01x44 - The Seventh Shadow Rider

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x44 - The Seventh Shadow Rider

Post by bunniefuu »

Syrus: oh! We overslept!

Chumley: which means we missed...breakfast!

Phew--there's some left!


Let's dig in!

Not all that much to dig into!

Someone's cleared off our trays!

What kind of selfish slime would do that?!


You snooze, you lose.

That's it!

Give us back our food or I'm telling!

I would give it back, only I ate it all!

And it was goo-ood!



Chazz is bein' chazz again!

Huh? Huh?

Don't tell me banner's still m.i.a...

This is getting serious.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Captioned by the national captioning institute --www.ncicap.org--

[Jaden sighs]

It'll be okay, jaden.

Yeah, totally.

Chancellor sheppard has a whole crew 'a people looking

For professor banner--they'll find him.

It's just a matter of time.

I hope.

Chumley: on the bright side,

At least we get a break from class.


Good morning students--guess what?

Due to professor banner's absence, I will be your

Substitute teacher for the day--aren't you lucky!

Because I'm certainly not.

It was supposed to be my day off.

Let's see here...the mark of amnael...yes, it looks

Like...that's where professor banner left off.

More duel alchemy nonsense, I'm sure.

Hm, well, according to these tomes...the basics of this

Are...hm, nor that...well, that doesn't make any

Sense...i don't even know how to pronounce that word...


What gibberish!

This makes no sense! And he's teaching you it?!

Perhaps it's a good thing he's missing!

After all, he's polluting your young minds with twaddle!

It's grade a academic tripe!

Pure rubbish!

Useless prattle!

Oh, boy. He hates this stuff.

No, it's not that, jay.

I think more... He just doesn't get any of it himself.


It's time for some lab work.

According to the syllabus.

Now let's see here...

I think this is right...

Oh! Oh!



Hot! Hot! Hot!

What gobbledygook duel alchemy is!

What pure drivel!

Boy...i sure wish professor banner would

Show up soon.

Of course, banner usually blew himself up, too.


Heads up, guys.

Huh? What's up, chum?

Crowler: mister slifer slacker!

Uh, yes, sir?

Chancellor sheppard would like a word!


That's right.

And the rest of the g*ng.

Report to him at once!

Jaden: what do you mean he's still lost?

Professor banner couldn't have just vanished into thin air!

Could he?

Who knows.

The bottom line is we've looked everywhere

And can't find him.

And there's no log of him leaving the island.

So then I think we all know what happened.

Banner got sucked into the shadows!

Don't say that!

No...if he lost a shadow game.

A spirit gate would have opened.

And there's been no new activity.

But still.

I have a feeling

That the shadow riders have something to do

With all of this!

But what.

That's what we gotta find out.

Chumley: so how do we find out what's up if we can't even

Find banner?

Or another breakfast.

You know chumley's got a point.

After all, chancellor sheppard turned all of duel academy

Inside out!

I mean, I'd like to help.

But what can the three of us do that hasn't already been

Done, you know what I mean?

Let's just focus on finding some chow.

Look guys.

I know...it seems hopeless right now but we

Can't give up!

We owe it to banner to keep looking.

He'd do the same thing for us.


Chazz: right!

Beat it, chazz!


I'm not here to cause trouble,

I'm here...to save the day.

To find professor banner!

Well, say thank you!

Chazz: alright.

When searching for a missing person, the first thing you

Have to do is go to the scene of the crime.

Syrus: but we don't know where that is.

Isn't that the problem?

Huh? Isn't it?

Listen! It's a figure of speech!

Now come on.

We just have to retrace banner's steps...

We don't know his steps...

I know...but let's just humor him.

Syrus: can I just laugh at him instead?

Chazz: quiet--the chazz is on the job!

Well, guys... There're no clues here.

Yeah...nothin' here, either-- ya'd think he'd leave a note

Or somethin'!

He did! Look!

It's professor banner's handwriting.

Cuz it's not very clear...something tree?

Must be code.



Of course.

I see.

You see what, chazz?

The clue.

Oh. Great!

You see, jaden.

Tree must have a secret meaning.

Syrus: really?

Oh, come on, it's plain as day!

At least...for a genius such as i.

Chumley: okay, okay, so what's it mean?

Syrus: yeah, tell us already!

What it means...is banner took on the seventh

Shadow rider!

Are you serious?!

Of course I am!

And there's more too!

I know who the rider is, as well!

Oh man, I am just too good.


You're great.

So then who is it already?!

Who, indeed.

The note was by the phone.

Which means that he wrote it

While talking to someone...

Someone whose...name sounds like tree!

Now then...who do we know whose name sounds like that.

A hint?

She works in the cafeteria.

You mean...?

That's right!


It rhymes with tree!

She's a shadow rider!

She's the one that's taken out professor banner!


Aw, man...

It's dorothy?! She's the one?

That's right!

And I'm gonna call her on it right now!


Shadow rider?

How do you ride a shadow?

Is this a crank call?

I'll star sixty-nine you!

Hello--are you there?

Okay, so maybe...i was just a little off.

All: just a little off?!

Chazz: let's keep digging.

This a clue?

Uh-uh. Guess again.

How 'bout this? Anything?

You gotta be kidding.

