19x04 - Wedding Bells in Hell

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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19x04 - Wedding Bells in Hell

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen…

-In a test of their attention to detail,

Chef Ramsay challenged the chefs
to make flawless Caesar salads.

-[bell dings]
-This is crazy!

We got this, guys.

While both teams got off
to a good start, led by Adam…

-Good, well done.
-…and Mary Lou…

-Well done.

-…the men…
-Oh! No, no!

…hit a few speed bumps in their delivery…

-Are you f*cking--
-…and in what they presented

to Chef Ramsay.

Where's the grated Parmesan?
Let's go! It's dry.

-This ain't good.
-Sy, let's go.

My grandma with her walker
could walk faster than that.

Although it took Syann
a while to get there…

-Delicious, congratulations!

…she clinched the victory
for the women's team.

-Hell, yeah, baby.

The men took the loss hard,
and Declan and Marc had words.

Everything I say, you got to one-up me.

I think he suffers from Napoleon complex.

-At dinner service…
-[Ramsay] Stop.

Hey, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!

-…Cody fumbled on fish.
-The salmon's raw!

-Oh, f*ck!
-Come on!

But with the encouragement
of his teammates…

-Let's go! Hustle, Cody! Urgency!
-…bounced back.

I got scallops right here.


And the Blue Team
had a successful service.

Oh, my God.

In the Red kitchen, Fabiola's flatbread…

Oh, my God. Ladies, I asked
for a f*cking gold-medal performance.

-It's underdone!
-…and her attitude…

-Who cooked that?
-Me. This shit bag.

…were a problem all night.

Two New York strip, two salmon.
Eight minutes to the window.

Hold on that salmon.
The strip's gonna drag.

Jordan showed a lack of communication
as she raced to get her meat to the pass.


But neglected to tell Nikki and Syann
what she was doing.

-It's all about you, is it?
-No, it is not, Chef.

Start being a team player.
I'm done. Now f*ck off!

The women lost, and they nominated…

-Lauren and Nicole.

Which was a complete shock to Chef Ramsay.

I'm not sure
what kitchen you were in tonight,

but you have the wrong two.

And so he replaced Lauren and Nicole with…

Jordan. Fabiola.

Both of you took your team down tonight.

In the end it was…

-…who had to say goodbye

to her dream of becoming head chef
at Hell's Kitchen Lake Tahoe.

And now,
the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

When you feed me BS…

I'm gonna throw it back at you
immediately. Is that clear?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Get out of here.

[all] Yes, Chef.

[Syann] You know what's so funny?

I knew he was gonna read through that.

I had no real reason for Nikki.

Nicole's only been cooking
in the kitchen for two years,

but that doesn't mean
she should go in for elimination

when she kicked ass tonight.

If you f*cked up, you're going up.

You got to own it,
and we just got to say okay.

I'm not doing that.

-You're not doing that?
-I don't agree with it.

I've been an exec chef since I was .

If it was me and Nikki up for elimination,

and Chef sent me home,
I literally would lose my mind.

You don't just throw somebody
into that job.

It's just frustrating
having people around me

who just truly do not believe
that I'm capable of doing

what I know that I know how to do.

You guys don't know me. You don't know
what I have to f*cking offer.

You're younger,
you haven't managed a staff that large.

You're stepping
into your first sous-chef role.

You're not gonna beat everybody
in the end and get the job.

You don't truly know my experience.

You can't base your entire opinion
off of my résumé.

Amber is someone
that's very hard to get along with.

She can be a little bit of a bitch
at times.

She's bringing bad energy,
and she needs to stop.

I honestly feel like I should just keep
my knowledge and my skills to myself.

While the chefs try to relax and unwind…

Man, gotta say again,
great working with you today.

Always, dude.

…one chef is struggling
and seems to be in pain.

Oh, my f*cking…

My body hasn't felt right
for a couple of days.

You know, I'm sore. I'm cramping.
I'm cramping in every part of my body.

Oh, that f*cking sucks.

You gonna make it?

-I have a cramp, really f*cking bad.

I don't know what's going on.
I feel very weak, I feel very just…

Something's definitely up,
and I don't know what it is.

I know it's getting worse,

because I am cramping here, here,
I'm cramping everywhere.

I'm getting full-body cramps.
I'm getting headaches.

I got light-headed earlier today.
I almost passed out.

All right, uh,
we should get you to the hospital.

The only thing going through my mind
right now is my kids.

I'm cooking with one of my idols,
Chef Ramsay.

Even though this is a dream
that I've wanted for so long…

I'm just trying to really stay focused
on my own overall health and my children.

[siren wails]

-I hope he comes back, man.
-Yeah, me too.

[narrator] Drew's return is uncertain,

and the Blue Team is forced
to start their day one member short.

-["Bridal Chorus" playing]


-This is gonna be a wedding?
-[music fizzles out]

What the f*ck? At Hell's Kitchen?

[music resumes]

Here we are.

Dear friends and family,
we're gathered here today

to witness and celebrate
one of life's greatest moments,

the joining of Thomas and Tabitha
in marriage.

My wife Lisa's everything.
I met her when I was .

