07x01 - Adrift: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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07x01 - Adrift: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

I don't understand, Boss.

Commander Rabb should have been
within a quarter-mile of me.

Lieutenant, what was your
heading at ejection?

Um, roughly north
by northwest.

We were at 275 knots.

In this storm,
are seven knots

and one-three-five degrees true,

That would put
Commander Rabb

anywhere in this area.

That's 1,800 square miles, sir.

Tiner, give me ZNN
on number two

and the Navy and Marine Corps
News on number three.

Yes, sir.

Gunny, I need the charts
for the Western Atlantic.

I'm on it,

And the rolling bulletin board.

Aye, sir.

Mm, thank you.

Tables, chairs and linens

arrived at the hall
45 minutes ago.

They're unloading
the flowers as we speak.

Why don't we wait
and see what happens

before we postpone
the wedding, Sarah?

If they find him
in the next few hours...

They'll take him to sick bay

and we'll be waiting for
a report on his condition.

I have to make
some phone calls.

I'll do it.

No, I'll do it.

You stay on top of it.

I'll warm your dinner.

The storm's easing

and the captain has resumed
the search in a Viking.

If they find
the commander

they got a Seahawk
standing by.

"If," sir?

Ceiling's low,
visibility's poor, Lieutenant.

...24 hours.

Inland, rain...

(thunder crashing)

We're not picking up

his emergency beacon, sir.

We'd have to pass within
50 meters to find him.

What about your radar,

Closed out, sir.

Sea state's too high.

We're just picking up spray.

We will, of course, have updates
on this storm

throughout its duration.

Turning to weather news
around the rest...

(loud bang)

Gunny, I'm trying to get

Harm's mother's phone number
off the computer

and the cursor froze.
Could you help me, please?

Are you planning on
calling her, Renee?


I think we should wait
until we have news.

We have news.

That's incomplete.

She has a right to know.
What his
condition is?

We don't have
that information yet.

She might want to fly out, Bud.

How would that help
the commander?

( screams )

Any luck yet?

Hey, um... close the door.

I've been ignoring you.
I'm sorry.

(thunder rumbling)

You okay?


Well, Mac, it's Harm.

Isn't he, like,

Chloe, it doesn't
look good.


You don't talk like that.

I'm just being realistic.

I don't
understand you.

I thought you'd already
be trying to find him.

He's in the middle
of the ocean.

No, like you found me.

When I was thrown
by my horse in the woods.

Okay, Chloe, I'll try.

I was thinking of you.

And I was
on a plane...

I was dreaming...

I saw lightning
hitting a tree.

I-I can't
do this, Chloe.

Keep trying.

I need your help.

Well, the latest reports
have the Viking moving south.

Any particular

Not that I can tell.

Unless they're following
the currents south, but...

Look here.

She has identified a position

on the ocean chart.

Uh, sir, with all due respect

I'm trying to get the best use
out of my search assets.


Hold on.

Colonel, I know you've done this
once before, but...

If the skipper
has a better plan, sir...

Captain, the colonel has a
history of success with this.

Believe me,
if it was anyone else

hell, I'd be skeptical, too.

The coordinates, sir?

35 degrees, 15 minutes
north latitude.

73 degrees, 28 minutes
west longitude.

I'll put the suggestion
into the mix, Admiral.

Thank you, Captain.

His call.

Thanks for trying, sir.

Boss, where's the Viking?

Here, sir.

Viking, this is the captain.

I've got some coordinates
for you.

LOFTNESS (over radio):
Aye, sir.

Going down below cloud deck.

I'm at 100 feet.

Visibility low.

Commencing search.


Got something!

Drop the SAR buoys.

Viking, what do you have?

Stand by, sir.

Viking, do you read?

Aye, sir.

It's an empty raft, sir,

and there's no one
in the water.

Come back!


We'll continue the search

but I don't think
I have to explain what a...

an abandoned raft indicates.

Well, thanks for sticking
with it, Skipper.

Aye, sir.

Colonel MacKenzie?

Yes, sir.

I don't know what it is
you have working

but it's one hell
of a gift.

It failed, Captain.

Blame it on timing?

That's one area of my life
I never question, sir.

Yes, well, uh, I'm sorry.

We'll keep you abreast.

Thank you, Captain.


Hey, I've been looking
for you.

We thought we
had Harm

but it was
only his raft.

Well, then
he must be close.

I'm going to lie
down, sir.

I have your dinner.

I'm not hungry.

Do you want
some tea?


I don't know what to tell
you, Mic.

She's dealing with it
in her own way.

That's the problem, sir.



Where's your son?

He's at your feet.




Listen, Bud feels badly
about what happened.

