02x11 - Curry Worries

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x11 - Curry Worries

Post by bunniefuu »

They call this lunch-- bowls of who knows what

And a fish that's practically still alive?

Come on. Where's the steak?

I'd even settle for cooked fish.

He's got a point. My fish is looking at me.

Look, grub is grub,

And we're lucky to have any.

So I say we dig in.

I once settled for this low-grade slop, too.

But then I joined the society of light.

Now I'm destined for something more.

Yeah. Starvation, if you're waiting

For a steak in this school.


Hey, what do you think you're doing, sarge?

If we keep eating this dog food,

Then they're going to keep serving it.

Let's take a stand.

At ease there, soldier.

Take a stand with your own grub.


Drop it now, or I'll drop you.

Touch me, and I'll sue.

Hang on a sec. Smell that?

Man: attention, slifer students. Soup, as they say, is on.

Hey, look, chazz.

Someone dresses weirder than you.

You want to tell us what's going on?

Ha ha! Of course.

My name is don simon,

Here to dazzle your digestive tracts

And tantalize your taste buds.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some days you've got to learn hipness ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take them on together ♪

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx, generation "x" ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on now, better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow ♪

♪ Yeah! Yu-gi-oh! Gx ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

Pardon me. Can we help you?

Yeah. What's cooking? Get it?

Get in line, son.

Ha ha ha! Smells good, no?

I use only the finest ingredients.


Hey, come on. Save some for everyone else.

Back off.



I said "however." That means wait!

But I'm famished.

If eating is what you wish,

You must accept my challenge.


Stop repeating me and duel me.

Huh? Huh?

Should you beat me--as if--

You may partake in this feast.

However, should I win,

Senor hassleberry, senor misawa,

And senor truesdale,

You will all leave this dorm

And come back to ra yellow.

We can't.

We made a pact.

Just go. It's too crowded here anyway.

Syrus: no. We promised to stay and protect this place.

Don simon: fine. Stay here and starve.

Tres bien. I like his style...

Except for the paper bag. Ha ha ha!

Once he moves those slackers to ra,

I'll tear down the red dorm un, deux, trois.

Alexis: you're not going anywhere. Syrus is right.

Huh? Really?

If hassleberry loses, then this dorm is toast.

Of course. That's the point.

Hmm. Let's do this. I ain't one to retreat.

Hold on. Hold on.

Didn't you hear me?

Syrus: I think he made up his mind.

Students, spectators,

Food lovers of all ages,

I hope you brought your appetites,

For I'm serving a large portion of defeat.

A mystery chef

Versus a sergeant wannabe.

Another typical day.

All right, soldier. Time for combat.

Remember, when I win, it's chow time.

And should you lose, well, then...

It's no soup for you.

Don't thr*aten me, pops.

I'll be tasting victory soon enough.

Let the feast begin!

Ah, a delectable first course.

I play carrotman in defense mode.

Who? Who?

Sam hill!

And next, I'll turn up the heat

With a spicy spell card.

Curry pot! Now, instead of going to the graveyard,

All defeated monsters end up in this pot roast.

How strange. Doesn't that mean

They'd be removed from play?

Well, he must be cooking up something.

Have a taste, won't you?

I'm not a pot roast man,

But that carrot's looking good.

And I'll share it with him--

My black stego!

Slice that veggie into bite-sized pieces!

Well done. I'll drop this down

And defer to you.

You're quite the assistant chef.

You've just added the first ingredient

To my pot roast surprise.

Come on. Vegetable men and curry bowls?

Are you a duelist or a short-order cook?

A cook? Please.

I am a culinary connoisseur.

A what?

A guru of the gastronomic arts.

The captain of first-class cuisine.

He forgot leader of the loonies.

Now serving this card-- the scrumptious

And nutritious potato man!

Give me a break.

Are all your monsters edible?

Of course. But they are much tastier

Once I add some seasoning or spices.

You're kidding me.

What's he talking about?

He's spicing things up.

Come again.

You know, kicking it up a notch

By playing spice cards.

I hope you like it hot.

Red-pepper spice, activate.

Say what?


What's wrong, boy?

Isn't it obvious? It's too caliente.

His dino tongue is on fire.

That pepper spiced up my spud's power by

And weakened your stego.

Now let's show him what a root vegetable can do!

Spud smash!


Sorry, senor. Stego's got a special effect.

Whenever he's att*cked, he switches into defense mode.



No matter. I have a new ingredient.

Spell spice cinnamon!

Not more spices.

You know what they say--

A dash of cinnamon goes a long way,

And thanks to mine, our monsters switch.

