Darkest Hour (2017)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Darkest Hour (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »


Order! Order!

Mr. speaker! Mr. speaker!

Order! The leader...


The leader of the opposition, clement attlee.

Mr. speaker.

It seems that i have not been clear enough.

Then let me leave no doubt

about my feelings regarding Mr. Chamberlain's future

as prime minister.

All right, honorable gentlemen!

Give way! Give way!

Give way!

Owing to his years of inactivity

and incompetence,

we find him personally responsible...

Personally responsible for leaving this nation

ruinously unprepared to face the present n*zi peril.

- Order! Order! - Sit down!

Shame on you! Shame!

We are at w*r, Mr. speaker...

At w*r. And leaving aside whether he is fit

to be a leader in peacetime, he has proved himself incapable

of leading us in wartime!

Sit down!

Order! Order!

I said, "order!"

Therefore, in the national interest,

we, the opposition, are willing to enter into

a grand coalition with the ruling conservative party...


-Order! Order! -But not...

And I stress never... Under the leadership

of Mr. Chamberlain, who has lost

the confidence of this house.

In the country's interest, man,

resign, step down, and let us find a new leader.

Sit down. Shame on you.

-Shame. -You've got some nerve!

Where's Winston?

Ensuring his fingerprints are not on the m*rder w*apon.


As the opposition refuse

to join any government headed by me,

we must now select my successor,

someone with new strength

to form a coalition government.

I will step down tomorrow,

but, I did want my own party,

the gentlemen I most respect,

to know first.


-And it must be halifax. -Hear, hear.

There's no question.

-Our foreign secretary. -Halifax.

Yeah, of course.

No contest. Halifax.

Thank you, gentlemen.

I appreciate your confidence in me.

However, my time has not yet come.

Then who?

But, on whomever the task may fall,

he shall be required to explore every Avenue.

Including that of diplomatic talks.

Indeed. Towards the restoration of peace in Europe.

-Absolutely. -Hear, hear.

Well, gentlemen, there is only one candidate...

Only one man the opposition will accept.

-Oh, no. Oh, surely not. -God, has it come to that?

No, no, no.

No, this is totally absurd.

And if he stretches out his hand

and says, "gimme,"

you need to anticipate what he wants.

Black pen, red pen, paper

or "clop"... that's his hole punch.

How selfish to resign, time like this.

Do you think they'll take me

to downing street if he gets the job?

Not after that spotted d*ck you served last week, eh?

He mumbles, so it's almost impossible to catch everything.

Be prepared to type fast... Short bursts and double-spaced.

He hates single-spaced. Hates it.

Good luck.

To the French ambassador.

With German forces...

Crossing into Holland...

Holland alone...

Come on. Telegram.

Holland alone...

Requests reassurance

that French forces will now move...

No, move at once.

Into, to protect Belgium.


French ambassador, sir.

Monsieur ambassador.


They've already invaded Belgium?

Holland and Belgium?

I will convey your plea to the prime minister at once.

Yes. The situation is still very confused.



"To the French ambassador.

-With German..." -No, scrap that.

New telegram.

To general ismay.


-What is it now? -Your son.

Randolph, quickly.

No, last night, they said

I might be made prime minister today,

but that-that was yesterday.

Let's see what happens today.

Yeah? Let's see what,

let's see what Neville does today.


Thank you, my boy.


Yes. Keep buggering on.

Where, now...

"To general ismay."

Ah, general ismay.

Yeah. Sawyers.

Get rid of this, will you?

To general ismay.

In light of today's events,

the time is ripe...

For many preparations to be...

Are you

striking those keys in a normal fashion?

It's awfully loud. I can't... I can't hear myself think.

Read it back.

"To general ismay.

In the light of today's events, the time is right..."

"Ripe"! Not "right"!

God's teeth, girl.

I said "ripe"!

Ripe! Ripe!

Last sentence.

"The time is ripe." Puh.

-For... -"For..."

-For... -"Man-many, many, many..."

Many, many, many, many, many.

How many "many"s did you write, you nincompoop?

One "many." For...

"For many preparations to be made."

Single-spaced. Single-spaced!

Were you not briefed, young lady?


Someone set it on single-space, and...

Then why did you persist?

-Well, I... -Oh, g*dd*mn! Tell...

Tell Evans to send me someone

who can get it right the first time!

Go on! Out!


He shouted at you.

-Did he shout at you? -No.

-He can be an awful brute! -I'm...

-I made too many mistakes. -I think you were nervous,

and he has a knack for drawing out the very worst

in those who are trying to help him the most.

No, no, it's not... it's not him.

It's me. He's... he's...

He's a man, like any other.

Come on. What you doing?


The w*r cabinet's been called.

- Bloody cat's under the bed again. - My darling?

- Tango. - May I tell you something

I feel you really ought to know?

I have noticed a recent deterioration in your manner.

You're not as kind as you used to be.

You've become rough.

And sarcastic and overbearing and rude.

Oh, is this about the new girl?

If the king does ask you to become prime minister...

We don't know that for sure.

I don't want you to be disliked.

More than I already am?

My darling, you are on the brink

of having tremendous power,

surpassed only by that of the king,

and with such power you really must try and be more kind.

And, if possible, calm.

I want others to love and respect you, as I do.

Telegram for Mr. Churchill.

Excuse me?

I'm not...

...troops have destroyed all Bridges

of the isle and meuse rivers.

This is the BBC home service.

Here is a short news bulletin.

The German army invaded

Holland and Belgium early this morning, by land...

-There's a telegram. -...And by landings

from parachutes.

The armies of the low countries

are resisting.

An appeal for help has been made

to the allied governments...

-It's from the palace. -...And Brussels says

that allied troops are moving to their support.

A hundred w*r planes were seen over Brussels,

and it is now reported

that in the first raid over Brussels,

several hundred people were k*lled and wounded,

and several buildings destroyed.

