08x10 - 7 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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08x10 - 7 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Hell's Kitchen.


Trev thought he was gone.

Take your jacket off.

But Chef Ramsay gave him one more chance.

Bye, Trevor.

Then the four men faced off against four women in the blind taste test.

What was that? Russell got the men off to an early lead.


But Rob was hopeless.

Octopus, Chef? Smoked mussels.

Zero! Zero, bro.

And Nona's outstanding performance Endive? Three out of four.

Clinched a come
-behind victory for the women.

Well done, Nona.

I saved the team! But after being the hero in the challenge, Nona had a miserable night on meat.

Off! Get out of my Way.

Get out of my way! Off upstairs then! I have so much more to show.

Sabrina rocked the fish station They're nicely colored, those scallops.

And her best performance yet.

They were perfect.

In the blue kitchen, Trev did not get any respect from his teammates.

Gimme a hand with this.

Bro, you're on your own.

But after Rob screwed up the fish I've got no color on my scallops! Vinny made a mess of the spinach A big , sweetheart.

Get out! And Russell undercooked the chicken The chicken's raw! Chef Ramsay showed his appreciation for Trev Last man standing! As he was clearly the best of the worst.

He nominated Rob.

And then he decided to take a run at Russell.

You were supposed to be driving the team tonight, and you didn't.

Chef Ramsay decided Rob, gimme your jacket.

Putting an end to the dream of the 36
-old law firm Chef from Brooklyn.

Fire uh woo woo, woo woo the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a full alarm, child yes, it does the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin', baby, baby the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited child, yeah woo, woo the way you push push lets me know that you're goo
-ood you're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child, ow fire aah! Fire fire And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

You gotta talk to me about this.

Don't think that wasn't the toughest decision I've had to make.

Say whatever you want.

I don't care about you, Vinny.

I don't care about you, Trev.

You guys just Me over so royally bad.

It just got dirty.

Tied me to the train tracks, I came out alive, and you are in so much Trouble, bro.

You need to talk to me about this.


You know I don't make the decisions based on emotion or anything, Russ.

Everybody knows that was a strategic move to the fullest.


He's throwing a temper tantrum like a little kid.

You were the only one he screamed and yelled at.

Everybody's got to bring their "A" game, and if you think you're just gonna coast on the fact that you've been doing this longer, guess what
-there might be a changing in a guard.

It might be my turn to lead.

You needed, you know, a boot to the ass.

I need a boot in the ass? Everybody needs to look around at themselves before they start looking at other people.

After another dinner service victory, the women are feeling quite giddy.

The men, not surprisingly, are feeling quite the opposite.


As for Chef Ramsay He's concerned about something he's not seeing on either team.

If there's one issue I have with all of you, it's that we do not communicate enough.

If we don't communicate properly, your timing will be way off, right? Yes, Chef.

Our next challenge is all about communication and timing.

We're screwed.

I'm the only one that communicates.

Trev's a little spineless rug rat, and Vinny doesn't communicate for .

Here's how it works.

As a team, you'll have 30 minutes to cook three entrees from our regular menu.

Here's the catch: Only one of you will be in the kitchen at a time.

When you get in the kitchen, you start cooking for five minutes.

When those five minutes are up, to communicate what's been done, what's working, what needs to be done to the next Chef.

Yes, Chef.

I wanted to beat the girls.

We have to lay it all on the Table.

It's now or never.

Since you have 30 minutes, blue team, you all go twice.

Red team, only two of you will go twice.

Okay, Sabrina and Russell, meet me in the kitchen.

The rest of you, wait behind me with your sous Chefs.

Let's go.

In today's communication relay challenge, each team will have to prepare three dishes Five minutes, starting from now.

Off you go! Come on, Sabrina! Let's go, Russ! For this challenge, Chef Ramsay has selected three dishes with three completely different cooking times and techniques.

All right, I'll just roll out the pasta.

To succeed, the teams time each dish out precisely Set it up for success, and we're all good to go.

Which can only be accomplished by great communication.

Come on, Russ! This is a relay, fellas.

Let's k*ll it.

Yes, Chef! Come on, Sabrina, you got this.

You better have it there, girl.

My strategy was roll out the pasta, get all the protein going.

Ah! He's alive! Ooh, so weird.


Uuh! Sorry! Sorry? That five minutes completely flew by.

