05x01 - A Woman Much Admired

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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05x01 - A Woman Much Admired

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I'’ve got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh, oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won'’t be long,
just you be strong ♪

♪ And it'’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat of the night

Virgil: who'’s that?

That there is
a beautiful woman.

You don'’t see her
kind much in sparta.

Oh, parker,

There are plenty
of beautiful women
here in sparta.

Yes, sir, there sure are.

But there'’s small town beauty,
and there'’s big town beauty.

Parker: that lady'’s

But seasoned
in new orleans

And now domiciled
in gulfport.

Long-time friend
of the chief'’s.

How long?

Over 20 years.

Uh-huh. Well,
I gotta get
to my desk.

Is there anything else
I should know before I
venture in there?

Well, sir, her
name'’s georgia.
Georgia farren.

And that
there is one of her
boyfriends, I reckon.

They say that
the chief and her
used to be...cozy.

Parker, exactly
who is "they"?

"They" is the kind of folks
that put such stories around.

Well, people like "they"
have been known to lose

And could lose '’em again.

Good morning, virgil.

Good morning, bubba.

Well, georgia, I
can make a couple
of phone calls,

But first let me get
the regular routine

Started '’round here.

Sweet of you
to help, bill.

I knew you would.

Like I say, I'’ve got
nobody left here now.

you-know-who.yeah, I know.

Nobody close to me.
Except you.

The last time
you told me that

Was 20 years ago
this past july.

And you thought
I was only teasin'’.

Bill: ha-ha!
I sure did.

Oh, may I introduce
my chief investigator,
virgil tibbs.

Virgil, this is
miss georgia farren.

Good friend of mine.

Hi.hello, how
do you do?

And this is her
friend mister...?

Ramon pelez.
It'’s a pleasure.


I'’d like to check out
before eleven.

Si,and be
on the road.

I can be at the motel
before eleven o'’clock.

mr. Tibbs.

Thank you, sir.bye-bye.

Goodbye, sir.goodbye.

Well, well...

What was that thing
they always said
about the past?

The past is prologue.

No, that isn'’t it.

However, that'’s
probably true, too.

Probably is.

Excuse me.

Didn'’t you notice
that this here

Is parking for
police vehicles only?

I wasn'’t really
parking, i...

I thought I could wait
here a minute or two.

Well, if you were just
waiting to be told by
somebody to move,

Well, now
you'’ve been told.

Nice to see you
off-duty, chief.


Why'’d you change?

I always liked
you in uniform.

Well, the manager of
this place doesn'’t.

I'’d say the manager
isn'’t a woman.

No, he'’s a nervous
young man who thinks

The sight of a cop
bothers his guests.

I think you'’renervous--

About bein'’ noticed
sittin'’ here with me.

Maybe so.

Where is mr. Pelez?

I told him I didn'’t
want him around.

You still say exactly
what you mean, don'’t you?

Might as well.
People know anyhow.

You better be kind
to that poor fella.

I can tell,
he'’s very fond of you.

That has its risks--
and he knows it.

Here'’s the documents.

The deed to
granny'’s place...

And here'’s a letter
that she wrote to me

As page four of
her last will
and testament.

And here'’s the piece from
the paper when she died.

'’Scuse me.

Something we can
get for you, chief?

Miss farren?

Nothin'’ for
me, thanks.

Uh, maybe some
coffee, please.

Right away,

And here'’s her
death certificate.

Get chief
gillespie a cup of
coffee right away.

Hello, ladies. Looking for
the assistance league lunch?

Yes, we are.right this
way, please.

Who'’s that with the chief?

A woman who used
to live here...

Long time ago.

Do you know her?

Only from things I'’ve heard.


When you told me
you'’d never split
with old ken,

I was really surprised.

'’Cause when you and I
were spending time,

You told me that
you and he were
all but divorced.

I just never
got around to it.

And besides,
ken was quiet,

Wasn'’t makin'
no trouble.

What do you mean?

I have been with some
crazy guys in my time,

But ken was the only one
I was ever scared of.