I miss her so much right now.

Place the ring on Tabitha's left hand.

This is my reminder.

I'm doing this for my wife and my kids.

I am proud to say
you are husband and wife.

You may now kiss your groom.



["Wedding March" playing]

Chefs, as you know, Vegas is
the wedding capital of the world.

There are over weddings
performed every day in this city.


I've decided today to open the doors
of Hell's Kitchen this morning

for couples celebrating their big day.

-[Ramsay] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
-[Peter] That's a lot of love.

Not just one wedding is happening,
but f*cking weddings are happening.

People are just coming in costumes,
medieval dancer, cowboy.

That is quite the commitment.

You look amazing. We good?
Please, take a seat.


Now, chefs,
after the last marriage is performed,

we'll be serving them
a delicious reception brunch.

[all] Heard, Chef.

Now, Blue Team, as you know,
Drew is a little bit under the weather.

He's still in the hospital,

but the weddings and Hell's Kitchen
will go on.

[all] Heard, Chef.

Once your kitchen has completed

and served all our amazing guests
this morning,

the first team to put on their cake topper
wins the challenge.

-[all] Heard, Chef.
-You'll have minutes to prepare

for this incredible wedding brunch.

-Couples, are you ready to get married?
-[all] Yes, Chef

Excellent. You all look amazing,
by the way.

Your time starts now. Let's go!

-[Marc] I'm on the toast.
-[Kori] Who's doing what?

The chefs' teamwork and communication
will be tested today…

Someone needs to get
the stand mixer going.

…as both teams will race
to serve a reception brunch

for newly wedded couples.

-[celebrant] Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg.

-Let's go. This is brunch now, right?
-Let's go.

-[Nikki] Who's got powdered sugar?
-It's over here.

You may now kiss your bride.


Commit to her right now.

-Is the toast nice and toasty, girls?
-Yeah, we're getting there right now.

-Through joy and sorrow…
-Avocado in there. Seasoned and done?

Yeah, the avocado's right here, man.

You may now kiss your bride.

One minute from now, we start.

-Yes, Chef!

On today's menu, every table will receive

a platter of avocado toast
and fresh mimosas.

Now, hold each other's hands.
Look into each other's eyes.

For the entrées, the couples will have
a choice of steak and eggs,

eggs Benedict or buttermilk waffles.

[Ramsay] Okay, let's go!

-All the weddings have happened.
-Yes, Chef!

First ticket's in.
Six avocado on the pass.

-[Ramsay] Let's go.

We so f*cking got this, dude. Whoo!

Okay, gentlemen, first ticket's in.
Six covers, yes?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Table five, six toasts.

-Heard, Chef.
-All right.

Don't forget the mimosas!

Mimosas, I got them set.
There's not much to it.

Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy!

Mix the orange juice up first,
for f*ck's sake.

Shake the carafe,
mix the orange juice up first, yes?

Yes, Chef.

You're literally pouring champagne
from one vessel to another,

and then pouring orange juice
in the carafe. Like, I don't get it.

Not a good start for us.

We shouldn't be waiting for this stuff.
I need mimosas!

Good, let's go. Table four.

With the Blue Team finally sending out
their mimosas and avocado toast…

-Don't smear it on my face.
-[all laughing]

…the Red Team is working on an order of…

-One waffle, three Benedict, two steak.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Thank you. Let's go!

I'm on the pass,
and that's the lead of the kitchen.

That is the heart, that is the voice,
and I feel comfortable up there.

All right, how long on…

How long on…

How long on one waffle,
three Benedict, two steak?

-I got one waffle ready. Are you ready?

-Got two steaks ready.
-We're resting steaks.

-I can go in two minutes.

Jordan is strong,
but she gets a little flustered

when it comes to multiple things.

-Ladies, I'm walking my waffle.
-[Jordan] Um…

-Jordan, are you ready?
-I'm plating… Plate… um…

Pressure is immense.
The last thing you want to do

is f*ck up somebody's wedding day.

After you do compote, walk with it.
I know I can do this.

-Bring them to me.
-Two Benedict, three steak.

Let's go. Very nice.
Go, John, please, yes?

With Jordan finally finding her stride,

the happy couples are
falling in love with their entrées.

-Isn't it good?

The teams are neck-and-neck…

You girls are doing f*cking fantastic
over there. Keep it up, keep it up!

…with the Blue Team firing.

-Two Benedict, three steak, one waffle.
-Yes, Chef.

-Three minutes to window, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

Come on, come on.

I feel really confident going into
this challenge. I know I can handle it.

-I know that I can make a mean steak.
-[Ramsay] Let's go, let's go.

-Three steak, yes?
-Three steak, Chef.

[Jason] No, no, no, stop, stop.
These are raw.

f*cking hell. Stop.

Hey, Blue Team, I'm gonna give you
some f*cking strong advice.

-The steaks are raw.
-[Declan] The steak is blue.

Dude, what the hell is the problem?

-That is f*cking undercooked.
-Yes, Chef.

-I need medium-f*cking-rare.
-Yes, Chef.

But it's a bit of a shit show right now
'cause no one's f*cking focused.

