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Publish or Perish (2023)

Posted: 08/20/23 12:40
by bunniefuu
(dramatic intro music)

(electric static buzzing)

(ominous music)

[Narrator] Bachelor's

degree, four years.

Masters, two years.

Doctorate, three to

six, with good behavior.

That's the starting point

if you want to be an

English professor.

After all that time spent,

what I really wanted

was the ultimate reward.


(choir music)

Tenure is much more than the joy

of teaching wide eyed students.

Tenure allows you freedom

to pursue any

intellectual endeavor.

Tenure means you never have

to worry about being judged

by self-righteous

douche bags ever again.

But the number one benefit,

once you're tenured,

it's near impossible

to lose your job.

Unless you do something

really f*cking stupid.

(door creaking open)

(door hitting ground)

Lie back down.

Classes don't start

for two weeks.

Lay down.

I have a meeting with the dean,

also meeting some of

my new colleagues.

Lovely. Don't get

into any fights.

No promises.

Whatcha working on?

I'm making a nose ring.



Because I think they're cool.

(sipping drink)


Stop that.

You're gonna hurt yourself.

Why are you wearing a tie?

It's my first day of work.

I wanna make a good impression.

We'll hang out

later tonight. Okay?

I got to run.

(lips kissing )

Bye, Daddy.

I hope you get 10 years.

It's tenure.


I'll see you later, Peanut.

(somber music)

It's not the future

Or death I fear

It's what we've grown

Our past might disappear

Somewhere behind blue skies

Great, black empty eyes

Are watching me

Watching you

As you walk away

As you walk away

(music fades)

No, he doesn't look

anything like my father.

Besides, I don't care

about that, he's charming.

Oh, I'm gonna call you back.

Yeah, I'll call you later. Bye.

Hi, you must be Dr. Bowden.

I'm Emily. Welcome

to Sayles College.

Thank you. It's a pleasure.


The dean will be with

you in just a moment

if you wanna take a seat.


(sanitizer bottle pumping)

(hands rubbing together)

(leather seat softly squeaking)

(electric motors whirring)

(finger pressing switch)

(phone ringing)


Okay. I'll send him right in.


(phone clunking down)

The dean's ready for you

if you wanna head right in.


[Emily] Yep. Enjoy.

[Dean Crawley] Dr. Bowden.

Dean Crawley.

Please, have a seat.

Thank you.

So how can I help you?

Well, I think I'm

ready for my classes.


Are there any guidelines?

Documents for tenure?


The big 'T'.

(laughing) I get it.

And yes, there are.

Emily can email those to you.


I just want to be sure I am

doing all the right things.

Jim, I can call you Jim, yes?

Of course.

You should know. I'm

not a big fan of tenure.

I believe it's an

antiquated concept.

But my position,

it's a tenure track appointment.

Oh, it is.

It is. But my advice?

Don't focus so much on that.

Use your probationary time to,

well, just do good work.


Do I get an ankle bracelet?


It's nothing to worry about.

Probation's a good thing.

Think of it as seven

years to write, research,

it's a gift of time.


You see my issue is

with some professors,

they get tenure and they,

well they stop doing

much of anything.

Hell, some of them barely

teach their classes.

Yeah, I've seen some of

that, but that won't be me.

Oh, of course not.

But it's because of those folks

that you'll face a

fair bit of scrutiny.

Besides, there's no shortage

of English professors.


Oh, do you sh**t?

Me? No.

I've never even fired a g*n.


You play racketball?

No, but it sounds fun.

Uh huh.

So what are you

writing these days?

Actually, I'm writing a novel.



Is that bad?

Oh, of course not.

Anyway, in seven years,

you will submit a dossier.

Documenting your work

from this day forward,

at which time you will

defend your worth.

My worth?

Your worth, Jim.

Are you worthy?


Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse

Five is about?

Time travel.

Come on.

(chilled music)

Seems to me to be

A great many years

Since you disappeared

Is this a fleeting

Momentary meeting

I don't need

Time or reason

All life is illusion

(instrumental building)

(music ending)

(fingers tapping keyboard keys)

f*cking piece of shit.

Print the last f*cking page.

(paper rustling)

(printer printing)

(printer printing)


(paper stack hitting desk)

Are you worthy, Jim?

Doubtful. I can't even

operate a f*cking printer.

Yeah. You might

as well quit now.

Ha, ha. Funny.

(paper rustling)

(paper rustling)

You get all these professors

evaluating other professors,

the knives come out.

You think they'll

ignore all that?

Allison, stop.

You're not the first

English professor

to come up for tenure.

Yeah. Remember Martin?

He came up last

year and was denied.

Martin was a tool.

Everyone hated him.

Yeah. Now he's a barista

paying off his student loans.

One latte at a time.

Can he make pictures

of birds in the foam?

I love it when they do that.

Knowing Martin. Probably

just pictures of himself.

[Allison] Ooh.

My life is in their hands.

Such melodrama.

What are you doing?

What's on your agenda

for today, Allison?

Thanks for asking, sweetheart.

I'm sorry.

What's your day like?

I got a new client.

Hmm. Really.

A sweet boy, Vincent.

Yeah. That's good.

It is.

(paper rustling)

Here for good luck.

(soft music)

(paper rustling)

(softly laughing)

[Jim] Mmm.

(lips kissing)


Uh.. Later?

Always later.

(lips kissing)

(lips kissing air)

Send my love to the committee.

(somber music)

(footsteps walking)

(car alarm disarming)

(door opening)

(door closing)

(engine revving)

(music continues)

(indistinct chattering)

[Amy] Dad.

Hey. Going to class?


You really think they're

gonna read all that?

Hard to say.

And why are you

carrying it around?

I can't leave it in my car.

What if someone steals it?

I can't think of a

safer place than your car.

Oh. You're a college student.

You know you're all a

bunch of cars thieves.


Got a sh**t today?

Yes. We are sh**ting

a scene from my film.

We? You mean you and Alex?


and other students from class.

You going to be parading

around naked again?


I'm not acting this time.

I'm DP.

And that was

allegorical imagery.

I see.

And here I thought it

was gratuitous nudity.

Dad, it's not a big deal.

Maybe not to you.

That was three therapy

sessions for me.

Could be worse.

[Alex] Hey, Amy.

Here comes the pornographer now.



Hi, Dr. 'Bo-den'.

It's 'Bowden' Alex.

Hi... now this is where I part.

I'll see you later.

I'll be late.

See you, Dad.

Be safe.

I don't think your dad likes me.

He doesn't.


Think you might wanna

help me carry any of this.


(soft music)

(phone ringing)

Jim Bowden.

