12x09 - 12 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x09 - 12 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen.

Like it, like it, love it, Hell's Kitchen will be hosting the 160th anniversary celebration for the phi mu sorority.

They're always so damn happy.

The chefs were challenged to create a Southern
-inspired tasting menu.

Yeah! While Mississippi native Kashia was a natural to lead the red team
- The oil up in there.

- Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! Drain that oil off of there.

The men turned to native texan Gabriel to lead them to victory.

We're gonna do the blackened catfish with grits.

Gabriel, lead us through this.

It was by far the closest challenge yet.

I would have to go with the blue team.

- The red team.

- The red team.

But the women prevailed and were very happy winners While the men were devastated, especially Ralph, who was a very sore loser.

I hope it tastes just like the red team, [Bleep]


- Hey.

- Oh, my goodness.

Then at the phi mu anniversary dinner Ready, take 'em now.

Thanks to Anton and Gabriel, the men came out of the gate strong Hey.

We're on a roll now, guys.

Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.

But hit a major speed bump No, no! Raw chicken.

Start the table again.

With Jason's ongoing struggles with the fried chicken.

It's still raw! In the red kitchen, Bev was completely overwhelmed on garnish One vegetarian, yes? What's in the vegetarian? It's Mac and cheese.

We need to get this thing back on.

What is this what is this back here? Until Rochelle stepped in and came to her rescue.

Now Rochelle is driving the section, and Bev's just stepped back no, I'm not, Chef.

But when Jessica abandoned her station partner Kashia on fried chicken It's still raw.

What is going on? I'm by myself on the [Bleep]


Kashia and the red team had a full
-scale meltdown I'm sinking on something I know how to do.

And a dinner service loss.

There was no sisterhood in the red team.

Kashia's emotional plea You left me there, panicking.

No! Won her teammates over, and they nominated Jessica for elimination along with Bev.

And in the end Bev, give me your jacket.

It was Bev, who saw her dream of becoming a head Chef at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant and winning a quarter of a million dollars come to an end.

And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Tonight was a [Bleep]


Now, piss off, all of you.

Clearly, there is a deeper
-rooted issue going on that people aren't discussing with me.

I just felt entirely [Bleep]



Kashia, out of the weakest person, you picked me? Like, like sometimes, like, you don't want to work as a team.

It's, like, all about you.

I don't understand.

I didn't even know Jessica was that emotional.

If everybody's telling you you're [Bleep]

up, then you need to stop and look at yourself and be like, "am I [Bleep]

up? Yes, I am.

" Nobody wants to put anybody up, but it's about listening sometimes, and it's about the bounce back.

That was it for me.

That's it.

It's the same issue every service.

You space out.

You on earth, you on Mars.

Like, come back.

We put the right two up.

I gotta put on a bulletproof vest because I don't know where the sh*ts are gonna be fired.

I don't know who's gonna be trying to throw me underneath the bus.

This is how I feel about her.

Everybody here got a story, but she's like, "you know, I was homeless.

" I was homeless about a year ago, and I've taken steps to come here and live my dream.

All right, she played that card, but guess what.

I was too.

Chef don't know that.

He don't need to know that.

All he need to know is that I'm here right now and I got past that point, you know what I'm saying? I'm never gonna go up there and give a sob story to Chef.

I've slept on steps.

I've slept in parks.

I've slept in shelters.

I've slept places I shouldn't have slept.

I'm just tired of the [Bleep]

excuses, you know what I'm saying? Here we come.

Let's go.

Good morning.

Morning, Chef.

Good morning, Chef.

Jessica, how you feeling? I'm ready to redeem myself.

I'm ready to bring some energy today, Chef.


Now, since you've arrived in Hell's Kitchen, I'm looking to test your ability to adapt.

That is what today's challenge is all about.

As you can see, there are four domes in front of you.

You'll find under the first dome six proteins.

The minute you see that light go off, grab the protein that you want to work with.

Every few minutes, another dome's light will go on.

You'll run and grab the appropriate side, starch, garnish, whatever you think is gonna enhance your protein.

You've all got 30 minutes to cook one stunning entree.

You are all on your own today.

Yes, it is a team challenge, but you have to adapt and shine as individuals.

Everybody ready? Yes, Chef.


In today's challenge, the chefs must create their dishes using one ingredient from each of the four domes.

I'll do this.