Trevor and Julia, let's go! The Chefs must clearly communicate what they have done so far.

So this is ready? Chicken's already poaching.

Pasta's already rolled.

Pasta's rolled? And what has yet to be done It's salmon tagetelli.

In the lobster garnish.

To ensure that all the dishes are completed correctly and at the same time, just as the dinner service orders should be done.

Out, Russell! Out, Sabrina, get out! I'm like, all right, the first thing I need to do is get the sauces going.

Come on, Jilly! So I get the tagliatelle sauce going.

I get the chicken sauce going.

I take the lobster out.

I feel like between me and Sabrina, we already got half the work done.

Halfway there, Jillian.



Chief, push! Pushing.

I did a whole bunch of everything.

Had the pans all lined up the way I wanted it.

Got the salmon.

Unwrapped the gnocchi.

Last minute to go! Let's go, Trev! Green beans off to the side it goes.

Set up for success.

Hand the ball off to Vinny.

And stop! Go.

Run, Nona! Come on.

Only thing I didn't do was cook a lobster.

It's perfectly okay that Trev didn't start the lobster.

Got your polenta right here.

Got your ragout right here.

Here's your succotash.

This is for your gnocchi.

Get out! But it's not okay that he failed to communicate that to his teammate.

Come on! You got everything you need! So with 20 minutes left, Vinny turns his attention to Vinny, you're not plating up already, are you? Yes, Chef.

Oh, the
-man! Meanwhile, in the red kitchen, Nona forges ahead, cracking the lobster, poaching the chicken, and seasoning the salmon.

I lubed up the salmon so Gail could come in, and all she has to do is put it on the pan.

Stop! It's round four of six, and with only 15 minutes left Russ! That towel.

Russell wastes no time Let's go, Gail.

While Gail Doesn't seem to accomplish anything.

This bitch didn't put nothing in.

Stop! Move! Let's go! With two rounds to go, Sabrina finally gets the salmon cooking.

While in the blue kitchen, Trev Still has not started the lobster.

Stop! Final turn! Let's go.

And now, it's up to Vinny and Jillian to complete cooking and plate all three dishes.

Lobster? No, it's not in here! Trevor doe the lobster for the salmon garnish.

So me thinking a little just poach the tail.

Three minutes to go! Come on, Vinny, tighten it up! I got it, guys, I got it! The chicken dish is done.

The tagliatelle dish is done.

The salmon dish is done.

All I need is Salmon.

It's not done.

Salmon's not done yet.

Vinny, let's go, come on! Come on, Vinny! There you go.

Thank you.

I gotta plate it.

Four, three Oh, no! What happened? ! Salmon fell on the floor.

OhThe salmon is on the floor.

One And stop! I hope that I didn't make the red team lose.

Hopefully, the guys suck, but Whatever.


Pass it down, please.

Red teamOh, dear.

Where's the salmon? Dropped it on the floor, Chef.

You dropped them on the floor.

Yes, Chef.

I just
-I've got no salmon here.

I burned my hand.

That's why I dropped it.

I saw you burn your hand.

Would you like a medic to see your hand? Gail should have been the one to put that salmon in the oven.

If the salmon would have been in the oven beforehand, I wouldn't have been waiting till the last ten seconds to bring the Up to the pass.

Honestly, I'm not fully to blame for it.

What a shame.

'Cause the actual garnish tastes delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

Blue team.

Vinny Did you season any of this? That was all ready before I went.

I did.

You did.

Salmon, nice and pink.

Nice! The lobster
- it tastes nice.


Point for the blue team.

The tagliatelle.

Pass it down, please.


Blue team.

I've got clumps of Pasta.

Vinny, did we taste anything as we were plating it? I didn't taste the pasta, no.

It's bland.

There's not an ounce of seasoning in there.

Red team.

Pasta's slightly drowned However, seasoning perfect.

That is delicious.

Thank you, Chef.

Okay, 1

With the teams tied, it all comes down to the chicken with green beans.

Blue team, nice sear on the chicken.

Gnocchi cooked properly.

My problem's with the raw beans.

You blanched the beans in boiling water? I tossed 'em in.

I thought we were gonna have enough time for it to simmer in the stock.

Did you pass that message on? I should have said I didn't blanch 'em

Red team, gnocchi crispy.

Chicken cooked nicely.

I have the sameIssue with the raw beans.

Who done the beans? I put it together, Chef.

