05x167 - The Flower of Nightmares Scatters: The Queen of Darkness Returns

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x167 - The Flower of Nightmares Scatters: The Queen of Darkness Returns

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: I am that which envelops all.

Sailor Moon: And I am the soldier born from the love of all.

Sailor Moon: Eternal...

DR.Tomoe: Hey, hey, you're in a good mood today aren't you?

DR.Tomoe: Did you have a nice dream? What kind of dream?

DR.Tomoe: Maybe something your Daddy wouldn't understand?

Sailor Pluto: Hotaru, I have come for you.

Sailor Moon: Nice weather!

Sailor Mars: Usagi!

Sailor Mars: Hurry up!

Luna: We're gonna go without you!

Sailor Moon: OKAY!

Sailor Jupiter: What are you so upbeat about?

Sailor Moon: Because I'm happy!

Sailor Moon: I can wear the Juuban High School uniform I've been admiring.

Sailor Moon: Besides, being together with all of you is the best!

Sailor Venus: Yeah! I finally get to go to the same high school as you guys!

Sailor Venus: Minako is so happy!

Sailor Moon: Minako-chan...

Sailor Venus: You're gonna take the make-up tests with me, right?

Sailor Moon: Oh, now we can get low scores together!

Sailor Jupiter: But it was so hard... studying for high school entrance exams!

Sailor Mars: We are free from all that now. We can have fun from now on!

Luna: But Rei-chan's high school is different from yours...

Regular Dialogue: That's right! No entrance exams, just an "escalator system!"

Sailor Mars: Hey, don't say that! Your pain is my pain too!

Sailor Mercury: Anyway, we've become high school students, so we get more time for ourselves.

Sailor Jupiter: And for the first time, we can get a part-time job...

Sailor Venus: Yeah! I can join any club I want and go to tons of idol auditions!

Sailor Moon: For real! And when I turn , I can get married...

Sailor Venus: Yeah, yeah...

Diana: Hey everybody!

Tuxedo Mask: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Sailor Mars: Mamoru-san!

Sailor Jupiter: What's going on, Chibi-Usa-chan? Why are you carrying a backpack?

Sailor Moon: So, would you like to say goodbye to everybody?

Chibi Moon: Yes! Today, I, the Small Lady Tsukino Usagi, am returning to the th Century with Diana.

Regular Dialogue: Ehhh?

Neherenia: Wonderful silence.

Neherenia: Time and light are frozen, and beauty is maintained forever in this world.

Neherenia: This could be the world I have been looking for.

Galaxia: Oh, magnificent queen!

Neherenia: Who's there?

Galaxia: It's so sad that your beauty is trapped within this confining darkness.

Neherenia: Who are you to disturb my rest?

Galaxia: All I can say is that I will grant your wishes.

Neherenia: Wishes?

Galaxia: Now, I can break the seal that holds you here.

Neherenia: Seal?

Neherenia: What's this?

Chibi Moon: Everybody, thanks for seeing me off!

Sailor Mercury: Visit again soon!

Sailor Jupiter: We'll be waiting for you!

Luna: Diana, please take care of Chibi-Usa-chan.

Sailor Mars: Say hello to the King and the Queen.

Sailor Venus: Be careful on your way home. Hey, Artemis...

Artemis: Diana! Be carefublghh!

Diana: Father!

Sailor Venus: My, my...

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa, do you have everything?

Tuxedo Mask: Come visit again soon.

Chibi Moon: Right!

Chibi Moon: Thanks, everybody!

Chibi Moon: Time align for me, and open the gate across time and space.

Chibi Moon: I call upon the power of Chronos to bring me safely through time.

Chibi Moon: Ruler and Guardian of Time, guide and protect me!

Neherenia: What is that light?

Galaxia: Look, your enemies have not been vanquished.

Neherenia: Im... Impossible!

Neherenia: They should have died in that fall!

Neherenia: They can't be alive. They can't be alive!

Galaxia: It's true.

Neherenia: What is your purpose? Why do you wake me and show me this?

