03x20 - Night of the k*lling

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x20 - Night of the k*lling

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Commentator: porter
for the touchdown.

All-around simpson.

Let bud do it.

Bud don't drive
to the bottoms.

That's bud's deal.

This ain't no game.

There's more
substitutions than plays.

Fare's going
to the bottoms?

Yeah. Your favorite
part of town.

Ok. I'll take
the fare in my car,

Then I won't
have to come back.

He can stay in the bottoms.
He's got reasons.

That's right.

Don't get me mad, bud,

'Cause someday I'm going
to bust your face

Just to be
busting something.

Here's that money
you wanted.


You want to count it?

Girl at the bank
count it?

In front of me.

More than 1,500?

Charlie: nope.

Mike: no sense me
looking for more.

Have a good night, y'all.

He's carrying $1,500
to the bottoms?

He's his own man.

I'm your cabbie,

Thanks. Good night.

Same to you, buddy.

My lord, it's william.

Sippie: oh, my goodness!

When did you get here?

Just now.

Oh, you look
so good. Oh.

You look great, too.

No! No!

Stop! Are you crazy?

I said if he came
around, I'd k*ll him.

You can't tell
me nothing.

You're my brother,
not my father.

And I'm having
doubts about that.


Sparta police department.

This is charlie yount

At the yount
cab company.

My partner's wife
called because
he ain't come home.

His last fare
was four hours ago.

Where was his fare going?

The bottoms.

I'll get something started.

Bye. Bye.

Corbin. What's up?

Cab driver is missing.
Call parker.

Got it.


I just come
out of the house
and saw the car.

Put your hands
on this car
and be still.

Everything out of your
pockets and on the desk.

I swear,
I just came outside
and saw the car.

Got a lot
of money here.

$1,800. My savings.

Which I brought
here for my aunt.

If you was giving
it to your aunt,

I wish you had,

Because it looks bad here.


Because that dead cabbie

Had at least 1,500
before he got k*lled.

He didn't
have that much.

I saw when
he made change.

Three people,
including me,
saw what mike had.

$1,500 In the envelope
and 111 besides.

His wife was pregnant
with their third kid.

I didn't go
to hishouse
and k*ll him.

He loved me.

I mean, he really
loved me.

You is a whore,
you know that?

What are you?

What was the company
you worked for?

Miles construction,
bayonne boulevard, biloxi.

Police officer saw
you get into his car.

You were his last fare.

He could have picked
up somebody else.

There are people

Waiting on every
corner for cabs

In the bottoms
of sparta.

Another policeman
found you with the body.

He found his blood
on your sleeve.

I reached in to see
if he was alive.

You know, somebody else
might have been there.

They might have hit
the man with something,

And then they might
have just run off

When they heard
the police car.

Is that what happened?

Was there
somebody else there?

See, when
you stepped from
your aunt's house

And saw
mike cystak's car

Just a few yards
from where he
dropped you off,

Was there somebody
else there?

Another man.

And when you started
towards the car,

This other man--

The real k*ller--
took off.


Maybe what?

Maybe there was
another man there.

I don't know.
It was hard to see.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Why don't you tell
me what you saw?

I'm not sure.

I have to think
about it.

Take your time.

All I know is
I didn't do it.

Whoever did it
must have left.

I could see something,
shadows maybe,

Maybe another guy.

I got to think
about it.

Ok, we're going to
keep you here tonight,

And then tomorrow
we'll get you a lawyer,

Take you over to court.

And then what?

The d.a. Will decide
if he wants to charge you.

The magistrate
will decide if he
wants to hold you.


Yes, sir.

Put this man downstairs
for tonight, will you?

Yes, sir.

Virgil, I think
harriet delong
will turn up

At darnelle's meeting.

You shouldn't
have locked him
away just yet.

We were getting
close to something.

To what?

A confession.

Then why'd you
feed him all that
somebody else stuff?

It's just a technique.

they fall for it.

When you break it down,
they feel silly

And tell the truth.

Sorry. I don't believe
the man's a k*ller.

Parker found the man--

Virgil, I know
what you all found.

I'm just saying,

However insignificant
my intuition may be,

That the man does not
look like a k*ller.

To me he does.

Sure, because
he's a stranger,

Got a whole bunch
of money with him,

And he's black.


You heard me.

You're saying--
I can't believe
what I'm hearing.

