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03x19 - Brothers... To the End?/Euro Beavers

Posted: 09/25/23 10:19
by bunniefuu
[ Upbeat latin brass music playing]

♪ Angry beavers

♪ Beavers.

[ Electricity crackling]

Hey, guys, come on, come on, come on!

It's almost midnight!


And I made the "pleased

With punch" punch.

It's my very own re-sipe.

I hope there exists an antidote.


Both: to our families and loved ones.

Except for truckee.


He's right there.oh. Good.

Both: may you have the happiest

Of new years and the most wonderful new millennium

Beginning with the year

Two... ...

Both: .


Man: here's mud in your eye.

Woman: cheers.

[ Thunder crashing]


Where are we?

This isn't our dam.


[ Deep voice]: welcome to your new world.

[ Both stammering and gasping]

I am the voice of fate.

"Fate"? Who?

Fate has chosen you two to initiate the new millennium

By starting the world all over again.

Why us?

Yeah, why us?yeah!

We're just a couple

Of swinging bachelor beavers, baby.

[ Laughs]

It's the law of averages.

You beavers certainly couldn't screw up a new world

Any worse than the one you just came from.

Both: good point.

Listen up, voice guy.

There better be plenty of baklava

In this new world, brother

Or I'm going to kick me some disembodied-voice tuchis.

There can be as much of anything as you wish.

It's your world to create.

Time and space are yours to mold and fold into...

Unlimited desires.

Daggy? What?

Do you know what this means?

Yeah, baby, no more pauly shore films.


It means you and I can start our lives all over again

In a world designed just the way we want it.

Wowsy wowsers!

It's just you and me, bro.

Doing whatever we want...

Both: together.

[ Thunder crashing]

Nice thinking, big stallion.

[ Whinnies]

Now it's up to you to zap us up a dam

Worthy of my beautiful babbling brookski.

C'est fini!


Please remain seated at all times.

Por favor, permanece sentados, amigos y amigas.

Will you look at that with your eyes?

Norbert: come on!

Ooh! Schnazzy.

[ Laughs]

You want schnazzy?

I'll give you schnazzy.

Baklava out the blowhole, baby!

Uh, dag a la mode

I don't like baklava.


Good heavens, man

Have you lost your mental facul, falagoo, famu...

Brain stuff?

Baklava is the time-honored beaver dessert of choice.

Oh, yeah? Yeah.

Well, seeing as how

This is our world to create...


I say the beaver dessert of choice from now on is

The giganta-riferous lickety-split split!

[ Screams]

That's no dessert.

Where's the cherry?

On top.

Okay, buddy boy, you want a big cherry, huh?

You want

Some of this, baby?

You feeling froggy?

Oh, boy.

Sometimes being

A big fat cherry can be

The pits!

[ Panting]

[ Pits ricocheting]

[ Bell dings]

[ Laughing]

Happy new year, spoot-head.

[ Echoing squawking laughter]

Norbert: where's the cherry to my lickety split?

[ Quacking]

Yum-yum! Eat 'em up!

I've got to start thinking bigger.

[ Horn beeping]

[ Quacking]

[ Screams]

There's a giant norb trout-duck following me!

Lose it!

What's this world coming to?

Who knows? I just got here myself.

This has dag's name written all over it.

[ Quacking]

Yum! Eat 'em up!

[ Engine revving]

Daggett: follow that beaver

And step on it!

Then step on it again and again and again.

[ Yells]

[ Thunderclap]

What's happening?

What are you two beavers doing to the world

I gave you to create?

Ask my brother.

All I said was I didn't like baklava.

You don't like baklava?

You... You don't like baklava?!

I'll be right back.

You two are spooting up this new world of yours.

Daggett: if I get rid of norb, my new world

Will become a better place.

Wait, wait, wait! That's not what...

Quack, oh, quack.

Daggett: that's it.

Go ahead and fly!

Fly home to mama!

Since you...

Hate baklava...

So much...

Why don't you...

Get out of my new year

Get out of my millennium

And get out of my new world?

Your new year

Your new millennium

Your new world.

[ Bell dings rapidly]

[ Groans]

[ Screams]

That was nuts.

Face it, dag.

Even without dessert...

Ooh, baklava.

You're a loon mctoon

A goof mcdoof

A rigmarole.

Without me, there's nigh short of no way

You could ever be clever enough

Be smart enough, be the itiest bit cool enough


To create a new worldy for yourselfy.

Ha! Round meat you put on a sandwich.

It's baloney!

You're darn tootin' it's round meat

You put on a sandwich

And you want to know the truth?

You can't handle the truth!

We'll see who's best-qualified

To rule this new world of ours.

Winner takes all.

Oh, no, you don't.

The winner gets everything.

All right, we do it your way then.