[Emily] Dr. Bowden.

It's Emily, from

the Dean's office.

Hi Emily.

[Emily] The committee is

meeting today at nine thirty

and they still have not

received your materials.

Uh huh, I have them

all right here.

My class ends at nine thirty.

I'll see about ending a

little early to drop them off.

[Emily] Well, the

dean won't like that.

What? Ending class early or

arriving after nine thirty?

[Emily] Both.

I'll get there as soon as I can.

[Emily] Okay. See ya.

[Mia] Professor.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

You can't just

walk in like that.

Sorry. I was hoping to

catch you before class.

Class is starting now.

I know the paper is due today

and I was hoping to

get an extension.

What's your name again?


Mia Pierce.

Okay. Mia Pierce.

Deadlines are deadlines?

We all have them.

I just need one day.

It wouldn't be fair

to the students

who hand theirs in on time.

Isn't there anything

that I can do?


This is really heavy.

(door opening)

I'm standing right here.

Get over yourself.

[Jim Bowden] Good morning.



(folder landing on lectern)

Why are you being like this?

Being like what?

Like this.

(clock ticking)

- That's it for today.

- (folder snapping shut)

Please leave your papers if

you have not yet uploaded them.

Dr. Bowden, do you have

time for a one on one chat?

Sorry, I'm in a rush.

Email me or

(papers rustling) something.

(footsteps marching)

(car alarm disarming)

(car door opening)

(car door closing)

(car door opening)

(heavy breathing)

(door closing) (keys jangling)

(engine starting)

(music blaring)

(music stopping)

(tires screeching)

(body hitting car) (groaning)

What the f*ck was that?

(engine revving)

(tires bumping over body)


What the f*ck was that?

(gear shifter shifting)

(handbrake wrenching)

(door opening)

Oh, God.


No, no.


(ominous music building)

Oh, f*ck me!

Oh, not now.

Derek, please wake up.

I haven't got time for this.

Someone, please help!

(phone beeping)

(phone ringing)

Dean Crawley. I'm on my

way to you right now.

[Dean Crawley] What is your ETA?

I'll be there in

about 10 minutes.

[Dean Crawley] The

committee is here.


Yeah. Okay.

I'll see you soon.

(ominous music building)

(trunk door opening)

(body dragging on floor)

(Jim groaning)

Get... up...

(Jim groaning) Oh, f*ck.

(door opening)

(heavy breathing)

(Jim groaning) (heavy breathing)

(heavier groaning)


(ominous music continues)

(door closing)

Hang in there, Derek.

I'm gonna get you

to the hospital.

(trunk closing)

Just one quick stop.

(engine revving)

(Derek groaning)

What were you doing behind me.



He'll be okay.

(tires skidding)

(door opening/closing)

(door opening/closing)

(hands lifting box)

(Jim groaning)

(footsteps running)

Hold that.

Hold that please.

Here it is.

Erm, you can take this

right up to the eighth

floor conference room.

Can I just leave it here?

I'm sort of in a hurry.

Mm. I can't leave my desk.

So unfortunately, no.



(heavy breathing)

(button clicking)

(elevator beeping)

(door sliding open)

Hi, can you push eight for me?

(feet scurrying)


[Elevator Speaker] Second floor.

Third floor.


(elevator beeping)

(doors sliding open)

They sent a fax.

Can you believe that?

(laughing) What's a fax?


Hold the door, Maggie's coming.

[Maggie] Oh, thanks.

Oh, damn it.

I meant to push six, I'm sorry.

- (laughing)

- It's OK.

(door sliding closed)

[Elevator Speaker] Fourth floor.

(doors sliding open)

Excuse me.

(footsteps walking away)

(doors sliding closed)

[Elevator Speaker] Fifth floor.

(doors sliding open)

(doors sliding closed)

Sixth floor.

(doors sliding open)

Have a good day.

(heavy breathing)

Hang in there, Derek.

(doors sliding closed)

(elevator sounds)

[Elevator Speaker] Eighth floor.

(doors sliding open)

(footsteps running)

(dramatic music)

(door opening)

I am so sorry for the delay.

(box landing on table)

I just got out of class.

Here it is.

Do you know the

meaning of a deadline?

I most certainly do.

And today is the deadline.

Actually, it was yesterday

and we gave you an extension

for today at 9:30 AM.

It's 9:45.

I understand, but my

class didn't end until 9:30.

I ran over... here...

as quick as I could.

It's fine.

But we have to get started

with the review, so...

Oh, okay.


Any idea when I'll hear?

It'll be a few months.


Of course.


Months. (Laughing)

Jim, we understand how

distressing this can be.

But please know we do

not take this lightly.

Now, if you will

excuse us.

Of course.


I appreciate all

that you're doing

for all of us at the college.

The students, the faculty.

I'll leave you to it.

(Nervously laughing)

(door opening)



(dramatic music)

(heavy breathing)

(footsteps running)

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

(car door opening/closing)

(engine revving)

(tires screeching)

(trunk door opening)


Oh, God.

(heavy breathing)

f*ck me!!

Why today, of all days?

I don't deserve this!

I'm a published

f*cking novelist! Ow!

(fist punching brick wall)



(trunk door closing)

(door closing)

(ominous music)

I just k*lled a person.

I k*lled, Derek.

I'm a m*rder*r.

(torch tapping on glass)

You can't park here.

(electric window going down)

You can't park here.

I just dropped off

my tenure dossier.

I don't know what that means.

Move your vehicle.


(electric window going up)

(ominous music)

(car turn signal clicking)

What, you have to

think about it?


What's the point?

You're dead.

Are you sure?

Yes... I'm pretty sure.

So, you're not even

going to try to save me?

It's too late.

I'm sorry.

What a d*ck.

You have no idea

what sort of pressure

I've been going through.

(engine revving)

(quiet dramatic music)

(door opening) (keys jangling)

(door closing)

(car alarm activating/beeping)

(footsteps running)

Ah, shit.

(shovels clanging together)

(shovels clanging together)

Dr. Bowden?



It's Alex.

Yes, I know who you are, Alex.

Buying a shovel?

Yes, I am.

A little gardening.


It's weird seeing you

at a hardware store.

Why is that?

I don't know. I guess

I just didn't expect it.

Uhh. I'm buying these light

bulbs for the sh**t.

You know, they say these

LED ones last a lot longer

than these halogen ones,

but I don't know.

They seem to die just as

quick as the other ones.

These LED ones do

cost a lot more,

but they don't get as hot.

So, which ones do you use?

I think the LED ones.

Should have known. (Laughing)

Well, I should...