I didn't have enough time to tell Sabrina everything I wanted to, and I Up.

Tough call.

Both had raw beans.

And the winning team Come on, bro.

Come on, bro.

Come on, bro, come on, bro.

Congratulations The score in the communication relay is tied.

But you both had raw beans.

And the chicken dish will decide if the women will continue their winning ways or if the men's team will finally get a victory.


Ing team is The men.

Right! Let's go! That's right! Back again! Yeah, he's talking to us! High
-five, guys! That's right! Gentlemen, for winning today, I've arranged for an amazing reward.

First of all, a shopping spree in one of the most amazing cooking stores.

Sur La Table, yes? Oh, yeah, buddy! After that, you're in for a special treat, 'cause I'm gonna take you to one of my all
-time favorite restaurants.

Oh, beautiful.

Currently two stars in michelin guides
- Melisse.

It's amazing.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Uh, ladies, today is delivery day.

Ohh Every time you hear that horn, run out there and bring in those deliveries and put them away.

Deeply sorry that you dropped the salmon.

Had you got that salmon on the plate, you'd be going to Melisse.

Guys, congratulations.


Get dressed.

We're leaving shortly.

Well done, guys.

The monkey's off my back! Ah! Stinks.

Jill, how you doing? I'm fine.

Sabrina, I want you to get a wet rag They can't be mad at me for dropping the salmon on the ground 'cause I burnt my hand.

And if they are, then Them.

That salmon was cooked perfectly.

Ah ha ha! Later, girls.

Later, ladies.

Off to our reward.

They all look Ugly anyway.

Trev is ugly.

Trev is a disaster.

Shopping! Whoo! I love buyin' stuff! I love buyin' stuff! Those b*tches! We get a shopping spree.

We get lunch with Ramsay.

It seems like challenges and me are goin' together like PB&J.


Hey, guys.

James! Oh, look who it is! Hey, congratulations! Welcome to Sur La Table.

Thank you.

Chef Ramsay gave me the cash for you to buy whatever you want.

Let's see what we got Gotta go, gotta go.

Just grabbing anything I can get my hands on.

Grab one of these, bro.

Bangin' sharpener.

Thank you.

Go big, bro, or go home.

As the blue team leaves sur la table content, back at Hell's Kitchen What did Gail even do in the kitchen? Something is still bothering Jillian.

She Up the haricot ver.

She didn't even blanch 'em.


Other than that, what did she do? Waste time.

I don't know.

Not put the salmon in.

I don't want to be the reason we lost.

Hell, yeah, I'm gonna defend myself.

I'm not gonna take the full blame for that .

Honestly, no, I'm not.

I think Gail should have put that On.

Person after me should have put it on.

That should have been the last thing she did.


The guys are thanking me right now at their lunch.

Welcome to Melisse.


Thank you, Chef.

Josiah, good to see you.

Good to have you.

Thank you so much.

One of the best restaurants in the country.

What is the secret? Uh, you know, I think it's everyday "in pursuit of excellence.

" Just always striving for that and try to make it better than the day before.

Melisse was just awesome.

I mean, this is what fine dining is all about.

MmmThat looks fantastic.

So here we have maine scallops with tagliatelle and a sea urchin.


Thank you.

It's delicious.

Josiah Citrin, his food was straight up high class.


Hmm? You're sittin' with the final three.



Vinny, I can't lift my glass up to that yet.

Vinny kind of put himself out there a little too much.

If you're gonna have all this enthusiasm, that's great, but you better back it up.

Anything short of that, you're lookin' like a dumbass.

You have some truffle in your little Billy goat beard.

There you go.

Vinny is looking forward to being part of the final three.

He delivery guys.

Let's go! Awesome.

Meanwhile, the red team is definitely not looking forward to their first deliveries.

We have so much .

Let's get this all moved in.



This is the one punishment I did not want to have.

So much There, dude.

Case after case after case.

Whoo! These bags weigh almost as much as I do.

This is a definitely a challenge the guys should have Lost.

Yeah, right? Damn.

Bol bum they're back.

Let's get somebody to carry my bags.

Shut up, Trevor.

Not a chance.

If Trevor wins Hell's Kitchen, I'll never cook ever again in my life.


Douche bags.


Yes, Chef.

Run upstairs right away and get the guys.

When Chef Scott came down, I'm like, "oh, man! This is gonna be bad.

