04x04 - George's Help

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x04 - George's Help

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ took a whole lot of tryin'
just to get up that hill ♪

♪ now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ as long as we live
it's you and me, baby ♪

♪ there ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got a piece ♪

♪ of the pie ♪♪

♪♪ [Whistling]

Hey, weezy, how you doin'?

Florence! Don't you ever
touch me like that again!

Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know it
was you. Didn't you see me workin'?

Yeah, that's why I
didn't know it was you.

Where's weezy? I don't know. I don't
get paid to watch mrs. Jefferson.

You ain't gonna get paid at
all if you don't button your lip.

At least I can button my lip.
You need a heavy-duty zipper.

Look, florence...

If you don't shut up, you're
gonna be in big trouble.

I already am. I'm workin'
for you. Florence!

George, what's going on?

Florence is mouthin'
off. He started it.

No, I didn't. Yes, you did.

No, I didn't! Yes, you did.

I did not! You did so!

I was in there,
workin', bendin' over,

And he come sneakin'
up behind me and put...

She's right. I started it. I
started the whole thing.

Well, that's a first: you
admitting you were wrong.

I didn't say I was
wrong. I said I started it.

I should have known better. Come
sit down, george. I want to talk to you.

I saw that!

What's the matter now? She
stuck her tongue out at me.

Will you please sit down? I've got
something important to tell you.

Is it something bad? No,
something marvelous.

Good. I can sit down for that.

Well, we are starting a new, experimental
program down at the help center.

Hey, that's great, weezy. And what we
are doing is placing a few high school...

George! Want a drink?

Why is it every time I mention my work
at the help center, you lose interest?

Look, weez, I'm proud of
what you're doing down there.

But you can't expect me to
get excited about women's work.

Well, you got pretty excited
about women's work last night.

Yeah, well. Hey,
weezy, florence!

Look, george, we are helping tenants
who have problems with their landlords.

We are helping the sick, and we are helping
the old people who can't help themselves.

And you call that women's work?
Well, you don't carry nothin' heavy.


Do you like your nose where it is, or
would you like to have it in cleveland?

Okay, weezy, I'm dyin' to hear
about your experimental program.

What we are doing is placing a few
high school students in part-time jobs.

It's a work-school program.
Oh, that ain't nothin' new.

I was in a work-school
program when I was a kid.

You were? Yeah, I quit
school and went to work.

George, these kids still have
to go to school in the morning,

But they can work
in the afternoon.

And if all goes well, the school board
may even give the kids credit for working.

Hey! That's a great
idea. Then you'll do it?

Do what? Give marcus a job.

Who's marcus? He's the kid I've
picked to work in your store.

Well, you better un-pick him,
'cause he ain't working for me.

But, george, you said last week you
needed another man to work in the store.

Yeah, I said a man, not a kid.

- Oh, george...
- Look, weezy. The answer's no.

George, marcus is from
our old neighborhood.

So is wilbur the wino!
I ain't hirin' him either.

Marcus really needs the job.

And you'll like him, once
you meet him. No, I won't.

'Cause I ain't gonna never meet
him. Well, he's gonna be here soon.

What'll I tell him? Tell
him good-bye! [Chuckles]

George... Weezy, the answer is no. I
don't want to talk no more about it.

What you two arguin' about? Somethin'
you don't know nothin' about: work.

George, about marcus...
No, and that's final, weez.

Okay. But it's a shame you're
gonna miss out on such a good deal.

Yeah, well, that's the
way... What good deal?

You'd be getting
marcus for half pay.

Say what?

And the help center
would pay the other half.

But, since you don't want it... Hey,
wait a minute. Where'd you get that idea?

From you. You said, "no."

Hey, I was just
playin' hard to get.

You were very definite,
george. You said, "that's final."

Yeah, weezy, but it
wasn't a final final.

It was more like a semifinal.

The money changed your
mind, huh, george? Money? Look.

