12x02 - Booby Dupes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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12x02 - Booby Dupes

Post by bunniefuu »


Fish! Fish!








Hey, Harry James.

Oh, I'm not that good.

You said it.

Ooh! Get out, you.

Hey, fellas. Stop the car,
stop the car.


What's the matter?

Something's the matter
with the radio.

It's going crazy with the heat.

You're crazy
with your inventions.

What's the name of this thing?

"Don't Chop the Wood, Mother,

Father's Coming Home
With a Load."

Remind me to chop his head off.


Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

[MOCKING] Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck...

Ooh. Oh.

Hey, fish men.

Keep those records quiet.

Shut up. A customer. Come on.

Yes, madam?

What kind of fish have you?

Tuna fish, codfish.

Smelt fish, dogfish.

First tuna. Second tuna.

Barracuda. Bass.

You don't shut up,
I'll knock you on the head.

How about some catfish?
♪ Catfish ♪

♪ Catfish ♪
♪ Catfish ♪

ALL: Yeah.



Hey, look. A skeleton fish.

Skeleton fish? Oh.

Didn't I tell you
to keep that door closed?

Now we gotta go out
and buy more fish.

No, we don't.

If we had a boat,
we could catch our own fish,

then we wouldn't have to
buy any.

That would cut out
the middleman.

The profit would all be ours.

Hey, genius, say that again.

If we had a boat,
and the middleman and the fish

on the left side. And the--
That's enough.

When you didn't know
what you were talking about

you really had something.

Yeah, but how are we
gonna get a boat?

Yeah, how are we
gonna get a boat?

Let me see. The point is...


Oh, something bit me.

[GROANING] Come here.

Grab those.


She loves me.

She loves me not.

Oh, boy, a double striper.

And a perfect fit.

I'll take it.

Don't forget, this is my idea.
I wanna be captain.

Until you have more stripes
than I have, I'm the captain.

I wanna be captain!

See that?


Oh, please.
Oh, don't do that, Moe.


Now, who's the captain?

[YELLS] Who's the captain?

Aye, aye, captain.

All right. [GROANS]

Aye, aye, captain. Follow me.



Here. Press this uniform
for me right away.

But I'm not the--

Listen, I'm in a hurry
and my girl's waiting for me.

And she don't like to wait.
Make it snappy.




Where's the pants?

Well, now all we need is a boat.

Leave it to me. I know where
there's millions of them.

Aye, aye. Aye.


Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Hiya, babes.

I did too. Oh, really?

You have no idea. Oh, red.


Hiya, babes.

Oh, hiya, captain.

What's cookin'?

Hi, captain.

Hi, captain. Hiya.

Oh, captain.

Well... Well...



Why, you bullies.



Let that be
a lesson to them. Ha-ha.

Pardon me.

Shall we?



Do you mind if we
sit this one out?

Oh, I'd love to.

See you later, captain.

Oh, don't hurry back.


My, what a beautiful
head of bone you have.


I bet you tell that
to all the boys.



Oh! What's the matter?

There's my boyfriend.

Aah, aah!
You better get out of here.

If he finds you here with me,
he'll k*ll you.

If he finds me here in this
suit, he'll do worse than that.


Hey, what's the idea
not waiting for me?

Were you with another guy?

My, what a uniform does
cover up.

If I do catch the guy
that copped my uniform,

I'm gonna twist his head off
and use it for a football.

Maybe you better run along
and try to find him.

Hey, are you trying to
get rid of me?

Oh, no. No, of course not.

Well, it's good thing,
because if I ever caught

another fella messing around
with you, I'd-- I'd--

Well, I'd better not,
that's all.

Don't be silly.

CURLY: Ah-choo!


Oh, I must be catching cold.

Gee, that sand is soft.

It's terribly warm.
Would you get me an umbrella?

Ah, I'm not so hot.

You would be if you were
in my place.

I mean, I'm terribly warm.

Oh, all right.
You tomatoes are all alike.

You always want something.

Psst. Psst.

Has he gone yet?

I think.


Here's your umbrella.
Oh, thanks.

I'll stick it in this mound.

Oh, no, no! No, no.

Why not?

I'd rather be in the sun.

Oh, you must be
going crazy with the heat.





I thought this sand was soft.


Don't do that.


I'll get it this time.





It looks swell.

Why, she's as solid as a rock.


Hey, don't do that.


You see, uh,
the paint might not be dry.

You know, you can
go anywhere in that boat.

I sailed her from China.

Say, with our car thrown in,
how much cash would you want?

Well, I'll consider, uh, .

We'll-- Two-fifty.

Three hundred.

Five hundred.

Seven hundred. Mm.

Nine hundred.

LARRY: Twelve hundred.

Listen, you ain't scaring me.

One thousand. Look, mister.