" Come on in, fellas.

Hopefully, some of you have been thinking about dishes that you've been wanting to create.

Cause I did receive word from Chef Ramsay that the menu is now yours.

You will be designing your own menus for the next dinner service.

Pretty exciting.


I'm excited.

I already have dishes planned for apps, entree, and dessert.

I want to get these great ideas on paper right now.

Get upstairs.

Let's go, come on.

Move, move, move.


Tomorrow, each team will be tested not only on their cooking abilities but their creative skills as well.

It's red menu versus blue menu.

Anybody got an idea for apps? Yeah.

Ricotta raviolis.

I like that.

Each team will come up with four appetizers We can do some sort of greek salad.

Four entrees, and four desserts that are worthy of being served in Hell's Kitchen.

I got ideas for apps.

We can do sweet and sour rock shrimp.

EhhThat doesn't
- I don't like that.

We can do like a cold smoked duck dish.

Cold duck? Might not be a good idea.

I've worked in fine dining longer than Russell has.

If Russell says something I don't like, whether he likes it or not, we're not gonna do it.

Oh, I got it.


I love gazpacho.

We're doing the salad.

Of what? Strawberry vinaigrette with greens.

It's easy.

Yes, I agree.

Let's move on.

I got ideas.

We'll finish that later.

Dude, we should do linguini with clams.


I don't think that that's a good idea.

We need to Win tomorrow night.

We have filet mignon.

New York strip.

Yeah, dude, that'd be Good! Duck with lentils is like classic, like straight up.

Sometimes I just feel like what's the point of even speaking, because nobody listens to me.

Kung pow calamari.

Kung pao calamari.

Kung pao calamari.

Ooh! I didn't think that our menu was fine dining.

I wasn't impressed.

Mwah! Damn, we're good.

I was even thinking swordfish rossini.


I don't really like swordfish.

You guys come up with some entrees.

You need to come up with something.

What do you guys think of doing a striped bass? There ya go.

I like that.

I'm sick of these two punk ass b*tches.

You're not a better cook than me.

You're not more creative than mePeriod.


I'm so excited.

Bada bing! With the biggest test so far for each kitchen ahead of them, the Chefs decide to knock off early.

But there are two Chefs who prefer another option.

All of this fun doesn't sit well with Russell Who, before he att*cks, decides to listen in.

! It's the night before the most important dinner service yet.

And Trev and Vinny are having a private conversation about Russell's attitude That is no longer private.

We went over the entire menu again.


These Are runnin' their mouth.

Trev's wasted, and Vinny's half in the bag too.

I'm gonna Smoke you guys.

-let Get all pissed off.

I really don't care.

It's funny.

The more pissed off he gets, the more I'm smiling, so As a new day begins in Hell's Kitchen, once again, there's no rest for the weary Fellas, time to get up.

Or the hung over.

Because in a few short hours, the Chefs will be debuting the menus they designed.

Good morning, Chef.


You guys need to work really fast, 'cause you're pretty much starting from scratch.

Come on, guys.

We gotta do this.

There's a lot to get done, but I hope that I can knock it out of the ball park.

Excited about the menu? Hell, yeah.

While the red team is confident in their menu, Trev! You're boiling the cream over.

You're hung over, and if you guys keep dragging ass, I will break somebody off something real proper

Okay, let's go, ladies, quickly.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go, guys, please.

Yes, Chef.

Uh, red team, blue team.

Clearly, your menu
- my standards.

Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Right, James.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Yeah, big night tonight.

Let's go.

The red menu versus blue menu has always been a critical dinner service in the past.

Every customer will have the choice of ordering off the red menu or the blue.

We got this, ladies.

Let's kick some Booty tonight.

Let's do it! The red team's menu features And New York strip with sauteed cauliflower.

Let's get this Ball rolling.

The blue team's menu features whipped ricotta ravioli, roasted sea bass with fingerling potatoes, and grilled lamb chops with white bean puree.

Once they start seeing our dishes, they're gonna sell.

Both kitchens are eager to see which team's menu the diners prefer.

Order in, Chefs.

Okay, here we go.

On order, two away, table 33
- nothing at all.

Away now, one calamari, one risotto, yes? Yes, Chef! Yes, Chef.

Nothing to do with the blue.

Let's go with that.

While Nona gets started on the red team's first appetizers, out in the dining room Let's start with the red team.

