03x13 - Samantha's Protest

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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03x13 - Samantha's Protest

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Do you know what they're doing?

Do you?

Do you?!

Nell, do you know they're gonna tear down

The santa marta mission school,

The most important historical landmark in glen lawn?

Did you know that michael jackson

Was almost kidnapped by a flying saucer?

Nell, this is important.

So is this.

If the cia had not stepped in,

Michael might be on the moon.

Oh, what did the doctor say about your broken finger?

He said, "use the other hand."

See? I told you he was a good doctor.

I cannot believe the height of your egotism!

He was not whistling at you.

He was calling his dog.

Get in touch, julie. He always whistles at me.

Come on.

The boy is my sl*ve.

How can you two be talking about boys, dogs, and slaves

When they're gonna tear down the santa marta mission school?

Slaves are tearing down the mission school?

The bulldozers are on the way, nell.

The historical society said

They won't be needing any more of us volunteers

To give tours.

Yeah, I heard about that at school.

They're putting up a mexican restaurant.

They're building it on the ruins of american history.

[ Scoffs ]

I don't know what she's so mad about.

You know, glen lawn could use a good mexican restaurant.

I have had it with sushi.

[ Clattering ]

Samantha darn it!

It's not bad for a kid with one hand, huh?

I still don't know why she's behaving that way.

Children don't take after strangers.

And just what is that remark supposed to mean?

Come on.

That's exactly what you do when you get mad.

I do not!

I would never do anything so childish.

[ Clattering ]

Samantha, cut it out!

That's all we ever do in this country --

Tear down landmarks and put up buildings

That are modern, plastic, and yucky.

You know, you're right, samantha.

You know, we're written to everybody, even mr. O'brien,

Who's in charge of saving historical landmarks.

Yeah? What did he say?

He said he sympathized, but he couldn't save

Every historical landmark in california.

And "have a nice day."

Oh, honey, I know how you feel.

When I was your age, we had the same problem in alabama.

We wrote a lot of letters, but it did us no good.

What were you writing about?

Well, there was this man

That didn't want to serve black folks in a restaurant,

So we had a sit-in.

Twiddling thumbs, we sang songs until he served us.


And then we threw a picket line around the restaurant.


Because the food was terrible.

It was a crime what that man did to turnip greens.

Gee, wouldn't it be great

If I could get the rest of the volunteer guides

To have a sit-in?

Well, sometimes to stand up for your rights,

You have to sit down.

Would you sit in with me, nell?

Honey, my sit-in days are over.

I'm all sat out.


I'd love to, samantha,

But I've got "save the whales" this afternoon

And "my friend, the otter" tonight.

Katie, will you help to keep them from destroying

Glen lawn's oldest and most important historical landmark?

Gosh, sam, I'd really love to,

But I've got to do my nails.

Nobody cares about anything!

Boy, she has a terrible temper...

Just like me.

I like her.

She really does care,

But I don't know how she's gonna fight a bulldozer.

Hey, nell, come on out!

Look at my brand-new bike!

What happened to the old one the chief bought you?

I traded it, even stephen, to bobby fuller for this one.

And just how did you talk bobby into doing that?

Well, I told him mine was an official police bike,

And I wouldn't trade it for a million dollars.

And he fell for that?

I got the bike,

And here's his i.o.u. For the million dollars.

[ Doorbell rings ]

You sit there and save your energy for your football.

Six hours of screaming, "you dummy!"

Chief, did you get a report

About a ufo landing in glen lawn?

You dummy!

Yeah, chief?

Chief, we just got a call.

There's a whole bunch of protesters

Over at the santa marta mission school.

The bulldozer crew is getting mad.

I think there's gonna be trouble.

Mission school? Holy toledo!

I brought all the riot gear.


I even brought... Your bullhorn!

I'm sorry, chief.

It's just I never get to use it.

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.

What was that?

We have to get down to the mission school.

No, stay away from there, nell.

Them protesters are crazy.

They're all screaming,

"Sit down and stand up for your rights!"

"Sit down and stand"? Nell, isn't that --

Shut up, blondie.

Simpson is right.

You and the kids stay away from that mob scene.

Daddy, wait.

Uh, chief, one of those protesters might be samantha.

Samantha who?

Your daughter.


Now, look, I'll go ahead, and I'll get her out of there.

You take your time getting there, all right?

Come on, girls.

Uh, simpson, we're gonna be late,

Uh, because we had a little trouble

Starting the car.

No, we won't, chief.

