25x03 - Tough Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x03 - Tough Love

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster, Galvanax.

Ten years later the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her!

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[Odius] Boppa floppagop, tema tis...

rolod, klaatu bo shuda, y ub nub slimo, ninpo kinji.

Listen carefully, Spyclops...

When a Ranger sings this musical spell out loud...

and they must say every word...

[Odius] They'll become evil!


Once they turn on their friends,

I'll use them to get the Power Stars!

That's genius.

You've come to the right monster, Madame Odius.

[Odius laughs]

Time to face the music, Rangers.

[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

[acoustic guitar playing]

[Jess sings] ♪ I'm a wild heart ♪

♪ Free on the open road ♪

♪ With a six string in my hand ♪

♪ And music in my soul ♪

♪ I'm a wild heart ♪

♪ And that's the way I'll stay ♪

♪ Always have and always will ♪

♪ And that won't change ♪

[Jess] Wow.

Why hello there, pretty lady.

My pal and I overheard your music,

and just had to come donate every last one of my hard-earned pennies.

Um... thanks, I guess.

What is that, like, a buck fifty?

A girl who can sing and do math!

You'd do well with a man who has almost fifty trophies...

How about a date?

Sorry, you're not really my type.

I am Victor Vincent.

I can be any type!

How about the disco type?

Wanna boogie?

No, sorry.

How about the bull fighting type?



Match point?

What I really "want" is for you to go away.

Fine... but I will figure out what your type is,

if it takes me a million years!


[Monty] Coming, Victor.

[plays soft melody]

[teens chatter]

[Jess] ♪ Long before we tried to get ♪

♪ Tangled up and tied ♪

♪ We took so much for granted ♪

♪ With nothing to hide ♪

♪ I'll be missing you ♪

She's singing one of my songs?

♪ Oh I'll be missing you ♪

♪ The color of the leaves Remind me of your smile ♪

She's pretty good.

I have an idea.

Uh oh.

[teens chuckle]

♪ Love will always be the key ♪

♪ Look into my heart and see ♪

♪ Come on now ♪

♪ I'll be there, in moments of sorrow ♪

♪ I'll be there Just tell it to your heart ♪

♪ My love's everlasting ♪

♪ I'll be there There's no more denying ♪

♪ I'll be there and never far apart ♪

♪ Just listen to my heart ♪

[cheers and applause]

Yeah, Levi.

I can't believe it...

Levi Weston!

My name's Jess, I'm a huge fan!

Your music, your lyrics...

And now I've met you in real life.

You smell great as well!

Oh, so she likes the smell of cowboys, eh?

Hey, that gives me an idea.

[Monty] To the lab.

I don't think the song has ever sounded so good before.

Your voice is really nice, Jess.

Oh wow... that means so much!

Monsters! Run!

[crowd screams]

Oh no...

Jess, let's get somewhere safe!

[Sarah] Oh great, Basherbots!

[Brody] Come on, guys.

It's morphin' time! Power Stars!

[all] Lock in!


[all] Ninja spin!

[White Ranger] What do you have against street performers?

Ninja Blast!

[Yellow Ranger] Ninja Clone Star! Lock in!

Ninja Spin!

[Blue Ranger] Coming through!

[Pink Ranger] Ninja Battle Morpher, Bow Mode!

Arrow Blast!

[Red Ranger] Red Ninja Strike!

Steel Slash!

[Levi] This way!

Not today, you blue beast!

[Jess] That's for ruining our song!

Um... That was really something.

Thank you!

I grew up in a tough neighborhood.

I guess so.


how about we catch up later?

I'd, uh, love to.

Maybe I could show you my newest song?


Hey, guys.

I gotta be somewhere, but I'll see you back here at four o'clock?

Can't wait!


You're gonna love me, Gold Ranger!


What do you have for me, Monty?

I'm gonna make you a cowboy cologne that Jess can't resist.

[Monty] One cactus.

Some hay, "from o'er yonder."

[mumbles happily]

Cow horns.


And a Cowboy boot...

fresh from the round-up!


Prepare yourself, Victor...

for the sweet fragrance of the wild, wild West!

Okay, I'm thinking of a number between one and--

-Three! -Are you kidding me?

-What? -Oh, man.

-[Jess giggles] -Jess, you're so much fun!

It's great to meet someone like you.

Aw, thanks!

Ooh, Levi! Check this out.


Ooh, Levi, look at these hats!

This hat would look good on you.

Not on me, silly!

On you!

But I already have a hat.

Oh my gosh, you look amazing!

It's so you!

Mmmm, I don't know...

Cowboy hats are kinda my thing, ya know?

Oh come on, you've been doing the whole cowboy thing for years...

"Change is the spice of life!"

Haven't you heard that?

No, but it sounds catchy.

Come on...you gotta try new things.

What are you afraid of?

You're right.

-Maybe I do need to branch out. -Mm hm.

Spread my wings.


-What am I afraid of? -Exactly!

Ooh, and look at this jacket!

He'll take those pants too!

So cool!

You're gonna look great.

You can wear it later when we sing my new song together.

