19x08 - Crapping Out in Hell

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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19x08 - Crapping Out in Hell

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen…

Fillet and crab.

…the chefs had to identify
unique surf and turf combinations.

-Bison and lobster.

-Yes, congrats!

[narrator] Mary Lou and Lauren
had the fastest round,

as the Red Team set the time to beat.

Mussels and pork.


[narrator] With the clock ticking down
on the Blue Team…

Eight, seven, six, five.

…Declan and Adam's final attempt
received a big…

-[Red Team scream]

[narrator] At dinner service…

Two Wellington, one halibut,
one New York strip.

-Yes, Chef.
-Let's go.

…expectations were high
for Amber on the meat station.

I need exactly six minutes.

She just has to prove to all of us
that she's meant to be here.

I don't want to walk this strip.
It's all soggy.

A good leader doesn't try to walk shit
that they know isn't right.

New York on your left.

[narrator] And believing in herself…

-[Ramsay] Oh, my Lord. Amber?
-Yes, Chef?

I've never seen such perfect cooking
ever this year.

…paid off handsomely for her entire team.

That is absolute master class. Good girl.
Extraordinary. Finish strong.

[Mary Lou] You can't sell that.

-[Mary Lou] It's burnt.

[narrator] The Red kitchen
was a different story.

How is this?

[narrator] The confusion
started with Syann.

[Nikki] It's on the brink.

So, no, I'm not selling this?

Just cook a f*cking piece of salmon,
cook a piece of fish.

-[Christina] What's that lamb up here for?
-[Ramsay] God knows.

…and quickly spread to Jordan.

-Who just brought me this?
-I did, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Oh, boy.
-[Jordan] I misunderstood.

-I'm done!
-…ultimately resulting in…

Red Team, have a meeting

and find out which two individuals
you can do without.

f*ck off.

[Kori] That was a f*cking nightmare.

[narrator] The Red Team nominated…



[narrator] But Chef Ramsay
was not comfortable with those choices.

By far the worst two chefs
on the Red Team this evening

are Syann and Jordan.

[narrator] In the end, it was…

Syann, I want you to keep your head up
and do not give up.

Heard, Chef.

Give me your jacket.

…ending her dream
of becoming the head chef

at Hell's Kitchen Lake Tahoe.

And now, the continuation
of Hell's Kitchen.

You girls are dreaming.
Cut the bullshit. Is that clear?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Get out of here.

I know that I am
one of the stronger chefs here.

If someone wants to put me
up for elimination,

they better have
a really good f*cking reason,

because I'll be damned
if I don't go down with a f*cking fight.

I made a couple mistakes
during dinner service,

but I wasn't the worst-performing cook
by any means.

I had meat waiting on garnish
all f*cking night long.

I had meat waiting on fish all night long.

People keep flying under the radar.
It's frustrating.

I didn't overcook it.

Just took it up there
one ticket too early. Whoo.

I mean, it's over with now.

You didn't go home,
so you need to let it go.

Jordan is just freaking out right now.

She's bitching and moaning
over and over.

Nikki had two not-seared steaks
and one overcooked steak.

All she had to do was cook New Yorks.
I did everything else.

Nikki had one f*cking job,
and it was to cook steak.

She had two come back not seared
and one come back overcooked.

Don't let it bother you, J.

It's just one of those things.
Like, why even try?

You're a grown-ass woman. Suck it up.

She needs to snap out of it.

There's no f*cking way

that I was the worst-performing
f*cking chef tonight.

I wasn't there. I don't know.

Hustle, girls. Red Team!

Let's go. Line up.

Come on, quick.

I just see four
very astute-looking muscular dudes

in unitards that look like robots.

What the hell are we about to do?

Watch closely. Pay attention.

[Kori] Holy shit.

[Amber] Oh, my God.

Wow. That's so amazing.

The performers are amazing.

The amount of focus
and the strength is just…

-[Declan] Wow.
-…beyond belief.

[all cheer]

I do that in my sleep all the time.

[Ramsay] Oh, my Lord.

No. Oh, my God.

-[Nikki] Thank you, guys.

The amazing acrobats from Absinthe.
Absolutely brilliant. Thank you.

-Come on, give a round of applause.

-Incredible, right?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

I wanted to showcase
the power of teamwork.

So, in your next challenge,
we play the only team game

across all Las Vegas casinos,


Oh, no.

Craps? I don't know how to play.

Jason, Christina, thank you. Nice.

It's okay, guys. I'm lucky.

I'm not a big gambler, but I'm lucky.

I got mad luck coming through me. Just…

Some for you. Some for you.

[blows] Everybody can have some of that.

Right, here's how it's gonna work.

Each of you will take a turn
rolling this multi-sided die.

Whichever letter you roll,
you must quickly name

an amazing ingredient
that starts with that letter.

One person from your team will roll twice.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

Time to play some craps. Let's go.

In the first part of the challenge,

each of the chefs will have to
come up with ingredients

that will work well together…

Blue Team, get ready to roll.

…because in the second part
of the challenge,

they each need to cook a dish
with those ingredients.

