03x07 - Have You Seen the Remote?/Sidekicked to the Curb

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x07 - Have You Seen the Remote?/Sidekicked to the Curb

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: listen for "president"
and "baffling."

Another exciting day
begins as becky gets

Ready to attend her very first
wordgirl fan club meeting.

We're about
to start,

So time for you
to get lost.

Guess the excitement
will have to wait.

Tj! Wordgirl would
want the meeting
open to everyone.

Stay, becky.

I'm almost finished
with the mural.

Thanks violet.

I'm sure wordgirl would
want me to be here,

Although I'm not sure how
she would feel about tj.


Hey! As president
of the international
wordgirl fan club,

I call this
meeting to order!

First item on
the agenda is--

Mr. President!

Johnson, you're late.

Yes sir,
mr. President!

Ewww. And so are
your monthly dues.

Yes, mr. President!
I offer this as
payment, sir.

Whoa! Where did
you get that?

At a yard sale.

It's some kind of
super remote or something,

Mr. President, sir.

I wonder what
it goes to.

Probably nothing.

Hey, this would be great
for the time machine game

That we built
at last week's meeting.

As president
of the international
wordgirl fan club,

I propose a short recess
from wordgirl business

In order to go right
to playing

"Adventures of wordgirl."

All in favor?



Now, as president
of the wordgirl fan club,

I'm sending us
to the year million b.c.,

Where we can help
prehistoric wordgirl
defeat the dinosaurs!



Initiate warp speed!

Kind of funny that
we're not wanted

At a wordgirl
fan club meeting, huh?

Narrator: I was thinking
the same thing!

Of course, I still
find it baffling

That nobody realizes
you're wordgirl.

Why? What do
you mean?

Man: look out!
It's a robot!

Uh-oh. Sounds like
tobey and his robots
are at it again.

Come on, bob!

Word up!


Ow, ow, ow.

That's odd, huggy.

I've never seen
one of tobey's
robots act

So clumsily.

And where's tobey?

The robots usually
don't go anywhere

Without him.

Hey, buttons
with animals on them!

As president of
the international
wordgirl fan club

I hereby turn
you into a chicken!


Did I just hear
that robot squawk?

Huh. Well, come on,

Let's take this
clunky chicken out!


chimpanzee maneuvers!

[Robot screeching]

I have to admit,
I'm baffled.

And where's tobey?

Try his house?


Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile,
across town...

With my global
tracking device,

I'll be able to locate
my master remote
and reclaim my--


I mean...wordgirl.

Tobey, what's the deal
with your robots?

They're acting all--

Wacky? I know!

Someone bought
my master remote

And is now using it
to control them!

Oh, the audacity!

You sold your
master remote?

No, no, no, no, no.

My mother sold it
at her yard sale.

By "accident."

Oh, parents!

Huh. Well, we
better start
looking for it.

Right! Good thing

Did you say "we"?
As in you and i?

Of course.

You know what it
looks like.
I don't.

Right. Of course!

My lucky day has
finally arrived!

At last, some quality
time with wordgirl.

Oh! Hold on a sec!
Did the remote have
a tracking device?

Of course, it,

Why, I am baffled.
I've never heard of a--

Track-ing de-vice,
was it?

Yeah, you know,
something that
tells you where

Your remote is
in case you lost it?

Right. Nope.

Sorry never thought to
make one. Heh heh.

Oh, well.
Let's get started.

You ready, huggy?

Uh, just so you know,
the remote was sold

Hours ago, so it could
be far, far away.

Why, it might take days,
even weeks of working
together to find it!

I hope not!

Oh, I hope so.

Um, I remember seeing
the librarian
at the yard sale,

So we search
the library first?

Nope. No luck.

Me neither.
Although I
did stumble

Across this
in the rare books

A first edition
"webster's dictionary"
from !

Would you like to
sit down and read
it with me?

I'd love to!

But no fair peeking
and telling me
how it ends.

But I already know.
With z.

Right. Was just
a little joke.

Yeah, I knew that.


Huggy's right.
No time to read.

We have to find
that remote!

Might I
suggest trying
the museum next?

I have a hunch.

Well, so much
for my hunch.

I am just baffled.

Where, oh, where
could that remote be?


Ah, well. It is
nice to take
a break and look

At my favorite

That's my favorite
painting, too!

Something about it
just speaks to me,
you know.

Me, too!
It says...