I'm okay.


Let's go, sweetie.

Look who's here. Mommy.

How are things in here?

No less depressing.

Is there anything
I can do for you, Mic?

I'm all right.

Why aren't you with Mac?

That's a question
you'd have to ask her.


Have a seat, Mic.

You all right?

How do I look?

Left out.

Get used to it, Renee.

We're members of this family
by acquaintance only.

Mayday. Are you there?

Do you read me?

Help! Help!


I've got something.

Do you read me?

What are you
doing out here?

Eating ziti.

Is it any good?

Microwave sucked
the life out of it.

I wish I knew how
to make it better for you.

That helped.

You kissed me.

See, it's easy.

All you have
to do is sit there.

I need you.

Colonel, the Admiral
needs to see you ASAP.

We have everyone?

Yes, sir.

I just got off the phone
with Captain Ingles.

It appears their S-Three

picked up
Commander Rabb's voice.

He was transmitting
over a SAR buoy.

What's that?

It's a search-
and-rescue buoy

with a radio

Well, does that mean
they know where he is?

They can home in
on his signal.

The Viking and SAR helo
are on their way.

Any calculations
as to how long

he's been in the water?

Over three hours.

What's the survival time
under present conditions?

According to the skipper,
about that long.

But he is conscious, sir?

When he made that transmission,
Colonel, yes, he was.

He's no longer
transmitting, Angel.

Viking, this is Angel.

We're not finding him.

The sea state is too great.

Can you get lower?

I'm already below
the minimums, Viking,

but I'm taking her down.


Still no sign of him.

Initiating 1,000-meter circle.

I see muzzle flashes.

Someone's down there.
I'm turning back.

There he is.

AIR BOSS ( over radio ):
What are the conditions, Angel?

Estimate 20-foot swells.

Can you get him?

We're going to put
a swimmer in the water.

Take me down!

Swimmer's going down!

Bring us right!
Bring us right!

Bring us left!

Hold her steady here!

Stand by, we're going up!

He's hooked!

Good. Haul his ass up.

Okay. Pulling them up!

They're clear.

Coming up.

Keep it steady.

Come on, sir, you're
almost in.

Keep coming.
Got it.

Give me some slack.

He's off the cable.
Let him down, easy.

We got him, Skipper.

Bravo Zulu to all hands.


Clear the corridor!

Wrap the thermal angel.

He's ice cold.

The man's severely hypothermic.

Get him out of these clothes.

Body temperature is
30 degrees Celsius.

Put him on
a heart cardiac monitor.

Get me two
18 gauge I.V.s.

Get him some
warm blankets

and a heated liter
of normal saline.

What's the rhythm?
It's junctional at 45.

Throwing PVCs.

Give him one milligram
of atropine I.V.

Is the saline ready?



Respiration's falling fast.

Commander... Commander!

Come on, stay with me.

I'm not getting through to him.

Through what can only be
described as the grace of God

Commander Rabb's been rescued.

I've been told

that he is in the fourth stage
of hypothermia.

How bad is that, sir?


Will he make it?

He better.

We have Springsteen tickets.

We got a diminishing pulse here.

Commander! Come on!
Stay with me.

Respiration is falling fast.
We're out of options.

Can I try, doctor?

He knows me.

Get him talking.




Harm, it's cold down here
and I need you.

I can't do it
by myself.

Help me, Harm.

Come on.
You promised.

You promised
you'd be there

and I'm holding you to that.

Now, I don't
swim well.

Temperature's still dropping.

Commander, can you hear me?!

(monitor beeping)
He's bradycardic.

Take that thing off.

Take it off.

Save me.


Pulse rate's up.

Don't let go.

Don't let go.


Hi, yourself.

Keep talking to me.

I.. can't... breathe.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Have we dated?



You're going to be okay.


Got your message.

Hi. I assumed
you'd call.

I didn't mean
for you to come
all the way up here.

Come in.

Well, you said
you needed to talk.

Sounded like something
we should do in person.

Um, it's about Harm.

He's being
transferred today

from the carrier
to Bethesda.

I thought you
should be prepared.

I'm told he's
pretty beat up.

And you don't think
I can handle it?

What I mean is...

I have visited people
in the hospital before, Mac.

I just wouldn't let him
know what you're feeling.

You mean my love for him?

I mean you should
be careful

of indicating distress
at his physical condition.


He'll be there around 11:00.

Then so will I.

The rest of us won't get there
until this afternoon.

I've got a FNAEB,
Bud's at BUPERS

and the Admiral
is working with the

I have no idea
what you're talking about

but I'm sure all of you
could've found a way

of visiting Harm
this morning

and you're giving me
the first opportunity.

