02x06 - In the Name of God

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x06 - In the Name of God

Post by bunniefuu »

Population: 20,000.

Boy, this place sure has grown.

How does it feel
to be back, Tess...

like a sort of homecoming?

Yeah. You know, we're not
supposed to have favorites,

but if I had a favourite,

it'd be that little boy...

but Timmy's probably
not that little anymore.

I've never been able to
get him out of my mind,

even after all these years.

Isn't it a little unusual,

being sent back
to the same place?

Oh, I wasn't sent here.

You were sent here.

I'm just along for the ride.


Variety is the spice of life.

Evil thrives when
good men do nothing.

Who said that?

A music lover.

So, my assignment...

it's just a bit of
paperwork, huh?

Oh, it's a...

angel walk in, lend
a helping hand,

angel walk out.

It's a "Who is that
mysterious stranger?" thing.

It's a piece of cake.

1115 must be the next block...

Sunday drivers, and
it's not even Sunday!

And what will you do,
Tess... look for Tim?


Or maybe I'll just walk around
and soak in some local colour...

and see the sights.

Oh, my God.

Is this the place?

I think there's going to be

a lot more than
paperwork involved here.

♫ ♫

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Oh, oh, oh... ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Ooh, ooh, walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

You know, technically,
this isn't your case, Tess.

Are you sure you
want to get involved?

The world is full of people
who don't want to get involved.

That's how trash
like this can happen.


Who is it?

Dr. Glassberg, I'm, uh,

answering your
ad in the paper...

you know, the
one for volunteers?

The ad doesn't run until Friday.

Uh, yes, well, I have some
friends at the newspaper,

and they said you
could use some help.

Certainly looks like you could.

Hello, I'm Monica.
This is my friend, Tess.

Hello, Doctor.

Joanne. I'm sorry
to be so careful,

but we've had a little...
excitement around here,

so, um...

you sure you want
to get involved?

There you go...
Nice, even strokes.

Put a little muscle in there.

It's not exactly what I
had in mind, you know.

I'll, um, start on the
bathroom upstairs.

You've done an awful
lot of work in this place.

Yeah, but... in a few
weeks, when I'm open,

and this house is full of guests

helping themselves
and each other,

it'll be worth it.

Everyone deserves to
die with some dignity.

Aren't you
frightened by all this?

Of course I am, but I
only have two choices:

Quit or keep going,

and I'm not going to quit, so
that only leaves keep going.

She's a brave woman.

Yes, she is.

Now, come on, Miss
Wings, let's paint.


Oh, this came to
my house by mistake.

I'm Jerry. I live next door.

I know. I recognize your hand.

Uh, and you are, uh?

Very busy. I'll make sure that
the doctor gets the package.

Oh, you're friends with
the doctor, just visiting...

new in town?

Jerry, if you want
to chat, grab a brush.

Oh, no, no, no, no,

I have to get home and,
uh, do things, don't you know.

Well, uh, so long.
See you later.

I'm sure of it.

Wow. How did you do that?

I, um, I put some muscle in it.

Who was that?


Oh, oh, Peeping
Jerry, from next door?

That's the one,

and he's a peeping
postman today.

Oh, no.

If I can't be scared away,

I'm going to be
red-taped to death.

Why, what's wrong?

The City Council meeting

to approve all of
this is tomorrow.

Now they've thrown some
sort of zoning thing at me.

100 forms to be
made out in triplicate,

or else I have to start

the whole process
again next year.

Ah, paperwork.

All right, then, that
motion will be carried,

and go to Committee
for recommendation.

The next order of business

is the proposed hospice
on South Race St.

Now, I do have a
note from the clerk,

who states the permits
have not all been received.

I have them.

Right here.

Ah, Ms. Glassman.

Glassberg. Dr. Glassberg.

I-I... forgive me.
Dr. Glassberg.

Will the clerk please
receive all the forms?

While the clerk is determining

the validity of the proposal,

we will hear from the community,

represented by Mr. Porter,

Chairman of the Citizens
for a Better Guilford.

This is trouble.

Thank you, Mr. Littleton.

The Citizens for
a Better Guilford

strongly urge the City Council
not to authorize licensing.

