05x08 - Loan Shark

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Barney Miller". Aired: January 23, 1975 – May 20, 1982.*
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Takes place almost entirely within the confines of the detectives' squad room and Captain Barney Miller's adjoining office of New York City's fictional 12th Precinct, located in Manhattan's Greenwich Village.
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05x08 - Loan Shark

Post by bunniefuu »

What are you looking at?

Oh, just some old pictures.

That's my graduation
picture from the academy.


Uh, which one are you?

I'm the one in the back.

No, no, on the right side.

Behind the plants.

Oh, right.

You know, it was 20 years
ago yesterday I became a cop.

Hey, congratulations.

It's okay. It was yesterday.

I guess you must have

A lot of great memories
and anecdotes, huh, nick?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Now listen. I'm a
legitimate pawn broker.

We've, uh, gotten some reports

Of increased loan
sharking activities

Why would I know anything?

Well, I mean, you
do have a history

Of making loans at rather,
uh, whimsical interest rates.

I don't force anybody
to do business with me.

They come to see me

Because the banks and
the finance companies

Won't touch them.

I see.

You know, I get a
lot of you people.

- Pardon me?
- Cops.

They're always coming and
pawning g*ns, gold badges.

Anything to get some money.

Nice rings.

Nick, didn't I ask you to do
something about that board?

Yeah, but you didn't specify.

I think what I had in mind

Was putting it in some
sort of rational order.

I mean, look at it.

There are suspects up there
we captured two years ago,

Memos out of date, one
circular covering another.

Look at that.

I like to think of
it as a collage.

Just take care of it.

Oh, uh, barney, I've
got nicholas dellarosa.

He owns that
pawnshop over on 14th.

Claims he's completely unaware
of any loan-shark activities.

Dellarosa... Dellarosa...

I am a law-abiding member
of the merchants community.

Of course.

Wasn't it last year
that mr. Dellarosa

Was arrested for receiving
stolen merchandise?


Look, I try to check.
People bring me things.

I ask them, "you didn't
steal that, did you?"

They say no.

What more can I do?

How conscientious of you.

Yeah, I got it.

Barn, disturbance
over on lexington.

All right, you and dietrich.

Am I free to go now?

Do we have any further need
of mr. Dellarosa's presence?

No, barn, we know
where to find him.

Thank you for coming
down, mr. Dellarosa.

We really appreciate
your cooperation.

My pleasure.

Look forward to seeing
you both real soon.

Lovely watch.

Jewelry fetish.

Butcher... That's what you are.

You are a cretin.

All right, all right,

There's no need to
indulge in name-calling.

What do we got?

Got a couple of bozos here.

They were fighting
over on lexington.

George willis, leo fallon.

He was trying to
mutilate my body.

I was trying to give
him a piece of art,

A thing of beauty.

Such as?


Mr. Fallon here
runs a tattoo parlor

Over this porno shop.

I told you. It's a studio.

Who cares?

Apparently, mr. Willis
was in the middle

Of getting a tattoo when
he had second thoughts.

And he wouldn't take it off.

These are not decals, buddy.

When he first started
doing it, I just had no idea

How disgusting
this thing really is.

I mean, look at that.


There's supposed to
be a "e-r" on it, you know?

I figured out for myself,
thank you very much.

What about the as*ault
thing? Who's charging?

It's mutual.

All right, dietrich, do
you want to take mr...

All right, mr. Willis,
have a seat over here.

Yeah, mr. Fallon, you
can sit over there.

Thank you.

Oh, we confiscated
his dyes and needles.

Artistic repression.

I told you...

Tattooing is illegal
in new york city.

A tattoo is a work of art,
and it's protected from laws,

Like a painting or a
piece of sculpture.

Not in this town, it ain't.

And if you saw michelangelo
painting the creation,

I suppose you'd arrest him, too.

If he was doing it on
someone's body, yeah.

Have a seat, mr. Fallon.
I'll be with you in a second.

I saw so many guys in the
service get those things.

Yeah, I bet.

Paying some guy to burn
a picture on your body...

Now, that's sick.

Well, to each his own.

Pretty grotesque, right, barn?

Well, I haven't really
given it much thought.

I mean, if you think about it.

All right, if
you insist, I will.

You will what?

Think about tattoos.

Oh, no, i...

Why don't you just
tag this stuff, wojo?

See, that's the
kind of guy that I am.

I go whichever
way the wind blows.

Like, sometimes, in
the middle of the day,

I'll jump on a bus and go
right down to atlantic city,

Just like that.


I know I look
pretty conservative,

But underneath all of
this, I'm a pretty flaky guy.

I just try and keep
that a secret. That's all.



Good cover.

I'm gonna put you
in the cage now.

- Where?
- In the cage.

Oh. You know something?

You'd look great

With an american eagle
across your chest.

- No, thanks.
- Oh, the girls love tattoos.

