02x27 - When Chuck's Mom Is Away... / That's Entertainment

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x27 - When Chuck's Mom Is Away... / That's Entertainment

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Wordgirl

Narrator: today's featured
words are

"Reckless" and "immaculate."

In the basement lair
of chuck, the evil
sandwich making guy...

Ok, what's going on?

Heh heh.
Oh. Shh, shh. Shh.


Bye, ma!

Make sure you do
all your chores.

I want this
place immaculate

By the time
I get back.

Ok, ma.

And don't have any
of your reckless
friends over.

Right, ma.

I'll be back
around :.


Ya-hoo. Home alone
all day!

Whoo-hoo. Time
to get a little--

Oh, what
was the word--

Narrator: reckless?


Whoo-hoo. Reckless.
[Playing hard rock music]


[Turns off music]

Ooh, that was getting
a little loud.

[Telephone rings]


Hey, chuckles.
Two brains here.

Hey, I was

If you'd like
to help me
with a crime,

A grilled-cheese
sandwich type
of crime today.

Oh, um, that sounds
nice, but I can't.

My mom's out of town
for the day,

And I'm in charge
of the house, so...

Ooh! I'll be
right over.

[Dial tone]

No. You can't. Wait.

[Horn honks]

Chucky baby!
Listen, no.

No. I'm not
supposed to--

The whole house to
yourself. You know
what that means, hmm?

That I'm gonna
keep it nice
and immaculate

And wait
for my mommy
to come home.

No. It means that while
my lair is being repainted,

I move into
your house.

No. I don't
think my mom--

Oh, come on,

The painters

They'd be
in no time.

What could
possibly happen?

You have a lovely home.

Narrator: meanwhile across
town, an eerily similar
scene is playing out.

Oh, come on.
Let's go!

is about to start.

I don't want to
miss anything.

Ok, becky,
this is a big step--

Leaving you all alone
all day without a sitter.

Are you sure you're
gonna be ok?

I've battled
giant robots.

I think I can handle this.

What's that?

Oh! Uh, I said
we'll be fine.

Ok. Well, if anything
should happen, you know
how to reach us.

Becky: telephone.

Right. And if the phone
system fails?

Smoke signal.

No! Light beacon first,
then smoke signal.

Becky: right.

We can't go.

Becky doesn't
understand our emergency
communication protocol yet.

[Mom sighs heavily]

Mom, dad, can we go?

worry, dad.

Mom: you sure you
don't want to come
with us, becky?


Going would
be reckless, bob.

Someone might
recognize us.

I'll be
in the car.

Mwah! Be good, hon.
We'll call you later
to check in.

Dad: every hours
on the hour.

Dad: ok, quick.
There's a massive
power surge

And the freezer goes
into overdrive,

A city-wide ice age.
Then a giant horde
of karate penguins

Starts to take over
our house.
What do you do?

Mom: tim!
T.j.: Dad!

Karate penguins.
Think about it. I'll
call you in hours.

[Becky sighs]

Well, huggy,
we have the house
all to ourselves.

What should we do first?
[Bell ringing]

Oh, man! That's
the grocery store.

Looks like our
relaxing day at home
will have to wait.

Word up!

Hold it right there--oh.

You just missed him.

Uh, which villain
was it?

The guy with
two brains who's got
a thing for cheese.

Dr. Two brains!

If you say so. Aw.

I just got the cheese
section cleaned up, too.

It was immaculate.
Now it's nonexistent.

Well, don't worry.
We'll catch him.


Good thinking, huggy.
We'll surprise
two brains at his lair.

Ha! Now I got you.

Hold it
right there--

Oh, no.
Not here either.

H-have you guys
seen dr. Two brains?

What's he
look like?

Uh, tall guy,
white hair.
Has two brains.

Woman: yeah. That's
the guy that hired us.

We haven't seen him
since this morning.


Oh, no. That's
the alarm I set.

My parents are
about to call.
We have to get home.

Come on, huggy!

Woman: what just happened?

Mm! Chucky baby, you
should have been there.

Bang. We were in,
bang. We were out.

Wordgirl didn't even
come close to catching us.


Oh! Chew with your
mouth closed, please.

You know, chucky,
you need to get out more.

You need to live
a little.