Oh yeah, yeah.

No. Yeah.

I got to get these

back to Amy anyway.


(footsteps stumbling) see ya.

(shovels clanging together)

(shovel landing on countertop)

- (scanner beeping)

- $33.51.

You know what, let me pay cash.

[Cashier] Whatever.

This is a nice shovel.

It's a fiberglass handle.

It's basically indestructible.

It's a good price too.

I'll cherish it.

(metal clanging)

(change jingling/rustling)

Can I get a bag?

It's a shovel.

Have a nice day.

(footsteps marching)

(ominous music)

f*cking, Alex.

[Lisa] You are such a good boy.

Yes, you are, Vincent.

You are such a good boy.

(baby talk)

He is good.

Most dogs don't sit

still for this long.

Yes. He is a special

boy, aren't you?

You are so special and so smart.

(lips kissing) Mm, yes you are.


I would've thought your studio

space would've been bigger.

I make do.

Oh, no. I love what

you've done with it.

Yeah, it's great.

You know I'm a

realtor, don't you?

I didn't.

Well, I am.

And a new listing just

came on the market.

Lots more light.

This is a rental, right?


Have you ever

thought about owning?

We have, but we're

waiting to see what happens

with my husband's tenure.

[Lisa] Oh, he's a professor?

- He is.

- Oh.

English literature.

That is so nice for him.

A lot of my clients work there.

So many pretty college

girls romping around.

I'm sure he loves it there.

My daughter goes

there... for her education,

not to romp around.

Oh, no, no. I didn't

mean anything by it.

I just meant it's so nice

to have all those

young people in town.

And it's co-ed.

There are boys there too.

[Lisa] Yes, I know.

I think I got what I needed.

(ominous music)

(ominous music building)

(engine running)

(tires rolling on snow)

(engine turning off)

[Jim] Oh.

Oh God.

Oh God.

(birds chirping)


Oh God.

(feet dragging on ground)

(heavy breathing)

Job security.

Academic freedom.

A life of the mind.

Oh, f*ck he's heavy.

(heavy breathing)


You know,

this is called

involuntary manslaughter.

Looking at 12 years minimum.

10, for good behavior.

I've worked too hard

to forfeit my career.

My family.

Your family.

What about my family?

What about my life?

You're such a c**t.

(shovel hitting hard ground)

Ahhh! Mother fucker!

(shovel slicing through ground)

(soil dropping on ground)

(shovel digging into soil)

(dirt falling to the ground)

(shovel hitting hard ground)

(shovel handle snapping)



(heavy breathing)


(handle hitting ground)


(shovel digging into soil)

(soil landing on ground)


(shovel hitting ground)


(body dragging on soil)


(body falling onto ground)


(heavy breathing)

(metal shovel dinging on ground)

(shovel digging soil)

(soil landing on body)

(rucksack landing in grave)

(shovel scraping up soil)

(shovel dropping in grave)


I am truly sorry.

You didn't deserve this.

Even if you were

kind of irritating.

(footsteps walking/rustling)

(heavy breathing)


(foot dragging on snow)

(heavy breathing)

Oh f*ck.

(shovel landing in trunk)

(trunk door closing)

(door opening/closing)

(ominous music)

[Store Announcer] Attention

Last Chance shoppers.

Today is senior Tuesday.

That means 50% off

all pink, white, blue

and yellow ticketed items

for anyone 55 and older.

So tell your friends,


or anyone who's

like... you know, old.

Thank you for shopping at

Last Chance donation center.

Where the customer is

always our first priority.

(trash bag rustling)

(door opening)

(ominous music building)

(door closing)

[Allison] Congratulations.

For what?

For handing in your dossier.


What are you, a secret agent?

[Allison] That's

what they call it.

Of course they do.

(Jim gulping drink)

(gulping continuing)

(heavy sigh)

Well, you can relax now.

It's out of your hands.

Man, you're ripe.

Uhh... yeah.

(water running)

(Jim gulping drink)

(heavy sigh)

Where did you get that shirt?

Oh, this?

I borrowed it.

I spilled coffee all over mine.

I'm going to take a shower.


From who, Jimmy Buffet?

I think dad is high.

He's freaking out about tenure.

[Amy] You should tell him

about that house

you want to buy.

[Allison] I'm just looking.

[Amy] Sure. Who would

want to leave this palace?

(ominous music)

(door closing)

(sighing) (deep breathing)

(ominous music)

(water running)

(feet slipping /

body hitting floor)

[Jim] f*ck!!

Maybe he is high.

(car engine revving)

(car engine turning off)

(handbrake wrenching)

(socket wrench ratcheting)

[Jim] Hi.

Do you work here?

Uh... what do you think?

Uh yeah. I'm looking for

some wheels for my car.

That car?

[Jim] Yes.

It looks like it

already has wheels.

I just want some

backups, just in case.

Have a look around.

Well, what about those wheels?

- (laughing)

- Those wheels

will not fit your car.

Well, can you help me?

(sighing) (metal clanging)

Any idea where I should look?

Come back when you

found what you want

and we will set it up.

(socket wrench ratcheting)



(light music)



(head hitting car)



(wheel rolling on ground)

(metal clanging)

How much do I owe you?

50 bucks.

(cash rustling)

It's been a pleasure.

Uh huh.

f*cking douche bag.

(finger tapping keyboard key)

(phone ringing)

This is Jim Bowden.

Jim, it's Dean Crawley.

Can you come by my office?

Oh, d*ck, hey.

[Dean Crawley]

It's Dean Crawley.


My name? It's D-Nevermind.

Can you come by my office.


[Dean Crawley] Uh, 11 o'clock.

I'm kind of busy.

Wait, is it about tenure?

[Dean Crawley] What? No.

I got a call from the mother

of one of your students.

Mother. Who's mother?

[Dean Crawley] I'd prefer

to talk about it in person.

(sigh) I hate talking to

mothers. Is she gonna be there?



Good. Nag, nag, nag.

Am I right?

What is wrong with you?

Oh, d*ck.

I really don't

want to go into it.

Look, whatever.

Just come by my

office at 11 o'clock.

Mother, 11 o'clock. Got it.

(phone hanging up)

(door opening)


[Emily] Now beg for

me you dirty bitch.

That's right,

you get in your corner.

You sit there. You think

about what you've done.


[Emily] I think someone's

coming. (Indistinct)

(door opening)

(footsteps walking)

Dr. Bowden?

The dean is just

finishing up a phone call.

Be with you in just a moment.

You can have a

seat, if you want.


[Emily]. Mmm hmm.

I'm early.