Five minutes ago,

the air ministry announced

that in the early hours of this morning...

Thank you, miss?


-You're shaking. -So are you.

You... you from excitement, i from terror.

You've wanted this your entire adult life.

No. Since the nursery. But do the public want me?

It's your own party to whom you'll have to prove yourself.

I'm getting the job only because the ship is sinking.

It-it's not a gift, it's revenge.

Let them see your true qualities, your courage.

-My poor judgment. -No, your lack of vanity.

-And my iron will. -Your sense of humor.

Ho, ho, ho.

Now go.

-Go? -Be...

Be what?

Be yourself.


Which self should I

be today?

One should have had power when a young man.

When wits were sharp.

Sinews strong.

Oh, well.

Lead on, macduff.

When youth departs,

may wisdom prove enough.

Hardly seems like there's a w*r on at all.

Do you know I've never ridden a bus?


I've never queued for bread.

I believe I can boil an egg.

But only because I've seen it done.

The only time I tried riding the underground

was during the general strike.

Clemmie dropped me off at south Kensington station.

I went down but got lost.

I came straight back up!

It was awful.

Why not halifax? I favor halifax.

I wanted halifax.

The lords wanted halifax.

Perhaps, halifax wanted halifax.

Then why have I been forced to send for Churchill?

Because he is the only member of our party

who has the support of the opposition.

His record is a litany of catastrophe.

Gallipoli, 25,000 dead,

the India policy, the Russian civil w*r,

the gold standard,

the abdication and now this Norway adventure.

What's that, 1,800 men?

One aircraft carrier, two cruisers,

seven destroyers and a submarine.

-Winston lacks judgment. -He was right about Hitler.

Well, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

First lord of the admiralty, Mr. Winston Churchill.



I accept your resignation,

but I want you to know how...

Cruelly I think you've been treated.

Thank you, your majesty.

Oh, this way, my lord.

Your majesty.

Mr. Churchill.

I believe you know

why I have asked you here today.

Sir, I simply cannot imagine why.

It is my duty to invite you

to take up the position of prime minister

of this United Kingdom.

Will you form a government?

I will.

Very well.

Well, that was quite easy.

Yes, it was.

I believe we are to meet regularly.

Once a week, I'm afraid.

How is...

How are you for mondays?

I shall endeavor to be available

-on mondays. -4:00?

I nap at 4:00.

Is that permissible?

No. But necessary.

I work late.

Then perhaps lunchtime.



Your majesty.

Prime minister.

-Can we get any closer? -Mr. Churchill!

Good evening, gentlemen.

Mr. Churchill, welcome to number ten.

Thank you, sir.

Mr. Churchill, what's your agenda?

The agenda? A glass of pol Roger.

-Cheers. -Over here, sir!

You'll-you'll have your pictures.

Prime minister.


How is the king?


He's never forgiven me for supporting

his brother's marriage to Wallis Simpson.

You only have to meet him once a week.

Oh, but that's like saying you only have to have

your tooth pulled once a week.

Composition of your w*r cabinet.

Who should sit on it?


Chamberlain, of course.

The reverend holy fox.


Keeping your enemies close?

Oh, more than that.

Without them, the party will have rid of me.

Oh, and that sheep in sheep's clothing, attlee.

Come on, daddy. Everyone's waiting.

Yes, I'll be there in a jiffy, my love.

I heard that before you were asked,

they offered it to lord halifax.

Oh, I doubt that.

Halifax would never turn it down.

He's the fourth son of an Earl.

Fourth sons turn nothing down.

I wish the position had come your way in better times, sir.

You have an enormous task ahead of you.

I only hope it's not too late.

I'm very much afraid it is.

But we can only do our best, hmm?

- Hip hip! - Hurray!

Oh, heavens!

What a frightful sight.

-A toast. -Yes, a speech.

-Yes. -Mama.


My darling husband.

Some of you may not know that on the Eve

of our marriage, I got cold feet.

But as I'd already called off two engagements

by the age of 21 and was in danger of gaining

a reputation for being a bolter

it would have been poor form

-to call off a third. -Hear, hear.

Lucky for daddy.

But the real reason for my wintery feet

was that I knew, even then,

that his priority would be public life.

But it worried a young girl greatly,

this wretched thought of eternally coming second.

But so it has proven to be.

And in due course, our children would have to make their peace

with this same fact.

We all did, you see.

In our own way.

And now, today, we are to receive our reward.

Proof that our small sacrifice

was for a far, far greater good.

I give you your father,

my beloved husband, the prime minister.

The prime minister.

Here's to,

to not buggering it up.

To not buggering it up.

Belgium was a ploy.

They punched through the ardennes into France.

Crossed the meuse river in under 24 hours.

No one can cross the meuse in 24 hours.

Well, apparently the Germans can.

Look to Chamberlain's handkerchief.

If he waves it at the end of Churchill's speech,

we show approval.

If not, keep quiet.

The prime minister.

Here we go.

Mr. speaker,

on Friday evening last,

I received his majesty's commission

to form a new administration.

It was the evident wish and will

of parliament and the nation

that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis.

And that it should include all parties.

Hear, hear.

A w*r cabinet has been convened.

No. Correction.

Has been formed.


A w*r cabinet has been formed of five members

representing, with the opposition parties,

the unity of the nation.


"The three party leaders have agreed

"to serve either in the w*r cabinet

"or in high executive office."

With this agreement in place,

I now invite the house

by the resolution which stands in my name...

...to record its approval

and to declare its confidence

in the new government.


I'm coming out in a state of nature.

It must be remembered

that we are in the preliminary stage

of one of the greatest battles in history.

And that many preparations have to be made here at home.

Hear, hear.