You need to do

Grr! I do reckless
things all the time.

I'm a dangerous
super criminal,

Now, stop spraying
cheese! I need this
place immaculate

Before my mommy
gets home.

[Doorbell rings]

Aah! What?
What's going on?

Oh, yes. I ran into
a couple of friends
on my way back.

Come on in, folks.

Come on, chuck.
Move aside.

[Telephone rings]

[Breathing heavily]

Ahem. Hello?

So how's it going?
Any leaking pipes,

flower pots,
alien invasions?

Nope. The place is
immaculate and alien-free...

for the most part.

That's my girl!
Got to go.

is in full swing.

Talk to you
in hours.

Bye, dad.

Bye, dad.

Ok, so we have
hours, minutes before
my dad calls again.

Ready to take
two brains down?

[Chatters weakly]

No, you can't
just stay here
and answer the phone.

Hmm, if you were
dr. Two brains, where
would you hang out

While your lair was
being painted?


Wordgirl: way to go,
huggy! Let's go stop--

Lady redundant woman?

So, lady redundant woman--
women, rather--

Thought you could--
[cell phone rings]

Ooh, hold
that thought.

Hola. Bienvenue.
What's shaking?

[Becky groans]


Yeah. I'll take
a look.

Is this going to take--

me--does this look
too pink to you?

No such thing as
too pink, ok?

Lady redundant
woman: agreed.

On board.
Right on, sister.
It's a go! Thanks.

Ok, then from the top.

So, lady redundant woman,
thought you could--

[Footsteps approaching]

Hey! Come on, huggy.
Oh, boy.

Narrator: oh, no. All of
wordgirl's greatest foes

Are recklessly running
rampant throughout the city.

Well, most of them.

What is wordgirl
going to do?

I'll tell you what
I'm going to do.

I'm going to--

Run and answer
a very important
phone call.

[Telephone rings]

Hello! I'm here.
I'm here! Hello!

Honey, the phone
rang twice.

I was ready to call
the fire department
and the police

And a special force
of trained commandos
that I saw

A movie about
the other night.
Delta something--

I know--

It's ok, dad. I'm fine.
And the house?
Still immaculate.

Well, ok. And by
immaculate, you mean..?

Clean, spotless,
not a speck of
dirt anywhere.

Dad: that's right.

So how's the

Oh, great. T.j.
Is having a blast.

Becky: yeah. Uh-huh.

T.j.? Ooh, I have
to go. T.j.!

Back to work.
Come on, huggy.

We'll try
the butcher's
hideout first.

Ok, butch--oh, boy.
I cannot catch
a break today.

You guys again.


Man, you guys work quick.

What is this,
like your fourth
villain's lair today?

We lost count.
I guess every super
villain in the city

Needed their place
painted today.

Yeah. Mr. Big,
dr. Two brains, tobey,
ms. Question,

Lady something something--

How about the whammer,
the coach, chuck?

Yes. Yes. No. Chuck?

Yeah, a big guy. Has
a sandwich for a head.

No. Doesn't
sound familiar.

Hmm. You know what
I'm thinking?


Come on, huggy!

No. Please don't touch that.
[Music playing]

Could you please take
your feet off the--

Oh, that's not a--hey!
Who spilled juice on the rug?

Ooh! Ma's gonna be mad.

Oh, that's my roommate
chuck. A little uptight.


Well, I'd love to take
you and your
duplicates out for dinner.

You got it!

No! Curses. It's wordgirl.

[All gasp, needle
scratches on record]

She's at the door!
Everyone hide!

Chuck, get rid of her.

Oh, ok.

Oh, uh, h-hi,

What brings you to
this neighborhood?

A hunch.

Your posture looks
ok to me.

Not that kind of hunch.

That was funny,

May I come in?
Uh, no.

No. Ahem!
My mom's not home.

And she said that
I can't have
any friends over

Who are--oh, what's
the word?

It starts with
an "r," ends
with a "less."


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Reckless. Thanks.

Yeah. It means
doing something

That you know is

Like having a house full
of super villains would
be extremely reckless.

How did you know?

Oh, come on.
Dr. Two brains,
rope guy.

Hey, butcher.
Tobey's right there.

Lady redundant woman,
lady redundant woman,
lady redundant woman.