I'm gonna go red too.

The red.

A pattern is quickly emerging.

Order in Chef.

Two top, all red.

I'm gonna go for red as well.

Red it is.

All the appetizers, all on the red team.

Nothing on the blue team.


What the Is goin' on? Again
-all red! Nothing in the blue.

What the ? What the hell's goin' on? They didn't want anything to do with us.

And it made us feel about This big.

While most of the diners are favoring the red menu, one special guest I think the grilled lamb chop, medium

Has arrived with a specific intention of ordering from the people who he looked after yesterday.

Watch this table
- Josiah, the owner of Melisse.

Don't make me look Stupid.

One ravioli.

Entree, one lamb chop.

How long is gonna take you to get a Lamb up, buddy? One lamb chop working.

Josiah treated us with great respect yesterday.

He really took care of us, and we need to return the favor.

Vinny, we gotta make this Happen, bro.

While the blue team hopes to impress Chef Citrin Risotto.

Walking with risotto.

Nona hopes to impress Chef Ramsay.

Nona! It's undercooked! You need to cook the rice longer in the stock
- it's undercooked.

Yes, Chef.

It's super
-important to come out of the gate strong, or else it Up the whole dinner service.

Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.

I'm not here to wipe your little butt.

Let's get that right! Plus, it put Chef Ramsay in a Mood, and then he's gonna be up our All night.

Come on, risotto.

Quickly, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Walking with risotto.

Down, down, down.

Nona! Very good, that risotto.

Yes, Chef.

With her opening mistake behind her, Nona has the appetizer station under control.

Risotto's delicious.

Service, go.

And food is rolling out of the kitchen.


Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen Order in, Chef.

All blue.

All blue.

'Bout time.

Orders are finally coming in.

Thank God! All for the blue team.

One bisque, one ravioli, entree, two fillet.

Yes, Chef.

It's one thing to not get orders, but it's another thing not to be able to execute the orders.

Getting us off to a positive start, Chef.

'Cause if we make our food perfectly, we have a chance
- we beat the girls.

Let's go.

Bisque and ravioli.

Right hand, sir.



Thank you, Chef.

Keep it going, Russell, yes? Keep it going.

Yes, Chef.

Service, please.

With both kitchens sending appetizers Bon appetit.

Thank you.

Away now, one lamb, one bass.

Yes, Chef.

Chef Ramsay is ready to send out entrees.

Where's your lamb.

Is it in? Lamb? Unfortunately, Vinny is not.

Vin, you got a lamb chop pulled? You need a lamb for this order? Yeah.

I forgot it completely.

Where's the lamb? Six minutes on a lamb, Chef.

What?! You forgot the lamb! Yes.

Oh, No.

I forgot the lamb, Chef.

That lamb Was for Josiah Citrin's table.


Come in.

There's the Lamb.

It's still got its fur on there.

You know who this guy is, yeah? I know who this guy is, and I am very sorry.

You ate in his restaurant.

How long are we out? About five minutes.

Of all the tables, Josiah Citrin! I'm very sorry.

Yeah, Right, you will be.

Oh, dude, you're k*lling me.

And not only are you k*lling me, you're k*lling yourself, bro.

Chef Ramsay sends his apologies.

I do apologize.

For the love of God, please be Cooking right.

Oh, .

The Lamb.


The lamb.

How long? Lamb! I am bringing it up right now, Chef.

Lamb's still not ready.


Vinny! Are you Kidding me? With a man like that with his reputation, are you Serious? Oh, come on! Don't serve it if it ain't right.

And you should know better, Vinny.

If my lamb was here, those guys wouldn't be getting yelled at.

It's still Walking! Look at it! I love it.

Get 'em, Chef! This is a car crash! Trev, Russell, Vinny Do something! What the Going on? Come on, Vinny, just get it back together! Tonight in Hell's Kitchen, it's the red menu versus the blue menu.

And unfortunately Are you Kidding me? Vinny's attempt to impress two
-michelin star Chef Josiah Citrin With a man like that, with his reputation, are you Serious? Has turned into a disaster.

This is a car crash! Trev, Russell, Vinny Do something! What the Is going on? Come on, Vinny, just get it back together.

Let's go! Scoot down.

Let Russ take the meats.

Get this in the oven.

Meat has to be the easiest station.

Pull up.

Dude, it's a disaster over here.

I know.

It, I'll do it.

