Sneakers (1992)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Sneakers (1992)

Post by bunniefuu »

(TYPING) MARTY: 46-99402.

Transfer to 53-01138.

COSMO: What'd we just do?

The Republican Party just made a
generous donation to the Black Panthers.

Farm out. Right arm.

Who's next? Let's see.

Richard Nixon's personal
checking account is in here.

Ooh, this is a challenge.

Marty, we have to find somebody
truly worthy to give his money to.

How about...

The National Association
to Legalize Marijuana.

How much should he give?

He's a generous man. I'd say, all he's got.
God, I'm hungry!

Marty, you are sure we will not
get into trouble for this?

Cosmo, trust me.


Posit, the phone company
has too much money.

Oh, good one. Consequence?

They're corrupt. Result?

The system perpetuates itself
at the expense of the people.

Conclusion? Ma Bell needs
to donate some money.

We're gonna change the world,

I just wish we could get
course credit for this. Gosh!

You gotta eat.
You want some food?

Loser goes.

I never lose.


Pepperoni pizza, please,
shaken, not stirred.

Power to the people, Cos.
Power to the people, Marty.

One cannot trust anybody
these days.


No, don't do this.


Marty! Marty!

Marty! Marty!

CREASE: Martin.


Martin. Martin.

It's time.

How're we doing?

Carl's in position on the fire escape.
Mother's in the cable vault.

Whistler, he's reading.


We're up.

What's with the lobby?
Still just the one guard.


Okay, Mother, try the ones
coming off the blue trunk.


Try the ones coming off the white
trunk, Mother. These don't sound right.


We've even got photos
of the guy leaving the embassy

through the
back service entrance.

Hey, Crease, you on?

Yeah, I'm on.

Were you still in CIA in '72?

Yeah, why?

Did you know the deputy
director of planning

was down in Managua, Nicaragua,
the day before the earthquake?

Now, what are you saying? The CIA
caused the Managua earthquake?

Well, I can't prove it, but...

I can't talk to that guy.

Hold on, Mother, go back one.



Securing bridge clips.

to sever master alarm circuit.

Five, four...

I looked in that box just now.

There wasn't anything there.

I know how you feel. Do you?

Nice bank?

BISHOP: You wouldn't believe
what I had to go through

just to get a safe deposit box.



Oh, sh*t. We're getting
too old for this.

MAN: Westguard Security. Yeah, I
got a fire at Centurion Bank.

Yeah, we got the alarm.

Are there any secondary indications?
Smoke or flame?


It's probably a false alarm.

We've been getting them in your
area all night. See if it resets.

Oh man, I don't know.

Sure you know which one to cut?

Yes! The alarm's
always the green one.

Good, Carl.

Hey, man, I'm not waiting any longer.
I'm calling the fire...


Oh. It stopped. Sorry.

Hey, no problem. And, son?


Good work.

Thank you, sir.

All yours, Bish.


So, how much do you want?

80,000.90,000. 100,000.


May I ask why you're closing
your account with us today, sir?

Well, I just had this weird feeling
that my money wasn't safe here anymore.

Gentlemen, your communication
lines are vulnerable.

Fire exits need to be monitored.

Your rent-a-cops
are a tad under trained.

Outside of that, everything
seems to be just fine.

You'll be getting our full report
and analysis in a few days.

But first, who's got my check?

So, people hire you
to break into their places

to make sure no one
can break into their places?

It's a living.

Not a very good one.

Thank you.

Is that him?

Oh yeah, that's him.

BISHOP: Who's got the report
for the bank sneak?

MOTHER: I'm gonna
type it up later.

You are?

We haven't paid the typist since
January, so it's either me or Whistler.

Better Whistler.

We've got customers.



Look busy, guys-

Mr. Bishop. d*ck Gordon. Hi.

Buddy Wallace. Hi.

We've heard a lot of
great things about you.

They're all true. Thanks, Carl.

Gentlemen, why don't we go
to the conference room?

You can tell us
how we can help you.


Okay. Thank you.

So here...

Before we begin, there's
something we'd like to clear up.

Most firms of this type are staffed
with ex-law enforcement types.

But your team, it's...

I know, kind of different.

Yes, you are.

Darryl Roskow,
also known as "Mother."

Eighteen months at Dannemora
for breaking and entering.

Yeah, he was framed. But he's got
the best hands in the business.

Carl Arbogast, age 19.

Caught breaking into the Oakland
City School District computer

to change his grades.

I know. We're the ones
who caught him.

Irwin Emery,
also known as "Whistler."

BISHOP: He had some little
problem with the phone company.

Sixty-two counts?

Okay, you want law enforcement?

How about Donald Crease? Twenty-two
year veteran of the CIA.

Terminated, 1987. Why was that?

I don't know. I think maybe
a personality conflict.

Who are you guys?

Relax, Marty. We have to
check on these things.

It's just everybody on your team has had
some sort of problem in their past.

And then there's Martin Bishop.

He doesn't seem to have a past.

Sorry to waste your time, gentlemen.
I don't work for the government.

GORDON: We know.

National Security Agency.

Oh, you're the guys I hear breathing
on the other end of my phone.

No, that's the FBI. We're not
chartered for domestic surveillance.

Oh, I see. You just overthrow
governments, set up friendly dictators.

No, that's the CIA.

We protect our government's

try to break
the other fellow's codes.

We're the good guys, Marty.

Gee, I can't tell you
what a relief that is, d*ck.

All right, that's enough.
Let's go.

If you change your mind
call us at this number...

Mr. Brice.

Help me out?

Spare a quarter? Help me out. The
government's taken away my home.

Talk to him.

Well, if it isn't Robin Hood.

You know, I could've joined the NSA, but
they found out my parents were married.

Hey, hey, we're all friends here, right?
Easy, easy.

Want some coffee or something?


Buddy, is that Janek's file?

Yeah, Janek's file.

This is a mathematician
named Dr. Gunter Janek.

Works at a think t*nk called
the Coolidge Institute.

Specializes in large number
theory, prime numbers, factoring.

Cryptography. Very good.

Last month, the good doctor
gets a grant, $380,000.

Way out of profile
for a guy like that.

It's our job to be curious,
so we traced the money.

Guess where it comes from?

I know you're not gonna say Russia.

Give me a break.

We won, they lost, you know?
It's been in a couple of papers.

Yeah, we still spy on them.
They still spy on us.

We intercepted a fax
last week. Here.

They're making some kind of box,
a little black box.