-Get them back on the f*cking grill.
-On the grill.

You're good on those steaks?
How long do we need?

-One minute.
-One minute, thank you. Eggs on.

Red Team, let's go.
Two waffle, two Benedict, two steak.

[all] Yes, Chef.

Knowing that I'm serving
all of these married couples

their first meal is very daunting.

Three steaks walking up right now, Chef.

I want them to be like,
"I had a phenomenal time.

This was a great start to my marriage.

Baby, I love you.
We're gonna be together forever."


-Good, nicely grilled.
-Thank you, Chef.

Good. Beautiful color, bloody hell.
Oh, my Lord.

Oh, my gosh,
I k*lled it on those f*cking steaks!

I feel phenomenal!

-Mary Lou, how you doing?
-Oh, we're great.

We're good? Steaks are up?

[Ramsay] Where's the eggs?
The garnish?

-Garnish on the plate.
-Eggs. Where's the eggs?


[Kori] In the pizza oven, pizza oven,
pizza oven, pizza oven.

Come on, let's go! Eggs, please!

I'm working the egg station with Kori,
and there's a lot of pressure

because the majority of every dish
coming out of the kitchen right now

has an egg on it in some capacity.

We have to drop egg after egg after egg.

-Where's the eggs for steak?
-Done, Chef!

Well, give them to me if they're done!

-Yes, Chef.
-Jesus Christ. Come on!

-Hot pan, careful!
-Christina, send that table, please.

-Yes, Chef.

As the Red Team finally unites the couples

with their perfect match
of steak and eggs,

the Blue Team is still waiting
at the altar for Josh's refire of steak.

When they said till death,
they didn't say starve to death. Come on!

-[Josh] Our steak is ready to go.
-Are they grilled on both sides?

-Thank you. Holy shit.

Come on, Blue Team.
What is this guy doing?

-Hey, look at me.
-Yes, Chef.

It's f*cking medium-well.

-Enough's enough! Come on!
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Right away, Josh. Come on, I saw that.

The biggest problem in this challenge
right now is steaks coming back.

Either over, under, boiled.

I think Josh did every cooking technique
you could to a steak

except for the one
that Chef Ramsay's looking for.

Go ahead. Go for it.

I don't know what's going on in my head.

I'm gonna f*cking lose it
if I get it sent back again.

[Ramsay] Holy f*ck. Hey, Blue Team!

Oh, man. f*cking hell.

[tense music plays]

In today's speed wedding challenge,
both the Red Team…

-Sauce it and walk it.
-…and the Blue Team…

Come on, gents, let's get it going.

…are racing to feed a dining room
packed with hungry newlyweds.

-Forever and ever!

And Josh is hoping
that third time's the charm

-for his refired steak.
-All right, go for it.

I don't know what's going on in my head.

I'm gonna f*cking lose it
if I get it sent back again.

[Ramsay] Holy f*ck. Hey, Blue Team!

Oh, man. f*cking hell.

-Nicely cooked, Josh.
-Thank you, Chef.

-Go, please.
-With Chef Ramsay

finally sending Josh's steaks
down the aisle…

[man] It's fantastic.

Both teams are now quickly serving
the blissful couples.

-Bounce back. That's what we do!
-[Ramsay] Up in the window. Go, please.

And it's now a race to the finish.

This is the last table, ladies!

Three Benedict, two steak,
one waffle, yes?

[all] Yes, Chef.

-How long, how long, how long, how long?
-I'm plating waffles now.

Come on gents, last table.
All the way to the end!

-Yes, Chef.
-Where are the Benedict?

Five seconds on the pass, Chef!

It's happening. Keep plating.
Get this finished. Get it up to the pass.

We're almost there. Let's go.

-He's got it. He's got it in his hand.
-[Ramsay] Touch that egg.

-[Marc] It's over-poached.
-f*cking hard-boiled egg.

I'm not gonna f*cking serve it.

Declan, hard-boiled egg
ain't gonna work, man.

-Do one more.

This is supposed to be a wonderful,
special brunch for newlyweds,

and we're giving them overcooked eggs.

We're talking basics here.

[Jason] Refire Benedict. Come on!

Yes, Chef.

I got the last waffle, guys.
Look out, waffle!

-[Ramsay] I need the waffle.

-I need the waffle. Go, go!
-Go, go!

-Go, go!
-Cake topper.

[Ramsay] Well done!

-Well done.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Thank you, Chef.

Blue Team,
why does that have to be so difficult?

-[Declan] Doesn't, Chef.
-That was a simple wedding brunch

that you managed to screw up royally.
Clear down.

That was a shit show.
I don't care what you say or what I hear,

I'm taking lead of this kitchen
for all services.

-You can't cook an egg.
-Yeah, I can. Cooked every f*cking egg.

-Yeah, hard-boiled.
-Call a ticket.

We're in the dining room.
Represent ourselves.

-What are you talking about?
-No, you listen to me.

-We're not arguing.
-No. You can kiss my ass, dude.

We're in the dining room.
We are in the dining room.

Both stop right now. Both of you, stop.