I appreciate that.

Good morning.






How long's it been...

since we worked

You mean on that
recruiting commercial?

Yeah. What, about a year?

Yeah, about that.

Well, what a surprise.

I appreciate you coming out.

You didn't think
I'd bother?

No. I mean,
I'm glad you did.

I called your mother.

She is taking
an evening flight.

She'll be here
sometime tomorrow.

You know my mother?

The CAT scan revealed

minor swelling on the
Commander's right frontal lobe.

As a result, he's suffering

from a pre-incident
neurological deficit.

Translate, please?

It's retrograde amnesia.

It's a loss of memory
prior to the trauma.

Is that normal?

In 30% of the cases, yes.

Will he know us?

That's hard to predict,

He seems to be able
to recall the distant past.

And the recent past?

I'd say is shaky.

We think
it's temporary

but we'll know for sure
when the swelling subsides.


I'm sorry. I have to
continue with my rounds.

If you have
any questions

the nurse can reach me.
His room's right there.

Good luck.

Thanks, Doctor.

I hope he won't remember
the time I hid

on top of the JAG elevator.

I was so immature then.

It's nice
to see you, Admiral.

Same here, Commander.

Bud, sir.

You think
I don't remember you, Bud?

I was looking
at the lieutenant's bars.


Thank you, sir.

Hi, Harriet.
How are the kids?

How are you, sir?

Well, apparently
very involved
with this woman


so I'm told.

Uh, Brumby, of course
I could never forget you.

I'll take that as a compliment.


I'm sorry I missed the wedding.

You didn't.


Now I'm really sorry.

Have you set another date?

Don't worry about it.
It's the least of our concerns.

I'm told that you were
very instrumental

in helping find me.

Not really.

Really. She led them
to the raft.

You weren't far off.

Hi. I'm going to have

to ask you
to give us 20 minutes.


We'll be back.

I look forward to it, sir.



Thank you.

So, about the new date?

Mic, I really haven't
thought about it.

Well, I have.

The hall's
available Saturday

and everything's
still there.

Can we get it together
that fast?

We canceled it
that fast.

Shouldn't be hard.

Yeah, but it's
in three days.

So you want to wait.

Um, Chloe's going
back home today...

Call her grandmother.

Ask her to stay
through the weekend.

I don't know if I can get
my head into it, Mic.

Let me think about it.

Did you get my bear claw?

Is he, like, the best guy ever?

May I join you?


Where is everyone?

Here and there.

Harriet's with
the Admiral.

He's giving her
a recipe for
lemon risotto.

You guys are all
so... chummy.

Listen, Renee,

about what happened
at JAG...

Oh, I'm over it, Bud.

Okay. How are you?

Well, my boyfriend's forgotten
our last year together,

but he seems to have

all of his Mac memories
organized and catalogued.

Renee, that's just

He'll come out of this

and you two will
be back together

and right where
you left off.

You make that sound
like a good thing.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.
It's an excuse to come back.

Besides, Mic has already
promised to take me

to an Ethiopian restaurant.

Well, okay.

Anyway, I'm going home
with the coolest story.

I'll call you
when we reschedule.


I love you.

I love you, too.

(both laugh)

See you, tiger.


(both chuckle)

You guys are so good together.

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Flight 427

to Lake Champlain,
gate four...

How'd you turn her
around so fast?

Surprise you?

No. Why would
you say that?

I don't think
this weekend's
going to work out.

Yeah, no worries.

We can do it
next month.

Why don't we shelve it
for awhile?

What do you mean?

Let's postpone it

Mic, that's not funny.

You're right,
it's not.

I don't want
to reschedule, Sarah.

Then what do
you want to do?

Let me think about it.


Hey, wow,
you're looking good, Skates.

Back at you, sir.

Commander Loftness.


Well, Commander,
I understand that

you personally violated
every safety minimum in the book

while you were searching for us.

Love flying
in zero-zero.

Well, we owe you our lives.

Turns out the aircraft
we gave you

had a hard-deck landing.

Subsequent inspection

uncovered no damage.

Looks like she
was hiding her
secrets from us.

You ever want to come
back for a visit

I'll find you a Tomcat
that works.

How about today?

I'm checking out of here
in two hours.

We're in port.


Good luck.

That's it?


So, I understand you jumped
my bones in sick bay.


Oh, yeah?

Well, that was a hell
of a ride we took, huh?

At least you went
out with a bang.

I'm returning
to the fleet, Harm.

What happened to
the idea of shore duty?

The experience actually
reawakened my love

for shipboard flying.

Made me realize the danger
is one of the reasons I do it.


What's your fiancé
have to say about this?

He supports me.