Sir, I take up my task

with a buoyancy and hope,

and say to the house, as I have said

to those who have joined the government,

I have nothing to offer

but blood, toil, tears and sweat.

We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.

We have before us many, many long months

of struggle and of suffering.

You ask, "what is our policy?"

I say it is to wage w*r

by sea, land and air

with all our might

and with all the strength that god can give us.

To wage w*r against a monstrous tyranny

never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalog

of human crime.

That is our policy.

Oh, you ask, "what is our aim?"

I can answer in one word.


Victory at all costs.

Victory, in spite of all terror.

Victory, however long and hard the road may be.

For without victory,

there can be no survival.

What's he doing?


We have to start somewhere.


"Our policy is to wage w*r.

"At all costs.

"No survival."

Good god, he's incapable

of even pronouncing the word "peace,"

let alone entering into negotiations.

Awful, the thought that I shall never see

my country at peace again.

I have cancer.

Oh, Neville.

Winston must be removed from office.

If we can get him to declare that he refuses

to even consider peace negotiations with Germany,

you and I would perhaps have clear grounds to resign.

That would force a vote of no confidence.

The party couldn't countenance that.

You're the chairman, for heaven's sake.

He'd be finished.

And you would agree to be prime minister.


With Winston out of the way, who can say?

But the important thing, Neville,

is that your policies would be back on the table.

Peace and the protection of our nation.

On record.

I beg your pardon.

He must declare, on record,

his refusal to engage in peace talks.

We must have it in writing.

Thank you.

-Miss Layton. -Morning.

Follow me.


Thank you, sir.

Thank you, ma'am.

What goes on down here?

That's need-to-know, and you don't.

-The lavatory? -For the pm's use only.

Sleeping quarters,

for when you miss the last train.


That's the map room.

-No women allowed. -What department's this?

Indiscretion in conversation or any other form,

within or without these rooms regarding what happens here,

is a statutory offense punishable by up to

two years imprisonment with hard labor.




That's the w*r cabinet room.


I don't mean to be rough on you, but

them's the rules.

This is the typists' pool.

- Good morning, sir. - Ladies.

And here's you.

Belgium and Holland may fall at any hour.

And the French?

The entire French ninth army,

some 200,000 men, have capitulated.

All of them?


Deserted. It was a rout.

All our land forces, roughly 300,000 men,

are now in full retreat.

Air cover? For our troops?

The luftwaffe control the skies.

We simply don't have enough planes to challenge them.

In fact, I strongly recommend we stop sending

our precious fighter planes to be wasted in France.

Save them for our own defense.

And our Navy sits idle,

neutralized, useless.

Our fleets no sooner come within their range

than we come under blistering air attack.

Well, their speed is devastating.

Panzer tanks moving rapidly westward through the center.

Well, they will have to pause for fuel supplies.

This is not the last w*r, sir.

Their tanks can stop for fuel at a petrol station.

Petrol station?

The road to Paris now lies open.

Seven million refugees are on the move.

Collectively, we are looking at the collapse

of western Europe in the next few days.

Should the public be told?

Not yet.

First, we must rouse our old friends

to a heroic resistance.

France must be saved.


Perhaps, in English, prime minister.


We have survived crises before,

and I am... I am confident we will survive this one.

Tell me how you plan to counter-attack.

There is no plan.


Well, you must counter-attack.

Well, you must.

I do not believe that this,

panzer breakthrough is a real invasion.

Not a real invasion?

No. As long as their t*nk crews are not supported

by infantry units, they are

merely little flags stuck on a map.

Because the t*nk crews cannot support themselves.

No. I refuse to see,

in this spectacular raid of the German t*nk,

a real invasion.

He's an actor,

in love with the sound of his own voice.

I love to listen to him.

But we must never take his advice.

Has a hundred ideas a day.

Four of them are good,

the other 96 downright dangerous.

His father was the same. Great orator, but...

Until he lost his mind to syphilis.

How nations suffer for the sins of their fathers.

My opinion?

At this critical juncture for the empire,

we have a drunkard at the wheel.

Wakes with a scotch,

bottle of champagne for lunch,

another one at dinner.

Brandy and port until the wee hours.

I wouldn't let him borrow my bicycle.

He's a conservative who defects to the liberals,

lobs grenades at us for ten years,

then flops conservative again as it bloody suits him.

Sorry, but he stands for one thing.


We may have to replace him, bertie.

Replace him?

We must strive for peace

so that every son and daughter of this land

can emerge from this crisis

with something recognizable as home.

Spoken like a true prime minister.

"V for victory."

You need to reply to the lord privy seal.

Tell the lord privy seal i am sealed in the privy.

And I can only deal with one shit at a time.

The broadcast is tonight, so don't spare me, Anthony.

Be frank.

I don't think so.

You don't think so what?

You're suggesting we're somehow winning.

We're not.

No, but it will inspire them.

-Winston, I know... -Anthony, Anthony.

I am going to imbue them with a...

A spirit of feeling they don't yet know they have.

You asked my opinion.

I caution against it.



"If fortune is adverse..." Something,

something, something.


Well, it's not there. I left it there.




We cannot pay our bills.

My copy of Cicero.

-Did-did you shelve it? -Did you hear what I said?

-What was that? -We're broke.

Oh, um... out! Out.

Come on. Everybody out.

I dare not write another check.

Well, I'll economize.

Only four cigars a day.

You are insufferable!

Is there anything else?


My love for you.

How much have you had to drink this morning?

I see you now

as I first saw you

in 1904.

And I simply stood, speechless.

Well, I must have been very beautiful

to achieve that miraculous effect.

Four years until we saw each other again.

Went by in an absolute flash.

You didn't lack for admirers.

Your fidele serviteur in Sidney peel.

-Brilliant man. -Lionel earle.

Wonderful dancer.

And then at lady St. helier's dinner party.

