02x17 - Highway to Harvarti / Tiny Big

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x17 - Highway to Harvarti / Tiny Big

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out
villains, here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary! ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check! ♪

Go girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side,
vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out villains! ♪

♪ Here she comes!

♪ wordgirl!

Narrator: hey kids.

Listen for the words
"leisure" and "berserk".

It's a beautiful day to
be on the open road.

And no one's enjoying it more
than the botsford family,

Because they're
going on vacation.

I can't wait to get
to the water park!

I'm just looking forward
to some leisure time

With my family.

Well, what do you say we
get this party started

With some tunes?

All right! I pick
the radio station!


I don't think-y so.

Ready everyone?!

♪ She'll be comin'
'round the mountain
when she comes! ♪

♪ She'll be coming
'round the mountain
when she comes ♪

I can't hear you, becky.

♪ She'll be comin'
'round the mountain ♪

♪ She'll be comin'
round the mountain ♪

♪ She'll be comin round the
mountain when she comes! ♪

Guys, please--

♪ She'll be driving white
horses when she comes! ♪

She's almost here!

♪ She'll be driving white
horses when she comes! ♪

Wait, she should
be here by now.

♪ She'll be driving white
horses, she'll be driving
white horses ♪

♪ She'll be driving
white horses
when she comes! ♪

Oh, that's a song!

meanwhile, back in the city,
the notorious dr. Two-brains

Is conducting
a dangerous experiment.


Oh. Drat!

I never thought creating
a cheddar-provo-swiss super-
sandwich cheese

Could be so hard.

Hmm... Let's triple

The amount of dynamite
and give it another try.

Uh, we're exhausted,

Excuse me?

All we do is work.

We never get
any leisure time.

Leisure time?

We need a vacation.

We want to go

I don't see how fishing will
expand your appreciation

Of cheese
and cheese-related products.

That's the point, boss.

We want to spend time
together away from work.

That means no cheese
and no evil rays.


And we can have
a little tea party and
write in our little diaries

And ride little
ponies and...

Oh, fine.
We'll go fishing.

Do you think the ponies
will scare the fish?

So... How about those
professional athletics?

Sports with the teams
and the scores, right?

Yeah... They sure are.

let's play "I spy!"

Oh, please, no.

I spy with my little
eye something blue.

It's the sky!


I spy
something yellow.

The sun!

I spy with my little eye
something clear.
The window!

Narrator: meanwhile, becky
botsford's road trip
isn't going much better.

If I have to spend one
more second in this car,

I'm going to go

♪ Aaah

Berserk, you know, wild
or crazy, as in this

Ridiculously slow ride
is driving me berserk!

♪ When she comes!
She's on horses! ♪

Ha ha ha! When is
she getting here?

We're going to the place
that's not the car!

See you later.

Ok, but hurry back!

I spy with my little eye
something white.
That cloud!

Your spying skills are
really going to waste as

An evil henchman.

Oh, when are we going
to get there?

I spy with my little eye
something yellow.
That sign!

"Big bill's gas 'er up.
Yes, we have helium!"

Ooh! Ha ha!
We need helium.

And a break.

Hang on boys!

A blimp! Ha!

And they said I was
crazy to cater to
non-rigid airships!

who's laughing now?!

Narrator: inside
the rest stop...

Beef jerky.
No. Turkey jerky.

No...beef jerky.

Television announcer:
do you like cheese?!

Well, sure!

How about exhibitions?!

Do i?!

How about things that
are international?!

Oh, international, yes!

Then come on down to
the international

Cheese exhibition!

Dr. Two-brains!

What is he doing here?

That's right!

The international cheese
exhibition, featuring world-
renowned cheese-master,

David driscoll!

D-d-david driscoll?!

The david driscoll!?!

But where on earth is this
incredible event taking place?

Television announcer:
this incredible event
is taking place just

Miles north-northeast
of big bill's gas 'er up.

That's miles
due north, if you're
traveling by blimp.

