05x16 - Florence Meets Mr. Right

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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05x16 - Florence Meets Mr. Right

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

That hill ♪
get up
♪ just to

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't
nothin' wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪♪

Mirror, mirror
on the wall,

Who's the fairest
of them all?

I'll give you a hint.

It ain't snow white.

Florence! Florence!

Oh, florence,
you've got to see
what I picked up today.

I ain't got time.
He'll be here any minute.

Calm down. Sometimes
it's fashionable to
keep a man waiting.

Not when you been waitin'
for the man years.

This buzz thatcher
must really be something.

He sure is, mrs. Jefferson.
If buzz was meat,
he'd be steak.

And if he was steak,
he'd be filet mignon.

And if he was filet
mignon, he'd be...
$ . A pound.

He sounds delicious.
Where did you meet him?
The butcher shop?

In church.

When I first laid eyes
on buzz, he was prayin'.

That's a good sign.

Well, I like to
give my prayers
a little help

With something
like this.

Hey, that's quite
a conversation piece.

I didn't buy it
for conversation.

It's amazing how
a flimsy little thing
like this

Can keep a body
so warm.


I better
check on dinner
before I get dressed.

You're in a hurry.
I'll do that.

Take this
into the bedroom.

I don't want george
to check out
the merchandise

Before he checks out
the merchandise.

Get away
from that mirror!

You don't need
no more bad luck!

I know.
I already got you.


Oh, hello, george.
How was your day?

Good, bad and ugly.

Business was good.
Traffic was bad.
Then there was florence.

How come the table's
set for four?

Florence invited
her new boyfriend
for dinner.

Why is she
dragging him over?

She wants us
to get to know him.

Have him send
a resume.

When I eat,
I like my turkey
on the plate,

Not sitting
next to me.

You haven't even
met the man.

I have met the woman.

All florence's boyfriends
are losers.

Does this color
suit me?

It's loud, ain't it?

Mrs. Jefferson,
please zip me up.

Florence, this dress
will knock your man
right off his feet.

And if it don't,
your cookin' will.

What time's this chump coming?

Any minute.
And don't call him a chump.

He's smart, kind, sensitive,
and an upstanding christian.

He goes to church
every day.

If you were
my woman,
I'd pray, too.

[Doorbell rings]

That's buzz!
Would you open
the door?

Why can't you?

I don't want him
to think I'm desperate.

Before he leaves.

Guess what?

You threw
your back out again.

I was doing
sit ups.


To strengthen
my back.

Oh, my!
What lovely
shoes, florence.

You should see
the rest of me.

He is in
enough pain

George, get off
florence's back.

And on to mine.

Hurry up!
What will
buzz think?

I'll charge him a quarter
and tell him this is a ride.

Expecting a date,

Not just a date.
the date.


What's the matter?
You met him?

My back just
snapped into place.

Now you can
snap back home.

Next time,
do your sit ups
standing up.

That's good advice.
Good luck, florence.

You don't want
to be late, bentley.

I'm spending
tonight alone.

You don't want
to keep yourself waiting.

Don't you think
that was rude?

[Doorbell rings]

No, but watch this.

Buzz off!

Buzz thatcher, actually.
Is florence home?

You ain't
bad lookin'.

I got the wrong

No, no, buzz.
Come on in.

Don't mind
mr. Jefferson.

He don't get practice
giving compliments.

Florence always
talks about you.

She does?

We hope you'll
have dinner with us

Buzz, this is
mrs. Jefferson.

Welcome to our home.

Thank you very much.

What a lovely home
you've made for yourselves.

We've been
very fortunate.

Praise the lord.

And dirty clothes.

Would you like
a drink?

I don't drink.

The book of proverbs says,

"Look not upon
the wine in the cup,

For it biteth
like a serpent."

Sounds like you been
buying the cheap stuff.

I'll have what
you're having, george.

I'll have wine.

That couldn't hurt.

Lips that touch wine
will never touch mine.

Cancel my order.

Where do you work,

At the post office.

In the section
that delays mail

Or the section
that loses it?

I'm a mailman.

That's why florence gave me
her stamp of approval.

[Clears throat]

Florence tells me
you're in the cleaning business.

is next to godliness.

