07x245 - Tartaros Chapter – Hell's Core

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x245 - Tartaros Chapter – Hell's Core

Post by bunniefuu »

[HAPPY yelping]

This is freaking me out.

The Cube's reacting

to Face's rising power.

Damn it.


If you still want to attack me,

you'd better do it soon.

This continent will be free

of magic in three minutes!

We're down to three minutes?

Ya gotta beat him

up quick, Natsu!

[FRANMALTH] How much is a

wizard worth without his magic?

I'd say nothing!

So this is how a

true demon fights.

[LISANNA] They look pretty

evenly matched from this angle.

[LISANNA yelps]

w*r isn't a

spectator sport, girlie.

[LUMMY laughing]

Have I met you before?

Nope, but between

that pretty face

and those ridiculous cat

ears, I hate you already.



The beginning of the end.

Man shall rule

this world no more.

Face has been unleashed!





[FRANMALTH laughing]

[NATSU] Oh yeah?

I've still got my magic.



So do I.

What did I tell you?

I knew Carla could

figure it out!

That shaking. It stopped.



[KYOKA] The era of magic you

once knew has come to an end!

And now, humanity is doomed!


My magic power's

as strong as ever!



Everything's calmed down.

[BOTH gasp]

What the--? How could

this've happened?

[FRANMALTH crying]

[NATSU] It's simple, your

little plan didn't work.

It's horrible. We've failed.

I shudder to think how far

this blunder set us back.

It pains me.

Now let our friend go!

It's mind boggling,

this failure.

What is the cost?

What is the cost?

One hundred thousand

of your souls!

I'll start by

collecting your souls,

and those of all

your stupid friends,

and I won't stop until every

living thing in Earthland

has been made into

an empty shell!

[FRANMALTH laughing]


How can I stop this freak?

We gotta do something, quick!

But what can we do?

He absorbed everything

we've thrown at him.

He even ate up your spirits.

Don't forget that I have all

of Hades' spells at my disposal.

A magic circle!

This is bad!


Your fate has been sealed!

Amaterasu Formula !


How can she still use magic?

Face should've wiped

it out of existence!

[KYOKA grunts]

Don't run, you coward!


I'm leaving this to you!

Exterminate the fairies!


That's what I was born to do.

[ERZA gasps]


I told you we'd meet again Erza.

I've been waiting for this day.


You can call me Neo-Minerva.

You've finally succumbed

to the darkness.

On the contrary, I've been

reborn by the darkness,

washed clean of my humanity.

Does that mean you've

become a demon?

[KYOKA] I was certain our plan

to use Face was foolproof.

Now we've no other choice.

We'll have to revive

Master E.N.D. by force.

[FRANMALTH laughing]

No way. I can't quit.

[LUCY grunts]





Does this pain bring

back old memories

of your dance with Hades?

Bang! Bang!


Hey, guys. Stay down.

I've got this!

Oh, I can't wait to discover

just how much wasting all

your strength will cost you!

And your friends!



Hades had a wealth of spells!

And now so do I!


Let her go right now!

Bang! Bang! Bang!



[NATSU yelps]

Don't think I forgot that

you owe me, kitty cat!



I dunno know how much

more of this we can take.


Now that you're down,

it's time for me

to swallow your souls!

And your spells

will be mine as well!

No, please!



[LUCY screaming]


You too, kitty!


Oh no! We're doomed!

Goodbye, guys!

He's draining all of my power!

You three will make

wonderful additions

to my vast collection of souls!

Just give up! It's over now!

--[FRANMALTH laughing]

--[GROUP screaming]

I'm never giving up!



[NATSU] You ain't takin'

anything from me!

And you ain't takin'

anything from my friends!

I won't let you!

All your struggling

is pointless!

Guys! Please! You both

gotta stay strong!

We're gonna hold

on to our souls!

You hear me?

We're never lettin' go!

Deny it all you want,

but I'll still be getting

your souls in my belly!


I'm keepin' mine!


This isn't just for me.

It's for him. I owe

that much to Igneel.

I'm gonna see him

again someday!

That's ridiculous!

[BOTH groaning]


You gotta think about

what're the most important

things in your life.

About what you'll never give up!

It's the only way

to hang on to your soul!


The most important things to me.

Carla and yummy fishies.