Wow! Wordgirl I never
realized we had

So much in common.

Neither did i.


Right, huggy.
The remote.

And I know the next
place we should search!

I was so sure we'd
find a clue here.

This case is proving
to be so...


I know. It's
just so...



Wow. You understand me
so well, wordgirl.

It's like we can
finish each other's...



Right. Well, hey,
I just realized

Your robots haven't
att*cked anything
in a while.

You're right.
I wonder why.

As president
of the wordgirl fan club,

I say use it
or lose it, violet!

No! I don't think we
should be pressing
these buttons

Unless we know
what they do.

Well, then as president
of the international
wordgirl fan club,

I say give
me the remote back!

Give me!

The robots could've
stopped for any
number of reasons.

Oh, well.
We should really
plan our next move.

I'm thinking either
the movie theater
or the candy store.


One vote
for the candy store.

Oh, wait!
Hold on.

Man: robots!
Everyone run!

My super hearing is
picking up some chaos

Of the robot variety!

They're back!

Oh. Well.

By all means,
let's go get them.

Stop that

I raised you
better than that!


Hang on, huggy!

[Ooh ooh]

Whoooaaa! Oh.

Huh. The robots are all
around tj's clubhouse.

Violet: stop!

Tj: give me that
remote back!

Great news, tobey.

I know where
your remote is.

Oh, joy.

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at the fort,

Tj has let this
presidency thing go to head.

Get back!

As president of
the wordgirl fan club,

I order you to obey
my every command!

We all know
you're president

Of the international
wordgirl fan club.

You don't have to
keep saying it.

As president of
the international
wordgirl fan club,

I say that I can say,
"as president

Of the international
wordgirl fan club"

As many times as I
want, as president

Of the international
wordgirl fan club.

Hey, look! Robots!


Whoa! This remote
controls those!

Whoo! Awesome!

Tj: wordgirl!
In person?!

Hi, wordgirl.
Huggy. Tobey?


Hi. Hey!

There's the remote.


What's that noise?

Uh, noise, what noise?

I don't hear any noise.

A tracking device
for the remote?

But you said you
didn't make one!

Well, technically,
I didn't make it.

It came free
with the remote.

We wasted all this
time looking for
the remote when--

Wasted? Excuse me.
I scarcely think
a day spent

At a library and museum
can be call wasted!

I mean, you did
have a nice time,
didn't you--

That--that's not
the point!
We could--

Aha! So you admit it!

You had a nice time
with me!

That's not
what I said.

All right. That's enough.
You've had your fun.

Now hand over my remote.

Never! As president
of the international
wordgirl fan club,

I refuse.


You don't even know
what the word means.

I do so. It means, um,
king, right?

Actually, president
means someone
chosen or elected

To be the head
of a group.

You know, like
violet is
the president

Of her
fifth grade class.


Wait, how did
you know that,

Oh, uh, lucky guess.

Well, I'm the president,
and I order these
robots to dance!

Give me that!

Say good-bye to
your club house.

Tj: oh, yeah?

Tobey: give me!
You give me that--

No! Give it back!

No, no! Give it!

Give me!

No, no!
Give me that
remote back.

Oh, yeah?
Well watch this!

Uh, here you go.

Here's your
remote back.

Aaa! This is
totally unfair!

It's going to take
me days to rebuild!

Well, maybe if we had
found the remote earlier

Instead of running
all over town, tobey.

Yes. Well, i...

Don't have a snappy
response to that.

Narrator: and so
the baffling case

Of "the missing remote
and the president
of the wordgirl fan club"

Is solved,
and tobey finally got to

Spend his dream day
with wordgirl.


Join us next time
for another exciting
episode of "wordgirl!"

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word"!

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word"!

Yes, you may.
Today's featured
word is "swerve."

To give you clue,
here are come clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


A swerve is one
of those old-timey
cars that

Grandmas drive.

I'm sorry, emily.
That is incorrect.


A swerve is that
yellow painted line

In the middle
of the road?

Sorry that, too,
is incorrect.

To swerve means
to weave or zigzag,

As granny may's
car did in the clip.

That episode
introduces the character

Of granny may,
by the way.

Landmark episode.

You're right!

Congratulations, tommy!
You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official
wordgirl unicycle!


Be the envy of all your
friends when they see you

Gliding down the street.


Or maybe even swerving
down the street!



That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"!

Narrator: psst. Listen for

"Motivate" and "finale."

