott
jumps anything that moves.

I also think that he
r*ped deedra snow.

He gave her the
to keep her quiet.

I think she opted not to say
anything because her marriage

was in trouble.

She didn't want to
add to the problems

that she and gator
were already having.

But once that
marriage was over, she

called up Willie and said i'm
going to testify against you

in the current trial.

I'm going to be a
witness to the waitress

who's accusing you of r*pe.

Now, that would finish
his chances in court.

I'm afraid I'm going to have
to ask you to leave my office.

Let me warn you, Mr.
Westerland, if you hired

lonigan to plant this illegal
bug and it led to her death

because you or somebody else
heard her planning to testify,

then you are tied to
this m*rder and you

will most likely be prosecuted
for accessory after the fact.

I don't have to talk to you.

I blew it.

I didn't platform it right.

I shot at him too fast.

He's going to think
it over and he's going

to realize I was bluffing.
He's a lawyer.

I've got nothing.

Why the hell didn't you
say something in there?

Following the fumble.

You sat there like
moss on a tree.

There was a bug on his
lamp exactly like the one

in deedra's bedroom.

He paid lonigan to plant
a bug at deedra's place,

but somebody got lonigan
to plant a bug on him.

What agency back-homes
its own people,

lives in paranoid anxiety, and
dresses off the rack at sears?


Whit Whitman used to work there.


Could be.

If I'm right about this
and if whit Whitman gets

a little bit froggy,
he might think

that lawyer could turn him in.

We might be able to get
a pick by going here.

I'll bring the pb&j.
You bring the donuts.

Look, Roxanne's only
interested in my handcuffs.

Look, we're just going to
have to put Roxanne in the hall

of fame and move on, ok?


Bonnie gave away your corvette.


How do you know?

Saw it on Lincoln street.

A guy was driving it.

Probably another vette
that looked like mine.

It was yours.

A big primer patch on the
left rear quarter panel.

Well, maybe she
loaned it to the guy.

It's her car, Sam.

I was behind it, so I ran it.

New owners.

A guy named Danny quintana.

Danny quintana.

Had to do something
about your reflex

about giving your cars away.

Maybe she needed the money.

She's driving a new alfa Romeo.

I checked it out.

Danny quintana's her cousin.

She gave it to him.

You trying to tell
me something, Sam?

When I met you four years
ago you were driving a jag.

I said to myself, who
is this sharp piece

of business driving an English
sled looking like $ million?

Now, four girlfriends
later I'm saying,

who is this skunk in hush
puppies walking to work?

Well, it's not that far.
It's downhill.

You know, I'm thinking about
stealing a market basket

and coasting in.

For the world's
biggest stick man,

you're about the biggest
gomer on the planet.

It's kind of sweet.


I'm sneaking up on
your blind side, Sam.

You wouldn't do that
to me, because you're

my best friend too, Sam.

Yeah, I know.

What a revolt in development.


We're never going to get
a clean shot from here.

I hate this bulky hardware.

You move in and get
him from the back.

I'm going to go around front and
dance him around a little bit.


All right.

I didn't like the
way you sounded, Carl.

How should I sound?

Police coming in
asking me questions,

think I had something to do
with deedra snow's death.

You did.

I had nothing to
do with k*lling her.

You said we needed
to see what she was

up to, so I got you lonigan.

You k*lled lonigan
and her, didn't you?

I'm going to call
judge abbott tomorrow...

Get a loop on, Carl.

You're not calling anyone.

I didn't k*ll deedra.

Willy did.

He's a violent kid.

I just ran the damage
control operation.

I put out some misinformation,
sealed off a leak.

And the leak was lonigan.

My job is to take
care of the Abbotts.

So don't think judge
abbott will have

sympathy for turning over his
grandson to the local bulls.


You're crazy.

You're not going to
get away with this.

- Let's go.
- No.

Come on.

I've got a wife and two kids.
- Let's go.

Look, my secretary...

Let's go.

Somebody is going to find out.

Abbott's going to find out.


Get the cuffs on him
before he comes to.

Roxanne's got my cuffs.

I know.
I know.

I got caught up in the moment.

Just use yours.

You remember this courteous,
lifesaving service

when your client gets
to tax time next year.

Come on, Sam.

Let's get them back to the barn.

The socialite grandson

of appellate court judge Spencer
abbott is under arrest today.

Charged with the m*rder of
swimsuit model deedra snow.

This is the latest in a series
of legal difficulties for Willy

abbott, who is
currently awaiting trial

on a separate r*pe charge.

We'll, of course,
follow the story for you

and bring you details as
they become available.

Now this.

Come on, Sam.

I'm going to lose it.

I can't stick around to watch.

I'll buy you some lunch.

I'm having lunch with gator.

He wants to say thanks.

He's saying it
with lunch is all.

Eat some for me.

It's a promise.

Hey, beautiful.

I love it down here.

I'm in room at the Hilton.

Call me, gorgeous.

That's the way it is down here.

Too much money, too much
mayhem, too much messing around.

So we soldier on.

Chris is my best
friend, but even he

doesn't completely understand.

My philosophy is you aren't
sick unless you admit you are.

I have this blood
bubble in my head

and I guess there are some
who would say I'm living

my life fast so I
won't miss anything

if one day soon it goes pop.

Maybe there's a
fraction of truth there,

but bromides are too easy.

One size doesn't fit all
unless you're playing golf.

Sometimes the stories
in the clubhouse

are hard to understand.

And sometimes late at night
I get to where I think

I may give up golf for a while.

But then in the morning,
I usually feel different.
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