Excuse me, chief.
Here'’s your coffee.

Thank you.you'’re welcome.

Well, it'’s a shame,

Because you,
it turns out,

Were the only one
with any property
to speak of.

And, as you say,

Ken wasn'’t the father
of your child.

I say it because
it'’s true, bill.

I don'’t remember--

Maybe because I don'’t
want to remember--

When you called that time
and told me about the child,

What did I say?

You said...you didn'’t
know what to say.

That is just about

The sorriest response
I ever made to anything.

When you think of me--
if you ever do--

Sure I do. More
than you'’d suspect.

What comes to your mind?

An unprincipled,
promiscuous woman?


A woman much admired.

Now, come on--

Just who do you
expect to see?

I hope no one.


Put that
thing away.

And bring
the bags inside.

It'’s okay, honey.

It'’s just your mom
and the cisco kid.

Come on, lana. Pull
yourself together.

Why is he always
carrying that g*n,

And why is he
always here?

Because there are
people that want
to k*ll your mother!

Can I come and visit
you just once and
not find him here?

Ramon, disappear
for a while, huh?

Suppose someone
should come by here.

Well, hang around.

Stay in the car.

Please, ramon.
Be nice.


Come back and
live with me

And I promise you
won'’t see him anymore.

And who will
I see, mama?

Carl delissa?

There'’ll always be
somebody, won'’t there?

Well, after all,
ain'’t no flies on me.

Not yet.

I see that thing
is blinking.

I got messages.

You get what you wanted
out of your trip?

I sized things
up, that'’s all.

[Tape rewinding]


[Lana] mom,
it'’s three o'clock.

If you get there
before I do,

Please wait for me so
we can go out for dinner.

Bye. Love you.


[Man] hey, you
there, georgia?


The voice
I love to hate.

He even came by my
office lookin'’ for you.

georgia, I made
a couple of calls

And I'’m going to see
a man this evening.

He'’s a first-class lawyer.

Happens to be on
the city council.

Specializes in wills
and estates and such.

He'’ll look at the papers
and let me know tomorrow.

I'’ll call you and tell you
when to come back up.

Bye, now.

You thinkin'’ of
movin'’ back up there?

Well, not right
this minute.

But I want to make sure[phone rings,
machine answers]

That I can either sell
or keep that property

Without any of
it comin'’ into the
hands of ken farren.

[Man] still ain'’t
there, georgia?

I ain'’t here.

Okay, I'’ll be close.


What'’s he mean, close?

And who'’s that other guy,
talking about a lawyer?

He'’s a friend.

And I mean a realfriend,

Who you gotta meet
one of these days.

Spare me. I know enough
of your men friends.

All of '’em ain't
worth this one.

You gotta meet him.

And you'’re gonna
meet him real soon.

I can hardly wait.

You'’re gonna find out
that bill gillespie

Is very special.

Well, well.
Good afternoon.

Good afternoon
to you, too.

It'’s been a while.yes, it certainly has.


Excuse me, sir, would
you move two feet

To the left or
right, please?

You watchin'’ your boss?

That'’s right.
Who you watchin'’?

Didn'’t anybody tell you

That budget meeting has
been moved to tomorrow?

Yes, I know, but
I'’m here about
something else.

You didn'’t want
to see me, did you?

Well, that'’s
always very nice,

But I have
to see ted marcus,

See if he can help
a friend of mine.


Georgia farren movin'’
back to sparta

After all these years?

No. Not that I know of.

I saw her
today at the inn.

She looked very well.

Yeah, well,
I reckon she does.

Well, I'’ll
see you tomorrow.

Yes, tomorrow.

Miss patman.

Afternoon, chief.

Go right on in.
The councilman'’s
expecting you.

Thank you.

Ted.ted: hey, bill.

Make yourself at home.

Thank you.

I don'’t want to get
into the details of
this with you.

I'’d rather leave that
to the lady herself

When she comes back up
here from gulfport.

Well, she could have
seen me today.