Dr. Glassberg's AIDS hospice.

She proposes to open her house

to transients carrying a
communicable disease,

people whose health
and police records

are not known,

people whose morals
are questionable,

and people whose visitors
will certainly clog our streets

with their cars and God knows
what other kind of congress.

All of this less than

two blocks from a
junior high school

in a quiet neighbourhood.

Already our children are passing

the obscenity and graffiti

that this building
has attracted.

Where's Mommy?

I want to see my mommy.

Go in the kitchen.

Did you hear what I said? Go!

Come here. It's
all right to cry.

You cry to your Tess, sweetie.

It's all right.

This hospice is a threat.

It's a threat to
community health.

It's a threat to our
children's safety,

not to mention the damage
it'll do to property values.

Please... do not
allow this to happen.

Thank you.

I've just been informed
by the City Clerk

that Dr. Glassberg's proposal

has met both the city
and county requirements,

and as President
of the City Council,

it is my duty to
authorize this proposal.

Thank you anyway, Tim.

We'll now take a recess.

Ah, Tess, isn't that
wonderful? Tess?

That's my Tim.

I'll go get the dinner started.

This is the best
I've felt in months.

We're actually going to open.

I think I never
really believed it.

Well, you can believe it now.

I'm going in the
house now, Jerry.

We need some milk.

Oh, oh, look, you go on in.

I'll get some.

I've been so busy lately, I
forgot about everything...

Food, laundry, all
that living stuff...

You know, I keep
seeing that grey car.


Four percent of
the State budget.

In other state news,
authorities are still investigating

that mysterious car
expl*si*n that rocked

a Guilford neighbourhood
on Monday.

That blast nearly took
the life of an AIDS activist.

Andrea Gallagher reports.

Dr. Joanne Glassberg,
who has a plan

to open a hospice
for AIDS patients

here in Guilford...

That plan has met with
strong local opposition...

Miraculously survived the blast,

which demolished her car
and shattered nearby windows.

She's in critical condition
but is expected to recover.

Well, I-I didn't see
anything, of course.

I-I just heard this
loud bang, you know,

and I-I lost the picture
window in my living room.

Well, how do you feel

about having an AIDS
hospice next door?

Well, I-I-I don't think
it matters much now.

I mean. It doesn't look like
there's-there's going to be one.

The doctor's supporters
insist the Race Street Hospice

will open on schedule,
despite the frightening possibility

of continued v*olence.

Ann Gallagher, Live News.

Is it the same one?


I wonder who it is?

Well, it sure ain't
the Welcome Wagon.

I'm so glad you stayed, Tess.

Well, it's your job to see
that this hospice opens,

and it's my job to see
that you do your job.

Did you hear him on the news?

"I didn't see anything."

Well, see this!


I must need a vacation.

Nosy little men are
beginning to get on my nerves.

Why do you think we didn't know

about the b*mb, Tess?

I don't know, baby.

I just don't know.

Well, what in the world?

I thought we were
going to see Joanne.

We will.

Well, what's all this?

This is the house

that Timmy used to live in.

I was his mother's nurse
during her last days.

And this used to
be a big old shed

kind of thing where
they kept tractors

and-and stuff like that.

Who are you?

My name is Tess.

I'm a friend of the man who
used to live in that house,

Tim Porter.

He still lives here.

He's our dad.

You're Timmy's babies?

What do you want?

Well, where is your father?

He's in a meeting.

What is the Hall of Patriots?

Let me guess... It's a
patriotic meeting, right?

I love a good
community get-together.

You can't go in there.

And why not?

You're a n*gg*r.

This country was
founded by whites.

It should be run by whites.

It's time to wake up, people.

They work to save the
whales and the seals.

Why can't you take the
time to save your own race?

The minorities are
running rampant.

The government
refuses to protect us.

It's time to take things
into our own hands...

and speaking of that,

let's give a big Aryan
Patriot thank you

to our brothers who put
a stop to that Jew doctor

and her h*m*
sickos this week.

One of the great
soldiers in this Holy w*r...

And this, people, is a w*r.

One of the great generals
in our state is here today.