If I can get to that
international cheese

I can grab
the david driscoll,

Bring him back
to my lab, and force
him to make my


You coming, honey?

I'll be right there.

I promised bob I'd, uh,
help him memorize all

The license plates in
the parking lot.

sounds like fun.

Yeah, ok.

Not so fast, dr. Two-brains!

I know about your evil plan!

Evil plan?
What evil plan?

I'm on vacation
with my henchmen.

I mean,
they begged me for
some leisure time.

But honestly, wordgirl,
if I have to spend another
second with those two,

I'm going to go...

I know!

I mean, the constant

The annoying games.

The songs!

Oh, the songs!
The verses and the rounds!

It's like
you were there.

T.j.: Becky!

We're about to start a round
of "I'm going on a picnic!"

What's that, huggy?

We have to go, because
there's a fire in
the old... Fireplace?

See you at the
cheese exhibition!

But if I get there first,
you won't see cheese-master

David driscoll!

moments later...

So, how much do you guys really
want to go fishing?

More than anything
in the world, boss!

Good, 'cause we're going
to the international
cheese exhibition.


David driscoll's
going to be there!

David driscoll?

Never heard of him.

How can you be in
the cheese business
and not have heard

Of david driscoll?!

Don't you see?

We can grab driscoll,
bring him back to the
lab and force him

To concoct my
cheddar- provo-swiss
super-sandwich cheese!

But, you said we
could go fishing.


What am I supposed to do,
put separate pieces

Of cheese on my sandwich,
like some sort

Of cromagnon-neanderthal?

Oh, charlie, don't cry.

back in the botsford-mobile...

Hey everybody,
great news!

Instead of going
straight to the water park
like we all planned,

We're going to take
a little detour and visit

The international
cheese exhibition! Huh?


And guess who's
going to be there?

David driscoll!

But what about
the water park?!

I've been wearing my
bathing suit since tuesday!


Don't worry, t.j.
The exhibition's
going to be great.

What do you say we hurry
up and get there?

Hey, dad.
Here's a fun game.

Let's pretend we're
racing a blimp to
the cheese exhibition.

Becky, now you know how I
feel about blimp-racing.

Who's ready for a song?!

Dad! Can we please
pick it up a bit?!

[Horns honking]

I'm excited to get to
the exhibition, too,

But you know my policy.

♪ If you really want
to enjoy a drive ♪

♪ Take the speed limit
and divide by "

Ha ha! We could be
here all day.

[Honks horn]

I applaud
your work ethic!


An exhibit on the untold
story of cheese curd?!

We are not wasting
another second!

Uh, bob and I are going to
check out the cottage cheese

Sculptures of
famous astronauts.

We'll catch up with you later.

Sounds good!

Ah! There he is!

Cheese master
david driscoll!


Why does every lecture I
do end the same way?

Word up!

Uh...gotcha. Uh!

Oh, hi,
the david driscoll.

You, my friend, are
coming back to my lair,
where you'll

Have no choice but to work
around the clock to make

My new super-cheese!

But first, could
you autograph this?

How do you want me
to make it out?

Could you put, "to my good
friend, dr. Two-brains"?

I don't know if I'd
call us "friends."

I mean, I barely
even know you.

Plus your plan to force me to
work around the clock isn't

Exactly putting you at the
top of my buddy list.

Ok, fine.

How about, "dr. Two-brains,
keep on rocking!"

With, like, exclamation
points, please?

? That seems a little

Stop right there,
dr. Two-brains!

You can kiss your
cheesey plan "gouda-bye!"

Ha ha ha.

That is the funniest
joke I've ever

You know that
puns are the lowest
form of comedy.

I heard sarcasm was.

Ohhh! Then
it must be true

'Cause you're the
greatest genius ever
to walk the earth!

Cheese her!
I mean seize her!

Uh-uh. That sounds
like work.

And this trip was supposed
to be about leisure --

Meaning no work, just fun.