Carla and yummy fishies.

Carla, yummy fishies.

How much more time

will you waste

on this silly

sentimental blathering?

[LUCY] There's nothing more

important in this world

than my friends. My guild.


And my Celestial Spirits.

I'll see you again, Igneel.

I swear! One day!

Carla, yummy fishies.

Carla and yummy fishies.

Carla and yummy fishies.

Carla and yummy fishies!

[LUCY] This monster

took Taurus and Aries.

I have to get them back home.

I won't give up until

I know they're safe.


I owe it to them!

I have to protect

them no matter what!

Taurus. I close your gate!

Huh? Hey! What in

the hell is going on?!

No! It can't be!

[LUCY gasps]


I'm being torn apart!

This can't be happening to me!

No way.

Is Taurus actually taking

him to the Celestial World?

Curse you! Curse you all!

Taurus! Get out!

What happened?

It's working!


Taurus. I close your gate!

Huh? Hey! What in

the hell is going on?!

No! It can't be!

[LUCY gasps]


I'm being torn apart!

This can't be happening to me!

No way.

Is Taurus actually taking him

to the Celestial World?

Curse you! Curse you all!

Taurus! Get out!

What happened?

It's working!

Aries, I'm closing

your gate too!

Aries, get out now!

I'm so incredibly

sorry, Miss Lucy.

Now close Natsu's gate!

[FRANMALTH gasping]






He's a Celestial Spirit, too?



Awesome fake out.

What a shame! Why did

I fall for that trick?

It's no use! Your magic won't

hurt me. You're finished!


[LUCY gasps]




[FRANMALTH groaning]

I suppose he can't

absorb that, huh?

Yeah, it's just a rock.

No soul in it.

[NATSU chuckles]

No! Not another one!

[NATSU yells]

[FRANMALTH groaning]

[NATSU yelling]

Please! Stop it!

It really hurts!

[NATSU yells]



Nice job.

[LUCY gasps]

What? Were all those

rocks still not enough?

[NATSU] I think those must be

the souls that were inside him.



Hey, Lucy. When we were

thinking about important things,

what kinda stuff

were you focusing on?

I was thinking about

you guys, actually.

My guild mates and spirits.

Oh, yeah. That totally

sounds like you.

I could hear you over there.

You kept on chanting,

"Carla and yummy fishies,

Carla and yummy fishies."

[HAPPY chuckles nervously]


It's not over yet.


[HADES] Using Face is not

the ultimate goal of Tartaros.

Makarov must unleash the light.

Now, before it's too late.

Okay... What was that?

I think it was

Master Hades' ghost.

Pretty sure it was his

soul being released.


Unleash the light?

What does that even mean?

[HAPPY] We need to tell

Master. He'll understand.


Well, the good news is

Wendy and Carla

stopped the Face.

We still don't know

where Mira is.

All I know is I've still

got some work to do,

and that's kickin'

demons' butts!

Okay. I'll go and tell

Master what's up.

Please be careful!

You too!

[FRANMALTH chuckles]


What a bunch of idiots.

They still don't understand that

they will never win against us.

We possess the power

of immortality.

Our lab is the most

valuable tool in the world,

and as long as we have that,

we can keep coming back.

Speaking of,

I suppose there's a vat with

my name on it waiting for me.

[FRANMALTH chuckles]


You okay, Mira?

I think you should be

more worried about yourself.

[LUMMY laughing]

Get off me, you

annoying little pest!

[SEILAH] What are you?

Explain yourself!

No mere human could be

immune to my Macro power!


That must be the

name of the magic

that she used to control Elfman!

She uses curses, dummy!

Why would it work

on your brother,

but have no effect on you?

Macro is rather unique.

I can weave my victim's tales

for as long as I desire.

My previous servants are

available to me at all times,

to do whatever I ask of them.




If it pleases me,

I could have him slit

his own throat, right now.

Don't you dare!

That runt!

Is that Ezel?

Hurry up! I don't wanna

wait around all day!

Revive me, so I can go gobble up

that squirt and her

smarty pants cat!

What's going on?


Come on!

Get me back to normal

so I can settle the score.

First, I'm gonna take

that little windbag

and break her into

bite-sized pieces!

Then I'm gonna turn that little

kitty of hers into a hat!