You won the service last night,
so you're going first. You ready?

-Yes, Chef.
-Kiss the dice.

Let's go. [laughs]

It is… H.

Haricots verts.

Mmm, haricots verts, green beans.

-[Ramsay] Kori, let's go. Big roll.
-[all blowing]

What the hell? What was that? [laughs]

Gotta blow on the dice, Chef.

Give it a little luck.

-[Jordan] Get it, get it.
-Let's go.

-All right, Kori.
-[Ramsay] Come on!


-Mushrooms. Okay, good.

Amber, here we go.

-Celery root.

-Celery root, wow.

That was quick. Lauren, we need a protein.


So many things.

Radicchio. Radishes. Rabbit. Rack of lamb.

-Aw, man.

Really? Wow. Ay, ay, ay.

Lauren, you know and I know, on an R,
there was an amazing protein there.

Ugh, hoping this does not
bite us in the ass.

Okay, Adam, take it away.


Man, come on.

[snapping fingers]


Carrots. Holy crap.

-[Amber exhales]
-Seriously? After all that thinking,

and the first thing you blurt out
was carrots?

Come on, man.

I mean, who can't do something
with a carrot?

-[Ramsay] Let's go, Mary Lou.
-Go for protein.

-Think before you talk.
-[Ramsay] Come on, girls.

-Let's go.



M-m-mustard… m-m-m…

-[Ramsay] Come on.


I've never cooked monkfish.
I don't know why I would say monkfish.

-All right, there's our protein.
-[Ramsay] Marc, off we go.

-P. Wow. That's a beauty.
-[Declan] Come on, man.

Immediately, my Jedi mind trick
kicks in and I start saying,

"Marc, pork, pork, pork!"

-[Ramsay] Pork.

-That's a good one. Here we go.

[narrator] Next up,
Nikki tested her luck and rolled a…

-[Ramsay] M.

-…to the Red Team's list of ingredients.

Here we go. Big roll.

[narrator] Then Declan placed his bet…

-Don't break it.
-…and rolled a…


-Yes, Chef.

-Whoa. That's good.
-Great one.

-[Ramsay] Jordan.
-Get a B. Get a B.

Yes, go B.

-[Ramsay] T.
-T, T, T, T, T, uh…

Thai chilies. It's Asian, spicy.

It fits perfectly in
with the ingredients that we have.

Uh… we'll go with Thai chili.

-Thai chilies? Okay.
-Beautiful, love it.

Right, Cody, back to you.
Last throw for the Blue Team.

Cody, think about what we have.

And it is… S. That is a perfect one.

Man, come on, S.

[Kori hisses]

[Jordan laughs]

-[Ramsay] Come on.
-Think long, think wrong.

My mind is a bit confuddled at this point.
However, we are missing a heat component.

-[Ramsay] Serrano.

-All right, Kori.
-Bring it home, mama.

Let's go, big roll.

All right, Kori.

And it is… S.

-Um, sprouts.

-[Ramsay] Nice one.

-Well done.
-Took me a second.

Five unique dishes from Red Team.
Five unique dishes from the Blue Team.

-You ready?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Okay, your minutes start… now.
Let's go.

[narrator] Using the same six ingredients
as their teammates…

Aprons on, boys and ladies.

…the chefs' creativity will be tested,

as they will try to stand out
with their own individual dishes.

-Oh, perfect.

-Everybody feeling confident?
-Yes, Chef.

The ingredients we got--
man, they're basics. They're beautiful.

They can be worked easily.
This is happy days.

We'll knock this out of the park.

Anybody need explanations or help?


Just leave it like this.
Do we need to get that off?

-How do I get that off?

I've never cooked monkfish,
so I'm a little intimidated, I won't lie.

It takes a couple of minutes
on that fish, right?

Texture'll be like lobster
when done.


I'm gonna stick to what I know
and hope it comes out great.

Cross my fingers.

-Anybody got a fish spatula?

I'm planning on doing
a combination of, like,

how I would normally do a Milanese
and, um, a schnitzel

that I learned while I was spending
time in Germany.

[Jason] Just straight panko, coriander?

No, it's seasoned flour and then egg wash
that has sage and thyme in it.


[Cody] I'm gonna get this color on it
and finish by butter basting.

-Don't brown your butter too much.
-Yes, Chef.

-Just over minutes to go.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Let's go.
-[Jordan] My play on fish and chips,

going from French fries to tater tots.

Where everybody else went fine dining,
I like to do stoner food.

Just thinking out of the box.

I hope Chef Ramsay sees that flair,
because I'm looking to redeem myself

and, uh, prove to my team
that I still deserve to be here.

Hell, yeah!

-Ten minutes to go. Don't plate too early.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

I think the protein is everything
in this challenge,

and just to have the pork,

you know, it's awesome,
there's so many different ways to use it.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have this.

Does anybody have sugar?

-[Adam] Just honey.
-[clears throat] I need it.

I'm a firm believer
that the first thing you do

is eat with your eyes,

so I've got the brightness from the puree,

and then I've got all the colors
in this gorgeous salad that I've created.