I want to help a poor kid from my old
neighborhood make something of himself,

And you think I'm doin'
it for the money? yes.

Look, weezy, I don't care what
you think, I'm gonna do a good deed...

Even if it does save me money.

That's what I love
about you, george.

You always do things
for the right reasons.

That's the way I am,
weez. [doorbell rings]

Oh, that must be marcus now.
Well, don't just stand there.

It ain't polite to keep
my new employee waiting.

Hey, mrs. Jefferson.
Hello, marcus. Come in.

Marcus, this is my
husband, mr. Jefferson.

Nice to meet you,
mr. Jefferson, sir.

Oh, I really appreciate you
lettin' me work in your store.

I know kids your age like to keep
a little change in their pockets.

[Laughing] right on. [Chuckling]

Whoo-whee! Mm, mm, mm.

Oh, it look like your pockets
are stuffed. [george chuckles]

This is some fancy building.
You even got a white doorman.

Yeah, I'm stuffin'
his pockets too.

You know the last time a white
dude opened the door for me,

He was puttin' me in the
paddy wagon. [Laughing]

Paddy wagon? Oh, but
don't worry, mr. Jefferson.

Them was the old days. Now,
thanks to you and mrs. Jefferson,

I can spend my time away from
all that jive in the streets.

Workin' for me ain't gonna
be no piece of cake, you know.

Hey, I ain't scared of sweatin'.

Hey, and I'll be learnin' from the
top of the cleanin' business, right?

That's right, I'm the champ,
and there ain't no challengers.

[Laughing] when can
I start? Right now.

Great! Come on. I'll take you
downstairs and show you around.

Well, all right! [Laughing]


And tomorrow, marcus, before work, why
don't you come up here and have some lunch?

Oh, that sounds
great, mrs. Jefferson.

You're a real special lady. Ohh.


Yeah. Looks like you found me
a real winner this time, weezy.

You know, I think I would hire him
even if I had to pay all of his salary.

You would? yeah. He reminds me
of somebody I've always admired.

- Who?
- Me!

Oh, hello,
mr. Jefferson. Hi, clara.

Clara, this is marcus. Marcus,
clara jackson. How you doin'?

How ya doin'? He's gonna
be workin' for us part-time.

Oh, good for you. Come on,
let me show you the back room.

Nice to meet you, miss jackson.

This is where we hang the clothes
when they come back from the plant.

- And you know what this is?
- Huh?

This machine here.
Oh, no. Oh, what is it?

Pressing machine. Latest model.

I got to hand it to
ya, mr. Jefferson.

This is the finest cleaning
operation I have ever seen.

Yeah? Well... 'Course, it's
the only one I ever seen too.


You know, I sure could dig on
having a store like this someday.

Yeah, well it just might happen. Just make sure
you don't open across the street from mine.

Would you get that,
mr. Jefferson, please?

Sure, clara. Come on, marcus.

Let me show you how to handle
a customer, jefferson-style.

Hello, mr. J. Hi, mr. Bentley.
What can I do for you?

I was wondering if you
could let these trousers out.

Sure, I can let 'em out. Open
the door, marcus. [Laughs]

Oh, that's rich. Ha!

[Chuckling] customers love it when
you got a little sense of humor.

- How much bigger
do you want 'em, bentley?
- Oh, about an inch.

I'm afraid I'm becoming a
victim of middle-aged spread.

- [Guffaws]
- it seems only yesterday I was
out on the old rugby field,

- Darting down the wings...
- Bentley...

Weaving in and out, getting tackled,
pummeled, knocked unconscious.

My god, it was fun.

But now, I'm in such awful shape, I
don't think I could do a deep knee bend.


- I've done it.
- What did you do? Tear your pants?

No, my back's gone out again. I'm
afraid I need your help, mr. Jefferson.

oh, bentley!

Why don't you have
a back transplant?


You do that for all your
customers, mr. Jefferson?