Bill: she didn'’t
want to wait.

Her husband was hanging
around watchin'’ her.

Is she afraid of him?

She thinks
he'’s kind of nutty.


I assume she wants
to divorce him.

Bill: no.

She doesn'’t
want a divorce

To settle any of
that property on him.

That'’s what she
wants you to prevent.

Well, I think we can
take care of that.

As long as
I got you here,

You mind if I ask you
a personal question?

No, go ahead.

I take it miss farren
is someone you'’re
deeply interested in?

You sound as if you
want me to say yes.


Maybe I do.

You want me to
give up my freedom?

To the right woman, sure.

What do you mean
by the right woman?

I mean...


Wouldn'’t want
to see a friend
make a mistake.


Now, then, let'’s see
what we'’ve got here.

[Clears throat]

No, sir,
the chief'’s not in,

But our chief investigator
virgil tibbs is here.

Can you hold on, please?
Thank you.


Hello. Virgil tibbs here.

Okay, everybody...

Y'’all hide your
chicken till the
chief ain'’t lookin'.

The chief?
Where is he?

He'’s right behind me.
Luanne just dropped him off
and he'’s coming fast.

You know the chief
wants us to eat in
the conference room,

Not out here
in the main office.

Why is that so hard
for you to keep to?

I guess '’cause chicken
always tastes better

Out here where we
ain'’t supposed to
eat it.

Let me ask you--

Where did you get
chief gillespie'’s
name and address?

We found the chief'’s name
in her appointment book.

And I guess
the appointment book
was in the apartment?


Captain, hold on.
The chief just walked in.


Gulfport police for you.

Bill gillespie here.

Hi, how are you?

The m*rder of georgia farren
happened earlier this evening.

When we arrived on the scene,

We found
an appointment book....

The man who called us

Was the manager of
this condo building.

The daughter?

Well, she was here.

The manager found
her unconscious,

Hit on the head.

We sent her over
to mercy hospital.

She didn'’t look too bad.


I better come on down there.

Bill: fly? No...

By the time I promote
a plane out of here,

I could drive it.

Jamison, you drive the chief?


Bill: yeah, I'’ll
start right away.

Thank you
for calling me.


How old is
the daughter?


Mrs. Farren'’s husband
been called?


By the daughter,
I suppose.

Between you and me, virgil,

Ken farren is not
the father of that girl.



I believe...

I am.

I am.

Chief, I'’m ralph porter.

This here is
sergeant myer.

Oh, hi.

This is lieutenant
jamison here.

How ya doin'’?

Hi.how are ya?

Well, we'’ll go
get washed up,

And then we can
go over to the, uh...

The morgue.


I told '’em
you'’d be coming.

Chief, I'’m gonna
go register.

Yeah, all right. And
make that phone call.

Yes, sir.

And then I'’ll
talk to the girl,

And then I can take a
look at miss georgia
farren'’s apartment,

If I may.

I'’ll meet you
at the apartment.

Fine, fine.

Thank you.


Sparta police department.

Hi. Is bubba there?

Yeah, just a minute.

Jamison'’s on.

Hey, lonnie,
you in gulfport?

Ken farren.

From kenny'’s cookin', huh?

Okay. I'’ll get this
right along to virgil.

Do what?

Feed beauregard.

Oh, yeah, the hound.

I'’ll make sure
he gets dinner.

Say what?

Look, I'’m only telling
you what the chief said.

Feed him half
a small meatball pizza

With the kibble.

Well, if I was I the army,

I'’d demand this
order in writing.

You want to see
the wound?

Jamison: chief.

Captain porter says she was
hit by an over-under shotgun.

Two slugs.

Say what?

The wound. The abdomen.


Thanks, man.

I'’ll call in
later, zack.

Yes, sir. You
get some rest.

The man is going
home to take a nap.

Just got back
from a long drive.

During the night.

That'’s what
my friend zack says.

Did he tell zack
where he went?

No, but he brought
this with him.



She'’s all dressed,
ready to be let go.