The project's called Setec Astronomy.
We don't know what Setec stands for.

Security technology...
Sensor techniques, who knows?

It may be nothing or it may be something.
And we need to know.

Your job is to find that little black box.
Let us take a look at it.

Yeah. No way.

Sorry, Marty. We don't
have a lot of choice here.

Do it yourself.

We can't. Why not?

By law, we're not allowed or equipped
to do this kind of operation.

Then get the FBI.

Yeah, right, the FBI.

The FBI can't work for us without
approval from a congressional committee.

We don't have the time.
So, why me?

Frankly, because we...

Yeah, frankly.

Marty, sit down, please.

Frankly, because
it's kind of illegal.

You've managed to stay
underground more than 20 years.

You know how not to get caught.

We know you can
keep your mouth shut.

Job pays $175,000,
payable on delivery.

You can distribute it
among the poor, if you like.


We also clean up your record.

Quash the outstanding
warrant for your arrest.

Your pal Cosmo got 12 years, and that was
without flight to evade prosecution.

We all know what happened
to him in there.

If I say no?

Don't say no.

What good would you do
anybody in prison?

I don't believe this. You
lied to us all these years.

Even lied to us about your name.

Sorry, okay?

I'm sorry, but when you're
wanted by the feds,

you don't go around
telling everybody.

We're not everybody, Martin. We're
your partners. You tell us.


Exactly why was it
you had to leave the CIA?

We all have our little
secrets, don't we?

Look, you guys have
a decision to make.

This is not a test. The penetration
is live. The target is unaware.

Sneaking a foreign intelligence
service that might k*ll us

to keep us out
is not what we do.

The probable level of security
is very low.

But if you guys don't want to take that
chance just to keep me out of jail...

Fine. I understand. Don't do it.

Well, Bish, I can't speak for the other
guys, but I'm in it for the money.

I don't care if you go to jail.

Me neither. I'm in.

Could we maybe just go back to
the "they might k*ll us" part?

If I thought
that was likely to happen,

I wouldn't bring this to you.

But there is a risk.

It pays $175,000!

I'm in.

You guys'll be chalk outlines without me.
All right. What do we need?

Okay. We start with a very light
surveillance. Level three.

First sign of baby-sitters,
we back off.

Now, this guy's giving a lecture
tomorrow at U.C. in the afternoon.

I'm gonna be there and check him out.
Okay? Any questions?

Okay, let's do it.

For the lecture, you wanna take
Whistler or do you want me?

No, that's okay.
I thought I'd ask Liz.


Who's this?

Sort of an old friend.

Practice! Practice, practice!



We're not getting back together.

Did I say anything? You will.

I'm here on business, Liz.

you don't have a business.

You have a club.
It's a boys' club.

You have a little clubhouse. You
probably have a secret handshake.

Liz, I need your help.

I will not be dragged back
into your world.

I have a new group
of gifted children now,

and I like the fact
that they're under 30.

Excuse me.

There's a mathematician named Gunter Janek.
You know him?

I've read him. Now go away.

He's giving a master lecture
at 3:30...

How nice for him.

I thought I'd buy you
dinner after.

I am not going out with you.

This isn't a date, dummy. This is a
scientific exploration, a tutorial.

I need you...

To explain it to me.

Read a book.

They found me, Liz.

The government found me.

They offered me a deal. If I take
their offer, they clear my record,

and I can get my name back.

You and I
are not getting back together.

Hey, don't flatter yourself.

Pick me up at 3:00.


While the number field sieve is
the best method currently known,

there exists an intriguing possibility
for a far more elegant approach.

This guy's good.


...over the rationals and, hence,
contained in a single cyclotomic field.

Using the Artin map, we might
induce h*m*...

You seeing anybody? Shh!

These maps could then be used to combine
splitting information from all the...

This isn't just about large number theory.
It's about cryptography.

Oh? You mean codes?

I mean unbreakable codes.

It would be a breakthrough
of Gaussian proportions,

and allow us to acquire the solution in
a dramatically more efficient manner.

Are you seeing... Shh!

Such an approach
is purely theoretical.

So far, no one has been able
to accomplish

such constructions yet.

numbers are so unbelievably big,

all the computers in the world
could not break them down.

But maybe,
just maybe there's a shortcut.

I'll bet you anything
he's found it.

If he has, you're in over your head.
I'll get my coat.

Numbers themselves
may be our best tools.

Maybe able to see things in
other numbers that we can't.


how wonderful to see you.

Hi, Greg. How are you?
Is it not fabulous?

Today I can in public come and learn
your scientists' new secrets.

Alas, I did not understand one bit
of what he was talking about.

At least I...
Oh! Goodness, can it be?


Oh, yeah. Elizabeth.

She's dying
to talk to you too, Greg.

Excuse me. Elizabeth.


Hello, Greg.

Elizabeth and Martin.

My heart leaps like gazelle to
see you back together again.

Tell it to stop leaping.
We are not back together.

No? Oh, what a pity.

Wait. I have smashing idea.
Martin! Martin!

Kiev string quartet plays at the
consulate on Thursday night.

You will be my guests.

Really, Greg, I wouldn't
know how to repay you.


Martin, now that our countries
are such good friends,

perhaps you will finally be able
to do occasional favor for me?

Gregor, you are shameless.

See you Thursday night.


New title. Cultural attaché.


Last few years has been very confusing
for people in my line of work.

I'll bet.

I don't care what anybody says
about the "New World Order."

I don't trust that guy.

Who, Greg? He's harmless.

number itself tell us...

If you'll excuse me,
I have some work.

You're gonna follow him,
aren't you?

Liz, I...
It's okay. I'll get a cab.

Can I call you?

Just be careful.

Janek just got in
the elevator. Going up.

We will be ready for him.

How's the audio?

Mother's pretty close.

CREASE: He's just wearing
four safety belts this time.

BISHOP: What, no parachute?

CARL: All righty.
Entry and lights on.

Describe it.

Looks like a workroom.

You got yourself a bench
with a soldering g*n,

two spools of wire
and a magnifying lamp.

WHISTLER: Yeah, sounds like
he's making something.


Then a desk...


Telephone, lamp,
answering machine.

Ajar of pencils,
but no little black box.

It's gotta be there somewhere.
What's he doing?

He's logging on the computer.

BISHOP: Oh, this is good.

He's gonna type in his password,

and we're gonna
get a clear sh*t.


Oh! Dr. Rhyzkov, good evening.

Hey, let's get an l.D.
on Dr. Rhyzkov.