I just need to cook the pork beautifully.

[Ramsay] We good, guys?
Five minutes to go.

-[Declan] Yes, Chef.
-Hot beside you.

[Amber sighs] Uh-oh.

[Cody] Amber, need help?

No. Yes. No. Oh, my God.

-[Cody] What's wrong?

[narrator] There's four minutes
of cooking time left

in the six-ingredient craps challenge…

[Amber] It's super raw.

…and Amber is scrambling
to save her pork chop.

Get it in. Get it in.

I'm having
a mild panic attack on the inside.

I feel like my only option is
to mark it really quick on the grill,

just to try to help carry over the heat.

[Adam] Amber, don't k*ll it.

Yeah, heard that.

[Ramsay] seconds to go.

[Nikki] Pulling my crackers
out of the oven.

I'm gonna finish them in a sauté pan.
I don't have time to wait.

I'm trying to make a rice cr*cker,
but it's not going exactly to plan.

These crackers
are gonna f*ck me over, I know it.

-[Mary Lou] No, they're not.
-I need this cr*cker to be crispy.

[Ramsay] Twenty seconds to go.

Come on, Blue Team.

Five, four, three,

two, one,

and serve.

The dishes look exceptional.

We'll be judging all the dishes today
on a scale of one to five.

Let's start off with the Red Team.

Kori, step down, please,
and describe your dish.

-[Kori] I did a sticky fried rice…

…and I did a red miso.

I poached the monkfish in that.

If you're gonna poach a monkfish,
make sure all the veins are gone first.

Kori's monkfish she put up
looked like a little tiny brain.

Really disgusting.

[Ramsay] Wow.
You cooked the fish beautifully.

I love what you did with the miso.
Rice is delicious.

-For me, it's a four.
-Thank you, Chef.

Really good.

[Nikki] Go, mama.

Jordan, what we got here?
'Cause this does not look like monkfish.

-So, I did a play on fish and chips.
-[Ramsay] Wow.

In Texas, we do a lot of tater tots,
so you have a miso rice tot.

I tempura-battered the monkfish itself.

I thought you'd all do fine dining,
but you've given it this flair.

It's a strong four. Good job.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Really good job.

I love the out-of-the-box thinking.

I can't tell you
how much this means to me.

More than proving to Chef Ramsay
or to my team,

I've proved to myself
that I deserve to be here.

Nikki, describe the dish, please.

Here we have a miso and monkfish stew
and a crispy rice cr*cker.

-A little extra something.
-Love the rice cr*cker.

Thank you.

I was so scared
about this damn rice cr*cker,

and he likes the rice cr*cker!

I did a good thing today! [laughs]

It's delicious, and, Nikki,

it's the first out of the gate.
Good job.

-Thank you very much, Chef.
-Wow, really good.

Off the bat, they got points.

Yo, Blue Team,
I hope we're carrying heavy bats today,

'cause our work is cut out for us.

Let's go.

[narrator] Next up, Mary Lou is wagering
on her sesame-crusted monkfish

with crispy rice cakes.

-[Ramsay] Monkfish cooked beautifully.
-[narrator] But her rice…

It's nowhere near
as thick as it should be. That is a three.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Chef.

[narrator] It's all up to Lauren's
pan-seared monkfish

with trumpet mushrooms and rice

to rake in the final points
for the Red Team.

Those mushrooms are undercooked.
Such a shame.

-It's a . Thank you.
-Yes, Chef.

-Thank you.
-Good effort.

Ladies, well done.

Let's see if the Blue Team
can beat . Let's go.

Yes, Chef. I have a za'atar
and honey spiced pork

as well as a salad with haricots verts,

pickled tricolor carrots with
a little bit of fresh carrots as well.

[Ramsay] The colors pop.
Let's get that clear.

Smart execution on the plate.

The one issue I have here…

-Yes, Chef.
-…is you've obliterated the pork.

Heard, Chef.

That is a two out of five.

Thank you, Chef.

That's not a good score.

It's actually the worst score
in the competition that I've had so far.

[narrator] Next up, Marc presents
his honey-glazed pork chop

with salt and pepper haricots verts.

Touch that.

How much you want to bet
that's undercooked in the middle?

-You're kidding me.
-[Ramsay] Oh, Marc.

Now you can see
just how rare that is there.


What a shame. Um… two.


All three remaining members
of the Blue Team

have to have a five to tie.

Not even to win, to tie.

[Ramsay] Describe the dish, please.

We have a pork schnitzel
done with an herb salad.

The haricots verts is pickled,
and the celery root is fried for texture.

-[Ramsay] It's cooked beautifully.
-Thanks, Chef.

Have you pickled the carrots?

No. Wanted to leave
one component unadulterated.

-My God, I did not expect that.
-Thank you kindly.

That is an easy five.

-Good job. Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

[narrator] Up next,
Adam's five spice-rubbed pork chop

with celery root puree…

[Ramsay] Oh, my God,
that is extraordinary.

…hits the jackpot with Chef Ramsay.