-That's hot-headed.
-Shh, shh!

-Ladies, well done. Great job.
-[all] Thank you, Chef.

Our official travel partners,
Allegiant, are standing by

to whisk you off and take you

to beautiful Lake Tahoe…


…home of this year's prize restaurant.

Thank you, Chef!

First, you're gonna take
a majestic snowmobile ride

all over the mountains.


It is beautiful!

In addition
to the awesome snowmobile rides,

a night full of fun and surprises

at Harrah's Lake Tahoe Hotel and Casino.


What are you still doing here?
Come on, get out of here!

Thank you, Chef! Good luck, boys!

Have a good flight. Enjoy!

[women cheering, whooping]

Blue Team, the punishment
is not gonna be a piece of cake.

It'll actually be cupcakes.

f*ck me.

As a wedding present
for all our amazing guests today,

all made from scratch.

You guys panic. There's no composure.

-I'm looking for a leader.
-Yes, Chef.

-Now f*ck off.
-Yes, Chef.

Chef Ramsay wants a leader?
I'm a natural leader.

Hey, you want to talk,
just me and you for a second? You and I?

And there's no way
that I'm taking a back seat to anybody.

All right, sh**t.

I'm just letting you know that I'm
not the person who's gonna ever say,

"Yes, Declan, I'm gonna stand behind you."
Or take command from you.

Ain't gonna happen. I'm here to win.

I don't look up to you. I don't.
I look at you.

All I'm hearing is,
"Blah, blah, blah, blah.

I am here to win, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah."

You barking at me
is like a little Chihuahua…

-[Chihuahua barking]
-…barking at a big grizzly bear.

-[bear growls]
-Sit down.

You're up in my face.
I'm sitting down. You're like that.

So, that's twice you've disrespected me.

Come at me again, and you're gonna
see the knuckle sandwich.

You got to stop f*cking smoking.
You're gonna get emphysema.

-Bye, boys, have a good night!

[Mary Lou] Hot tub, cocktails!

[Jordan] All right! Let's go to Tahoe!

[upbeat music plays]

-Who wants to go snowmobiling?

-These things go pretty fast.

I'm revving up! Ah, it's so exciting!
I should go buy a motorcycle.

I feel like I can take on anything
right now.


[Syann] The sunset going up the hill,
it's so beautiful,

as it was, you know, night was coming in.

It was nature's finest art.

All you can really do is just be in awe.

Holy shit. That's sick!

Oh, my God!

Whoo! Sorry, boys.

[Josh] Alternate flour and buttermilk.

We have pans working as we speak.

[Josh] Oh, my God.

[Adam] I just wish we had
unlimited cupcake trays.

I hate baking. I hate pastry.

I don't want anything to do
with making f*cking cupcakes.

Hey, Josh, look at your cupcakes, man.

[Josh] f*ck me!

Dude, that's so annoying.
So, overmixing them did that to them?

-How much do we have to redo?
-We can't use any of 'em.

Yeah, yeah.


Josh, this is now entering
unforgivable territory right now.

Here we go again.

-Oh, my gosh.
-Oh, my goodness!

-[woman] Congratulations, Red Team!

Welcome to Harrah's and Harveys,
Lake Tahoe!

I've never been in a suite in my life!
I feel fancy as hell!

I'm so lost for words.

Sorry, Grandma, for all my cussing,
but we are some bad b*tches.

[all] Red Team, Red Team,
Red Team, Red Team!

[Amber] This reward has been
a great bonding moment.

Our girl group, the Red Team,

we have a little bit of what we're
calling a sister-mance going on.

We've definitely clicked.

She already drank all of her champs!

-Got more champagne?

-[man] Here.

There's no rule book on how fast
you're allowed to drink champagne.


Mary likes champagne.

Guys, do you feel sorry for the Blue Team?

[all] Not sorry!

Have fun making cupcakes!

Six hundred cupcakes? Six hundred?

[Cody] Didn't think
this was gonna be this hard.

-[Josh] So sick of working with sugar.
-We're almost done,

so don't rush it
and f*ck it up at the end.

-I'm not. I been working the whole time.
-You said you want it done, so calm down.

I just want to get this done.
I'm sick of making these batters.

[Cody] Eight hours into the cupcakes,
and everyone's irritated.

-People might start swinging.
-Let's finish it, and we'll be good.

And then we can be all buddies again.

Wait, wait, wait.
Why did you go pearls on the purple?

There is pearls on the purple.
They were floating on top.

-[Peter] No pearls on the purple.
-[Josh] There were.

[Peter] No, there wasn't.

-There's no pearls on the purple!
-That was a mistake! Dog!

[Adam] There's no pearls on the purple,
only the pink.

The purples were done. They've been done.

Declan's gonna flip.

The Blue Team is hours into baking,

and after a bad morning
during the speed breakfast,

Josh has made a huge mistake
with the cupcakes.

There's no pearls on the purple,
only the pink.

The purples were done. They've been done.

Declan's gonna flip.

-Declan, I f*cked up.
-[Declan] What?

-[Josh] I put pearls on the purple.
-[Declan] No, no!