She was with him this afternoon.

She was trying to tell him
something, and it was making him...

ELENA: Oh, Gunter.

Let's do what we did
in Mexico City.

I didn't know you could
do that in Mexico City.

Mr. Bishop,
do you mind if I take a look?


Grow up.


Let me see.

Oh, Gunter.

Oh, Gunter.


Oh, Gunter.

Elena, really!
I must finish my work.

Okay, back to work.

Nope, here we go. Now we're
gonna get our password.

ELENA: I leave message here on
service but you do not call.

I'm sorry.

Get out of the way.
She's in the way.

I don't believe this.

It's just, I have this work.

I give you something
to work, baby.

Okay. Just for a little while.

Oh, Gunter.

What's going on?

Oh, nothing.


Elena, really!
I must finish my work.

I leave message here on
service but you do not call.

MOTHER: Maybe there's a frame or
two where she doesn't block it.

I'll blow it up.


Hey. Who's Rhyzkov?

Dr. Elena Rhyzkov, visiting
professor from Czechoslovakia,

senior research fellow
in astrophysics.


Setec Astronomy,
whatever that is.

ELENA: (ON TAPE) I leave message
here on service but you do not call.


W, G...

Looks like the H.

Where do you get H?
Next to the L.

H isn't next to the L.

Guys, do it again.

I leave message here on
service but you do not call.

...message here on service
but you do not call.

Okay, that's definitely W, G.

Definitely not. No, that's a V.

She's in the way.

Fellows, Janek's little
black box is on his desk

between the pencil jar
and the lamp.

Whistler, I hate to tell you
this, but you're blind.

Play the tape back again.

But you can't even see anything.

Don't look. Listen.

Play it back.


I leave message here on
service but you do not...

He's got a service.

What's he need
an answering machine for?

MOTHER: There's our
little black box.

MOTHER: Okay, boss. This
LTX-71 concealable mike

is part of the same system
that NASA used

when they faked
the Apollo moon landings.

Had the astronauts broadcast
around the world from a soundstage

at Norton Air Force Base
in San Bernardino, California.

So, it worked for them. It shouldn't
give us too many problems.


You didn't have a delivery?

CARL: I should have
the invoice here.

No delivery is scheduled. They
didn't have anything on record.

Did my wife
drop a cake off for me?

There's no cake back here.

Surprise party for Marge
on the second floor.

She was supposed
to drop a cake off.

I don't know about it.

There she is, late as usual.

It states here that I am to
deliver 36 boxes of Liquid Drano

to this address.

I don't care what that says. You're
not on the list. You can't get in.

I might lose my job.

That's not my problem.
Now b*at it.

I can't reach my card.
Could you buzz this, please?

Just buzz it.
I can't reach my card.

Wait one minute.

We're late for the party
on the second floor.

Push the goddamned buzzer,
will you?



Anybody remember how to defeat
an electronic key pad?

Don't even joke about that, Martin.
Those things are impossible.

Think I'm joking? Looks
like they just put it in.

Oh boy.

Here, maybe this might help.

Old buddy of mine, was in
Desert Storm, sent it to me.

'Course, he was
on the other side.

BISHOP: Come on, Crease. There's got
to be a way around these things.

All right, all right.

This might work.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Right.

Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah.


Okay. I'll give it a sh*t.

That worked.

Got it.

Gunter? You're...

Oh, God, no.
Here you go, come on.

Hey, nice to see you.


Who the hell is that?

Battle stations.

Monitor the audio.
Grab the mike.


I'm gonna remove my hand now.
Please, do not scream.

I promise nothing is
going to happen to you.



Who are you?

He's a P.l.

You're a private investigator.

I'm a private investigator.

But why? Who hired you?


Who hired you?

Mrs. Janek.

There is not Mrs. Janek.


You got us stumped.

Oh yeah? Who do you think paid for
your little love jaunt to Mexico City?

That was good.

Velma, Velma Janek.

She lives in Montreal where she handles
her family's real estate holdings,

vast real estate holdings.

Farms, banks, shopping malls.
Two shopping malls.

She supports Gunter but figured
he was cheating on her,

and that's why she hired me.

Bastard liar!

I'll k*ll him! Oh, no, no, no!

No! No, no, don't. Get a hold
of yourself, Dr. Rhyzkov.

Get a hold of yourself.

You gotta not tell him you know.

We weren't here. We didn't talk.
You don't know me.

You don't know anything
about a wife.

You just give me
one good reason why.

All right,
I'll give you a reason.

Give you a really good reason.

It's just what she would
want you to do.

It's just what she
wants you to do.

I don't understand.

Yeah, sometimes
I don't understand myself.

Here, look, I might lose
my license for this.

My client is a vindictive,
bitter woman.

She's been withholding marital
favors from Gunter for years,

and now she's out to ruin him.

(STAMMERING) And she's
using you to get to her.

And she's using
me to get to you.

I know that's confusing, but don't
you see what's happening here?

You and me, we're just pawns
in this ugly little game.


If you love him...

If you really love him...

Then just keep on loving him.

And never let him know

that you know what he thinks
you don't know you know.

You know?

And give him head
whenever he wants.

Give him help.

Be a beacon in his sad and lonely life.
Can you do that for Gunter?

Yes, yes, I can, I can.

Okay, good.

Now get out of here.

Give him head?

Be a beacon?


(SINGING) Chain, chain, chain
chain, chain, chain.

Chain, chain, chain
chain, chain, chain.

Chain of fools.

For five long years.

I thought you were my man.

But I found out.

I'm just a link
in your chain, oh.

But the key meeting
took place July 1, 1958,

when the Air Force brought this
space visitor to the White House

for an interview with President Eisenhower.
And Ike said,

"Look, give us your technology."

"We'll give you all
the cow lips you want."

Don't listen to this man.
He's certifiable.

Your husband knows about cattle
mutilations. He's ex-CIA.

He's touched.

He knows the government's
been suppressing for years.

Understood, understood.

One thing I don't quite get
though is you and Cosmo,

you were taking all these
chances, all these big chances,

what for?

We were young.
And there was a w*r on.

It was a good way to meet girls.

I bet.

How come you didn't get caught?

I went out for pizza.

Then I went to Canada.

I was lucky. He wasn't.

Did he ever forgive you?

I hope so.

He d*ed in prison.

So, what are you guys gonna do
with your share of the money?


Well, we have never been
to Europe together.

That's right.

And we are going.

Madrid, Lisbon.

Athens. Oh, and Scotland.