-That's a five. Amazing job. Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

Come on, man.
Stop giving out fives like candy, Chef.

[narrator] It all comes down to Declan's…

Honey mustard-glazed pork chop.

…who has to get a five to tie.

Moment of truth. Oh, my Lord.

-It's cooked beautifully.
-[Declan] Thank you, Chef.

Thank God.
Pow, knocked it out of the park.

Without a shadow of a doubt, five.

-[Adam] Nice work, D.

So we're tied, and so it's gonna
come down to the two best dishes,

one from the Red and one from the Blue.

Nikki, pass me your dish, please.
Thank you.

And the best dish on the Blue, um…

Cody, please, pass me your dish.

Fair play, Cody. We got this.

Uh, delicious. This is so hard.

Chef, remember that rice cr*cker?
Remember how brilliant you said it was?

Wasn't that delicious, Chef?

This is so difficult.
Two exceptional dishes.


[narrator] In today's
craps creativity challenge,

both teams are tied at points.

So it's gonna come down
to the two best dishes…

[narrator] Nikki's miso and monkfish stew

versus Cody's pork schnitzel
and herb salad.

[Ramsay] Congratulations…

-…Cody on the Blue Team.
-[all] Yes!


Boom, ding, ding, m*therf*cking ding.

It's very rare you come across
a schnitzel that good.

Let's go celebrate, boys. We need this.

Boys and girls. Sorry, Amber.

-[Ramsay] Blue Team, congratulations.
-[all] Thank you, Chef.

This reward is gonna have
your heads spinning.

-[Declan chuckles]

All of you will be doing
a thrilling high-wire act…

walking the tightrope.

-Holy shit.

That's right. With private lessons
from our good friends at Absinthe.

After you've mastered the air,
it's time to celebrate the sea

with an amazing lunch
from my dear friend Nobu.


[Ramsay] I've asked him
to create an exceptional menu

for you guys to indulge in.

Get out of here, Blue Team.
Great job.

[all] Thank you, Chef.

I am so excited
to get out of Hell's Kitchen.

-Good job, Cody, man. That's good stuff.


Ladies, I'm sorry, but while
the Blue Team walks on air,

you'll be stuck here in hell.

For the rest of the day,
you'll be prepping

for beef Wellingtons for here
and at Gordon Ramsay Steak.

It's the most popular item on the menu.

You need to clean, mince, cook
all those incredible flat-cap mushrooms,

strain all the excess water,

and cook out that
incredible mushroom duxelles.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

[Lauren] This bites.

The reason I didn't get a four
is because of my damn mushrooms,

and now I'm stuck in the kitchen
chopping mushrooms all day.

Can't win 'em all.

[Declan] Yeah.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

[Cody] Let the games begin.

-After you, cold crippin' it.

-[Amber] Ooh.

[Cody] Do you love it?

I see this kaleidoscope
that reminds me of LSD.

Blue Team, welcome. I'm the Gazillionaire.

Welcome to Absinthe at Caesars Palace.

Come on, guys, let's get this show
started for these guys.

So, this is what
you all are gonna be doing.

-Oh, God.
-[Amber] Good Lord.


[Gazillionaire] Don't worry,
it's way scarier than it looks.

There's not even a net.
There's definitely not a net.

These rewards are great,
but I'm also terrified of heights.

If you knew how drunk he was,
you wouldn't be worried.

-f*ckin' good.
-That was awesome.

Pretty self-explanatory.
Ladies first. Go ahead.

[laughs] Oh, that's a hard pass!

-I'll go first, f*ck it.
-Get up there.

-Y'all ready for this?
-That's crazy.

One foot in front of the other,
don't die, let's go.

-Can we go up? Watch your head.
-Holy shit.

-We made it easy. We made it easy.
-Oh, come on, man.

Sweet. I was like, "Thank f*ck."

Left toe in front of your right toe.

The sock is stuck.
Holy shit, this is difficult.

[man] Look over here, yeah?
No, whoa, whoa, slow. Nice and easy.

Don't trust the guy on your right.


Slow-- Oh, going pretty fast. Settle down.

He's going backwards.
Just put it in reverse.

Smooth-talking, moonwalking…

-[all] Oh!
-Oh, what is that, man?

Marc's hella good at this stuff.

That fool's like
dancing the bachata on that bitch.

You're good, mm-hmm. Oh, careful, yeah.

[Amber] Yeah, big D!

You pretend that you're clenching
a penny in your arse cheeks.

That's how tight you have to be.

It's like Dumbo up there.

I wasn't scared.


Just wasn't my cup of tea.

-[man] His style, hey.

-Like a ballerina.
-A hippo in a tutu.

[Declan laughs]

[car horn honking]

This can't be good.
This can't be good at all.

I'm really nervous.

-[Nikki] Lovely.

[Mary Lou] Damn.

Eighty pounds of creminis
and pounds of buttons.

We have more mushrooms
than I have body mass. Like…

-[Mary Lou] Shroom party.
-Not the kind of shroom party I'm used to.