There's no f*cking pearls on it, dude!

Oh, man, doughnut.

Right now, I'm thinking Josh
is a liability, for sure.

The road to hell
is paved with good intentions.

It's a new day in Hell's Kitchen,
and with the ladies back from Tahoe…

[Mary Lou]
Welcome back to hell, everybody.

…and the baking done…

-[Cody] This is so many cupcakes.
-[Syann] Let's go, ladies.

…both teams begin prep
for tonight's dinner service.

Going into this strong, gentlemen?

-[Marc] Yes, Chef.
-[Declan] All sweet, all cool.

-[Amber] Hey, Sy?

Can you keep eyes
on those sauce pots there?

Make sure they don't scorch?

-Hot pan coming around.

[Declan] How we looking?
We getting set up?

-[Cody] Yes, Chef.
-Like bullfighters when we get in here.

Want to grab proteins and score proteins?

-I'll start grabbing sauces.
-[Nikki] Okay.

Josh, let's go, yes?

-I want to hear you tonight.
-Yes, Chef.

-No f*cking around, please.
-No f*cking around. Heard, Chef.

No, no f*cking around, no.

-[Sy] Flawless Lawless.
-I got this, babe.

-[Sy] Scream.
-I'm gonna be loud tonight.

-Ladies, line up, please.
-Yes, Chef.

Gentlemen, line up, please.

Now, a quick update on Drew.
Unfortunately, he's not %,

and, therefore, he will not be returning
to the competition.

Oh, that's not good.


I feel like the Blue Team is, like,
diminishing right before my eyes.

Kenneth, Eliott, Drew,
gone, gone, gone, gone.

I can't even keep count right now.

We have one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight in red.

Six in the blue.

So, ladies,
I've decided to shake things up

and have a member of the Red Team
join the Blue Team.

[Declan] Please can it be somebody good?

This sexy, fine feline
on the other team, Mary Lou, oh!

Syann, yeah, you know it, girl! Mm-hmm!

Kori, I left my mum a few years ago.
I don't need another mum.

Lauren, with you,
I'd sleep with one eye open.

Amber, you are going to the Blue Team,
young lady.

-What's that, Chef?
-[Declan] What? Really?

-Stand in front of Declan.
-Yes, Chef.

-Ladies, say goodbye to Amber.
-See you later, Amber.

We still love you.

I've been working really hard
to get things in line on the Red Team,

and to get taken away from it kinda sucks.

Get set up.
We're opening in minutes from now, yes?

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Let's go, guys.

But being a great chef
is all about adapting,

so I'm gonna show Chef Ramsay
how I'm adaptable.

-Don't wanna talk about it.

Right behind you. Sharp knives behind.

Amber, welcome to the Blue Team, yes?
I want to hear your voice.

Yes, Chef. Declan,
do you mind if I move a couple things?

No, don't move anything.
We've got it set up the way we want it.


Are you okay?

This is not how I want this set.
I can't work like this.

No, come on. We're a team now.
This is not, like…

Amber, we got you. Don't worry.
Whatever you need.

-[Josh] All you gotta do is cook meat.
-That's fine.

That's all you got to do.

-Yeah, that's fine.
-We're all a team now.

What's wrong? It's okay.

-What's gonna make you feel better?
-Nothing, I just…

It's a lot just to switch like that?

-What the f*ck?
-We won the last dinner service.

-[Ramsay] Gentlemen, are we good?
-Yes, Chef!

-Good. Marino!
-Sì, Chef?

-Open Hell's Kitchen, please. Let's go.

Once again, Hell's Kitchen
is completely booked with lively diners…

It's beautiful in here.

…who've come in search
of an unforgettable evening…

I can't believe we're seeing Gordon
and everyone here right now.

Dining room's filling up, boys.
Let's f*cking go, all right?

All right, ladies, let's take it home.

…along with hungry guests…

-Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

Thank you so much.

Let's do the truffle carbonara.

…and a motley crew of VIPs.

Chef Ramsay has extended an invitation
to Christina's girlfriend and her family

to eat at the chef's table
in the Red kitchen.

-What a nice night.

-To Las Vegas!

-I'm excited for Vegas.

And Jason's wife and best friends
to dine in the Blue.

-I can't believe we're really here.
-I know, right?

Let's go, guys. On order, two covers
table , two covers table three.

-Two scallops, one risotto.
-Yes, Chef.

-Four minutes on risotto!
-Peter, four minutes out, okay?

Peter, stop. Those pans aren't hot enough.

Peter, don't take it off the heat.

Must have a little bit of color
on both sides, and that's it.

Everyone's talking to me,
giving me tips and advice,

and I'm like, "Wait a minute.
I know how to f*cking cook, bro!"

You good over here? Nice.

I've cooked, like,
a million scallops in my life, bro.

Give me the scallops!
I need to plate! Marc is there!

-Come on, Peter, please!
-Yes, Chef.

What's wrong?

I think those things are not cooked,
the scallops.

Then why'd you give them over to him?

-He thinks he's gonna call for them back.
-No, why?

Stop! They look shit.

Just touch them.
They're f*cking overcooked.