You're saying that
I am prejudiced

Against that man
because he is black?

You're saying
that's not possible?

No, I'm saying
it's outrageous.

Oh, don't be too hasty.

Now, that man
may offend you

In some deep,
personal way.

Bill: remember shakespeare?

"To thine own self
be true,

"And then thou canst
not be false to any
man." Polonius.

Think about that.

I got to sit down.

And think about this--

What is this man,
all by himself
in his own private car

In the middle
of the night,

What is this white man
doing in the bottoms?

Now, you are telling
me that little remark

Is not tinged with
a bit of prejudice?

That's not a remark.

I'm merely
stating a topic of
unavoidable inquiry.

And here's another one.

The only people
that saw that man

With an envelope
full of money

Are three white men,

One of whom could have
followed him to the
bottoms and robbed him.

One of them did follow him
to the bottoms--parker.

You saying he's a suspect?


Am I a suspect?

This conversation has
suddenly become silly

And no longer warrants

Any further
attention from me.

before you retreat
into shakespeare

And the bible,

What are we going to say

To district attorney
darnelle tomorrow?

I know what I'm
going to tell him.

I'm going to say
I expect to arrest

The really guilty man
within 72 hours.

Darnelle: you were saying?

I don't want this
to become a race issue.

Neither do i.
We understand
each other.

You know,
I'm fascinated

By how politicians
understand each other.

We have a m*rder-robbery
and a suspect.

No one wants to prosecute
because he's black.

D.a. Doesn't even
want to charge him.

You say finding
a man at the scene

Makes him
look guilty.

It could make him
look innocent.

A man wouldn't k*ll someone
in front of his own house

And then wait
for the police.

When they arrived,
did they find
a m*rder w*apon?

No. Nothing.

We're watching
jackson, virgil,

But I'm going
to let him go.

Wisest thing to do
at this point in time.

I don't think
mike cystak's
wife and kids

Would be impressed
with your wisdom.

My, my, my. What's
the matter with him?

He's been away
three weeks

Working undercover
for the fbi.

Some of his native
mississippi charm
got scraped off,

But it'll be back.


Virgil: mike's partner
said he had $1,500.

Any idea where
that money came from?


Well, did he often buy
things, spend money,

That you didn't
know about?

Yeah, he did that
once in a while.

Bought stuff for you,
the kids, or the house?

Sometimes he just said
he lost it in poker.

Did you believe that?


[Telephone rings]



Well, thank you
very much.

The kids and I

I'm sure the police know
what they're doing, sir.

I know, but--

Mrs. Cystak?

I've, uh, I've had
two calls like that
this morning.

People start off
saying "sorry,"

But then
they get into,

If the law don't
k*ll that black,
they're going to.

I reckon they think
it'll make me feel good.


Now why would they
think a thing like that?

Maybe they think I don't
like black people.

A lot of people
still don't, you know.

Black people never
bothered your husband.

He drove them
around in his cab.

Well, we never had
any feelings about it

One way or another.

Mike drove them,
but he didn't know them.

Mike was never close
to any black people.

Uh, I got
to leave now.

I got to drive
over to mama's

And pick up the kids
and bring them back.

Thanks for talking
with me, mrs. Cystak.


Yeah, bye.

officer peake...

One might think that
this was designed

Just for the
curious policeman.

Now, this...

You know all about this.

Where's that bag,

Here it is, chief.

I don't trust
these things.

They hold a charge
quite a while.

Maybe up in michigan,
where they're made,

But mississippi
seems to drain them.

I feel drained myself.

Think nobody knows you?

I know you do.

Me and 200 more.

That's good.
I like that.

Make me feel more
comfortable when
I'm hanging out.

That ain't
a hanging out car

You got parked behind
that shack over there.

Not with a cop's
radio and phone.

Well, I didn't say
I was hanging out
right now.

I'm supposed
to find you

And talk to you
about somebody.

That white guy that
got k*lled down here?

No, about the fella
that k*lled him.

You going to
buy a drink?

Yeah. At elmo's.

May I give
you a lift?

No. You know
better than that.

You may meet me there.

Peake, tell chief
I found jimmy dawes.


I told cystak there
was a fare at the depot.

You saw what happened.

You gave mike an envelope,

And $1,500 was
mentioned, too.

What was it for?

He didn't tell me.