Gives them something
different to look at.

Yeah, I ain't had
any complaints.

Nick, can't you do that outside?

It's illegal outside.

Uh, barney, I went
through the files

And found, uh, some
possible suspects

Who worked down on the
docks, but nothing definite.

Take a run down there,
see what you can find out.


That an opinion?

Oh, no. I was just
bringing up some chalk.

Okay, I give up, nick.

Where'd you put the
current arrest file?

Nick, we're out of coffee.

Hey, come on, nick.

No coffee.

Oh, really?

I'm sure you'd love to have
me make you some more.

And I know you fellas want me
to file your records for you,

But as it happens, I'm
gonna have a little lunch.

I might have my shoes shined.

I got a horse in the third
race called disco danny,

And I'm gonna put
$20 right on his nose

To commemorate the 20 years
that I served on this force.

And I'll be back later.

And if the horse wins...

Possibly much later.

Uncharacteristic behavior.

He usually never says
more than two words.

Uh, wojo, I'd say that
pretty much was two words.

Harris still out?


Nick's not back yet, either.


I guess he just got
tired of being the one

That had to do the
piddly junk around here...

Fixing the coffee, taking
care of the roster board.

Yesterday was his
anniversary, too.

What anniversary?

20 Years on the force.

Well, I would have appreciated
if someone had told me.

It was 20 years ago yesterday.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Finished tagging
that tattoo stuff.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

November 2, 1993.

In case I'm still here.

I'll make a note of
that on my calendar.

It's a strange
custom, tattooing.


Some people consider it

An atavistic reversion to
an earlier primitive state.

Others submit to it
because of peer pressure.

There's probably other
reasons I haven't thought of.

I seem to be carrying on
the bulk of this conversation.

It's okay. I'm used to it.

All my life I had
to. I don't mind.

Well, I'm gonna go check
those guys for priors.

Good idea.

All right, come on.
Inside here, turner.

Man, what are you
hassling me for?

I'm just trying to
keep off welfare.

Very commendable.

This is our loan shark?

Yeah, it's one of them, barney.

Leland turner, age 14.

14. I'm captain miller, turner.

Hey, man, everybody gonna
be honkies from now on?


Oh, barney, I spoke to a
couple of the dockworkers,

And master turner's name came up

In a number of
the conversations.

I found him down near pier
70 waving this pipe at a wino.

Well, look, he
missed two payments.

What would you do?

He was also carrying this.

It's just over $7,000.


Disgusting, isn't it?

Look... Look, those
are my operating funds.

I want a receipt for that.

Get a preliminary statement.

See if you can find his family.

Okay, junior, come on.
Have a seat over there.

Oh, man, what
about my phone call?

You don't get one.

What about my lawyer?

You don't get one.

I'm afraid, as a juvenile,

You have very few
rights, mr. Turner.

Well, then, what do I get?

An ice-cream cone
if you're very nice.

Hey, mr. Harris...

Try that with the
ice-cream cone.

Kids... They say the
darndest things.

Sit down!

Oh, hi, nick.

Hi, harris.

Well, I'm back.

Nick, if you care
to talk, I've got...

Hold his calls.

I guess you can't blame you cops

For being the way you are

When you got to live like this.

Full name?

Mohammad x.

What happened to turner?

That's a sl*ve name.
You can have it.

Mine's mohammad x.

How do you spell that?


Thank you.

So, this is it, huh?

This is what?

The office.

You've been here before.

Just briefly. Not
like wojo and harris.

They spend the better
part of the day here.

Because your conduct
never required it.

Till now.

Nick, I swear to you,

If I knew that
yesterday was 20 years...

No, no, no. That's not it.

What I want is my
contribution to this squad

Is recognized and respected.

Come on, you know
I depend on you

For 100 different things.

Coffee, filing, spring cleaning.


But also for your experience,

Your sense of humor that
gets us through the day,

Your composure.

Why don't you mention
it once in a while?

All right, I will.

You know, I wasn't
coming back here today.

Why did you?

Mostly because I felt a sort
of special obligation to you

On account of all the
time we've worked together

And the high regard
I have for you.

Thank you.

And besides, disco danny
blew it in the stretch.


I have a number of residences.

Wherever you're wintering.

546 East 23rd.

Is that where your parents live?


Where can I reach your father?

Try calling attica any time
between 9:00 a.m. And 1981.

What about your mother?

This time of day, I'd
say you could find her

Around 44th and broadway.

Hey, look, don't go
sighing for me, brother.

I got $7,000 sitting
in that safe.

You got $7,000?

I got a lincoln
continental. You got one?

Eh, they guzzle gas.

So, level with me, man.

What are you
pulling, $20,000 a year?

I don't think that's
any of your concern.

Place of birth?

Less than that, huh?

Hey, look, I need
your place of birth.


Look, junior, I'm asking
the questions here.

Born in newark.