(sign sliding on desk)

(sanitizer bottle

falling on desk)

(electric table


(phone ringing)




I think so.



The Dean will see you now.

You can go right in.

(footsteps walking away)

(door opening)

Have a seat.

I received a call from

the mother of Mia Pierce.

Mia. She's in my Tuesday,

Thursday English lit class.

[Dean Crawley] She is.

She wears mini skirts in winter.

Her mother claims

you've been having

a relationship

with her daughter.


No. That is not happening.

She went on to say that when

Mia tried to break it off,

you suggested how that

might impact her grade.

That's a lie.

She cornered me and was

asking for an extension.

I told her no.

So you're not having

a relationship with her?

Absolutely not.

I really hate these

sort of things, Jim.

Mia has done practically

zero work in my class.

Not to mention she's

a manipulative little

(deep breathing)

Dean Crawley, I'm a married man.


The tenure committee found this

mixed in with your materials.

My wife gave that to me.

Between the Pierce

accusation and that

(laughing) you've put me

in an uncomfortable position.

Oh, you're uncomfortable?

Well, I'm furious!

Call my wife!

She'll tell you she drew that.

I'd like to hang on to that.

Okay. Emily has a copy I'm sure.

Emily knows about this?

It's her job to know everything.

She sure has a lot

of responsibilities.

Does the tenure committee

know about Mia's accusation?

I'm not at liberty to say.

You don't believe it, do you?

It doesn't matter what

I believe. It looks bad.


There's a lot of

that going around.

What do you mean?

Things looking bad.

I mean, what you do with

your staff is your business.

I'm not one to judge.

If you have something

to say, say it.

I'm just saying, maybe

we can back each other up.

Mia accuses me...

You and Emily.

All right.

This meeting's over.

I'm just saying maybe

we can be allies

when perceptions

are misconstrued.

Leave - d*ck.

Think this through. Your

wife doesn't need to know.

Get out.

All right. I'm going.

Mia's lying.

(door opening)

(footsteps marching)

My wife drew that picture.

We also have a healthy sex life.

(door opening hard)

[Allison] Oh my gosh.

[Lisa] Yeah.

[Allison] Wow.

(soft music)

[Lisa] Here we go.

[Allison] Thank you.

[Lisa] You're welcome.


Look at this.

[Lisa] Yeah.


I'd like to have my

husband come see it.

Oh, of course.

All this woodwork is original.

[Allison] Is it?

- Yes. Isn't that amazing?

- It is.

They don't make them

like this anymore.


I really didn't imagine

it'd be this nice.

Well, give him a call.

Have him come take a look.

[Allison] I'll see if he's free.

(phone ringing)


[Allison] I found it.

Found what?

Our new home.

[Jim] What?

It's perfect. Open, bright.

Lots of space. I want

you to come see it.

My career is over, Allison.

[Allison] What?

The dean.

He said a student accused

me of some misconduct,

which is not true.

But then I said some things.

It's probably not

as bad as you think.

No, no,

I made it personal.

I'm a f*cking

idiot. I'm finished.

It's over.

[Allison] Just relax.

Come see this house and

get your mind off it.

We can figure it out together.

House? No, I can't see a house.

I have to talk some

sense into him.

- I got to go.

- Wait. Take a breath.

Jim? (Phone beeping)

(door opening hard)

[Emily] Dr. Bowden, you

can't just barge in here.

You're the dean.

I'm a member of your faculty

who has been falsely accused.

Why are you not backing me up?

You need to leave right now.

I would never get

involved with a student.

Not at this point in my career.

You should be on my side.


I'm sorry about my

insinuations, but listen...

No, no, you listen.

Sometimes an institution

is going one way

and a faculty member

is going another.

What the f*ck are

you talking about?

You're either on the

train or you're not.

What train?

I have done everything

expected of me.

I'm a good teacher.

I'm a published novelist.

I even won an award.

Here we go with the book again.

Ah hah... AHHHH!

There it is.

Now I see.

You don't like my book.

This has nothing to

do with your book.

Too many 'fucks'?

Bowden, enough.

What? You know better

than the reviewers.

You're an art critic now?


Are these your photos?

Yes. I took them.

Well, they suck.


All I see are pictures of dirt.

Dirt is worthy of

hanging on your walls,

but years of hard

work and commitment,

that you can dismiss with

one false accusation.

Okay, Emily, call security.

If I had written about

your insipid dirt photos,

would that make me

more 'tenureable'?

The artist reflects

on the human condition

as we will all one day

return to the earth.

Would that have sealed the deal?

This is not over.

Oh, it's over.

What are you doing?

Bowden, that's

mine. Get back here.


Give me back my photo!


f*ck him and his

f*cking dirt photos.

(bodies colliding)

(ominous music)

Ever write a novel?

f*cking assh*le.

[Detective Wilson] Dr. Bowden.


I'm Detective Wilson.


Can we talk?

I've got a class soon.

Oh, it won't take

but a few minutes.


(door opening)

What do you think of this?

I don't have any feelings

one way or another.


It's crap.

Would you hang

this on your wall?

Probably not.

You've got a student

in one of your classes.

A Derek Mahoney.

Erm, yes.


He's my student.

Well, he's been

reported missing.

And the last time he was

seen was in your class.

Missing? That's disconcerting.

Outside of my classes I

don't often see my students.

Well, do you recall

when you saw him last?

A few days ago, maybe?

I don't take attendance.

Okay. Can you tell

me anything about him?

Who his friends are?

He has a girlfriend called Mia.

Mia Pierce.

How do you know

she's his girlfriend?

- I don't know. Body language.

- Together outside of class.

I thought you just said that

you don't see your students

outside of class.

I meant off campus.

I don't see them off campus.

I guess I've seen them

walking around together

on campus here.

You should talk to Mia.

Yeah, we have.

She was the one that told us

that he was in your class.

Well, I can tell you,

he is not committed

to English lit.

A 'C' student at best.

There is nothing here.

It's vacuous. (Softly laughing)

Is that one of your

students' or something?

Would you believe

it's the deans?

He gave it to me hoping

I'd write a critique.

But I gotta say, I'm at a loss.

It's just dirt.


Uh, yeah.

I wish I had something

else for you.

I do hope he's okay.

Well if you see him around

or if you think of anything.

Can you give me a call?

Of course.

(chair sliding on floor)

(door opening)

It's not art.

(pen tapping on note book)

That conniving little bitch.

What's her name?

Mia Pierce.


It's not true, is it?

Seriously, you're

asking me that?

It's just that I

was your student,

granted a grad student.

No, it's not true.

(door creaking open)

f*cking Alex.

Maybe she misinterpreted

something you said.

