02x08 - Tobey's Masterpiece / Chuck the Nice Pencil-Selling Guy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x08 - Tobey's Masterpiece / Chuck the Nice Pencil-Selling Guy

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ You need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Wordgirl

Announcer: listen for the words
"masterpiece" and "gasp."

it's a normal day downtown,

Where becky "wordgirl" botsford

Get ready for another
difficult art class.

Hey, bob, does this
look like a bunny?


You could've
just said no.

All right, class.

I'd like you
to close your mouths

And open your hearts
to our newest student--

Theodore mcallister iii.


Oh, miss champlain,
that's so formal.

We're all friends here.
Please call me tobey.

Tobey? Ooh,
that's a fun name.

Yes. It is.

What's tobey
doing here?

Narrator: I don't know.

Uh, talking
to bob.

Narrator: oh, sorry.

fellow artists.

It is my pleasure
to join your ranks

And be a part
of the glorious
future of art.

My, what
a charming painting.

I should have
no problem being
the best artist here.

Oh, why, becky,

My word, it's been
such a long time.

When was the last time
we saw one another?

When you tried
to destroy my house
with robots.

Oh, yes.
My, that was ages ago.


Wouldn't you be
more comfortable
over there?

Well, although I'm not
particularly fond
of you, either,

I don't know anyone else
here in class.

It's pretty awkward.


Today we are going
to use our souls

And our paintbrushes
to bring to life

The inner struggle and desires
of this bowl of fruit.

Ha! A bowl
of fruit?

This should take me
about seconds.

Prepare to witness
the painting
of a masterpiece.

Uh-huh. Great.

Hmm, peculiar.

That doesn't look
at all like a banana.


I don't understand.
I do.

You're just not
that great at art.

It's ok.
I'm the same way.

That's preposterous.

I, theodore mcallister iii,
am good at everything.

Except art.

There must be something
wrong with this brush.


More minutes.

Only minutes more?

But I'm nowhere close
to painting my masterpiece.

Oh, thank goodness.

Yours is actually
more hideous than mine.

Yours is worse.

Violet: you guys,
this isn't a competition,

But if it were,
becky's is better.

out of time.


Here. Paint a bowl
of fruit immediately.

Well done.

Well, I know you're all anxious
to see my masterpiece,

So here it is.

Tobey, did you
just have that robot
paint that for you?

What? No, no.

Tobey, this
is unacceptable.

Looks like you
painted yourself

Into a corner,

I find these accusations

I painted this masterpiece.
No, you didn't.

All right, but I created
the robit that painted
this masterpiece,

Thus i, myself,
am a great artist.

No, tobey.

It means that I will
have to tell your mother

You didn't complete
your assignment.


Oh, I bet you'd like to, but
you will never get the chance.

You've seen how well
my robot paints.

Now let's see how well
it sculpts.


We got to stop that robot.
Let's get out of here.

You get
a front-row seat,
art buddy.

How thoughtful.

Now, my faithful robit,

Turn that bus
into a sculpture.


[People scream]


Tobey: wait.
What are you doing?

Woman: ooh, well,
that's interesting.

it's pretty.

No, you fool.
Destroy the bus.

Crush it.
Crush it.

No. Don't paint.

We've talked
about this.

How dare you
defy me?

I'm your master.

Mr. Robot,
that is some mural.

Uh, I guess I think
it's pretty.

I've never seen
such artistic prowess
from a student.

What about me?

Um, from a student
made of metal.

Oh, heh. Metal.

You have truly created
a glorious masterpiece.

Well, I suppose
it's good,

But it's
no masterpiece.

Sure, it is.

A masterpiece means
a flawless example
of skill or excellence,

Like that
beautiful skyscraper

Or bob's haircut.

Here's a shiny sticker.

That sticker
should be mine.

All right. That's it,
mr. Artist robit.

It's time to do
what you're supposed to,

Whether you
like it or not.

Berserker mode.

[All gasp]

Oh, I love
the sound of people
gasping in fear.

It relaxes me.

I think this
is our cue.

Word up.

Now, miss champlain,

I'll ask you
to please join me

As I paint
my real masterpiece

All over this city.

Ha ha ha!

Your robot
looks tired, tobey.

I think it needs
a nap.

oh, wordgirl,

How lovely to
see you again.

I admire
your spirit

But can't wait
to see it crushed.

Wordgirl: uh-oh.