That's not bad.

Thank you.

Hey, hey, hey.

Is that including bribes?

Oh, yeah.


Fallon had some previous
citations for the parlor.

Other than that,
they're both clean.

All right.

Just relax, nick.

Gentlemen, sergeant
dietrich informs me

That you both have
relatively spotless records.

Of course.

Well, as soon as we
issue another citation

For your parlor, mr. Fallon,

It would appear to me that
both of you could leave,

Were it not for the
outstanding as*ault charges.

I'll forget it if you'll
just get this thing off.

How many times do
I have to tell you?

They don't come off.

Of course, there are
methods to remove them.

Oh, yeah?

Sure. Tell him.

Well, a tattoo can
be treated with acid,

Usually carbolic or sulfuric.

Yeah, you want to burn it off?

There must be another way.

Well, there's surgery.

Partial incision to fold
back the flap of the skin

And scrape the
ink from the tissue.

Oh, my god.

Or a tattoo can simply
be sliced off and...

All right, dietrich.

I think we understand
the alternatives.

Can't you see you're
upsetting mr. Willis?

Sorry if I was unduly graphic.

Listen, maybe I'll
just keep it, okay?

Fine. Mr. Fallon,
what about you?

He wants to walk
around the rest of his life

With "moth" on his
arm, it's okay with me.

All right. Write them
up. Turn them loose.


Barn, I finished
processing turner.

The wino wasn't really injured,

So I figured I'd
call it as*ault 2.

The d.a. Will probably
recommend family court.

Whatever you think is best.

Neither of his parents
is exactly available,

So I'm gonna run
him up to spofford.


What gets me, barn, is...

Turner... I mean,
he's not a stupid kid.

He's just a smart-mouthed
little kid who could go either way.

Reminds you a little of
yourself at his age, huh?

No, barney.

Oh, well, I meant...

I was always as you see me now.

Beg your pardon.

What are you staring at, h*nky?

"h*nky"? That has an
interesting etymology.

It was coined by
blacks in the 1950s

In reference to the
nasal tone of caucasians.

Hey, man, don't mess
with me, all right?

Okay, let's go, turner.

You talking to me?

Yeah, we're taking a
trip up to the bronx.

I'm going to spofford, huh?

Familiar with the

Yeah, man, I was there last
year for about half a second.

You know, turner,

You didn't get
$7,000 being stupid.

I mean, you got something
going for you up here.


So you got a chance to get out,

A chance to make something
good out of your life.

Man, you're not
gonna do it this way.

Hey, you want to
drive my continental?

You know, give yourself
a thrill, brother.

Hey, listen to me,
you little twerp.

What good is your
car and your money

When you're doing
time in the slammer?

Yeah, well, that's better
than sucking up 9:00 to 5:00

To some whitey.

Hey, listen, I don't
suck up to anybody.

Well, you got to suck up,

'Cause if you don't, they
don't throw you your bread.

A child who ain't got
his own, he ain't nothing.

I don't care what you
think of me or what I do,

But you are headed nowhere fast.

And you still got nothing.

I may not have money,

But I got something
that you will never have.

Oh, yeah? What's that?


Say what?

You remember this, short stuff.

You are just another loser

Until you can sign for
something with dignity.

Come on. Move out. Come on.

Uh... I made some coffee.

Oh, yeah?

Try a cup?


You know, uh, sometimes people
work together for a long time,

And they never ever
say how they really feel.


No sugar.


So, uh... So, I want you to know

That I feel really lucky
to be working with you.

I mean it. I learn
a lot from you.


Here goes.

Not too good, huh?

All these years, I
thought it was me.

Hey, you can both go.


I'm stuck with it now.

Hey, I could finish it.

Finish it?

And outline it in magenta.
It'll look fantastic.

I don't know.

And anyway, they've
got all your needles.

I got some old
needles at the studio.

Okay, but just a quick "e-r."


So what if they're not electric?

Uh, barn...

Would you like to try
some polish coffee?

Oh, hey. Right.

Do you want me to get
rid of this stuff, barn?

Uh, yeah, sure.

Pretty good.

Welcome back, nick.

I bet one of these things hurts.

A little.

I got a tattoo.

No kidding.

Well, we were 15 years old.

It was v.e. Day.

Just celebrating.

A few beers too many, you know.

I see.

I'm not about to sit around
feeling guilty about it

30 Years later.

It would seem counterproductive,
to say the least.

The least.

Uh... Where'd you get it?

Asbury park.

No, I mean, where?

Oh. Under there.

What's it say?

Just a "v" and an "e."

Little rose under it.

Very tasteful.

You know, you had to
appreciate the atmosphere,

The excitement, the comradery.

You know, the w*r was over.

We just wanted to do something
to remember it, you know?

Yeah, right.

All right, before we
close the subject forever,

Are there any other questions?

Did you get one for v.j. Day?

Me, either.
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