What can I say, man?
You can't win every day, man.

You can't be a winner every day,
but I'm gonna turn this around.

-I want those out in one minute.

As the Blue Team struggles
to deliver their first order,

-over in the Red kitchen…
-Let's go, ladies.

…the women are hoping
for a smoother start.

-One flatbread, two risotto.
-Yes, Chef.

Flatbread's part of you. Have it built,
ready to go. I'll tell you when to fire.

I've made my share of flatbread before.

I get my dough rolled out,
I get my sauce on there,

I get my cheese, I get my meat.


And I just made my stomach growl.
That sounds really, really good.

So we're six minutes to the window.
Two risotto, one flatbread, yes?

-Yes, Chef.
-So she's burnt the flatbread.

Pull it now, pull it now.

Whoa. Trash it. Fire another one!

Me and Jordan are trying
to get our groove back, like Stella.

Fire now.

Messed up on that one,
but we're gonna bounce back.

[Jordan] Just watch it and turn it.

Sy! I don't know what the problem is.


[Jordan] Then fire another one, Chef.
Fire another one.

Talk to someone, pray to Jesus,
pray to the fire gods,

whatever you gotta do,
but you gotta figure this shit out!

-Is the risotto ready?
-Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Is the lobster ready?
-Thirty seconds, Chef.

-Is the flatbread ready?
-No, Chef.

-Don't stop! Please, come on!
-No, Chef. I had to start over.

Holy f*ck.

Red Team, this is our third flatbread
on our first table.

What is happening?

No answer.

Are you trying to screw your team?

[dramatic music playing]

[tense music playing]

It's minutes into dinner service,

and Syann's flatbread pizza is flatlining…

Whoa. Trash it.

This is our third flatbread
on our first table.

…prompting Chef Ramsay to ask…

Are you trying to screw your team?

-Sorry, Chef.
-Amber's gone. Is this what happens?

-No, Chef.
-No, Chef.

-So, come on then.
-Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

Oh, my Lord.

Watch that. Watch all that. Give me that.

Come on, Sy. I'm about to not let you
make flatbreads ever again.

-No, no, basil's at the end.

Oh, yeah. f*ck my life.

Seriously, how many chefs does it take
to make a f*cking flatbread?

-Ricotta's what goes in.
-It's at the end.

No, ricotta goes in now.

-Ricotta's at the end. At the end.
-You sure?

Apparently, several.

-Wait, you're missing something.
-[Jordan] What?

-[Kori] No big deal.
-Golly. [sighs]

Flatbread's walking.

After it took a team effort
to get the flatbread right…

Service, please.

…the Red Team has finally sent
their first appetizers…


but now are quickly pushing food out
to the dining room.

-[Marino] Here's the risotto for you.
-Thank you.

Wow, wow. That looks really good.

The Blue Team is also in a groove.

[Ramsay] Thank you. Let's go.
Now we're talking.

-What did you get?

-Can't wait!
-It smells good. Do we have ranch?

And now both teams
are moving on to entrées.

Let's go. Let's go.

On order, chef's table,
Chef Jason's family…

[Marc] VIP, boys.

He just butts over me.

I don't know what it is with you,

but you got a big mouth for a small guy,
'cause I'm f*cking pissed.

When I call out an order, everyone should
be listening and cooking. That's it.

-Why are you shouting over me?
-I'm sorry, Chef.

What's more important than Jason's family?

-Yes, Chef.
-What's more important?

Jason's family, Chef, absolutely.
I apologize. I understand.

[Declan] The big man Marc,
you're all talk as usual.

You shouldn't be a chef.

You should be a spokesman,
a politician or a car salesman.

-[horn honks]
-Careful when you open your f*cking mouth.

Entrée, one halibut,
one New York strip, one chicken.

-Yes, Chef.
-Peter, pan on,

-fire halibut.
-Yeah, I'm on it.

I want my food!

While the Blue Team tries
to keep their head in the game

for the chef's table…

-Marc, Marc, just calm down.


…the Red Team is about to serve
a special guest of their own.

VIP, Marino's family.
Entrée, one lamb, one salmon. Heard?

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

Appetizers are off to a shit start.

-I'm hoping the entrées pick up a bit.
-Yes, Chef.

I know this is something we can fix,
something we can bounce back from.

I can cook anything
you put in front of me--

snapping turtle, squirrel, rabbit.

The list is endless.
Listen, I've got this.

Walking salmon behind you,
behind you, behind you. Coming in.

Oh, f*ck me.


Okay, ladies, come here
and touch that underneath.

Touch it, ladies.

This salmon's f*cked.

It's definitely embarrassing
letting Marino's family down,

because what the f*ck
has Marino ever done to me?

Come on, girls. Jesus Christ.

All right, two more salmon.
Start right now. Set it up.

I have no idea
why Brittani is struggling so much.

Take a breath.

So, I feel like that's where
my support's needed.

We got salt on those?
Next time, both sides.

-Salt before, okay.
-Both sides.

Nikki, you're supposed to be
on meat with Kori.

[Nikki] Yes, I'm just trying
to give Brittani some support.