Get out of the way.

If you don't want to do it right, then let me do it.

Thanks to Russell We apologize, and seriously, I'm too embarrassed, you know Chef Citrin has finally received his lamb chops.

Chef Ramsay apologizes.

Meanwhile, back in the red kitchen Lobster.

Yes, Chef, coming up right now in five seconds.

Come on, Gail, please.

Yes, Chef! The women have also moved on to entrees and are looking to Gail to come through on her first lobster capellini.


Yes, Chef.

Look, look.

It's raw on the inside.

That is raw.


It's raw.

Yes, Chef.

Come on, take the whole thing back.

Hurry up, Gail.

Chef, yes, Chef.

Gail's Up lobster, and you It up once, you figure it out.

They are overcooked now.

It's solid! Yes, Chef.

You It up twice, you figure it out.

What three times Gail! Four times That is raw.

Five times Gail! Six times! Every Table's the same! Like, come on, Gail.

Get it together.


Come back for the lobster.

Come on! Yes, Chef! An hour and a half into dinner service, and with diners at the same table ordering food from both kitchens Everything's here except for your lobster tail.

Red diners are going hungry.

I'm staring at everybody else's table.

While blue diners are receiving their entrees.

Ha ha, you guys aren't eating.

But not all of them are happy.

How is it? The main course, no good.

It's overcooked.

It's vealy.

It's horrible.


How's Josiah? Really, really unhappy.

All of you, so you Go there, you grace his table.

He looks after you.

He comes in here, and look at the treatment.

No, I haven't.

There's a guy out there with two michelin stars, and look at us now, like a bunch of .

Well done.


Disappointed with the blue team, Chef Ramsay looks to Sabrina, hoping she can give him some good news.

One New York strip.

How long? Or any news at all.




Answer me, you ignorant cow! One minute? Sorry, Chef.

Come on, Sabrina! Sabrina Where are you? Where are you? Get in the game! Oh, Sabrina.

Damn Did I not do that right? What's up, Chef Ramsay? Keep it going.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef! Thank you, Chef.

Go, quickly.

It's two hours and with Sabrina mastering the meat station You said four minutes, I give it to you in two minutes, Chef.

Entrees are making their way to the red diners, while in the blue kitchen Bass.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

After a disappointing performance on meat, Vinny is getting another chance This time on the fish station.

Come on, vin, you got it.

I Up the meat station.

To save my ass, I'm gonna need to save the day on fish.

Where's the bass? Look at that.


This is not possible.

Huh? That's what I get
- come here, all of you.

He brings that pissing over.

And the big surprise is the Bass is Raw! What the Is going on? I'm gonna get through this, Chef.

Gonna get through it.

Vinny has dug a deeper hole for himself.

Two salmon, one lobster.

Right here, Chef.

Meanwhile, in the red kitchen You walking, Gail? G? No, she's Sinking.

Gail is under pressure to deliver a properly cooked lobster capellini after six unsuccessful tries.

Gail! Ot raw pasta, and look at it
- it's standing up straight.

Look, madame.

It's like a Thong left over from a Night out in Vegas.

Come on! All of you Just taste that, will you? Taste it.

Taste it.

That's what you're sending me.

Taste it.

Bad night.

Bad night for me.

Hold on, hey! It gets worse.

Touch that! Rubber.

It's raw.

Every lobster you've sent me tonight has been undercooked, overcooked, undercooked, overcooked.

Now it's Raw.

Look at me.

Get out.

Yes, Chef.

Get out! Get out! It's 2 1/2 hours into the red versus blue dinner service, and after Gail's seventh failed attempt to cook an acceptable lobster capellini Now it's Raw! Chef Ramsay has had enough.

Get out.

Yes, Chef.

Get out! Get out.

Fish and garokay, Chef.

That Lobster.

I failed my team.

I failed Chef Ramsay.

So, um, it hurts.

There's no crying in the kitchen.

While Gail attempts to pull herself together in the dorms, back in the kitchen, the women pull together to complete dinner service.

I'm dragging one lobster.

Right now, Chef.

We got this.

Come on.

Soon as this goes out, we can go with the next one.

One lobster, o your last table.

Last ticket, guys.

Come on.

Yes, Chef.

Push it out.

Garnish is ready.

Garnish is ready.

We can walk.

Let's go.

Up to the window right now.

Please go.

Let's go.