I just had it tuned.

You dummy!

I'm warning you, kids.

I called the cops, and you better get out of here.

Mr. Gonzalez, shame on you.

This place is a symbol

Of the mexican contribution to our culture,

And you, mr. Gonzalez, want to destroy it.

Don't you have any pride in your heritage?

Yes, but I'm not a fanatic about it.

Now, look, why don't you just all go home?

And then when I open the restaurant,

It's enchiladas for everybody, huh?

You can't buy us with enchiladas,

Burritos, or refried beans.

[ Note plays ]

♪ Guantanamera

♪ Guajira guantanamera

♪ Guantanamera

♪ Guajira guantanamera

♪ Yo soy un hombre sincero ♪

♪ De donde crecen las palmas ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la

How can you sing "guantanamera"

And still tear down this building?

When the bulldozer knocks down these walls,

I'll be singing, "adiós, muchachos."

He's not gonna scare us.

[ All talking at once ]

Samantha, you got to get out of here.


Listen, kids, you've made your point.

You had your say. Please just go home.


What are you gonna do --

Throw yourself in front of a bulldozer?


Please! I just ironed that outfit.

Speaking of outfits, you look terrific.


Okay, here's my construction chief, moose murphy,

And I just told him to drive his bulldozer

Right through all of you.

Why don't I just throw 'em all out, gonzalez?

Hold it.

You touch one hair on the head of these kids,

It's gonna be open season for moose.

Now, you get your ugliness out of my face.

You've got a problem, gonzalez.

[ Siren wails ]

Let's go -- it's the heat.


The man! The fuzz!

What? The police!

That's just my father.

I promised him I would get you out of here.

Nell, I thought you were gonna get her out of here.

I mentioned it to her.

We're not leaving, daddy.

These people are trespassing. Arrest them, daddy.

Oh, come on, mr. Gonzalez.

I demand that you arrest them.

I'll sign the complaint.

All right, kids, this is an illegal entry.

Anyone not off these premises in seconds will be arrested.

One thousand, , one thousand, ...


Samantha, go home.

This is something I believe in.

It's a matter of principle.

Nell, take her home.

She won't go, and I can't leave my baby here.

It's one thousand, .

Will you shut up?!

We've got a job to do here.

My place is with my sister.

She's my sister, too.

You know, in that outfit,

You look just like erik estrada.

Everybody, please, come on. Lock arms. Come on.

Like this, katie.

She's absolutely disgusting.

Don't knock it till you tried it, honey.

My god, it's my whole family.

What an ironic twist of fate.

You're the chief of police. Arrest them.

It's my family.

Arrest them!

I'm begging you, kids. Please go home.

Don't make me arrest my own family.

Daddy, you can't arrest your own children.

You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up the right to remain silent...

♪ Guajira guantanamera

♪ Guantanamera


Mary tyler moore.

Very funny.


Unemployed housekeeper.

I just quit my last job.

Too bad.

You're not gonna get a recommendation

From your last employer.

Chief, why don't you just throw me in the cell?

Better still, I'll throw myself in.

Hold it.

Nell, you know I hate doing this.

Samantha, what did you have to start this trouble for?

We had a sit-in.

Sometimes you have to sit down and stand up for your rights.

Where did you hear that garbage?

It's not garbage. Nell told her that.

All right, everybody, into the cell.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Oh, come on. Relax.

We'll get to know each other.

Come out of there!

I'm not gonna have you kids cooped up in a dirty jail cell.


But it's okay for old black folks like me, huh?

♪ Nobody knows the trouble I seen ♪

That's not what I meant.

♪ Nobody knows my sorrow

Nell, please, be still.

♪ Nobody knows...


♪ The trouble...


I don't want to keep you kids here in a police station,

But I can't let you go home

Until I get a release from judge whitmore,

And he's out somewhere playing golf.

Why don't you get your putter and join him?

Nell, I have to go by the law.

That's my job -- to uphold the law.

You care more about your job

Than you do about your own family.

That's not true, samantha.

Look, most of you kids will be released

In the custody of your parents

As soon as they get here.

Samantha, go home.

I'm not leaving them.

I'm your father, samantha.

Ha! I laugh in your general direction.

Carl, just what do you think --

Pop, thank god you're here. I need your help.

What do you want me to do -- hose them down?

Go home, pop.

I've heard about the whole disgusting event.

It's all over the town.

So why don't you put your poor, old father in jail?

You haven't committed a crime, pop.

Oh, yes, I have.