And Tahiti.

Oh, yes. Oh, yes.


Well, you know, I've never
actually had a really cool car

that I could
fit comfortably into.

So I think
I'm gonna buy me a Winnebago

with a big kitchen,
water bed, big kitchen.


I'd like to have a deep
relationship with a beautiful woman

who melts from the very
first time our eyes meet.

We're not
getting paid that much, Carl.

Well, you know,
someone like Liz.

You're definitely
not getting paid that much.

ALL: Ooh! Uh-oh.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!


Peace on earth,
goodwill toward men.

MOTHER; Right On.

And women.

MOTHER: Hear, hear!

That's not a word, "scrunchy".

Scrunchy is not a word.

Scrunchy is a word.

Since when? You know what
happens to your face?

Please, it's not a word. Right
now your face is scrunchy.

CREASE: All right.
We gotta take it as a word.

It's better than "scrunchy."

I didn't invent the word.

Carl. Yes.

What does it say where this is?

Hold on a second here.

"System out."

Guys, I really think you
should leave that thing alone.

Yeah, I know. I just wanted to
see something. Don't worry, Don.

How are they spelling Setec?

S-E-T-E-C. Setec.

Special extraterrestrial?

Earthling counter.

Does that make two, four, five.

And she begins to go,
and this one bull turns around

and looks at me,
like right dead in my eyes.



Setec Astronomy.

I just love it
when a man says that to me.

Setec doesn't mean anything.

Excuse me...

Carl, can you get me some cable
and that IO interface, please?

"Monterey's Coast."

Does "Monterey's Coast"
mean anything to you guys?


Here, help me with this.

Carl, get the diagnostics.

How about "My Socrates Note"?



No, I...

No. No.

Uh-huh. Got it.
Move to another one.

Mmm-hmm. Give me another one.

Stay in that quadrant.

It's kind of the same thing.
Try another quadrant.


Mother, what was that?
Go back one.

MOTHER: All right.

Holy cow.

What the hell is this?

"Too Many Secrets."

Bish, I think you
better come over here.

Carl, got your
little black book?


Give me the number for something
impossible to access.

Okay. What about this?

Federal Reserve transfer node,
Culpeper, Virginia.

Yeah, sure. Good luck.

CARL: Nine hundred billion
a day goes through there.

That'll do. Punch it in.


We won't get in. It's encrypted.

CARL: See?

Mother, that last contact.

WHISTLER: Look at this, boys.

Anybody want to shut down
the Federal Reserve?

Hey, don't screw around
with that thing!

Wait, Crease.

Carl, what else you got?

National power grid?



Here we come.

Okay, Mother.


Wow. Unbelievable.

WHISTLER: Anybody want to
black out New England?

Carl, what else?

Air traffic control system.


Okay, Mother.

Oh, my God.

CREASE: How is this possible?

Cryptography systems are based on
mathematical problems so complex

they cannot be solved
without a key.

Janek figured out a way to solve
those problems without the key,

and he hard-wired it
into that chip.

Turn it off.

Want to crash a couple
of passenger jets?

I said turn it off.

BISHOP: Turn it Off.

So it's a code-breaker.

No, it's the code-breaker.

No more secrets.

Honey, you and Melissa
get your things.


Good night.

What time is the hand-off?

9:00 a.m.

Well, between now and then,

we are going to institute
some security around here.

This is where I get off. Nice to
see you again. I'm out of here.

Don't take this personally, Liz, but you
were the only one who knew Martin's secret.

Somebody talked.

So make yourself comfortable. We're
all staying right here tonight.

No. I'm getting my bag,
and I'm leaving.

So relax, Crease.

I'll relax when we get
that damn thing out of here.

Until then, you stay.


There isn't a government
on this planet

that wouldn't k*ll us all
for that thing.


I see.

Carl? Hit the alarm.

Mother, lock everything down.

Then k*ll the lights.
Whistler, unplug that thing.

You bet.

Thank you for the trust,


I really enjoyed sleeping
with all you guys. Take care.

Bye, Liz WHISTLER: You too, Liz.

I hope the hand-off goes well.

I'd hate for you to have
something new to run from.

Martin? Time.


Morning. Hi.

Any problems?


Want a cappuccino?


Got his check?

CREASE: Hey, Martin!


Just a minute.

It's your mother.

She's... She's old. Excuse me.

Get in the car.


Get in the car.

MARTIN: I didn't get the money.


What are you doing?
I didn't get the money.

Janek's dead.

They k*lled him.

The NSA doesn't k*ll people,
Martin. Who are they?

You said there isn't a
government on earth

that wouldn't k*ll
for that thing.

Not ours. Who were those guys?

There's one way to find out.

They took away my home. Help me out?
The government took away my home.

My God.

Don't tell me you can't do it
because I know you can.

And don't tell me you won't do
it, because I've got to have it.

Damn it! I need to know,
and I need to know now.

Hey, guys,
that federal building?

Scheduled for demolition
since August.

It housed the Federal Trade Commission,
the Department of Agriculture.

Been vacant for a month.

The NSA never had an office
in San Francisco.

Their West Coast operations
are right out of Los Angeles.

Oh, God. Yeah, thanks.

Janek's grant is from the NSA.


How could you
be so g*dd*mn stupid?

Two guys show up, say they're
government, and you just buy it.

They probably were government...

Just not ours.

Everybody pack up whatever you can.
This place isn't safe.

CREASE: What do you
think you're doing?

I'm going to a concert.

Keep smiling.

Martin, have you lost your mind?

Excuse yourself.

Darling, would you
excuse me for a moment?

Give me back Janek's box, Greg.

Martin, I don't have it.

Now you must believe me.


You set me up, Greg.
No, I do not believe you.

We had nothing to do
with this Janek business.

Not for lack of trying,
mind you.

Your codes are entirely
different from ours.

We never had any luck
in breaking them,

so Lord knows,
I wanted that box,

but we did not take it.

Then who did?

What I will tell you now I cannot
tell you in this building.

Do you understand?



You must trust me.








I'm afraid these books are not
as current as they used to be.

You still
keep tabs on all our agents.

These are just the ones
we thought we could turn.

You know, sexual problems,
financial troubles.

Then we had financial troubles.

That's him. The older guy.

A loathsome man
named Buddy DeVries,

A.K.A. Buddy Weber,
Buddy Wallace.

Wallace. That's him.

We tried to recruit him in '83.
Drinking problem, married three times.

Left the NSA four years ago.