You'’re gonna
take her home?

No, to her
mom'’s place,

Pick her car up.

And the captain
will see her, too.

Oh, all right.

Good morning.


I'’ll see if I can
find that doctor,

See if she can
be checked out.

I don'’t know if your mama
ever mentioned me--

I'’m bill gillespie.

She said she wanted me
to meet you, that'’s all.


Did she explain to you...

Why she wanted you
to meet me?

You were helping her
with some business
up in sparta?



And, uh...

Now I'’d like to help
you with it, if I may.

There'’s property up there
that your granny left,

And your mama wanted
it all to come to you...

When she died.

Have you seen her?


How'’d she look?

As if she was sleepin'’.

Beautiful, I thought.

I can'’t believe this.

Lana, where is this
man ramon pelez?

I don'’t know.

I don'’t think
he did this.

Well, you didn'’t see
anybody else, did you?


But it has to
be carl delissa.

He'’s a man we lived
with in new orleans.

Mama made him buy her
this apartment here.

But she wouldn'’t keep
herself just for him.

She went out
with other men.

Ramon was one.

Delissa threatened
her on the phone

Three or four times.

Well, um...

What have you
been doing?

I mean, for yourself.

Me? Why are you
asking about me?

We'’re talking
about my mama.

Oh, just, uh, interest.

I work as a secretary,
on and off.

I have a boyfriend,
on and off.

And I had a mama...
On and off.

That'’s me.

come on, now.


Ha ha!

Come on.

Come here! Come on.

Yeah, boy.

Now, beauregard,

This ain'’t my idea
of a sensible diet,

But I'’m gonna serve it up
to ya per instructions.

No additions,
no alterations whatsoever.

But I'’m just
sayin'’ now,

If you was dinin'’ with me
and knothead in my kitchen,

Well, you'’d be lookin'

At a couple pounds of
juicy protein horsemeat...

And then a couple or three
sweet brisket bones,

And then--[car approaches]

And, uh...

Then you'’d wash
it all down

With some nice,
cool water,

Sweetened with
some ice tea.

And then for dessert,
we'’d get some--


[Tires screech]


There'’s a cadillac
that'’s parking back there,

And that'’s the license.

I believe new orleans.

Well, bein'’ as how
we'’re only 60 miles
from there--

This one'’s
parking here.

If it'’s registered
to a gent by the
name of delissa,

We'’re gonna want to
have a chat with him.

So make a phone call.

Yes, sir.

Chief bill gillespie
to see captain porter.

Porter: let him in.

Chief, we got a visitor
here say he know you.


What can
mr. Pelez tell us?

I am sorry...

He says he saw miss farren
alive early last evening.

Right here.

With lana.

What happened?

This guy won'’t tell me
what happened!

I'’m waiting for you
to tell me.

If I knew--

If I did something bad,
would I walk in here
this morning?

What did you want, ramon?

To see her.

As always.

I thought when I
rang the bell...


Are you
carl victor delissa?

Who wants to know?

The police. Step out
of the car, please.

Put your hands
on top of the car.

Do you own a shotgun?


Ever own one?


You wanted to speak
with mr. Delissa, chief?

Yeah. You own a shotgun,
mr. Delissa?


What'’s going on?

You know this guy here?

He'’s a cuban.

Been hanging around
miss farren.

Where is she?

You'’ve been threatening
her, haven'’t you?

Why would I do that?

Well, why would you
be waiting around in
your car

With this g*n
in your pocket?

Carl: I wanna see
miss farren, that'’s all.

Where'’s she been
the last few days?

What happened?

He did it.

Done what, you jerk?!

Whatever happens,
I will k*ll you!

What is this?

What happened
to your mama, sugar?

She'’s dead, carl.

Somebody k*lled
her last evening.

Right there.

Where were you, lana?

I was in there
when it happened.

And then you came out here?

That'’s right.

Somebody hit me
with something.

I'’d say it was the w*apon.

He'’s have probably
shot her with it

If he'’d had another slug.