A new dome will be revealed every five minutes, and the chefs will be forced to adapt and create their dishes on the fly.


There's chaos.

I went with my first instinct, swordfish.

I've worked with swordfish so many times.

I got this.

Let's go, guys.

Somebody took more than something, 'cause I have nothing.

Oh, I'm sorry, Chef.

What the hell's that? Chef Scott is like, "oh, I'm sorry, "I don't know the difference between a duck breast and a chicken breast.

" As Gabriel starts on the chicken Scott decided not to use, in the red kitchen, Rochelle This is gonna be hilarious.

Is learning firsthand how to deal with a cuddly crustacean.

I don't know how to do this.

Oh, thanks, everybody.

Give me the living protein that I have to k*ll.

Please don't go off the table.

I'm like, oh, and did I mention I've never cooked this before? I'm so sorry, little fella.

Oh! I don't think I could work on a farm in real life.

I can't k*ll things before I eat them.

I think that works.

I am so sorry.

With five minutes gone, the chefs hurry to grab a starch that best complements their protein.

Come on, now.

And while Sandra is very aggressive, fighting for the potatoes Ralph, get in there.

Ralph mysteriously takes a laid
-back approach.

What is this? Couscous? I don't need to rush up there, [Bleep]

push people.

Whatever's there left, I took it.

Watch your back, Ralph.

I know I'm talented.

I can cook anything.

Let's go.

Come on, come on, come on.

Kashia, what have you got as a starch? I got the fingerling potatoes.

Sandra, what have you got? Potatoes.

Both can't use the same ingredients.

Hurry up.

Decide amongst you.

I had these potatoes first, Sandra, I'm sorry.

Hurry up.

That Sandra, she's a troublemaker.

You both can't use potatoes.

Yes, Chef.


And the last thing there, the egg noodles, to me, was kind of boring.

I didn't even get a thank

It's all right.

I'll adapt.

For the third dome, the chefs must scramble to make sure they get the vegetable that works in harmony with their protein and their starch.

Scott, what have you got? I got I got fennel, Chef.

The dish I've put together is a seared duck breast and some baby fennel with fingerling potatoes, so I put basic ingredients that work together as fast as possible.

Jessica and Sandra, what have you got? Endive.

You've both taken endive.

Come on, ladies.

Please let me use it, Jessica.

Look at each other and decide.


I swear to God, I knew that I grabbed that first.

She's out of her mind.

Both of you, you're wasting valuable time.

I mean, I don't know who got it first.

It was probably her, but I don't care.

I needed it, and I'll do whatever it takes to win at this point.


hurry up.

In today's adaptability challenge, the chefs must each grab one ingredient from each of the four trays of choices.

You've both taken endive.

And with Sandra and Jessica fighting over the endive Look at each other and decide.


Chef Ramsay is anxious for the two feuding chefs to sort it out.

Hurry up.

You're wasting valuable time.

All right, I got I'll take the [Bleep]


Come on, ladies, let's go.

Jessica was like, "[Bleep]

you" when she walked by me.

I almost punched her in the face.


Don't panic.

Slow down.

Ladies, listen for that bell, please.

With only five minutes left in the challenge Last ingredient.

The final dome reveals six wild card ingredients, including tangerines, chorizo, baby parsnips, pistachios, olives, and white cheddar, which the chefs must incorporate into their dishes.

What is this, chorizo? Yeah.

The curve ball came when I got to the chorizo.

At that point, my sauce was done, my lobster was done.

It was a little hard incorporating it into the dish.

You got stock over there, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Everybody got something, yes? Yes, Chef.


Tangerine, Chef.

- Melanie.

- Baby parsnips.


Last two minutes.

Start giving your dish some finesse.

- Start thinking about it on the plate.

- Yes, Chef.

Get it up there.

Right behind you.

Oh, my God.

Watch your back.

Five, four, three, two Right behind you.

One, and serve.

Everybody line up in front of the pass.

Let's go.

Okay, is everybody happy with their dishes? Yes, Chef.


To judge this challenge, I've invited a very special guest.

This Chef has two michelin stars and is the owner and the executive head Chef of the spectacular Providence restaurant in Los Angeles.

Please welcome Chef Michael Cimarusti.

I'm just star

Chef Michael is one of the greatest chefs.

I mean, this guy is up there with the big dogs.