At a shoe store
in the heart of the city,

We join a crime already
in progress.

Great. A robbery.

That's right!

Money and shoes
in the bag!

Hold on.

Let me get the manager.

That won't be

Prepare, mortal,
to face the amazing
rope guy!

And his new sidekick
the whammer!

No, whammer! No!


Yeah, um, I don't
know how to
say this.

This isn't
working out.

What? What do you mean?

We totally whammed it!

Sorry. You're
a terrible sidekick.

It's not your fault.

You're fired.

The whammer thanks you
for the opportunity.

Good luck in all
your future projects.

Hey, whammer, can
you help me out here?

The whammer just
messed up another job.

Have you just messed
up another job?


Are you tired
of being a sidekick,

Someone else's

Do you want to
be your own boss?

Take your career
to the next level?

Yeah! Wham
the next level!

Well what are
you waiting for?

I don't know!

Come see the coach!
I will!

Right now!

Oh, I don't know.
I just don't feel

So whammer,
you know?

Just not sure
I want to be
a sidekick anymore.

I think I want to--

Be your own boss?

Well you've come
to the right place.

My job is to
motivate you,

To inspire you
to take action

And get what you
want out of life.

That sounds
totally whammer!


Now this is
a big change here,

So we're going to
tackle it step by step.

Step one!

What's something
you want, right now?

Orange juice.


Now take the first step
towards achieving
your dreams.

Go out and get
some orange juice!

Get motivated!

You have the power to
be it and do it!

Orange juice! Yeah!

The power!



Narrator: meanwhile,
at the tranquil suburban home

Of becky botsford...

I want to watch
"robots! Robots!

But "robots" is
a repeat!

So? It's
a great episode!

Yeah, it is,
but I need to watch

"The pretty princess
magical princess

And sparkling pony
power hour!"

It's the finale!

Mom: all right!
That's enough!

Now, tj, I believe you
got to pick yesterday.

Is that right?
Yeah, but--


Then becky gets to decide
what to watch today.

"Pretty princess"!


We interrupt this
program to bring you

A special report.

at the grocery store!

There was a loud "wham!"

And now all our
orange juice is missing!

This is horrible!

I've got to go.

I forgot about my,
um, kite-flying practice.

Ha. "Pretty princess."
What a joke!

Ugh! Nothing but dresses
and jewelry and ooh.

Is that a dragon?

Tj like.

Yeah! The whammer
whammed step one!

All right!
How'd it feel?

Totally whammer!

That's what
I like to hear!

Whammer means
good, right?

Yeah! Whammer!

Check this out.

The whammer stole
this orange juice

All on his own!

Well, that is so--
hold on.

You stole
the orange juice?

Yeah. Whammer's
a criminal. Yeah!


I just assumed you were
a professional wrestler.

No way!

The whammer does
two things--

and steals stuff!

And whams!

He'll steal whatever
I tell him to.

What's that?

nothing. Ok!

It's time to take
the second step

Toward achieving
your dream.

What do you
want next?

More orange juice!


Something more like,
oh, I don't know, a car?

The whammer
likes cars!

Good! Great!
So do i!

Now a sidekick
would probably

Just want one car,
but since you want

To be better
than a sidekick,

You'd want two cars.

Whammer wants
two cars! Yeah!

And give one
to the coach.

Hey, coach,
would you want

The whammer's
second car?

Well, since you asked.

All right!

♪ The whammer
is motivated ♪

♪ Gonna steal
two cars ♪

♪ Yeah,
wham-whammer ♪

Narrator: meanwhile,
scouring the city...

Based on the "wham"
that grocer heard,

I'm guessing
the whammer's
on the loose.

You're right, huggy.

The whammer's always
someone's sidekick,

So there's probably
some devious

Behind the crime.

Oh, man this is
gonna take forever.

I'm totally
going to miss

The "pretty
princess" finale.

No, no.
There is no
"next episode!"

This is the finale,

You know, the end
of something,

And it's often
and exciting.

Like in
our adventures,

That big exciting
fight between us

And the villain
at the end
of each episode?

That's the finale.

Man: hey! Help!

That's coming
from the used car

Word up!

Two giant trucks
for whammer and the coach.

Hey! You can't
just walk out
of here without--


Activate emergency
plan number .

Howdy, whammer.
What you up to?

Stealing these trucks.

So whose sidekick
are you now?

No more sidekicking!