No, just for the weird ones.

Is it better, bentley? No,
I'm afraid it's not working.

How 'bout if I jump
up and down? No!

Help me up to my apartment.
Perhaps a hot bath will do it.

Bentley... Oh, bless you, mr. J.

Look, marcus. It's almost quittin'
time. Why don't you call it a day?

Oh, no, uh... I'll stick around
and sweep up the back room.

Oh, great. I'll see you
tomorrow. Good night, clara.

[Chuckling] good
night, mr. Jefferson.

[Laughing] what's so funny?

I was just thinkin'. If you had a tin cup in
your hand, we could make ourselves a fortune.



Marcus, my man,

You gonna have the
baddest threads on the block.


Man, mrs. Jefferson, it sure was
nice of you to invite me to lunch.

Oh, it was no trouble.
The heck it wasn't.

I slaved two hours over a hot
stove, cookin' that pot roast.

Well, it sure was
worth it, miss johnston.

[Kissing] you really know
how to burn a taste.

Oh, it wasn't no trouble.

How do you like your job so far?

It's great. you know, some
dudes gotta pay to go to school.

But I get paid not to go.

George hasn't been
working you too hard, has he?

You jivin'. Mr. Jefferson?
He's a great boss.

You talkin' about the
same mr. Jefferson I know?

Skinny little dude with
the body of sammy davis?

And the mouth of muhammad ali?


Oh, hi, george.
Hey, mr. Jefferson.

- Hi, weezy. Marcus.
- Would you want some lunch?

- No thanks. I'm not hungry.
- You don't know what
you missin', mr. Jefferson.

Yes, I do. I'm missin'
a suede jacket.

A brown, expensive suede jacket.

- You mean, a customer's jacket?
- Not just a customer's
jacket. Mr. Lender's jacket.

- Mr. Lender?
- Yeah, he's boppo.

- He's what?
- ain't you heard of
"boppo's burger barns"?

You mean, the home of
"boppo's special sauce"?

- Yeah, ain't that sauce great?
- Yeah! [Chuckles]

George, we ate there last week,
and you said you hated the sauce.

Yeah, I hate eatin' it.
But I love cleanin' it.

Boppo's one of my
biggest accounts.

That lost jacket, mr. Jefferson. Uh, ain't
you got insurance for stuff like that?

Oh, yeah. I got insurance for the jacket. But
I ain't got no insurance for lender's account.

Oh, that's a shame,
george. Maybe it'll turn up.

Yeah, well, if it don't turn up,
lender'll be lookin' for a new cleaner,

And I'll be lookin' for
a bridge to jump off.

Oh, there's a nice, high
one over on th street.

Ain't no toll charge or nothin'.

Oh, come on, george.
It can't be that bad.

Are you sure you
don't want some lunch?

Did florence cook it? Yes.

Then I'm sure I
don't want no lunch.

You know, if you ever said anything
nice about my cookin', I'd drop dead.

Yeah? Florence, I
love your pot roast.

Well? See, she can't
do nothin' right.

I gotta get back to
work. Uh, yeah. Me too.

Tomorrow, I'm goin' down to that
plant, check on that jacket myself.

Oh, thanks again for lunch, mrs.
Jefferson. It was right on the taste.

Oh, anytime, marcus.

Ah, mr. J. How are you today?

Awful, bentley.
Awful. Come on, marcus.

Oh, is something troubling
your husband, mrs. Jefferson?

Uh, yes. He's missin' a suede jacket one of
his best customers brought in to be cleaned.

Oh, that's a shame. I remember
how terrible I felt as a lad...

When I lost my new
football. Did you ever find it?

Yes. I was so upset
the night I lost it,

That I went to sleep and dreamt that it
was behind the sycamore tree in our garden.

That's incredible! It certainly
is. We didn't have a sycamore tree.

I thought you said you
found your football.

Oh, yes. I'd lent it
to my little friend.

