01x01 - Finding Out

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x01 - Finding Out

Post by bunniefuu »

(space sounds)

- Hoobledoop tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite

Hoobs down to Earth to

find out all about you

for my Great Hoobopedia.

Here they come.

(space zapping sounds)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iva, Groova and Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-Hoob-Hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say? ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪

(soft music)


- Hoobledoop Tula


- Hoobledoop Iver

- Do you know I'm

in the mood to think

about Hooble-dooble-doop a

question for today's Hoob News.

- And I'm just in the

mood for picking Hoobnips.

So I'm going straight up

onto the Hoob roof garden

(music playing)

(boing boing)


- Right, I'll think I'll

go and check the engine

See if the Motorettes

are all right.

Wake up Groove!

- Groove.

Is there anybody there

under that twizzletuft?

Oh, I'll find out.


- What? What? Oh!

Hoobledoop, Tula.


- Hoobledoop, Groove.

- And a whoop, whoop, whoop.

Oh, Tula.

I really didn't want to get

out of my Hoobypod today.

It's so soft and squidgy.

- Oh, I'm sorry

Groove, but we need

to think of a question

for today's Hoob News.

- You know I'm going to find out

all about soft

and squidgy things

and I can start a soft

and squidgy collection.

Ha ha ha

How Hooby groovy is that?

- Lovely, juicy Hoobnips make

a delicious Hooblet tart.

(soft music)

- All right, little

Motorettes, I'm going to give

you a little cleanup with

the Hooby engine duster.

Come on, come on.


(more laughing)

(music playing)

- Hoobledoop Groove.

(soft music)

- Hoobledoop, Groove!

- Hoobledoop, Iver.

- Have you thought of a

question for today's Hoob News?

- Sorry?

- Have you


Have you thought of a question

for today's Hoob News?

- No, no, sorry, I haven't.

I'm busy finding out about

soft and squidgy things

on Hoobnet.

- Ah. Well be quick,

Groove, be quick.

- Tula...


(Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba)

- Oh, Hoobledoop, Groove.

It's a lovely day

here in Hoobland.

How are you getting

along on the Peep Planet?

- Uh, Hooby groovy, Hubba Hubba.

Listen, I was wondering.

Could you look on Hoobnet

and see if you can send

me anything on soft and squidgy?

I'm starting a collection

of soft and squidgy things.

- Oh, ho, are you?

Oh, right. Let me

see. Soft and squidgy.

Soft and squidgy.

- Ah, now I found some

soft and squidgy stuff

that tiddlypeeps

play with, look.

- Oh, Hubba Hubba,

that's Hooby groovy.

Yeah! I'll print that out.

(music playing)

(printing noises)

- I'll send you some

right away, Groove

and I'll be back just as soon as

you've thought up a

question for Hoob News.

- Thank you, Hubba Hubba.

- Iver, Tula. I've

got a picture of...


- By the time we've answered

out question for the day,

this Hoobnip tart will be ready.

- Can I have a nibble now, Tula?

- No, Groove!

Now it not the

time for nibbling.

Now is the time for

finding out how many

Hoobnips I'll need

for my Hoobnip tart.

Tiddlypeeps like to find

out things, don't they?

- Yeah, yeah, they do.

I wonder, how do

tiddlypeeps find things out?

(Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba)

- Oh Groove, I think

you've hit on the question.

Here's Hubba Hubba.

(space sounds)

- How do tiddlypeeps

find things out?

Oh, that's a fantabby

Hooby question

for today's Hooby News.

- It is?

- Yes, Iver, and I can put

everything you discover

into my great Hoobopedia

so Hoobs everywhere

can find out.

- So where do we start?

- Right, let me have a

little look on Hoobnet

to see if I can find

anything about tiddlypeeps

that will start you off.

Ah, here we go.

Take a look at this.

(music playing)

- [Hubba Hubba] Ooh,

what's going on here?

Ah, she looks as if she's

finding out something.

Ooh, well that looks like fun.

They seem to be playing.

Ooh, they seem to

be playing too.

(space noise)

- Playing, tiddlypeeps do

an awful lot of playing.

- Ah, speaking of playing,

that'll be my delivery

of soft and squidgy

play stuff I ordered

from Hoobnet.

- Do you suppose tiddlypeeps

find things out by playing?

- Well, I guess they do, Iver.

- Yay, it's here.


- We, Hoobs, do a lot of

playing, but I've never really

thought about how much

we find out from it.

- Well, what we need is

something to play with,

then we can see.

- And I, Groove,

have the answer.

- Oh, can I have a go?

Please, let me have a go.

- No, no, just you wait,

this is for my collection

of soft and squidgy things.