He's already made great
in-roads into local government,

and when he announces his
candidacy for the State House

next year, I expect him to win

with our help.

Let's give a big hand
to Frank Littleton.

Good afternoon.

Please, sit down.

Uh, I suppose that,

for some of you,
it's your first time.

Probably invited by a neighbour

who believes you share
in the same frustration

that the rest of us
in this room do...

That you've been disenfranchised
from your God-given right

to run this country.

You know, I, uh,
overheard someone ask,

uh, during refreshment time,

a very simple, yet very
important question...

"How do you know
that white supremacy

is the only way for America?"

Well, that's a good question.

Well, the answer is...
because it says so,

right here in the Bible.

Right away.

If we look right
here in Genesis,

we see the word "Adam."


What does that mean?

Man. Man. Man.


Adam means man.

That's wrong!

That is what they
want us to believe.

If you look it up,

the translation of
Adam is "a-dam."

A-dam... to have
blood in the face.

To blush.

So, come on, people.

If you can't show
blood in the face,

then you can't blush,
and if you can't blush,

you don't have a conscience.

Who are the only
people in the world

that can show blood in the face?

Whites! Whites! Whites.

Tim, stand up here for a minute.

White people.

White, Aryan people are
the only people in the world

that can show blood in the face.


Blood in the face.

The first man, he could blush.

So, if you can't blush,
then you are not man.

What are you doing
hugging that n*gg*r?

Answer me!

She's my friend.


Remember it.

Thanks, Tim. Good job.

But... Tim.

Ah, you people are lucky to
have a captain like Tim in this w*r.

And by the way, it's a
w*r that never ended.

Oh, they said that the
white movement ended

back 50 years ago, but did it?

No! No.


The fight has just begun.

I don't care if you're
an Aryan patriot,

or you're a Klan
member, or if you're

a skinhead.

Don't let our
differences divide us.

Let our hate unite us.

I should think that's difficult.

Yeah, well, it's going to
come in handy in the race w*r.


Hey, can I help you?

Good afternoon.

You wipe that smile off
your face, you piece of scum.

Well, I'm sorry, but you see,
you've disturbed our meeting.

Is there anything
I can do to help?

Give me that Bible.

This has nothing to do

with you, you
lowlife sap sucker.

You think you can
hide behind this Bible,

or that phony smile,
or a white sheet?

I know who you are,
you... hate monger,

and I know what you're doing,

and God knows what you're doing,

and he doesn't want you dragging
his name through your sewer.

And Timmy... Timmy, I loved you.

And damn you!

Get out of my way!

Carrie, Kevin, come over here.

What did she say to you?

What did you tell her?


Hey, what kind of propaganda

you feeding my kids?

What the hell you doing?

Get out of here!

Get the hell off my property.

I don't know, but I don't think

that's exactly what it
means to get involved.

No, Angel Girl, it's not.

So, what are we going to do now?

I think we're about to find out.

I guess you know why I'm here.

I guess I do.


It's all right, baby.

I love you.

Who-who are you?

I'm the angel to be named later.

My name is Sam.


Well, Sam, is it too much
to ask for an explanation?

Oh. I'm an angel.

Well, I know that,
but I wanted to know

what you're doing here,
and what's happened to Tess,

and-and what am I
supposed to do now,

and what...?

Why don't you start with those.

You're supposed
to do your job...

Open the hospice.

And I'm supposed to help you.

Thank you very much.

And Tess?

Tess has been
relieved of her duties.


She's no good to us in
her current state of mind.

Well, I know that she got upset,

and she said some things
that were... un-angel-like,

but, well, haven't you
ever gotten really mad

and gone a little crazy?



Tess met hate with
hate back there.

See, that's what he wants.


I heard that you make
a great cup of coffee.

Well, it's one of the few
joys of taking human form...

Decaf, mocha latte...

But I'm afraid there isn't a
cappuccino machine here.

Hmm. Let's see what I can do.

Then I was in Search
and Rescue for a while.

So was I.


I never saw you.

I keep a low profile.

And now you're a case worker.

No, not exactly.

I sort of... specialize.

Kind of like a clean-up man.

