02x13 - Rise of the Spinjitzu Master

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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02x13 - Rise of the Spinjitzu Master

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER Previously:

ANNOUNCER Previously:

JAY Nya! That is no longer Nya.

KAI What did he do to my sister?

No! Fight, Father!

Lloyd. Fight him!

OVERLORD Your father is gone!

MISAKO My son!

OVERLORD We'll go to Ninjago City

to finish this once and for all!

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ And then we'll jump back Do it again ♪

♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪




Heh, I told you they'd do it. Ooh.

EDNA Ooh. Is it the ninja?

It must be.

BOY The ninja have won? LOU Ha-ha. We're saved!

About time.

Now to get this place back in order.


What the--?



What is that?




DARRETH All right.

You will have until the count of three

to leave here before I unleash the power of one:

Hee-yah! The dragon.

Two Penguin.


Two and a half--



Ha-ha. You missed.

Oh, no.

Aah! Aah!



We shall meet again. This I swear!


Where are those ninja?



Can I still fight?

Hmm, I'm sorry.

That leg will take weeks to heal.

We don't have weeks.


The battle between good and evil

will be decided today.

And we can't even get to the fight,

much less get off this island.


Ah. I wonder if I'll ever see Nya again.

Perhaps it's best to think of our friends

as we remember them in our hearts,

not as they are now.


But I don't remember my father any other way.

Your father loved you.

It was the evil of the Great Devourer

that corrupted him.

Sensei, I don't understand. The prophesy said

the Green Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord.

Why didn't we win?

I don't know.

Don't know?

You're sensei! You always know.

You have a long white beard!

There must be some message to learn.

A lesson. A word of wisdom.

Just a word? Something.

For once, I'm afraid there is nothing to learn.

Only that evil has won.

If sensei doesn't have a lesson, then I do.

I used to be nothing but trouble,

but then I met you guys. You took me in.

Showed me the importance of being brave,

the importance of being strong.

And most importantly,

being good.


When this battle first began,

when the first Spinjitzu master fought the Overlord

and his back was up against the wall

and he knew it was all over, did he quit? No.

He found a way to keep the fight going.

He passed his elemental powers to us.

Of all people, a bunch of kids.

But there must have been a reason he chose us.

I'd like to think it's because he knew

we'd never back down, we'd never give up.

We've learned the ancient ways of the ninja.

And ninja never quit. He's right.

If that means we have to swim the sea to get off this island,

then so be it.

The entire ocean?

But I didn't bring my floaties.

Well, if you got a better plan.

I don't, but he may.

Ooh, the falcon. He must have found something.


ZANE You brought us back to the Temple of Light?

I do not understand. We've already been here.

This location, I've seen this before.

I just never understood it.


I think I found something.

It's just like the map.

There's one more over there.

And here.

And over here.


What is it?



It is the fighting suit

the first Spinjitzu master used

when he battled the Overlord.

You mean, the first Spinjitzu master once sat here?

Ha-ha! Get out of here.

How do you make this thing work?

Sadly, I think time has done her in.

She's only a relic now.

If it worked for the first Spinjitzu master,

perhaps it will work for the next Spinjitzu master?

It's worth a sh*t.

Hey, watch out.







Looking good! JAY k*ller!

ZANE Amazing! How does the leg feel now?


Well, I know how he is getting to Ninjago,

but what about us?


I know that sound.

It's our dragon!

I believe we just found our way off this rock.





I see Ninjago. We're not far away!

Oh, you sure that's Ninjago?



What is that thing?

WU Garmatron.

MISAKO It's turned into a fortress?

TINKERER But where's the Overlord?

He's turned everyone evil.

Oh, just like Nya.

And now they're helping his cause.

I can't wait to see the look on the Overlord's face

when he gets a load of us. [OVERLORD ROARS]

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, sweet mother may I.

COLE Look out, Jay!


Is that the look you were hoping for?

Zane-- No.

The metamorphosis is complete.

The Overlord's changed into his original form.

But we can't fly up there.

We have my father's golden mech.

We have to draw their fire to help Lloyd

use the mech against the Overlord.

We hear you loud and clear.

COLE Everyone, hold on tight!



KOZU Wait.



COLE Look out, sensei!

KAI Pull up! Quick, pull up!

MISAKO The Stone Army is protecting its master.

They will never let Lloyd get close.

Then we need to get close.

Yeah. I knew they'd be back.