He's right. That's
what leisure means.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Thanks for the
vocabulary help, wordgirl.

I couldn't have
explained it without you.

Now, come on, henchmen.

What if I promise to, I
don't know, take you fishing?

Yeah. We've heard
that before.

Fine. I'll
seize her myself.

How's about a little help?

Oh, rats!

Nice work, huggy!


I am forever cursed, never
to eat a single slice of cheese

Made with a combination
of cheddar, provolone,
and swiss.

That's what this
is all about?

Why don't you just use
a slice of each?

That's just lazy.

Looks like your vacation
is over, dr. Two-brains.

It wasn't really a
vaca--oh. Sarcasm.


Alright huggy,
take her down.

On second thought,
don't rush.

well, a trip that was supposed
to be leisure for becky botsford

Turned out to be
anything but for wordgirl.

Fortunately, the botsford
family did make it to

The water park!

Try not to go berserk when you
tune in next time for another

Thrilling adventure
of "wordgirl"!

♪ wordgirl!

Hello. I'm
beau handsome and this is...


As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's

Featured word will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play!


Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "snare".

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl" that

Show the meaning of the word.


A snare is a netlike bag that
women in the s wore to

Keep their hair back.

Um, no, I think you're
confusing the word "snood"

With the word "snare".

And how do you
know about snoods?

My interests are many.

Anyone else?

Is a snare like a trap
with a net or rope?

That is correct, phil!


You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him what he's won!

Come on, huggy, it
can't be that bad!

Well, what a coincidence!
It's an official wordgirl snood,

Which is a netlike bag that
women wore to keep their hair

Back in the s.

What am I supposed to
do with that?

Maybe you could use it
as a snare.

You could give it to me for
my extensive snood collection.

That's it for today's episode.

See you next time on...


♪ wordgirl!

Narrator: psst! Listen for the
words "fad" and "limelight".

Just another typical
day in the office

Of mr. Big enterprises.

[Glass breaks]


Mr. Big, your
favorite commercial
is about to air.

Oh, goody!

Television announcer:
do your parents make money?

Do you want bright...

Are we on? Ahem.

We interrupt this extremely
mesmerizing commercial to

Bring you a
breaking news story.

Wordgirl will be receiving
her st key to the
city this weekend

To thank her for her work in
defeating evil villains

Such as dr. Two-brains
and mr. Big.

Tune in tomorrow for our live,
commercial-free coverage

Of wordgirl's key ceremony.


I pay big money for those
commercials so people will buy

My products!

Hasn't wordgirl gotten
enough keys to the city?

The fame is getting to
her head, don't you think?

When you're hot,
you're hot.

I wonder if she'd be
so interested in
fighting crime

If she weren't
in the limelight.

It's time to put
a stop to this.


Leslie, how quickly
can you manufacture
a pop star?



Let's make him extremely
handsome, intelligent,

And powerful.

In other words, a
younger version of me.

[Glass breaks]

[Car alarm sounds]

Narrator: the next day,
outside city hall...

Hey, wordgirl.
on the key.

So, first of all,
how do you feel about
award ceremonies?

Do you think your fame
distracts you from
your goal

Of keeping the city safe?

Oh, no.

Actually, being in the
limelight helps my cause

Because it allows me to be
a good role model.

Luckily, I have many loyal
fans who show up at events

Such as--hey!

Where are all the
cameras and the people?

The key ceremony is supposed
to start in minutes.


The biggest pop star in the
world, tiny big, is making

An appearance at the mall
in minutes and
I don't have a ride!

At the exact same time
as my key ceremony?

This is a travesty!

I know!
It is a shame.

I've got my speech--
no time to chat.

We are going to be late!
You want a ride?

No, thanks.

Scoops? Ok.
See ya.

Are you going to at least
give me the key first?

Sorry. Gotta go!

[Music playing]

[People chanting "tiny big!"]