Tobey: ha ha!

All right, robot.

Prepare to be dismantled
once and for all.


Do you think wordgirl
has actually been--


Feel free
to gasp.


♪ I defeated
wordgirl ♪

♪ I defeated
wordgirl ♪

♪ La la loo loo


Would you stop that?
What's going on here?

We're posing
for his painting.

We're a spring flower.

it's abstract.

I don't get it.

This is unacceptable.

You went against
my commands again.

Now, that is
the power of art.

Oh, I've had enough
of all of this.

Robot, smash.



Maybe your remote
is broken.

It's fine.
Batteries dead?

I checked them
this morning.

Well, you must think
you're so cute.

Well, we're
kind of cute, yeah.

We'll just see
how cute you look

After my super robot
gets through with you.

Uh, what's that sound?


[All gasp]

Narrator: now, that's a gasp.

meet my masterpiece--

Wait. I thought
the artsy robot
was your masterpiece.

What? No. He's--
he's no masterpiece.

He's mediocre, pedestrian,

No. I'm pretty sure
you called him
your masterpiece.

Narrator: I'll check the tape.
Quiet, you.

Regardless, you'll have
quite a difficult time

my super robot.


[Samba music playing]

I hit the samba button.




All right. Seriously,
you people are very distracting.

Ok. This robot
is a masterpiece.

I told you.

my shiny sticker?

I ran out.

That's not fair.

All right,
super robot.

Time for
a monkey attack.



Tobey: ha! Double tummy plate.
Just installed it.

I fixed that little flaw.

Good for you.

Artsy, your turn.

Wordgirl: uh, is that
all you got?

Pretty, but it's not
gonna help us at all.

You know, guys,

I don't think we have
enough firepower

To bring this
super robot down.

With just one push
of this button,

My super robot
will defeat you all.

Ha ha ha!

Narrator: will wordgirl,
captain huggy face,

And this very artistic robot
be defeated by this super robot?

Is that robot crying?

I guess so.

Now, that is
the power of...

Don't say it.


Wow, artsy,
great job.

That's it.
You're all going to pay.

I shall end this once and for--
where's my remote?

You mean this?

Go ahead. Gasp away.

Oh, ha ha, wordgirl,
my old friend.

You're not upset about
the whole "trying to defeat you

With my little, harmless
super robot" thing, are you?

This is absurd.
I will not stand for this.

Actually, you
kind of already are.

Oh, my, it just
keeps getting better
and better,

A true masterpiece.

I thought you said
you ran out of stickers.

I bought more.

Oh, this couldn't be
more embarrassing.

I hate art.

I have to admit,
I'm really starting
to like it.

Narrator: well, that's that,
all neat and tidy,

Like that darling,
little boy blue outfit.

Oh, stop it.

be sure to tune in next time

For another gasp-inducing
masterpiece of an episode--

Nicely done.

thank you--of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

Audience: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player

Who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

Audience: "may I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "smash."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the correct meaning
of the word.

You ok?

That's funny.

The word is "smash,"
and you smashed your hand.

You could also say
you struck, hit,
or whacked your hand.

Well, tommy,

While you did correctly
define "smash,"

You didn't buzz in,
so...yes, phil?

What he said.

Well, that...

is correct.

Congratulations, phil.
You are today's winner.

Oh, man. Ow!

Huggy, show phil
what he's won--

The official "wordgirl"
styrofoam statue

Of dr. Two-brains.

Oh, huggy, that's the third one
you've smashed today.

Well, that's ok, big fella.

Phil, I think there's
one left in the back.

That's it for today's show.

See you next time on...

Audience: "may I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl

Announcer: psst, listen
for "stubborn" and "compromise."

Narrator: when we last saw chuck
the evil sandwich making guy,

He was busy making sandwiches

But, you know,
in an evil kind of way.

Since then,
chuck has gone to jail,

Turned his life around,
and is now...

Chuck the awesome pencil
and rubber band selling guy

Who still
really likes sandwiches.

Narrator: nice compromise.

Hey, chuck. Wait.
You know what?

I like to call
my employees
by their last name.

your last name?

Chuck, the evil,
sandwich, making, guy.


Listen, guy.

I took a big chance
hiring you

To sell pencils
and rubber bands,

What with you being
a former scourge
of the city and all.

Thank you.

I have to hand it
to myself.

I was right, and you're
doing a great job.