We're gonna sing together?

Remember, I told you I was writing a new song.

It's right... here.

It's not exactly Country, but remember...

-"Change... -[both] is the spice of life!"

Well, if you wrote it, I'd love to sing it!

You are so sweet!

[Sarah] Next time.

Hey, where is Levi, anyway?

He's like minutes late.

Uh, probably still with Jess.

He seemed pretty hooked on her.

Hey guys!

Oh, wow.

Hi, Levi.

Did you all get my text about singing with Jess?

Yeah, we did...

[Brody] So... you two are going to play together?

Yep, Jess has a new song.

I'm gonna sing it with her later at the park.

That's great, but, I have to ask...

What's up with the clothes?

Oh, yeah, Jess helped me pick out a totally new look.

Nice, huh?

[chuckles] Is that really you?

Excuse me?

Yeah, and this music it's not exactly your style either.

I mean, have you read these lyrics?

'Tema tis rolod...'

And it goes on. It's all just gibberish.

[Calvin] The music, the clothes...

I don't know man, is this for you, or is it for Jess?

Sure, Jess likes me this way...

But I like it too.

Come on, guys.

"Change is the spice of life."

Ever heard that?


[Calvin] Unh uh.

Sorry man.

Fine then, don't come watch us play.

Well, that worked out well huh?

'Tema tis rolod...'

Those lyrics... I could swear I've read them before.

[girl] Look, it's Levi Weston!

[boy] Wow!

I can't wait to hear you sing my whole song.

Alright, let's do it.

♪ Well, I'm the greatest ♪

♪ You can't contest it ♪

♪ Nothing compares to the best ♪

-[man] This stinks! -I don't think people like it.

-Just finish the song. -[woman] This is weird!

♪ Just feel my power ♪

♪ There is no escaping ♪

♪ I laugh as everyone bows ♪

Here's the magic book Mick brought you from the Lion Galaxy.

Thanks, Redbot.

'Tema tis rolod...'

-Find anything, Presto? -A-ha!

I knew I saw it in here!

It's what they call a "symmetric" spell.

Oh no.

If Levi finishes singing the song...

he'll turn evil!

[Redbot] Suffering circuits!

That means Jess must be working for Odius!

We have to stop Levi, now!

Come on!

This is the best part.

You have to sing every word.

♪ Spala wuduplop ♪

♪ Glip glop adoodop ♪

♪ Plim plamm abam ♪

♪ Boppa floppagop ♪

♪ Tema tis rolod ♪

♪ Klaatu bo shuda y ♪

♪ Ub nub slimo ♪

♪ Ninpo kinji ♪

♪ Ninpo kinji ♪

[Jess vocalizes]

[Jess] Yes... it worked!

[Victor] Excuse me, ma'am.

Hey purty lady, I'm the rootinest, tootinest,

sweetest smelling cowpoke in all of Summer Cove.

I'll say this once...

Go away.

I reckon you need a whiff of my cowboy cologne.

[woman] Ew, that's disgusting!


Am I your type now? Be honest.

Am I your type? Be honest!

[crowd screams]

That loser Levi is evil now,

and soon all the Rangers will fall.

Ah, here they come!


Give us your Power Stars, or we'll take them.

We're too late!

Yes, you are Rangers.

And now, your friend and I are going to destroy you!

Preston, you're a magician right?

Surely you can reverse the spell?

[Spyclops laughs]

[Preston] It's not that simple.

Look, it's a symmetric spell.

So to reverse the spell, I have to say it all backwards.

But I don't have all the words.

Well, we need that sheet music!

[Spyclops] This sheet music?

[Spyclops laughs]

We don't want to fight you, Levi.

Then surrender.

That isn't gonna happen.

Ninja Spin!

You're going down, Rangers!

It's morphin' time!

-Power Stars! -[All] Lock in!

[all] Ready!

Ninja Spin!

[all] Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

[Yellow Ranger] You guys hold 'em off, I'll find the pieces of those lyrics!

[Blue Ranger] You got it!

Bring them to me as soon as you can!

[Yellow Ranger] Will do.

[Gold Ranger] Your Power Stars are mine!

[Blue Ranger] We don't want to hurt you Levi!

[Red Ranger] He won't listen, he's under a spell!

[Yellow Ranger] I can't let any of these lyrics get away!

[Spyclops] Round we go!

[Gold Ranger] Weak moves bro'!

[Red Ranger] Hey!

Move around them, Haley.

Arrow Blast!

[White Ranger] Ninja Blast!

I got an idea! I'll distract him!

[Blue Ranger] Great, we gotta stop this fight without hurting him!

Hyper Arrow Blast!

[Gold Ranger] That's not enough to stop me!

[Red Ranger] Then I'll have to!

[Blue Ranger] Brody!

[Pink Ranger] You've got more teeth than the tooth fairy –

but you're nowhere near as nice!

[Yellow Ranger] Hey Sarah!

-[Pink Ranger] Did you get all the lyrics? -[Yellow Ranger] Every single piece!

[Pink Ranger] Let's get them to Preston!