I guess that why
he's my fiancé.

What about you?

Well, I'm almost back to normal.

Hmm, think so?

Well, I certainly
have recovered--

or at least to the satisfaction
of the doctors.

Life doesn't feel
any different to you?

What do you mean?

Well, you've been
given a chance

to take another
look at things--

to grab hold of what's
really important to you.

You don't think I haven't
already done that?

I hadn't.

Excuse me, Colonel.

I'm sorry for
the boldness of
this question

but I've been fielding
half-a-dozen calls

about your wedding.

You set a new date yet?

Um, close the door.

Um, Mic and I
are having problems.

During the crisis
with Harm

I hurt his feelings.

Does he understand
what you're going through?

On one level,
and on another, he doesn't.

Are you talking?

Not as much as I'd like

but we seem
to be making progress.

So I tell people what?

That, um, we're working out
the logistics.

Yes, ma'am.

Don't worry about us, Harriet.

We'll get past this.

We have to.

Oh, you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine,
I'm fine.

You okay?


Just kept telling myself
better your suitcase

than your casket.

You want something?

Tea, a sandwich?

No, no, I'm good.

How about some music?

No, thanks,
I'm fine.

Just relax.


When you couldn't remember
our relationship

were you wondering
if I could ever be

someone that you could be with?


I know.
God, I know.

I hate myself
when I talk like this.

Then why are
you doing it?

Because I'm afraid.

I'm afraid not to.

Is this about Mac again?

Why do we always
got to come back to this?

You're right.
You're right.

You need to rest.

You do.
So, look, um...

I'm going to call you
later, okay?

Renee, I'm not mad.

I just...
I know.

I don't want to talk about this
right now.

It's okay. It is.

It's okay.

(door closes)


(heavy sigh)


In here.

Hey, what are
you doing?

Where's your stuff?

In storage.

I sublet a place uptown.


I need space
to think, Sarah

and I can't do it here.

I don't understand.

Why are you moving out?

Because if we end it,
I don't want to have

to come back here
after the fact.

Why would we end it?

Stop walking away from me!

We never talked about
you moving out.

You can't just make

some unilateral decision
without me, okay?

We're a couple, right?

And couples make decisions

That's what they do!

Who made the decision
to cancel the wedding?

We did.

You did, with my blessing.

Who made the decision

not to reschedule for
the following weekend?

I wasn't ready.

And I wasn't
allowed a vote.

You're right.
I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry.

Be honest.

Why are you
marrying me, Sarah?

Because I love you.

Then why, in a crisis

am I always the last
one you look to?

I don't know.

You need to find out,
and when you do

we can have
a conversation

that will make sense
to both of us.

Please don't leave.

Let me tell you why
you're pleading with me to stay.

Not because I'm going
to break your heart

and not because you love me
too much to let me go.

It's 'cause you
don't want to be alone.

It's not a good enough reason.

(door closes)



Hi. Welcome back.

Wow. You look miserable.

Come on in.

Maybe not.

Mac, come on in.

He moved out.

He did? Why?

I don't think
he believes I love him.

Do you?


Well, tell him.

It's complicated.

Talk to me.

This is a mistake.

I don't know why I'm here.

(phone ringing)

Hang on.
Hang on, all right?


Just-just a minute.

It's for you.


I was sitting here wondering
who you'd go to first.


I have my answer.

Mic, give me your address.

I'll be right there.

No, I'm leaving.

Closed up the office.

Catching the first plane
back to Australia.

What, you need to be

on the other side of the world
to think?

I'm done thinking.

'Bye, beautiful.


(dial tone)

He's leaving the country.


I got to stop him.

Is it because
you came here?

(door opens)

He just can't get past
this thing with us.

Maybe that's because
we can't get past it.

(door closes)

(phone ringing)




When did he go?


(phone ringing)


He's gone.

He wouldn't even speak to me.

Hey, hey.

Don't blame yourself for this.

Brumby has always
acted impulsively.

It was just a matter of time.

What are you saying?

Look, this isn't going
to make it hurt any less,

but it's better now than
six months into the marriage.

Okay, I'm hanging up now.


Where are you going?

I don't know.

Come to me.


So we can talk.


We already talked.

Don't argue with me.

I need a better reason.

You know the reason.


I'm here.

I'm waiting.



Mac, Renee's father died.

heart failure.

She just got here.

We can't do this now.

I told her
I'd fly back with her.

I should be gone
a couple of days.

I'm sorry.

No, you have to go.

I'll call you when we land.

Don't do that to her.
She needs you.

Give her your
full attention.

What about you?

I'll be okay...

when you get back.

(Renee moaning)

(thunder rumbling)

♪ ♪
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