Time to bring out the big buttons.






WU He's been hit!

MISAKO We need to protect him.




Oh, no! Ugh!

NINJAS Ninja, go!

Ah. I'm okay.

Yeah. But are we?




KAI Good job, Zane!





JAY I know we've always drawn a crowd,

but this is ridiculous.

How can you be making jokes at a time like this?

Hey, if I'm going down, might as well go down laughing.

If this is how we're going to go down,

I am proud to be fighting alongside my brothers.

COLE Hear, hear.


We need to go back and save them.

There are too many.


His helmet must have fallen off

during his transformation.

What does that matter?

He who wears the helmet, controls the army.

What? It was written in the scroll.

What if the helmet

is more than just the key to the clock?

What if that helmet

is the reason Garmadon was able to control

the Stone Army in the first place?

If we can get to that helmet, we could stop the army.

What are we waiting for?



LLOYD Keep fighting! Unh! Never give up!

KAI Ninja never quit!

NINJAS Ninja, go!




We're doomed, guys.

There it is.

DARRETH Ah, finally, a little protection for my noggin.


Eh, what?




What happened?

They are frozen.

All hail the brown ninja!

What do you command?

Brown ninja?

DARRETH Heh-heh. What's up, fellas?

Looks like we all know who's in command now.

COLE The helmet controls the army. Well done.

Oh, that means now we stand a fighting chance.

I need to get to the top of that fortress.

I may not be able to get there by myself,

but with your help, I can face him.

NINJAS Ninja, go!

Where'd you get those? I want one.

You too, brown ninja.

Today, you're one of us.

Shall we do it once more, just for old time sake?

Ninja, go!


Army! About face!


DARRETH Stone Army, go!



You better get this back.

MISAKO Let's help them out.


MISAKO We're hit!

We have to land. This is as far as we can go.

JAY Look out!

Cole, come on. Get up.

Ugh. I'm hit. Go!

Go on without me. Ugh.


We need to move. Now!




Get out of the way!

Don't look! Just keep climbing!

Ugh. From my calculations,

with the distance remaining to the top,

the odds are that only one of us is going to make it.

LLOYD Then let's b*at the odds! Let's--


Go on. I'll hold them back.


I'm gonna draw her fire so you can make it to the top.

No, don't! We can do this together.

No. There's only one green ninja.

This is your fight.

You're hurt, you hardly stand a chance.


KAI Go, Lloyd!



LLOYD I have come here to fight you!

You're in no shape to fight.

It's over. Evil wins.

A ninja never quits.


You don't even have a sword.

I don't need a sword.

Then all I have to say is goodbye.






He has become the ultimate Spinjitzu master.

This is the final battle.

I am the ultimate Spinjitzu master.






You can't defeat me.

Where there is light, there will always be shadow!

Unless my light is bright enough!




This ends now.

You can't defeat me.







No! No! No!



Unh. What happened?


KAI My sister.

JAY Nya, you're back!

COLE Come here, you tin can.

ZANE Brother.


TINKERER Is this really happening? We did it?

We did it. You did it. I did it!

Heck, who didn't do it?

Yeah. But where's Lloyd?

ALL Lloyd!

MISAKO You were brilliant, son.

WU Because of you, Ninjago was saved.

Because of you, there will be a tomorrow.

KAI Speaking of which,

if the Overlord should ever decide

to show his face again around here,

we'll be ready.

And next time, we'll be a little more humble.

And a little more wise.

And with better catchphrases.


We will all miss your father.


What happened?

Garmadon, is it really you?


Oh, Dad!

Every ounce of evil and venom is gone.

I feel good.

Ha-ha. It's been so long.

Good to have you back, brother.

Wu. Good to be back.

JAY Aw, would you look at that?

Who would have thought we'd ever see the day?

You think we should dogpile them?

KAI Let's give them their moment.

They earned it.

COLE It's been quite a ride, fellas.

ZANE You think there will be others?

I hope so. I liked being a ninja.

It's not like we have many other skills.

Ha! Speak for yourself,

I'm looking forward to doing a little inventing,

maybe some model building, dabble in poetry--

Jay's right. We've come a long way

and there's no reason why we can't use

what we've learned in our everyday lives.

Who knows? We may have gotten the balance right today

but there's always tomorrow.

There's no way of knowing what's around the corner.

But as long as there's something worth fighting for,

there's always a need for a ninja.

And we'll be ready.


♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪
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