06x06 - Go Goshooter: Showdown in the Wasteland

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x06 - Go Goshooter: Showdown in the Wasteland

Post by bunniefuu »
















welcome to the decepticon destruction

team now there's something you want to


what's that

the earth that you're living on is now

made up of three very special energy

forces do you understand me

three the first is earth energy

earth energy

earth energy allows all the vegetation

on earth to obtain elements which they

require to survive

the second one is soul energy

soul energy that's right

soul energy allows all living things on

earth such as human beings to maintain

their life form and to continue to

survive on earth

and now the last one

the third energy is the force that

surrounds the earth itself it allows the

earth to remain intact and is called

heaven energy

heaven energy

earth energy

soul energy

therefore if we are able to destroy or

damage any one of these forces that

means life on earth will be at stake and

the human race will be knocked off


eventually it'd wipe out people on earth

and all living things would be destroyed

and if we can get hold of this energy we

could even conquer the universe oh then

we'd become the supreme masters on earth

if you want to be the masters then you

must destroy and expand your influence

well that won't be too difficult for us

now you all have special powers you

should be able to carry out your job


inflict fear and desperation on humans

then they'll become slaves and they'll

be weakened as they weaken their soul

energy will go down and we'll use that

chance to take the energy from them

i understand we need their energy to

enhance our powers

battle in the barren lands


let me go

let me go who are you

what do you want from me

let me go



no please


oh no where is he


hey have we got everything



this is gonna be a great party i'm sure

of that

yeah we must thank waverider this will

be the last day we have in the states we

bought a lot of things i'm gonna make a

special sound for the party this evening

right who said and i will prepare the

other dishes




please i need some help my brother was

kidnapped just now

ah i'm sorry although this is a police

car i'm afraid i'm not a policeman i

can't help you tell us what happened to

your brother

some people kidnapped him

huh he's been kidnapped

i suspect it's angry

i think so they're the young runners of

the decepticon

tell us exactly what happened

my brother met fangri recently and they

formed a motorcycle club together well

at first everything was all right but

since fangri got involved with those

bandits called decepticons my brother

has wanted to leave the club

he asked to leave

because fangri used this team to do bad

things my brother turned against him so

he doesn't want to be in the club

anymore you see

i see and fingery was offended when your

brother asked to be out i think so

my brother is not exactly a model youth

but he's very concerned about me deep

down inside his kind bangary is now full

run over the decepticons they're trying

to corrupt the minds of our young people

it's dangerous for your brother to stay

with him that's right fangery is a

dangerous man he's always up to no good

look lily just take it easy don't you

worry we'll get your brother back

really will you

i promise you

now do you have any idea where they may

have taken your brother

all right just tell me where they

usually hang out

i don't know well what about any place

they may have mentioned before can you

remember that


oh i know that must be the place



are you quite sure about this place lily


he said frankie's planning to make that

place a meeting point for their members

it takes about an hour no more by car

let's go




oh you're all here

have you managed to get him for me yet


yeah they're bringing him in here now

don't worry

let me go

let me go

get some shout out oh what do you want

what do you mean by all of this

well chris you seem to be trying to

avoid me

i heard you're not very happy with us is

that right

hey horrible let me take care of this



hey chris what's wrong with you anyway


please let me go i just went out

then you had better tell me why that is



i can't do what you're asking me to do

but why you fool just what are you

afraid of just think about it we were

almost driven to starvation nobody cares

about us because we're nobody we're the

underdogs we were the powerless but now

things are different things are new we

can fight back and we mustn't lose that

we must fight to expand our influence

and power


now we have many followers

we're strong we don't need to be afraid

anymore those that go against us will

die that's the only way to rule and that

is with fear




listen chris we built this together so

i'd like you to share everything with me

do you still remember how hard we worked

in the beginning

it's paid off now why do you want to get

out stay with us we're a good team okay


i remember everything i remember the

time when we rode together on a bike we

were so free and so happy then but those

days are over now what do you mean by

that are you not happy now

i can't work with you anymore fangri i

can't bring myself to hurt innocent

people please just let me go okay

i'm asking you to stay

i'm afraid it's finished with us

and another thing fangri you've changed

you never ever talked to me like this


this man has no respect for us thank

great you have to show you deserve the

power you have


listen all of you

anyone who dares go against my orders

will end up like chris do you hear me




hey fangri i saw a police car and a fire

engine too and they're heading this way

right now what

i know who they are they're the autobots

junior warriors


here it is right i can see the cave i

hope we'll find your brother there lily

there they are

it's them all right but how did they

find out that we were here that one on

the bike is chris's sister she must have

told them oh you're right that's lily

perhaps they've come back to get chris


there's no way we'll let him have him

back what do we do now fangri

this is our opportunity to demonstrate

to these people our new power don't you


you're right many more people hear our

name after this and we'll be famous

throughout the country that's great



angry i demand that you release chris at


oh that's my brother


if you want chris back

then you better come here and get him

yourselves you understand

i don't know what your connection with

chris's sister is

but whoever you are little man i don't

like your face

now let me show you something transform







give up now or you're all gonna die

who's head i'm gonna take care of these

three in the meantime you go and see if

you can't get chris out safely i got it

nightbeat i'll leave lily with you



this one's got a lot of nerve

okay let me take care of this





huh what is that let me explain we're

actually all about junior warriors

all about junior warriors hmm i'll go

now be careful

he's running

so he's afraid now


yo troublemaker

you've got some nerve

oh it's going quite well


we're sirena


he's found us

go and take cover







let me deal with him you go and get

chris okay

i'll take care of you


you animals


master force


you're only being used by the

decepticons don't you realize that don't

waste your breath we joined them because

we wanted to don't be a fool the

decepticons are only using you to help

them in their scheme to conquer the

earth after they've succeeded they'll

just discard you like a lot of old


stop preaching at us


give it up now you've lost


where's all your confidence now


what kind of a man are you to use a girl

to thr*aten us

say whatever you like but winning is the

most important thing


just leave them alone

what is this you better look after

yourself now

go down



stop fighting please


stop oh


ah he's escaped


get up come on fight me

come on fight





this is a hypnotic g*n you can't move

now just stay here okay let's help chris

out transform

hey lily your brother's over here

i'll get you


angry are you okay eerie trade

i think they're ready hmm smells good

here lily and chris help yourselves

ah let me help you with the cooking too

it's not necessary besides your i guess

you shouldn't be working right


and thank you for everything you've done

for my brother and i that's right thank

you very much

i'd have been k*lled if it hadn't been

for you there's no need to thank us


i'd like you to talk less and eat more

yes nightbeat is quite right the main

thing is that you're safe and it's most

important now

right come on let's eat i'm starving


hey siren didn't you say you and i are

responsible for cooking the food you

just stop eating and help me i'll just

have a little bite first okay


i'm very happy to be with you


to tell you the truth i was very happy

too just like you are all now

i had a lot of friends and we all

laughed we were so carefree we had no

worries at

all fangri was also one of those friends

but ever since he met the decepticons

he's changed he's a different person now

now all he talks about is fighting and

k*lling he even suggests that we use

force to get revenge on those who look

down on us



i feel very happy

in faingree's eyes maybe i'm only a weak

man but i realize today

that i'm not hopeless that there are

people like you who think i'm worth



that's right you must have confidence

chris your sister and all of the people

here will always give you the support

you need

lily i'm sorry i made you worry i

promised to turn over a new leaf from

now on


once again the decepticons have failed

but that does not mean peace for the


siren whose head and knight feats have

to carry on to crush the decepticons

evil schemes













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