Who should show up?


Just the same.

Are we terribly old?

Yes, I'm afraid you are.

Oh, you beast.

Oh, you...

Would you hear me read my speech

for tonight's broadcast?

Prime minister.

Prime minister, the situation in France.

Is it true we're in full retreat?

Is France lost?

"The Spanish ships I cannot see,

"for they are out of sight."

If you will sit here

at your desk.

And speak slowly and clearly.

Into the microphone.


If you're ready, on the stroke of 9:00,

the red light will come on,

and we shall go live to the nation.

9:00, red light...

You begin.


One moment.

Prime minister, are we ready?

One moment, one moment.

We are going live...

One moment, damn you!

And four, three,

two, one.

I speak to you for the first time

as prime minister

in a solemn hour for the life of our country,

of our empire, of our allies

and, above all, of the cause of freedom.

A tremendous battle

is raging in France and flanders.

The Germans, by a remarkable combination

of air bombing and heavily armored tanks,

have broken through the French defenses

north of the maginot line

and strong columns

of their armored vehicles

are ravaging the open country...

...which, for the first day or two,

was without defenders.

However, I have invincible confidence

in the French army and its leaders.

Only a very small part of that splendid army

has yet been heavily engaged,

and only a very small part of France has yet been invaded.

Side by side,

the British and French peoples have advanced.

-"Advanced"? -To rescue not only Europe.

-How bloody dare he. -But mankind

from the foulest and most soul-destroying tyranny

which has ever darkened

and stained the pages of history.

But now one bond unites us all.

To wage w*r until victory is won,

and never to surrender ourselves

to servitude and shame.

Whatever the cost

and the agony may be,

conquer we must,

as conquer we shall.

Well done, sir.

Oh! I thought you did marvelously.

The last ten years,

I was the only one who told them the truth.

Until tonight.

There is no advance.

It's a shambles.

We're in full retreat.

But would you be serving them tonight

by denying them their sleep

and terrifying their children?

What, even if the terror is coming?

Because the terror is coming.

There's time enough for the truth.

Have you seen this?

What's so funny?

Prime minister. Sir.

Yes, what is it?


Look, I'm...

I'm not sure if you know this, but,

but the way you're doing your "v for victory" sign...

Well, in the poorer quarters,

that gesture means something else.

What does it mean?

Well, I wouldn't like to say, sir.

I was captured by the boer.

I spent time in a south African prison.

Up your bum.


Up your bum?

Up your...

The way you're doing it, sir, yes, sir.

But if you turn it around, that's fine.

I wouldn't like millions of people

to take it the wrong way.


-Sir. -Sir.

And up your bum!

Your majesty.

Don't want to take too much of your time.

I heard you on the wireless.

Was I comprehensible?

The public need to be led, not misled.

Not left to work it out for themselves.


Will that be all, your majesty?


Good day, prime minister.

Good day.

I believe I have just received a royal rap on the knuckles.

As of 20:00 hours last night,

the Germans have encircled 60 British,

Belgian and French divisions.

On our part, all our forces under lord gort have withdrawn

or are trying to withdraw to the French coast, to dunkirk,

where we cannot reach them.

How many of our men are trapped?

All of them.

Our country's entire professional soldiery.

And we can see no clear way to rescue them.

General, are you telling me

that we shall have lost the entire British army

by the next few days?

That's correct.

The German force is superior in every regard

and only 50 miles from the coast.

They are pushing us into the sea.

No, the Germans must not reach the sea.

Not before we evacuate our men.

Ismay, what have you got for us?

As it stands, I cannot see

we have much hope of getting any of our forces out in time.

Not a man?

Well, we... well, we cannot be so

totally at their mercy.

What's our next step?


Come on, speak!

We still have a Garrison at calais.

25 miles to the west.

Well, how many men do we have there?

4,000, more or less.

Then why... why didn't you say so?

Yes. Then we... we have them go east,

engage with the German columns moving on dunkirk,

buy us some time.

Draw the... the n*zi focus

away from dunkirk whilst we execute a...

A maritime evacuation of our forces.

Is that possible?

It would mean a huge sacrifice.

4,000 young men.

To save 300,000.

Under whose command is the calais Garrison?

Brigadier Nicholson.

Very well.

Tell Nicholson it is of the greatest importance

to this island that...

That his Garrison draw the enemy's tanks

and a*tillery and bombers away from dunkirk.

Invite their wrath, and...

Well, and to fight on

if needs be.

If needs be, until the destruction of his command.

It's su1c1de.

Prime minister, I have reservations.

Well, who is free of reservations?

About unnecessary sacrifice,

when there is an available alternative.

What alternative?

Italy has offered to mediate peace talks

between ourselves and Germany.

I already indicated that,

provided the Liberty and independence

of the British empire was assured,

we would consider any proposal.

With, with Hitler holding the whip hand.

Do you really think he would honor

our Liberty and independence?

It would be in his interest to do so, sir.

-Because the British empire... -The only thing to do

is to show that maniac

that he cannot conquer this island,

and for that we need an army.

General, tell brigadier Nicholson

the Germans must not reach the sea.

Not before we-we get our boys

off of that bloody beach!

I take full responsibility.


Really! Yes, sir.

It is the reason

I sit in this chair!

Well, surely, before you take

full responsibility for the deaths of 4,000 men,

you'd wish to consider every available Avenue.

What is this?

What is your mind on the principle of peace talks, sir?

Do we take it, for example, that you preclude yourself

from even considering taking part in such negotiations?

I should like to speak to viscount halifax

and Mr. Chamberlain.


Issue the order to the calais Garrison.

Confirm it has been done.


Now, you two come on.



You come on, hop it!

Out. Out!


we are facing certain defeat on land,

the annihilation of our army, and imminent invasion.

We must be rational.

We are a seagoing nation.