I used to love mushrooms,
stuffed mushrooms, sautéed mushrooms,

mushroom soup, cream of mushrooms.

Oh, my God.

We got so many mushrooms to chop.

Not anymore. I hate you, mushrooms,
all of you mushrooms.

I don't wanna keep doing this.

[man] Come in, right this way.

[Declan] I feel like a king
walking in here.

-[all] Oh!
-[Cody] Oh, someone slap me.

-[Adam] What is this?
-[waiter] Steak.

Adam's ready to get down to business.

This isn't just your ordinary sushi spot.

[Adam] Oh, my God, caviar tacos.

This is Michelin star,
beautiful, perfect everything.

Oh, yeah. Eatin' like kings.

-Oh, my God.
-Excuse me.


-How are we?

Oh, my goodness me.
Uh, how was the tightrope?

-Apparently, they want to employ you.

Well, this man right here.
He was salsa dancing on it.


Amber, I know you're scared of heights,
but did you relax?

-Yes, Chef.
-Outside the kitchen, it's Gordon.

Stop the "Chef." It's Gordon.

Uh… yes, Gordon. [laughs]

That feels so weird to hear.

-I know!

Being able to sit there
and bond with Chef Ramsay

on a personal level, beyond words.

And we know the system now, right?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-You know what works.

I think we're really starting to
come together. It's a team thing.

-And the communication's there.

This is super motivating,
flat-out an absolute dream.

Let's raise a toast. Cheers.
To the Blue Team.

[narrator] With the Blue Team
back from lunch with Chef Ramsay…

It's gorgeous out here,
fresh air, relaxing.

…and the Red Team done
with their Wellington hell…

Man, them mushroom duxelles were no joke.

[Nikki chuckles]

[phone ringing]

Here we go.

-Amber, I need to see everybody

in the dining room immediately.

Heard, Chef. All right, guys,
come to the dining room now.

-Adam, let's go!
-[Declan] Let's go.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Chef Ramsay says to hurry,

so we jet out of that house
like bats out of hell.

My lip gloss,
it probably fell out of my bra.

I'm having a hard time even breathing
right now. What is this about?

I have something
very important to tell you.

-[Amber sighs]

…I'm closing Hell's Kitchen.

There's no dinner service.

But one of you
will be leaving the competition.

Ah! Holy shit moment.

Every time Chef says,
"Somebody's going home,"

you always have that
little voice inside of you, saying,

"Hello, it could be you."

In this morning's challenge,
Nikki from the Red Team,

you had the best dish.

Thank you, Chef.

Blue Team. Cody, you had the best dish.

The two of you…

will be deciding

which two members from your team

you feel you'd be better off without.


-[exhales] Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.

The burden falls on me.

What was once
a lovely day out with the team

is now incredibly difficult.

Ugh, this f*cking sucks.

Have one-on-one meetings
with each member from your team,

then give me the names
of two chefs that you nominate

-to leave Hell's Kitchen. Is that clear?
-[both] Yes, Chef.

Everyone, head to the dorms.

Nobody on the Red Team has been
absolutely perfect this entire time.

Oh, boy.

[singsong] Guess we're gonna be
everybody's enemy today!

High five?

So I'm really hoping that
I can make the right choice.

Basically, I'm just going to
paint you the full picture

of what my perspective of you
and your contribution to the team is.


There are areas that you lack in.

You're always turning to the person
next to you for support.

I mean, I feel like I don't really
lean on anybody for help.

Nikki definitely is kind of
on a high horse right now.

She thinks she has seniority,
but she really doesn't.

I just ask questions because I'm just more
of a talkative type of person.


[Lauren] I find it very ridiculous.

Nikki does not deserve to be
nominating two people.

She's definitely
one of the weakest chefs here.

Her food has shown it time and time again.

And it's crazy,
because Nikki should be up there.

I f*ckin' bust my balls.

-I don't need to be nominated.

I wanted to tell you
that I respect you.


And we've done a lot of
really great work together,

but I think right now,
it's like a draw out of the hat.

-It's a hard game.

It pushes you to the breaking point,
all the time.

Day in and day out.
You find out who you are.

Back home, I'm always the guy
with the answer.

Like, the guy you met
the first couple nights, remember?

That's who I am.
That's the only way I know how to be,

and I found another side of myself here.

You've seen me take a back seat
and be a supportive role.

My time in Hell's Kitchen
has really made me rediscover

who I am as a chef,
as a father, as a husband.

You know, I'm gonna walk out of here
a better man,

and that might be why I'm here. [exhales]

You stand out to us as a team,

but you have to try to stand out
a little bit more.

Use your voice. Get a little bit louder.

Bitch, do you want me to scream at people?

Ugh, whatever.

My kitchen back home, everybody hear me.

Next victim!

Oh, my God, give it to me.

I think it's very obvious that
you are an incredibly strong cook.

However, I also think that,
once you get into your head

or something negative happens,
it kind of shuts you down.

[Jordan] Nikki's pissing me off.

There are at least three decades worth

of cooking standing around you,
when you've cooked two years.