Oh, my-



You disappeared once before, my friend.
I suggest you do it again.

Why? Who's he working for?


Your FBI
is such a pain in the ass.


Who's he working for?

Martin, I can offer you asylum
inside this car.

it's part of the consulate.

Do you wish our protection?

What? Who is Wallace
working for?


Mr. Bishop? My name is
Special Agent Bestrop, FBI.

Please, step out of the vehicle.

Do you wish our protection?

Mr. Bishop.

Get out of the vehicle now.

You won't know who to trust.

Mr. Bishop, step over here, please.
Hands on the wall, sir.


Is this loaded?


Too many secrets.




Oh, sh*t.

What are you doing up?



Try aspirin.


I'm sorry if he hurt you.

I'm afraid Wallace
doesn't like you very much.

You ought to have that guy
checked for rabies.

Rabies occurs
only in warm-blooded animals.

Anyway, I couldn't have you
talking to the Russians.

Five years ago, yes, we could trust
them not to go running to the FBI,

or if they did, we could trust
the FBI not to believe them.

Today we can't trust anybody.

What the hell's going on here?
Cosmo, what...

What happened?

The world changed on us,
Marty, and without our help.

What happened?

There I was in prison, and one day I
help a couple of nice older gentlemen

make some free telephone calls.

They turn out to be,
let us say, good family men.

Organized crime?

Don't kid yourself.

It's not that organized.

Anyway, they arranged for me
to get an early release

from my
unfortunate incarceration,

and I began to perform
a variety of services.

For starters, I reorganized their
entire financial operation:

budgets, payroll,
money laundering, you name it.

The whole network is protected by
a very powerful encryption system

so the government
cannot read it.

But if the feds
get Janek's box...

Disaster. Therefore,
we must have it.

To protect the organization.


No, I don't buy it.

I know you.

God, it's good to see you.

(WHISPERING) We were going to
change the world, Marty, remember?

Did you ever get around to actually
doing it? No, I guess not.

Well, I think I can.



What's wrong with this country, Marty?
Money. You taught me that.

Evil defense contractors
had it, noble causes did not.

Politicians are bought and sold like so
much chattel. Our problems multiply.

Pollution, crime, dr*gs, poverty,
disease, hunger, despair.

We throw gobs of money at them.

The problems always get worse.
Why is that?

Because money's most powerful
ability is to allow bad people

to continue doing bad things at the
expense of those who don't have it.

I agree. Who did you say
you were working for?

That's just my day job.

Listen, when I was in prison, I learned
that everything in this world,

including money,
operates not on reality...

But the perception of reality.

Posit, people think a bank
might be financially shaky.

Consequence, people start
to withdraw their money.

Result, pretty soon,
it is financially shaky.

you can make banks fail.


I've already done that.
Maybe you've read about a few?


Think bigger.

Stock market? Yes.

Currency market?
Commodities market? Yes.

Small countries?

I might even be able to crash
the whole damn system.

Destroy all records of ownership.
Think of it, Marty.

No more rich people. No more poor people.
Everybody's the same.

Isn't that what we said
we always wanted?

Cos, you haven't gone crazy
on me, have you?

Who else is going to change
the world, Marty?


You are crazy.

Tomorrow they will retrieve
your fingerprints

from the g*n that k*lled a
Russian consular officer.

The following day, those prints will
be run through an FBI computer,

and they will come up
with a name.

Martin Brice,
my old and good friend,

who promised me we would not get in
trouble and who, I might add, did not.

Then they will check this
database in Washington, D.C.,

which I'm now able to access,
thanks to you.

Of course, no one knows where
Martin Brice is, do they?

But what if this indicated...

An alias?


Don't do it, Cos.


Try prison.


Oh no, not the head.

Just relax.

No more secrets, Marty.



I've had a bad night.


You look terrific.

You look awful.

I should think so, considering
what I've been through.

What happened?

You tell me.

You got hit over the head twice and
got thrown out of a speeding car?

Here, let me do this.

I'm sorry.

It's okay. I...

I'm sorry.


The paper said that Greg
was k*lled.

I called your number,
and someone else answered.

I didn't recognize the voice.

I can't do this alone, Liz.

I'm here.

We have to meet.

The FBI says the fingerprints
found in the embassy car

matched those taken from the
office of a government researcher

found m*rder*d earlier
this week in Palo Alto.

The connection was made after a Bay Area
radio station received an anonymous tip,

linking the two killings.
More bad news...

The son of a bitch.

All right. It's time we
call the authorities.

Great. Now that we're accessories
to espionage and m*rder.

All the more reason to turn ourselves
in now while we can still cut a deal.

With what? We got bupkus! They'll give
us 20 years in the electric chair.

You think I like it? I've got a family!
We have no other choice.

Yes, we do. We make the call,
but we make it our way.

Unload the van.

We got these band wideners here, Whis.
Where do you want them?

Thanks. Nice apartment.


I'm going to bounce this call through
nine different relay stations

throughout the world
and off two satellites.

It'll be the hardest trace
they've ever heard.

This'll measure stress
in the voice on the other end.

Not as accurate
as a polygraph, but it'll do.


Let's do it.


WOMAN ON PHONE: Fort Meade, Maryland.
Good afternoon.

Try director of ops.

National Security Agency,
director of operations, please.

Extension, please?

I'm sorry. I forget the number.

Could I please have director of operations?
It's very important.

What extension, please?

Try research.

Give me research.
It's an emergency.

I need an extension or a name.

Setec Astronomy.

One moment, please.

They've started the trace.

Who is this, please?

It's my dime. I'll ask the questions.
Who are you?

Well, let's say my name
is Mr. Abbott.


They made the second leg.

Mr. Abbott, are you interested
in Setec Astronomy?

I'm interested
in all kinds of astronomy.

Cute. They've got the
satellite in Tokyo.

These guys are good.

I need to know if you're
someone who can make a deal.

Go on.

Can you deal?



They're across Transcom. You've
got about 20 seconds, Bish.

If I come in,
can you guarantee my safety?

Do you have the item?


Fifteen seconds.

Can you guarantee my safety?

Where is the item?

Can you guarantee my safety?

Five seconds.

Yes, I can guarantee
your safety.

Bish, he's lying.

Hang up. They've almost got us.

He's lying!

Hang up, Bish! Hang up! MOTHER:
He's lying! He's lying!

MOTHER: There's gotta be a way
to cut a deal.

Too late.

If we had the box, yes.
Without it, no.

CARL: So let's get
this frigging thing.