She wanted an

extension on a paper.

I didn't say anything.

Who does that?

Mia Pierce apparently.

And you drew that picture.

I did.

My career is over.

Apologize. And return

his dirt thingy.

Yeah. There's no point.

I'm f*cked.


What's shaking?

Dad's tenure stressing again.

Oh geez. Do you

wanna go out to eat?

Hey, don't treat me

like I'm a problem child.

I'm being blackballed.

Do you know Mia Pierce?

No. Why?

She's accusing dad

of sexual misconduct.

No one used those words.

Oh, my God. Did you?

Why does everyone

keep asking me that?


[Amy] Well, what

are you gonna do?

We'll probably

have to move again.

Can we move back to New York?

You know, that

could work for me.

What? I thought

you liked it here?

It was always about

your career, not mine.

Yeah. But you agreed

it was a good idea.

At the time.

It turns out taking pictures

of pets is not my end-all.

Everything I am doing, I

am doing for you and for Amy.

(laughing) If you say so.

That's not fair.

I know Mia.


Do tell.


I guess I kind of,

sort of, used to see her.

Oh, and why didn't

I know about this?

I mean, it was before you

and I were even together.

Is she pretty?

Why should that matter?

Sure. I guess.

She's a terrible

person. Wouldn't you say?

I mean, I don't know about that.

But she is a bit

self-absorbed though.

What we need is a lawyer.

So how did you two meet?

At one of your

stupid frat parties?

No, it was an audition.

[Amy] So that's how

your auditions go.

What do you mean?

[Amy] What do you mean?

What sort of lawyer deals

with sexual harassment?

It's not sexual harassment.

It's called conflict

of interest.

And I didn't do that either.

Hey, did Amy tell

you that our film

was going to be screening

at the Sayles film festival?

That's wonderful.

A new one? Or the one

featuring Amy's boobs?

Here we go.

I mean, that's just one shot.

It's hardly the

film's substance.

(laughing) Substance.

I like that film.


Now even more people get

to see our daughters tits.

They are nice tits.

You know, maybe I should

give that film another look.

Okay, now you're

starting to creep me out.

What? I'll be objective.

I will.

I'll fast forward that part.

You can't fast forward.

It's important to the film.

Well, maybe I was

being too harsh.

Boobs and all.

Will you stop saying boobs?

Maybe I can use it in my class

for our module on short fiction.

Wouldn't it need a

story for your class?

Hmm. Good point.

Hey, there's a story.

No, there isn't.

It's a concept at best.


Can you send me the link?

(clicking fingers)

Right on.

(laptop closing)

- I found some numbers.

- I'll call in the morning.

(soft music)

Your eyes shine bright

like a star in the sky.


You... are a strong, powerful,

woman of substance.

And you are a small,

meaningless man.


Oh God.

[Alex] You are a

strong, powerful woman.

[Jim] Jesus.

[Amy] First we are born,

then we are entered

into the system.

Stop. (Music stopping)

(finger tapping keyboard)

(music playing in reverse)

(music stopping)


(camera shutter)


(fingers typing on keys)

(computer mouse clicking)

(fingers typing on keys)


(message sending tone)

(receiving message tone)

(sighing) f*cking Emily.

(fingers typing on keys)

(message sending tone)

(receiving message tone)

I ran him over.

(fingers typing on keys)

(message sending tone)

(receiving message tone)

Adversarial relationship?

f*ck you. (Laptop closing)

(ominous music)

I've been thinking a

lot about commitment.

(echoing footsteps)

Commitment to family, school,

to your employer.

To your fellow human.

To a career.

You're young, hopeful.

Your future awaits.

But at some point soon

you are going to

commit to a path.

And when you get far

enough down that path,

it will be impossible to

choose a different path

because that will

now be who you are.

A doctor,

a lawyer,

a f*cking dean.


Is this gonna be on the test?

You know what?

Never mind.


Go about your day.

(papers rustling)

(rucksacks zipping closed)

(chairs sliding on floor)

(footsteps walking away)

Could I speak to you?

(door latch closing)

You told your mother that we

were having a relationship?

What are you talking about?

And that I was holding

your grade over you.

Why would you do that?

Would it have k*lled you

to give me an extension?

It's just a dumb English class.

Do you understand the

impact of your accusation?

My job and my family.

(breathing deeply)


I'm married.

How do you think that

went over at my house?

Not my problem. Is it?

Wow, you're incorrigible.

I don't know what that means,

but I'm guessing it's not good.

No, it's not good.

(ominous music)

I should have given

you an extension.

You should have.

So what's our next move?

Look, I'll give you

an A in the class.

You don't even

have to come back.

Just tell the truth.

I'll think about it.


(ominous music continues)


(indistinct chattering)

Okay. Okay, yeah.

Yeah, do it.

Do it, do it... do it.

(camera shuttering)

Oh, for f*ck's sake.


Plan B.

(car engine starting) (gasping)

(car door opening)

(footsteps running)

(ominous music)

(door lock beeping)

(door opening)

(door closing)

(door opening)

(ominous music continues)

(chair wheels rolling)

(fingers typing on keyboard)


(fingers typing on keyboard)



Ah hah.


(thumb-drive sliding

into computer)

(ominous music)

(fingers typing

on keyboard keys)

(indistinct muttering)


Dear Amy,

I loved

your film.


(fingers typing on keyboard)

This one.

Keep up

the good


(computer mouse clicking)

(heavy sigh)

Please, forgive me.

(message 'sending' tone)


(incoming message tone)

(computer mouse clicking)

What the actual f*cking f*ck?

(phone ringing)

(phone ringing)

Ah, that was fast.

Hi, honey. What's up?

Dad?, I'm freaking out.

I don't know what to do.

It's, (stuttering)

I'm freaking out.


Amy. Amy, calm down.

I can't understand you.

I got an email

from Dean Crawley.

One of those newsletter things?

Not a newsletter thing.

[Jim] Well, what then?

He said a bunch of creepy shit

and attached a picture of

me topless from Alex's film.

You're f*cking

kidding me. No way.

Yes way.

I don't know what to do.

f*cking Alex.

Alex is not the problem here.


Forward me the email.

I'll handle it.

Well, are you going

to show it to people?

All of a sudden

you're feeling shy?

[Amy] Dad.

Okay. Okay.

Just email it.

I'll be tactful.


- (sighing)

- I promise.

Okay. I'm sending it now.

Will you let me know

what you're going to do?

Well, we're getting a lawyer.

That's what we're going to do.

Okay. Take care.

I'll see you soon. Okay.

Love you.

