05x01 - Big Convoy, Move Out!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x01 - Big Convoy, Move Out!

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here, as long as life endures,

Dream of love, I'll continue to protect you...

...for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars

Produced by Ashi Production

Somewhere in the universe,

...even today, the Cybertrons' battle for freedom and peace is taking place.


You came alone?!

I've hated grouping up with others since the olden days.

"The One-Man Army."

The lengendary warrior...

...Big Convoy!



Incoming orders from Vector Sigma.

Big Convoy, present yourself at the Cybertron camp.

Present yourself at the Cybertron camp.

Those meddlesome guys.

This is the Cybertron camp.

It's a secret base where hard working Cybertrons from various areas in the universe, gather together to replenish.

It's quite rude the way you called me in, don't you think?

Big Convoy, we have a new assignment for you.

We want you to be a trainer for some fresh recruits.

My job isn't to train.

It's also out of my character to teach others.

Hold on. We aren't the ones requesting this.

Planet Seibertron's God Computer, Vector Sigma, was the one who has chosen you.

Vector Sigma did?

GUNG-HO The Gung-Ho spaceship, which has been prepared in the hanger for training purposes,

...already has five new recruits gathered together, who have completed scanning their beast abilities.


I'm Break!

My appearance is a penguin, but my spirit is ecstatically on fire!


Hey, you, the frightened guy, what do they call you?

Y-Y-You mean, me?


I'm Stampy. I wasn't actually frightened.

It's just, I'm a tad shy...


I'm Colada.

Just so you know, I'm sick and tired of acting like we're supposed to be close pals.

I don't wanna be playing along with guys like you.


Do whatever you want.

But you'd better watch that mouth of yours.

What didja say to me?!

Hang on!


We are going to be in a loooong-term relationship,

...so let's just get along.

By the way, do you guys know who our instructor will be?

No idea.

Why don't we test him to see if he's worthy to be our instructor or not?

We're gonna set him up? That sounds like fun.

Is it really OK to do that?

We'll just test his raw power out a little bit!

We shouldn't be doing that!

But, what are ya gonna do if he ends up being an incompetent instructor?

I guess we'll need to confirm that.

Now I'm getting excited!

Everyone is late on the first day?


You must be the instructor? We're the new recruits!

Pardon us for testing your true abilities, Instructor!

OK, Stampy, we're good to lift it now!

Y-Yes, sir!

Why don't you test your true abilities now?

W-W-Why, YOU!

You're going to fire that inside the Bridge?

Don't tell me something I already know!

Guys, let's do this!

Is that it?


I-I'm sorry about that.

I appreciate your welcoming, gentlemen.

However, that's enough playing around.

Y-Yes, we understand, Instructor!

Addressing me as Big Convoy is fine.

He's never grouped up with anybody else...

He's been leading every b*ttlefield to victory, even when it was said to be impossible to win...

"The One-Man Army."

The legendary warrior, Big Convoy!

It looks like this training will be fun!

Open gate!

Big Convoy, spaceship, GO!

At last, an instructional voyage on the training spaceship, Gung-Ho, has begun.

The decision had been made, that the training would be implemented on the planet Gaia, which lies in the galaxy's remote region.

Big Convoy explained that Lio Convoy's unit had gone missing on this planet,

...and an enormous expl*si*n had been observed.

Our mission is to investigate the event that happened on the planet Gaia.

Doesn't that mean this the real deal, and not training?!

There's no better training than a real battle!

Gawd... give me a break.

He tells us we're gonna be in a real battle right off the bat...

We're sure getting a taste of the tough things to come.

Let's do our best!

This means we're being counted on!

It is also dangerous to get too worked up.

All of you, take your positions!

Yes, sir!

Navigation momentum - warp speed!

Destination: Planet Gaia!

Ready for warp!

Target set for Planet Gaia!

Take off!

Return to your seat!


NAVI, analyze the situation!

We have arrived at the outer space near planet Gaia.

However, I don't think the asteroid belt was here before.

From this point on, this is a b*ttlefield.

Don't think of this as training.

Act as if it's a real battle at any time!