Have been since the bronze age.

The channel is ours.

It's our moat, our battlement,

and the German doesn't recognize an expanse of water

greater than a bloody lake.

They have first to reach this island, Edward.

Where men, women and children,

whom we will have failed despicably

in our duty of protection, will be

-entirely defenseless... -And whose fault is that?

...against the largest army the world has ever seen.

Furthermore, once France falls,

Germany can concentrate on aircraft production.

They will then have the French fleet as well.

What is to stop herr Hitler then, Winston?

Words, words, words alone.

If you will not permit any talk of peace,

then I shall be forced...

Might we not allow Edward

simply to meet the Italian ambassador bastianini,

discuss a possible role

as mediators between us and Germany,

and find out their price?


- Mr. president. - Winston.


-How are you? -Fine. Fine.

How are you, prime minister?

Oh, I'm in fine fettle.

Fine fettle.


I'm, telephoning about your Navy ships.

If you could loan us just,

50 older destroyers.

-Ah, yes. -Or even 40 would do.

Well, I,

I did ask around,

but just not possible, I'm afraid.

The neutrality act we signed last year has tied my hands.

Just can't swing it.

I tried.

Well, can I...

Do I have your permission

to send an aircraft carrier

to pick up the p-40 fighter planes

we purchased from you?

Mr. president?

Well, you've got me there again.

New law preventing transshipment

of military equipment.

But we paid for them.

We paid for them with the money that we...

That we borrowed from you.

I'm so, so sorry, Winston.

I need not impress upon you the...

The trouble faced by the western hemisphere,

without your support in some fashion.

I know. I know.

You are on my mind day and night.

Look, we could possibly...

Mr. president...

I mean to say...

We are facing the gravest odds.

We could take your planes

to about a mile from the Canadian border.

And then, if you send across

a team of horses from Canada, nothing motorized

then you could pull them over the border yourself.

How does that sound?


You did say,

a team of horses?

Well, I guess you could push them yourself.

Damn things have wheels.

Up to you.

We could do that, prime minister.

Prime minister?

Anything you could do at this time,

Franklin, would be most welcome.

Good night to you, Winston.

It must be late there.

In more ways than you could possibly know.

-Prime minister. -Prime minister.

Get me admiral ramsay on one of these, will you?

Yes, prime minister.

Put me through to admiral ramsay.

Admiral ramsay.

It's the prime minister.


Bertie, I hope I didn't wake you.

Not at all. I was just reading the Bible.


Listen, bertie.

We need to evacuate our boys.

The Navy is saying that with one cruiser

and six destroyers and with the...

The luftwaffe controlling the skies above,

we'll be lucky to get ten percent out.

I want you to order an assembly of boats.



Civilian boats.

As many as you can get your hands on.

Longley's clipper, fearnley's gin palace,

anyone with a pleasure craft bigger than 30 foot

that can get to France.

Bertie, you still there?

Um... right.

Help me stage this thing, bertie?

We must at least try to bring some of our boys home.

Well, I'll have the BBC issue the order.


Oh, and bertie, you still there?

-Sir. -We need a name

for this operation.

Good morning, prime minister. Prime minister, do you have

anything you'd like to say to our readers this morning?

Prime minister. Mr. Churchill, sir.

Prime minister, do you have anything you'd like to say?

Prime minister? Prime minister, are you going to...

Prime minister, would you like to... Prime minister?

How do you manage drinking during the day?



Should like to discuss...

I have been asked if plans should be drawn

to evacuate myself and my family to Canada.

I would like to know the opinion of our prime minister.

Well, my opinion would be that you must do

what you feel is right for yourself,

your family and the nation.

I mean, your survival is Paramount.

Prime ministers...

Well, we seem to come and go at an astonishing rate.

Your position in parliament, I...

I'm told, is not strong.

My party

resents the way Chamberlain was pushed aside.

And many others doubt me.

They want halifax still,

but why get rid of the organ grinder

and replace him with the monkey?

Lord halifax is a close personal friend of mine.

I am unwanted.

I've never been trusted since the gallipoli campaign.


Perhaps it's because you scare people.


You scare me.

What nonsense.

What could possibly be scary about me?

One never knows what's going to come out of your mouth next.

Something that will flatter,

something that will wound.

My emotions are unbridled.

A wildness in the blood

I share with my father.

And my mother also.

We lacked the gift of temperance.

Were you close to your parents?

My mother was glamorous,

but perhaps too widely loved.

My father was like god,

busy elsewhere.


-Good day, gentlemen. -Prime minister.

I have asked the minister for w*r to join us.

Neville, would you...


Obviously, we are in a dangerous situation.

But I am assured by the French premier

that while some German t*nk units

have reached the sea,

the situation generally seems to be well in hand.

What news from calais?

The Garrison att*cked, but was forced back

and is now surrounded on all sides.

They're being shelled and bombed mercilessly.

Casualties are at 60%.


Prime minister.

The question of peace talks.

We must hold our nerve.

Signal only that we intend to fight it out until the end.

A peace offer

-telegraphs our weakness. -Agreed.

And even if we were beaten, we should be no worse off

than we should be if we were now to abandon the struggle.

Let us therefore avoid

being dragged down the slippery slope

with talk of a negotiated peace.

Slippery slope? The only...

-I suspect Italy and Germany... -The only slippery slope...

...wish to get us so deeply involved in negotiations

-that we should be unable to turn back. -Nonsense.

-Bastianini informed me... -I propose...

-The only slippery slope... -Would you stop interrupting me

while I am interrupting you?

When I chose my w*r cabinet, i took great care

to surround myself with old rivals.

I may have overdone it.

Viscount halifax,

the approach you propose is... It's not only...

It's futile.

But it involves us in a deadly danger.

The deadly danger here

is this romantic fantasy of fighting to the end.