(ominous music building)

(Echoing footsteps)

(footsteps approaching)

[Mia] Dr. Bowden.

Oh f*ck.

Now what?

Can I talk to you for a minute?

You came to my house?

Are we being photographed?

I don't think so.

I saw your wife leave earlier.

She's pretty.

And a stalker too.


I was thinking about

what you said yesterday.

Uh huh.

I told my mom it was

a misunderstanding.


Thank you.

(metal tools clanging)

I know it was shitty.

But about that 'A'

Did you mean it?


(tool hitting head)

- (body hitting ground)

- Mia.



(car engine running)


A person not able

to be corrected,

improved, or reformed?

Oh, the irony.

All it took to improve

your vocabulary

was hitting you over the

head with a lug-nut wrench.

You're such a loser.

And an insufferable

douche bag to boot.

I never meant for any

of this to happen.

I'm a good guy.

[Derek & Mia] No, you're not.

I bought this here and it

broke the first time I used it.

Bummer. You got a receipt?

(shovel sliding on counter top)

(paper rustling)

Okay. Do you want a new one

or do you want store credit?

I want a new one.

Isle 6.

Maybe get one with a

wooden handle this time.


(shovels clanging together)

(footsteps approaching)

[clerk] Did you find

everything you needed today?

(engine revving)

(ominous music)

(heavy breathing)

(feet dragging through leaves)

(shovel digging into dirt)

(ominous music building)

(body dragging on soil)

(body landing in grave)

[Jim] Oh God.

(footsteps staggering)

[Mia] Are you checking me out?

I am not checking you

out. You're a corpse.

Ew. Even worse.

f*cking relentless.


(footsteps walking away)

(coyotes howl in the distance)

(shovel digging into soil)

(heavy breathing)

(shovel landing in trunk)

(trunk door closing)


f*ck me.

(tires rolling on dirt)

(distant party music playing)

(mittens rustling)

(distant indistinct chatting)

Oh my God. Ho's be

f*cking crazy bro.


(indistinct chatting continues)

('Door open' alarm beeping)

(door closing)

(trunk opening)

(rolling wheel on dirt)

(footsteps scurrying)

(dramatic music)

(wheel rolling on dirt)

(heavy breathing)

[Jim] Two...

(wheel banging on trunk floor)



Last one.



(metal wrench clanging on floor)

(heavy breathing)

(dramatic music continues)

(trunk door closing)

(door opening)

(engine starting)

("I'm So Very f*cked

- David Liban")

I'm so f*cked

Just another byline

I'm so very f*cked

Lost in the moonshine

We are so very f*cked

f*ck me

And f*ck you

(door creaking open/closed)

(Jim gulping)

Oh geez, Jim.

You scared the shit out of me.

(distant dog barking)

What are you doing?

I'm sitting.

In the dark like

some serial m*rder*r.


I spoke to the lawyer today.

Have you ever changed a wheel?


It's a lot harder

than you'd imagine.

The bolts are hard

to take on and off.

Did you not hear me?

I spoke to the lawyer.


She wants to meet with us.


What the f*ck, Jim?


We're gonna need a lawyer.

Yes. I just said, I

spoke to the lawyer.

Mia. She.

She's nothing.

The lawyer was not

concerned about her.

It's gonna be okay.

Pull yourself together.

(door creaking open)

What's going on?

Dad, why are you crying?

Is this about the email?

What email?

He didn't tell you?

Dean Crawley has been

perving out on me

because of Alex's film.

What are you talking about?

He said I was stunning.

Forwarded a picture

of myself, topless.

I don't understand, the dean?

Dad said we would get a lawyer.

Is this what this is all about?

Are you sure it's from Crawley?

Let me see the email.

This is too much.

I'm calling the lawyer.

She needs to hear about this.



It's going to be okay.


I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

I've never seen you like this.

Amy, listen.

I gotta go see what

mom is talking about.


Alex, he's...

Yeah, I know he's

a pornographer.

(ominous music)

(fabric rustling)

[Jim whispers] ...this guy...

(car door opening/closing)

(socket wrench ratcheting)

Going to need some new wheels.

Uh huh.

For my wife's car.



You know, talking to you

is the best part of my day.

(socket wrench ratcheting)

(diploma frame thudding down)

(frame sliding on wall)

(knocking on door)


Can I talk to you for a second?

Sure. Have a seat.

So I heard about the email.

Well now you see that's

exactly the sort of thing

I was worried about.

Yeah and I see that now.

Look, the reason that

shot was in the film

was to show that her

character had this

strong, positive self image.

And it kills me to

think that that guy

is out there w*nk*ng

it, to it right now.

Alex, what do you want?

I just wanted to tell

you that I cut the shot.

I mean, it's gone.

I think it's a little

late, don't you?

I suppose,

but I mean it's not gonna screen

that way from here on out.

Hey, can you do me a favor?

Sure. Yeah.


Mia left that in

class the other day.

Can you return it to her?

Aren't you gonna

see her in class?

No, she hasn't been in class.

I guess she's sick.


Amy's not gonna like it.



Sure. I'm asking too much.


I'll do it.

[Jim] You will?

What a relief.

I am buried in grading here.

No worries.

(rucksack rustling)

Again, I'm so, so sorry.

Thank you, Alex.

That means a lot.

(footsteps walking away)

What is this?

Emily, come in here.

[Emily] Be right there.

Uh huh?

[Dean Crawley] Come on.

[Emily] Oh, okay. I'm coming.

Do you see this?

- (glasses hitting table)

- I do.

Why is it on my computer?

Well, what sites have

you been visiting?

I'm not visiting any sites.

An email was sent

from my account

with this image.

Okay, well you maybe

you were hacked.

Oh, you think?

Do you want me to call IT?

Yes, call someone.

No, you do not get to

speak to me in that tone!

You're right.

I'm sorry. Forgive me.

This is.

You know what?

Apology accepted. Okay.

I'll see what I can do.


[Emily] Minimize it.

The photo?

- [Emily] Yes.

- Okay.

(drill whirring)

(drill whirring faster)

(drill drilling/ratcheting)

(wheel sliding off housings)

(car engine running)

(car engine turning off)

(car door opening/closing)

[Jim] (whispering) f*ck.

[Detective Wilson] Dr. Bowden.

Detective Wilson. Right?

What brings you here?

Well, Derek is still missing

and now Mia Pierce has

also been reported missing.


What is going on?

She was in my class on Thursday.

- Thursday?

- Uh huh.

It's probably nothing,

but her mother seems to think

that it's unusual for

her to not at least call.

I couldn't say.

They're probably on

a little love getaway.

You know, college kids.