BISHOP: I don't know
where it is, remember?

What did it sound like?

MOTHER: No idea where
they took you?


They threw me in a trunk,
drove around in circles.

It could be a hundred miles away, next door,
underground, in a sky-rise. Forget it.

Bish, what did it sound like?


The road. When you were in the
trunk, what did the road sound like?

Well, l... Highway.
A regular highway.

Well, did you go over any speed bumps?
Gravel? How about a bridge?

Bridge, yeah.

Four bridges in the Bay Area.

WHISTLER: Was the Golden Gate
fogged in last night?


Did you hear a foghorn?


Scratch the Golden Gate.
That leaves three.

What did it sound like?
Did you go through a tunnel?

I'm not... No.

Scratch the Bay.

That leaves two.
San Mateo and Dumbarton.

What did it sound like?




There was a recurring sound.

Like seams in the concrete.


But further apart.


MOTHER: Now what?

Bumps. Rough ones.

Railroad tracks. Yeah, yeah.

A right on Antrim
and a left on 84.

And then what did you hear?

Cocktail party.


Drove through what sounded... it
sounded like a cocktail party.

There was chattering.
It was right at the end.

Great. Now we got to look
for a cocktail party

on the other side
of the railroad track.

What's the exit
where the railroad tracks are?


Mother, stay on Crescent,
get off at the reservoir.


There's a cocktail party
at the reservoir?

Yeah. Yeah.

Very good, Bish. Remind me to make
you an honorary blind person.



MOTHER: Where's this road go?

CARL: Nowhere. Looks like it
ends right around that hill.

What's behind the hill?

Nothing. It's private property.


Forget it. It's a toy company.

A toy company, my ass.
That's laser fencing.

There's high voltage
on the perimeter.

The whole building says,
"Go away."

It's Cosmo. I know it.
The toy company's a front.

Mother, get the directional.
Carl, get the video. Let's go.

MOTHER: Second floor,
northwest two.

That's a bathroom.

Second floor, northwest three.

Ah, it's an emergency exit.

How do you know that?

I can hear the emergency
floodlight batteries recharging.

Hold it right there.
Crease, what's this mean?

"My voice is my passport.
Verify me"?

Some sort of voiceprint l.D.
I'll check it out.

What am I listening to now,

Third floor, southwest corner.

Oh, it's bursting
with ultrasonic.

I've never heard sensors
that powerful before.

Bish, someone is very serious about
keeping people out of that room.



MOTHER: Okay, there's the corner room
with the motion detectors Whistler heard.

BISHOP: That's Cosmo's
office. I saw the sensors.

They keep the lights
on all night,

so we have to assume
the sensors are on too.

It won't be easy
getting in there.

Run this on ahead. Let's figure
out who works next door.

It's fascinating what 50 bucks can get
you at the county recorder's office.

What do you got?

corporate headquarters.

The complete blueprints.

Not bad. Not bad, Carl.

Oh, thanks.

Where'd you get the 50 bucks?

I took it from Mother's wallet.


No, Mom, today's not a good
day to come over. No...

Okay, what have we got here?

It's called a mantrap. I borrowed
this demo from the manufacturer.

It's a digital voice-recognition
monitor hooked up to an access booth.

NSA uses the same technology

to keep people out of
restricted areas at Fort Meade.


Now speak right into this box.


My name is Martin Bishop.

My voice is my passport.
Verify me.

And you can't pass through

unless your voiceprint matches
the one encoded on the card.

So we need someone's card.
And their voice.

Can we b*at this with tape?

Has to be up close and personal.

Otherwise you'll be caught
in a steel-reinforced booth

while the guards
with the shotguns are called.

Ah, that's great.

Really great.
What about motion detectors?

I'm picking one up this afternoon.
That makes b*ating this look easy.

MOTHER: Hey, Bish,
I think we've found our guy.

Okay, I've blown up the image a little.
Here's the room next to Cosmo's.

Now it's the end of the day.
Watch who comes out.

Let me zoom in
on the front door.

A lady in a green skirt
and this guy with the cap.

Nobody comes out for another 18 minutes.
So it's one of those two.

Right. Here's the next evening.

The office next to Cosmo's.
Lights go out.

The guy in the cap.

Anybody else?

Nobody else comes out for 22 minutes.
That's who works next door.

We'll use his office to get into Cosmo's.
Can we get plates?

Let me see.

Zooming in.

Another bump. Enhancing.

There's your plate. 180 IQ.

Cute. All right. Carl,
let's do this guy.

His name's Werner Brandes.

Single, 6'1", 174 pounds,
must wear glasses to drive,

no outstanding
tickets or warrants.

CARL: He leaves work between
6:00 and 7:00 every night,

takes the same route home,
he obeys the speed limit,

comes to a complete stop at every stop
sign and signals when he changes lanes.

He's a very safe driver.

CREASE: $750 limit on his Visa, pays his
bills, no bad debts, no bum checks.

No registered firearms.

Member, International Microchip
Designers Association

and chairman
of the social committee.

Great. The world's most
boring human.

How the hell are we going to get
close enough to record him?


Oh, Mother.

Sorry, Liz. Standard procedure.
Trash from the guy's house.

And thank you
for bringing it into mine.

BISHOP: Okay, let's see here. Phone bill,
no long distance. Club Med brochure.

A ticket stub
to a Barry Manilow concert.

Here it is. Here we go.

"Dear Compudater. Welcome to the
world of automated compatibility."

He's a computer dater.

I love it. Let's get him a date.

What was the name of that girl that we used
on the cereal company sneak last year?

Sandy Krieger?
Forget it. Married a cop.

How about Barbara?
Now, she was cute.

Yeah, but she'd never do it. She
regards this work as juvenfle.

That's why she divorced me.
How about your friend Jessie?

Yeah, she's buff. Fellows...

Fellows, look at this man's trash.
He's not looking for buff.

It's the nicest garbage
I've ever seen.

The man who folded
this tube of Crest

is looking for someone
meticulous, refined...




Werner? Hi. I'm Doris.


Are you ready
for the dim sum bar?

Oh, I'm not really in any hurry.

All right. I'll be right back.

So. So.

What an interesting name you have.
How exactly do you pronounce it?

CREASE: This is what's
in Cosmo's office.


The best motion sensor
on the market.

Watch this.



it also responds
to thermal differentials.

Does this have a happy ending?

Oh, yeah.

We can wrap you in a full body suit
of neoprene, heat-resistant rubber,

or we can raise the temperature

in Cosmo's office
to 98.6 degrees,

which is probably
what we'll have to do

because the neoprene
would suffocate you.

