02x06 - Megatron Resurrected

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
Post Reply

02x06 - Megatron Resurrected

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers Energon ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

- [Inferno] For the

past few months,

everyone under Optimus

Prime's command

has been on edge

because our bases had been

att*cked by Terrorcons.

They were after our Energon.

The Terrorcons would swoop down,

steal as much

Energon as they could

then disappear.

My job was to be a first

line of defense against them.

My name is Inferno.

And I'm stationed at an outpost

and we just had word we

are about to be att*cked.

But this time, we were ready.

(air explodes)

(drone engines roaring)


(machines rumbling)

Open fire!


(lasers whizzing)

(robots exploding)

Keep on 'em and keep

'em from touching down!

(lasers whirring)

(drones detonating)

- [Alpha Q] What is the

status on our enemy?

- [Alpha Q ] Our enemy?

Which one do you mean?

- [Alpha Q ] Which enemy?

Ohhh, that's rich! (chuckling)

That's rich!

But you have to admit, it

is a good question. (laughs)

- [Jetfire] That's it,

you wimps with wings,

give me your best shot!

Uh oh, come on!

You can do better

than that! (laughs)

They're all yours, boys!

(lasers whizzing)

(drones exploding)

- [Alpha Q ] Hmm.

They appear to have improved

their defensive capabilities.

- [Alpha Q] Wasn't

this to be easy?

- [Alpha Q ] Not when they have

so much a*tillery it's not!

(triumphantly trumpeting music)

- [Ironhide] I just gotta keep

one step ahead of these freaks.

(ground rumbling)

(jubilant trumpeting music)

(car revving)


(electricity wave pulsing)

That's right. Keep a-comin'.

Let's get this party started.

Come and get me!

Little more.

Right this way, boys!

(earth rumbles)

- [Alpha Q] Our enemies

are stopping our quest

for the Energon at every turn!

- [Alpha Q ] But what

can we do about it?

(Ironhide laughs)

- [Ironhide] That was fun!

- [Alpha Q] How dare

they get in the way.

- [Alpha Q ] And those

that do must be eliminated.

- [Alpha Q ] Yes!

- [Alpha Qs] : Eliminate them!

(water roaring)

(insects chirruping)

(rocketing whistle)

- [Kicker] Oh man Mika!

That is...

that is totally incredible!

- [Misha] What is, Kicker?

- [Kicker] You know,

that idea you had.

Using Energon

instead of batteries

to power our weapons.

- [Misha] Well, to

be perfectly honest,

that really wasn't my intention.

I was actually

researching the use

of Energon for peaceful

purposes when it happened.

- [Kicker] Aww, come on.

Gimme a break, would ya?

Our weapons are used

for peaceful purposes.

They protect us from

those Terrorcons

who are trying to steal

the Energon away from us.

(Misha gasps)

- [Kicker] My dad was

working on it too.

But I guess you beat

him to the punch, huh?

He wanted to power

every city with Energon

because it was safe and clean.

- [Misha] I learned

everything I know

from your father, Kicker.

He's kind of like my mentor.

- [Kicker] Huh?

- [Misha] Dr. Jones

is the most brilliant

research scientist I know, and

you should be proud of him.

He told me once that he'd

never develop Energon

unless it was for

peaceful purposes.

- [Kicker] Ah come on!

Give me a break.

- [Misha] What...

what is it, Kicker? (gasps)

- [Kicker] I can

sense them coming.

(Cyclonus maniacally laughing)

(Cyclonus whooping)

(alarm blaring)

- [Kicker] 'Kay, Mika!

I'm counting on you!

- [Misha] Right.

And you just be careful

out there, Kicker.

- [Kicker] Yeah, sure.

- [Misha] I'm serious.

You know how much

I worry about you.

- [Kicker] (gasps) Aw, gee.

I didn't think

you really cared--

(expl*si*n rumbles)

Reality check, Kicker.

We've got company.

(laser blasts exploding)

- [Optimus Prime] Transform!

(electricity wave pulsing)

(Optimus yells)

(exciting trumpet music)

(machines rumbling)

- Launch Fire- !

Launch Copter- !

Launch Submarine- !

Launch Digger- !

Skyblast, we're under

attack! I need you, stat!

- [Skyblast] Can't Optimus

see I'm a little busy?

(Misha gasping)

- [Tech ] Hey!

Where've you been?

- [Tech ] Hot date?

