07x13 - The Librarian

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Barney Miller". Aired: January 23, 1975 – May 20, 1982.*
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Takes place almost entirely within the confines of the detectives' squad room and Captain Barney Miller's adjoining office of New York City's fictional 12th Precinct, located in Manhattan's Greenwich Village.
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07x13 - The Librarian

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr. Zlinka, you said

That your store's been
vandalized like this before.

Oh, a few times, but that's
part of doing business.

Mr. Zlinka, I don't
think that it...

What the heck?


Did you spill something?

Just plastic spilled
milk, sergeant.

Keep forgetting you
own a novelty shop.

Oh, yes.

I like to keep several
samples in my pocket.

People always seem
to enjoy being tricked.

Well, I had fun.

You know, this is our
biggest-selling item.

It's less disgusting
than plastic lumpf,

But it's just as funny.

Mr. Zlinka, would
you mind sitting down

And going over again

What happened in
the shop this morning?

There isn't really very
much to tell, sergeant.

Well, tell me anyway.

Well, see, I was in
the back of my store

When I heard this loud crash.

I walked out to the front.

My window was broken,

And a brick knocked over
my display of dribble glasses.

That's all.

Excuse me.

12Th prec...

12Th precinct. Wo...


For you, sergeant.

It's just kidding.

This is our phony phone...
Always good for a big laugh.

Could we stop
the tricks, please?


Uh, yeah, a 50/50 mix of
salmon canapés and rumaki.

Oh, and, look,

Make sure the shrimp
gets there cold and fresh.

I hate it when they're rubbery.

Uh... No.

Look, I can't tell you
how many squabs I need

Until the guest
list is finalized.

Yeah, I know you need time,

But, look, rsvps
are still coming in.

Okay, look, I promise
I'll let you know by 6:00.

Okay. Bye.

Ha. Caterers... Just
try and deal with them.


Having a party?

Uh, yeah... Tomorrow night.

That's nice.

I mean, it's nothing special...
You know, 35, 40 people.


It's, uh, certainly good to
have those hostages back, huh?


Party for them?

Good morning, gentlemen.

Morning. Barn.


This is werner zlinka.

He owns a shop
over on christopher.

This is captain miller.

Mr. Zlinka.

Call me bob.


I was on my way to work,
and I came across mr. Zlinka

Sweeping up some
glass on the sidewalk.

Somebody had tossed a brick
through his window this morning.

And then they spray-painted
something on his wall there.

I couldn't read what it said.

Just probably some kids.

A new piece of glass,
a little fresh paint...

It'll be fine.

There also was a swastika
painted on the wall.

Are you jewish, mr. Zlinka?


No, I'm not.


Well, anyway, uh...

I've asked him to look
through some mug books.

Maybe he'll spot somebody.

That isn't really
necessary, captain.

It would really help us.

Don't bother with that.

12Th precinct. Captain
miller speaking.


Okay, I'll have
someone right over.

Disturbance at a
library on 6th avenue.

You and harris.

Real funny.

Any luck, mr. Zlinka?

- I'm still looking.
- Okay.

And, captain, would
you mind, please,

A little more coffee?


- How do you take it?
- Black, two sugars, please.

Black, two sugars.

Problem, captain?

Uh, no, no. Two sugars, right?

If it isn't too much trouble.

Here... Black, two sugars.

I normally don't do things like
this, but under the circumstances,

I felt I could
make an exception.

I understand.

This is our disturbance?

Yes, barn. This is
miss louise austin.

She's the assistant librarian
at the 6th avenue branch.

I'm in charge of nonfiction.

She pulled out
this .22 a*t*matic

From behind the checkout counter

And started threatening
several of the patrons.

They were chattering.

When they didn't stop talking,
she fired a shot in the air.

Noise is the only thing
these people understand.

So, by the time we got there,

She was just herding
people out of the library.

I finally had just had enough.

People abusing books,
never returning them on time,

Vagrants sleeping all
day in the reference room,

Using a dictionary for a pillow,

Young people
meeting in the stacks

For romantic interludes

When they could just
as easily read about it.

Uh, miss austin...
That's what I do.

Well, we're very
sympathetic, miss austin,

But I'm afraid we're gonna
have to book you anyway.

Will this take long?

I have storytelling at 3:30.

Why don't you tell your
story to sergeant harris?

Oh, uh, miss austin,

You want to take a seat
right over here, please?

Are you sergeant
harris, ronald n.?

Uh, yeah.

We have your book.

Oh. Do you?

"Blood on the badge,"
364.12 in the crime section.

Well, I certainly hope people
are bringing it back on time.

It's never left.

So if there is nothing
else, I'll be going. Huh?

Yeah, uh...

Mr. Zlinka,

If you have any more
trouble, will you let us know?

I certainly will, sergeant.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

The alarm just went off at
bob's novelty on christopher.

That's me.

It sure is.

