06x26 - God Ginrai: Into Space!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x26 - God Ginrai: Into Space!

Post by bunniefuu »











stop foreign







the head of the Decepticon Z ordered

Chief jiga and chief Mega to proceed to

the Moon to establish base and arm it

with their new secret w*apon Overlord

after their arrival on the moon they

launched a series of att*cks and managed

to take control of the earth weather





at the same time scorponok is also

advancing on the Earth

battle for the Moon


at the same time the auto parts are

working very hard at the British motors

car testing plant to try and complete




ly broken contact we must find out why

that is

their information is vital to us I

wonder what's happened on the moon


in the meantime at the weather station

on the moon the station captain and his

men have all been overcome by jika and

mega and on our prisoners

what do these people want with us

well captain

we have to do whatever we can to contact

the Earth and let them know of our

plight we must try to escape

well done as soon as copper knock

arrives you can join forces in the

attack on the earth uh you're having

some trouble huh

they're trying to escape


come on


these people are just asking for trouble

do they really think they can escape

from us

well let's give them a lesson shall we


nobody's ever escaped from me



this is the moon base weather station

calling Earth do you read me this is the

moon base weather station calling Earth

do you read me we've been att*cked by

the Decepticons we've been att*cked by

the Decepticons

do you read me Earth come in

fortunately the message has been picked

up by the Autobots

hook I just got a distress signal from

the weather based on the moon it seems

they were att*cked by the Decepticons

must have been the overlord maybe we

have to do something about this

why did the overlord attack the moon

what are they after perhaps the Invaders

are trying to establish a base on the

moon I thought so too but I don't know

I have a feeling they're after something

more than that you know anyway

no matter what it is we must try and

help those people on the Move look I've

got more news

we've just learned that scoffer knock is

advancing on the moon brought to the


it's bad just as we thought

septicons must be planning something big

or suspect a large invasion as soon as

scorpinox meets up with the overlord on

the moon their Joint Forces and attack

the air

we have to finish the Gap Baltimore

project as soon as we possibly can we

all understand

apart from scorponok now we're up

against the overlord

according to reliable sources the

scorponok is just like the overlord

they're highly Advanced and

sophisticated battle machines

so now we're facing an even greater

threat so be careful

huh oh no what would happen if they

rarely come to attack us now




whatever it takes we must protect the

Earth and stop these Invaders


the experiments are going too slowly

we must work harder



the god bomber is a fighting machine

it's made of a special kind of alloy

which can only be produced in space it

looks great

it has a set of speed Transformers it

can react at incredible speed

here this is a basaka rocket its power

is one thousand times greater than the

conventional ones especially after it

absorbs the heaven Earth and soul energy

wow it's an unbeatable machine I imagine

to create a machine like that it must

have taken a lot of thought wait you

haven't seen it all it can think too



the rocket on the machine can be

dismounted and used by hand so when

Optimus Prime is combined with God

bomber it'll become invincible

hey that's what we need to beat the








we have to try to destroy the overlord

before scorponag arrives otherwise it'll

be more difficult

one thing is certain w*r is inevitable

the most important thing is to finish

guard bomber we'll help you there's

nothing you can do come on siren okay

what about me I can make coffee for you

a w*r is inevitable








are you all right

Optimus Prime

nothing my arm hurts a little that's all


perhaps Optimus Prime is scared he's

nervous about what happened last time


no it can't be

can we finish this earlier sorry we've

already tried everything we can it just

needs time now


I'm fine don't worry about me

please don't mention anything to hook or

the others


this is just a psychological thing after

the fight last time what's it about

what's the travel psychological no I

fear the overlord that's all oh


well don't worry I have to overcome this

psychological fear so tomorrow will you

help me start a special training program

of course Carolina's Prime good we have

a deal


now I want the both of you together to

attack my arm come on whose head right






stand up you can't defeat the enemy like


I must overcome this fear I have of the

overload if I can't do it then I won't

be able to combine with God come on



come on stand up

are you okay never mind just carry on






hey hey


come on attack don't stop



are you okay attack me carry on

Optimus Prime

good news the god b*mb is finally




fantastic it's great thank you everyone

for your hard work oh that's okay come

on let's see how it goes yeah all right

let me have a go right

we'll see how strong a fighting machine

this God bomber is huh Wade Optimus

Prime there's no hurry

what do you mean by that hook the enemy

is coming I know calm down Optimus Prime


Optimus Prime is thrilled by the news

that God bomber is finished and he wants

to fight the Invaders

let's attack the Invaders now don't be

so rushed then just say hope that we

must stop Scarborough from getting to

the Moon we must make a plan first every

move we make concerns our survival we

can't wait I'm head of the power Masters

I say we attack wait


you don't trust me is that it hook don't

talk nonsense of course I trust you


you must understand the duty of

protecting the Earth lies with all of us

one person alone cannot do that


well that's the one thing I care about



this time go for it destroy the Invaders

driving away from the teens Optimus

Prime is going well it's not such a bad

idea to go now is it how master






Optimus Prime go





no matter what I can't let them disrupt

my plan


what is this power Master Optimus Prime

you must stop him getting to the Moon

no matter how powerful this power Master

Optimus Prime is the overload will have

no fear of him we'll beat him you must

succeed you cannot fail






so you're finally here Optimus Prime

that'll save us the trouble of looking

for you

and different now you won't beat me so

easily This Time come on let's fight as

you wish but you'll regret it



what's this




come on


indeed you have become stronger



all right now watch this

that's nothing



I have to try and stall him away for

Scorpion up to get here

come on


home alone you're finished now you say

your friend





tremendous fighting powers

no matter how strong he is there's no

way you can defeat Optimus Prime yes

that's right

our Master Optimus Prime I'm afraid your

time has come

cut it out don't talk nonsense no matter

how strong you are you won't beat us



well come on why don't you fight back


I have to protect you all right

okay I have to fight


power Master Optimus Prime is in great

danger will he survive both the overlord

and scorponok his life or death are the

key to the survival of the Earth


of course







baby oh




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