I am not happy.

Tonight should have gone better.

There's no winning team.

Tomorrow, you will become one team.

I want all of you to think about the one individual that you think doesn't belong in the final six.

Clear? Yes, Chef.

Get out.

As the two teams will become one after tonight, Chef Ramsay has taken the unprecedented step of asking the Chefs to nominate anyone, no matter what team they're currently on.

You want me to start? Yeah.

Honestly, the last two or three services have been absolutely atrocious.

It's not like it's getting better.

It's getting worse.

I absolutely beyond the shadow of a doubt feel I've earned my spot in the finals.

Russell clear as day knows that I'm his biggest competition here.

Starts throwing in a bunch of dirty comments to try to get me outta here
- that really pissed me off.

Everyone here has heart and love and drive and passion, with the exception of Sabrina.

I wouldn't put Sabrina up at all, because I think she's done great.

Tonight Gail got kicked out, but everybody has Service.

If I had to pick one person, I think I would have to pick Trev.

Sorry, but.


I just don't see that you could actually win this.


I think it's difficult to work with you.

He's Everybody.

There's no way he's gonna be part of the final six.

I see amazing potential in me, and I can only go higher.

How could you possibly not want me on your team? It seems pretty petty.

I'm an asset, no matter which way you slice it.

I think youse are wrong for picking Trevor.

I'm not gonna put up my girls, 'cause they've done Awesome, so Let's start withRussell.

Who should not make it to the final six? I vote for Vinny.

He didn't pull his weight tonight, wow.

Uh, Vinny.

I don't think she would have lasted this long if the rest of the girls' team wasn't as good as they are.

Uh, Trev.


I don't think a 22
-old is gonna be able to run a high
-end restaurant like la market.

That's two votes for Sabrina and one vote for Vinny.

Jillian, who's the weakest Chef? Trev is the weakest Chef here.

His attitude sucks.


Okay, Gail.

Trevor, Chef.

Two votes for Trevor.

Oh, it ain't over yet.








Four women And four votes for Trev.

Never been a ladies' man.

Okay, Trev, step forward.

You have come a lot further than I thought you would.

I don't know how to say this.

Let's go, big boy.

And put this one on.

! Congratulations.


You're in the final six.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

You may not be liked, but you got the jacket.

Damn straight.


The final six.

My decision is Jillian, step forward.

Take your jacket off.


You deserve one of these babies.

Thank you, Chef.

Don't stop.

I won't, Chef.

Uh Nona.

The lady with the palate.

Well done.


Thank you, Chef.



Get your ass down here.


I appreciate it.


Two jackets left.

Three Chefs standing.



You're into the final six.

Why are you crying? I'm so happy.

Well, you should be happy.

Gail and Vinny I've got one jacket.

Who wants it? Tonight, the final six Chefs will receive black jackets.

Chef Ramsay has already chosen the first five.


You're into the final six.

And now only one jacket remains.

Gail, Vinny, step forward.

Gail and Vinny, clearly, the weakest Chefs on tonight's service.

I've got one jacket here.

Who wants it? I want it, Chef.

I want it, Chef.

Vinny, why do you think you deserve that jacket? Being a Chef is all I've ever really wanted, and I would be gravely disappointed if that jacket was not put around my back right now my problem with you is that you are on the decline.

Gail, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I can fight, Chef.

My team trusts me.

They find me an asset to the team.

I'm just gonna keep fighting.

Okay, my decision is Gail, take off your jacket.

The black jacket's yours.


Back in line.

Vinny, take off your jacket.

Tonight we were backed up like I've never seen before, and I didn't expect it this far down the line.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good luck.

Bye, Vinny.

I lost.

I had my shot right in front of my face, and I blew it.

I came here with the intention of winning, and I failed.

This is the worst night of my life.

Chef Ramsay, I really wanted that black jacket so badly, you have no idea.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

All of you, get out of there, and get some sleep, yes? Yes, Chef.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Well done, well done, well done.

Ow! Yes! And Vinny's gone! Aah! Vinny, I took your black coat, bitch.

I dodged the biggest b*llet.

I cannot wait to show Chef Ramsay everything that I have.

I will die here if I have to.

The girls hung me out to dry.

The b*tches.

I'm gonna out
-perform all your asses.

When the competition first started, I thought Vinny was the one to beat.

But after tonight's dismal performance, he's now the one to go home.
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