Either way, you've got a top
speed of two inches per second.

Any faster than that...

And big guys with g*ns.
You'll probably do fine.

Since when am I the one...

This is the same answering machine
Janek used for the shell of his box.

That's what you'll be carrying across
the floor at two inches per second.

I got that for you because I figured
you'd just want to practice with it.

Remember to go real slow!


You get all the fun stuff.


So, what about travel? Where do
you like to go? Europe? Mexico?

I don't know. I've never
been out of the country.

I think they want us to leave.

Sit down, Werner.


Talk to me. You know what?

I really love the sound
of your voice.

Really? I always thought it was
kind of nasal and pinched.

Oh no, not at all. It's lovely.

And there's this one word. I've
always loved the sound of this word.

Oh no! No, what? What?

You wouldn't. Never mind.
I would. What, please?

Oh, all right.

I would really like to
hear you say the word...




You know, you're right.
We ought to leave.


Would you like
to have breakfast with me?

Sure, fine.

Shall I phone you or nudge you?

Check, please.


Hi. My name is Werner Brandes.

My voice is my passport.
Verify me. Thank you.


Is that the gardener?
I thought he'd already left.

I guess not.

May I use your john, please?



Listen, a few minutes ago,
a gardener came...

Skip it. I see him.

Okay, fellows, I'm out of here.
Carl, have a nice ride.

Oh, it's hot in here.


Maybe I'll just
open this window a bit.

I'll join you as soon as I'm
through pounding these breasts.

WERNER: Do you know, the
best thing about this meal,

besides it's absolutely fabulous,
is that it only has 400 calories.

LIZ: Oh, great.

WERNER: I'm very concerned
about what we eat.

You are.

What would you say
is the ideal diet?

Well, sort of, eat, sort of on the run.
I'm really busy, so...

The ideal diet, don't laugh, is
the bottom of a monkey cage.

I'm sorry?

Take a look at the bottom
of a monkey cage.

Is someone at your door?

Just a second.
I'm not expecting anyone.

No. Nobody there.

Oh, I'm sorry. We're all alone.

I'll just close the window.
It's okay now.

It's true. I read that once.

I don't know. What are
you talking about?

You have fruit, greens...


Good evening. PlayTronics.

Cattle mutilations are up.



Hey, here we go.

We've got video,
all eight of them.

Whistler, hit record.

You're coming in fine.

You are clear all the way
up to the mantrap.

Hi, my name is...



Hi, my name is Werner Brandes.

My voice is my passport.
Verify me.

There's a three-foot area
in the corner,

just outside the sensor's range.

Good. Hold on. Whistler?

Carl, how's the weather?

98.6 and holding.

We got body temp, Crease.


Once again, I am so
sorry about dinner.

No, it was really delicious.

No, no.
I overcooked the carrots.

No, I like them really squishy
like that.

That's cute.

Oh, oh, watch. Watch this.


Play dead.


I designed
the voice recognition chip.

What a thing to do! Could I
just make a quick phone call?

Sure. It's in the bedroom.


Yeah, just go upstairs and
then walk straight forward.

The first one is a closet.

Oh, pooch. Look what you've
done to Doris's purse.




What do you say
we go for a ride, Doris?

CREASE: I don't believe this!

Now what are you saying?
The NSA k*lled Kennedy?

No, they sh*t him, but they didn't
k*ll him. He's still alive.

That's it. I've had it. I don't
want to talk to you anymore.

Just do your job. I don't
want to talk to you anymore.

Okay, fine.

It was the same people
who framed Pete Rose.

LIZ: Boy, this was fun.
Wanna go back?

No, we're almost there.

Almost where?

Crease! Forget it.

No, Crease. Forget it.

Werner just pulled up.
He's got Liz with him.


I think you better hurry.

The one thing
I can't do is hurry.

"Come on. I want you to say
it for me just one time."

"Passport. You have such
a beautiful voice."

I'm Dr. Brandes. I work up on three.
I believe this phony

is involved in some plot
to break into my office.

Hold it! Hold it! Let
me see your entry card.

You took my card.
What card? See?

Sir, we have a problem.


I think that someone is trying
to break into my office!

Let's take a look at his office.


Well, everything seems
to be in order.

Does it? Yes, sir.

Very sorry to have
troubled you, miss.

Not as sorry as I am. Werner?

They're letting her go.

We'll call you a cab.

Thank you.
This is my last computer date.


A computer matched her
with him? I don't think so.


Why is it so hot in here?



CREASE: Martin, we've got
six guards in the front lobby,

four in the south corridor,
five upstairs north.

Guards in the boiler room.

Oh, God.

Carl, listen carefully.
You've got trouble.

Heating ducts over the furnace.

You'll be all right. Find the
heating ducts above the furnace.

That'll lead you
to the elevator chase.

There's a fire escape at the
end of the north corridor.

You'll have to break through fire walls.
Have him go south.

No. Go directly north, 30 yards.
There's an air duct there!

Once you're there, let me know.

Blue team, move to corridor one.
Green team, secure north corridor.

He'll be in a crawl space.
Break through.

Crease? I'm in northeast
three, over the corridor.

I think it's a dead end.
Don't move.

Don't worry.
We'll get you out of there.

We've got guards at every stairwell.
Can you hear if there's any...

Oh no.

What? Don't say "Oh no."

This is Wallace. I'm in northeast three.
I'm gonna check it out.

Martin, we lost...


Do you read me?


Stop sh**ting.


I know you are in the building

and I know you can hear me.


You should not
have come back, Marty.

I won and you lost.

If our friendship had meant
anything to you at all,

that is the way
you should have left it.

But you always had to be the
one to win, didn't you?

You were the one who got away
with things while I never did.

You always had to get
the girl, didn't you?

Sol never did...

At least not until now.

She's lovely, Marty.


Marty, please bring me the box.

You must know they will never let either
of you live if you try to get out.

I am your way out.

I'm your only way out.

If I wanted you dead...

You'd be dead.


I cannot k*ll you.

I cannot k*ll you.

You have to trust me.

Guys, I'm going in.
Do you hear me, Carl?


Hi. Hi.

How are you? Fine. How are you?


So you have my box.

We have a deal. Right?

Wait a second. Wait a minute!

g*dd*mn it,
you gave me your word!

I cannot k*ll my friend.

k*ll my friend.

You son of a bitch.

You didn't really think we were
gonna let you go, did you?