Then why are you
stealing two trucks?

Ok. Now the whammer's

And when the whammer
gets confused,


Ohh! Great!

I wonder if pretty
princess is having

As hard a time
as I am.

Girl on tv: quickly!
To the pretty flower mobile!

Count cloudy is coming!

Great job, whammer!

Let me hear you
say, "I'm the boss!"

I'm the boss!


Well, now that
you're motivated,

It's time for step .

Go get two yachts.

Step !
Two yachts!

One for you,
one for me!

Yeah. Two yachts!

What's a yacht?

A yacht is
a big fancy boat!

Two whammin' boats!
Yeah! Wham!


Whatever I want I get

Just by motivating
the whammer to steal it!

I'm the greatest
evil genius of all time!

Oh, you could--
well, I could...


Narrator: meanwhile, back
at the used car dealership...

I mean, this is
the last episode, huggy.

This is so not fair!

I need to see
that finale!


I guess wanting to
see "pretty princess"

Was all I needed
to get motivated!

[Ooh ooh]

Oh, well, you know,
having a strong
desire to do something

And letting nothing
stand in your way.

Like I could
motivate you
by saying,

"Huggy, if you
escape those tires,

I'm going to
take you out
for ice cream!"



Because I offered
you ice cream,

You were motivated
to escape.

I didn't mean
right now, huggy.

We're a little busy.

Breaking news alert!

The whammer has been
spotted trying to steal

Two yachts from the marina!

Yowza! Now back to all
climactic battle music
all the time!

It's time for
the big final battle

Between us
and the whammer,
the finale!

Word up!

Going somewhere,


Well, we're here
to stop you!

Aw, whammer!

Now the whammer has to
put these big boats down,

And the whammer just
got them up there!

Sorry. Now, huggy!




Whammer can't wham!

Ok, whammer.

Now who's been
motivating you

To commit these crimes?

Nobody tells
the whammer what to do!

The whammer is
his own boss!

But you're a sidekick.

You've always
been a sidekick.

Nope! Not this time.

This time, it's
just the whammer!

Stealing whatever
the coach says!

Yeah! Wham!

The coach?

Yeah! The coach!


If I could motivate
the whammer to steal
things for me,

I bet I could motivate
other criminals, too.

Why, I could open up
my own criminal school!

Looks like you'll have
to start it in jail.


Jail? Me? Never!


That's a great idea.

Jail's the perfect
place to meet

Come on in, guys.
Take me to jail!

Time to start
my new villain
training academy!

Oh, by the way,
the whammer wanted me
to give you this message.

You tricked the whammer!

Now the whammer's
gonna to trick you!


See you in jail, coach!


On second thought...

Say hi to the whammer
in the slammer!

Nailed it.

Well, huggy, I think that
was a pretty cool finale.

There was lots of action,
good triumphed--

Narrator: um, aren't you
forgetting about something?

I don't think so.

"The pretty princess"

"Pretty princess"!


I missed the finale! Ugh!

Now I'm never going to
find out what happened

To pretty princess!

I can tell you.

Pretty princess
rescued penelope pony

From count cloudy's
cloud castle,

But count cloudy
chased after them,

And they used
the pretty flower
mobile to get away

And returned
all the sunshine
to sparkletopia.

Oh, my gosh! It was
the best finale ever!

Not that I care.

It was just on in
the background, ok?

Oh, whatever.

He really got into
it, didn't he?

Did not!

Hey, look!

There's another episode
on right now!

There is?!

Whoops. My mistake.
Ha ha ha!

Narrator: that'll motivate
you to be nice to your siblings,

And so we come
to the real finale.

Wordgirl has saved
the day yet again

While tj has discovered
that princesses and ponies

Can be pretty cool after all.

Tune in next time for another
exciting episode of "wordgirl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word"!

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word "swerve."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am!

Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "swerve."


Ok, give it
a shot, tommy!

Tj is clearly swerving,
just like huggy did
on the unicycle.

I'm gonna go
with number one.

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

Oh, I get it,
a stationary bike.

No need to swerve
with one of those.

Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"!

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is labyrinth.

Labyrinth is sort of like
a fancy name for a maze.

I like labyrinth because
of the way it sounds.


My favorite
word is zinnias.

I like the word zinnias
because I know

It's a really
pretty flower

And I love the sound of it.


♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face,
show us what drowsy means.


That's right! Drowsy means
to feel really sleepy.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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