- Good to see you.

- How are you?
- Starving, how are you?
- Good, thank you.

Let's start off with the battle of the New York strip, please.

Let's go.

The dishes will be judged on creativity, taste, presentation, and how well the chefs incorporated their chosen ingredients.

Is that a New York strip, Ralph? Yes, Chef.

You gone all fancy? Yeah, I went a little Moroccan
-style, had couscous, had pistachios, had some beets.

Chef Michael can choose to award a point to just one or both chefs.

I'm nervous.

His dish was very creative.

It's out of the box.


The steak is cooked beautifully, but the only flavor I get out of that, really, is the pistachio.

It sort of dominates the whole thing.

- Uh, Kashia.

- Yes, Chef.

I pan
-seared my steak, and then I placed it in the oven.

Then I had the turnips, and I blanched them with my potatoes.

I topped it off with the white cheddar and the scallions.

That is great.

You cooked the steak brilliantly.

I'd hate to see what you'd do, like, with a two hours and I bet it would just be amazing.

Chef, is it the red team with Kashia or blue team with Ralph? I gotta go with Kashia.

Thank you, Chef.

You could open a restaurant just based on that dish.

Thank you, Chef.

My insides were dancing.

I was having a celebration in my head.

It gave me a little boost of energy and confidence all over again.

Good job, country.

With the women out to an early lead, Rochelle is ready to present her lobster and polenta.

It was my first time actually ever cooking lobster.

You've never cooked lobster like this before? No, never.

You've never cooked lobster before? Wow.

I got a really strong feeling we won this one.

Visually? Yeah, it looks great.

- Yeah, it's nice.

- Thank you, Chef.

It's a good flavor combination for lobster.



- Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

Uh, Richard, what is that? Chef, this is a lobster chorizo cream sauce over some pasta.

A cream sauce pasta may not be the most current thing to do.

But that is flavorful.

Thank you.

A really good effort from both of you.

Do you think one has the edge? I think I have to give it to Rochelle on this one.

Thank you, Chef.

Yeah, Ro

Take that, lobster.

_ I thought my dish was a winner.

Unfortunately, I was wrong.

I hate losing.

Sea bass, let's go.

With the red team up by two, the pressure is on Jason to score with his Spanish
-infused sea bass The fish is actually really tasty.

As he battles Joy's tangerine and bok choy
-accompanied sea bass.

May be a little bit heavy on the sweetness.


I gotta go with blue team.

Thank you, chefs.

Thank you very much.

With the men now on the board, Gabriel's coriander
-crusted chicken
- It's a nice dish.

- Thank you.

Is up against Melanie's chicken and glazed parsnips.

You've got balance.

There's good acidity.

Thank you, Chef.

I'm leaning towards giving them both a point.

I agree.


Well done.

A point each.

Thank you, Chef.

One for the red, one for the blue.


With both teams scoring Tight one.

The women still have a one
-point margin.

Next up, ahi tuna, please.

Let's go.

I thought it was swordfish.

Oh, my God.

When he said ahi tuna, my heart sunk.

I thought it was swordfish.

Anton, please.

I ended up making a seared tuna.

I also received a little bit of pasta with a red wine tangerine sauce.

In spite of the fact that it looks like, you know, it's kind of little all over the map, it's really harmonious.

- Thank you.

- Yes.

Jessica, what is that? I have a lot of mediterranean flavors going on pepper
-crusted tuna and roasted beets.

Why is it overcooked so much? Um, I put it in the oven for a little bit too long, Chef.

Yeah, that's probably something you wouldn't want to do that at all.

Are you kidding me? Who the [Bleep]

bakes tuna? The flavors are pretty good.

Unfortunately, the tuna's overcooked.

Chef, red team or blue team?
- Gotta go with the blue team.

- Blue team.

- Anton, well done.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you very much.

- Good job.

- Thank you, guys.

- Really good.

Jessica is [Bleep]


_ Wow, this is tighter than I expected at three to three.

It all comes down to the battle of the duck.

- Let's go.

- You're home, baby.

Rock it, Scott.

Every time we get a new challenge, it's always down to the end, the girls win.

This time, it's our turn.

Scott, please.

We have a pan
-roasted duck breast, olives, with a little bit of chicken stock, and some crispy fingerling potatoes.

That's a classic combination, duck and olives.