Mine goes back to defense mode,

And yours goes back to attack mode.

For a final course,

I shall place this card facedown

And then cleanse my palate.

Cinnamon on taters?

Where did you learn to cook?

You bite your tongue!

My cinnamon spuds are very popular!

All right, 'fess up, pops.

Time to lose the paper bag.

Now, who are you?

And why are you here?

Ha ha ha! I already told you.

I am don simon, master chef extraordinaire.

All right, fine.

I'll unmask you soon enough, don.

But first... Watch this.


I'll retire my stego

So my dark triceratops can report for duty.

Looks like I moved up the food chain.

Now attack! Jurassic jolt!

Hey, chef, can you smell what I'm cooking?

I call it hurt souffle.

Uh...go ahead. Make jokes.

But I will be laughing last.

Now here's a taste of counter spice cumin.

Thanks to this, when my monster's destroyed,

I can summon a new one.

Now, get ready to cry.

Here comes onion man!

Oh, yeah? You're not the only one

With a trap card.

I play hunting instinct.

Here's the deal--

As soon as your veggie showed up,

I got my reserves.

And I've got news for you.

My monster ain't no salad ingredient.

Black tyranno, front and center!

Mince that onion! Now forward march!



Hey, look!

He's been un-bagged!


Who is it?

I'm not sure.

Well played, senor hassleberry.

It is true, ladies and gentlemen,

The chef is out of the bag.

And now my identity is revealed!

[Crickets chirping and bird squawking]

That's, uh...great and all, but, um...

Anyone know who this guy is?

Search me.

He looks familiar, but I can't remember.

Well, he's obviously...

Some sort of... Well...

Of what? Of what?

Ha ha ha ha.

Huh? Ok!

We give up. Who are you?

It is no wonder everyone left me.

Amigos, I'm the headmaster of the ra dorm! Remember?

No. No. No.

You're a teacher?

How do these nincompoops get jobs here?

It's not fair.

Do I have to become a loud and flashy headmaster

Like chancellor crowler to get noticed?

Or perhaps like professor banner,

I just need to disappear,

Never to be heard from again.


Banner: help!

I've been at this school since day one,

And still no respect.

I was present when bastion first arrived.

Ha ha ha. Hmm.

I have attended every graduation ceremony,

Including last spring's,

Not to mention all of those tedious staff meetings.


But still, I would walk this campus unrecognized.

So I tried something new.

Cooking with a bag over your head?

Ok. Clearly you need attention.

But why did you challenge me

To this crazy duel?

Because everybody has abandoned me.


Have you so much as visited

The ra yellow dorm lately?

I am all alone.

My best students

Have either graduated to obelisk blue

Or chosen for some ridiculous reason to spend

To spend their days and nights at slifer red.

Sure, yellow isn't

The coolest color in the rainbow,

But for goodness sake, you didn't have to leave!

Chazz: is he for real?

Now this duel makes sense...

Sort of.

I thought with food, I could lure you back to ra.

The mask just gave the whole thing

A touch of flair and mystery.

But now the truth is out.

So let's all head back.

Hold on. I'm not going anywhere, pal.

But you're ra yellow.

You don't belong in this dorm.

Negative. This is exactly where I belong.

I don't understand. Can't you see

I am offering you all you can eat,

Pressed bed sheets and soft pillows

With little mints on the top,

Plus room service till midnight.

What's this roach motel have?

The only thing that matters-- my pal jaden.

But we have mints.

Sorry. Ain't no way I'm ditching my best friend.

Too late. Jaden left you.

And he's never coming back to this dump.

So just go.

It's only been a day.

Try days.

Have it your way.

If you won't come back with me by choice,

Then I'll take you back by force!

Let us duel!

We all know who you are.

So lose the paper bag.

Ha ha ha! Don simon always stays in character

When he duels!

It's part of the whole mystique.

Bring it.

Oh, bring it I shall. My stew, that is.

Now that the carrots, potatoes, and onions

Are simmering, it's almost ready to serve.

And thanks to a special effect,

All monsters left in the game

Are added to the brew!


Wait. My monsters!

Dinosaur fondue, anyone?

Don't forget the basil.

What happened to my troops?

With their help,

My pot-roast surprise is finally complete!

Now arise, curry fiend roo!

Big deal. He doesn't have one attack point.

So much for your big surprise.

Bear with me. I am just warming up.

For you see, every spice I add into my curry pot

Gives points to my fiend.

And then for each monster

That took a dip in my pot-roast surprise,

He gains attack points.