Oh, but what did that
have to do with the dream?

You know, I haven't
the foggiest.

But every time I pass a
sycamore tree, I wonder.

Well, thanks for the use
of your heating pad, mrs. J.

Oh, you're welcome. Is your
back feeling better, mr. Bentley?

Oh, yes. It's fine now. I took
a jog last night, and it felt...

By the way, I passed mr. Jefferson's
new employee in the park.

Marcus? Yes. I didn't have
enough breath to say hello to him...

[Chuckles] come
to think of it, he...

- Well, I'll be going now.
- Were you going to say
something, mr. Bentley?

- Oh, it's not important.
- Well, what was it?


As I recall, marcus had a suede
jacket folded over his arm.

Wait a minute, mr. Bentley.

You saw marcus
with a suede jacket?

Well, I can't be positive.
They all look alike to me.

Mr. Bentley, I'm
surprised at you.

Why? I can't tell one
jacket from another.


Ooh, I don't feel so good, mrs. Jefferson.
I think I'm comin' down with something.

- That's nice.
- It is?

- Uh-huh.
- Well, maybe I'd feel better
if I got dressed up,

Found me a nice, comfortable
barstool, and waited for somebody...

To come along and
make me an offer, huh?

- Sounds good, florence.
- No, it don't! I ain't
that kind of woman.

- Huh?
- Mrs. Jefferson, you ain't
heard a word I said.

- Now, what's eatin' you?
- It's marcus.

Well, what about
him? Mr. Bentley said...

He saw him with a
suede jacket last night.

So? That ain't no crime. It
is if it didn't belong to him.

What you talkin' about? Well, george
is missing a customer's suede jacket.

Then you think marcus took it?

Well, no, but... Then you
think marcus didn't take it?

Well, no. But... Then
what do you think?

I think I don't
know what to think.

[Whistling] hey, marcus?

How's the job goin'?
Fine! 'Cept for the work.

[Laughing] just
jivin' you, boss.

- [Both laughing]
- mr. Jefferson?

Yeah, clara? I'm having
some people in this evening,

And I was hoping to
get home a little early.

Would you mind dropping the
register money off at the bank?

Ah-ha. Sure, clara. You go on.

Thank you, mr. Jefferson.
Night, marcus. Hey, marcus?

You pass the bank on your way home,
right? Why don't you drop this off...

In the night deposit
box for me? Sure, boss.

Oh, hello, mrs.
Jefferson. Oh, hi, clara.

Is george here?
Yeah, he's in the back.

Thanks. Good night,
honey. Good night.

George! Uh... I
gotta talk to you.

Sure, weez. Go on,
marcus. Don't forget this.

What's that? The register
money. Marcus is gonna...

Drop it off at the bank for
me. Night, mrs. Jefferson.

Night, boss. George.
Uh, marcus. Wait.

- Yes, mrs. Jefferson?
- Weezy, I thought you wanted
to talk to me about something.

Uh, I do. But... [Grunts] well?

There's somethin' been
bothering me all day today. And i...

Marcus, do you
own a suede jacket?

No, why?

Well, mr. Bentley said he saw
you carrying one last night.

[Chuckles] oh, you mean
that english dude?

Oh, he must be jivin'
you, mrs. Jefferson.

One thing bentley
don't do is lie.

What about you, marcus?
Would you lie? Or steal?

Wait a minute. Are
you two callin' me a...

Thief? Yeah. The thief
who came to lunch.

All right, that's
it. I don't need this.

I quit! Marcus?

Now tell me the truth.
Did you take the jacket?

Look, what if I did?
It ain't no big thing.

Takin' is the only way you
gonna get anything in this world.

Ain't nobody gonna
give you nothin'. No?

We were trying to give you a chance to work
at a job to make something of yourself.

Yeah, marcus, that's why I don't
understand... Boss, you don't understand!

- You da man!
- i'm the man?

You heard what I said, jack.