So I mean, you kind of had it a little easy there, I'd say.

But it's still pretty good.

Thank you.


Thank you.

We have a seared duck breast with merguez spicy
-style sausage with egg noodles.

I think it looks a bit done, but you can tell by eating it that it's not.

It's properly cooked.

It's tender.

- It's like butter.

- Yeah, it's well

Good job.

Well done, Sandra.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Really good.

Why don't you both go stand over there? Chef, it's tied, three to three.

- Last dish.

- Are you gonna make me call it?
- Yes, it's your call.

- Oh, man.

Red team or blue team? Take your time.

That's really tough, 'cause these are both really good dishes.

We need the win, because I'm getting sick and tired of just losing [Bleep]


Um With the score tied three to three in Chef Ramsay's adaptability challenge These are both really good dishes.

-star Chef Michael Cimarusti must choose whose duck creation will win it for their team Scott's or Sandra's.

Red team or blue team? Um I gotta go with the red team.

See, I told you, relax.

I'm really happy.

I'm ecstatic, and they they loved my dish.

- Michael, as always, a pleasure.

- Thank you, Chef.

Good to see you.

Thank God we won, because I knew my ass was gonna get chewed the [Bleep]

out for that tuna.

Ladies, well done.

Thank you, Chef.


Thank you, Chef.

All of you are headed down the coast to the scenic, breathtaking Terranea Resort, where you're gonna be treated to the most amazing meal overlooking the ocean.

- Awesome.


- Whoo! After that, all of you have got a very private, exclusive beach volleyball lesson with three
-time olympic champion Kerri Walsh Jennings.

Oh! I love her.

Ladies, head upstairs.

Get changed.

Shave our legs.


Your rides are waiting out front.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

Thank you, Chef.


Ladies, we're ready for a fabulous day.

Men Each and every one of you will be showing your appreciation to some very important people here in Hell's Kitchen, the waitstaff.

They have had to deal with some very, very unhappy diners, so the six of you will personally make it up to them by doing the chores for all 22 servers.

Head up to the dorms.







Hell yeah! I'm so excited.

I'm going to a private beach.

My girls are on a roll.

We're kicking ass, and it just feels so good.

Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo! Yeah! Whoo
-hoo! So you're gonna have to steam all the servers' shirts.

You're gonna have to iron the servers' aprons, as well as polishing shoes.

Spit shine? Yeah, you may spit, yeah.

But will you have enough spit to do all my shoes? I'll have enough spit for everything.

I hope you will.


You'll sweep the crumbs off the chairs, wipe down the pass, dust the shelves.

You're gonna have to do the stemware.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

He just keeps going on and on.

You're gonna have the cutlery.

Clean the fire doors.

Clean the HK fountain.

This completely sucks.

Okay, let's get cracking.

Spit clean.


Oh, my God, this is gorgeous.

- Oh, my gosh.

- Nice.



Oh, dolphin.

Oh, right there, right there! Another fabulous challenge win, another fabulous day out here in sunny California.

Look at this.

Ooh! Sorry, blue team.

We're steamrolling you.

They're just not as good as we are.

While the women laugh over steamrolling the guys, back in Hell's Kitchen, the men are doing some steaming of their own.

Ah! [Bleep]


That thing's hot.

What, the steamer? [Bleep]


Well, it is steam.

Oh, blow it out your [Bleep]


Rich, I love you.


You know, Rich is limping around a lot.

He's got bad knees.

My concern is, this ain't an office job.

We're not sitting behind a desk, playing on a computer.

Oh, lord.

I run a major country club.

I run over 25 cooks and a couple sous chefs.

Steaming shirts, ironing pants, shining shoes, I'm too old.

I ain't got time for that kind of [Bleep]


- Welcome to hell.

- Pretty much.

- Hi!
- Hi, ladies.

What an honor it is to meet you.

Thank you.

Oh, my God.

Kerri Walsh.

I've been a fan, actually, for a while.

It's pretty good, winning our challenges.

So let's have some fun, yeah? Yay! It's open.

Ooh, that stings.

Step into it.

Oh, oh.

Ooh, [Bleep]



Aah! Okay, lift it.

Oh! You got it, you got it.


Playing volleyball, it was hard.

But I didn't give up, even when I did mess up.

I just waited on the next ball and tried to give it my best.

Set it up.

Ooh! And I made Joy eat the dust.