Some support.
Does she need any more support?

-She may.
-Holy f*ck.

This is painful.

-I am so f*cking sorry. God damn.
-Don't be sorry, man. Learning curve.

But you know what? After tonight,
who's gonna know how to cook fish?

-This bitch!

[Ramsay] Chef Jason's family, how long?

Right now, Chef,
I'm on the pass in two minutes.

This is Chef Jason's table.
Come on, gents.

Nobody let this table falter. Nobody.

Get your garnishes ready. Be ready.
When you're ready, I'm ready.

-Okay? When you put it on the pass,

tell me you're ready,
and I'll bring the meats up.

We'll be ready, okay.

We're getting this out right.

I'm gonna punch my way
through this if I have to.

Walking to the pass now, Chef. Thanks.

Declan, meat's undercooked.

-[gasps] Oh, no!
-Big boy's going down.

Come on.
It's f*cking bright white and it's rare.

Get it in a hot pan now.

Declan, you want to self-proclaim
yourself the leader

to the entire team,
and then not be able to cook?

That makes me chuckle. [chuckles]

-Where are we now?
-[Declan] Fish is ready, right?

Hold on a minute. The halibut's not in.

-Not in, Chef.
-Chef, I told him to put it in.

Did we not have a discussion?

Peter, pan on,

-fire halibut.
-Yeah, I'm on it.

Oh, my God. Enough's enough!

[narrator] It's over an hour and a half
into dinner service…

Hold on a minute. The halibut's not in.

…and Chef Ramsay has made
an unfortunate discovery

about the chef's table's fish entrée.

I said put the pan down,
put the halibut on.

-Oh, f*cking hell.
-[Adam] Come on, Peter.

Oh, my God. Enough's enough!

I'm done. I'm getting so f*cked off,
it's ridiculous!

And I'm f*cking minutes away
from kicking you all out.

One mistake on that table,
and it's f*cking game over.

-Good night.
-Yes, Chef.

Six minutes, I'm good.

With the Blue Team refiring
their VIP order,

-the Red kitchen is…
-Walking salmon.

Go on then.
Salmon's cooked beautifully. Let's go.

Brittani has now recovered
on the fish station.

The skin is crispy. It's tasty.

And now the Red Team is moving on to…

-Chef table VIPs. Christina's girlfriend.
-Yes, Chef.

One salmon, one Wellington,
one New York strip, one lamb.

-Heard, Chef.
-Yes, Chef. Thank you.

Remember again
who we're cooking for, guys.

If it's not perfect,
it doesn't f*cking go.

We absolutely cannot let
Chef Christina down on this one,

and we absolutely will not.

Not a possibility.

-Lamb, New York strip, how long, please?
-Coming in. Coming in.

Ladies, stop. All of you, come here.

I'm trying to think positive.
I'm trying to stay confident.

I'm trying to breathe as much as I can.

What is happening?

Raw f*cking beef.

Get out! Come up with two individuals

-that don't belong here.
-Sorry, Chef.

[Ramsay] Get out.

To know that it was your dish
that broke that camel,

it's not a proud moment to have right now.

We all f*cked up today. Me, Britt, Kori.

Okay, but apps is what,
from the beginning,

we had such a clusterfuck with that.

It's what… [gasping]

…kind of kept us under water.

And it just kind of snowballed from there.

So that's the problem.

The first flatbread, it did.
But, Kori, you had the raw meat.

[Syann] I know I dropped the ball today.

However, I don't think
I'm the weakest chef on the Red Team.

[Jordan] I know, Brittani,
you messed up on fish,

and, you know,
Nikki was helping the entire time,

-and that distracted me.
-Of course.

After you guys taught me
how to do the salmon, I was fine.

One bad night doesn't make a bad chef.

I didn't get upset. I f*cked it up.
I'm gonna do it again.

I'm determined and I want to stay.
I want to keep learning.

Honestly, I have no idea
who's gonna go home tonight.

At this point, it's anyone's game.
It could be Sy. It could be Kori.

It could be Britt.
I really have no idea what to expect.

Oh, man! [sighs]

With the Red Team out of the kitchen…

Come on, guys. We got this.
Let's crush this out.

We got a halibut coming out.

…the Blue Team try to finish service
on a positive note.

[Declan] Walking to the pass now.

Guys, we need to nail this one ticket.
Once this one ticket is nailed…

Chicken's sliced.

We are gonna go home, like,
with a f*cking mildly solid service.

Nicely cooked, the New York strip.

-Pull those out.
-[Amber] Right now, Chef!

Is the fish coming, or do I have to ask?

Yes, Chef, he's walking.
Walk it. Walk it. Walk it.

-Go, go, go, go.
-[Peter] Behind, behind.

[Ramsay] There.

All of you, set down here.

That's the last piece of halibut there.
That's what I've just been given.

Just f*cking look at…
Look at the black shit on there.

I'm f*cking done.

Get out!

Get f*cking out of here. Get out.

And, Blue Team, come up with two
individuals that need to leave quickly.

Yes, Chef.

-[Declan] I'm just lost for words.

I get so frustrated
because I'm so passionate about food.