What is the end,

if not the destruction of all things?

There's nothing heroic

in going down fighting if it can be avoided.

Nothing even remotely patriotic in death or glory

if the odds are firmly on the former.

Nothing inglorious in trying to shorten a w*r

that we are clearly losing.

Losing? Europe is still...

Europe is lost.

And before our forces are wiped out completely,

now is the time to negotiate,

in order to obtain the best conditions possible.

Hitler will not insist on outrageous terms.

He will know his own weaknesses.

He will be reasonable.

When will the lesson be learned?

When will the lesson be learned?

How many more dictators

must be, wooed, appeased,

good god, given immense privileges

before we learn?

You cannot reason with a tiger

when your head is in its mouth!

Prime minister.

Winston. Winston.

Yesterday, you gave permission...

What permission?

For me to meet bastianini.

I sanctioned the theoretical exploration...


...of what price Italy would ask. Nothing more.

-I did not sanction any... -If you will not permit

further exploration of a peace agreement,

then you will have my resignation.

Don't be absurd, Edward.

-I need you. You know I do. -I will not stand by

to watch another generation of young men die

at the bloody altar of your hubris.

Oh, and you would have us die as lambs!

Was gallipoli not enough for you?

How dare you!

Our troops were chewing barbed wire in flanders,

and I saw it!

Opening a second front, outflanking the turks

was a serious military idea,

and it could have damn well worked if the...

If the admirals and the first sea lord

hadn't dithered away our element of surprise.

Choice is yours, Winston.

You have 24 hours to enter into peace talks,

or I shall resign.

I told him.

It shook him.

I imagine it did.

Gave him 24 hours.

I don't expect he'll agree, so I shall resign first.

You then follow, that's critical if we're

to trigger a vote of no confidence in the house.

I shall announce it.

The king will back us.

Prime minister.

I wonder if we might schedule you

to address the outer cabinet.

Today, the admiralty

have made an order requesting all owners

of self-propelled pleasure craft

between 30 and 100 feet in length

to send all particulars to the admiralty immediately...

To brigadier Nicholson.

30 infantry brigade, calais.

Every hour

you continue to exist

is of the greatest help

to our forces at dunkirk.

Have the greatest possible admiration

for your splendid stand.

Your evacuation, however,

will not take place.

I repeat,

will not take place.


Here. Here.

May I be excused?

You may not.

What is this about?

No one tells us anything.

It's all classified.

We hear scraps, and it's worse than knowing nothing.

What would you like to know?

How many men will survive?

Come with me.

I'm not allowed in the map room.

-Well, you are now. -Prime minister.

At ease, gentlemen.


The German army controls every French port

except dunkirk here and calais here to the west,

where the Garrison under brigadier Nicholson

is drawing fire and delaying the German advance on dunkirk.

At both points, our troops are encircled.

Now, we are still trying

to clear dunkirk harbor of wrecked ships

so that we can then land the boats we need to get

our boys off those beaches.

But enemy aircraft is attacking us constantly.

Our only hope in dunkirk is thick cloud cover

to thwart these att*cks, but the skies remain clear.

And even then, I am told we will need a...

A miracle to get even ten percent of our men out.

Courage, miss Layton.



How long have they got

if we don't rescue them?

One, maybe

two days.

News from calais, the 30th infantry, sir.

They've retreated to the town's citadel

as a last and probably hopeless stand.

The order, "every man for himself," has been given.

-Thank you, thank you. -Brigadier Nicholson.

-There's a telegram, sir. -Thank you.

Good show, chaps.

Well done, lads. Well done.

All right.

He's losing too much blood.

We need another transfusion here.

All right, men? All right?

Your evacuation, however,

will not take place.

I repeat, will not take place.

Go to bed, pig.

You must sleep.

Leave me, clemmie.

The opportunity for doing so passed a long time ago.

Operator. How may I direct your call?

-Give me ramsay. -One moment, please.

- Bertie? - Sir?

What's been the response?

It will take time.

It's too soon to judge.

How many boats so far?

Winston, it will take time.

The request for civilian boats, bertie, was not a request.

It was an order!

-Miss Layton. -Sir.

I need to reach,

to reach,

to speak to...


3:00 P.M.

2:00 P.M., sir?

Yes. Yes.

Ask Bridges to summon the...

Oh, god.

The w*r cabinet, at 3:00 P.M.

Thank you!


From lord gort in France, sir.

Belgium has fallen.

They will surrender at midnight.

France will soon follow suit.

We have received reports

that the most probable method of attack

which Germany might employ against this country

is a large fleet of fast motorboats,

possibly up to 200, carrying a hundred men apiece,

to carry out a seaborne raid on a large scale.

By these means, a considerable force of the enemy

could be landed at many points on the coast

simultaneously with airborne raids inland.

We do not feel that by naval or air action,

we could prevent such a landing.

Could you repeat that?

We must prepare

for the imminent invasion of our island.

We must prepare for the imminent invasion of our island.

We recommend that the country

should be warned and roused to the immediate danger,

and that all personnel

required to put britain in a state of defense

should be mobilized without a moment's delay.


Thank you, general.

Let all preparations be made.

Let the record state, I have received word

from the Italian embassy in London.

Italy is prepared to mediate a resolution

between britain, its allies and Germany.

Perhaps then,

the time for such an offer from us

is when...

Well, is when...

Is when Germany has made an unsuccessful attempt

- to invade this country. - Unsuccessful?

Then you leave me no other option but to offer...

Winston. Winston!

You are refusing to grasp the realities

of how precarious our position is.

Our entire army is about to be wiped out.

Terms must be struck.


Then it seems we...

We have no choice

but to at least consider the

path of negotiation.

If Hitler's peace terms are

over lordship of central Europe,

return of certain German colonies,

and if he will leave us

our independence,

then I'd be grateful

to get out of our present...