I will remain in Gung-Ho and take command.

Longrack, I appoint you to be the lieutenant!

Take command on the ground!

Yes, sir!

OK. Everyone, let's move! Follow me!

Why is he being made the lieutenant?

Follow Longrack's lead on the ground!

Yeah, yeah, sir.

Open gate!

Preparing for catapult.

All members' ejection preparations are complete - Eject!

This feeling of tension, I love it!

This is no time to be playing around!

Yeah, yeah, sir.

But we haven't reached the ground yet!

Help me!

NAVI, keep an eye on them.

Yes, sir!

On the planet Gaia, there were some suspicious figures who have been waiting for the Cybertrons.

So they did come.

Crush every last one of them.

Roger, Magmatron-sama!





TAIL sh**t!

Wh-What's that?!

This is too much for just training!

What should we do, Longrack?

I don't know! Each of you, think for yourselves!

Where... Where did everyone go?


What?! What?! Where did everyone go?!

Looks like I caught myself a cute little rabbit.

Help me!

Should I take a bite, starting with his head?

Sling, you better watch what you do.

He's our precious hostage after all.

Those Cybertrons, we will annihilate all of them!

It's the Seagull! We're saved!

Hey! We're over here!

Don't follow me! Stop!

Don't run away!

Those who run away leaving their comrades behind, will be taken down by ME!

Big Convoy, long time no see.

G-Guys, sorry!

So, you're alive, Magmatron.

Release my cadet.

How pathetic... a lone wolf who is now a trainer for new recruits.

What did you say?! Take this!

Stop! Follow Longrack's lead when you're on the ground.

The Destrons' comrades are hiding in the grass field.

We won't be able to defeat them unless all of us go at them!

All of us don't need to be sacrificed for just one, don't ya think?

There's no choice!

30 seconds... If it's only for 30 seconds, I'll be able to stop the time where they are.

Charge! Save Stampy!

Now you're talking!

No choice then!

What, I have to run again?

I'm gonna take out every last one of them!


There's no time! There's no time!

It was sooner than I had planned!

What? What just happened?

Was it a magic? Did they use magic?

Damn! They're better than I expected!

I won't let you escape!

Heinrad, duck!


Did you see the power of my Magma Rocket?!

It's payback time for the battle at the fortress!

Too bad.




DNAVI, teleport us now!


Don't forget about me!


Just what exactly happened?

Don't you get it?! It's because you were a coward and put everybody in trouble!

I'm sorry!

At the very moment of being att*cked, everybody was being cowardly.

It's natural to be scared about dying.

One for all. All for one.

One individual for everyone's sake.

Everyone for one individual's sake.

Don't forget that.

I ended up saying something that was pointless.

What's this? Somebody is sending me a Cybertron signal.

Following the Matrix's lead to the signal,

...Big Convoy and the others have located a black box, which is a recording device for a spaceship.

Other than it's almost out of energy, there's no problem with it.

Lio Convoy...

We fought to keep Galvatron from misusing the Angolmois energy.

However, Galvatron used the artificial planet Nemesis,

...to collect the Angolmois energy.

We managed to successfully destroy the artificial planet Nemesis.

However, the Angolmois energy in capsules scattered into space along with the expl*si*n of the Nemesis.

The Angolmois is an unknown energy that could have the power to destroy the universe.

Collect all the capsules using the power of the Cybertron team.

We're going to search the galaxy for those scattered Angolmois capsules, and bring them back!

Yes, sir!


Just how the heck did things end up like this when you were right there?!

For heaven's sake you're all a bunch of klutzes!

The Cybertrons have already warped away!

Big Convoy...

The Angolmois capsules belong to us, Destrons!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Hey, it's me Colada...

I, the nihilist, will be the first to reap the rewards in this show!

I'm Longrack. I'm kind of like a class president for our unit.

I won't allow you to do that over my head!

Shut it! I'm going on ahead!

How selfish, considering you didn't even do the next episode's preview!

You can do that!

Good grief.

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 2 is, Chase the Mysterious Capsule

Wait, Colada!
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