That's my toy so I

have the first go.

- Come along, you

must let me have a go


(playful chatter)

- What a noise!

(upbeat playful music)


- Calm down!

- Well, we've already

found out that you can play

a Hooby chase game with

Groove's soft and squidgy stuff.

- (laughing) Yeah, heard

you can play a banging game

by whacking it with a

Hobby sandwich hammer

until it's nice and flat


- Yes, yes, yes.

All right, Groove.

While I'm going back

to play with my tart,

maybe I'll find out how

many Hoobnips I need.

- Ah, I wonder if tiddlypeeps

have any other ways

of finding things out?

(Hubba, hubba, hubba)

- If you want to know how the

tiddlypeeps find things out,

then I suggest that

you go and find

some tiddlypeeps to ask.

- The Motorettes are all ready

to make the Hoobmobile go.

- Well then, what

are you waiting for?

- I'll drive.

- And I'll work out how

many Hoobnips we need

while we drive along.

- Hoobnips!

- Groove!

- [Iver] Groove, are you coming?

- Yes, yes.

- [Iver] Come on, Groove.

- Coming!

- Pop your seatbelt on.

- Oh, yeah.

- We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps!

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ The tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

- Hoobledoop, tiddlypeeps.

- Hoobledoop, Iver!

- Want to do a Hooby hello?

- Yes!

- Hoobledoop,

Hoobledoop, Hoobledoop

whoop, whoop, whoop.

- Hooby-galooby! You're playing

with soft, squidgy stuff.

Can you see this, Groove?

- Yeah!

- We, Hoobs, need

to know something.

- What do you need

to know, Iver?

- Well, we're trying to find out

how tiddlypeeps find things out.

- But, why?

- Why? Well, Max, because

we spend all our time

finding things out.

- But, where?

- All over the universe.

Do you know we were

on the Dozzo planet

finding out all about the

Dozzos and the diddlydozzos.

- But, when?

- Just before we can

to your peep planet

to find out about

peeps and tiddlypeeps.

Do you know, other Hoobs,

they're on other planets.

And we all travel

around in Hoobmobiles.

They take us wherever

we want to go.

- How?

Well, they run on music.

In the engine, there are

lots of musical instruments

and three little Motorettes

who play the

instruments and sing.

And that's how we

can get to visit you

so that you can help us

find out about things

so that we can send

out answers back to...

- Who?

- Hubba Hubba in Hoobland!

Hooby-galooby, you tiddlypeeps

do ask a lot of questions.

Don't you?

Could answer mine now?

How do tiddlypeeps

find things out?

- By asking lots of questions!

- Just like Hoobs!

No wonder Hoobs and tiddlypeeps

get on so well together.

- Oh yes, Iver,

tiddlypeeps love Hoobs.

- Aww, that's lovely.

- And Hoobs love tiddlypeeps.


- Hooble-toodle-do!

(upbeat playful music)

- Six Hoobnips.

- That's loads, can I have one?

- No, not yet, Groove.

- Do you believe it?

Tiddlypeeps find out

about things that same way

that we do.

- Yeah.

- By asking questions like why.

♪ Why, why, why ♪

- Who would have thought

tiddlypeeps ask as many

questions as Hoobs do?

- I have a question.

Would a splash of Hoobofizz

taste good in my tart?

- Well, a...

(Roma, roma, roma)

- Ah, no time to

answer that now, Tula.

Here comes Roma.

- Hoobledoop, Hoobs!

Now, I've been with these

fantabby Hooby tiddlypeeps

all day and they've given

me this fizzy drink.

Which, looks a bit

like Hoobofizz.

- Hoobofizz?

Roma, does it give you

Hoobyhics like Hoobofizz does?

- I don't know, Groove.

I'm going to test it to see.

- Yeah.


- No, no Hoobyhics.

- But Roma, what

we want to know is.

Do the tiddlypeeps

test things out?

- The tiddlypeeps

never stop testing.

Give them water and they

splash it and pour it.

Give them paint and

they mix it together

to see what color they get.

- Any Hoobyhics yet, Roma?

- No, still no Hoobyhics.

So, my test shows that

tiddlypeeps fizzy drinks

does not give me Hoobyhics

like Hoobofizz does.

- (groaning together)

- Just a minute, it does.

Oh it does!


- (hiccuping) Hooby-galooby!

This is Roma (hiccup) Hoob,

reporting for Hoob News.

With the news that

tiddlypeep fizzy drink

does give me Hoobyhics.

Oh, Hooble-toodle-do!


- So tiddlypeeps

test things out.

- Yeah.