This doesn't mean
that I'm shitty at my job,

that I-- I can't cook.
This doesn't mean any of that shit.

[Nikki] This is exactly
what I've been saying.

She's just letting her emotions get
the best of her too frequently.

Do your thing.

This is going to be
a very difficult decision.

I have no idea
who should be up for elimination.

I know the level that you operate,

but I think the competition's
been getting in your head.

Chef Ramsay knows I can f*cking cook,
and he knows I can lead.

I don't deserve to be up.

They're not seeing
all the positive attributes.

It's like those are just
brushed under the rug

because they're too scared
to throw each other under the bus.

I feel like I'm stronger than Adam.

-I think that he's not a leader.
-But is that enough to put him up?

[Amber] They'd rather take me out

because I'm stronger competitor
than they are. [sniffles]

You have to be real and honest
with yourself,

because if I asked you right now to pick
who was a better chef between me or Adam,

-what would you say?
-I would say you.

Amber does have a point when
she talks about putting up Adam,

but it's making things difficult.

Amber thinks that it should be you.

[Adam] Dude, she's crazy.

How many times has she fell?
How many times has Marc fell?

I've won us competitions twice now.

Like, every single dinner service,
I f*cking strive to the end.

Amber hasn't been perfect since
she's been on the Blue Team.

I can honestly say

I'm doing the best
out of every single person here.

If you were to put me up,

you would look stupid as f*ck
in front of Chef Ramsay.

[narrator] After much deliberation,
both Cody and Nikki have chosen the chefs

they think their teams
will be stronger without.

Nikki, your first nomination and why.

My first nomination is Lauren.

Although Lauren has faced
this learning curve

of working the line
with a great deal of poise,

her contribution
just falls short of the bar.

Okay. Second nominee and why.

My second nominee is…

…Jordan. She seems to be struggling
with some emotional shutdown

over the last few dinner services.

Wow. Okay.

Cody, your first nominee and why.

My first nomination, Chef, is Marc.

I find that there has been inconsistencies
in being able to communicate, Chef.

Interesting. Your second nominee and why.

My second nominee, Chef…

is Amber.
During her time on the Blue Team,

she has had a rough start
in terms of acclimating.

Tough decisions.

Lauren, Jordan, Amber, Marc,
step forward, please.

All of you are about to cook
for your lives.

[whispers] That's good.

[Cody whispering]

Now, when I say go, you'll have minutes
to make me something that tells me

you are worthy of not just staying
in this competition,

but becoming my head chef
at Hell's Kitchen Lake Tahoe.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

Now, I'd like everybody else
behind you to head back to the dorm

and await to see who has survived.

[all] Yes, Chef.

Wow, what a curveball.

Holy Jesus.

Forget about anything else
and just cook for your life.

I know Amber's convincing,

and when she starts tearing up,
you feel bad, and then…

It's only business.

You can't bring tears into it.

That's what I say.

-Well, I cried once.

Yeah, but that was different.

Right. Cook your hearts out,
and, more importantly,

get back in that dorm quickly.

[all] Yes, Chef.

-You okay?
-[exhales] It's a lot.

I scored better
than all three of those chefs today.

There no doubt in my mind
I can do it.

I just need to focus,
put my head down, and execute.

[Ramsay] Young lady,
in Hell's Kitchen Lake Tahoe,

there's gonna be a lot more
difficult decisions to make

than cooking what you're about to cook.

I'm ready for it. Let's do it.

I don't really have a choice but to leave
this emotion on the plate.

Today is not the day I go home.

Your time starts now. Let's go.

[narrator] In today's
Cook For Your Life challenge…

I'm over here.

…each chef must transform
identical ingredients

that Chef Ramsay has hand-selected,

including a variety of wild mushrooms,

potatoes, parsnips, sprouts,
and filet mignon…

Know what you're making? Confident?


…into a stellar dish.

Whoo, let's get it. Come on, J.

-This is us, baby.
-Yeah, girl.

[Amber] Man down.

[Jason] Marc, what you got so far?

[Marc] Brown sugar, coriander liqueur.

I'm in the zone right now.
I'm focused, I'm determined.

Always like hearing what you're doing.
Very creative.

My dish, it's not traditional.
It's outside of the box, but that's me.

That's who I am.

Oh, yeah.

Not only am I showing Chef Ramsay
what I got,

but I'm showing my team
that I belong here.

I don't think Marc's coming back.

-He's a nervous wreck.

[Marc] In control. Stay in control.

[Ramsay] Halfway, ladies.

-Twenty-one minutes to go.
-Yes, Chef.

Yeah. That's exactly
what we need going on here.

This is do or die. It's now or never.

All of my emotions are on this plate.
My future is on this plate.

Like, there ain't no room for shit else
on this plate. Like, that's it.

No errors, no nothing.

There we are.

[Lauren] Let's do this.
This is my shit right here.

But gotta put blinders on in here
and just focus on you.

Do you have a peeler?
Oh, it's in our thing, huh?

Yeah, never mind. La-la-la-la.