I, um, coached baseball
in one assignment.

Well, high school baseball.

Ah, this is not baseball.

The person that set that
b*mb today was there with Tess

in that so-called
Hall of Patriots.

The man in the grey car?

Maybe. Doesn't matter.

Any number of them
would've done it and wanted to.

So in a sense, they
all set that b*mb.

You mean, we were never
dealing with just one person?


Tess walked into a
room controlled by evil...

Evil so powerful

it can make you fight
against it on its own terms,

disarm you with your own hate.

I can't imagine hating anyone.

Neither could Tess.




Oh, uh, uh...

I hope you don't
mind, I-I let myself in.

I-I'm Jerry, from next door.

Yes, you are.

And, uh, you are, uh...?


Oh. Uh, yes, well...

the neighbours
are very concerned

about all this graffiti.

Now, are you
going to leave it up?

Would you like to
help us remove it?

That's not exactly what I meant.

Well, I've made a list of
things to do around here...

Let's see... Are
you the handyman?

Well, I get things done.

Sheets, beds,

medical supplies,
remove graffiti.

Yup, here it is, right here.

Medical supplies?

Wait, now-now you're
not seriously thinking

of going ahead with this...

this AIDS thing,
are you? Why not?

Oh, dear, dear.

Hello, Jerry.

Oh, where-where
is the other lady?

Joanne? Oh, she's
still in the hospital.

No, no, not that one...
The one that waves.

She's gone.

Oh. They're dropping like flies.

He's nosy but harmless.

There's nothing harmless
about fear like that.

Well, shall we get to work?

And Sam picked up
everything on the list,

oh, ex-except for the beds,
but we'll get those tomorrow,

so everything will be ready
for you and your guests

when you get back.

What's the use?


I can't.

I want to, but...
But you're afraid,

and no one has more
right than you to be afraid,

but, Joanne, there's
a whole town out there

that's afraid now as well.

As long as those
doors stay closed,

everyone will be held
hostage to that fear,

and the people who did
this to you will have won.

When the b*mb
went off, I saw you...

for an instant.

You were covering me.

You saved my life.

You were there.

Yes, I was.

Like an angel.

Just like one.

Oh, my God.

You survived this horrible
thing for a reason, Joanne.

Don't give up.

God didn't bring you
this far to leave you now.

Will you try?

Will you give Him a chance

to take this fear away?

She's strong.

If we get this place open,

she'll keep it open.

We may have to close down
something else first, though.

I think I've got
you figured out.

No, don't bet on it.

You're a member of a
secret elite angel team...

Celestial Force
One or something.

Now, that's close.

Plate glass.

Jerry! Jerry, open up.
I know you're in there.


Who did it, Jerry?

Did you see who did
it? Was it the grey car?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Someone just through a
brick through the window.

Now, I know that you saw
something, so tell me what.

What did you see?

Please, don't ask me. I
don't want to get involved.

And you think
that'll keep you safe?

Look at this.

"If you can't stand the heat,

"get ready 'cause
it's going to get hotter.

Prepare to die
in a fire from hell."

And it's signed.

A.K.I.A., just like on the wall.

Whoever set that b*mb is
going to burn the house down.

Just in case the wind changes,
I hope the flames next door

remember that you
don't want to get involved.

Now wait a minute, I...

I'm not a bad
person, it's just that...

Evil thrives when
good men do nothing.