- Just like Hoobs.

- Well, we better test

something out just to make sure.

- Oh, let's test

the Hooblet tart out

to see if it's really yummy.

- No, Groove, not yet.

I'm still wondering

whether a splash

of Hoobofizz would be good.

- It's just suggestion.

- I've just had a

Hoobacious idea.

- Oh yeah.

- Maybe, you should test

your soft and squidgy stuff

to see if you can make

something out of it.

- Yeah. What should I make?

- Well, it's blue, so it will

have to be something blue.

- What do we know that's blue?

(Hubba, hubba, hubba)

- Hubba Hubba!

- Yeah, I'll see if I

can make a Hubba Hubba

out of my soft

and squidgy stuff.

- Oh, Groove.

You could put me

into your collection

of soft and squidgy things.

- Oh, Hubba Hubba.


- Now, while you do that,

let me show you this story

that a tiddlypeep

sent to Hoobnet.

(music playing)

- [Child Narrator] Boffin the

Big Book sat on a dusty shelf

in old Mr. and Mrs.

Grumbles house.

He was very sad.

- Here I am full of interesting

facts and beautiful pictures

and does anyone ever open

me and look things up?


- [Child Narrator] Old Mr.

Grumble was always too busy

sorting out his stamps to be

interested in anything else.

But, Old Mrs. Grumble was

forever asking questions like...

- What does an armadillo

have for breakfast?

Or, why does my big toe

have knobbly bit on it?

- [Child Narrator] Old Mr.

Grumble would reply grumply,

- Don't ask me, I don't know.

- [Child Narrator] But,

Boffin the Big Book would jump

up and down on his shelf.

- Ask me, I know. I'm

Boffin the Big Book

and I know everything.

- [Child Narrator]

But nobody heard him.

Now, one day, Sammy

Smart came to have tea

with old Mr. and Mrs. Grumble.

Halfway through a jam donut,

old Mrs. Grumble piped up.

- What's the hairiest

thing in the world?

- What? Don't ask

me, I don't know.

- [Child Narrator]

Said old Mr. Grumble.

- Do you know Sammy?

- No, but I know a man who does.

- [Child Narrator] Sammy took

Boffin the Big Book down.

- [Sammy] You can

find everything out

by looking it up in here.

- [Child Narrator] Said Sammy.

- [Sammy] It's an encyclopedia.

- Did you hear that?

- [Child Narrator]

Said old Mrs. Grumble.

- We can look up

anything we need to know.

- Then I'm going to look

up all about stamps.

- [Child Narrator]

Said old Mr. Grumble.

And from that day on,

old Mr. And Mrs. Grumble

never stopped looking things up.

And Boffin the Big Book had a

big smile all over his cover.

(space noise)

- So, tiddlypeeps find out

about things from books.

- And I found out

something by looking it up

in my Hooby cookbook.

A splash of Hoobofizz is

perfect in a Hoobnip tart.

So I tested it out.

- And I've tested my

soft and squidgy stuff.

Ta-da, Hubba Hubba!

- Oh well done, Groove.

- Thank you. Well,

I'm going to put you

in the Hooby studio

ready for Hoob News.

- Tiddlypeeps are Hoobly-groobly

at finding things

out, aren't they?

Do you know something, Iver?

When the tiddlypeeps

are around you,

you can never feel

lonely, can you?

I think, that the Peep

Planet is the best planet

we have ever visited.

(soft music)

♪ We traveled all the

way from Hoobland ♪

♪ We could be feeling low ♪

♪ Because we're all

so far from home ♪

♪ It's a long, long way

for a Hoob to have to go ♪

♪ We've been on planets

where the Dozzydo sleeps ♪

♪ Where the

wizzleworm wriggles ♪

♪ And the crying cow weeps ♪

♪ But we've never found

friends like a tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ Tiddlypeeps and Hoobs

are finder-outers ♪

♪ Searching for the answers

in the world about us ♪

♪ If you play with things ♪

♪ You can start to explore ♪

♪ Then ask a question and

you'll find out more ♪

♪ But here's how Hoobacious

the tiddlypeeps are ♪

♪ When they don't

know the answer ♪

♪ They look it up

in an encyclopedia ♪

♪ You've been on planets

where the dozzydo sleeps ♪

♪ The worlds of wriggles ♪

♪ And the crying cow weeps ♪

♪ But we've never found

friends like the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

- You know what?

That encyclopedia is a

bit like the Hoobopedia.

Isn't it, Hubba Hubba?

- You're right, Groove.

My great Hoobopedia is

like an encyclopedia

but it's on the Hoobnet

and you look things

up in it by using

a Hooby computer.