That's why you're
my top salesman.

mr. Callahan.

Oh, don't
mention it.

Mr. Callahan,

What would you
like for lunch?

Oh, lunch. Hmm.

Well, I could go
for anything--

I mean, spaghetti,
pizza, tacos,

Fried rice,
more tacos, anything,

Anything at all,

Anything but sandwiches.

No s-s-sand--

Boy, do I hate

Call me stubborn,
but I will not eat them.

Never have.

I don't like how they look,
how they smell.

I don't even like
the word "sandwich."

what's that even mean?

But, sir, i--

I refuse to compromise
on this.

I hate sandwiches.
I hate sandwiches.

Once I start saying it,
I can't stop.

I hate sandwiches.
I hate sandwiches.

I hate

I hate...

"Hate sandwiches," huh?

"Anything but
sandwiches," huh?

Well, we'll see how much
he hates sandwiches

When I get through with him.

Oh, no.

Uh, guys, I think
there's paper jam here.

I hate these things.

Narrator: meanwhile,
in the park under a tree...

I'm telling you, violet,
we should paint

A unicorn
for our art project.

the most beautiful
creatures on earth.

But not as pretty
as the pegasus.

There is no better symbol
of beauty and strength
than the winged horse.

Yeah. If only there were
a way to compromise.

I mean, they're both
horse-based creatures.

I've got it.

What if we create
a new animal

Combining the wings
of a pegasus...

With the horn
of a unicorn,

And we call it
a unisus.


Back to square one.

What? Oh.

"Chuck the evil
sandwich making guy

Done with sandwiches
and evil."

Huh. Good
for him.
Aah! Ohh...

[Clears throat]

Oh, hey there, guy.

the midnight oil,
I see.

I knew I was right
to hire you.

Um, we need to talk

About what you said
earlier, mr. Callahan.

About hiring you?
Not about

I need to talk to you
about sandwiches.

Hmm? What's
to talk about?

I hate them,
no two ways about it.

I hate sandwiches.

I hate

I hate sandwiches.

I tried being good.

I was--
you pushed me!
I got pushed!

Hey, nice outfit.

You picked the wrong day
to hate sandwiches,
mr. Callahan,

For I am chuck the evil
sandwich making guy.


For every delicious sandwich
you refuse to eat,

I will dump some goop
into your vat

Like this.

Where'd I put
that button?

Oh, I know it's
around here somewhere.

Hey, guy, is that it?

Oh, man, I accidentally
put the button in there.

How am I going
to reach it?

I can push it for you.

You'd do that?

Well, sure. Why not?

Anything for
my top salesman.

Thanks. Ok.

Just wait for me
to give you the go sign.

No problemo.

All right.

Let's start the ball rolling
with the tuna sandwich.


Yuck. Too sandwichy.

Then you leave me
no choice.

Oh. Was that
the go sign?


Ooh, my. Ha ha!

I rather like it.

That's right.
Ha ha ha!

Feel my wrath.

Hey, anybody
want this?

I hate to waste

A perfectly good
tuna sandwich here.

Oh, me, me, me!

Narrator: at that very moment
across town...

A unisus?

No, a pegacorn.

Ok. This is ridiculous.

We have got to settle this
once and for all.

How about we compromise
and call it a pegacorn?

That's not
a compromise.

Sure it is.

A compromise is when
I give a little

And you give a little,
and we come to an agreement.

Oh, compromise.

Ooh, how about we call
it a pegaunisuscorn?


Not a great name.

[All shouting]

What's going on?

There's a sandwich

Can you believe it?
Free sandwiches!

A sandwich

And I heard there's
a villain covering
his boss in goop.

This is
a weird city.

Narrator: you've got that right.

I was just thinking,

Maybe we can't decide
which name to use

For our uni--
our creation

Because we're too close
to the problem.

Too close?

Maybe we need to go off
on our own for a while

And think about it,
you know, on our own.
I see.

Just like the mighty
winged pegacorn

Alone in a pasture,

Our thoughts
will take flight.

Right. Yeah.
Well, bye.


Ready, bob?

Word up.

Not even
the most hard-hearted

Could resist
roast beef...


With au jus sauce.


Ok. Who wants it?

Hit it.





Turkey on rye.

More like turkey
on bye-bye.





Narrator: the moment is tense.
The crowd waits.

Will the stubborn
mr. Callahan say yes?