Seriously, who taught
you guys how to hide?

All right.
All right.

You got us,
but now you've got

A different problem,

There are...

Uh, lots of us but
only one of you.

[Chuckling sinisterly]

Yup. You know,
we should go.

what will our hero do?

I don't know!

Narrator: and what
will chuck do once this
enormous battle is over?

Wait. Wait. What?

Well, you know this battle
is going to absolutely
destroy your mom's house.

No. I didn't
know that.
Wait. Wait!

You can't fight
in here. You have
to take it outside.

Better yet,
you have to take it
down the street.

Sorry, chucky boy.
She's here and we're here.

It's go time. Hyah!


Hey, what gives?
Whose side are you on?

I'm on my house's
side. Ugh.


Oh, uh, wordgirl?


Well, my mom's going
to be home from
the wordgirl-a-palooza

In minutes.


Oh, yeah. She loves you.
Thinks you have spunk.

I hate spunk.

Oh, man. That means
we have to be home
in minutes, too.

So I was wondering if
you could help me make
the place immaculate.

sure. There you go.
Anything else?

Uh, where are the--

Mustardized criminals?

I got to go. Thanks
for your help. Tell
your mom I said hi.

You want me to call you
a cab or something?

Hi, becky.

♪ Do doo do

Hi. Hey! How was--

Mom: where's bob?


Dad: so, bob, sometimes
I envy your mysterious life

Full of taxicabs
and secret rendezvous.

Oh, sorry.

Narrator: and
so once again, wordgirl,
with a little help from me,

Has put an end to
the reckless behavior
of these criminals

And made chuck the evil
sandwich making guy's
house immaculate again.

Join us again next time
for another sweet
adventure of "wordgirl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's
featured word

Will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

May I have a word?

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "smudge."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Yes, emily?

"Smudge" means to
play tug-of-w*r.

One time, my dog
picked up one
of my old socks,

And I spent two
hours trying to pull
it out of his mouth.

While that's certainly
an interesting story,

I'm sorry, but "smudge"
does not mean tug-of-w*r.

Go ahead, phil.

Uh, "smudge" is
a dirty mark or smear.

The birthday girl has
chocolate smudges
all over her face.

That is correct.
Congratulations, phil!

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official "wordgirl"...

[Canned cheering and applause]

beau handsome cutout.

You want me to
autograph that
for you?



Oops. I smudged
my signature.

Well, don't worry.
We'll get you
another one.

That's ok. I really
don't want another--

Of course you do!

That's it for
today's episode. See
you next time on...

"may I have a word?"

Narrator: psst! Listen for
the words "entertainment"

And "persistent."

Just another peaceful day
outside the city prison.

hey. I spoke too soon.

It looks like the energy monster
is attempting to escape.

This can't be good
for the city's energy
conservation plans.

Meanwhile, at
the botsford house,

Everyone is getting ready
for the "pretty princess
and magic pony power hour"

Weekend marathon.


Now, that's entertainment.

I can't believe we get
a whole weekend of
the pretty princess.

And don't forget
the magic pony.

Whoosh! Yeah!

I thought you weren't
interested in this kind
of entertainment, t.j.

I'm not. I'm just
saying don't forget
the magic pony.

Can we just watch
the show, please?

♪ Pop, pop, pop,
pop, pop, pop ♪

I'm gonna plug in
our new electric
popcorn popper

And then we'll have
enough popcorn for
the whole marathon.

I just have
to blow-dry my hair,

And then I'll join you
for the marathon and some...

♪ Popcorn!

All right. But
hurry up, honey.

If I don't dry my hair
right away, it puffs up

And I look like a poodle.

It's true!
Just like a poodle.

[Both chuckle]

[Both sigh]

Becky: quiet, everyone.
It's starting.

[Pony neighs]

Oh, man. This is
gonna be great!

For you. That's what
I meant, for you.


Dad, becky's
accusing me

Of liking
"the pretty
princess" show.

There's nothing wrong
with that. I like
the pretty princess,

Although my favorite
is the magical pony.

And if truth be told,
I even have a soft
spot in my heart

For old count cloudy.

Dad! Count cloudy is
the bad guy.

I know, I know. But
sometimes people are mean

Because they're lonely
or afraid.

