02x03 - Double Trouble

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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02x03 - Double Trouble

Post by bunniefuu »

WU Previously on Ninjago...

WU Previously on Ninjago...

[YELLS] Lloyd, don't!

Your powers are too uncontrollable!


Aw, but when will I learn Spinjitzu?


The Mega-w*apon doesn't have the power to destroy.

It only has the power to create.

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ And then we'll jump back Do it again ♪

♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Ninja, go Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪



Focus, Lloyd.

Control the power inside you.

When you feel a surge welling up...

harness it.

I understand.

I am in control...


Come on, Lloyd. You can do it.

Argh! Stupid light bulb!

You're putting too much pressure on me.

Let me have one more try.

Sorry, Lloyd, that was the last light bulb.

Clean up, Lloyd. We'll continue training tomorrow.


[SIGHS] What am I doing wrong, Sensei Wu?

I can't seem to teach him to control his power.

You dare to defy the Green Ninja!

Patience, Jay.

Sometimes the greatest opponent we face is ourselves,

and that's especially true of Lloyd.

Remember where he came from.

He's the son of Lord Garmadon.

It's going to take time for him to embrace the light.

Hey, guys! NINJA Hey, Nya.

Hey, Jay, wanna come by the auto body shop later?

Uh, the auto body shop?

Yeah, I got a part-time job.

Thought I could fix the Ultra Sonic Radar in my off time.

Maybe if you come over,

I can show you what I've been working on.

Ah, sure! What you got there?

Oh, um, this letter came for Lloyd.

Hm. It's from Lloyd's old school.

The Darkly School for Bad Boys?

WU Formerly bad boys.

Since the last time we were there,

they've changed to the Darkly School for Great Children.

Wait, they've turned good?

Hm. It says here there's going to be a ceremony.

I love ceremonies. That means there's going to be cake.

Lloyd's change inspired them.

Now they've invited Lloyd

to give him an honorary degree in excellence.


Are we sure we're talking about the same Lloyd?


GARMADON Squeeze in tight. Can everyone hear me?

Okay, so let's brainstorm on how to use my Mega-w*apon

to destroy the Ninja.

Remember, the w*apon can only create, never destroy,

and I can only use it once a day,

as it drains all my strength.

So, no such thing as a bad idea.


What if you made more pirates?

Over the side!

No, no, I was kidding.

Wait! Aah!

Anyone else?

Don't be shy. No bad ideas.

What if you recreated the Devourer?

Over the side! Aah!

Instead of things that have already failed

to destroy the Ninja, how about something new?

Can you create a giant ham sandwich?

A poisoned giant ham sandwich?

I would hope not! I'm so hungry!

Aah! Argh! This is impossible.

Those pesky Ninja always come out on top.

How can I defeat Ninja who so rudely refuse to be defeated?

w*apon, answer me!

Wait! That's it!

Hm? The giant ham sandwich?


Better. No more brainstorming!

Gather me any Ninja belongings left on their ship!

Ninja, today I wish for you to finally meet your match.





I have made you...

to be equal to the Ninja...

and loyal only to me.

BIZARRO-NINJA Yes, Lord Garmadon!

Then I command you to find and destroy the Ninja!

JAY Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Now that we can ride the Dragon,

we should get to Darkly's in no time.

KAI If Lloyd can get us there in one piece.

Just be gentle. Any sudden moves can cause him to...

Any sudden what?


COLE The reins! Let go of the reins!

Heh-heh. At least I'm getting better.

All the same, I'll take the reins going home.

Just to be safe.

Lloyd? Uh, Brad?

You came! So good to see you!

It is? You put fire ants in my bed.

Please forgive me. I wasn't myself,

and have learned the error of my ways!

And you must be the Ninja!

Uh, guys, meet Brad Tudabone.

BRAD Such a huge fan!

Go good! Ha, ha.

Please, will you not follow me to see the Principal?

COLE Uh, shouldn't you all be in class?

BRAD Actually, today is a new Darkly School tradition.

Ninja Day.

We stay out of sight to honor the way of the Ninja

for showing us the light.

Huh. This is a good school. I'm impressed.

Principal Noble?

Lloyd and the Ninja are here for the ceremony.

That, and the cake.

By the way, do you know what kind it is?

PRINCIPAL I'll be with you in just a moment.

