07x229 - Art of Regression

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x229 - Art of Regression

Post by bunniefuu »


It can't be. This has to
be some kind of illusion!


[ERZA] How can this
be happening to me?

Do I have any armor that
could fit me the way I am?

I doubt it. Anyway,
that's not what matters.

[ERZA gasps]

[ERZA screaming]

[NARRATOR] At the behest of
the Wizard Saint Warrod,

Natsu and a small team came
to the Village of the Sun.

There they found the
village's towering residents

frozen solid in
full battle array.

They also met a treasure hunter
guild called Sylph Labyrinth.

Determined to take the
village's Sacred Flame,

Sylph Labyrinth squared
off against Fairy Tail.

Erza left the team to look
further into what happened

before the village was frozen.

But her investigation was
cut short when her body

suddenly transformed
into that of a child.

Fairy Tail's strongest
are on the job.

But can they defeat
Sylph Labyrinth,

break the curse of ice,

and return the giants
to their natural state?

And what could've caused
Erza's transformation?

Is it connected to the ice,
or something else entirely?

For reasons unknown,
two others watch from afar

as the guilds compete.
The first of these is a mystery.

But the second is Minerva,
one of Erza's old rivals.

[ERZA screaming]

--[ERZA grunts]



[ERZA sighs]

I've gotten so clumsy.

I suppose this
new body of mine

is gonna take some
getting used to.

But what should I do
in the meantime?

Ideally, I find a way to
get back to normal and soon.

I might be even
shorter than Wendy.

Wow, people might actually
think I'm your older sister!

Little cutie!

[ERZA] And if Natsu and
Gray were to see me

in this state, then--

Hey there, Erza, how about
a little sparring match!

Now we can actually win!

[ERZA] Both of those
scenarios I can live with.

But if some wretched twist of
fate allowed Jellal to see me?


Sorry, kid. I like
'em full grown.

No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no!

I must fix my body, immediately!

[HIROSHI grunts]

[RALA grunts]

[GRAY growls]

[NATSU grunts]

[BOTH grunt]


[HAPPY whimpers]

You're tough. Especially
for bein' non-magic users.

Who needs it, man? We're the
best treasure hunters in Fiore.

That means we always end up
with the best treasure,

plus, some totally
ridiculous gear.

We don't just say
we're the best.

We've got a trophy to prove it!

Sylph Labyrinth won the gold

at last year's
Grand Treasure Games!

Ya dig?!

Wait, is that seriously a thing?

Yeah, and it was won
by Hiroshi, the Sword!

And Rala, the Hammer!

As well as Drake, the sn*per!

We're the only three members
of the Sylph Labyrinth guild!

And we kick more butt
than you pansies ever could!

So treasure hunters
have a tournament too.

I wonder what kind of contest
they have to compete in.

Congratulations, guys.

You're frickin' amazing!

You're just screwin'
with 'em, right?

Now that you know who
you're dealin' with, piss off!

Regular ol' wizards
don't stand a chance

against Sylph Labyrinth.

Well, then, it's too bad for
you we're not regular wizards.


What the--?

He's got our Moon Drip!

All thanks to my
"Ice Make Misappropriator."

Give it back, man!

Nobody steals treasure
from a treasure hunter!

Hey, Drake! Blow 'em away!

On it.


Okely dokey!

No way!

You seem a bit disconcerted.

It's like you've never seen
an arrow stop a moving b*llet.

Punks! Give it back!

Sorry, but no can do.
It's goin' to a better cause!

[HIROSHI yelling]



[RALA grunting]

Whoa there! Lucy!

Oh, yeah!

Chain Blade Gunner Form!

[LUCY grunts]

[HIROSHI yelling]

You're up, Wendy!

All right!


[RALA yelling]



No problem!


[CARLA] Well, I can see
why you're not the sn*per!


Aye aye, Sir!

[breaking glass]


[ALL gasping]


[BOTH yelping]

[DRAKE gasping]

You shattered it!

You talk down to
us for stealing,

then you take our stuff and
throw it on the frickin' ground?

We thought we were ruthless
but, you! You're evil. Why?


I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.

[BOTH sigh]

[LUCY gasps]

Wait, look where it spilled.


If that's all the ice the
Moon Drip could melt, then--

We couldn't have
used it for much.

There wasn't near enough
of it to save a single giant,

let alone the entire village.

[HIROSHI] No way!
That means our master plan

was totally doomed to
fail from the start!

We were positive we had enough
to melt that stupid flame!

Our plan sucked so we
gotta change it, ya dig?

Yeah, we totally do, don't we?

Did you switch catch phrases?

[NATSU gasps]

I messed up. If you have
to hit me, hit the butt.




I hear somethin' down there.

[NATSU grunts]

It sounds like... a voice.

[LUCY gasps]

A voice? Really?

[NATSU] I can't quite
make out what it's saying,

but it is definitely there.

It's calling out.

Like, calling for help?


Are you sure, 'cause
I'm not hearin' anything.