- [Misha] Open all

a*tillery bays.

- [Tech ] Can't.

Skyblast and Strongarm

are still outside

working on 'em.

- [Misha] Well, we don't

have time to wait, guys.

Open up bays!

Start firing!

(lasers blasting)

(explosions rumbling)

(helicopter whirring)

(computer beeping)

- [Omnicon A] Okay, we're done.

Now let's get outta here.

- [Omnicon B] Right behind ya.

(electric wave pulse)

- [Tech ] Secondary

weapons ready

to fire as soon as Energon

levels are maxed out.

(lasers blasting)

(Optimus Prime grunting)

- [Optimus Prime]

Optimus Prime, Powerlink!

Fire- , combine!

Copter- , combine!

Digger- , combine!

Submarine- !

Optimus Prime, super mode!

You've gone far enough, droids.

- [Omnicon C] Hurry up, Kicker!

The gate's about to open!

- [Kicker] Do we have

enough Energon power yet?

- [Omnicon C] Huh?

- [Kicker] Nevermind.

You cover me.

(lasers rapid fire)

(Optimus Prime grunts)

(aircraft churring)

- [Kicker] Optimus,

I'm right behind you!

And don't worry, I got this one!

(cat scream)

- [Optimus Prime]

Good job, Kicker.

- [Kicker] Hey, it's just

doing my job, boss! (yells)

- [Optimus Prime] That

kid. Huh? (grunts)


I wonder why Kicker left me here

alone to defend myself.

- [Kicker] (cheering)

All right, doggy!

Sniff that Energon out for me!

- [Omnicon C] Huh?

What the heck's goin' on here?

(drill reverberating)

- [Skyblast] Huh?

- [Kicker] Quit drilling, guys,

and let the Terrorcon

find the Energon for us!

- [Strongarm] Well, I'll be.

Why didn't I think of that?


Nice Terrorcon.

Wow, this makes my job

a whole lot easier.

- [Kicker] Good news, guys!

We've struck Energon!

- [Tech ] Good work, Kicker.

All systems are go!

- [Misha] Secondary

w*apon bay set.

- [Scorponok] It

seems like our friends

down there are having

a little energy crisis.

- [Tidal Wave] We will win.

- [Scorponok] Tidal Wave,

it's time to attack.

- [Cyclonus] Good aim!

- [Scorponok] What's

wrong, Cyclonus?

- [Cyclonus] (yelling)

I'm getting outta here!

- [Scorponok] So

what's his problem?


Huh, it's an ambush!

- [Tidal Wave] Uh oh.

We're in trouble.

- [Misha] Commence firing!

(lasers blasting)

- [Tech ] Hey look, you guys.

They're retreating!

- (Techs cheering)

Yeah! All right!

(Techs laughing)

(electronic whizzing)

- [Ironhide] Transform!

(electric wave pulsing)

- [Inferno] Transform!

- [Ironhide] So

where's the bad guys?

- [Kicker] Just

missed 'em, buddy.

- [Ironhide] Aw, come on!

You're kidding

me, right, Kicker?

- [Kicker] Hey, with me around?

You guys got nothing

to worry about!

- [Alpha Q ] How

dare you two failures

come back to me empty-handed!

- [Scorponok] Forgive

us for failing, Alpha Q.

- [Alpha Q ] I

grow tired of this.

- [Alpha Q] And tired of you!

- [Scorponok] We were

ambushed, your excellency.

- [Alpha Q ] We don't

have enough Energon--

- [Alpha Q] to revive Megatron!

- [Alpha Qs] : You are pathetic!

- [Alpha Q ] We need

even more for Unicron.

- [Alpha Q ] And at

the rate you're going,

we'll never have enough Energon

to keep the lights on in here!

- [Alpha Q] And why is that?

- [Alpha Q ] Your

constant failures

are getting annoying, Scorponok.

- [Alpha Q ] You are

expendable, you know.

(ground thumping)

- [Cyclonus] Megatron-sir?

Unfortunately, we failed again

to capture any Energon for you.

- [Tidal Wave] Our

deepest apologies, sir.

But we were ambushed.

- [Cyclonus] Yeah,

that's it! Ambushed!

Aw, forget it, Tidal Wave!

We're never gonna bring

Megatron back to life.

- [Megatron] Don't do that.

(Cyclonus gasps)

- [Tidal Wave] I

believe Megatron said,

"Don't do that."

- [Cyclonus] I heard what

he said, you blockhead.