Galaxia: Would you rather not have known?

Galaxia: Those who sealed you here are alive and well.

Neherenia: I was not successful? Not even one of my plans was fulfilled?

Galaxia: Oh, pitiable queen of the new moon!

Galaxia: With your beautiful black hair and enviable golden eyes...

Galaxia: This time, you should be the true queen of that blue planet.

Galaxia: For sealing you into this frozen darkness...

Galaxia: ...can you allow them to go free?

Galaxia: I am sure you despise them. Those who left you here...

Galaxia: ...are living their lives now with love and happiness.

Neherenia: I won't forgive them. I won't forgive them.

Neherenia: I won't forgive them. I won't forgive them.

Neherenia: I won't forgive them. I won't forgive them. I won't forgive them. I won't forgive them.


Neherenia: What's this?

Galaxia: That is your spirit. It has formed from your thoughts of hatred and revenge.

Neherenia: My spirit?

Galaxia: Now, you should break the mirror.

Galaxia: If you break it, you can take everything and have your revenge.

Neherenia: Revenge?

Galaxia: When you break your mirror...

Galaxia: ...wherever the shards land there will be great terror for all that the White Moon people love.

Galaxia: So you must break that mirror.

Galaxia: Break it. Break it.

Galaxia: Break it. Break it NOW!

Galaxia: Now, you will not be able to escape this glass nightmare a second time!

Chibi Moon: See you later...

Sailor Jupiter: sh**ting stars!

Sailor Venus: Beautiful...

Tuxedo Mask: That's odd, to have so many...

Sailor Mercury: It's a little too much.

Sailor Mars: What could this mean?

Tuxedo Mask: Ow!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Tuxedo Mask: I got something in my eye.

Sailor Moon: Let me see...

Tuxedo Mask: It's okay. It's already gone.

Tuxedo Mask: What's wrong?

Tuxedo Mask: Well, let's go see Chibi-Usa off.

Chibi Moon: What's this?

Chibi Moon: Oh no...

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa, what happened?

Chibi Moon: I don't know!

Diana: Can't we go home now?

Chibi Moon: The path... somehow it disappeared!

Sailor Venus: Could it be because of those sh**ting stars?

Artemis: That could be it. Their energy might be interfering.

Sailor Jupiter: Anyway, you can go home when the sh**ting stars stop.

Sailor Mercury: That's right. Cheer up.

Chibi Moon: Okay...

Sailor Uranus: You really like it here.

Sailor Neptune: Watching this makes me feel calm. I could do it forever.

Sailor Uranus: As for me, I feel most calm when I am gripping a steering wheel.

Sailor Neptune: Dummy, I wasn't talking about the fish.

Sailor Uranus: So, you wanted to talk?

Sailor Neptune: Incredible sh**ting stars!

Sailor Uranus: Yeah, really impressive!

Sailor Neptune: Earlier I felt some dark energy coming from around the moon...

Sailor Uranus: A new enemy?

Sailor Neptune: I don't know...

Sailor Neptune: It disappeared too quickly...

Sailor Uranus: It must be that the Earth's gravity has caught a lot of fragments.

Sailor Neptune: You sure are optimitsic today.

Sailor Uranus: Michiru, if they don't show up on your mirror,

Sailor Uranus: they must not be very powerful.

Sailor Neptune: Are you joking?

Sailor Uranus: That's not it, I just believe...

Sailor Uranus: ...in you.

Sailor Neptune: Sheesh...

Sailor Uranus: It stopped!

Sailor Neptune: What?

Regular Dialogue: Ow!

Regular Dialogue: That hurt!

Regular Dialogue: Are you okay?

Sailor Uranus: What the...

Sailor Neptune: Haruka!

Sailor Uranus: Something stung me...

Sailor Neptune: Let me see.

Sailor Neptune: It looks like a shard of glass!

Sailor Uranus: Drop it, Michiru!

Sailor Uranus: Who are you?!

Sailor Uranus: It looks like the darkness you saw in your mirror has just been explained.