Don't do this Levi!

[evil laughter]

[Gold Ranger] You might have been holding back, but I won't!

[Red Ranger] Levi, no!

[Gold Ranger] Your Power Stars belong to Odius!

[Red Ranger] Levi, listen!

You're under a spell!

I'm your brother!

[Gold Ranger] I don't need a brother!

-I'll destroy you! -[Pink Ranger] No you won't!

[Gold Ranger] Huh? No!

[Pink Ranger] Preston!

Calvin got all the spell lyrics!

[Yellow Ranger] You gotta put them back together!

[Blue Ranger] I'm on it! Dnem sciryl...

[Gold Ranger] Good they're all together!

I'll take all five Stars!

[Blue Ranger] I just need to read it backwards to break the spell.

Ijnik opnin omils...

[Gold Ranger] I'll destroy you all!

[Blue Ranger] Maba mmalp milp podooda polg pilg polpuduw alaps!

What happened? Was I... attacking you guys?

[White Ranger] Yeah, your girlfriend's a monster and she made you evil!

[Gold Ranger] Jess is a monster?

I can't believe it!

I hope I didn't hurt anyone.

[Red Ranger] We're fine.

Welcome back, big brother.

Arghhh! You've ruined my plan!

[Gold Ranger] That's Jess?

Change may be the spice of life, but this is ridiculous!

[Red Ranger] She's running away! After her!

[Spyclops] Hey Rangers, you ready to fight?

[Red Ranger] We sure are!

Then it's payback time!

[Gold Ranger] Bring it on!

[Red Ranger] Yeah, 'cause Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

-[Spyclops] Where'd they go? -Surprise.


-[Spyclops] Gotta fly! -[Red Ranger] Where is she going?

[Spyclops] Going to attack you!

[Spyclops laughs]

[Red Ranger] We need to attack her in the air!

[White Ranger] But how?

[Spyclops laughs]

[Red Ranger] Let's rustle up a storm!

-[Gold Ranger] You got it! -[Red Ranger] Ninja Spin!

[Gold Ranger] Storm Star! Lock in!

Tornado Mode! Ninja Spin!

Ninja Tornado Attack!

-Jump in! -[Red Ranger] Got it!

[Red Ranger] Woo! Red Tornado Strike.

-[Spyclops] No! -[Red Ranger] Final Attack!

[Spyclops] This whirlwind really blows!

[Gold Ranger] Alright you did it!

[Red Ranger] That was a wild ride, Levi!

[Gold Ranger] You said it, bro'!

[Cosmo] Should we make her giant?

[crowd cheers]

[Cosmo] That sounds like a yes!

Let's take Spyclops to new heights!


[Spyclops laughs]

[Red Ranger] That's one huge umbrella!

Better call in the big g*ns!

-Zord Stars! -[all] Lock in!

[all] Activate!

Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Out of the shadows!

[Rangers cheer]

[Red Ranger] Let's form our Megazords, Levi!

Ninja Steel Megazord!

-[Gold Ranger] Bullrider Megazord! -[both] Combine!

Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Steel Megazord, ready!

[Gold Ranger] Bullrider Megazord, ready!

[all] Ninja Super Steel Mode, ready!

[Gold Ranger] That monster messed with my head!

[Red Ranger] It's time to finish this!

[Gold Ranger] Let's take her down!

[Spyclops] Two against one?

[Gold Ranger] You're finished!

[Spyclops] You'll have to do better than that!

[Gold Ranger] Uh oh! Brace yourselves!

[Spyclops laughs]

[Yellow Ranger] We're sitting ducks down here!

[Pink Ranger] Luckily we have a high-flying ace up our sleeves.

-Right, Brody? -[Red Ranger] Right!

Astro Zord Star. Lock in!

Ninja Spin!

[Spyclops] What's that?

Oh! Oh!

[Gold Ranger] Gotcha!

[Red Ranger] Time to join forces!

Ninja Fusionzord, Combine!

Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Fusionzord, ready!

[Red Ranger] Begin Final Attack!

Ninja Spin!

Whoa! This Ninja Super Steel Blaster is epic!

[all] Ninja Fusionzord, Master Slash!

Final Attack!

[Spyclops] Ah! This isn't good!

[Rangers cheer]

[Red Ranger] Show's over! Ninjas win!

[Gold Ranger] If I never see her again, it'll be too soon.

[Red Ranger] Same with that new look of yours!

[Gold Ranger] Hey!

[Preston] She sh**t...

and she misses!

That's more like the Levi we know.

Lookin' good, cowpoke.

Much obliged.

Guys, I should have listened to you.

It was wrong to go along with Jess.

I shouldn't have changed who I am, just to please someone else.

-Especially when they're a monster! -[all laugh]

We like you just the way you are!

You guys are the best.

Victor's coming! Victor's coming!

[student ] Ew!

[student ] I'm outta here!

[student ] Here he comes!

[student ] Take a shower, Victor!

Aw, come on! It's not that bad.

[student ] It's really bad.

Don't worry Victor,

the cowboy cologne will wear off soon!


Why? It's so bad!
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