But it is unlikely

that he will make such an offer.

But if I were told what the German terms were,

well, then I'd be prepared to consider them.

Thank you, prime minister.

We shall prepare a draft memorandum at once.

I have come to wonder,

in recent days...

Whether it was...

Part of my duty...

Part of my...

Part of my duty to...

To consider...

To consider,

to consider...

...whether it was...

Will that be all for tonight, sir?

...whether it was part of my duty

entering into...

Into negotiations with,


...that corporal...

That child.

And monster of wickedness.

That butcher.

That savage.

Monstrous savage.

That wicked

house painter.

House painter!

Where were we?


I didn't understand you, sir.

You were...


You were mumbling.


The right words

won't come.

They will come, sir.

No one can put words together like you.


Your Beau?

My brother.

Where is he now?

He was falling back on dunkirk.

But he never made it.


Just looking at you.

Shall I read back what we have?

Yes, please.

"I have come to wonder in recent days

"whether it was my duty to consider

"entering into negotiations with..."


I've just been standing,

imagining never being here anymore,

whether it is because I'm no longer alive

or that the palace itself is gone.


You must decide, sir.

You could rule in exile.

Truly? Is that to be my fate?

You know something?

I'm aware in this moment of feeling angry.

Bloody angry.


Winston, darling.

There's someone to see you.

You have a visitor.

My darling, you have the full weight

of the world on your shoulders.

No, I know, I know.

But these inner battles

have actually trained you

for this very moment.

You are strong because you are imperfect.

You are wise because you have doubts.

Now, shall I let him in?


The king.

Which king?

Our king?

Well, if it isn't him, it's a marvelous impersonation.

Mr. Churchill.

I hope you can forgive the late hour, but

your wife thought tonight would be a good time.

Shall we sit?

Oh, yes.


Something to drink, perhaps?


I received a visit.


Viscount halifax.

It appears that the prospect of a peace deal

has increased dramatically.

The w*r cabinet is drafting a letter to Mussolini,

asking him to broker talks with herr Hitler.

Then halifax was correct.

I should like to know your mind.

It would be helpful to know yours first.

I should like to know it myself.


which go down fighting rise again, and those

that surrender tamely are finished.


-Collapsed. -Norway?


France any hour.

And the mood of parliament?

Fear. Panic.

And you?

Are you not afraid?

I am, most terribly.

Support in the w*r cabinet

for the campaign of resistance

has collapsed.

Later today, i will address the house accordingly.

You have my support.

Your majesty?

You have my support.

I confess, I

had some reservations about you at first, but

while some in this country dreaded your appointment,

none, none dreaded it like Adolf Hitler.

Whomever can strike fear into that brute heart

is worthy of all of our trust.

We shall work together.

You shall have my support at any hour.

Beat the buggers.

I will go to parliament.

But without support in my own party,

I must sue for peace.

You once gave me some advice.

Perhaps I can... I can give you some.

Go to the people.

Let them instruct you.

Quite silently, they usually do.

But tell them

the truth unvarnished.

If invasion is imminent,

if our troops in France are lost,

they must be prepared.

On certain matters,

I have very few people with whom I can

talk frankly.

Perhaps now we have each other.

And I no longer scare you?

A little.

But I can cope.

We are ready. More or less.

More or less what, bertie?

Give me a number.

In total, 860 vessels.

The biggest civilian fleet ever assembled.

Operation dynamo waits on your command.


initiate dynamo.

And may god watch over them all.

We've lost the prime minister.

Do you know how to use this thing?

Yes, sir.

How do I get to westminster?


The district line, east. One stop.

District line. East. One stop.

Well, that doesn't sound so hard.

No, sir.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

The memorandum is titled "suggested approaches to Italy"

and is as follows.

"If signor Mussolini will cooperate with us

"in securing a settlement of all European questions

"which safeguard the independence

"and security of the allies, and could be the basis

"of a just and durable peace for Europe,

"we will undertake at once to discuss,

"with the desire to find solutions,

"the matters in which signor Mussolini

"is primarily interested.

"We understand that he desires the solution

"of certain mediterranean questions,

"and if he will state in secrecy what these are,

"France and Great Britain will at once

"do their best to meet his wishes."

So, this is the underground.

Thank you.

Does anyone have a match?

Thank you.

Thank you.

What are you all staring at?

Have you never seen the prime minister

ride the underground before?

What is your name?

Oliver Wilson, sir.

And what do you do, Mr. Wilson?

-Bricklayer, sir. -Ah, bricklayer.

We shall have great need of bricklayers soon.

Business will be looking up.


How old?

Five months, sir.

He looks like you.

Madam, all babies look like me.

Well, what is your name?

Mrs. Jessie Sutton.

Ah, Mrs. Sutton.

It's a pleasure.


Abigail Walker.

- Marcus Peters. - Marcus Peters.

- Agnes Dillon. - Agnes.

- Maurice Baker. - Mr. Baker.

- Alice Simpson. - Alice Simpson.

Miss Margaret Jerome.

Oh, a Jerome.

My mother was a Jerome.

I expect we are closely related.

Please, please. Sit.

Sit, everyone.

Thank you, Mr. Baker.

So, how are you all, how are you all bearing up?

Good spirits?

-Yes. -Yes?

Just as well.

We shall need them.

Let me ask you something

that's been weighing on my mind.

Perhaps you can provide me with an answer.

You, the British people.

What is your mood?

Is it confident?

-Yeah. -If confident, how confident?

-Very. -Some people say it's a lost cause.

No, lost causes are the only ones

-worth fighting for. -Too right.

Yes. Now let me ask you this.

If the worst came to pass

and the enemy were to appear on those...

Those streets above, what would you do?

-Fight. -Fight the fascists.

Fight them with anything we can lay our hands on.