What did bud mean

When he said
cystak would stay
in the bottoms?

When you see ormsby,
you ask him.

You withdrew
$1,500 for him

And didn't ask
what it was for?

I'm real disappointed
in you, charlie,

But we'll see you again.


Does it make that
much difference

Why cystak
wanted the money?

Somebody k*lled
him for it.

Whoever took
the money

Didn't care what
cystak wanted it
for, did he?

The chief just
thought there might
be some connection.

Come on, let's go.

Yes, sir, captain.
Thank you.

If we can return this
favor, let us know.

Yeah. Bye-bye.

if sweet calls
in, let me know,

Even if it's
about nothing.

Yes, sir.

I appreciate
what you're saying,

But I can't take
that into account

While I'm conducting
an investigation.

Hold on. Got something?

News from biloxi.

Larry, can I get
back to you?


Biloxi p.d. Just checked
with a mr. Rex miles,

Owner of miles

There's no record
of william jackson

Being employed
there ever.

Chief won't believe
jackson did it.

I have a doubt.

I'd like to talk
to the man, if I may.

Of course.

One would think
I'm constantly

Trying to frustrate
my chief investigator.

Not constantly.

I wouldn't say so. Never more than
once a day.

Virgil, listen to me--

I just spoke with larry toms.

He's representing
the white city
council members.

He's afraid some
racial trouble's
going to come up.

A white man is k*lled
in the bottoms,

And a prime black
suspect is let go.

Any real trouble come up?

Yes. At the council
meeting today.

Ah, the council meeting.

Hold on, chief.
He's right.

Larry and his
white members

Had some hot debate

With miss delong's
black members.

I'm supposed
to call larry.

Maybe you'd like to.

I'll tell you
how to handle--


I got something
to handle first.

Excuse me.

Well, maybe he has.



I thought this
doesn't happen no more.

It's only
something silly...

Ain't it?

I think so,
but we'll find out.

Why don't you give
it to me, please?

That thing tells me
I shouldn't stay in
this town.

You're a liar.

You never worked for
miles construction
company in biloxi.

I worked there 11 months.

Miles never heard of you.

He's lying.

I'm expected to believe

That someone
k*lled cystak right
next to your house,

You heard and saw nothing?

That's right.

It's the truth, man.

It's the truth.

Man, you need
some good advice.

They going to frame you.

That cab driver cystak

Was k*lled by
another white man.

William: what
do you know?

I know what I know.

They won't nail
another white man

As long as
they got you.

You seen that happen?

A friend saw it happen,
but he left town.

I advise you to
do the same thing.

Leave town.

This is your last chance.

Just leave town.


Desk. Corbin here.

Yeah, peake.

Where are you
calling from?

Yeah. Tell him right now.

Yeah. Later.


Peake just called
from the bottoms.

Says william jackson's
acting nervous.

He may be getting
ready to run.

Uh, cystak
had a girlfriend
in the bottoms.

A girl?

You figure a girl

Would k*ll a guy
by bashing him?

I can't see a girl
bashing him.

A jealous boyfriend?

Jimmy didn't know.
Just passing on
what he heard.

Just get a line

On the black guy you
saw talking to jackson.

Yes, sir.

I've got to get virgil,
wherever he is.

Chief: virgil, come on.

Yes, chief.

Maybe cystak drove his
fare down to the bottoms,

Dropped him off,
went to see a girlfriend.

He met this other guy,
whoever he was,

k*lled him, took his money.

Then pushed the car
to the jackson house.

Or drove it down.

I'm not dreaming up
some science fiction plot.

These things happen
all the time.

No argument, chief.
I'll get on it.

If the old chief's

Leaning towards
a jealous lover
in the bottoms,

Least he ain't worried

About laying it
on a black guy.

Virgil: oh, look.
He's stopping, bubba.

Let's talk to him.


Ormsby, we got a feeling
you and charlie yount

Are not helping us.

You got a feeling.

Looks like
the problem's yours.

It's yours
if you're hardheaded.

You didn't like mike.

You knew he had
lots of money on him.

You left the cab office
right behind him

The night he got k*lled.

Virgil: you'll
be idle a week

If I give this cab
a thorough inspection.

Now, you want
to talk to us, man?

I like maria cystak, a lot.

I don't want her
to be hurt

By the things coming
out about mike.