Oh, you pass around
lookin' black, and actin' black,

But you ain't
nothin' but the man.

i'm the man? Well, look, boy,

I busted my tail
for everything I got.

Yeah, well now you've
got it. And you one of 'em.

You ain't one of us.

I mean, when was the
last time you was uptown?

When was the last time you sat
on the stoop till : in the morning,

'Cause it was too
hot to sit inside?

When was the last time you
opened your refrigerator...

And wondered where your
next meal was comin' from?

You ain't one of us. don't
you tell us about bein' poor.

When george and I
were first married,

We lived on
mayonnaise sandwiches.

Yeah! Without bread!


Can't you read? We're closed!

It's mr. Stockwood. I
wonder what he wants.

- Who's mr. Stockwood?
- He's with the school board.

No, he ain't. He's by himself.

Mr. Stockwood. Hello.
Hello, mrs. Jefferson.

Marcus. Uh, mr. Stockwood.
This is my husband, george.

Oh! Nice to meet
you, mr. Jefferson. Hi.

I just stopped by to see how your
work-study program was going.

How it's going? You know,
when there's something new,

There's always somebody
waiting for something to go wrong,

So they can scrap
the whole thing.

- How was your first day
on the job, marcus?
- Why don't you ask them?

Uh, mr. Stockwood,
the program...

Well, maybe the program
wasn't a good idea. It wasn't?

That's right, stockwood. The
program wasn't a good idea.

It was a great idea! Marcus
here has been doin' a fantastic job.

And next week, he's gonna
learn to operate the presser.

Then I'm gonna take him down to the main plant
and show him how the whole operation works.

- You are?
- Yeah. I'm gonna teach him
everything I know...

About cleaning,
that is. [Laughing]

Well, it sounds to me like your program
could be a big success, mrs. Jefferson.

Uh, yeah. It certainly
sounds that way, doesn't it?

Well, I better be going. See you all
later. Keep up the good work, marcus.

good-bye, mr. Stockwood.

[george chuckles]

What's your game, man?

Why didn't you tell that
dude I ripped off your jacket?

'Cause I ain't gonna let you blow a program
for weezy and for those other kids...

Who want to take
advantage of a good program.

And I did it for another
reason too. What's that?

'Cause when I was your
age, I was a lot like you.

- Only smaller.
- [Scoffs]

Yeah, I was hip. At
least, I thought I was hip.

In fact, I was so hip that I
got busted for shopliftin',

And sent to reform school.

You mean, you got
sent up? That's right!

And while I was up there, I met a whole lot
of other hip dudes who thought they were cool.

You know where they are
now? Either one of two places.

Either the graveyard or jail.

And the way you're going, that's
the way you're gonna end up.

[Sighs] where are you goin'?

You want that jacket, don't you?

- Well, I'm gonna get it.
- Just bring it with you

Tomorrow? You mean, you
gonna still let me work here?

let you work? I'm gonna
make you work here.

And you gonna like it
whether you like it or not!

Right on, mr. Jefferson.
Thanks. Wait a minute.

Drop this off for me.

Go on! Go on! I trust you.

And don't forget to
bring that jacket back.

Oh, don't worry. I
won't. Didn't fit anyway.

Later, mrs. Jefferson.

Are you sure you
know what you're doing?

Trusting that money with
marcus? Don't worry about it, weezy.

But what if he doesn't... Look, weezy.
Don't you think it never crossed my mind...

That marcus might have
taken that jacket? You knew?

Well, not for sure. But I
wasn't about to take no chance.

[Laughing] see? What's that?

Register money.
Oh, but marcus...

His bag is full of newspaper.
Me and clara set it up.

See? Your husband
ain't no dummy.

Don't be so sure.

You gave him the wrong bag.


Weezy, don't get so upset.

He'll be back. [Chuckles]

♪♪ [humming]

[woman] the jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.

♪♪ [humming]

♪ movin', movin' on up ♪♪
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