All we've got
is our car and $ in cash.

I'll take it.

Well, goodbye, boys.


See? If you'd
kept your mouth shut,

I would've got it
for a thousand.

You know he--
Don't do that, please.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.
What a sucker.

Wait till he tries to
run our car.

I never thought of that.



Wait till you try
to run that boat.






You think it'll leak?

No. I'll fix it.

Well, I thank you.

Oh, please--

Ow, ow, ow!


Now come down here
and fix that hole.


Hey, look what
you did to my nose.

Yeah. Ooh!

Ow, ow, ow!

Now get under there
and fix that hole.

And you help him.

This ought to do it.

Nail it. Nail it.




That sure is hard wood.

Try another one.


Hey, fellas.

Well, we did it. Yeah.

Yeah. Got a spare hammer?

Here's one. Thanks.


I'll m*rder you.

Everything is loose
on this thing.

Hey, let's try the motor.

Yeah. Ha-ha.


Shut it off!


No. No.

Come here, you guys!

No. Come here, I tell you!

I'll m*rder you! No, no!

Get my hands on you.

Look, it floats.

Yeah. It's better now
than when we bought it.

Shut up, you guys.
I'm superstitious.

Let's get started.
Turn her over.

Turn her over. Turn her over.


Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hey, what are you doing?

You said turn her over.

The motor, you dope.



Boy, she sure runs smooth.

Yeah. It's a little slow,
ain't it?

Well, what do you expect?
After all, it--

Why, you mallet-head,
we're still tied.

Pull that rope off.



What happened?

I reckon this must be
the good spot, I reckon.


Shut up and throw out
the anchor.


Hey, I-- Never mind.

Be quiet and start fishing.



What a sinker.


Why, you-- I'll m*rder you.

No, no, not that. Not that. Moe!

Don't do that. Moe, please.

Why, you-- I'll m*rder you.

What's the idea of slapping--

What are we gonna do now?!
We'll feel our way home.

Be quiet and start fishing.

Shut up!

Are you talking to me?

No, I'm talking to the fish.

Don't call me a fish.

What's the matter with you?
Go on, fish.

All right.

Move over there.
Move over there.

All right.

Hey, quiet.
I think I got a nibble.


Ah. Mm.

Come on. I dare you. Come on.


No! Aah!

Sit still.



Come out, come out,
whoever you are.


I'll get you yet.

You missed me.
Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.



A sandwich.

Come and get it.
Come and get it.


Come and get it.

Come and get it.

[CRUNCH] Ooh! Woo!



Boy, that's a beauty.
How'd you get it?

On my hangnail.


Get it. Quick,
before it gets off the boat.

Oh! Oh!

Get him good, fellas.

Hit him on the head
with something.


MOE: Get over after him there.

Give him a right hook.

Left hook him.


Hey, fellas.

What is it?

The water's coming in the boat.

You lunkhead,
you chopped a hole in it.

Now get back there
and let the water out.

Come on.

Come on.

Bail out.

I haven't got my parachute.

Oh! Get a pot, get a pot.

Oh, a water-letter-outter.

That's one.

What are you doing?

Get out of here. I--

Hey! Hey! Hey, you!

What are you doing?

I'm letting the water out.

You're letting the water out.

You're gonna sink us.

That's appreciation, that is.
I ought to--

We're getting some-- Aah!



Look out!

Save every man for himself.

Saved! Ship ahoy! Ship ahoy!

Hey, come here.


CURLY: Hurry up.

Take it easy, kid.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on up here.

Ow, ow, ow!

It's a good thing
we had a spare boat.

Come on. Hey! Hey, let go!

Come on!

Come on.

MOE: What spare boat but this--

Take it easy! Get the other end!

Run up the other end!

That's that.
Well, we saved this boat.

I saved the Victrola.

Yeah, but you sank the other
boat, you nitwit. I ought to--


Hey, fellas, look.

Going north? Come on.

My way? Wait a minute.

I don't think they can hear us.

They can't even see us.

Hey. Hand me that pole,
I'll tie this rag on it.

Hold it up.

Hey, that rag's got paint on it.

The better to see us, my dear.

Ha-ha. Have it in a jiffy.

LARRY: Hurry,
before they get away.

Give me that pole.

Here we are, down here!

The flag. Come and get us.

They're Japs, all right.
Let them have it.

What was that?

A flying fish.

I wish I had our poles.




Fish, nothing. It's bombs!

It's a b*mb!
They think we're Japs!

Hey, wait a minute!

Wait! You got the wrong boat!

What'll we do now?
Hey, it's the Stooges!

It's us! It's us!
Hey, wait a minute.

Give me that propeller.

Give it to me right here.

Come on, they're finding
the range.

I wish I was home on the range.

Oh, boy.

Hang on! Here we go! Whoo!

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