Come on, you guys have to look harder!

Chumley: some breakfast crumbs?

Try again!

Syrus: I found a ball of lint!

Yeah right!

Jaden: toenail clippings?

Ugh! Gag me!

Come on!

Look harder!

Check this out...

Of course--it's obvious! This explains it all!

What? Do you see another tree?

No, this!

Check it out!?

It's the mark of amnael!

The one we learned in class!

You're right!

See, now this is a clue!

I mean, after all...banner?

He's so into all of that alchemy junk!

This must be where he is!

Yeah, and it's in a forest, too!

One with trees.

Ya think maybe that's what the note meant?

Shut it!

Jaden: alright!

Let the rescue expedition for professor banner begin!

Follow me, guys!

Follow you?!

Yeah right, I'm the one

Who figured this whole thing out

So you guys can follow me!

If you can keep up, that is!

Syrus: so, uh, chazz?

Other than following you. What's the plan here?

Chumley: yeah.

How do we find banner once we get to the alchemy mark?


We find...his cat, pharaoh.

And with this!

Chazz, haven't you tried this before?

Ooh, ooh!

I have an idea!

Do you?

Well, what is it then?

Well, chazz.

Since calling out for pharaoh hasn't worked...let's go

A different route!

And what route is that?

Here, I'll show you!

There! Perfect!

Now pharaoh will think you're a cat!

Of course...you'll have to develop...a convincing meow.

Try one.

How about I show you my claws instead!

You better run!

Meow, meow!


No...he's gone!

Alright. Who's there?!

Where's my brother?!

So let me guess... You're a shadow rider.

Well let's go.

Because I know you have atticus!

And I'm not leaving here without him.

Now let's duel!

Here I come, rider!

First! I'll play the spell... Polymerization

And fuse etoile cyber with blade skater to create cyber blader!

You picked the wrong key-keeper to mess with!

Cyber blader attack!

A trap card?

Blader's attack didn't go through.

Not good.

Banner? You around?

Professor?! Hello?!


Huh? Huh?

Jaden!! Snake!

We saw a snake!

So whoop-de-doo!

We are in a forest, you guys. You know?


But this wasn't very natural!

Chumley: mommy!

Oh no...my cyber blader's gone!

Which means...i'm wide open to attack!


Syrus: this area of the forest sure is weird.

Jaden: yeah, flying snakes?

We'll find banner soon. I'm sure!

I hope.

Because I really miss him, you know?

All the little things he did.

You mean it?!

Please, jaden, what's mine...is yours.

Especially when what's mine is pork fried rice with a chili

Sauce--your favorite!

Now that's a friend. Dontcha think?

Course he was allergic to chili sauce.

He was?

But, uh, you know.

I'm sure that had very little to do with it.

Yeah...i guess so.

Well, he was always nice to you, sy, right?

I suppose.

Right, I know!

I love milk, but still...

But still what, syrus?

Just because it's expired...

Doesn't mean it's not delicious.

Now grab a fork and enjoy yourself!

Okay...so he'd act a bit weird sometimes.

Weird? I'll tell you what's weird!

Stop it!

I don't like carrots!

But of course you do, chazz!

And there's no need to thank me!

You can simply repay me later,

Yes, by giving me your dessert!

He sure was shifty sometimes.

It's true.

Like when he tried to teach me how to swim.

I just ended up spearing fish for his dinner!

Yeah, I guess he kinda had two sides to him.

But that doesn't make him a bad person.

You're right.

Yeah. Guess that's why we're looking for him.

Syrus: yep! And we should probably get back to it.

Right guys?

Seriously--break time's over!

Let's go...

All: and find banner!



It came from over here!

Jaden: pharaoh!?

Syrus: here kitty!

Chumley: come here, cat!!

Chazz: pharaoh!

She's close!

Quick guys, let's spread out,

This could be our only chance!


Let's go!

Chazz: pharaoh!

Where are you?!


Come out!

Something's wrong!

I'm scared!

Yeah, well, what's new?

Look, boss!

Something's just not right here!

Oh please! Get lost.




What the--professor banner's glasses.

He's close.

Must be.



There's banner's neck tie, too!

And his shirt?!

But where's the professor?!

Who cares!

You took banner!

Well...i'm gonna win him back!

Now...let's go!

Get 'em chazz!

We're with ya!

That's right!

All: time to chazz you up!



I found pharaoh!

Hey way to go!


Where's your pal

Professor banner?


You're going down shadow rider!

And ya know why?!

Cuz the chazz is on the job!!

I send despair from the dark to the grave...

And activate armed dragon's ability!

Now all your monsters with equal or fewer attack

Points...than the monster that I discarded will

Be destroyed!


Take them down!

And next turn, I'm going to attack you directly!

So. Any last words, shadow rider...before you're toast?

I do, I never should've doubted you, boss!

Chazz! We found pharaoh!

Where are you?

Chazz, hello?!

He couldn't have gone far...weird.

I know.

Something's wrong.

We should've never split up.

What the-- what is that thing?

It's that mark...again.

But why?


Aah! Aaah!

You hear that?!



Jaden, look over there!


It's his cards!

Jaden: chaaaazz!!!

Whoa! Whoa!

Syrus: what was that?

Don't know...but definitely not a good thing.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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