I fathered you.

Joey! Come out of there.

I'm not gonna have a -year-old kid in a jail cell.

Where grandpa goes, I go.

Listen to me, you kids.

Chief... Till the judge calls,

Why don't you get your mind off of all this, huh?

Watch the football game.

Man now for an update on the news.

Today the kremlin accused the united states

Of flirting with global w*r.

In other news,

The small california town of glen lawn was rocked today

When the chief of police, carl kanisky,

Arrested his entire family.

The press has dubbed him the hick chief,

The meanest cop in the west.

Chief, you're famous.

That hurt.

"Hick chief."

I'm only doing what city hall expects me to do.

[ Telephone rings ]

I'll get that.

Officer simpson.

Uh, yeah, your honor.

It's the mayor.


Yes, I saw the news.

No, they didn't call glen lawn a hick town.

They called me a hick chief.

No, sir, it's not the same thing.

Your honor, what you're suggesting is illegal.

I'm doing my job here,

And I'm not buckling under to any political pressure

From you or anybody else.


Yes, sir. Fine.

Release them.

What did he say?

He said, "if that's your attitude, kanisky,

Let me talk to chief simpson."

The mayor says you can all go home now.

Come on.

[ Indistinct talking ]


Kate? Julie?


Joey, at least you talk to me.



Try to understand.

I mean, if I didn't enforce the law,

I wouldn't be much of a cop.

Well, you're not being much of a father.

Hey, grandpa, do you want to play some checkers?


Hey, sam, want to play some tag?


Hey, nell --

Honey, just go outside and play, all right?


Boy, you guys are more fun in jail.

Well, how is everybody?

That's nice to hear.

Any coffee, nell?

On the stove.

Aw, what's the use?

You know, your father doesn't understand

What you kids were standing for.

He'll never change.

I guess you can say he'll always be his own worst enemy.

Not while I'm alive.

Hey, come on.

Maybe we better lighten up on the chief.

After all, he's forgiven us

For a lot of things we've done to him in the past.

I've never done anything.

I have a clear conscience.

You mean "transparent."

Your nail polish is clear.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Gs ]


Hello. I'm mr. Fuller.

Good. Could you come back another time?

And thank you. He belongs to us.

Not till I get my kid's bike back,

The one that little criminal stole.

I didn't steal it. We traded.

Shut up, you little crook.

Hey, hey, hey.

Who you calling a crook?

That kid. He's a crook.

I shouldn't be surprised after what I saw on tv today.

Your whole family is nuts.

Nothing but a bunch of wild-eyed radicals.

You're a disgrace to glen lawn.

This is my badge.

This is what makes me chief of police.

Now I am no longer chief of police.

I am a father.

Now, who the hell do you think you are, coming in here,

Calling that kid a crook and my family nuts, you creep?!

Now, wait a minute.

You wait a minute!

My little samantha did something today

Because she believed in it,

And the rest of our family backed her up

Because they loved her.

Right or wrong, they had the guts to sit down

And stand up for their rights!

♪ Guantanamera

♪ Guajira guantanamera

Knock it off!

You're as nuts as they are.

Take your kid's bike and get out of here,

Or I'll have you arrested for trespassing.

Remember, I arrested my whole family for the same thing.

Good point.

[ Door closes ]

And I thought you didn't understand.

You were just doing your job, daddy.

We're sorry for all the rotten things we said to you.

Dad, I didn't say anything.

My conscience is transparent.

Carl, I'm almost proud to be your father.


Chief, I'm really sorry I called you a hick.

Forget it, joey.

But it was really dumb to give back my new bike.

[ Music plays ]

Hey! Great news every--

Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!

[ Moaning, heavy breathing ]

[ Television shuts off ]

Great news.

I went over to take one last look at the old mission school,

And they're not gonna tear it down.

That's great, but why not?

Mr. Gonzalez said he got so much publicity,

He's gonna leave the school like it is

And build his restaurant around it.

Oh, that's terrific.

I wish they had been open tonight.

Your father promised to take us out to dinner,

But he's the only one that went out

And brought us back this slop.

You know what else mr. Gonzalez said?

Next summer, all of us tour guides can wait on tables.

Oh, is that good-looking guy gonna be working there?

The one that looks like erik estrada?


Yeah. You know what?

He said he never thought he'd find a girl

He wanted to date in jail.

Did you hear that, julie?

He's taking me to a movie tomorrow.

♪ Guantanamera

♪ Guajira guantanamera

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break
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