♪ Look into my eyes

♪ You'll be hypnotized

♪ Look into my eyes

♪ And you'll
be hypnotized ♪

Thanks, everybody!

I'll be out front, signing
copies of my new cd,

"Wordgirl is lame."

Tiny big is so cool!

Excuse me, could you
sign this key to
the city?

I'd like to know
what he's done to deserve

This attention.

I mean, who is this guy?


Hello! He's tiny big.

He's only, like,
the biggest --

Pop star in the whole world?

I heard.

Becky, I got the
tissue he sneezed in!

I'm so lucky!

You should get in line.

Why would I want
a dirty tissue? Yecch!

It's tiny big's.

Violet, don't you realize
tiny big is just a fad?

What do you mean, becky?

A fad, a passing craze.

No one is going to care about
tiny big tomorrow, or whenever

The next big thing hits.

Big thing hits?

Remember last year when
everyone wanted a pretty
princess sparkle scooter?

Oh, yeah!
I totally forgot.

That's my point.

And soon tiny big will be
forgotten, just like

The scooter, and--

And wordgirl?

No one talks
about her anymore.

Wordgirl is not a fad.

Did anyone even go to
her lame-o key ceremony?

Ok, ok, unlike some people,
wordgirl has a real talent.

People are always going
to need her to keep

The world safe.

Anyone can sing or dance.

Let's see you try.

♪ Look into my eyes

♪ You'll be hypnotized

♪ Look into my eyes,
you'll be hyp-- ♪ ouch!

Don't quit your day job.

Tiny big: ok, sorry.
That's it, folks.

Tiny big!

Tiny big!

Tiny big!

Tiny big!

That's my show.
It's time to go.

Gotta run.

Thank you, good night!

My cover story has
left the building.

Gotta go!

Tiny big!

[Crowd cheering]

Tiny big,
do you mind answering a few
questions for the "daily rag"?


You're practically an
overnight sensation.

How do you feel about
being in the limelight?

Well, you know, I like
singing in all shades

Of light equally.

Hey, it's all good.

Actually, by limelight,
I meant all of your fame

And all of the attention
you've been getting.

You're famous.

Well, duh! I love it.

I'm sorry, who are you?

Oh, I'm
todd "scoops" ming.

Reporter for
the "daily rag".

It's my school's

Are you going to ask me
for my autograph?


Narrator: the next day, at
mr. Big's evil corporate


My brilliant plan is working!

People are obsessed
with tiny me.

And who could blame them?
Ha ha ha!

Oh, hi.

Sorry, I'm late.

Traffic was horrendous.

Oh, leslie, leslie,
we did it!

We defeated wordgirl!

No one cares about her and
her little aardvark now!

That's wonderful.

Tiny big really does take
after me, doesn't he?

Well, that's how
you ordered him.

You play guitar?

Yes, of course.

Many years ago, I was the
lead singer of a band

Called rockaroni.

[Music intro]

♪ I want to date your money

♪ I want to date
your money ♪

♪ Be my squishy money,
make my sun more sunny ♪

♪ Let me,
huh, date your money ♪

Oh, how I miss being
in the limelight.

Frankly, I'm surprised you'd
be interested in pop music.

It's not very "evil
corporation" of you.

Actually, pop stars are
the most powerful
people in the world,

Even more powerful than
the evilest businessmen.

They can use their limelight
to influence children
to do anything

From wearing silly clothes
to spending all of their
parents' money.


Tiny big could be a
real cash cow for us.

We should put out another
albums in the next week,

Don't you think?

Narrator: later, at the
department store...

Now, what should I get?

An official tiny big washer?

Good idea, bob.
She's gonna love this.

Oh, come on.

Mom doesn't care about
tiny what's-his-name.

I believe his
name is tiny big.

Don't be embarrassed, becky.

I'm a pretty
cool dad, ok?

Isn't $, a little steep
for a washing machine?

That's not a lot.

Look it's high-def.
What does that even mean?

I don't know, I don't care.