Look, mr. Zlinka,

I think you should wait
right here, all right?

Dietrich, you and wojo.

I can't understand why
your book isn't more popular.

Well, i...

Personally, I
liked it very much.

Well, you're too kind.

I especially enjoyed reading

About all those eccentric
characters you bring in.


Although it must be
very difficult for you

Having to deal with
so many of them.

No, not really. We
just write 'em up

And put them in the cage.


Mail gram.

Came in with the usual mail.

Grabbed my attention right away.

Thanks, levitt.

Sir, manpower summaries.

Oh. Thank you, levitt.

Anything going down up here?

Uh, no, it's pretty quiet.

If I may say so, sir, you
look very sharp today.

Thank you.

Try fishing for a
compliment up here.

Ha! Ed's gonna be there!

Pardon me?

Oh, um...

I'm just having a little
get-together tomorrow night,

And ed's gonna be there.

Ed who?

Ed koch.

The mayor?



Well, remember, um...

Remember, I met him

When I worked on the
inauguration detail?


And since then, we've sort
of tried to keep in touch.

Anybody else gonna
be there I might know?

Oh, a few newspaper columnists,

Um... Literary people...

Some studio honchos
from out on the coast.

Sounds like an
interesting evening.

Uh, I'm gonna give a party
for my police friends in april.

I'll keep it open.

So, I hear you're having
a party, sergeant.


Here... Just put this next
to your hors d'oeuvres,

Sit back, and just
wait for their laughs.

Okay, inside.

He's lucky I haven't
done more with him.

Take it easy, now. Take it easy.

Uh, barn, this is stefan beruit.

This is captain miller.

When we got to
mr. Zlinka's store,

Mr. Beruit was putting a couple
more swastikas on the wall.

He admitted harassing zlinka
for the last two months.


He knows.

Barn, uh, mr. Beruit is a gypsy.

You know that word I
told you I couldn't read?

It's "romany."

It means "m*rder*r."

What's going on?

According to mr. Beruit,
mr. Zlinka is a w*r criminal.

I don't know what
he's talking about.

He was at birkenau.


That's the concentration
camp in poland

Built to handle the
overflow from auschwitz.

There was a special
section for gypsies.

I was brought there in 1943
with my father and brothers.

1,000 Other gypsies
were there already.

Those who were strong enough
were put into work details.

We dug canals.

We hauled stones
from the rock quarry.

14 Hours a day in
the cold and snow.

In october,

There were 1,100 men and
women in the work groups.

By spring of 1944,
15 of us were left.

Zlinka was in
charge of our detail.

Is that true?

You... You want a piece of gum?

Why don't you stop that?

I escaped a month later

While I was being
transferred to another camp.

Mr. Zlinka, you
want to have a seat?

We're gonna ask
you to stay awhile.

But, captain, this
is all very silly.

Just have a seat.

Dietrich, you want
to book mr. Beruit?


Usually that's funny.

Uh, mr. Beruit, would you
have a seat over there, please?

Right there.

You don't believe
me, do you, captain?

Why should you?

I am a gypsy.

Everyone knows that we
are all liars and thieves.

We pick your pockets
while we read your palm.

Isn't that right?

Uh, barn?


Um, I checked out
zlinka for priors.

There's nothing here.


And, um, we also contacted
the justice department.

They're gonna send
somebody down.


You don't, uh, mind
that we did that?

No, not at all. I
expected you to.

Usually, you want
us to take it slow...

You know, not go out
of our jurisdiction,

Not get ahead of ourselves.

I would say that this situation

Warrants a certain,
uh, flexibility.

We also called poland.

They're gonna get back to us.

Do you remember me,
scharführer zlinka?

I don't know.

So many people
come into the shop.

I was the young zidi

Who played the
concertina for you

While my people worked.

You said it made time
pass more pleasantly.

Maybe it was
someone else's shop.

Can I help you?

They told me downstairs you
were holding miss austin up here.

That's right.

I'm returning these.

Over there.

Miss austin?


It's me... Neil.



See? My library card.


Mr. Pomerantz.

You really should
have that laminated.

I went to the library
this afternoon

To check out some how-to books

On auto repair
and screenwriting.

They told me you had
become a little upset,

Started sh**ting at people.

Yes, I'm afraid so.

It's my fault.

I drove you to it.

These are all overdue!


Can I help you?

William collins from the justice
department criminal division,

Special office
of investigations.

I'm art.

I was told that you
have a dispute here

Between a gypsy and a n*zi.

That's true. Wait,
I'll get the captain.

So, who's who?

Mr. Collins.

I'm captain miller.

Could you tell me exactly
what the situation is, captain?

Uh... Mr. Beruit
here, it appears,

Was an inmate of a
place called birkenau.

Birkenau was a,
uh... I've been there.


Well, mr. Beruit says that
mr. Zlinka has been there, too,

And he participated
in w*r crimes.