I should get back to the flowers.

Um, has anyone seen a teacher yet?

Indeed, their absence is most strange.

PRINCIPAL I'll see you now. Come in, come in.

GENE Welcome back, Lloyd.


And welcome, Ninja,

to the new Darkly's Boarding School for worse boys!



Gene, I'm gonna get you for this.



Thank goodness you're here! What happened?

Where's Lloyd? And who are all you?

We're the teachers,

and we've all been taken prisoner.

We tried to teach the boys how to be good,

but they overthrew us. They're monsters!

But I thought Lloyd was getting an honorary degree.

That was the boys' trick to lure Lloyd here

and convince him to be their leader.

What? There's not gonna be cake?


Welcome to your ceremony, Lloyd.

Or should I call it an evil intervention?

Where are my friends?

Aw, they're better off without you.

With friends like you, who needs enemies?

You may have forgotten, but we're your true friends.

And we want to help you undo the damage

you've done to yourself and our school's reputation.

Be honest. Doesn't a part of you miss being bad?


GRANNY Oh, Ninjas!

Thank goodness!

Can you reunite me with my dear Pebbles?

That's not what I had in mind.





we must find the Ninja.

You're back? So, how was it?

Great. We were having so much fun, we forgot where we were.

Hm. I bet Lloyd had a blast.

Lloyd? Uh, yeah, sure. He's still there.

He wanted us to tell you he thinks you should go.

Like now.




Mega-Monster Amusement Park is no place for an old man.

I'd just slow him down.

Mega-Monster Amusement Park?

Oh, yeah, right.


Lloyd is not at the amusement park.

You are not my students.

And you are not our master.

Ninja, go!


Argh! Argh!

Huh? Argh! Argh!

Whatever you are, you all could use a lesson!



Teach us, then. Where are the Ninja?

He'll never talk.

NYA [FROM MACHINE] Jay, are you back yet?

Can't wait to see you at the auto body shop.

See you then!


ZANE Battering ram activated.

Argh! We're never gonna open that door.

I hope they haven't turned Lloyd.

I don't think things can get much worse.

Look, don't worry guys,

I told Nya I'd meet her at the auto body shop.

And since I'm so punctual, if I'm even one second late,

she's gonna suspect something's wrong.


NYA Oh, there you are.

I was wondering when you'd get back.

You're usually not late.

It's a whole new me, baby. Heh. Nice work.

We should take it out for a spin.

Bet we could make a lot of people jealous.

I should've known spending time at Darkly's School

would turn you into a bad boy.

Darkly's School? Is that where we were?

What's gotten into you?

It's a bad-boy thing.


Call me!



Did you find them? They're at Darklys.

Excellent. Now destroy them!

It'll be our pleasure.


If we don't get out, they're going to brainwash Lloyd

and undo all of the lessons we tried to teach him.

Not to mention, never taste cake again.

Principal, how well do you and the teachers know this building?

We barely know it at all, actually. We're new.

The old teachers were highly committed to teaching evil

and quit in protest when the school went good.

So if the school building was originally built for evil,

don't we have to assume there are hidden passages

which none of you would even know about?

You're right. It just wouldn't be an evil school

without hidden passages.

Okay, everyone, look for a hidden switch.

It could be anything, A book, a tile, a fixture.

I found it! [LOUD CLANKING]


Wrong switch! Keep looking!


[ALL GASP] That is just so evil!

ZANE This way!


JAY Stop tickling me. COLE I'm not tickling you.

KAI Zane, can you give us some light?


Ha, ha. Come on, you can untie me.

Really, this is just a huge relief.

I couldn't stand being good.

Heh. Thank you for saving me.

How do we know you're not lying to us

just to escape and help the Ninja?

Well, if I am truly good,

I wouldn't be able to lie, which I'm not.

But even if I was, wouldn't lying make me evil,

thus giving you assurance that you could release me?


He's trying to trick us with mind games!


Someone's coming.

[GASPS] The Ninja escaped!

Execute Doomsday formations!

To Glory!

Spitball brigade, step forward.


Smoke b*mb brigade, step forward.




Dodgeball brigade. Ready. Fire!



Our turn. Run!



Where are the Ninja?



Why do I always get tied up?

You'd think I'd be pretty good with knots by now.

Okay, you can do this, Lloyd.