I feel like Lauren's
in her own little world over there.

Oh, yeah, very nice. Okay. Whoo-whoo!

Jordan, this is my jam, girl.

[Jordan] Lauren, stop talking to me.

Please, stay there, sing your song.


Do you what you need to do,
but I have to focus.

[Lauren] I've dropped them three times.

Oh, my God, I can't get these
damn pans back on the stove.

Cook For Your Life is, by far,
the most intense thing

I have ever done in my life,
and I went to fire school.

Whoo! Now it's a party.

-Who you think's going home?
-[Nikki] I feel Amber's gonna do fine.

I don't. I think she's in her head
too much right now.

[Amber sighs] Come on, you.

[Jason] What's that for?

Um, I haven't decided
where it's going yet.

Probably somewhere near the potatoes.

-[chuckles] Somewhere near them.
-I'm a "go with the flow" girl.

Coming this far in this competition,

it would be embarrassing
to go home tonight…

Come on, baby.

…because I know that my food
is beautiful and wonderful.

So it's on.
Everybody else get out of the way.

Whoo! Man!

Amber, you know, she's running around.
She's nervous.

She's sweating profusely.

-You okay?
-[Amber grunts]

Girl, you gotta chill out.

I need a f*cking… I need a g*dd*mn bowl.

f*ck my life.

I think my swearing game since
I've been here in Hell's Kitchen…

f*ck me.

…every day, my swearing
goes up another level…

-God damn it.
-…by another level…

-…by another level.

f*ck. f*ck.

It's stressful as f*ck here.


Eight and a half minutes to go, ladies.

-Yes, Chef.
-[Jordan] Yeah-yeah.

Make sure you give your steaks
enough time to rest.

Yes, Chef. I cook filet mignon
for my client four days a week.

-That's his favorite thing to eat.

I know I'm a badass cook.

This is what I'm good at.
I'm gonna k*ll it.

Ready cream sauce.

This is what I do best.
I can showcase my skills…

Mushrooms cooking.

…and my flavors.

That's good.

I just have to execute my meat properly,
and it's gonna be a winner.

Oil, oil. Lots of oil.

No, no, no. Oh, God.

[narrator] There are six minutes left
in Chef Ramsay's

Cook For Your Life challenge.

[Lauren] Gotta send them home, J.
We ain't going home.


[narrator] Jordan, Lauren, Amber and Marc
have all been given the same ingredients,

with the star of the dish
being a filet mignon.

[Lauren] Whoo! Oil, oil. Lots of oil.

-[Ramsay] Wow.
-I got it.

-I'm freaking out a little bit.
-What happened?

I had a little too much oil.
It started to catch on fire.

My steak could be burnt.

A lot going on,
and not a lot of time to do it.

Oh, man.

Just under four minutes.

Chef, you're stressing me out.
[laughs, groans]

[Jordan] Come on, my love. Come on.

Yeah, boy.

Last seconds.

-Don't fail me now.
-Get it all on the plate, Lauren.

[Ramsay] Ten, nine, eight,

seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one.

And stop. Well done.

Tonight is a tough one.

Let's face it,
one of you is going home tonight.

Let's start with Lauren. Let's go, please.

What you have in front of you, Chef,
is a potato and parsnip puree,

pan-seared filet mignon
with a bourbon cream sauce.

It looks beautiful.
And the temperature inside?

Medium rare, Chef.

It's actually rare.

I've never undercooked a steak
ever in my life!

Of course, today, of all days,
is the day that I do it.

Wow, puree's incredible.

Bourbon sauce, delicious.

-Steak needs two more minutes.
-Yes, Chef.

What a shame. Back in line, please.

Chef Ramsay loved all the other components

besides my meat being underdone,
so who knows?

I still may have a shot at this.

-Yes, Chef.

Please present your dish. Let's go.

My dish is a winner.
I know it is. I feel it in my heart.

Everybody will see right now
what I'm all about.

Describe the dish, please.

Chef, what I have here
is a brown sugar coriander rub filet

with twice-cooked fingerling potatoes.

Wow. The one thing that scares me,

why would you put brown sugar rub
on top of filet mignon?

I've done it before.
It's delicious, I feel confident.


The actual rub works,
but when you add sugar,

-one part, two parts salt.
-Yes, Chef.

But you've nailed the temperature.

-Young man, you can cook a filet.
-Thank you, Chef.

The cream will rise to the top.
I'm the cream.

Okay, next up, Jordan. Let's go, please.

[Jordan] My dish looks baller right now.

I'm sad I have to feed it to Chef Ramsay
'cause I'd really enjoy eating that.

Right. Describe the dish, please.

Chef, what I have for you
is a mushroom rub filet.

Underneath, you have
parsnip and potato puree,

and the Brussels are fried with
an apple cider drizzle over them.

The rub tastes fragrant.

The only problem I've got,
every time I slice into this

is the meat goes dry so quickly.

Filet, rule number one,
we never slice them.

Yes, Chef.

Only one person should be slicing that.

The-- the guest.

[Ramsay] The customer, right.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Chef.