Tomorrow morning.right!

Right about dawn?

Wait. I'm sorry, can't.

I got a root canal at : .

Can you make it earlier then?

I must attend

A floral arrangement demonstration at noon.

Sounds good. At dawn then?

Works for me. Okay.

Both: at dawn, and for the new world, we finish it!

Daggett: time, major treeflower?

Almost dawn, sir.

And the troops, treeflower, are they assembled yet?

Soon, sir.

Okay, I think this piece here goes into hole "a."

Right on, brother.

Very soon, sir.

Foolish brother, you could have had

Everything I ever wanted.

The time, mr. Stump?!

[ Ticking]

Right, mr. Stump.

Mr. Bing, do the troops stand ready?

This is it, then.

Wait! Stop this, you two!

Stop, before it's too late.

It's too late?

Holy katzenjammies!

Charge! Charge now!







Both: char...!



Norb's army is so tiny.

[ Chuckles]

[ Loud rumbling]

Ah, that's better.

Now they're getting bigger.

[ Chuckles]

[ Loud rumbling continues]

[ Electrical crackling]

Norbert: well, daggy, old buddy

We really made a mess of this one.

Oh, yeah, I'm with you norby-o-dee-o--

All over nothing.

I guess if you can really botch up a brand-new world

Yet still have a brother...

Here's to you and me

The new year and the new millennium.

Both: brothers!

[ Thunder crashing]

[ Clock chiming]

[ Sputters and spits]

Oh, that's some punch you made there, mogen daggy.

I think I put too much lime in it.


You ninnycompoopy

You use sugar in punch, not lime.

Oh, please, it's an easy mistake to make.

Both words have a "uh" in them.

So does the word "idiot."

What the...?

Why, I ought to...

You ought to order a new brain.

Can you do that?

On, like, the internet or something?

You know what?

You think there was a "u" in lime?

Well, isn't there?

Go pick me a "lume."

Oh, there is. Oh! Uh...

I'm speechless.

Yeah, you ought to order a new brain.

That's it!

Boys, boys, boys, haven't you learned anything?

Come on in here, buddy!

I loves you, baby!

Come on! Come on!

Boys, hey, hey!

Beaver! Hey! Hey!

Come on. Come on now.

Hey, hey, beavers.

You're not listening.


Oh, forget it.

Happy new year, everyone.

We don't go nowhere.

'Cause I loves you.

[ Wind howling]

[ Classical music playing]

[ Birds chirping]

[ Yawning]

Can't a guy get a long winter's nap around here?

♪ Winter's over! Whoo-hoo! I'm so happy! ♪

♪ Happy! Happy! Happy!

♪ Now we can get into

♪ All sorts of outdoor ♪ shenanigans and hijinks!

[ Wood creaking]

[ Splashing]

♪ After we fix the dam a little. ♪

[ Squeaking]


Hey, norb, spring has sprung-ed once again.

Time to wake up and smell the fertility.

[ French accent]: I prefer the smell of pine.

The winter give me time to explore my european root-sees

And to prove...

Iam a eurobeaver!

W-w-well, of course, "you're-o" beaver.

"I'm-o" beaver, too. Duh!

Come on, we have to re-twig the dam.


[ Crash] the arctic philosophy and the long napes.

I'm not sure what you said, but we're american beavers.

Youare an american...

Ha-ha! And you americans are weak, like your coffee.

[ Slurping]

[ Burping]

I am... Blase aloof, eurobeaver extraordinaire.

Okay, blaze.


Listen up.

Get with the program.

The sooner we're done with the dam, the sooner we can play.

Your american ambition annoys me.

Have some breakfast; take a nap.

I just woke up.

We will discuss it manana.


It is latin, mon frere.

For the love of pete...

For the love of pierre, mon frere!whatever!

After I have my bowl of cereal

Fortified with eight essential

Usda-approved vitamins and minerals

We go to work!

Hey... A kooky refrigerator.

[ Grumbling]

[ Groaning]

Wonder what this one's for?

[ Slurping]

Mmm... Moo-juicy.

[ Gagging]

Oh, daggett, I'm so happy to see you

On this beautiful night.

What happened to the snooty euro-norb

Who was just brooding on the ceiling?

We europeans are creatures of mood.

Right now I am ecstatic!


But that could change at any moment.

Yeah, well, go be erratic with someone else.

Who are these spooty people, norbert?

Norbert: he is a gemini, she is a pisces

And he is belgian.

We no longer speak.

Oh, I am sad again.

Norb, you're scaring me.

You make another funny!

I did?

Hug me now.

Hug me, little brown beaver.

Go hug yourself!

You americans are

So narrow-minded.

[ Splashing]

[ Grunting]

[ Weakly]: can't move... Another twig.