She knows more than
you think she does.

Tell us what you know.

Mike got
a girl pregnant
in the bottoms.

I know he didn't
confide in you.

I listened in
on a phone call.

Who's the girl?

I don't know.
That's the truth.

We got to go down
to the bottoms

And talk to
every pregnant girl.

That should take a while.

I'll send money
for the car.

Don't worry about it--

With all the money
you just gave me.

Let's see if
this thing starts.

[Engine starts]

Better get packed.

I want that money!

You don't need
that much.

I need every penny.

Why? I pay for one
of 'em things myself,
it don't cost over $200.

I need more than that.

What makes you so special?

What makes me special's
I'm four months gone.

Go get yourself ready.

I'll go and pay for it.

We'll see who's right
about how much it costs.

I'll go.


I can't go now.

that councilwoman
harriet delong--

What about her?she's here.

Yes, sir. She's here.

This won't
take long.

I can see
you're busy.

Oh, this.
Do something about that.

Welcome. Make yourself

What can we do for you?

I came to commend you

For not rallying
behind a lynch mob.

Lynch mob?

Harriet: I didn't mean
a lynch mob was forming,

Just there was
a lynch spirit

At that council meeting.

Your calm approach
is needed.

Thank you very much.

I heard
some of the white
council members

Were using words
like "swift justice."

Here's your
"swift justice,"

Or what there
is of it nowadays.

Virgil: this could
become a reality.

Where'd you get that?

It was thrown into
sippie jackson's yard.

The longer
william jackson's free,

The more this heats up.

Somebody's going
to sh**t him.

Let me take
charge of this.

I hope you're
not suggesting

We bow to a r*cist

And arrest the man
without sufficient

I believe we have
sufficient evidence.

You know, I find
this very peculiar.

We should be on
the same side in this.

If the situation
warrants it.

The politics
of this thing

Is none
of my business.

Virgil, your evidence
is circumstantial.

circumstantial evidence
can be good evidence.

Three hours after
the robbery-m*rder,

The man
has $1,800 on him,

1,500 From
a construction company

That never heard of him.

He was at the crime scene.
Cystak drove him.

Did you ever consider

That construction
company had a reason

For denying
william jackson
ever worked there?

Like what?

Oh, like, uh,
illegal management
or tax fraud--

Things of
that nature.

She has a point there.

Did you ever ask
jackson about that?

If the man was
fraudulently employed?

No, I did not ask that.

Well, all right. Listen,
I've got to go down

And talk to
sippie jackson again,

And, uh, I'll ask
jackson myself.

Jackson's gone--
in a car.

Whose car?


I didn't know.
I didn't even think
it would move.

William made it go.

He could make anything go.

How long's he been gone?

Did you put out
word on the car?

Yes, sir. Blue
'63 ford fairlane.

Uh, luann,

Get virgil
for me, please.

Yes, sir.

You shouldn't
have let him

Take your car away,
miss jackson.

You knew he wasn't
supposed to go anywhere.

This won't help
his case one bit.


We got a make on jackson.
He won't get far.

Remember, every time
you see a fox running

Doesn't mean
he just ate a chicken.

He's not running for fun.

Just tell the boys
to be careful.

He may not be dangerous.

He's probably
not even armed.

Don't rule that out.

Virgil, I'm too weary
to argue with you.

Just do what needs doing.

Got you.

William is
a good boy, chief.

He wouldn't hurt nobody.

You're wrong for
hounding him like this.

Well, miss jackson,
I happen to agree with you.

I'm only chasing him
because he's running.

I wish he wasn't running.

Check in the house again,

And stay round
the back, huh?

Yes, sir.

Now, can I go back
in my house, too?

Yes, ma'am.

Need a hand?

I suppose she's mad
at the world up there.

I don't know
about the world,

But she's
sure mad at us.

Chief, found
something interesting.

Detective tibbs
had him pegged.

Chief, they want you.

Uh, yeah. What?

We found jackson.
It was easy.

That old, old heap
of a fairlane 500

Hadn't cleared
the edge of town.

How do we book him?

What's the
charges, chief?

The charge is m*rder.
We just found a w*apon.

When we
find your friend,
he'll be here.

John will keep
you company.

That's big john there.

John's in for
as*ault and battery.

He beat on somebody.

John will do
that sometimes.

I didn't as*ault nobody.