In my case, it's next to
dave's discount records.

I get to hear
the bee gees all day.

♪ Stayin' alive,
stayin' alive ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah
stayin'... ♪

I take it you're not
a bee gees fan.

I don't even know
what a gee bee is.

It's bee gee.
I'll play one
of their records.

I only listen
to christian music.

Much of today's music
is the devil's work.

Buzz has
high standards.

What's he doing
hangin' around you?

I've never met a more charming
and upright woman.

Every time I see her,
she's lying down.

Listen, buster.
He said I'm charming.

Mr. Jefferson
is your employer.

Don't speak to him
that way.

You hear that,

If you say so, buzz.

Hot damn!

Nobody's ever
put a muzzle
on florence.

I'm troubled about
that word you used.


The four-letter one.


With all respect,
must you use that word?

You know a better one?

Words like that
are blasphemous.

I could say "hot darn,"
but I'd be thinkin' "damn."

George, I want
to show you something
in the kitchen.


What's so important
in the kitchen?

The corner
you'll sleep in tonight

If you don't come
right away.

Be back in a minute,

What do you want?

What do you
think of him?

He's exactly
what florence
was lookin' for...

A cross between
billy dee williams
and billy graham.

What do you think?

Something about him
bothers me.

But he don't drink,
swear, or listen
to music.

That's what I mean.
He's not normal.

Neither is florence.


What was that?

Sounds like
minnie mouse.

Florence, what is it?

We got good news
and bad news.

Florence isn't
working here

What's the bad news?

That is the bad news.

The good news is,
we're getting married!

Oh, mrs. Jefferson!


Hey, weezy.
I got the cake.

What kind is it?

Angel food.

Perfect for buzz.

Well, I guess
I'm ready.

Oh, florence,
you look lovely.

Yeah, you sure do.

Comin' from you,
that's a compliment.

Comin' from you,
that's a miracle.

How do you like
your cake?

buzz and florence."

It's beautiful!

Get some plates.

Florence shouldn't work
at her own wedding shower.

You're right.

Why should today
be different from
any other day?

I got something
for you, mrs. Jefferson.

These are your
favorite earrings.

I wanted you
to have them.

Buzz doesn't like me
to wear jewelry.

He says the body
is the lord's temple,

And jewelry
don't belong there.

Are you sure
you're not rushing
into this wedding?

At my age,
I got gotta rush.

I want to get married

While I can still walk
down the aisle.

I'll miss you,

I'll miss you, too.

[Doorbell rings]

That must be our new maid.

Were you this excited
when I came?


What happened?

You showed up.

Mr. Jefferson,
I'm betty clark,
the new maid.

Come in.

I'll take your coat.

This is my wife, louise.


How do you do?

She does fine
as long as she's
married to me.

This is
florence johnston,
the old maid.

He means
former maid.

I want to get
right to work.

Now that's a maid.

Florence, show
betty around.

What would you
like to see first?

Start with the big things
I'll have to worry about.

This is his mouth.


I'll show you the kitchen.

While you're out there,

Have an apple, betty.

Get it?

If you show me where it is.

Never mind.

How can anybody
have such a bad
sense of humor?

I've asked myself that
for years.

Your sense of humor
ain't that bad.

[Doorbell rings]

Mr. Jefferson, please!

I forgot.
That's your job.

Yes sirree, mr. Jefferson.

We're here
for the shower.

But I haven't
cleaned it yet.

That's good.

Come in, everybody.

Mr. Bentley.
Hello, tom.

Thank you, betty.

Yes sirree,
mrs. Jefferson.

would you bring
the champagne in?

Yes sirree,
mr. Jefferson.

A pin!
You could have
gotten stuck.

I think I been
stuck already.

Oh, florence!
There you are!


We're very happy
for you.

We'll miss you.
How long has it been?

Four years.

tempus fugit.

Watch your language
when buzz comes.

He don't like swearin'.

I wonder how
marriage feels.

Being married
is no big thing.


I mean, marriage
shouldn't change you.

My older sister
married a sailor.

They moved away
for several years.

When she returned
to the house,

Nobody recognized her.

She changed
that much?