Ha, ha. Yes!


Ha, ha! Finally! I'm free!

Aw, no way!

I escaped fair and square!

Your friends are pure evil.


BIZARRO-COLE What is this? Some kind of joke?

BRAD Uh, that's where they were. Honest!

Time for another noogie.

No! No! Anything but that!

Ah. Finally, a way out.

KAI Guys, why are we staring at ourselves?

Uh, this is kind of too weird for us.

We're gonna stay in here.

Ha! Those who don't fight, teach.

Drop the boy, uh, me.

He's of no use to us anymore.

Who are you guys?

Your doom.

My early assessment tells me

this must be Garmadon's doing.

My early assessment tells me you will be destroyed.

NINJA Ninja, go! BIZARRO-NINJA Ninja, go!


See, I told you my friends wouldn't turn evil.

The evil Ninja must be my father's doing.

Fascinating. It's like fighting a mirror,

where the reflection countermoves in perfect sync.

And no one appears to be able to land a blow.

We have to help them.

Just to be clear, which them?

Uh, my friends, of course.

Uh, I mean, the evil Ninja.

Ha, ha, ha!

Unh! Unh! I am Lloyd Garmadon,

evil son of the super evil Lord Garmadon,

and I demand you release me!

Ha, ha, ha!

Here's my theory

on how to help the Evil Ninja destroy the Good Ninja.

Look what happens when positive energy

connects with negative energy.

So, if an evil Ninja

manages to connect a single blow against his opposite,

that same spark should be so powerful

as to eradicate the good Ninja.

Trust me. I'm, like, an evil genius.

Okay, good enough for me.

Alright, you win. I'm good.

But guess what? So's Brad!

[GULPS] That's a lie!

Is it? Then explain why, on the day we first met,

you were nice to me.

When I arrived here on my first day,

I didn't know how things worked around here

and everyone made fun of me.

Brad even put fire ants in my bed.


Yeah, I remember that. That was evil.

But when everyone was gone,

he said he was just trying to teach me how things go.

And after that, he took me under his wing,

and he taught me the art of revenge.

Why would you do that?

I wanted to get in good with his father.

No, it's because deep down, he's not all evil.

And Brad's not the only one.

Face it, all of you have a secret good side

that stays quiet out of fear, because it thinks it's alone.

But it's not. And I'm living proof.

So, who's with me?

[SIGHS] It's true.

And I love planting flowers.

You what?

Also, the Ninja saved my life.

A kindness I plan to return.

Aw, my dad is gonna be so mad.

Yeah, join the club.

Now then, I have a plan.

Who here can sew?



Ninja, go!


We're so evenly balanced...

Ugh. This fight could go on...forever!

KAI We can't give up. Keep fighting!


PUPILS Ninja, go!

COLE Hey! It really is Ninja Day!

I see what they're doing! They're trying to confuse them.

Yeah, but it's confusing me too.

ZANE Keep your focus.

It works just as Gene says.

If you can land a punch, they'll be defeated!

COLE Argh! Good riddance!

Don't think you can get rid of us that easily.

By the way, did I mention that I kissed Nya?

What? You did what?

Ha, ha, ha. Yeah.


Nobody kisses my girl.


BIZARRO-KAI Stay back!

Aw, my eyes! I can't see!

Ohh! Ohh! Ahh!

KAI Ain't so bad.


It worked, Lloyd! You did it!

No, we did it.


Normally we'd punish you for holding us c*ptive,

but I guess now that we've all learned a valuable lesson,

I suppose it's cause for a celebration.

That wouldn't mean cake, now, would it?


Oh, man! So great to have the t*nk back.

[MOUTH FULL] You said it.

KAI Can't wait to hear what Sensei says

when he hears about this.

So, it is true.

You have destroyed my Evil Ninja.

Keep it comin', Garmadon.

Your attempts to stop us are only making us stronger.

Ugh. But tomorrow is a new day, Ninja.

Mark my words, I will find new ways to finish you,

once and for--

What? I can't hear you?

Nya will be displeased, she just repaired it,

and it appears it already has to go back to the shop.

Nah, it's not broken.


You did that?

But it didn't blow up.

You go to school,

and sometimes you might pick up a thing or two.


♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ Ninja, go ♪

♪ Come on, come on, come on And do the weekend whip ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪
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