♫ I know there are lights
burning brighter somewhere ♫

♫ I know there are birds flying
higher in the sky more blue ♫

♫ If a man can dream
of a better land ♫

♫ Where all his brothers
walk hand in hand ♫

♫ Lord, tell me why,
oh, why, oh, why ♫

♫ Why can't their
dream come true? ♫

♫ I know there's peace and
understanding sometime ♫

♫ Strong winds of promise
that will blow away the doubt ♫

♫ And fear ♫

♫ If a man can dream
of a warmer sun ♫

♫ Where hope keeps
shining on everyone ♫

♫ Tell me why, Lord,
please tell me why ♫

♫ Why won't that sun appear? ♫

♫ Man is lost in a cloud, and
there's just too much rain ♫

♫ Man is trapped in a world
that's troubled with pain ♫

♫ But as long as a man ♫

♫ Has the strength
enough to dream ♫

♫ He can redeem his soul,
he can redeem his soul ♫

♫ And fly ♫

♫ But deep in my heart, Father,
I have this trembling question ♫

♫ Still I am sure that the
answer's gonna come somehow ♫

♫ Because out
there in the dark ♫

♫ There's always your
beckoning candle ♫

♫ And while a man can
think, while he can talk ♫

♫ While he can stand,
while he can walk ♫

♫ While he can dream
feeling his dream ♫

♫ Lord, Lord, let it come true,
let the man's dream come true ♫

♫ Right now, I'm
asking you right now ♫

♫ Will you do it
please right now? ♫

♫ He needs you right now ♫

♫ Oh, right now, right
now, oh, do it right now. ♫

Forgive me, Father.

I forgot my faith in you.

I forgot your faith in man,
and I forgot who I am.

"Vengeance is
mine," sayeth the Lord.

I double-checked,
and it doesn't say.

"Vengeance is mine and Tess'".

I knew they were
going to send somebody

to take my place,

but when I saw you on that road,

I realized what was going on.

It's him, isn't it?

I broke that stick,

and suddenly, I saw
him for what he was...

The Devil in a cheap suit.

You'd think, after
all these centuries,

I'd be better at
recognizing him.

He's deceived us all.

He's good at it.

I-I don't know
how I let it happen.

He used Tim to get to you,

but God was using
you to get to Tim.

Sam, I want to finish this.

The boss wants you to.

But before you face the Devil,

you've got to get
rid of your hate,

because his is a lot
stronger than yours.

Well, going from
love to hate is easy,

but going from
hate to love is hard.

I still feel it, Sam...

hate for him for what he's done

to my Tim, and, God forgive me,

hate for Tim for what
he's done to himself.

But don't fight against Tim...

Fight for him.

And if you can't
find the love in you,

let God love through you,

and when you're ready
to do that, let me know.

But time is running out, Tess.

We might lose this one.

I say you get the police

to put a 24-hour surveillance

around the house.


Better than that, get
the S.W.A.T. team.

Let them hide in the bushes,
and then when they come in,

bam, we've got 'em.

Jerry, it's not just one person
we're dealing with here...

It's a whole group of people.

They call themselves
the Aryan Patriots.

Not in this town.

The Citizens for
a Better Guilford...

They think better
means "whites only,"

and they're
willing to k*ll for it.

I just remembered
what A.K.I.A. stands for:

What? "A Klansman I Am."

I saw it on 60 Minutes.

But that's impossible, right?

I mean, the Klan
was only in the South.

It-It's not up here.
It's died out, right?

No, it's alive and it's here,

and it's combining forces
with Neo-Nazis and skinheads

and white Aryan supremacists,

and it's walking
your streets, hating...

Hating people, hating the law,

hating everything
that stands in its way.

I can't believe it.

Jerry, it was right
outside this door.

Well, it's got to stop.

Well, that's very
good, Jerry, but...

What was it you told me?

"Evil thrives when
good men do nothing"?

Well, I'm a good guy,

and I... and I want
to do something.

Well, there have been

some new developments.

I mean, it's a little
complicated, Jerry.

You may be in
way over your head.

Well, what about you and her?

Well... time's running out.

We'd better get going.

You-You can't go! Are you cr...?

They're coming
down here to burn you!

Are you crazy?!

We're not going to
wait for them to come.

We're going to go get 'em.

You know, there's something
funny about you guys.

Jerry, we're... Monica.

We're angels.

Angels... angels?

You got some I.D.?

Okay... that'll do.

We could use another
hand, you know.

Yes, we need another
angel, but Jerry's no angel.

But the enemy doesn't know that.

First lesson: Don't wait
for evil to come to you.

Now, we're going down that road,

and going to face
the Devil himself.

Now, keep your mouth
shut, and try to look...

Spiritual. Spiritual.

Sometimes, just a
show of force will do it,

but if it turns into a battle,

we can save your life...

but your soul is up to you.

Give yourself enough
to get the job done right.

What the hell are you
people doing here?