It's just that I never

expected him to react!

Gee, why do I get stuck

with such a numbskull?

- [Tidal Wave] In me?

- [Cyclonus] So why are you

sticking up for Megatron?

Hey, he used to always

treat us like dirt.

(grumbling) As a matter of fact,

I like him in this state a

whole lot better! (harrumphing)

- [Megatron] What

did you just say?

- [Cyclonus] (gasping) I

think I'm in big trouble!

- [Scorponok] You moron.

Quit fooling around!

- [Cyclonus] Uh, Tidal

Wave did it, sir.

- [Scorponok]

Don't give me that.

- [Cyclonus] So what are

you doing here, Scorponok?

- [Scorponok] I've

come to rectify

a little problem

we've been having.

- [Cyclonus] A problem?

- [Scorponok] It seems someone

has been using up

all our Energon.

- [Cyclonus] You mean?

- [Tidal Wave] Megatron?

- [Scorponok] Hmm...

(computer trills)

- [Alpha Q ] We have

no use for the greedy.

- [Alpha Q] They

hog our Energon.

- [Alpha Q ] We

must eliminate them.

- [Alpha Qs] We

must eliminate them!

(Tidal Wave cries)

- [Cyclonus] What are

you doing? (whimpering)

- [Scorponok] Those

who steal Energon

from us must be terminated.

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal

Wave... Tidal Wave...

- [Scorponok] Hmm? What--

what was that?

What's that sound?

(ominous piano tune)

(electric buzzing)

- [Cyclonus] Hey!

It sounds like Megatron's

coming back to life!

- [Scorponok] Not

if I can help it!

(dramatic trumpets sounding)

(electricity fizzing)

(Tidal Wave groaning)

- [Cyclonus] Scorponok!

Just what do you think

you're doing to Megatron anyway?

- [Scorponok] Eliminating

a problem, that's what.

(electricity buzzing)


going on?

- [Tidal Wave] Megatron lives!

- [Cyclonus] He's alive!

Alive! (maniacally laughing)

- [Scorponok] (Grunting)

What happened?

(boulders rumbling)

(sensational violin music)

(electricity whizzing)

- [Alpha Q ]

Megatron's awakening!

- [Cyclonus] (squealing)

I got a bad feeling

he's not too happy with us!

- [Tidal Wave] Megatron lives!

Megatron lives!

Megatron lives!

- [Scorponok] How can

this be happening?

(dramatic music)

- [Megatron] I



- [Tidal Wave] Megatron!


- [Cyclonus] Nice to see ya.


- [Megatron] Who is this one?

Who dares to use my power?

Tell me.

- [Scorponok] I...

didn't think you would notice.

You seemed...


- [Megatron] You'll

pay for this.

- [Scorponok] You don't scare me

with your little toy sword.

Besides, it's nap time again.

(rock wall bursting)

Attack him!

(Megatron grunting)

(drones explode)

(electricity wave pulsing)

(Scorponok screaming)

(Megatron cries)

(sword bangs)

- [Cyclonus] Hang in there, sir!

(Megatron Huffs)

(Scorponok screams)

- [Megatron] (laughing) I

have never felt more alive!

For that, I thank

you, Scorponok.

(electricity wave pulsing)

(Scorponok roars)

(Megatron huffs)

(Scorponok screeches)

(Megatron laughing)

- [Megatron] Now it's

time to finish you off!

Let's call it payback.

And then we're even!

(Scorponok whimpers)

(Megatron laughs)

(Megatron exclaims)

- [Cyclonus] Sweeet!

- [Megatron] (laughing)

I commend you

on your fortitude, Scorponok.

Yet did you really believe

you could keep me in a coma?

(Scorponok grunting)

(metal creaking)

- [Megatron] It's

good to be back.

So good.

- [Cyclonus] Uh, Megatron-sir...

Don't you think the poor guy's

suffered enough already?

- [Megatron] Don't be silly!

Why I'm just getting started.

- [Cyclonus] I can't watch!

(electricity fizzes)

(Scorponok Moans)

- [Alpha Q ] Very impressive.

- [Alpha Q] Yes, I must concur.

(Megatron Shouts)

- [Alpha Q ] That's

enough, Megatron!

(Megatron grunting)

(metal crushing)

(Scorponok keening)

- [Alpha Q ] Please, Megatron.

I believe you have made

your point quite clear.

- [Scorponok] I give, Megatron!