Throwing an object
at a house

Hoping to scare somebody
qualifies as as*ault.

Bill: it sure does.

You caused great distress
to mrs. Sippie jackson, boy.

What else is
he charged with?

"Operating a vehicle

"Without valid
license plates,

"Illegal license plate
possession and use,

"Dangerous driving,

"Disorderly conduct,

"Violation of two civil
rights statutes--"



I'm going
to ask the judge
to set $10,000 bail.

It'll only cost
your daddy $1,000
for the bond.

This revolting
little doll--

Did you make that with
your own two hands?

Do you really dislike
black people this much?

You're the kind
of fella

That stirs up trouble
between people?

You like to cause
a race riot here
in this town?

The next time you
hear those questions,

They'll be coming
from a judge.

What happened
to that fella

That rode with
that cab driver?

Like you,
he's in jail.

So long, john.

Man, ain't you
never been afraid?

You invite me here
to ask me that?

I ran because
I was scared.

I believe that.

Just because
you're scared

Doesn't mean
you're innocent.

I know it looks bad.

The m*rder w*apon
was found

In your aunt's
back yard.

Are you doing this to
prove you're not r*cist?

You want
to help yourself?

You want to help me?

Start talking about
making money in biloxi!

Start talking about
miles construction

Chief? I got it.

Fine. Fine.

Chief, sweet might
be onto something
interesting here.

I heard the lieutenant

Discussing looking
for pregnant girls.

I saw one.

Take a walk
around the square,

You'll see
quite a number.

We're talking
about the bottoms.

They're no rarity
down there, either.

Chief, let sweet tell
his story, please.

This girl in the bottoms
was fighting with this guy

About some money
she needed.

He was her brother,
riblin blaylock.

That's from jimmy dawes?

I paid $50 to get it.

They fought with
each other over money?

A lot. Which he had
and she wanted.

The money was hers,
and he took it.

Cystak was bringing
his girlfriend in
the bottoms $1,500

For an abortion.

The brother took her money?

After he k*lled cystak?


Sweet, go get
yourself cleaned up.

I think we ought to go
and visit these people.


Miss blaylock,
we have to come in.

What you want? Step aside, miss.

When's the last time
you saw mike cystak?

Who is he?

You're here alone?

Yeah. Why?

Where's your husband?

I ain't got no husband.

Then the father of that
child you're carrying.

He ain't here.

What is he, dead?

Where is your brother?

I don't know!

Found this on the
dresser in there.

Mike cystak
was the father

Of your baby, wasn't he?

Virgil: he was about
to get rid of it.

Paid $1,500, right?

I got no money.
I never saw the money.

Your brother took it.

After he hit cystak
with a crowbar.

Call jamison.

Tell him to get out
there to the airport

Before that miss-commute
flight leaves.

Yes, sir.

Is this where
the miss-commute's flight
to jackson's boarding?


You can't get on.

Why not?

You're under
arrest for m*rder.

Hold him.
Get cuffs on him.

All right. All right.

Take your time.

Harriet: this doesn't
arouse your curiosity?

A summons to
appear in court

Is a fairly common
thing in mississippi.

My name isn't on that.

Yours is back
at the office.

This man,
william jackson,

Is suing sparta,
the district attorney,

The city attorney,
the city council,

Me--and him.

Harriet: for false arrest,
as*ault, illegal entry,

Damage to a car,

Pain, distress,

And various other
offenses to his dignity.

Are you guilty
of any of them?

I'm guilty
of all of them--

On the other hand,
none of them.

Oddly enough,
the person responsible

For giving that man
pain and distress--

Virgil tibbs--

Wait a minute.

He's not even mentioned
in the complaint.

So, we know how
serious to take it.

Now, harriet,
you know, we've got
to arrest people,

if we think a person
just committed m*rder

And might
commit m*rder again.

Now, we do
make mistakes.

Yeah, and
I made a big one.

You were right.
I checked,

And jackson did work for
a fraudulent employer.

If I were you,

I would try to get
the city attorney

To make a little
cash settlement

With mr. Jackson.

Otherwise, you
and the other black
city council members

Will have to join
me in court

And do battle against
a respectable,

Deeply offended black
visitor from biloxi.

See if we can't avoid

One of those
racial confrontations

That I so hate.

Can I get you anything?

Well, order
me something.

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