Sailor Neptune: Is this the time for jokes?

Sailor Uranus: Sorry.

Neherenia: I feel it, the power surge of the people of the White Moon.

Sailor Uranus: Who are you?

Neherenia: People of the White Moon, I will k*ll you all! Prepare yourselves!

Sailor Neptune: I feel a strong negative energy.

Neherenia: Now attack them, my Mirror Palais Dollies!

Sailor Pluto: Dead Scream

Sailor Uranus: You are...

Sailor Neptune: It can't be...

Sailor Uranus: Is it you? Is it really you, Sailor Pluto?

Sailor Neptune: How can you...

Sailor Pluto: There is a great distortion in the timeline.

Sailor Neptune: Distortion?

Sailor Uranus: That child, is it Hotaru?

Sailor Pluto: I took her from Professor Tomoe for a little while.

Sailor Uranus: Why?!

Sailor Pluto: The time is drawing near. We will need her power then.

Sailor Pluto: I don't have time to explain right now.

Sailor Uranus: It's time to fight again.

Sailor Neptune: That is our destiny.

Sailor Pluto: It's too early for you to fight.

Sailor Pluto: Please wait here.

Sailor Pluto: Now, please transform!

Sailor Uranus: Uranus Planet Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Neptune: Neptune Planet Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Uranus: Invited by the new age, I am Sailor Uranus!

Sailor Uranus: Fighting magnificently!

Sailor Neptune: Likewise, Sailor Neptune!

Sailor Neptune: Fighting gracefully!

Sailor Uranus: Let's go!

Sailor Neptune: They keep coming!

Sailor Uranus: They regenerate so quickly!

Sailor Neptune: Uranus!

Sailor Uranus: Damn it!

Sailor Neptune: Uranus!

Sailor Neptune: You've been eating too many sweets lately.

Sailor Uranus: I don't listen to that kind of talk outside of bed.

Sailor Pluto: Hotaru!

Sailor Pluto: You must not harm that child!

Sailor Pluto: Stop it!

Sailor Pluto: Stop it, please!

Sailor Neptune: No!

Sailor Uranus: STOP!

Sailor Neptune: What is this warm energy?

Sailor Pluto: This is Hotaru's power...

Sailor Uranus: Overflowing with energy...

Sailor Pluto: A new power...

Sailor Neptune: ...is born.

Sailor Neptune: A new power...

Sailor Uranus: I don't care what you are.

Sailor Pluto: If you are bringing trouble to this planet...

Sailor Neptune: We won't just stand here and watch!

Sailor Uranus: World...

Sailor Uranus: {\fs }Shaking!

Sailor Neptune: Deep Submerge!

Sailor Pluto: Dead Scream

Sailor Neptune: New enemies?!

Sailor Uranus: If Saturn had to return, a crisis must be approaching.

Sailor Uranus: No way...

Sailor Neptune: Is that Hotaru?

Sailor Uranus: But she was just a baby...

Sailor Saturn: A time of revolution is approaching...

Sailor Saturn: As it stands now...

Sailor Saturn: ...the Princess is in danger.

Sailor Neptune: The Princess?

Sailor Uranus: What could possibly be beginning?

Galaxia: Now all my preparations are complete!

Sailor Moon: Springtime is great, isn't it?

Tuxedo Mask: The blossoming sakura trees are beautiful as well...

Sailor Moon: Oh yeah! The best thing to eat under a sakura tree is sakura nabe!

Stars Translator's Notes: "sakura nabe" is a Japanese dish containing horse meat

Sailor Moon: We'll also make a bento with hanami dango and yomogi mochi!

Stars Translator's Notes: "hanami dango" ( -color rice dumplings on a skewer) are a traditional "hanami" (flower viewing) snack

Sailor Moon: Let's go eat, drink, and have some fun!

Tuxedo Mask: I'll have to pass on that...

Sailor Moon: Ah, Mamo-chan, you're no fun!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Saturn's awakening! The Sailor Senshi gather

Sailor Moon: The moonlight is the message of love.
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