No. We didn't
live there anymore.

[Doorbell rings]

It's him!

Wait till you see him!

You'll like him because
he's kind, gentle...

Answer the door,
or he'll be gone.

Hello, buzz.

Hello, florence.
Praise the lord.

Come in.

Florence, would you
introduce your fiancé?

All right.
this is him!

Buzz thatcher,
meet harry bentley

And tom and helen willis.

Take a napkin.

Your furniture
would be hard
to replace.

Oh, yeah?
You wouldn't.

Yes sirree,
mr. Jefferson.

How about a toast?

Great idea!

[Clears throat]

My best man proposed this toast
on our wedding day.

May the bed
in your hotel room...

Tom, not that one.
Even you turned red.

That must have been
an improvement.

I get tired
just watching her.

May your voyage together
be full of happiness.

May the waters
on your sea of matrimony
be forever tranquil.

And may the sails...

dock the ship.


You and florence
make a handsome couple.

Beauty is only skin deep.

It's not important
in the lord's eyes,
is it, florence?


Florence, why don't you
open your presents?

Ain't this nice?

The lord
has blessed us.

I don't think
there's a present
there from him.

That's from us.

Thank you,
mr. And mrs. Willis.

Our very own bible!

It's a special edition

From tom's
publishing house.

Psalm , verse

"The lord gave the word,

And great was the company
of those that published it."

That certainly
is appropriate.

You made a mistake.

It's verse number .

Dear, don't correct me
in front of others.

A woman's duty is
to honor her husband.

Pay attention, weezy.

Find something else
to do!

Yes sirree,
mr. Jefferson!

Yes sirree, mr. Jefferson.

That one's from me.

A hindu friend
suggested it.

It's a hindu design
symbolizing love.


A culture
which creates such beauty

Is so unaware
of our lord's ways.

Until these people
accept the true light,

They're doomed to hell.

And my friend is such
a nice fellow, too.

It's beautiful.
I'll hang it right up.

I don't know that
we'll have room
for it, florence.

Buzz means
that at the moment,

All we can afford
is his bachelor apartment.

But the lord
will provide.

I could get a job,
and we could save
for a house.

I don't want
my wife to work.

You're marryin'
the right woman.

I meant...

I said no.

A wife's place
is in the home.

In the home,
there is one master.


The good book says,

"The head of the woman
is the man."


this is from
george and me.

Oh, mrs. Jefferson!

It's beautiful!

Do you like it, buzz?

Put it back
in the box.

Don't you like it?

Put it back.


Put the damn thing
back in the box!

It's ok, buzz.

We all know
you were thinkin' "darn."

Forgive me, my friends,
for my blasphemy.

You can exchange it,

You should do that.


Only a sinner
would wear that.

Weezy's got one
just like it.

So have i.

I mean, I bought one
for a lady friend.

Tom, I'm thirsty.
Come with me.

Well, i...

I'm a bit
parched, myself.

Buzz, I only meant...

You meant
to corrupt my florence
with this garment.

You're a sinful woman!

Wait, chump.

Sit down!

And don't call my man
a chump.

Now look here, chump.

How dare you
call me that?

I'll call you
anything I want.

And I'll wear
anything I want.

I thought you were
my angel.

When you called
this sweet woman a sinner,

You lost your wings.

This woman is a saint.
Look who she married!

She has more christian charity
in her finger

Than you got
in your whole body.

I thought you were
a decent christian.

In the scriptures,
you'll find the words...

You know
all the words.

You just don't know
what they mean.

The engagement is off!

Hot damn!

And I didn't
mean "darn."


Oh, florence,
I'm sorry.

That dreamboat
should have sunk
long ago.

I was in love
with the idea
of getting married.

We still have
a reason to celebrate!

I'll get the napkins.

Hold it!

I'm only doing
what a maid
should do.

Here's what a maid
should do.

Florence, I need
a drink.

Me, too.
Make mine
a double.


I'll finish out the day,

But I just can't
stay here.

Are you quittin'?

Yes sirree.
It's crazy to pay
a maid to do nothing.

She called me crazy.
You believe that?

Yes sirree, mr. Jefferson!

the jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.

♪ Movin' on up ♪♪
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