Now I'm hungry.

Are we almost done or what?

With spices and monsters...

That's almost... How many points?

With spices, that's .

And monsters make , more.

Carry the one...


Ha ha ha ha!

And without a calculator, too!

Ah. Plan "b."

I'll lay a card facedown

And call it a turn.

I'll make you regret ever leaving my dorm, senor.

Mark my words.

Now I activate my pot of greed.

So I'll be drawing more cards...

One of which I'll play.

Spell spice caraway!

It melts away of your life points.

And what do you know? They go straight to me.

And with another spice in the stew,

Curry fiend roo gains another attack points.

Want more? You can never overseason.

So I play mix spice garamasala!

Funny name, but believe me, it's no laughing matter.

With this card,

I can draw more spices.


But if he plays new spices...

Yes. His curry fiend

Will be unstoppable.

It can devastate the sarge

With a single blow,

Not to mention give him indigestion.

Here we go. These ought to spice things up a bit.

I'll start with a dash of spell spice caraway,

Which gives me points

While taking away from you,

And for some flavor, I'll give my fiend points

With a smidge of red pepper.

Now we're cooking!

And don't forget--

The more ingredients in my grave,

The stronger my curry fiend gets.

That thing can wipe him out.

I can't watch!

Soon, you'll all be back with me,

Back where you belong.

If I don't come up with a miracle tactic,

Jaden won't have a dorm to come home to.

Surrender. Save yourself the embarrassment

And return to ra yellow.

Hey, sarge, don't listen to a word this guy says.

Don't give up! You hear me?

Just keep thinking, what would jaden do?

Jaden would have already played a card

That could save himself. That's it! My trap card!

Curry fiend roo, make a meal out of him now!

Go, trap card!

Survival instinct!


Now, for every one of my dinos

That I remove from the game,

I get back points,

And I think I'll toss these two.

And you know what that means,

Don't you, pops? , Life points.

Ha ha ha! Have you forgotten?

If you remove them from play,

My monster gets points.

Now on with my attack!

Montezuma's revenge!

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!


Look. He's still standing.

What's that you are saying?

My pepper has worn off.

So curry fiend's points return to ,.

Don't you see that living in the red dorm

Has weakened you?

Your dueling is predictable, and your friends are pathetic.

You need to take that bag off your head

And open your eyes, pops.

I've learned more than you think.

Ha ha ha! Like how to rip off your sleeves?

I've learned that dueling is not about dorms.

It's about heart and making sure

That you cover your best bud's back

And fighting for your friends,

Even when they're not here.

So no matter what you think, I'm a red!


And let me tell you, if you believe

That dueling is about luring people away

From where they belong with a sad story

And a sackful of spices,

Well, then you're even more pitiful

Than I thought.

Ha ha ha! I might be moved if you weren't losing.

Now make your final move.

I guess it comes down to this draw.

You know what I love about dueling, huckleberry?

It's that just when you think

You know how it's all going to end,

Bam! One draw can totally change everything.

Jaden's right. I can still win.

Hey, you know what I love about dueling?

When you think you know how it's going to end...


Huh? Oh!

One draw changes everything!

I play tyranno infinity!

He doesn't have a single attack point.

I was just getting to that part.

He starts off with zero,

But then he gets , points

For each dino that's been removed.

That's not fair!

As the saying goes,

If you can't stand the heat...

Get out of the duel.

This can't be!

My glorious feast ruined!

You know, there's something

I've been wanting to say all day.

So here goes. Bon appetit!


I'd like to order a hot plate of victory,

And as for your life points,

I think I'll take them to go.

Check, please.

Ha. No wonder he's so forgettable. Hmm!

I guess I'll be alone forever.

Hold the phone, pops.

You got it all wrong.

We didn't leave ra because of you.

We left... Well, to be closer to our amigos.

You did?

Yep, and we'll be back.

You mean... You'll visit me?

Maybe stay for dinner and dessert?

I will cook up whatever you like.

Why don't we set aside an evening next week?

Here's an idea. Let's eat now.

Well... It doesn't stink.

I love it!

I bit too spicy for me.

Shh! Just be quiet and keep smiling.

Mmm... Mmm...

Hey, pops, we've just got to do this again.

How about tomorrow, same time?

I would really like it.

-. But leave the mask at home.

It's so much better than raw fish.

I wish jaden was here.

That boy loves spicy food.

Poor guy.


I smell that, and I'm starving!

Whoever's got the pot roast,

Can you please show me the way home?

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some days you've got to learn hipness ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take them on together ♪

♪ Right now, let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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