[ Hyperventilating]

Roll me, dag.

I am getting sore.

Roll this, buster!

I can't do all the spring chores myself!

Now get off your euro-popo and help!

Be quiet with your bourgeois trifles.

It is time to watch a film.

[ Panting]

A movie? Cool!

[ Jazzy music plays]

[ Man speaking in german]

[ Spoon clinking]

[ Spoon clinking]

[ Coffee dripping loudly]

[ Buzzing]

[ Speaking german]

[ Buzzing continues]

[ Dog whimpering]

[ Speaking german]

[ Belching]

[ Speaking german]

[ Sounds playing backwards]

[ Squawking]

[ End music plays]


Mise-en-scene, caligari

Cinema verite, brilliant!

I don't get it.

[ Laughing]

Again you are funny like the jerry lewis.

I am happy once more!

Hey, hey, hey! Cut it out!

Why do I bother with you?

You could never understand

The ways of the eurobeaver.

[ Gasping]

Oh, yah?! Mm-hmm.

I can too! Eh-eh.

I can be as euro as you-o.

I doubt it, dag.

I imagine your pathetic american attempt

To be european, and, uh

I am sad once again.

[ With swiss accent]: quit your mopin', yah?

It's time to polka, norbski.

Your cheerfulness is nauseating.thank you.

Accept your fate-- youare an american

And, therefore, inferior.

Norbski, I am notski americanski!

That's esperanto, the international language

In case you're wondering.

[ Playing accordion off-key]

[ Yelling]

Accept life's futility

And the decimal elegance of the metric system.

One meter-- three feet, ballpark.

Ladies and gentlemen, may-dames and mon-sewers

The four swedish sheep who put the pop in europop--


♪ Baa-baa-baa-baa- baa-baa-baa♪

♪ Baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa♪

♪ Ah-aaah♪

♪ Baa-baa-baa-baa, baa-baa-baa...♪

Baba songs-- these are as euro as you can get.

[ Clattering and screaming]


But you do not brood or drink coffee.

I brood...

Don't talk in my way!

Therefore, you will always be but an impostor.

[ Gasps]

We will see who is impostor!

[ Zipping noise]

Behold, el daggalissimo, bullfighter grande!


[ Rumbling]

[ Screaming]

Run away! Flee!

[ Hooves thundering]

[ Both yelling]

[ Bulls lowing]

[ Both grunting]

You'll never beat my aloofness.

Give up.

[ Groans]

I'm still part american beaver

And an american beaver... Never gives up!

Especially when it comes to being a eurobeaver!

And now, I must listen to bach.

[ Spitting]: forget bach.

[ Needle scratching record]

We have baba.

♪ Baa, baa-baa-baa-baa-baa♪

♪ Baa, baa-baa-baa-baa-baa♪

♪ Baa, baa-baa-baa, ah-aaah...♪

What am I doing?!

I don't want to dance

But their hokey scandinavian poop-melodies

Are infectious.

Oh, well!

♪ Baa, baa-baa-baa-baa-baa♪

♪ Baa, baa-baa-baa-baa-baa♪

♪ Baa, baa, baa, baa♪

♪ Ah-aaah♪

♪ Baa, baa-baa-baa-baa-baa♪

♪ Baa, baa-baa-baa-baa-baa♪

♪ Baa, baa, baa, baa, ah-aaah♪

♪ Tick-a-bow, tick-a-bow, tick-a-bow, bow, bow♪♪ baa, baa, baa♪

♪ Tick-a-bow, tick-a-tick-a-bow, bow, bow, bow♪

♪ Tick-a-bow, tick-a-bow, tick-a-bow, bow, bow...♪

[ Tires screeching]

♪ Tick-a-bow, tick-a-bow...♪♪ Baa, baa, baa♪

♪ Tick-a-bow, tick-a-tick-a-bow...♪♪ Baa, baa, baa...♪

Out of the way.

We're with the government.

[ Electrical crackling]

♪ Baa, baa-baa-baa-baa-baa♪

♪ Baa, baa, baa, baa, ah-aaah♪

♪ Baa, baa-baa-baa-baa-baa...♪

[ Clattering]

Hey, what's the big ideaski?

Man: we're from immigration.

[ Dramatic music plays]

You europeanbeavers

Are in this country illegally.

We have to deport you.


[ Regular voice]: wait a minute.

There's some kind of misunderstanding here.

We'reamerican beavers.

Actually, I'm the american beaver.

He's, uh, blazy aloof, eurobeaver extraordinaire.

Zip it, dag.

Hey, how about those packers, huh?

Norbert: dag!

♪ Baa-baa-baa-baa- baa-baa-baa...♪


♪ Baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, ah-aaah...♪

[ Giggling]

♪ Baa-aaah.♪