Narrator: hmm, guess not.

You got any slaw?

Ha ha ha!

Whoa! Hey!

You're that hairy,
little crime fighter,

And where there's
a hairy, little crime fighter,

There's usually a wordgirl.

That's right,

Hey, what's going on?

I mean, I thought you were
doing so well at your new job.

I was.

You know, the hours were good,
the people were nice,

All the pencils and rubber bands
I could hope for.

So, what happened?

This guy
hates sandwiches.

Hi-di ho.

Well, I gave him a chance
to say he likes them,

But he wouldn't give in.

He's being all, you know--
oh, what's the word?


It means to have
a belief that you
don't want to give up.

Yeah. That's it.

He's being stubborn,
and I'm trying to, um--

find a solution that works
for both of you.

Wow, back-to-back
word lessons.

It's a two-fer.

Anyway, I'm sorry
to hear that you're
back to crime, chuck,

Because it just means that
I have to defeat you again.

Oh, yeah?

Well, defeat this,
wordgirl and hairy guy.

Catch some ketchup.
Get it?

Look out, huggy.
Must have
the mustard,

And I will relish
the relish.

Ha ha! Ha!

Hold it.

One false move, and callahan
hits the goop button.

Oh, yeah?

He's going
to hit the button
and goop himself?

Yeah. I accidentally
put the button in the vat.

And I offered
to help.

Thanks again.
No problem.

You're my best

Quick question.
Mr. Callahan?

Why don't you
not hit the button
and not goop yourself?

And go back
on my offer? Never.

Ok. Then why
don't you compromise

And at least taste
one of the sandwiches?

But I don't
like sandwiches.

Just try one.

No. I'll stick
to my way.

But your way will have you
up to your ears in goop.

Yeah. I'm going
to go with my way.

Boy, you're stubborn.
I know, right?

Well, I've only got
one sandwich left.

No one could resist
peanut butter and jelly

With the crust
cut off.

My sandwich!

Good work, huggy.

Was eating
the last sandwich
part of the plan?

Now you've done it,
hairy guy.

You have sealed
mr. Callahan's fate.

Press the button.

Whoa, whoa,
where'd he go?

Huggy, emergency plan
number .


That dive
was beautiful.


What happened
in there?

I thought I saw a nickel
on the bottom off the vat.

all that goop?

Well, I have
good eyesight.

Hmm, after
all that excitement,

I'm actually
a little hungry.

I could really go
for a grilled cheese
right about now.

Are you kidding?

Is this some sort
of a joke?

a grilled cheese is a sandwich.

That's why they call it
a grilled cheese sandwich.

Huh. I never put
that together

Narrator: oh, brother.

You mean to tell me
that I'm going to jail

Because you didn't know that
a grilled cheese is a sandwich?

Well, you learn
something new
every day, I guess.

This doesn't
seem fair.

Sorry chuck.
Really, sorry.

There goes my
number-one salesman.

Hey, anyone know where I
can get a grilled cheese
in this part of town?

Narrator: and so, wordgirl
has heroically saved

The world's most mind-bogglingly
stubborn man.

You can
say that again.

Narrator: no.
I don't think I can.

Violet: becky,
I figured it out--


See? Compromise.

join us again next time,

Where we never
compromise on quality,

For another pulse-pounding
episode of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this
is the bonus round of...

Audience: "may I have a word?"

Phil, you correctly
defined the word "smash."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

I think so,

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "smash."

Ok. Time is up, phil.

Mr. Botsford
is really stomping
on those grapes.

I'm going to go
with number .

That's correct,

You've won
the bonus round.

Huggy, show him
his special prize.

Yes. You get to borrow
mr. Botsford

And his
grape-smashing abilities
for an entire week.

What am I supposed
to do with him?

You're hurting
the man's feelings, phil.

See you next time on...

Audience: "may I have a word?"

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library,
cape not required.

Word up.

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

One of my favorite words
is "adventure"

Because it makes me think
of a beginning

Of a big, long memory
full of laughter and excitement

And a great journey to remember.

My favorite word is "pugnacious"
because it sounds really funny.

I'm a little pugnacious--
well, that's what my mom says--

And my brother
is a little pugnacious.

So is my other brother
and kind of my sister.

It's time for another great
moment in wordgirl

Captain huggy face,

Show us what annoyed means.

That's right! Annoyed means to
be bothered or displeased.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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