-Oh, dear.

In true Hell's Kitchen fashion,
as soon as you feel like

you might be doing something right,
he just f*ckin'… [imitates slicing]

…all the knees out from underneath you.

Next up, Amber, please.

[Amber] It's called Hell's Kitchen
for a reason.

There's a lot of stress and pressure,

and if you have one bad dish,
that could be it for you.

Wow, what a dish that is.

[Amber] I have a parsnip puree
on the bottom.

For the sprouts, I've blanched them
in white wine and citrus.

For the steak, I just pan-seared it,
and then I finished everything

with a bit of salt on top.

The puree's delicious.
The steak is cooked exceptionally,

but the sprouts are raw in the middle.

It's from the cabbage family,
so it's got that level of bitterness.

-Thank you.
-Good job, Amber.

[Ramsay] Now that I've tasted
all four dishes,

it's gonna be a difficult decision.

My decision is…



Head back to the dorm.

Moving forward,
I just need to remember that,

you know, I've worked
my whole life for this.

Let your teammates know
you're back with a vengeance.

Yes, Chef.

I want to be the one person
standing in the end.

-[Cody] Yes!

-[Declan] Good girl!
-Don't do that to me again.

-Do you understand?
-Heard. Ooh.

Where's the rest of them?

Who else is coming?

[Mary Lou] Oh, my God. Who's it gonna be?

Cody, get me a beer.

[narrator] In today's
Cook For Your Life challenge…

[Ramsay] Congratulations.
Head back to the dorm.

…Amber was the first chef to survive.

-[Cody] Yes!

-[Declan] Good girl!
-Don't do that to me again.

-Do you understand?
-Heard. Ooh.

[Nikki] Where's the rest of them?

[narrator] And now,
Jordan, Lauren, and Marc

are all waiting to hear their fate.

-Yes, Chef.

Step forward.

This is it right here.
This is the moment of truth.

Do I look nervous?

Marc, your dish…

will not…

…send you home. Head back to the dorm.

Thank you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Let everyone know.

-[Marc] Thanks, Chef.

[Marc] Every hair on my body
is standing up.

My heart filled with pride.

My number one goal was
to earn Chef Ramsay's respect.

So I-- I could cry right now.

-[Cody] Yeah!
-Oh, shit.

-[Marc] Man, that made everything for me.
-Good man.

Marc comes walking through the door,

which means both of our team members
are still in the dining room.

Hey, good job, good job.

We're here, you know what I'm saying?

No matter what, one of them or both
of them will be going home tonight.

Lauren and Jordan, please step forward.

[Jordan] This might be it.

I'm, for damn sure, not ready to go home.
I still got a lot of fight.

Got a lot to prove to myself
and to Chef Ramsay.

[Ramsay] Oh, dear.

I definitely deserve
to stay in Hell's Kitchen.

I have busted my ass.

I've learned so much.
I didn't come this far to go home now.

[Ramsay] Ladies, one of you
will continue in Hell's Kitchen.

One of you will go home.

My decision is…


you've earned the right to stay.

Please say goodbye to Lauren.

Thank you so much, Chef.

Lauren, love you, dude.
Love you, dude. Thank you, Chef.

Hey, what up!
Y'all can't get rid of me yet. I'm here.

I cooked for my life, for my future,

so can't nobody tell me shit
from here on out.

Oh, I feel like a champion right now.

Oh, Lauren. Tonight,
you were two minutes off the mark.

-Yes, Chef.
-That is it.

-Otherwise, you'd be here.

I saw a lot in you.
You took a lot of flack.

You were almost, in many ways,
ousted out of the Red Team.

But you kept your head down,
you stood strong,

and I admire you incredibly.

I just want to say how thankful I am
for the opportunity,

and I'm grateful
and honored to learn from you,

so thank you.

If you need any help…

after this competition,
my door is definitely open.

Thank you so much.

Head up high, and good luck.

Thank you so much.

Give me your jacket, please.
Good night. Thank you.

[Lauren] This isn't the way
I wanted to leave Hell's Kitchen,

going out for having an underdone steak
with two minutes more to go,

it really sucks, but I'm
gonna keep holding my head high.

I came in here as Flawless Lawless.
I'm leaving here Flawless Lawless.

Nobody can take that away from me.

[Ramsay] If you can't
fit in with the pack,

you'd better be the top dog,

but Lauren was bringing up the rear.

[narrator] Next time…

-Break down more beef.
-[all] Heard, Chef.

[narrator] When a special
steak night dinner service…

This is a lot of meat.

-Mary Lou?
-Yes, ma'am.

…leads to some animalistic behavior.

Release the beast.

Don't poke the bear.

I'm a wild tiger of a woman.
Yeah! You know what I'm saying!

-This is steak night!
-Good night. Boom, we're out.

[narrator] Will it cause
a whole team to surrender?

Oh, shit, they gone.

[narrator] Or one chef to fly high?

I'm trying to soar like an eagle!

[narrator] It's a ferocious episode…

I'm savage, dude. I could care less.

…you won't want to miss.
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