I never saw him.
I was out.

you told us you heard
your mama arguing.

I did.

And I know carl'’s
voice very well.

And ramon.

Mama wasn'’t arguing
with either one of them.

Who was it, lana?

It was a voice
I never heard before.

Lana: I thought it was
somebody who was sent.

Then it could have been
ken farren'’s voice.

And he'’s got a shotgun.

We found one of
the empties, bubba.

You know, virgil,
I heard that car stop,

But I didn'’t hear
no door open.

I figure the guy that
took those sh*ts at me

Took '’em from
behind the wheel,

And I betcha they come
from right over there

Where pete'’s
pokin'’ around.

Three small
pieces of glass,

But they'’re out now.

He was a fair shot--
thank god not a good one.

Fast old boy, too.

When he was flying
through the trees,

I could only get
glimpses of him.

The car seemed to be
a blue older model.

Yeah, the tires
weren'’t radials, either.

That old-fashioned
bias-ply tread.

But good tread.
Maybe a classic.

You know, virgil,
there'’s only a couple or three
of them classics around

That use that
kind of rubber.

I saw one the other day.

Saw the driver get out, too.

You know
who he is?

No. But I intend
to meet him.

Here'’s the other
one, detective.

[Phone rings]

Let me get
that phone.

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, hey,

What you say
we go in there

And finish that
nice meal, huh?


I don'’t blame ya!


What is the
total damage?

Let'’s just say you're gonna
need some work done.

A whole window replaced,
a lamp over the table,

Re-plastering job--

You'’re gonna need
some work done.

Well, I guess that'’s
the cost of doing business.

I'’m sorry to
have missed that
budget meeting.

Oh, they didn'’t have it.
They postponed it again.

I explained you were
down in gulfport--

A few eyebrows
were raised.

bothering them? Yeah--

The question of why
you were investigating

A m*rder of a woman
in another city.

Excuse me.

Virgil, I'’m gonna have
to get back to you.

I wanna see that girl
before she goes home.

'’Scuse me.
The chief would like
to have a word with you.

Hey, man.

Zack, where'’s farren?

Back there.

Wanna tell him sergeant sweet
would like to speak with him.

Suppose he asks me
about what?

Just tell him to
come out and ask me.

All right.

Mr. Farren!
There'’s a cop--


I need some time.

Tell him I'’ve gone
to the restroom.

Tell him I'’ll be with him
in five minutes. Go on!

He saw you.
He'’s gonna run for it.

Yeah, I expected he would.

[Siren blares]

Ken: hey! What
are you doing?!

What do you want?

We want to arrest
you, ken farren.

What for?parker: well,
you could say

For leaving the scene
of a homicide.

Or the failure to
report a homicide.

Or just committing
a homicide.

Or all three.

Look, mr. Farren.

I thought I might arrange
a funeral for your mama.

No need. I made
a few calls.

It'’s done.

Please, don'’t stay.

Well, I think
I ought to stay.

Surely not for me?

You'’re a stranger,
mr. Gillespie.

Well, no,
I'’m no stranger.

You'’ve already
paid your respects.

Well, I don'’t like
to see you alone here.

I have friends.

Kids, like yourself?

Yes, but my mother and I
had a few older friends,

And they'’re still
here for me.

But, uh...

But no relatives?

Is that important?

It might be.

You'’re my father,
aren'’t you?

According to your mama.

Well, if she told
you that, it'’s true.

She never lied.

Why are you trying
to be fatherly now?

I don'’t need that.

Do you?

No, you don'’t.

Because if you did,

You would have
picked up a phone
a long time ago

And said, "georgia, let'’s
have a look at that kid."


I suppose.

But you never did that.

Lana: you never
felt that way.

I gotta go...
Get my car.

Get things moving.


If I ever do feel that
way and call you up...

And say what?

And say...

"I want to see
my kid again"...

What would you say?

I probably wouldn'’t
think it was a good idea.

What'’s that thing
people always say
about the past?


Most people just
say, "forget it."

Most people...

Are a little silly.
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