You win!

(Scorponok groans)

I said you win!

- [Megatron] Sorry,

but I think that you're

in no position to

tell me what to do.

- [Scorponok] But you

don't understand--

- [Megatron] Silence!

- [Scorponok] It wasn't me

that was using you, Megatron.

It was all Alpha Q's idea.

- [Megatron] Alpha Q?

- [Cyclonus] Yeah, he's

right, Megatron-sir.

There's this creep

with like four heads

and he's behind all this.

- [Megatron] How am I

supposed to believe, Cyclonus,

after you had the nerve

to kick me while I was down?

- [Cyclonus] Because he's

telling the truth, sir!

- [Megatron] Well

he'd better be.

(Scorponok cries)

- [Megatron] Welcome

to my team, Scorponok!

(electricity whirring)

(Megatron laughs)

(Scorponok keens)

(Scorponok gasping)

- [Megatron] Now off

with you, Scorponok.

And show this to Alpha Q.

- [Scorponok] Yes


- [Alpha Q ] I sense someone.

- [Alpha Q] Who is it?

- [Alpha Q ] How should I know?

(wall explodes)

We finally meet, Megatron.

- [Cyclonus] What is that thing?

- [Megatron] So,

you must be Alpha Q.

- [Alpha Q ] Good guess.

Welcome to our lair.

Make yourself at home.


- [Alpha Q] What!

What's going on?

- [Alpha Q ] Oh no!

We're surrounded!

- [Alpha Q] And

with our Terrorcons!

- [Alpha Q ] It

appears we don't stand

a chance against him.

- [Alpha Q ] Which

means we've got to run!

- [Megatron] Hold it.

You're not going anywhere.

(Alpha Qs scream)

- [Megatron] Quick,

after him, men!

- [Cyclonus] Get back here!

- [Alpha Q ] I don't think

that's such a good idea.

- [Cyclonus] What the?

- [Megatron] Open

the gate! (grunting)

(Alpha Qs panting)

- [Megatron] (laughing)

Well, it looks like

you ran into a bit of

a dead end, Alpha Q.

- [Alpha Q] Maybe

to you, Megatron!

- [Megatron] What?

- [Alpha Q] For

the past few years,

you have suckled on our Energon

while you pilfered from us.

But all the while it was I

who have carried out

the bidding of Unicron!

- [Megatron] You are a fool!

You may think you know Unicron,

but in the end, it is I

who is I destined to

rule the universe!

- [Alpha Q ] Only time

will tell, Megatron!

- [Megatron] What?

What does that mean?

(ship rumbles)

(electricity zips)

What does that mean,

you spineless simpleton?

(Alpha Qs laugh)

- [Cyclonus] Look!

Unicron is breaking up!

That's impossible,

it can't break up!

- [Megatron] Do me a favor

and shut up, Cyclonus!

[ominous music]

So, you're still here.

(lasers blasting)

(Alpha Q laughing)

- [Cyclonus] Now we're trapped!

(Alpha Q laughs)

- [Cyclonus] He disappeared!

- [Scorponok] But soon he'll...


- [Megatron] (laughing)

I think it's time to

forget about that

pathetic Alpha Clueless.

Now, let's go get us

some Energon, men.

- [Scorponok] I'm not going.

- [Megatron] Oh, I beg

to differ, my friend.

- [Scorponok] But that

would be a su1c1de mission.

At our present power level,

Optimus would destroy us!

- [Megatron]

(chuckling) Trust me.

That is not going to happen.

(alarm blaring)

- [Kicker] Hurry! Open the gate!

Radar just picked up an

attack on Plains City!

- [Ironhide] Hey, hey,

hey, relax, Kicker.

Hot Shot and his crew

are already there.

I'm sure that they

can handle it.

- [Kicker] I doubt it, Ironhide.

Guess who just showed up.

(lasers blasting)

(Scorponok groans)

- [Megatron] Time to test

your loyalty, Scorponok.

Be my shield.

- [Hot Shot] Huh?

- [Megatron] You pass.

Now out of my way!

(Scorponok screams)

(ominous trumpeting music)

- [Hot Shot] It can't be!

- [Inferno] Whoa...

What happened here?

- [Kicker] Man!

It must've been ugly. (gasps)

- [Megatron]

(laughing) I'm guessing

you're surprised to see me.

(Hot Shot moaning)

(electricity zipping)

- [Ironhide] No.


Hot Shot!

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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