[NATSU grunts]

This way!


I know that voice! I've heard
it before, but where was I?

Hold up, man, we're comin'!

Wait! Where are we going?

What d'ya think
he heard down there?

Let's go and find out.


Slow down, Natsu! Wait for us!

[DRAKE panting]

[DRAKE yelling]


[DRAKE yelling]

[DRAKE panting]

[DRAKE] We can't let it end like
this! Our pride is at stake!

[HIROSHI] Did you take a look
at that blonde chick's keys?

They looked pretty rare to me!

They stole from us,

so it's only fair to
steal from them, ya dig?

Sylph Labyrinth. Move out!


It was this way. I think.
But whose voice was it?



Hey, I thought you were
a trio? I guess thieves lie.

Yeah, but I'm not a thief.

Now then, wizard of Fairy Tail.

Regress: Become a shadow
of the days of your past.

[NATSU gasps]

What the heck?
What're you doin'?

[NATSU groaning]

Why do I feel bite-sized?

[MAN] Children are much easier
to assassinate than adults.




[ERZA] Well, the good news is
I can still use magic. But--

My requip speed has
been cut in half.

Each requip drains
twice as much magic,

and in a body this
clumsy and small,

I can barely lift a sword.

Plus my feet are
extremely cold.

Priority one is getting
back to normal.

But since I have no idea
how I got this way,

I don't know where to start.

[MINERVA] Erza Titania,
helpless as a lamb.



[MINERVA chuckles]

[MINERVA] Been a while,
Little Miss Scarlet.

[ERZA] You had me worried
when you disappeared

after the Grand Magic Games.
I'm glad you're okay,

but where have you been
and why are you here?

You were worried?
That's rich, even for you.

[ALL grunting]


[MINERVA grunts]

[BOTH grunt]

Yagde Rigora!

[KAGURA, ERZA grunt]

I'm past the point of anger.

[MINERVA] If that's
supposed to frighten me,

then you're more
foolish than I thought.

[MINERVA chuckles]

[MINERVA grunts]

This anger's not just mine!
It's Fairy Tail's!

Loh hoset! Loh hosetia!

Nothing can save you!

Yi Ragdoh!

[ERZA grunts]

[MINERVA gasps]

No. Stop!

I will have revenge!

Stay back! You've won this!

Let me go!

Nakagami Starlight!


[MINERVA grunting]

[MINERVA groaning]

Your guild mates
are worried too.

When you didn't turn up after
the dragons att*cked Crocus,

they thought you
might've been k*lled.

You should've told
them you were well.

Instead you left them
to sift through the rubble.

[ERZA] It's been a long time
since the end of the games.

Where were you?

Actually, I've joined
a new guild.

I came here today on
my very first mission.

You quit Sabertooth?

Oh, yes.

And as luck would have it,
I find you on a silver platter.

[gasps] I know that sigil.

Succubus Eye!

You joined a dark guild?

[NATSU yelping]

[NATSU] Seriously man, what
the heck have you done to me?!

Why do I look like
an -year-old?

Hey, ugly! Turn me back
before I have to get rough!

[MAN] Shut up and listen.
The name's Doriate.

I'm a member of a dark guild
called Succubus Eye.

I will always reign

over the strongest
guild in existence.

And I couldn't care less
if it's dark or light.

Morality means nothing to me,
it's power that I crave.

[ERZA] And you think
Succubus Eye is powerful?

[MINERVA] It's precisely
because this guild is weak

that I chose it. But that
will change soon enough.

I didn't realize you left
your dignity in Crocus.

What little you had.

My "dignity"?

[ERZA] Even now, Sting and
Rogue are searching for you.

Do you not feel ashamed for
abandoning your comrades?

They're no comrades of mine.

Sabertooth lost its fangs on the
day it stopped culling the weak.

Those fools mean
nothing to me now.


Do you seriously
mean all of that?

This has been a good chat, Erza.
Now, how about a rematch?

Though I doubt you can do much
more than cry in your state.

This sudden change. You're the
one who caused it, aren't you?

Oh, no.

You can thank my partner
in crime for that one.

I have to admit, the underworld
has some intriguing magic.

So your little band
of thieves've got

a wizard after all, huh?

[DORIATE] I already told
you, I'm not a thief.

What's wrong, are you too afraid
to face me in a fair fight?

You'll recall that I was
never much for fairness,

but the underworld has
really expanded my horizons.

Prepare yourself.

And this isn't some
trivial competition, Erza,

it's a fight to the death.

Nothing can save you.
I will have revenge.

[ERZA grunts]

You talk too much.

It's time I shut
you up for good!


[BOTH grunting]

Crap! This body's stupid clumsy!

Fire Dragon Roar!


[DORIATE yells]

What's goin' on?

Even as a kid, I was way
better at magic than this!

[DORIATE] The reduction
of your magic ability

is the main effect of
my Art of Regression.

Turning you into a pipsqueak;
that's just a bonus!

Uh. Art of Regression?

That's what it's called!