This lady wants to talk to you.

This lady's got
nothing to say to me.

Get out of here.

This is my property!
Get out of here!

Ladies and gentlemen...


What, uh, seems
to be the problem?

We got trouble here.

Well, I think it'd be best
if you boys just went on

about your business
and let me handle this.

It's all right.

Trust me.

You guys go on
outside and wait for me.

I'll be right out.

All right.

Go on, Tim.

You don't want to
go, do you, Tim?

Tim... go.

Tim, go. Tim, stay.

Tim, roll over.

You've been taking orders
from men like him all your life.

Makes you angry,
doesn't it, baby?

Shut up!

What the hell do you
know about my life, you liar?

I never lied to you.

Go to the closet, and don't
come out till I tell you to. Go!

I want you out of
my house... now.

You look like an angel.

I am, and I've come to say
good-bye to you, sweetheart.


Well, I don't want to go,
but I've been sent away.

But I want to tell you something

that I want you to remember

and hang onto, okay?

God loves you, Timmy, and
he's given you a great gift.

You're going to be

the leader of men
and women someday,

so you've got to be
strong now and never quit,

and when people make you cry,

and you're afraid of the dark,

remember: The
light is always there.

Just ask.

But I don't want you to leave.

I love you.

Oh, baby, I love you, too.

Shut up in here!

What am I going to do with you?

I didn't lie to you then,

and I'm not going
to lie to you now.

God did give you
the gift of leadership,

but this-this...

creature perverted it.

He took your pain
and your loneliness,

and he taught you how to
use it to control instead of lead.

He's a thief, baby.

He stole your gift,
and he stole your life.

That's what Satan does.


Ah, well, well, well,

I see they've brought
in the heavy-hitters.

I-I am honored.

No, you're finished here.

I don't think so, Sam.

You see, I have a lot
of friends around here.

Isn't that right, Tim?


They're not friends, Tim.

They're just people who
hate as much as you do.

But you could lead
them the other way.

The light is always
shining, remember?

Just ask.

Just ask?

Shut up, Tim.

Excuse me.

My name is Monica.

I'm an angel, but I suppose
you've already figured that out.

I'm still quite new

to this spiritual battle stuff.

You see, I was
promoted a year ago,

but this is my
first face-to-face

confrontation with Satan,

so you'll forgive me if
I ask a few questions?

No questions.

I thought that he'd be
more... scary, you know?

Fire and brimstone, horns?

Uh, mostly it's a lot
of bells and whistles

and lights.

He trades heavily
on his reputation

and lets people like Tim here

do the real work.

And take the rap.


So, Tim, let me
get this straight:

He used your fear

and your pain and your hate

to talk you into
k*lling somebody?

I-I didn't... I never...
Shut up, Tim.

So, then, where does he
get his power from, huh?


I guess he gets it from you.

That darn free will.

God screwed up.
Free will is a curse.

Free will is a gift,
and love is a choice,

and hate leaves
you no choice at all,

but you've got a
choice here, Tim.

Monica and Sam and I

just have the power
to reveal him to you,

but you can make him go away.

He can't stay any
longer than you let him.

Don't let him hurt you anymore.

God loves you, baby,
and he wants you back.

And by the way...
God loves you, too.

They're twisting
it all around, Tim.

I'm not the Devil... she is.

They're trying to
confuse you, Tim.

I love you.

Look at all the things
I have given you.

I've given you strength.
I've given you power.

There are people out
there right now who fear you.

You're doing God's work.

You're doing God's
work right now.

I don't know, I don't
know about that.

Do you want power, or
do you want the truth?

Somebody's lying to you, baby.

Oh, God, God, I want the Devil

to leave this room.

Whoever it is, I want you gone.

Good for you, baby.

That's all you had to say.

Don't think this matters.

See you around, Sam.

Is he gone?

He's never really gone.


What about a mocha
latte for the road?



♫ There's always your
beckoning candle ♫

♫ While a man can think,
while a man can talk ♫

♫ While a man can stand,
while a man can walk ♫

♫ While he can dream
feeling his dream ♫

♫ Lord, let his dream
come true right now. ♫
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