Freakin' nice! Do you guys want to see my gold medal? Can I touch it? Oh, my for me, what helps, like I always wear gold.

Like, leading up to London, I always had my eye on the prize.

I had things around me to remind me of what I was going for.

And so I know you guys are on this gnarly trip right now.

You guys are fighting, struggling, so surround yourselves by positivity and by your gold medal.

Whatever that is you want to attain, keep reminding yourself, 'cause I know it's not easy.

I will always remember the moment, just holding the gold medal and meeting a true champion.

It's just encouragement, and, like, that's a once
-lifetime opportunity.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

It sucks, you know? I mean, this is, like, our sixth challenge that we've lost, and it seems like every time we see a little light, you know, the tunnel just gets farther and farther and farther away.

Girls are back! Make sure you get every spot.


After an exhausting afternoon of doing the chores of the front
-house staff The men collapse while the women recover from a day at a spectacular resort.

That's all right.

We'll wake up.

We don't have much of a choice.

A day in the sun, playing a little volleyball, with a huge lunch and with mimosas, I'm a little sleepy.

Hello, this is Jessica.

Jessica, it's Gordon.

Oh, hey, Gordon, how are you? Whoa.

Can you get everybody to meet me down in the dining room immediately, please? Absolutely, Chef.

That was Chef Ramsay.

I just called him Gordon.

I just realized that.

Like, you guys are buddies.

Like, he calls you all the time.

Yeah, like, "hey, Gordon.

" We have to go into the kitchen.

Let's go, guys.

Let's go, guys.

We are at the halfway point here in Hell's Kitchen, so I thought it was important to do some performance evaluations.

Not as a team, but just you and I together.

What? One
-one? Oh, you start getting nervous.

It's like, I was not expecting that at all.

Head back to the dorms.

I'll call you when I'm ready.

I'm still tired, but it actually woke me up, because I was always nervous when somebody was going up to the school to get my report card.

You never know what kind of dirt the teacher is gonna drop on you.



just got real.

Yes! I am so excited.

For what? Are you kidding me? An evaluation? This is great.

I am so excited.

This is what I wanted.

I was the only one that was completely pumped, psyched, ready for it, and anything they could give me, I will soak it in like a sponge.

Number one.

The first.

This is Jessica.

Hi, Jessica, it's Gordon again.

Could you ask Sandra to come straight up to my office, please? Of course.


Thank you.

Yes, bye.

Chef Ramsay would like to see Sandra.

Me? Good luck.

I'm [Bleep]

wrenched right now.

You know, he's like a dog that sniffs fear.

And I'm afraid it's gonna be like, "step into my office, you're fired," type of deal, so I just have to hope for the best.

Come in, Sandra.

Hello, Chef.

- Sit down.

- How are you? Yes, Chef.


How are you feeling? I feel good and nervous.

How do you think you're doing? Um, I think I could do a little bit better.

I've let simple mistakes just slip right through my fingers when I've had a solid service.

Today, that dish was amazing.

Thank you.

I mean, really amazing.

And then, when you have your down moments, it is literally way down.

And then sometimes I struggle to see the fight back, because you give off the impression that you've you've given up.

You show that you don't care.

So my big question to you is, do you care? Chef Ramsay has surprised the chefs with performance evaluations, and Sandra is the first one in the hot seat How are you feeling? I feel good and nervous.

And he wastes no time turning up the heat.

You give off the impression that you've you've given up.

So my big question to you is, do you care? Absolutely, 100% I care.

I really care.

I haven't given up on you, but sometimes you give me the impression that you've given up.

What I want to see is more of a fight back.

Fight back.

I will, I promise.

Jessica again.

Could you ask Gabriel to head to my office? Of course.


Um, how do you think you're doing? 'Cause I've got two Gabriels you know, one that's inconsistent and one that's about to sort of bloom and become a solid individual in this competition.

I think it was just, you know, all the nerves just going crazy.

I think I'm starting to improve.

You could be right.

You'll be surprised at what you learn from what other people are doing.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Take care, okay? You take advice from Chef Ramsay.

I don't give a [Bleep]

if he tells you how to wipe your ass.

He might know how to do it a little bit better.

Hello? Hi, Jessica.

Could you ask Joy to come to my office, please? Of course.


Very few cooks hold that level of arrogance because they haven't got the talent to back it up.