Ya got some cheap
moves! But so do I!

[NATSU gasps]

[NATSU groaning]

[NATSU screaming]

[NATSU grunts]


Ow! Owie! Owie!
Owie! Owie! Owie! Ow!

What the heck was that, man?
Ya got rocket fists?

[DORIATE] Needless to say,
your defenses have weakened.

On the plus side,
things couldn't get worse.




Oh, man! Things
just got way worse!



What's worse?


Blast! He got away!

Works every time on suckers!

Sure, I can't fight, but
I can always run and hide!

This really takes me back!

You're almost as gullible
as old Gildarts was!

Got a voice to find! I'll deal
with you when I'm big again!

[DORIATE] I'll teach that
filthy brat to mock me.

And while I'm at it,

I should teach him what the
true meaning of fear is, too.

[LUCY, WENDY panting]

[WENDY yelps, grunts]

You okay? Can you stand?

[WENDY] Yeah, I'm fine.
This ice is super slippery.

[LUCY] Somehow we lost
track of Natsu and Gray.

What do we do? There are nothing
but frozen trees and stuff

as far as the eye can see.

Carla and I are gonna look
around from above, okay?

You keep searching down
there. We'll be back soon.

Uh, Lucy?

Have you noticed
anything odd recently?


Odd might be an

More like "freaky."
Know what I mean?

You can take off
the masks, guys.

What're you talkin'
about, "masks,"

we cats don't wear those...

Don't you recognize us?
We're cats! Your cats!

[LUCY screaming]

[HIROSHI] We just
went for a little flight,

but we're back meow.

[RALA] We're so glad to be
back with our friends! Meow!

No way. Come on, guys.

You expect us to believe
you two are Happy and Carla?

[BOTH yelping]

Our disguises are perfect!

What sorcery allows these fiends
to see past our illusions?

I said I should've been the
blue cat, but didja listen?

I feel like Warrod's gonna pop
up and tell us we got punked.

Treasure hunters have
a much broader skill set

than I thought they would.

Well played, witchy ones! The
ruse is up, you've found us out!

Now, listen!

Those keys of yours look
totally rare, so pass 'em over!

Yeah, nice and slow, ya dig?

You can't just take
whatever you want!

Uh, listen. I'm sorry
that we broke your bottle.

We don't wanna fight, we're
just tryin' to help the giants.

If you leave us alone,
then we'll do the same.

The giants?

[HIROSHI] Nobody cares
about those fat suckers.

'Specially not treasure hunters.

For guys like us

there's only one thing in
this world that matters!

That's gettin' more treasure!

And we'll do whatever
it takes to do it!

[BOTH gasping]

But they're still alive!
Why would you attack them?

Because I'm tryin'
to make a point.

Don't keep a treasure hunter
from somethin' he wants.

You'd better stop.

Yeah, and what if I don't?

I do what I want, when I want.
I see somethin' shiny?

I take it, and I don't care
who gets hurt along the way.

[WENDY grunting]

I told you to stop!

[WENDY screaming]

[HIROSHI grunting]

[RALA grunting]

[WENDY screaming]

[WENDY gasps]

I didn't wanna fight
and I still don't.

But I won't let you
hurt those people!

If you wanna hit them
when they're down,

you'll have to deal
with us first.

All right, then.

We'll have to take the
treasure and the girls.

But why would we?

The chicks are useless,
let's just k*ll 'em.

--[WENDY gasps]

--[LUCY yelping]

[DRAKE] Sorry, that
was just my little way

of letting you know
you're outnumbered.

Care to beg for your lives?

[WENDY yelps, grunts]


Wendy, no!


[WENDY whimpers]


Wait, is that Flare?

How the heck did
you get here?

[BOTH grunting]

So three girls walk
into the forest.

The blonde and the blue
are nice, but the red?

She's kinda crazy.

[FLARE giggles]

This is a farce!

What kind of satisfaction
could you take

from defeating me like this?

Your ability to fight back

has no bearing on my pleasure.

I have no desire to
prove myself in battle.

This is a matter of vengeance,
pure and simple.

[ERZA gasps]

Are you ready?
This will be painful.

Hey! Natsu! Where
the heck did you go?!

Hey, Natsu!

We need to hurry!

I don't want to leave the girls
alone for much longer.


Cheeky little brat.

I'm gonna make him pay for that
stupid trick he pulled earlier.

I definitely
recognized that voice,

but where was it from?

C'mon, just think.


[NATSU yelling]

I don't have a friggin' clue!

[LUCY] Wendy and I
were about to get shot

and robbed by a powerful,
if not clever,

g*ng of treasure hunters.

But then Flare showed up
out of nowhere and saved us!

I don't understand how
or why she got here.

But as the fight against
Sylph Labyrinth heats up,

I think we're gonna be glad
to have her on our side.

The hunters want
the Sacred Flame,

and they don't care
who they hurt to get it.

But we're gonna stop them.

Next Time: "The Demon Returns."

Get ready to see
what wizards can do!
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