-Broom handles if we must. -Street by street.

They will never take piccadilly.

Never take piccadilly, indeed.

And what if I put it to you all

that we might, if we, if we ask nicely

get very favorable terms from Mr. Hitler

if we enter into a peace deal with him right now?

What would you say to that?

Never! Never! Never!

Never! Never!



Will you never give up?

No. Never.

"Then out spake brave horatius,

"captain of the gate:

"To every man upon this earth

"death cometh soon or late.

"And how can man die better

"than facing fearful odds

-"for the ashes..." -"For the ashes of his fathers

"and the temples of his gods."

Are you crying?


Yes, yes. I...

I blub a lot, you know.

You'll have to get used to it.

What stop is this?

It's westminster, sir.

Westminster. It's my stop.

Prime minister.


The w*r cabinet.

Sir, they're waiting.

I'm due to address the outer cabinet.

-When? -Now.

I haven't spoken to them

since the formation of the new government.

-Prime minister. -Good day, gentlemen.

Prime minister...

I-I'm about to, speak to my outer cabinet in my rooms,

and I extend the invitation to any of you

who would care to join them.

-Let's go. -Let's go.

This afternoon,

I shall address the house

on the matter of our nation's security.

At this very moment, the w*r cabinet

is drafting papers that lay out a willingness

to enter into peace talks with herr Hitler,

via his

his lackey, Mussolini.

I have thought very carefully in these last days

whether it was part of my duty

to consider entering into negotiations with...

With that man.

But then I...

I spoke with

Oliver Wilson,

Mrs. Jessie Sutton,

Mrs. Abigail Walker,

Marcus Peters,

Maurice Baker,

Alice Simpson

and miss Margaret Jerome.

Brave, good, true citizens of this kingdom.

And they argued strongly that it was idle to think,

if we tried to make peace now,

we should get better terms than if we fought it out.

The Germans, Mr. Baker felt,

would demand, in the name of disarmament,

our naval bases and much else,

and I think he's right.

Jessie Sutton, speaking for many,

believes we would then become a...

A sl*ve state.

A British government which would be Hitler's puppet.

A government set up under mosley

-or some such person. -No, no.

And I join with them in asking a further question.

A question I now put to you.

Where should we be at the end of all that?

Some might benefit.

I mean, the powerful might be able to parlay good terms,

preserved in their country redoubts,

out of sight of the swastika flying over

over Buckingham Palace!

Over windsor!

And, draped on these very buildings!

-Never! Never! -No! No!

So I come to you...

I come to you

to learn your minds in this grave hour.

You see, it was pointed out to me

by my new friends that you might even rise up

and tear me down were I for one moment

to contemplate parlay or surrender.

Were they wrong?


-Were they wrong? -No!

Were they wrong?

-No! -Thank you. Thank you.

Then I have heard you.

I have heard you.

It appears to be your will also

that if this long island story of ours is to end at last,

then let it end only when each one of us

lies choking in his own blood upon the ground!

-Yes! -Bravo!


And when I asked to know their minds,

there occurred a demonstration which,

considering the character of the gathering,

quite surprised me.

There is no doubt that if we falter at all

in the leading of the nation,

we should all be hurled out of office.

I am sure now that every minister

on both sides of the house

is ready to be k*lled quite soon,

and have all his family and possessions destroyed,

rather than give in.

In this, they represent almost all the people.

And it falls to me in these coming days and months

to express their sentiments.

There shall be no negotiated peace.

And you must each do now

as you see fit.

If you will excuse me, gentlemen

I believe I am due to address parliament.

And I have yet to write a word of my speech.

There's the buggers.

-Tiny. -Sir.

-Miss Layton. -Sir.

I am in need of you.

We must both now resign, force a vote of no confidence.

Well, let us go to the commons first,

join our colleagues.

Then speak after the prime minister's address.

Here is a woman who's always tired,

for she lives a life where too much is required.

The prime minister.

Turning once again to the question of invasion,

I would observe that there has never been a period

in all these long centuries of which we boast

when an absolute guarantee against invasion

could have been given to our people.

Hear, hear.

But I have myself

full confidence that if all do their duty,

if nothing is neglected,

and the best arrangements are made,

as they are being made,

we shall prove ourselves once more able

to defend our island home.

To ride out the storm of w*r

and to outlive the menace of tyranny.

If necessary

for years, if necessary


At any rate, that is what we are

are going to try to do.

That is the resolve of his majesty's government,

-every man of them. -To your right, please.

That is the will

of parliament and the nation.

Hear, hear.

The British empire

and the French Republic,

linked together in their cause and in their need,

will defend to the death

their native soil.

Hear, hear!

Aiding each other like good comrades

to the utmost of their strength.

Hear, hear.

Even though large tracts of Europe

and many old and famous states

have fallen or may fall into

the grip of the gestapo

and all the odious apparatus of the n*zi rule,

we shall not flag or fail.

We shall go on to the end!

Hear, hear!

We shall fight in France.

We shall fight on the seas and the oceans.

We shall fight with growing confidence

and growing strengths in the air.

Hear, hear!

We shall defend our island,

whatever the cost may be.

Hear, hear.

We shall fight on the beaches.

We shall fight on the landing grounds.

We shall fight in the fields

and in the streets.

We shall fight in the hills.

We shall never surrender!

-Hear, hear. -Hear, hear.

And if...

And if

which I do not for a moment believe,

this island or large part of it were...

Were subjugated and starving,

then our empire beyond the seas,

armed and guarded by the British fleet,

-would carry on the struggle. -Hear, hear!

Until, in god's good time,

the new world, with all its power and might,

steps forth to the rescue

and the liberation of the old!



Victory! Victory!

Changed your mind?

Those who never change their mind

never change anything.

What just happened?

He mobilized the English language

and sent it into battle.
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