Dad, is there anyone
in the world
you don't like?

Becky, when it comes to
finding the good in people,
I'm very persistent.

Whoa! Aah.

Oh! It's just the popcorn.

Narrator: later at the prison,
the warden is finding out
some bad news.

Man: uh, sir,
the energy monster
has escaped.

Huh? Oh, ha ha!
"Energy monster

Ha ha! Well, that is
an entertaining joke.

You're a guard
and a card. Ha ha!

That wasn't meant to
be entertainment, sir.

It was meant to be

The energy monster
really has escaped.

Whoa, whoa. Hold on
there, son.

Are you telling me that
the energy monster
has escaped?

Yes, sir.

And he ate
all the energy from
the electric fence,

Which has made him
bigger and hungrier
for more power.

And when it comes to
eating energy, that monster
is very persistent.

This is terrible
news. Terrible.

I know, sir. That electric
fence was brand-new.

My brother-in-law
installed it.

Ah, you know what's
even worse?

I told the mayor
that I would eat
this hat

That's sitting
on my pretty
little head

If any prisoners
broke through
that electric fence.

Sir, hold your hat.

The energy monster has
been spotted.

If we can get him back,
maybe you won't have
to eat your hat.

Hmm. All right. Back
on my head, mr. Tasty.

Let's catch ourselves
an energy monster.

Ah, heh. Another day,
another dollar, eh,


Narrator: what's this?
The energy monster
has disguised himself

As a power plant worker.

Very clever.

Becky: hey, what's going on
with the lights?

T.j.: There goes
the "pretty princess
and magic pony power hour"

Weekend marathon,
not that I care,
but I worry about becky.

this show means
so much to her.

Whoa! My kernels have
lost their pop.

For the love of woodstock!
Look at your hair.

[All laugh]

Hey, mom,
Ruff! Ruff!

Easy, t.j.

I told you your mom's hair
was entertaining.

[Parents laugh, then sigh]

My hair drier just
stopped working.

I think we're having
an electrical problem.

And now it's over.

All: yay!

All: boo!

All: yay!

All: boo!

It doesn't seem to
be coming back on.

Our saturday is ruined.

Wait one minute,
sad face.

Just because the electricity
is out doesn't mean

We can't have fun.

But what can we do
for entertainment?

Lots of things.
I think we've all
become too dependent

On television for
our entertainment.

Dad, what kind of
crazy thing are
you saying?

I'm saying, t.j.,
That tv is only one
kind of entertainment.

Ok. But what else is

Let's see. The definition
of entertainment is

Something that amuses
you, like a show,

But it can be anything
like a story or dance
or a joke.

So dad's saying we
should look at other things
besides television for fun.

Like where?

Like right here with
your family.

We're sure
an entertaining bunch.

Yeah! Just look
at my hair.

[Parents chuckle]

[Both sigh]

I think I'll go next door
and see if they have power.

Can I go
with you?

Becky and bob,
come back here.

People, don't
fight me on this.
I won't give up.

You know how
persistent I can be.

We really depend too much
on electricity for fun.

So what are we
supposed to do?

Grab a fistful of popcorn--
and some unpopped kernels--

And gather round.

I'm going to tell you
some electricity-free
stories like they used to

Back in the olden days,
when things were olden.

Now, have I ever
told you the story about
your mother and I winning

The big dance contest?

Becky and t.j.: Yes.

Narrator: meanwhile over
at the city power plant...

Power plant worker:
hey, buddy, a bunch of us
are ordering a pizza.

You want in, buddy?

You sure, chief?
It's only a buck
a slice, man.

All right, champ.
Have it your way.

You'll be mad, brother,
when we're eating delicious
pizza and you're left out.

Ah. My persistence
pays off.

Narrator: back at
the botsfords',

The family continues
to find entertainment that
doesn't need electricity.


Dad: ok, everybody,
now let's see who can name
the most pies. Becky starts.

Uh, cherry.

Banana and cream.


Key lime.
Becky's turn.

Becky: um, dad?

Last time I checked,
becky, I wasn't a pie.

No. You proved
your point, though.
I mean, I'm having fun.

But when is the power
going to come back on?

Man: help!

The energy monster
escaped from jail!