- I wonder if tiddlypeeps

ever find things out

by looking things up

on their computers?

- Well, there's only one

way to find out Hoobs.

- Yes!

Go and find some

more tiddlypeeps!

(music playing)

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ The tiddlypeeps,

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪

♪ Yoo-Hoo! ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

- Hoobledoop, tiddlypeep!

- Hoobledeoop, Groove!

- Now, I wonder if you can help?

We're trying to find out how

tiddlypeeps find things out.

And so far, we think that

you do all the things

that Hoobs do.

But there's just one thing.

Do you ever look things up

on your, um, your computers?

- Yes, Groove.

Follow me.

- Aw, hooby-groovy.

What's your name?

- My name's Emma.

- Emma!

And what're you doing now?

- I'm looking something up.

- Aww. Iver, Tula

she's looking us up.

This tiddlypeep is looking

something up on the computer.

What are you trying to find out?

- I'm trying to find

out about Hoobs.

- Ha, you're trying to

find out all about Hoobs.

Ha, ha, ha.

'cause, we're trying to find

out all about tiddlypeeps.

How hooby-groovy is that?

- Very hooby-groovy.


- Aw, thank you so much

for your help, Emma.

I've got to get back

to the Hoobmobile.

So Hooble-toodle-do.

- Hooble-toodle-do!

(music playing)

- Tula, tiddlypeeps

are the best.

- Oh, yes. They're smart.

- They're fun.

- They know.

- Come on you two,

time for Hoob News.

- Yeah!

♪ Oh a Tootle, Timp and Twang ♪

♪ I blow ♪

♪ I strum ♪

♪ I bang ♪

♪ Just watch us zoom ♪

♪ Around the engine room ♪

♪ With a clitter ♪

♪ And a clatter ♪

♪ And a clang ♪

♪ I blow, that's what I do. ♪

♪ Tootle lootle

loot loot de doo ♪

♪ I bang on a drum ♪

♪ I strum, I strum ♪

♪ So the Hoobs can visit you ♪

♪ When Tula, Groove or Iver ♪

♪ Whoever is the driver ♪

♪ Turns the key with a - - ♪

♪ The engine comes aliver ♪

♪ Oh, we make the engine go ♪

♪ I strum ♪

♪ I bang ♪

♪ I blow ♪

♪ So Iver, Groove and Tula too ♪

♪ Can find what

they need to know ♪

♪ So Iver, Groove and Tula too ♪

♪ Can find what

they need to know ♪

(Hubba, Hubba, Hubba, Hubba)

- Well Hoobs, are you

ready give me your answers

for my Great Hoobopedia?

- We're ready Hubba Hubba.

- Well, take it away.

- Hoobledoop to all

you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News.

The news show for

Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question.

- How do tiddlypeeps

find things out?

- [Iver] Hubba Hubba found

us all sorts of pictures

on Hoobnet of

tiddlypeeps playing.

- [Groove] So we played with

my new soft and squidgy stuff

that I ordered from Hoobnet.

- [Tula] Then we went to find

some tiddlypeeps to ask them

how they found things out.

- [Iver] And I discovered

that they found things out by

- Asking lots of questions.

- [Tula] Then Roma

sent us a report about

how tiddlypeeps find

things out by testing them.

- [Groove] Roma been

testing a tiddlypeep drink

to see if it gave

her the Hoobyhics.


- [Iver] We then

discovered that tiddlypeeps

find things out by

looking them up in books.

- [Tula] And we discovered

a very useful book

called an encyclopedia.

- [Groove] Hubba Hubba

is putting together

a Hoobopedia on Hoobnet.

- [Iver] So that made us

wonder whether tiddlypeeps

look things up on their

computers like Hoobs do.

- [Groove] So I went to

visit the tiddlypeeps

and they do look things

up on their computers.

- I'm trying to find

out about Hoobs.

- And we Hoobs are here to

find out all about tiddlypeeps.

And today we found out

that tiddlypeeps find out

in just the same

way as Hoobs do.

- Hoob-hoob-hooray!

- Oh, yes tiddlypeeps

are Hooble dooble dooper.

Oh, and so is that model

you've made of me, Groove.

- Oh, thanks, Hubba Hubba.

I'm going to put it in my

soft and squidgy collection.


- So, it's thank you to

Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving us all a little

peep into the world of peeps.

And remember, wherever you are,

have a Hoobily-groobily day

and Hooble-toodle-do!

- Hooble-toodle-do!


- Groove, where're you going?

- I'm going to

have a bit of tart.

- Oh, yeah!

(music playing)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hooba-Hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here ♪

♪ So what do you say? ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪
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