I was one myself. (Laughing)


Hey, do you happen to know

an Alex Delmonico?

Yeah, That's my

daughter's boyfriend.

What can you tell me about him?

Well, I can tell you

he's a pornographer.


Yeah. He made an obscene film.

Calls it art.

Sadly, my daughter's in it.

[Detective Wilson] Oh.


It's really a self-indulgent

piece of crap.


Really terrible.

You know, I think

he used to date Mia.

Well, I also heard

that Mia is accusing you

of a conflict of interest.

That's a lie.

In fact, I have a

lawyer dealing with that

as we speak.

So you and Mia are not


Detective, I'm married.

Second marriage, right?


What of it?

Nevermind. I'll be in touch.

(footsteps approaching)

Hi Jim.

Have a seat.

You're in my chair.

Nice picture.

You think?

Looks like dirt to me.

I know it was you.

I was advised not

to speak with you

without my attorney

being present.

Oh, cut the shit.

I know you sent the email.


You think I sent my own

daughter that picture?


you deviant.

Who else would have

reason to send it?

No one except an old pervert

who has a thing for my daughter.

You pretentious, little f*ck.

You think you can blackmail me

to get tenure?

Why would I need

to blackmail you?

I wrote a best selling novel.

(laughing) Best selling.

That book is garbage.

Oh, I suppose it's not dirt.

Full of obscenities

and salacious dreck.

(laughing) Oh,

that's rich coming

from the married guy

who's f*cking his secretary.

Careful, Jim.

My bad. Administrative


What you did is a crime

and just plain ugly.

Your own daughter.

You got it backwards.

The dean of this institution

harassing a student,

my daughter, no less.

You repulsive,

elitist, cock knocker.

(fist hitting face) (groaning)

(body hitting ground) (groaning)

You're finished, Bowden.

Your career is over.

(fist hitting face) (groaning)

Oh, help me.

Someone, please.

(groaning) (heavy breathing)

Oh. Thank God you came.

That's Dean Crawley.

It's not what it looks like.



Hey, that's my photo.

(foot hitting body) (screaming)


[Student 1] Are you

okay, professor?


I'm fine.

Thank you. (Groaning)

Thank you.

Can you believe

that was my boss?


Ugh. Can you do me a favor?

Can you notify campus security?

[Student 2] Absolutely.

No problem.


You should press charges.

[Jim] Good idea.

(door opening)

(soft acoustic music)

Must be the desert

Playing tricks on my mind

- [Professor Holly]

- Also, a prolific writer.

Good journals and

a published book.

You guys started without me?

d*ck, we have to

ask you to leave.

What? Why?

We heard about the situation

with Dr. Bowden.

Oh, that's all under control.

Bowden, it's complicated.

You assaulted him.

Does that sound like

something I would do?

Without good reason.

Until the investigation

is resolved,

you are indefinitely suspended

from your duties as dean.


What were you thinking?

You can't suspend

me. I'm the dean.

(car door opening)

(keys jangling)

(car door closing)

(trunk door opening)


Let me guess, more wheels?

It turns out I didn't

use the second set.

I'd like to return them.


But I didn't even use them.

Can't I just leave them here?

Get them out of my car.

How many?

[Jim] Four.

60 bucks.

What? I paid you 50.

Recycling fee?

15 each.

You're telling me

I need to pay you

to leave them with you?

You can keep them. It

does not matter to me.


(cash rustling)

Where should I put them?

Would you put them

on the north side?

It's really gonna help

improve the feng shui.

This is like a

front page headline.

Crazed dean att*cks professor.


I can't believe he just

came into your office

and started punching you.

I know. Insane, right?

Did he say anything?

He called my book salacious.

Says the perv.

His opinion no longer

matters. He's done.

A beautiful woman has

replaced my little Peanut.

I want you to know

how proud I am of you.

Both of you.

I'm sorry to put you

through all this.

It's not your fault.

This place sucks.

Once this tenure

business is behind us,

things should settle down.

(phone beeping)

What the f*ck?

Now what?


He's at the police station.

What? Why?

Something about


What is it with that girl?

(doorbell ringing)

(door squeaking open)

Good evening. I'm

Detective Wilson.

Is Dr. Bowden available?

Detective? Yeah, just a sec.


(door squeaking closed)

[Allison] Detective Wilson?

Hey, what's this about?

Dr. Bowden, I'm going

to have to ask you

to come down to the station

and answer a few questions.

What happened to your face?

I was assaulted.

By my boss.

Your boss assaulted you?

Yeah. Dean Crawley.

I guess he didn't

appreciate your critique.

I want to press charges.

We can talk about that too.

What's this about?

It's about a

student. Mia Pierce.

You f*cked her.

I knew it.



Why does your head

immediately go there?

Did you f*ck your professors?

Not all of them.

Mrs. Bowden, please.

Mia was just reported missing.

We just have to ask your

husband a few questions.

Maybe check the strip clubs.

(ominous music)

Should I call my lawyer?

I don't know,

should you?

[Officer Tapper] Why were

you at her house yesterday?

I was returning her bag.

Why did you have her bag?

Dr. Bowden asked

me to return it.

She left it in the classroom.

[Officer Tapper] Why didn't

he just give it to her?

He said he was busy.

(plastic bag rustling)

(tool clunking down on table)

[Officer Tapper]

Tell me about this.

Is that blood?

It sure is.

We found this in your

garage at the frat house.

Okay. (Nervously laughing)

I don't know

anything about that.

(knocking on door)

(door opening)

(indistinct whispering)

[Officer Tapper] All right.

(door closing)

(door opening/closing)

(chair dragging on floor)

I want to press charges

against Crawley.


Where's Mia?

How should I know?

Well, word is that she's

having an affair with you.

And as I've said, that's a lie.

You gave Alex her bag to return.

Tell me about that.

Why would I have her bag?

That's the question, isn't it?

That kid is shifty.

Do you know that

he's a pornographer?

You mentioned it.

(papers rustling)

Are these your

daughter's breasts?

[Jim] Oh God.

[Detective Wilson] Is this

the pornography you mentioned?


How does it make

you feel about Alex?

[Jim] Not good.

Would you say you

were angry with him?

Maybe, yes.

But also I saw him with Mia.


And that made you jealous?

No, the kid is cheating

on my daughter.

Why would I be jealous?

Could you please put that away?

Your boss has accused

you of a cyber crime.

He says you hacked his computer

and sent this to your daughter.

I don't know how

to hack anything.

He's harassing her and trying

to place the blame on me.

You think I want that out there?

Tell me about the wheels.

What wheels?

I hit a pothole and I

bent a rim out of shape.