Is there anyone else
in addition to mr. Beruit

Who is making the accusation?

There's no one else
left to accuse him.

Do you have an office, captain?


What about us?

Maybe just wait out here.

Let's call poland again.

Captain, from your
preliminary investigation,

Do you believe
that there is a basis

In further pursuit
of this matter?

Well, we didn't
spend that much...

It's just that we receive

A great many of these
reports every day.

Someone calls and says

That he saw martin
bormann at the automat

Or that dr. Mengele is working

As a credit dentist
in new jersey.

Now, we have to try to
filter out these complaints

That are without merit.

That's why we called you.


That's not to even mention

The dozens of malicious
complaints that we receive.

Someone is angry at
his next-door neighbor,

Who happens to be german,

So he calls and tells us
he's got a n*zi next door.

Now, are you certain

That what mr. Beruit
is saying is the truth?

Well, he seems quite sincere.

It's not just a matter
of sincerity, captain.

It's been 35 to 40 years since
these incidents took place.

Memory, perceptions
become distorted.

I realize that, but...

What we need most of all is
concrete and reliable evidence.

Most importantly, we
need corroboration.

Otherwise, it is just one
man's word against a gypsy's.

I'm afraid your fines are
going to total almost $11.

That's all right.

I spend more than
that on a night out.

Mr. Pomerantz, you
certainly have eclectic taste

In your reading matter.

"The illustrated
guide to good posture,"

"Historical perspectives
on the danish monarchs,"

My story."

I didn't read them.


I don't read any of
the books I take out.

Then why do you take
so long to return them?

I only do that because I know

That, if I keep them
out long enough,

You'll send me one of
your personal little notes

Threatening to
revoke my privileges.

I've saved every one.

I had no idea.

Haven't you ever
wondered why I always sit

In the reference room
across from your desk,

Browsing through the
out-of-town phone books?

I just assumed you
had a lot of friends.

I don't.

Mr. Beruit, this is my card,

And I will be in
contact with you

To set up an appointment
to take your deposition.

Thank you.

Mr. Zlinka, you, of
course, will have the right

To have an attorney
present at the deposition

And to cross-examine mr. Beruit
and any other witnesses.

Thank you. Good afternoon.

Hey, wait a minute.

Why can't we deal
with this right now?

Sergeant, we are
still at the point

Of unsubstantiated allegations.

When and if we obtain
corroborating evidence,

We will go to the
district court,

And we will commence
denaturalization proceedings,

Which, if successful,

Will be followed by a hearing
before an immigration judge.

And we will petition

For the removal of mr. Zlinka's
alien-resident status,

Culminating in his
deportation to his native land.

Figure about a week for that?

Barney? Excuse me.

Barney, I just got off the phone

With the american
embassy in warsaw.

That's my job.


They contacted the
polish government archives.

They do have camp
records from birkenau,

Including a staff roster

Which lists a
sergeant zlinka, w.,

Who was stationed there
through august of 1944

When the final liquidation
of the camp was ordered...

And approximately 4,000
gypsies were gassed.

You were there, weren't you?

That's why you didn't
want to come down here.

That's why you keep playing
those stupid jokes all the time.


I assume I'm free
to go now, captain?

Hey, there must be
some explanation.

There must be some reason
why you did what you did.

I'm an old man who would
just like to be left alone.

Well, you won't be.

You got to say something!

You're free to go, mr. Zlinka.

What?! We're not holding him?

This is not a criminal
matter, sergeant.

It isn't?

No. It is criminal
when it gets to poland.

Here, it is simply an
immigration matter.

We have documented evidence now.

We're talking about 4,000
people who were m*rder*d.

Ron, your caterer's on line 2.


Take the call.

- But, barney...
- Take the call.

There's nothing more we can do.

Excuse me.

As I said... Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Can I offer you a ride
someplace, mr. Zlinka?

It's "bob."

Okay, we can go now, mr. Beruit.

I've finished
booking mr. Beruit.

I'm gonna check him for priors

And take him down
for pictures and prints.

I'm sorry.

You did what you could.

We're going.

There is one more
thing I feel I must say.


I have over 700 parking tickets.

It's okay.

Come on, mr. Beruit.


Barn? Woj?

You two, uh, free
tomorrow night?

I think I can make it.

Yeah, sure.

All right.

Uh, yeah, make that
two more squabs.

Uh, dietrich.

Make it three.

Well, I guess I really
should be going now.

The movie starts at 6:30.

I'm an usher.


I say "shh" a lot, too.

You know...

I'll bet you look very
impressive with your flashlight.

I suppose I do.

So, uh, what happens to you now?

Well, I believe I'm
going to be transferred

To another
facility this evening.

And then, tomorrow morning,

I have to appear before the
judge and have my bail set.

So, then, you're
free tomorrow night?

Did you have something in mind?

Well, that guy over
there is giving a party.
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