Now he's stealing
all the power
from the city.

Oh! So that's
what's going on.

Thanks for
the information.

Your hair!
What happened?

I didn't get
to finish drying it.

Man: help! Mrs. Botsford's
hair looks like a poodle!


Ok. I'm sure
wordgirl will
fix everything.

And while we're waiting,
I'm going to break out

My box of emergency
puzzles and crafts.

I'll get my emergency
crochet hook.

Hey, what
about me?

What am I
going to do for

You could make up
a story.

and write it down!

A story. Eh,
I don't know.

Word up!

Wordgirl, what are
you doing here?

Have you seen
this guy around
here today?

Yeah. I know him.
He's the new worker.

Oh, this isn't
a worker.

It's the energy
monster. Where is
he right now?

I think he's on break.
I hope you'll be
able to find him.

Oh, don't worry.
We'll find him.

We're very persistent,
right, captain huggy face?


Oh, well, huggy, um,
when someone is persistent,

It means they don't give up.

So I'm saying
that we're persistent
because we're determined--

Uh, wordgirl--
uh, hold on.

And we won't quit
until we find
the energy monster

And defeat him,

And then we're back
at home watching

"The pretty princess"

Just a second.

I'm still
defining a word.

Huggy, you're
persistent when it
comes to eating food.

You can finish
a whole box of--

Wordgirl, I'm not gonna
stop interrupting you
until you notice

That the energy monster,
the new guy,

Is right there.

Wha-what? Oh!

Hmm. Well, thank you
for being persistent.
Excuse me.

I hope you had your
fill of electricity

Because it's lights out
for you, energy monster.

Come on, huggy.
Activate plan ,.

Ok. Let's try plan .

Aw. Well,
he's so cute.

Don't you think,
captain huggy face?


Let's drop him off at the jail,

And then there's
a "pretty princess" marathon
waiting for us at home.

Narrator: with the energy
monster defeated

And the electricity flowing,

The lights come back on

[Prisoners cheer]

Warden: excuse me. You there
with the shovels.

Oh! You're
talking to me?

No, perp, I'm talking
to the wall.

Yes, I'm talking to you.

Now that the power
is back on,

I can see that you are
trying to escape.

Well, see, I was--

Uh, forget it.
I can't even think
of anything.

You're right. I was
trying to escape.

Ah, darn. You didn't
have to admit it.

I'm hungry, hungry for hat.

Narrator: later at
the botsfords'...

Becky: hey, everybody,
the electricity is back on.

Oh, we were so busy
entertaining ourselves,
we didn't even notice.

Wow. Cute hat, mom.

I made of them
if you want one.

T.j., Have you been
writing this whole time?

Uh-huh. A play
about wordgirl.

Hey, I think we should
perform it right now.

Ok. That sounds like fun.

I guess I'll play wordgirl.

Uh, actually, becky, bob's
gonna play wordgirl.

What?! Bob?

Becky, I'm the writer,
so I get to decide
who does what.

That's how
show business works.

all right.

Now, mom, you're
the energy monster and
the queen of outer space.

Got it!

Dad, you play the talking
coyote and the genie
in the toaster.

Becky, you're
captain huggy face.


Hey, look what's
going on here.

The power is
back on
and you kids

Aren't sitting
in front of
the television.

I know. I can't
believe it either.

You see? You
don't need tv
or electricity

For entertainment.

To tell you
the truth,
I wouldn't care

If we got rid of
the tv for good.

Whoa. Wait. Wait. Wait!
I wouldn't go that far.
Ha ha.

I do want to watch
"the pretty princess"
marathon later.

And if we didn't have
a tv, you'd miss

The morning news
with steve and
the weather twins.

I do like
my forecasts.

[Parents laugh, then sigh]

Ok, let's start the play.

The story opens
with wordgirl and huggy

Asking t.j.,
The great playwright,

For his help defeating
the energy monster...

Narrator: and so as
the botsfords perform
t.j.'S play,

Viewers, remember, you
don't need a tv to see
good entertainment.

But if you must watch tv,
be persistent and make sure

It's the next exciting episode
of "wordgirl."

Announcer: want more "wordgirl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

On pbskidsgo.org.

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library,
cape not required.

Word up!
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