You've got the talent.

Believe in yourself more, yeah?
- Yes, Chef.

- Good.

Hello? Hello? This is Jessica.

I always wanted a phone call from Chef Ramsay, so I kept on answering the phone.

Nobody else wanted to answer the phone, so I was like, all right, why not? I always wanted to talk to Gordon Ramsay on the phone, so Jessica's kind of [Bleep]


Jessica again.

She's sitting by the phone, jumping to answer that thing as fast as possible.

Hello? She's a little bit nuts.

Hi, Jessica.

Hi, Jessica.

I'm watching to see who learns the most, who's making the fastest progress.

Maybe you're a late bloomer.

Start believing in yourself.

You're too reserved.

I want to see you emerge as a leader.

- Make sense?
- Yes, it does.

I didn't think you were gonna make it past the first couple of services.

However, you are a natural, let me tell you.


To hear that from Chef Ramsay, like, I almost cried.

That's what I needed to hear.

Your potential is huge.

- All right, thank you so much.

- Okay? Do you think you're the best Chef on the blue team? I think I'm the best Chef on the blue team, yes.

So show it.

We haven't got long.

Dude, that's worth every every single [Bleep]

that has gone on.

I feel [Bleep]

great now.


glad, dude.

That was terrible.

Are you a garnish Chef or a head Chef? I feel stronger every day, so I'm hoping to show you that I'm a head Chef.

Honestly, you still have those little areas of inconsistency for me, okay? Express yourself more.

I want that character coming out.


I know what you're capable of doing.

You're better from what I've seen.

I just don't know why I just haven't [Bleep]

ripped it out of me yet.

Well, the time is now, big boy.

Hello? Can you get your ass in my office, please? Absolutely.


Get the [Bleep]

out of here.

Really? Yes.

You seem to be on this downward spiral.

Um, why is that? I panic because I get so lost in dinner service that I freeze up.

You've got to stay strong.

Yes, Chef.

What have you got that I haven't seen yet? One thing about me, I become the executive Chef, it's not to make the restaurant famous and great because your name's on there.

It's to make me famous and great because I'm the one that got it there.

So here's a question for you.

Who's the weakest on the blue team? Scott is weakest Chef in my opinion, only because his sense of flavor combinations just aren't quite there.


I think the weakest right now for me, honestly, is Jessica.


She spaces out constantly.

You know, honestly, I'm gonna say probably Rich.


To keep up on the long run, I think, is gonna be a hurdle for him.

I do feel like it's Jessica.

I would say Scott.

Probably Kashia.

- Um, Richard.

- Mm

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Thank you, Chef.

Oh, my gosh.

I felt amazing after talking to him.

I felt refreshed, rejuvenated, and just ready to go.

That was wonderful.

Yeah, it was good, huh? After concluding the performance evaluations Line up, please.

Chef Ramsay.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Summons all the chefs to the dining room once again for an important announcement.

Okay, something occurred to me Throughout today's evaluations.

Some of you do not have the support of your am.

I asked each and every one of you, who is the weakest Chef in your kitchen? Now, I've decided to do something that I've never done before in the history of Hell's Kitchen.

The lowest
-ranking Chef in the red team and the lowest
-ranking Chef in the blue team will be competing against each other, and the loser of this challenge will be going home.

Oh, no.

Aw, crap.

That sucks.

What? Out of nowhere.

I never thought we were gonna have elimination tonight.

The lowest
-ranking Chef in the blue team Is Richard.

I'm very sure I'm not the weakest Chef on my team.

I'm pissed off, because I think it's a little [Bleep]

, but whatever.

And the lowest
-ranking Chef in the red team was After his private one
-ones with each of the chefs I asked each and every one of you, who is the weakesthe in your kitchen? Chef Ramsay has made a shocking, unprecedented announcement.

The chefs who are rated the weakest by their teammates will face off, and the loser of the challenge will be going home.

The lowest
-ranking Chef in the blue team Is Richard.

And the lowest
-ranking Chef in the red team Was Jessica.

They are just a bunch of jerks.

I know that my team doesn't have faith in me, but I'm about to prove them wrong.

Jessica and Richard, I'm gonna give both of you a chance to prove to your team how worthy you are.

- Clear?
- Yes, Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

- Good.

You've both got 30 minutes to perfect three dishes for our menu lobster risotto, our scallop dish, and our halibut.