I can't believe this.

You guys got kicked out?

-[Declan] Don't talk to me for a while.
-Yes, sir.

-[Marc] Listen, man--
-Dude, stay the f*ck away from me.

-Stay away from me.
-I don't want to argue.

We're stronger together.
That's all I'm saying.

Dude, shut the f*ck up. Stay away from me.

-Don't provoke him.

I feel like we're just classy
English ladies having tea.

The Red Team is talking, and then
all of these hoodlums just show up.

We're stronger together.
That's all I'm saying.

Well, then f*cking lead,
follow or f*ck off!

[Amber] Oh, I hate the Blue Team.

They're shouting and yelling,

and I don't know what the Blue Team's
gonna do. It's a mess.

Peter, you weren't speaking.
You said you couldn't hear,

and I don't know
if you're normally more vocal,

but I need you to talk and cook
at the same time.

Did you see how many people
were talking at the same time to me?

If we're gonna talk about what
f*cked up service, Peter went down.

But that doesn't f*ck up service to me.

What fucks up service to me is when
we stop having each other's backs.

My two up for elimination,
Declan and Marc,

'cause you two are never gonna get along.

This team will never gel together again.

It literally felt like a big d*ck
competition. That's not what I'm into.

When him and I went out yesterday,
and that was squashed and behind us…

That shit wasn't squashed.

-It was not squashed.
-No, I know, right, but…

There's two big bulls
in this room right now,

and they're clashing at the head.

I just don't know how it f*cking works
with both of you here.

Right now is the time
where you should all be getting better.

Finding your stride,
not taking a step back.

Lauren, Red Team's
first nomination and why?

First nomination tonight, Chef,
is Brittani.

She fell short on the fish station,
which screwed things up.

Red Team's second nomination and why?

Second nomination is for…

-[Ramsay] Sy.

-[Lauren] She fell short on apps.
-[Ramsay] That's true.

Josh, first nominee and why?

We are nominating Marc.

Really just stopped communicating
halfway through.

And Blue Team's second nomination.

The team has decided we are nominating…


Sy, Brittani, Peter, and Marc,
step forward.

-Yes, Chef?

Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?

I'm here to win. I'm here
to go the distance, Chef. I can cook.

I did what I could
to communicate with Peter and help,

but that station was a disaster tonight.

Cody, why are you shaking your head?

It's important to admit your faults,
and all I'm hearing is finger-pointing.

-Yes, Chef.

-Tonight wasn't your night.
-Absolutely not, Chef.

Why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?

Based on today's performance,
I didn't find that rhythm at all.

You need to find that rhythm.

I was, like, juggling those pans, like…

Like I was doing capoeira or some shit.

But at the same time, I know how to cook.

[exhales sharply]

Brittani, why should you stay
in Hell's Kitchen?

I'm determined, Chef. I have no idea
what I'm doing on the fish station,

and I'm not afraid to admit that,
but I will not give up.

Sy, why should you stay in Hell's Kitchen?

I'm a fighter, I have a great palate,
and I can cook fish.

Oh, you four.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is…


I've seen the determination,
but it's just not coming together.

You should be a lot better
on the third service.

-Yes, Chef.
-Give me your jacket, please.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Good night.

[Brittani] I was hoping to bring
a bit more to the table, and I fell short.

It's heartbreaking.

The whole experience
I'm gonna take back with me.

You learn more from failing
than you do from winning.

If I can get some fresh fish in Kentucky,
then I'm gonna practice it every day.

My family's gonna be tired of eating fish.

-Red Team, you want success, right?
-Yes, Chef.

-Blue Team, you want success, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

Nobody wants it more than me.
Now get out of here.

[Syann] It's definitely hard
to see Brittani go home.

However, it needed to be done.

I'm still meant to be here.

I don't plan on going home anytime soon.

I am a warrior,
and I never, ever, ever give up.

Marc, you're just a joke. You got to go.

If we were at w*r,
I wouldn't have you on my team.

You'd probably put me in front of you
just to dodge yourself from a b*llet.

[Marc] Being put up tonight
for elimination was absolutely ridiculous.

Blue Team, I'm here to the very end.

And, you know, they got to deal with me.

[Ramsay] Brittani floundered
on the fish station and sank her team,

which left me with one option: cut bait.

[narrator] Next time on Hell's Kitchen…

-I'm a fighter.
-You're fighting against your team.

-I'm pissed because of character.
-…the Marc madness…

If you want to force this, that's fine.

I'm not forcing shit. I'm just wondering
if I need to worry about you.

Worry about me in what respect?
Do I got to worry about you?

-Clearly, I do.
-Bitch! Ooh!

…escalates to hysteria…

-Please stop talking to me.

…sending shock waves
through Hell's Kitchen.

Marc, I'm gonna f*cking kick his ass.

-I'm sorry.
-Will Chef Ramsay

-be able to weather the storm?

No, no, no tears, no.

Or will one chef…

Have you got the qualities
to become a head chef at Lake Tahoe?

-…do the unthinkable?
-[man] I don't.

-It's all next time…

…on a shocking episode of Hell's Kitchen.
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