Dad we don't have
that much money!

Think of it as an
investment, honey.

Tiny big is the biggest
pop star in the world.

These are collector's items.

But this is all going to be
junk as soon as people get

Tired of tiny big.

He's just a fad.

This throw rug would
really pull together
our living room.

Why are you so enthusiastic
about spending all of our money?

And why is
everything so expensive?

Don't touch that!


Tiny big is performing across
town in minutes
and I can't find my car keys!

[People shouting indistinctly]

Word up!

[Music playing]


How did you get backstage?

I didn't put you on
the guest list.

Well, I am a superhero.

And I know exactly
what you're doing!

You created a fad
in order to control
the minds of these

Poor, unsuspecting people.

I am not controlling
their minds.

Then why is the entire
town practically hypnotized

By tiny big?

Perhaps because he's extremely
charming, good-looking

And talented just like me?

Oh, look. He's even got
a dancing hyena.

Captain huggy face?

Does anyone know where might
I find the most popular

Celebrity in this city?

The celebrity who is
currently in the limelight?

Because I'd like to
present him with this key
to the city.

You're giving him my key?

Please step aside, wordgirl.

I need to get through.

Oh. Hey!

Tiny big, I hereby
bestow upon you
this key to the city!

Cool! What does it open?

Well, it doesn't
open anything.
It's just a symbol.

That sounds kind of lame.

Lame? It's not lame!

This is the last straw!

attention everyone!

Tiny big is a fraud!

Get off the stage,

We want to, like,
hear some tunes!

But tiny big is--

Ow! Wait, guys, you
don't understand.
I'm telling you--


Tiny big:
ok, sorry about that, folks.

I'd like to dedicate my
next song to wordgirl.

, , , !

♪ You're so lame

♪ You are so lame

♪ You're so lame

♪ You are so lame

Wait a second!

He's not even singing!

It's a hoax!

Tiny big, your minutes
of fame are up!

[Tape recorder winds down]

He's a fraud!


No! No! What happened?!

Guess he's not so
talented, after all.

I'd get out of here now,
if I were you.

Ha! I knew he was just a fad.

Wordgirl, once again you
have saved the...city

From... Mr. Big.

And as a gesture of thanks...
I'd like to offer you this

Key to the city.

Well, gee, thanks.

This is going to make a great
front page story: wordgirl

Receives th
key to the city.

Actually, it's my st.

Oh, ?

You're forgetting the
I got last week during

The wordgirl parade.

Narrator: and so,
wordgirl once again has saved

The city from mr. Big's
tiny big fad,

And she's back in the
limelight where she belongs.

You make it sound like
I need the attention.

You certainly
do enjoy it.

Do not.

Ok. Maybe just a little.

Narrator: tune in next time for
more exciting adventures

Of "wordgirl".

♪ wordgirl!

Hello. I'm beau handsome and
this is the bonus round of...


Our returning champion will
have a chance to play for even

Greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Phil, you correctly
defined the word "snare."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I guess so.


Take a look at these
pictures and tell me which one

Shows the definition
for "snare."

What's your answer, phil?

Well, I know from
the first round that
a snare is a trap.

And it looks like
wordgirl trapped chuck,
so I will say number .

That's correct!

Which means you're our
bonus round winner.

Show him what he's won, huggy.

Ah! Very funny, guys!

It's an official
wordgirl snare!

See you next time on...


want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your
local library.

Cape not required.

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is refresh,

And I like it because
it just gives you

This nice feeling inside.

Here's what my vision
of refreshing is--

Me just sitting
in a plain field of clovers.

It puts me
in this happy mood,

This happy, hippie-like mood.

My favorite word
is paleontology,

Which is the study of dinosaurs
and dinosaur fossils,

Exciting stuff.

I love dinosaurs.

I want to be a paleontologist
when I grow up.

♪ That's my favorite word

That's right!

Irked means to feel annoyed
or bothered by something.

Congratulations, huggy!

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