And as I told you, the loser will be going home.

_ Your 30 minutes starts now.

Let's go, Richard.

Go, Jessica.

You got this, Jessica.

Come on, Jessica.

In the cook
-life challenge, each Chef will get just one portion of each recipe's ingredients, as they attempt to perfectly cook three dishes from the Hell's Kitchen menu.

Yeah, come on, Rich.

There you go, Rich.

Teammates can encourage but are not allowed to give specific direction to Jessica and Richard.

This is it.

For one of you, your last 30 minutes in Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go.

- You got it, girl.

- You got it, Jess.

You're doing good, Jess.

Yeah, keep rockin' it.

You're doing good.

I'm fired up, and I'm ready.

The risotto, I am confident about.

The scallops, I have mastered.

The halibut I have cooked it before, and I know what to look for.

I got this.

I can do this.

Keep it up, baby.

Keep it up.

Keep it up.

Believe in yourself.

Believe in yourself, 'cause you know you got it.

Find a groove, boo.

Knock this out, Rich.

You got this.

There you go, Rich.

There you go.

Let it sear nice.

I'm not scared, because I'm here, and I'm gonna be here to stay, so if you underestimate me, you're a damn fool, 'cause you know what? You're gonna see who's standing at the end.

Just stay focused.

It's like making love, dude.

Don't turn her over until she's ready.


Just under 15 minutes to go.


You got it, Jess.

You can do it.

Relax a little bit.

Relax a little bit and slow your roll.

When I saw her hit it with the pepper, it's like, girl, get it together.

_ Never put anything black into something that's supposed to be white.

It's hard standing here, watching.

Come on, guys.

Give him some support, please.

You got it, Rich.

You're good.

You know what you're doing.

You've been doing this for 200 years.

Pretty much.

Because I'm older, people are gonna question your stamina, but I bring more energy than some of these younger guys do.

I'm in the kitchen all day long.

I'm on my feet all day long.

It don't bother me.

I live for that [Bleep]


There you go.

Pull it.

That's my boy.

- That looks nice.

- Yeah.

Oh, yeah, that's pretty sexy, baby.

You got it, Jess.

Just think through each dish.

You can do it.

_ Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey.

No, no, no, no.

We ain't saying nothing, so worry about blue.

_ Come on, Jess, I know you can pull this through.

Be calm, Rich.

Think everything through.

Just stay focused.

Don't rush anything.

There you go, Rich.

There you go, Rich.

I've never worked the app station yet, but whatever.

I mean, it's a risotto.

If I can't make a risotto, then I don't belong here.

Nice and creamy.

Nice and creamy.

It looked like he dropped his risotto a little too soon.

That was my one area of concern, and that could be an issue.

Come on, baby.

Come on, now.

- Taste everything, Richard.

- Yes, Chef.

He's been cooking it for the last 20 minutes.

Well, it might be overcooked.

You got it.

Come on, push.

Come on, Jessica.


Believe in yourself.

You know it.

_ You want to just jump over the pass and bail your teammate out, but you can't.

- My God.

- What is she doing? [Bleep]


Ooh, ooh.


Holy [Bleep]


That was a dire mistake.

This is not good.

Come on, Jess.

Having been ranked as the weakest chefs by their teammates, Richard and Jessica are near the end of a cook
-life elimination challenge.

You got it.

Come on, push.

Push, baby.

But with time winding down Four minutes to go.

- Ooh, ooh.

- Oh.

Jessica has suffered a setback.

- Come on, Jess.

Keep it up.

Keep it up.

- Pace yourself.

I had an idea that sparked in my head.

I have to put a new toast point on.

I know I could do this, 'cause I am a fighter and winner.

You got it.

You know it.

Just concentrate.

You'll be fine.

- Come on, Rich.

- There you go, Rich.

That's my boy.

That's our boy.

That's our boy.

Start thinking about plating.

Think about the menu.

Think what goes on the plate.

Just go through it.

You can do it.

Think of all your components.

All you got to do is put it on the plate.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Richard is definitely a good Chef, but sometimes the presentation's just horrible.

Let's go, let's go now, Rich.

Come on, get a move on.

Richard's plated one dish.

Let's go, Jessica.

Come on, get in there.

You got this.

Get in there.

Move, girl! One minute to go.