[MIRAJANE] He's talking

about Wendy and Carla!

Did the two of them

actually beat this guy?

But how? If they beat him,

then how did he end up in here?


Don't leave me hangin', Lummy!

[LUMMY yelps]

Hey, Seilah!

[SEILAH] I'll get to you as soon

as I deal with my own pests.

It won't be long.

Revive me right now and

you and I can double team 'em!

Revive him?

Oh, FYI, we're in our very own

respawn HQ, Hell's Core.

Badass name, huh?

We're like the

Underworld King's faves.

So he gave us the power

to come back to life.

Pretty handy whenever things get

a little too rough out there.

The only guild with immortality.

There's no way. That's nuts.

I don't believe

any of that stuff.

I'm afraid your mouth has

outpaced your brain. As usual.

Whoops, my bad!

I appreciate the info.

[MIRAJANE] It seems like

the first thing I should do

is start tearing up this room!

And what makes you

think you could do that?

Just watch me!




Hey, Lummy, I could use a little

pick me up right about now!


OMG! That cow's

wrecking my lab!

Go, Mira! Tear it up!

Oh please, noooo!

What? But how?

That's impossible!

Oh, is it, now? 'Cause

it seems possible to me!

I used my take over magic.

It let me control your

little tentacle demons.

This human can absorb demons?

That must be the problem.

Why I can't use my

Macro curse on her.

Frustrating isn't it?

I was hoping I'd be able

to absorb you too.

But for some reason,

it's just not happening.

It's kinda weird how you

and I seem to be having

the exact same problem.

No way.

Their powers just

cancel each other out.


The winner will be decided by a

good old fashioned fist fight!

Some hand-to-hand

combat, huh?

Sounds like fun to me!

Sitri! Good idea, sis!

Use your ultimate demon form!

You've gotta be kidding me.

"Ultimate demon form" my butt!

You do realize who you're

dealing with, right?

Seilah here is the real deal.

A demon straight from the books

of our dark lord Zeref himself!

Obey my order.

That won't work.


Release my limiter!

She's controlling herself?

[BOTH gasp]

[BOTH screaming]

Careful. Please, Mira.

Oh no.


What did I tell ya?

Your sister never had a chance

when she decided to go up

against a legit demon.

Yeah, well, you just haven't

seen what Mira can do yet.

[LUMMY laughing]

Oh, give me a freaking break!

You should've just died

before things got ugly.

And it is gonna get real ugly.

You won't believe the things

Tartaros is capable of.

It's almost game over.

For Fairy Tail, and every

other grody human out there.

We need to move

kinda slow, okay.

The ground is

pretty uneven here.

All right. Thank you.

Love. It's in the air!


Would you knock it off?

So, what are we doing?

Don't ask me.


Are they just ignoring us?


Meldy, is there something wrong?



My feet hurt from

all this walking,

but I just need

to rest a minute.

[JELLAL] Your footsteps

were getting heavy.


How glorious.

Love keeps us in tune

with others, yes?

Don't read more into it.

[RACER sighs]

Hey, guys, are you seriously

gonna follow these losers?

I'm sure as hell not.

It is a lot to take in.

Huh. Could we really k*ll Zeref?

Well, I think we should

start with k*lling Jellal.

I'm getting pretty sick

of hearing you complain.

What's your deal?

You don't actually

trust this scumbag

after all he's put

us through, do ya?

I dunno. Jury's still out.

The voices. They're

getting louder.

Say what?

I wouldn't even call 'em voices,

'cause they're not sayin'

anything I can understand.

It's just screams.

That's kinda creepy.

Well, what else?

Do you know what they're

all screaming about?

Got no idea, but I bet

if we stick with him,

we could find out about

all kinds of things.

Whatever this is, I just

gotta hear it for myself.

[LUCY] The fighting between

Fairy Tail and Tartaros

rages on.

Meanwhile, the

Oración Seis proves

they can keep a grudge

going for a long time.

But, as they travel next to

the man they can't forgive,

they run into a survivor

from Grimoire Heart.

You remember Rustyrose?

We all thought he'd died

back on Tenrou Island,

but here he is again.

And he's got something

major to share with them.

Next Time: "Tartaros Chapter

Underworld King."

The underworld still has a lot

of surprises in store for us.
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