You didn't really think I was gonna
let you have this box, did you?



Now? What are you talking about?


You're damn right, now!

Carl, now!



(g*n FIRES)

LIZ: Let go of him.

I mean it. I'm an excellent marksman.
Woman! Move!

Oh, sure. Sure.

Get up.


Carl, what the hell
were you waiting for?

That's not easy,
what I just did.

Guys, could we get out of here?


I'm up! Up-UP, up!


Crease, we're on the roof.

There's a fire escape on the north side.
Is it clear?

Yes, clear.

Where are you?

GREASE: On a hill overlooking the
northeast corner of the lot.

BISHOP: There.

Beautiful. Come and get us.

Hurry up. We've only got a few minutes
before anybody knows we're gone.

Coming to get you.

Put your hands where I can see
them and step out of the van.

You too, midnight.

Bish, they've got
Crease and Mother.



Whistler, you've got to do it.

Do what?

You gotta drive. I'll talk you through it.
Now, hurry.

Drive what?

Okay, Bish.

There's a gate
about 30 yards behind you.

Put it in reverse and floor it.

Did I ever tell you
why I had to leave the CIA?


What's reverse?

One down.

My temper.


m*therf*ckers mess with me,
I'll split your head!

Crease, where's Whistler going?

Bish? I'm going backwards.

You're doing fine. Doing fine.


Now, hit the brakes! Now!


Okay, put the gearshift down
two notches.

Down two notches.

Turn left. Floor it.

I'm going forward.

Do... Straighten out.

Oh, what was that?

Okay, keep coming.

Oh, God, I'm driving!
I'm driving!

No, don't do that. I'm driving!

BISHOP: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Go left!

My... My left. Right.

Go right! Right!

It's okay.

Beautiful! Keep coming.
Keep coming.

Now, you're gonna go down
a very gentle slope.

Okay, fine. Great. No problem.

Oh boy!

Doing okay.
Five more seconds and stop.

I think I'll stop right here.


Whistler, that was great!

Whistler! That was great!

CARL: I'm taking the wheel.
In the back.

Where's Martin?


Would you step away
from the ladder?

You will give me the box right
now, or I will k*ll you right now.



Just give me the box, Marty.

I thought you couldn't k*ll your
friend, Cos. I missed on purpose!

Give me the box. Take the g*dd*mn thing!
I don't want it.

You win, I lose. That's
what you want, isn't it?

Say it! Say it!


I'm sorry, Cos.

You could have shared this
with me.

I know. You could
have had the power.

I don't want it.

Don't you know the places
we can go with this?

Yeah, I do.
There's nobody there.


The world isn't run by weapons
anymore, or energy or money.

It's run by little ones and
zeroes, little bits of data.

It's all just electrons.

I don't care.

I don't expect other people
to understand this,

but I do expect you to understand this.
We started this journey together.

It wasn't a journey, Cos.
It was a prank.

There's a w*r out there,
old friend, a world w*r.

And it's not about
who's got the most b*ll*ts.

It's about
who controls the information,

what we see and hear,
how we work, what we think.

It's all about the information.

If I were you,
I'd destroy that thing.

Don't go.

Don't go.

You do what you have to do, Cos.

But if you want to stop me,
you'll have to pull the trigger.


CREASE: I can't believe
we actually made it back.

I can't believe we pulled off
the greatest sneak in history,

and we can't tell anybody.

You know what I can't believe?
Tomorrow's Thursday!

Not one word.

All of you, step over here.

Hands over your head. Move!


ABBOTT: Mr. Bishop.

I'm Bernard Abbott,
National Security Agency.

We spoke on the phone.

I believe you have something
that belongs to me.

It's interesting, don't you think,
you guys, that the NSA is here?

I thought the FBI was supposed
to do this kind of thing.

Absolutely. This is outside
the NSA's jurisdiction.

Unless the NSA didn't want anybody to
know about Janek's little black box.

I keep thinking
about something Greg told me.

He said our codes were based on an entirely
different system than the Russian codes,

so this box
really wouldn't work on them.

The only thing it would really be
good for is spying on Americans.

Sure, with a box like that they
could read the FBl's mail.

Or the CIA's.
Or the White House's.

No wonder they don't want to
share with the other children.

What do you want, Mr. Bishop?

Clear up my record.
Get out of my life.

I don't have much choice, do I?

Not unless you wanna
read about it in Newsweek.

Deal. The box.

MOTHER: Not so fast.

I want a Winnebago.


Fully equipped, big kitchen,
water bed, microwave.

This is not
a car dealership, pal.

He wants a Winnebago.

All right, a Winnebago.

Thank you. Burgundy interior.

Now the box.


I have never taken my wife
to Europe.

I'm sorry to hear it.
Give me the box.

You will buy me two round-trip,
first-class tickets

to Athens, Lisbon,
Madrid and Scotland.

Don't forget Tahiti.

And Tahiti.

Tahiti is not in Europe.

Excuse me.

When you get the box, then you
give us geography lessons.

Until then,
this man goes to Tahiti.

Fine! Tahiti!


The young lady
with the U*i, is she single?

Carl. Excuse us.

This is the brass ring. You
gotta think bigger thoughts.

I just want her
telephone number.


How about a lunch? You
can chaperon. No.

I will not do this.

Hey, Abby, come on.

The FBl'd give him twins. No!

Wait a second.

You can have anything you want, and
you're asking for my phone number?


273-9164. Area code 415.

I'm Carl. I'm Mary.

I'm going to be sick.

ABBOTT: Are we done here?
Not yet. Whistler.

I want peace on earth
and goodwill toward men.

This is ridiculous.

He's serious.

I want peace on earth
and goodwill toward men.

We are the United States government.
We don't do that sort of thing.

You're just gonna have to try.

All right.
I'll see what I can do.

Thank you very much.
That's all I ask.

How about you? What do you want?

Oh, I'm fine.

May I have the box?

You know it doesn't work.
It never did.

That's not important, is it?

What's really important is that
none of this ever happened.

This box doesn't exist.

I never saw it before.

Remember that.


All you did
was say it was broken.

Can't they still just hook it up
and do terrible things with it?


In a surprise announcement,

the Republican National Committee
has revealed it is bankrupt.

A spokesman for the party said they had
plenty of money in their accounts last week,

but today they just don't know
where the money has gone.

But not everybody's
going begging.

Amnesty International, Greenpeace,
and the United n*gro College Fund

announced record earnings this week, due
mostly to large, anonymous donations.
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