So you replaced all four,

for one damaged wheel.


It turns out I didn't

need the second set.

I brought those back.

We've got two missing people.

An as*ault

and now a cyber crime.

Look at my face.

I'm the victim here.


I'm going through tenure now.

So I guess my behavior's

a little erratic.

Do you know about tenure?

My wife is tenured.

Ah, then you know

what it's like.

What's her field?


Mm, I'm in the humanities.

Scientists have it much easier.

I mean, so long as

they're productive.

I write fiction.

Well, I guess that's it for now.

- I can go?

- Yeah.

I'll be in touch.

(chair sliding on floor)

(feet shuffling)

(door opening)

Oh, Jim.

I liked your book.

It's salacious.

[Officer Tapper] We got

the w*apon, we got the blood.

We know who, we just need

(door closing)

[Alex] I didn't do

it. She was my friend.

I don't even know any Derek.

I'm just a film student.

Dr. Bowden gave me her bag.

He'll tell you.

Just talk to him.

(ominous music)

(Jim whistling)

What you whistling there, Jim?


It's Dean Crawley.

I was at the police

station last night.

They know all about

your transgressions.

(laughing) I don't like you.

I never have.

I knew what kind of person

you were from the get go.

Oh, and what kind

of person is that?

A weasel.

A spineless, little weasel.

I need to get to my office.

You know? You could have

found a new job elsewhere.

(heavy sigh)

My lawyer has advised

me not to speak.

Don't start with

your f*cking lawyer.

I've got a lawyer.

You've got a lawyer.

Everyone's got a lawyer!

Do you know that I am

indefinitely suspended?

Oh no. What a shame.

How could you use your

own daughter like that?

Well, I didn't use my

daughter for any sort.

(Jim choking)

Don't you f*cking dare

deny it.

We both know what you did.

Adversaries, remember?

Yes. That's it.




This is all you're doing.

d*ck, don't.

Don't what?

k*ll you? (Laughing)

You have no value.

My career is over.

Seems like a

reasonable alternative.

But I have a better idea.


It's Dean Crawley!

You insignificant, little f*ck.



To what?


Should I start with

your infatuation

with my daughter.


Okay! I did it.

I did it.

I sent the email.

To your daughter.

Yes, but I did it

FOR my daughter.

You clearly had it out for me.

I had to do something.

Don't you dare put this on me.

You could have

gotten on the train.


Don't start with the f*cking

train metaphor again.

What have you

accomplished lately?

How many books have you written?

I don't write books.

I'm a dean.

I run the entire college.


You go to meetings and

f*ck with everyone's lives.

You're the reason

everyone hates academics.

It's us faculty that do the

job of educating students.

Or f*cking them.


(g*n firing)

(body hitting floor)



I've never shot anyone before.

It's different than

a paper target.

That looks like it hurts.

It really does.

Oh good.

I'm so glad to hear that.

I cannot tell you how many

times I've wanted to do that.

Not just to you,

but to a lot of faculty.

Always wanting something.

Demanding this, demanding that.

I want a raise,

lower teaching load.

I want a bigger office.

For f*ck's sake.

A bunch of whining, maggots.

(foot hitting body) Oh.

(g*n falling onto floor)

(heavy breathing) (groaning)

(heavy breathing) (groaning)

Are you worthy, d*ck?

I can still get you tenure.

I can and I will.

You're lying.


All I have is my career.

My wife, she knows

about the email.

Does she know about

you and Emily?

I have a photo.

Granted not a great one.

(ominous music)

You miserable piece of shit.

(g*n firing)

(heavy breathing)

(body hitting floor)



(phone sliding on floor)

I guess racketball

is out of the question?

(footsteps running)

[Student 3] Professor

Bowden, O-M-G.

Are you like, okay?

Call an ambulance right

away, and the police.

[Student 4] No signal.

Hold tight.

Dr. Bowden?


I've been meaning to

talk to you about my paper.

Maybe you can come

by during office hours?

("Butterfly - Animals In Exile")

Must be the desert

Playing tricks on my mind

Others have tried and failed

To hold you still

Well, neither can I

I'd never try

It wouldn't be right

(music fading)

(knocking on door)

[Professor Park] Jim,

did you get the memo?

[Jim] What memo?

It's official.

You've been tenured.

Unanimous vote.

Are you serious?

I am.

You can pick up your letter

from the provost office.

Congratulations, Jim.

You've earned it.

(soft inspiring music)

Holy shit.

I'm tenured.

(distant police sirens wailing)

(door opening)

(paper rustling)

Hey, what's up?

I heard about tenure.

You did? Tell me.

Let me conference in Amy.

I want your both to hear this.

- (phone ringing)

- Hey Dad.

Hey Peanut. You're

on with me and mom.

Is this about Alex?

I can't believe that my

boyfriend is a m*rder*r.

Thank God he never hurt

you. We're so lucky.

Listen, I've got some news.

He seemed like a normal kid.

A normal sociopath.

Ladies, I've got

something to tell you.


I am officially tenured

with promotion to

associate professor.

You got it.


I'm really so

happy for you, dad.

But I hate it here.

I'm transferring.


Well, sure honey, we

can talk about that.

But this is a really good thing

for all of us.

It is.

I'm so glad for you.

Well, thank you.

I'm just so glad it

finally happened.

After all these years,

how do you feel?

Like the weight of the world

has been lifted

from my shoulders.


Listen, if that house

is still available.

(tires screeching)

(car striking body)




(instrumental music)


Whoops. (Laughing)

(door slamming on floor)

(choir music)

(bright music)

The Dr. James Bowden

memorial bench.

Right here in the

middle of campus.

Ain't that special.


Not seeing a Richard Crawley

memorial bench anywhere.



Your legacy.

A salacious book

(laughing) and a f*cking bench.


Well, at least I got tenure.

f*cking assh*le.


("I Can Fly - Animals In Exile)

Dreams are pensive


Golden light flickering

Off their wings

Sparkling in our eyes

They fly higher and higher

Did I climb to high

I can fly when I'm

inside with no one but me

I can fly, I can fly

No one can see

I can fly when I'm

inside with no one but me

I can fly, I can fly

No one can see

(instrumental continues)

Dreams can all die on a vine

Say so

Sorry's enough

You know

If you mean it,

mean it enough

They fly higher and higher

Did I climb too high

I can fly when I'm

inside with no one but me

I can fly, I can fly

No one can see

I can follow her inside

No one but me

I can fly, I can fly

No one can see

I can fly, I can fly

I can fly, I can fly

I can fly, I can fly

I can fly, I can fly

(music fading)