You got it, baby.

I need you.

Come on! Go, Rich.

All right, Rich.

There you go.

There you go.

Let's go! Push! You're a rock.

You ain't fixin' to break now.

Go! Come on, move Let's go, Rich.

Baby, come on.

Come on, Rich.

Ten seconds to go.

Hurry up! Eight, seven, six You got this!
- Go!
- You got this!
- Five, four, three
- There you go, Rich!
- There we go.

- That's it, baby, that's it! Two, one, and stop.

Guys, line up, please.

Thank you.

Please, God.

I am shaking.

I'm freaking out.

I want this so bad.

Please, God.

I don't want to go home.

This is my opportunity of a lifetime.

My pride, my ego, my abilities is what's riding on this, and I want to prove to Chef Ramsay that I'm not the weakest Chef.

Okay, ladies first.

- Jessica.

- Yes, Chef.

Come on, Jess, you got this.

I'm just so nervous, but I gotta get my head straight.

I gotta focus and show Chef Ramsay that I'm still confident enough with my dishes.

Scallops cooked beautifully.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Really nice.

Nice color.

Onions slightly over

However, the most important part, puree of the scallops You nailed it.

Well done.

I'm just really pumped up right now.

I really feel like I got this.


Why is it piled high? I started cooking it too soon, Chef.

I did notice her risotto was up very high still, and Chef Ramsay likes it a little looser than that.

Rich's risotto's definitely gonna be better than hers.

Risotto's slightly too dense and 30 seconds overcooked.

Okay, Chef.

Is that a toothpick? Yes, it is, Chef.

I'm sorry, Chef.

You presented a lobster tail to the table that's got a skewer in it? Really? You don't make a mistake like that.

I mean, never, ever.

I saw a double crust go on there.

Now, what was that? I flipped the fish over to check my temperature, and the first crust slid right off.

Fish is seasoned beautifully.

Good job.

Thank you, Chef.

- Very good job, indeed.

- Thank you.

Way to go, Jess.

Oh, my God.

I'm so relieved.

I'm gonna win.

I'm gonna so [Bleep]


Rich, let's go, please.

Come on, Rich.

Nice sear on the scallops.

- Thank you.

- Scallops are cooked beautifully.

And that parsley in there just lifts it as well.


Scallops nailed.


What's the first thing you taste there? First thing just comes straight into your mouth?
- Cheese, Chef.

- And what's the risotto? Lobster risotto, Chef.

So the rice is overcooked by about a minute, and it's turned almost to, like, a rice pudding.

Chef Ramsay is saying some negative things about Richard's dishes.

Please, God.

Please, God.

I think that his time is up.

Halibut crust is beautifully done.

Where's the heat coming from? A little red pepper flake, Chef.

A little bit too overpowering, but the sauce is delicious.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Good job.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Good job, Rich.

Very difficult, let me tell you.

- Um, Jessica.

- Yes, Chef.

Highs and lows across your three dishes, but to get those three dishes out there within that time, working on your own, really good job.

Thank you, Chef.

I feel like I deserve to be here, because I cook with the most amount of passion as possible.

I really think it's in the bag.

- Richard.

- Yes, Chef.

Mistakes I didn't expect, but collectively, really good job.

Thank you, Chef.

I knew my halibut was perfect.

I knew my scallops were seared perfect, so I was just hoping that those two perfect dishes were enough to get me by.

Th is a very, very difficult decision.

Bad on the three dishes Please, God.

Please, God.

Please, God.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Come on, baby.

Is Next time on Hell's Kitchen Kashia.


Can you help me? When one Chef is more concerned with feeding herself Hello, is anybody home? Than feeding her diners It would be nice to get some food.

Why are you stuffing your face? I'm [Bleep]

dying here.

Will it force Chef Ramsay to do the unthinkable? You have left me no frickin' choice! And when one Chef falls so far behind Walk.

Dude, you can't walk! The fish and chips are not done! Will faking an illness score him sympathy? I'm getting sick.

I can't even walk right now.

It's called cracking under pressure.

Or will the amateur theatrics Dude, I'm ready to die.

I'm, like, seeing triple.

I can carry most of the weight, man.

Hey, you! Take down one of his teammates? Get out! What? Find out next time on a butt
-busting episode Melanie! Whoa! Oh, [Bleep]


Of Hell's Kitchen.
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